4 Pippin Spears Math Charts

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 12,971
  • Pages: 38
Week 1

Day 1 Math Review prior knowledge

Day 2 Math Review prior knowledge

Day 3 Math Review prior knowledge

Day 4 Math Review prior knowledge

Day 5 Math Test on prior content knowledge

MA/OL The teacher will introduce calendar routine sequencing. The calendar activities that are to be done for each day will be addressed.

CM The teacher will introduce free time math activities. This free time will occur at various points throughout the year, where students will have time to go and work on a math skill at a math station.

GA The teacher will learn the student’s birthdays and create birthday graph to be hung in classroom. http://www.lessonplans page.com/OMathBirthdays -1stDayBarGraphIdea4.htm

MA The teacher will distribute materials to groups of four desks in order to do the ‘multiplication pizzabuilding’ activity.

T The teacher will administer the 3rd grade math content knowledge assessment test. This will be done to get a better understanding of where the current fourth graders are in their math skills.

LI/CM The student will pay close attention so that when their day arrives to do calendar activities they will know what tasks should be completed.

http://www.tea.state.tx. ]us/student. assessment/resources/ online/2003/grade3/ma th.htm LI/CM The V The students will take MA/GA/A The students T The students will students will be the birthday data and make will take a variety of actively participate in introduced to a graph pertaining to how materials that the teacher the math test, the math many birthdays are in a gives them and will create answering questions to stations and will given month. They will pizzas. The students will the best of their be given aide the teacher in creating put a variety of toppings knowledge. guidelines to a poster of the graph to be on their pizzas and divide follow at these displayed in the room. their pizzas up into slices. DA – An alternative stations The students will create assessment will be regarding multiplication problems available for students respect for the using the pizza. For with disabilities, manipulatives example, Sarah has 4 accommodations made used and respect slices of pizza. Each slice according to their of the students of pizza has three differentiation around them at pepperoni’s. How many requirements in their the station. pepperoni’s are on IEP. Sarah’s pizza? 12 pepperoni’s are on Sarah pizza.

Week 2

Day 6 Math Introduce scope/sequence for 4th grade math (SOL outline) GA/V The teacher will lead the students in the alphabet acrostic. After the acrostic has been completed, the teacher will help the students to set up their notebooks so that they will be able to reflect on what they have learned. W/CM The student will complete an alphabet acrostic in which they will write down a math concepts that they are familiar with for each letter of the alphabet. The students will also take time to organize a notebook to write down new math skills that they will learn this coming year.

Day 7 Math KS-SOL m14 story problem intro

Day 8 Math KSSOLm14 story problems M/CM The PS The teacher will teacher will introduce word introduce problems using a word given format for problems the students to that have follow when time in completing all them. For word problems. instance http://www.instruc adding or torweb. subtracting com/linkgo.asp?L time to find =148&B= out when an math.asp event will occur. LI/W The PS The students will pay students will attention to the make up lecture and will five of their write down the own math way that word problems problems are to be and will completed. solve the problems in an easy to follow format.

Day 9 Math KS-SOLm14 story problems

Day 10 Math KS-SOLm14 story problems quiz

L/PS The teacher will assign a word problem activity. This activity will consist of students looking through the sports section of a newspaper and making word problems pertaining to the given scores of a game. An example might be, The Yankees had a score of 10 in last nights game. They beat the Cubs by 5 points how many points did the Cubs score in the game. http://www.instructorweb.com /linkgo.asp?L=199&B=math.asp V/PS The students will actively participate in the activity by completing five word problems to be shared in a group and have the group work out their word problems. The group will select one word problem from each member and will turn the word problems into the teacher for a completion grade.

R The teacher will handout a word problems quiz for the students to complete.

DA – Students with disabilities will be given the option to complete this task apart from the group assignment (such as with an aid/the teacher/resource teacher).

R After the students have completed the word problems quiz, they will then go to the computer lab for AAAMath review on word problems.

Week 3

Day 11 Math KSSOLm14.d Polygons MA/OL Teacher will introduce polygons as outlined in textbook, then allow students to experiment with tangrams.

Day 12 Math KS-SOLm14.d Polygons

W/LI The student will listen to the teacher explain the math lesson and then will complete the worksheet relating to tangrams and polygons.

GA/MA/W The students are given a polygon fill-in-the-blank note sheet and are to fill the sheet out while the teacher lectures on the polygons. The students will also complete a polygon worksheet and are asked to identify number of sides that a polygon has. Then the students are broken up into groups and are to make a poster/artwork using a given polygon (giving at least three real life things that are that shape).

(Quick and Easy Math p 60)

W/CM The teacher will distinguish between the differences of polygons. The teacher will also have fill-in-the-blank notes for the students to complete about polygons while she is lecturing about polygons. http://www.proteacher.com/cgibin/outsidesite. cgi?id=8710&external=http://mason. gmu.edu/~mmankus/tripoly/poly.htm&origi nal= http://www.proteacher. com/100022.shtml&title =Investigating%20Polygons

Day 13 Math KSSOLm14.d Polygons T The teacher will have reserved the computer lab and will approve two websites for the students to review polygons on. T Students go to computer lab and explore around on two polygon mathematic s teacherassigned websites

Day 14 Math KS-SOLm14.d Polygons

Day 15 Math KS-SOLm14.d Polygons

MA The teacher will help the students to further understand polygons by using food manipulatives, such as, oreos, cheezits, Doritos, star fruit, and jello shapes to represent polygons.

RE The teacher will read Three Pigs, One Wolf, and Seven Magic Shapes. This exercise helps deal with polygons.

CM/V The students will have a polygonal passport and will visit each shape. At each station they will record the food what shape it is and one other fact about the shape of the food.

MA/T The students will make the shapes in the story using tangrams. After the story has been read, student will go to the computer lab and will complete a review of polygons on AAAMath. DA –Students needing accommodations will just identify shapes from the story by kinesthetic means (manipulatives, pointing to pictures, etc.)

Week 4

Day 16 Math KS-SOLm14.d Polygons

Day 17 Math KS-SOLm14.d review polygons

Day 18 Math KS-SOLm14.d Polygons test

Day 19 Math KS-SOLm13 Geometric patterns

Day 20 Math KS-SOLm13 Geometric patterns

M/MA The teacher will distribute geoboards to be used in helping to understand polygonal shapes. Instructing students that they will sit at observation table if they misuse rubber bands AND will be given a worksheet to complete. LI/V/MA The students will be an active listener and participant by listening carefully to directions and actively placing rubber bands on their geoboards.

R The teacher will review polygons with the class by creating a jeopardy style game, in which name of polygon, sides of polygon, real world shape of polygons will be some of the categories.

TS The teacher will administer a test over polygons. http://www.proteacher.co m/cgi-bin/outsidesite .cgi?id=736&external=ht tp://forum .swarthmore.edu/~sarah/ Hamilton /circles.triangles.html&or iginal=

V/PS The teacher will introduce geometric patterns to students by showing a variety of patterns and ask the students to find the next shape or color in the sequence. The teacher will go over what makes up a geometric pattern.

AK The teacher will show students geometric patterns as illustrated in Native American artwork.

V/AK The students will actively participate in the lesson plan and will give accurate answers to the teacher’s questions. The students will be given an example of a geometric pattern and will be asked to complete the next 10 step to the pattern.

MA/T/CM The students make pottery implementing one geometric pattern using modeling clay. The students will show responsibility in their art time by doing the project correctly and respect their neighbors property.

R/AK The students will actively participate in the jeopardy game by recalling learned information.

http://www.proteacher.co m/100022. shtml&title=Degrees:%2 0Circles,%20Triangles ,%20Rectangles,%20Squ ares TS The students will take a polygon test. After the test the students will be given handout for reference to be put in math notebook and used again for learning of angles. DA –Students with disabilities will have a modified test as well as an ‘extra helpful reference sheet’ that’s more simplified and explicit.

After this project has been completed the students will go to the Computer Lab and work on AAAMath review relating to geometric shapes.

Week 5

Day 21

Day 22

Day 23

Day 24

Day 25






KS-SOLm13 Geometric patterns A The teacher will distribute art materials in order to make tissue paper artbracelets (Elmer’s glue, water, paint brushes), The emphasis of the lesson will be on making geometric patterns with the shapes that will go on the student’s bracelets. E Student will be evaluated on how well they followed geometric pattern (as outlined on ‘pre-bracelet worksheet’).

KS-SOLm13 Geometric patterns Review R/CL The teacher will review geometric patterns with the class by giving examples of artwork that has geometric patterns involved in it. The artwork will come from a different culture such as the Indian culture.

KS-SOLm13 Geometric patterns test TS/A The teacher will administer a test over geometric shapes, by letting the students create a pattern and following the pattern.

KS-SOLm6 Perimeter measurement R/AK The teacher will review with the students, concepts about measuring the perimeter of certain shapes.

KS-SOLm6 Perimeter measurement

TS The students will actively participate in taking the test.

R/AK The students will review their former knowledge of finding the perimeter and will complete a worksheet about finding the perimeter of squares.

T/AK/MA The students will measure the sides of the manipulative polygons that are given to them and will computate the perimeter for each polygon respectively.

www.duke.edu/web/pfs/lesso ns /grade5math/Goal%205/geo metric %20patterns.rtf

W/AK The teacher will hand out worksheet with polygons and measurements of the polygons angles on it. This worksheet will be reviewed with the class.

Geometric pattern review activity (cultural diversity) MA/CL The students will pay attention to the different geometric patterns that are involved in other cultures. The students will also show the patterns that are in each of their bracelets. DA – Students with disabilities will be given the opportunity to present their geometric patterns to their resource teacher in order to improve on their oral speaking skills (a simple enough task that uses curriculum adequately).

Don’t Fence Me In (Quick and Easy Math p 62)

After the students have complete the polygon exercise they will go to the Computer lab and do an AAAMath review on finding the perimeter of certain objects.

Week 6

Day 26 Math KS-SOLm6 Perimeter measurement M The teacher will use tangrams (letting the students measure the sides of each shape) to help the students understand finding the perimeter of certain objects. The teacher will also use geoboards to help students find the perimeter of odd shapes. Certain guidelines will be issued in measuring the odd angles of the shapes made on the geoboards. MA/AK/DA The student will actively use the manipulatives for today’s lesson. The stronger math students will be paired with weaker math students and will help explain math concepts pertaining to perimeter, especially relating to perimeter.

Day2 7 Math KS-SOLm6 Perimeter measurement CM/GA The teacher will show the students that when finding the perimeter all the sides of the shape must be added together. Several examples of finding the perimeter will be completed as a guided practice for the class.

Day 28 Math KS-SOLm5.a Measurement: Weight/mass CM The teacher will show the students that weight deals with how heavy an object is while, mass deals with how much space an object takes up.

Day 29 Math KS-SOLm5.a Measurement: length MO/M The teacher will lead the students outside and show them the proper tools used in measuring large objects and the appropriate tools used in measuring smaller objects.

Day 30 Math KS-SOLm5.a Measurement: liquid OL/AK The teacher will demonstrate liquid measurements by bringing out her friend Mr. Gallon, who is made up of cups, pints, quarts, and gallons. Mr. Gallon shows students how many of a certain liquid measurement equals another liquid measurement.

AK/W The students will retain the learned information and relate the information to a worksheet.

MA/AK The students will weigh a variety of objects (paper clip, pencil, and textbook). The mass of the objects will be found by finding the perimeter of each object.

MO/GA The students will measure the length of the playground, various classroom objects and each other using a variety of measuring tools. The students will be in groups to perform this activity and will report their findings to the class to check for validity among class peers.

LI/MA The students will actively pay attention to Mr. Gallon, to make sure that they learn the measurements correctly.

Skunk activity (Quick and Easy Math p 64)

Activity http://www.educationworld.com/a_lesson/dailylp /dailylp/dailylp094.shtml

The students will then participate in a Kool aide activity where each student will be given one cup of Kool aide, and the class will one at a time add their cup of Kool aide to a pint, then pint to a quart, then quarts to a gallon, to see how many cups of Kool aide equal a gallon and how many cups of Kool aide make up our classroom.

Week 7

Day 31 Math KS-SOLm5.a Review

Day 32 Math KS-SOLm5.a quiz

Day 33 Math KS-SOLm5.b Measurement: Us vs. metric introduction

R Teacher will orally review all the covered measurement items by holding up a picture/word card and ask the students to answer out how to measure the items. R/V Student will actively participate in the review by listening and answering the questions correctly.

R The teacher will administer a quiz over weight, mass, perimeter, area, liquid and length.

MA/CM The teacher will give a brief overview of metric system of measurement to the class, by using the manipulatives that will be used in the upcoming days.

AK The students will participate in the quiz and will recall information learned to the best of their memory.

LI The students will pay attention to the manipulatives the teacher uses so that when time comes to use the manipulatives the students will know which manipulatives can be used for which measurements.

Day 34 Math KS-SOLm5.b Measurement: Us vs. metric length

Day 35 Math KS-SOLm5.b Measurement: Us vs. metric Liquid and Weight/mass M The teacher will show students OL The teacher will that when measuring a small introduce how gallons object, centimeters can be used vary from liters by and when measuring slightly larger using gallon jugs and objects inches should be used. liter bottles and Several classroom examples will showing that they hold be given, such as which unit of different amounts. The measurement is best used to same distinction will be measure the length of one’s desk. done with kilograms and pounds. MA/AK The students will measure seven different objects around the room. The students will be sure to include which unit of measure was used to measure the object. The students will learn the abbreviations for centimeters (cm) and inches (in). DA – Students with disabilities will measure five objects at their desks.

W/The students will use fill-in-the-blank notes to pay attention while the teacher instructs on the differences of measurement in liter and gallons, and kilograms and pounds.

Week 8

Day 36 Math KS-SOLm5.b Measurement: Us vs. metric review R The teacher will review formula and tips for converting / differentiating metric measurements to US standard and back to metric.

Day 37 Math KS-SOLm5.b Measurement: Us vs. metric Test TS The teacher will test on metric and US standard measurements.

R/W Student will listen carefully as the teacher reviews the material. The students will be given practice problems to prepare for the test.

TS The students will take the test and will recall learned information.

Day 38 Math KS-SOLm5.c Measurement LI The teacher will go over the test results with the class and will answer any questions pertaining to the test. The teacher will begin a new topic of converting between the US standard and metric systems. The teacher will give the students a handout of how to convert between the two measurements. W/AK The students will write a letter to an imaginary pen pal in Germany and explain the various units of measurement we use in America, making sure to include correct terminology. DA – Students with disabilities will use the ‘letter template’ on the computer in order to write their letter, as well as their ‘measurement reference sheet’ and have the teacher proof it before ‘sending.’

Day 39 Math KS-SOLm5.c Measurement: Converting from metric M/CM/W The teacher will show students how to convert between the US standard and metric systems. Fill-inthe-blank notes will be used so that students are involved in the learning process and be able to focus on the material to be learned. W The students will peer check letters from previous day and will complete a worksheet on metric measurements to be counted as a quiz grade.

Day 40 Math KS-SOLm5.c Measurement: Converting review CI The teacher will invite a Baker to come in and lead the students in following a recipe.

GA/AK The students will be broken up into two groups and one group of students follows recipe in metric-converting all measurements to US standards and vice versa for other group of students. The students will taste test final product to see if they converted their measurements properly.

Week 9

Day 41 Math KS-SOLm5.d Measurement: accuracy

Day 42 Math KS-SOLm5.d Measurement: precision

CM The teacher will introduce accuracy by means of a target. The teacher will show students that as long as the object that is thrown at the target along with the other objects is in relatively the same area then the measurement is accurate. GA/A The student will be broken into groups and will participate in creating their own target and will use a sticky substance that can be safely thrown at the target.

CM The teacher will explain the concept of precision by showing students that how close one can get to the center of the target shows accuracy.

DA – Students with visual impairments/troubl e with fine motor skills will be able to create an extra large target and weighted ‘darts’ for optimum usage.

GA/A The student will be broken into groups and will participate in creating their own target and will use a sticky substance that can be safely thrown at the target.

Day 43 Math KS-SOLm5.d Measurement Accuracy, precision, review R The teacher will quickly review the concepts of accuracy and precision.

Day 44 Math KS-SOLm5.d Measurement Accuracy, precision, converting quiz

Day 45 Math KS-SOLm5.d Measurement: Review

R The teacher will administer a quiz over accuracy and precision.

R The teacher will review various measurement problems with the class.

GA/W The students will use their targets and will measure for accuracy and precision. The students will take notes on the members of their group by seeing who is the most accurate and who is the most precise.

R/AK The students will take a quiz over accuracy and precision.

R/T The students will participate in the measurement review.

After the quiz the students will practice accuracy and precision on their targets.

After the review, the students will go to the Computer Lab and will complete an AAAMath review over accuracy and precision.

Week 10

Day 46

Day 47

Day 48

Day 49

Day 50






KS-SOLm5 Measurement Unit review

KS-SOLm5 Measurement Unit test

KS-SOLm11 probability

KS-SOLm11 probability

KS-SOLm11 probability

R/AK The teacher will review measurement, by dividing students into baseball teams. These baseball teams will be given questions to decide whether the answer to the question is accurate or precise.

TS The teacher will administer a test on measurement.

MA/CM The teacher will introduce probability to the class by doing an activity dice race. The teacher will inform students about how probability deals with how many times or what are the chances for an event occurring.

GA/MA/AK/W The teacher will divide students up into groups of four. Each group will have a bag of multiple colored marbles. The group will make predictions about what colors are in the bag first. Then the students will pull out the marbles and record the order and color that was pulled out of the bag. The information will them be graphed onto a bar graph. learning probability and charting GA/MA/AK/W The students will cooperate in their learning environment, and will draw accurate and precise graphs for their probabilities of the marble project.

R The teacher will administer a quiz in which the students will have to complete 10 probability problems.

R/GA/AK The students will be an active member of their team and will remembered learned information so that their team will win the game.

‘Archery’ (38 Olympic Math) Activity TS The students MA/LI The will take a test on students will measurement and participate in the will answer to dice race by the best of their selecting a number ability. and keeping track of their number to see if it wins the race. The students will also be good listeners and pay close attention when the teacher informs them of probability.

DA – Students with disabilities will color in a pictograph drawn out for them-accurately representing the marble project-orally labeling each part of the graph for teacher evaluation.

R/AK The students will complete the quiz and then will be broken up into groups of their choosing and play Monte Hall. http://www.s hodor. org/interacti vate/lessons/ PlayWithPro bability/

Week 11

Day 51 Math KS-SOLm11 probability

Day 52 Math KS-SOLm11 Probability

MA/AK Teacher will distribute deck of cards to each table of four students in a group and they will play hi-lo graphing for probability of who will get the highest card. GA/AK/W The student will be broken up into groups of four and will participate in the hi-lo exercise and will make accurate graphs displaying their probability results.

T/CM The teacher will teach probability through a PowerPoint presentation and give the students areas to participate in. V/T The students’ will actively participate in the PowerPoint and will participate in the examples that are given in the PowerPoint.

Day 53 Math KS-SOLm11 Probability review R/AK The teacher will lead the students outside to participate in a race activity experimenting with probability of wins. The girls will challenge the boys in races. R/AK The students will guess before each race as to who will win the race either a boy or a girl.

Day 54 Math KS-SOLm11 Probability review R/MA The teacher will review probability by using spinners in a game and seeing which number occurs most often out of 15 spins

AK The students will select a number and will see how many times that number is spun. The students DA – Students will also guess with disabilities which number will be given will occur the ample most times out opportunities to of the game of participate in life, that they all the will play, in probability small groups. activities, educating the class that they can do everything ‘typical’ kids can-only different!

Day 55 Math KS-SOLm11 Probability quiz R The teacher will administer a Probability Quiz.

R/T The students will take the quiz. After the quiz the students will go to the Computer Lab and complete an AAAMath review on probability.

Week 12

Day 56 Math KS-SOLm4.a Whole numbers adding

Day 57 Math KS-SOLm4.a Whole numbers subtracting

CM/M The teacher will show students that when adding two objects, we take the amount of one object and add it to the amount of another object thereby receiving the sum of the two objects.

CM/M The teacher will show students how to subtract whole numbers by taking one amount of an object away from another object.

AK The students will participate in an addition worksheet. Once students have completed the worksheet, the class will check the answers by selecting students to come to the board and work out the math problems.

R/LI The students will pay attention to the lesson, which should be a good review for most of them. The students will complete a worksheet to help solidify concepts of subtracting whole numbers. ‘Plant Those Apple (Math Games p Trees!’ worksheet 67 missing (Math Games p number 70) subtracting worksheet)

Day 58 Math KS-SOLm4.a Whole numbers +,- quiz R The teacher will give the students a quiz over adding and subtracting whole numbers.

Day 59 Math KS-SOLm4.b Whole numbers multiplying

Day 60 Math KS-SOLm4.b Whole numbers dividing

CM/M The teacher will show how to multiply whole numbers by taking each digit in the row and multiplying it by each digit in the first row. The teacher will show the students that when multiplying by more than one digit in the second row a zero needs to be used as a place holder in the second row of the answer space.

M The teacher will instruct the class on dividing whole numbers by showing the students how to figure out how many times a number will go into a quotient by using least common multiples and greatest common factors. http://www.money instructor.com/lesson/ basicdivision.asp

R/GA/AK The students will take the quiz. After the quiz, students will pair up into groups and will create whole numbers addition and subtraction word problems and give the problems to the class to solve.

LI/AK The students will need to pay careful attention to the teacher to make sure that the new multiplication concepts are learned. The students will complete a worksheet. The students will have to get the answers to the problems right to see what actually happened on December 17, 1873.

GA/T The students will be given five division problems to work as a guided practice.

In The Air’ worksheet to solve ‘what happened December 17, 1873’ (Math Games p 44) DA – Students with disabilities will receive assistance on their December 17th worksheet from their resource teacher, an aid or the teacher herself, in order to show their knowledge of the material but to receive help on critical thinking/generalizing concepts.

After the problems have been completed the students will go to the Computer lab and do an AAAMath review on addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Week 13

Day 61 Math KS-SOLm4.b Whole numbers dividing

Day 62 Math KS-SOLm4.b Whole numbers PEMDAS

Day 63 Math SK-SOLm4.b Whole numbers PEMDAS

Day 64 Math KS-SOLm4.b Whole numbers review

Day 65 Math KS-SOLm4.c Whole numbers quiz

R The teacher will go over the concepts of dividing as have been previously learned in past grades. The teacher will show the students examples of division.

M The teacher will show students that when a math problem has more than one order of operations certain operations go first. The teacher will demonstrate this through class examples. CM/AK The students will come up with a class sentence to stand for order of operations. The student will then complete a worksheet, “Back To Order” Math Games p 64.

R/GA The teacher will review order of operations and will create simple problems for the class to figure out. The class will be broken up into groups and will complete the problems, making sure to show all work. AK The student will complete “Through the blizzard” p 9 Math Games, a worksheet that will help solidify order of operations.

R The teacher will review previous taught information. Math problems from each operation will be selected and work as a class. A game of math baseball will be played.

R The teacher will administer a quiz over whole number operations.

R All students will be active in this exercise. The students who cannot contain their excitement for the game will have the opportunity to complete either ‘Mr. Remainder Hide and Seek’ and ‘Pick a Quotient’ (27, 28 Multiplication and Division 3-4) worksheet.

AK/T After the students have taken the whole number operation quiz, they will proceed to the Computer lab and complete an AAAMath review on what has been learned the previous week pertaining to order of operations.

AK/V The student will be an active participant and will do grid area division. The students will be given graph paper and will be given the length of one side of the square and the total area and will have to find the missing factor. Several examples will be given.

DA – Students with disabilities will learn the ‘PEMDAS’ song, in order to help them remember the order of operations.

Week 14

Day 66

Day 67

Day 68

Day 69

Day 70






KS-SOLm4.c GCM (greatest common mult.)

KS-SOLm4.c LCM (least common multiple) CM The teacher will instruct on LCM by giving the students two numbers to find the GCM for each number. The two numbers will be compared and the least common number that the two number s have in common will be the LCM.

KS-SOLm4.c GCM and LCM

KS-SOLm4.c GCM LCM Review

KS-SOLm4.c GCM LCM quiz

CM The teacher will show how GCM and LCM are opposites of each other. Finding the GCM requires finding the smallest number, and LCM requires finding the largest number that two numbers can go into. GA/V The AK The students will help students will be the teacher in given examples breaking down of GCM and the two given LCM and will numbers, and complete the will watch the examples is teacher carefully ease and so as to know the accuracy. steps to take to find the LCM. DA – students The students will with severe find the LCM of ADHD will five given complete problems. ‘Winter Fences’ (Math Games 8) worksheet with aid’s help.

R/AK The teacher will review GCM and LCM by giving numbers to the class and the class will have to see who can be the quickest and answer the questions pertaining to GCM and LCM correctly. R/V The students will participate in the activity, recalling learned information.

R The teacher will administer a quiz over greatest common multiple and least common factor.

M The Teacher will introduce GCM to the class by modeling a factor tree.

V/AK/GA/A The students will be active participants in recalling their facts to help the teacher correct fill in the factor tree. The students will be broken up into groups and will create trees using construction paper. The factors of a number will be shown going down the tree.

R/T The students will take the quiz. After they have taken the quiz they will go to the computer lab and complete on AAAMath review over GCM and LCF.

Week 15

Day 71 Math KS-SOLm4.c Whole numbers inverse add sub

Day 72 Math KS-SOLm4.c Whole numbers inverse add sub

Day 73 Math KS-SOLm4.c Whole numbers inverse mult div

Day 74 Math KS-SOLm4.c Whole numbers inverse mult div

M The teacher will explain inverse operations in relation to adding and subtracting by way of number sentences. The teacher will show that 53+21=74 and the 74-21=53, for example.

R The teacher will review inverse of addition and subtraction by playing baseball with the class.

T/CM The teacher will explain inverse operations in relation to multiplication and division by using number sentences, through an exciting PowerPoint presentation.

R/AK The teacher will review the inverse operations to multiplication and division by playing around the world with simple flashcards, but for the students to move on to the next student, the student who answered the question correctly will have to give an inverse number sentence to the question he or she answered.

Day 75 Math KS-SOLm4.c Whole numbers inverse +, -, x, and / review R The teacher will review the inverse operations learned this past week by handing out a pretest to each students to complete. If the students get an ‘A’ on the pretest they will not have to take the test on Monday. Computer Lab AAA Math Review

Week 16

V/W The student will practice inverse operations by creating their own number sentences. They will create ten number sentence groups. Each number sentence can be written in 4 different ways. All four ways must be included in each number sentence group.

V/AK The students will actively participate in the game. The student will have to get all four ways of saying number sentences correctly to get to the bases. The team with the most runs will win a homework pass.

Day 76 Math KSSOLm4.c Whole numbers inverse +,and x,/ test TS The teacher will administer a test over whole numbers inverses.

AK/GA The students will create word problems in which a number sentence will be used. The students will then be broken up into groups and will share word problems and have their problems checked for accuracy.

V/AK The students will be eager participants in a game of Around the World. They will strive to answer the questions correctly and quickly. DA – So as to not feel ostracized, students with disabilities that may inhibit them from adequately participating in Around the Worldaccommodations will be made prior in order for the students to not be present in the room at that time (computer lab/resource room/etc.)

R/AK The students will take the pretest and try to correctly answer each question. For the student who does not get an ‘A’, he or she can use the pre-test as a study guide for the test on Monday.

Day 77 Math KS-SOLm1.c Whole numbers: <,>,=

Day 78 Math KS-SOLm1.c Whole numbers: <,>,=

Day 79 Math KSSOLm1.c Whole numbers: <,>,=

Day 80 Math KS-SOLm1.c Whole numbers: <,>,=

CM The teacher will explain the concepts behind greater than, less than, and equal to. The teacher will show how certain symbols fit certain equations.

CM/R/GA The teacher will reinforce the concepts behind greater than, less than, and equal to problems. After the students have made their lions, the teacher will divide the students into two groups. The teacher will put problems on the board and one student will race from each team to correctly

R The teacher will give a quiz over greater than, less than, and equal to.

R/AK The teacher will give the students a worksheet to complete to be taken as a quiz grade to see how far they have mastered the concepts of greater than less than and equal to. Math Games p 77 ‘A Little More, A

Week 17

put the answer to the problem.

TS The student will actively take part in the test and will recall learned information to be successful on the test.

AK/E The students will be given problems in which they will need to use the symbols for greater than, less than, and equal to. These problems will let the teacher know which students are having trouble. The students having trouble will be prepared with the students who get the concept and will together work on small manipulatives creating problems.

A/V The students will construct lions from art supplies to be laminated and used to eat smaller numbers. These lions will be used in a racing game described above. The students will show responsibility when constructing their lions by using materials properly.

Little Less’

R/AK The student will take a quiz and will do 25 greater than less than equal to problems from the text using their lions. DA – Students with disabilities will take a modified test consisting of 15 simpler problems.

AK/T The student’s will complete the worksheet and will go to the Computer Lab and review the weeks concepts using AAAMath.

Week 18

Day 81 Math KS-SOLm1.c Whole numbers: <,>,= R The teacher will review with greater than, less than, and equal to by breaking the students up into groups and giving each group the three signs <,>, and = on note cards. The teacher will play what’s your sign game in groups of three. http://www.glc.k12.ga.us /BuilderV03/LPTools/LPShared/ lpdisplay.asp?LPID=13271

AK/V The student will gain practice in determining greater than, less than and equal to, by answering the questions. The students will also be respective of the other people in their groups and will not hinder group learning.

Day82 Math KS-SOLm1.c Whole numbers: <,>,= GA/T/OLW The teacher will let the student get together in groups and come up with a script and prepare to produce an ‘educational video clip’ teaching next year’s fourth graders all about greater than, less than, and equal to. T/OL/AK/V The students will actively participate in the production. The students will share valuable information learned and will explain math concepts to next’s fourth graders.

Day 83 Math Review

Day 84 Math Review

Day 85 Math Review

R/GA The teacher will review word problems with the class. The teacher will have word problems readily available for the class to go over together.

R/M The teacher will review polygons and geometric shapes, by quickly going over the polygons learned in class and by giving an example of geometric sequencing.

R/MO/MA The teacher will review measurement with the students, by having different stations set up and letting the students go to each station and measure the item that needs to be measured.

R/V The student will participate in the review and will help the teacher solve the problems by coming to the board and solving the problems.

R/AK Each student will begin a very detailed geometric pattern made with the shapes of polygons. The student will pass his or her shape to the students to the left of themselves and that students will continue the pattern. DA – Students with disabilities will be given the opportunity to create their OWN unique pattern individually.

V/R/T/AK The students will be respectful at each station, perhaps waiting their turn. They will measure correctly the substance to be measured. After the measuring at each station has occurred, the students will go to the Computer Lab and work on AAAMath reviewing on of the topics that has been reviewed in the past three days.

Week 19

Day 86


Day 88

Day 89

Day 90






KS-SOLm1.a Place value

KS-SOLm1.a Place value

KS-SOLm1.a Place value

KS-SOLm1.a Place value

KS-SOLm1.a Place value

M Teacher will introduce place value by writing a number on the board. The teacher will then break the number apart by hundred’s, ten’s and one’s. The teacher will show that the zero’s used in the number’s are used to hold the numbers place value.

CM/MTeacher will distribute place value templates for the students to create their own place value notebooks for class work (turning the page horizontal and adding labels at the top of each column). The teacher will give examples of place value and will fill the chart in correctly making sure that the students have correctly filled in their charts also.

AK – The teacher will continue to instruct students on place value by calling volunteers to the board to identify place value names and distributing the ‘Who Planted More’ (Math Games p 37) worksheet.

LA – The teacher will introduce the spelling/math terms to the class that the students have been familiarizing themselves with throughout the place value lessons so farmoving into a matching race at the board with the terms and definitions.

T – The teacher will assign a page on place value from the math text to be completed prior to AAAMath Review in the computer lab.

Week 20

LI/V/AK The students will carefully pay attention to the new concept, and will ask questions that pertain to the topic. The students will complete examples in which they will have to break apart numbers to help them understand the beginning concept of place value.

V/W The students will participate in the lesson by obeying and filling in their place value charts so that learning the place value will be easier for them to understand. The students will also participate in examples the teacher gives.

AK – The students will participate as the teacher calls on volunteers (to check for comprehension) to the front of the room for place value activities as well as work on the assigned worksheet.

PS – The students will apply place value by spelling the terms correctly – having a race on the board for identification purposes.

T – The students will continue to learn about place value – doing a page from their text before Computer Lab AAA math Review.

DA – students with disabilities related to their fine motor skills will use their modified writing implements-given them by the OT.

Day 91

Day 92

Day 93

Day 94

Day 95






KS-SOLm1.a Place value

KS-SOLm1.a Place value

KS-SOLm1.a Place value

KS-SOLm1.a Place value test

T – The teacher will allow the students to rotate through the classroom computer to go to http://www.funbrain. com/tens/index.html and their desksquizzing a partner on place value problems from the text

LS – The teacher will introduce the guest speaker, an accountant, to speak to the class on the importance of math skills for real life applicability.

MA – The teacher will guide the students in a place value exercise using the base 10 blocks (overhead version) and a page from the text.

KS-SOLm1.a Place value review R / T – The teacher will review all learned place value material with the students, guiding them in a simple review using the smart board and class participation.

TS / MU – The teacher will administer the place value test while soft music is played in the background.

Week 21

T - Student will rotate through ‘technology station time,’ quizzing a ‘math buddy’ on place value problems.

AK - The students will work with budget activity in order to practically apply place value (Math Games p 25)

MA – The students will deal with place value using the base 10 blocks and a page from their text. DA – For students with visual impairments, large-scale base 10 blocks will be provided for easier manipulation.

R / T / V – The students will review all learned place value material with the teacher in a simple review using the smart board and class participation.

TS / MU – The students will take the place value test while soft music is played in the background.

Week 22

Day 96 Math KS-SOLm1.a Place value large class project GA – The teacher will help the students put together a visual model for place value to hang in the classroom – using the library laminator.

Day 97 Math KS-SOLm1.a Place value large class project GA – The teacher will help the students put together a visual model for place value to hang in the classroom – using the library laminator.

A / GA – The Students will create a large scale place value model for classroom use.

A / GA – The Students will create a large scale place value model for classroom use.

Day 98 Math KS-SOLm1.d estimation

Day 99 Math KS-SOLm1.d estimation

Day 100 Math KS-SOLm1.d Estimation/rounding

M - The teacher will set up a model store in the classroom, and encourage the students to go through and add up their groceries as quickly as possiblestressing estimation’s importance.

AK – The teacher will lead the students on a ‘school hunt’ around the school; encouraging them to find five things they can reasonably estimate the number of to then later go and check for accuracy. AK – The students will participate in a ‘school hunt’ around the school; finding five things they can reasonably estimate the number of to then later go and check for accuracy. Returning to the classroom for a worksheet dealing with estimation of smaller figures.

T / CI – The teacher will use the ‘tea party’ concept to introduce rounding to the students using the overhead projector. http://www.lessonplanspage. com/MathLARoundingHouse PartyStorytellingIdea38.htm As well, the students will help the kindergarten class with their 100th day of school celebrationestimating how many of each supply they’ll need to ask the roommoms to bring.

MO – The students will participate in the class store and then learn and do problems from their text’s DA – For estimation students who introductory don’t work well lesson. in groups (autistic, etc.) an alternative independent worksheet will be made available.

AK - The students will learn rounding concepts via the ‘tea party’ method as well as help the kindergarten classes with their 100th day of school celebrationestimating how many of each supply they’ll need to ask the room-moms to bring.

Week 23

Day 101 Math KS-SOLm1.d rounding

Day 102 Math KS-SOLm1.d rounding

AK - The teacher will continue to encourage good rounding skills while administering rounding worksheets to be completed by the students.

GA / MU - The teacher will divide the class into groups and distribute materials in order for the students to work together and formulate a ‘rounding reminder rap’ or some musical piece to help the future classes.

AK - The students will continue to work with rounding concepts as they complete several rounding worksheets in class.

GA / MU - The students will be divided into groups and distribute materials in order to work together and formulate a ‘rounding reminder rap’ or some musical piece to help the future fourth grade classes.

Day 103 Math KS-SOLm1.d Quiz on estimation/ rounding TS – The teacher will administer the quiz on estimation/ rounding; then giving the students free math time on the rug. DA – For students with physical impairments who cannot participate on the rug, math activities will be provided table. TS – The teacher will administer the quiz on estimation/ rounding; then giving the students free math time on the rug.

Day 104 Math KS-SOLm3* Rounding expanded

Day 105 Math KS-SOLm3* Estimation & prediction

M – The teacher will remind the students of proper letterwriting format, introducing the lesson on writing themselves a reminder letter for April.

GA / T - The teacher will lead the students in a group activity dealing with estimation and prediction before going to the computer lab for AAA Math Review.

LA - The students will write a letter to themselves for the end of the year (SOLs), reminding themselves how to define and perform estimation with whole-number sums in order to make predictions/check viability of results in calculations.

GA / T - The students will participate in a group activity dealing with estimation and prediction (in which they’ll estimate, measure and chart their findings) before going to the computer lab for AAA Math Review.

Week 24

Day 106 Math KS-SOLm3* Estimation/ prediction GA - The teacher will split the class into pairs and introduce the tictack-toe estimation activity to be completed using calculators.

Day 107 Math KS-SOLm3* Decimals: <,>,= The teacher will allow the students to use the class computer two at a time in order to access the websites: www.civl.port.ac.uk/comp_ prog/bridges1/ AND www.onr.com/schoolhouse/ AND do the assignment.

Day 108 Math KS-SOLm3* Decimals: <,>,= E – The teacher will evaluate student’s presentation of their alligator stories according to the rubric-covered in class.

GA / T - Student will work in pairs to complete the worksheet calculator/estimation assignment (see reference page).

T - The students will use the technology resource and worksheet to collect data, compute greater than, less than, and equal to equations about famous bridges around the world.

OL / LA – The students will present a selfcomposed story about the alligator who ‘ate the bigger decimal.’ DA – Students with developmental disabilities will be allowed to draw a sequence-story of pictures, illustrating the learned concept of greater than, less than, and equal to with decimals.

Day 109 Math KS-SOLm3* Decimals: <,>,= T - The teacher will oversee students as they access AAA Math in the computer labserving as a review for their unit on comparing greater than, less than, equal to decimals. T - The students will access AAA Math in the computer labserving as a review for their unit on comparing greater than, less than, equal to decimals.

Day 110 Math KS-SOLm3* quiz TS – The teacher will administer the quiz on greater than, less than, and equal to decimals.

TS – The students will take the quiz, as administered by the teacher; then have math free time on the rug.

Week 25

Day 111 Math KS-SOLm2 Fractions intro

Day 112 Math KS-SOLm2.a Fractions id

Day 113 Math KS-SOLm2.a Fractions id

Day 114 Math KS-SOLm2.a Fractions compare MU - The R - The teacher H / CZ / AK - GA - The teacher will will review Students will teacher will introduce learned fraction dissect distribute fractions from concepts from oranges, fraction circles the text using prior day’s lesson apples, to tables of four colored paper and lead the bananas, and students for a cutouts as students in the other healthy worksheet visual aids. She ‘Columbus Sails’ snack activity of will then teach (Math Games 77) alternatives in guided practice the students the worksheet order to see in working with song, A fraction activity. real life the is a part of a fraction manipulaties. whole, to be applicability sung at parent and learn to night. SHARE. MU - Student AK - The H / CZ / AK - GA - Students will take notes students will Students will will learn to in their actively dissect compare and notebooks on participate in the oranges, contrast using fractions as well fraction review apples, their colored as learn the as well as the bananas, and fraction circles song, A fraction ‘Columbus Sails’ other healthy and a is a part of a activity. snack worksheet whole, to be alternatives in activity in sung at parent DA- for students order to see groups of four. night. (taking with learning real life home their disabilities, fraction burned copy of several applicability a cd to practice worksheets, such and learn to at home) as ‘Fraction SHARE . Critters’ (Quick and Easy Math 38) will be made available as well as the game ‘A Piece of the Pie’ using colored cards (33)

Day 115 Math KS-SOLm2.a Fractions compare T – The teacher will take the class to the computer lab for AAA math review of fractions.

T – The students will go to the computer lab for AAA math review of fractions.

Week 26

Day 116 Math KS-SOLm2.b Equivalent fractions M - Teacher will model equivalent fractions using colored fraction circles on the overhead, then drawing them on the board.

Day 117 Math KS-SOLm2.c Order fractions

Day 118 Math KS-SOLm2 review

Day 119 Math KS-SOLm2 Fractions test

Day 120 Math KS-SOLm3 +,- fractions

CI – The teacher will arrange for a baker to come in and introduce ‘Pick a Pie’ (93 Math Games) activity to the classspeaking on how important mathknowledge is for life.

R – The teacher will lead the students in a review in which they will plan a pizza partydeciding how many pizzas to order by making playdough pizzas.

M - Pizza party day! The teacher will play fun kids’ music as the students enjoy their reward for learning about fractionsPIZZA!

A / AK Student will draw pictoral representations of equivalent fractions along with a math worksheet dealing with the same.

LI / AK – The students will listen as the baker shares from her life experiences as well as eat a piece of distributed pie, comparing their fractional piece with fraction worksheets.

R – The students will review by planning a pizza partydeciding how many pizzas to order by making playdough pizzas and logging their results.

AK - The students will celebrate their new mathematical concept of fractions by eating pizza!

CM - The teacher will review fractional concepts and introduce the new concept of adding like fractions (Math Games 101) using the text and corresponding worksheet activity. LI - The students will review fractional concepts and learn the new concept of adding like fractions (Math Games 101) using the text and corresponding worksheet activity.

DA – Students with allergies will be given a round alternative to pie to work with.

Week 27

Day 121 Math KS-SOLm3.a =,- fractions

Day 122 Math KS-SOLm3.a +,- fractions

Day 123 Math KS-SOLm3.a +,- fractions

Day 124 Math KS-SOLm3.a +,- fractions

Day 125 Math KS-SOLm3.a +,- decimals

LI - The teacher will introduce the concept of subtracting like fractions using the text and corresponding worksheet

T - The teacher will take the class to the computer lab and ask them to summarize the website provided (see reference page) in their math notes and select one worksheet from the printables to complete for homework (using their notes). T - The teacher will take the class to the computer lab and ask them to summarize the website provided (see reference page) in their math notes and select one worksheet from the printables to complete for homework (using their notes).

T - The teacher will lead the students in a lesson on subtracting fractions with different denominators using the overhead projector and correlating fraction circles.

R - The teacher will review adding and subtracting fractions and assign a page from the text for the students to complete the odd numbers of during classwork time.

T – The teacher will review place value and refer students to the giant place value wall chart in order to move on with the next unit- adding and subtracting decimals. They’ll then watch the Tim and Moby video on BrainPop website (see reference sheet for address).

MA - The students will work at their desks with fraction pieces in order to complete the problems the teacher will write on the board (see reference sheet for resource).

AK - The students will complete the odd numbers of the assigned page of the text at their desks as well as complete the ‘Add subtract fraction bingo’ for free homework pass (see reference page).

T - The students will participate in the active review of place value with the wall chart and watch the BrainPop video in order to orally dialogue with the teacher on what it means to add and subtract fractions/decimals.

AK - Student will listen intently to the introduction of the subtracting like fractions lesson and complete the corresponding worksheet at their desks.

AD – For exceptional students, math games such as Go Fish, 24, dominoes, etc. will be provided at the rug to be played quietly at their desks upon completing individual work early.

Week 28

Day 126 Math KS-SOLm3.a =,- decimals

Day 127 Math KSSOLm3.a =,decimals

Day 128 Math decimals

LS / LA - The teacher will lead the students in an interactive ‘restaurant activity’ in which they take on roles of waiter or customer and dealing with a menu, etc. (see reference sheet for guidelines/teacher rubric)

LA - The teacher will assign the students a worksheet dealing with equivalent fractions, (Math Games 88) worksheet; as well as begin PTB.

CI – The teacher will introduce the class speaker, a sizemologist, and the topic of real life application of decimals (– earthquake ricter scale)

AK / LI – The students will complete their decimal worksheet activity and listen on the rug as the teacher begins PTB.

LI – The students will listen as the sizemologist shares about real life application of decimals and then write a thank you note, expressing their thanks as well as excitement about the use of this fun skill!

At the close of the lesson, the teacher will introduce the unit’s correlating literature piece, The Phantom Tollbooth. AK / LA - Student will take roles for the interactive restaurant activity and make predictions in their journal about what they think The Phantom Toll Booth will be about.

DA – LD students will be given a letter template they can write their letter on the computer-making this process more accessible for them.

Day 129 Math KSSOLm3.a =,- fractions & decimals review CM – The teacher will assign the ‘compare the harvest’ subtracting decimals worksheet (Math Games 73) as well as continue in the PTB book.

Day 130 Math KS-SOLm3.a =,- fractions & decimals test

T / TS - The teacher will administer the adding and subtracting fractions and decimals test, allowing students who finish early to play math games on the rug before the entire class goes to the computer Lab for AAAMath. AK / LA – T / TS – The The students students will will complete the complete adding and their harvest subtracting worksheet as fractions and well as listen decimals test, intently on play math the rug as games on the the teacher rug if they reads. finish early; then going to the computer Lab for AAAMath.

Week 29

Day 131 Math KS-SOLm14.c Mean, median, mode

Day 132 Math KS-SOLm14.c Mean, median, mode

Day 133 Math KS-SOLm14.c Mean, median, mode

Day 134 Math KS-SOLm14.c Mean, median, mode

MU / LA - The teacher will introduce mean, median, and mode with the ‘MMMR rap’ (see reference page for wesite mp3 available on). The teacher will then read the Phantom Toll Booth. MU / LA – The students will learn the MMMR rap and listen as the teacher reads PTB.

MA – The teacher will lead the class in a MMMR activity dealing with candy colors (see reference sheet for website availability).

AK / LA - The teacher will distribute the ‘First Report Card’ worksheet for the students to accomplish in class. (Math Games 81). And then she’ll read PTB.

MA – The students will participate in a group activity in which they use colored candy to decipher the mean, median, mode and range towards their correlating data collection worksheets.

AK / LA - The students will complete the ‘First Report Card’ worksheets in class. (Math Games 81). And then listen as the teacher reads PTB.

GA - The teacher will allow the students to do the ‘class trip’ worksheet in pairs before introducing their ‘mini math journal book report’ PTB’s correlation to mean median mode. GA / A - The students will do the ‘class trip’ worksheet in pairs before the teacher’s introduction of the ‘mini math journal book report’ PTB’s correlation to mean median mode.

DA – For students with disabilities, larger-scale manipulatives will be made available so that they can adequately perform the required exercise without straining to use the small candies.

Day 135 Math KSSOLm14.c Mean, median, mode test TS - The teacher will administer the MMMR test and allow the students to finish their ‘mini math journal book reports.’

TS - The students will take the MMMR test and finish the ‘mini math journal book report.’

Week 30

Day 136

Day 137

Day 138

Day 139

Day 140






KS-SOLm14.b Large divisors

KS-SOLm14.b Large divisors

KS-SOLm14.b Large divisors

M – The teacher will model large divisors, instructing students to break it down into smaller chunks Giving students sample problems to work on from the smart board in class – walking around to assure comprehension.

AK – The teacher will instruct on remainders in long division; then have the students complete ‘Leftovers Again?’ worksheet in class (Quick and Easy Math 27).

CI - The teacher will present the students with resources in order for the class to explore real world long division by way of careers that use it daily-then assign them to interview their parents at home to find out what math skills they use dayto-day to report the next day in class.

KSKS-SOLm8 SOLm14.b Intro lines rays Review and angles quiz segments TS - The teacher A - The teacher will administer will introduce the long division lines, points, quiz. During the rays, angles, quiz, she’ll set up and segments stations so that from the text upon completion, and have the the students can students make apply their posters of each knowledge of term to hang division towards around the putting together a room. care package for troops (divvying up materials).

LI - Student will listen and actively participate in the instruction of large divisors; then complete the sample problems from the board.

AK – The students will listen and actively participate in the instruction of remainders, then completing a worksheet in class and the odd numbers from one page in the text for homework.

AK – The students will explore real world long division by way of careers that use it dailythen interview their parents to discover math skills they use day-to-day to report the next day in class (using interview report sheet given by the teacher).

TS – The students will take the long division quiz and then go through the care-package stations, applying their division skills. AD – For students with disabilities, a reduced-question quiz will be available.

A – The students will listen as the teacher introduces the new unit concept and then decorate posters for each term to be displayed around the room.

Week 31

Day 141 Math KS-SOLm8 Lines, segments, points, planes, T / GA - The teacher will introduce the next unit on lines, segments, etc. with a ‘Math Safari’ activity, to take place over the next thee days.

Day 142 Math KS-SOLm8 rays

Day 143 Math KS-SOLm8 angles

Day 144 Math KS-SOLm8 review

Day 145 Math KS-SOLm8 Quiz/project

AK - Teacher will distribute worksheet generated on http://www.teachingtools.com/mathworksheets/geometryworksheets/geometry _terms.php To familiarize students with terms and definitions covered in this unit.

LI - The teacher will instruct from the text on angles of polygons, obtuse, acute, and right angles.

T - Students will prove to the teacher they’re ready for quiz on angles rays, segments, etc. (scoring at least 75% or above on the online quiz at the website provided on reference page before math free time on carpet).

TS / A– The teacher will administer the quiz on lines, points, segments, rays, etc. before setting up the art project in the back of the classroom to be ready for the students to complete after completion of their quiz.

GA / OL Student will identify geometric shapes/ideas in magazine pictures; use digital cameras to take pictures of interior/exterior structures; work in groups to id shapes and reasons they were used; and finally make presentations with their findings.

AK – The students will use the teachergenerated worksheet in order to familiarize themselves with terms used in this math unit.

LI - The students will identify real world angles for homework based on the in-class worksheet’s guidelines for homework.

T - Students will prove to the teacher they’re ready for quiz on angles rays, segments, etc. (scoring at least 75% or above on the online quiz at the website provided on reference page before math free time on carpet).

TS / A / AK – The students will take the quiz as administered by the teacher and upon completion, transition to the back of the room in order to create an art project using string, large (dull) needles, construction paper in order to artistically display their knowledge on angles, rays, lines, segments, etc.

DA – Students with disabilities will be able to receive assistance from aid/parents in order to best accomplish this assignment.

Week 32

Day 146 Math REVIEW FOR STANDARD IZED TEST R - Teacher will begin the week-review for the SOL’s, having the students pull out their ‘collected homework portfolios’ and go over questions they may have had, reviewing projects displayed in the room, etc. R - Student will pull out their ‘collected homework portfolios’ and go over questions they may have had, reviewing projects displayed in the room with the teacher, etc.

Day 147 Math REVIEW

Day 148 Math REVIEW

Day 149 Math REVIEW

Day 150 Math REVIEW

R – The teacher will continue the review for the SOLs, specifically covering placevalue, greater than less than equal to, estimation, rounding, fractions, decimals, addition subtraction division and multiplication of multiple-digit numbers, measurements of various things (to include conversion to metric and back)

R - The teacher will continue the review for the SOLs, specifically covering Perimeter and area, points, lines, rays, angles, horizontal and vertical lines and planes, major shapes, congruency, graphs, quadrants, transformation of polygons

R - The teacher will continue the review for the SOLs, specifically covering Probability, adequate literacy as it relates to mathematics, number lines, geometric patterns, equality, mathematical relationships and equations, story problems, long divisions, mean median mode and range

RSummarize the review sessions and allow the students to have math free time on the rug or go to the computer lab and have free time on AAAMath Review.

R – The students will participate in the class review of the concepts of placevalue, greater than less than equal to, estimation, rounding, fractions, decimals, addition subtraction division and multiplication of multiple-digit numbers, measurements of various things (to include conversion to metric and back).

R - The students will participate in the class review of the concepts of perimeter and area, points, lines, rays, angles, horizontal and vertical lines and planes, major shapes, congruency, graphs, quadrants, transformation of polygons.

R - The students will participate in the class review of the concepts of probability, adequate literacy as it relates to mathematics, number lines, geometric patterns, equality, mathematical relationships and equations, story problems, long divisions, mean median mode and range.

R - The students will ask any further questions they had before the SOLs and then choose between math free time on the rug or AAAMath Review free time in the computer lab.

DA – For students who are not taking the standardized tests, resource time will be available at the library, music room, computer lab, etc.

Week 33

Day 151 Math TESTING

Day 152 Math TESTING

Day 153 Math TESTING

Day 154 Math TESTING

Day 155 Math TESTING

Week 34

Day 156 Math KS-SOLm13/14 Review prior knowledge R - The teacher will review prior graphical knowledge using the text and student’s work from before the SOLs – easing them into the next unit on graphs, quadrants, polygons, etc. R - The students will review prior content knowledge in order to ‘recover from the SOLs’ and move on to the next unit – quadrants.

Day 157 Math KSSOLm10.a quadrants LI - The teacher will teach from the text, introducing quadrants and assigning an in-class worksheet for the students to complete. LI - The students will listen as the teacher instructs on quadrants and complete the in-class worksheet.

Day 158 Math KS-SOLm10.a quadrants

Day 159 Math KS-SOLm10.b Transformations/reflectio ns AK - The teacher will hand AK – The teacher will back the students’ graded instruct on quadrant-worksheet from transformations/reflectsio the previous day (going over ns using overhead any questions they may have materials and then had) and then allow the distribute materials for students to chose partners in the students to order to play the game experiment with concepts Battle ship in teamsfor themselves, reinforcing the learned completing a worksheet concepts of quadrants. for homework.

Day 160 Math KS-SOLm10.b Transformations review MA - The teacher will set up each student’s desk before they come in for math time with the stand-up plastic mirror manipulatives in order for the students to accomplish the transformation/reflecti on assignment from their text.

AK – The students will review quadrant information and play Battle Ship in partners in order to reinforce learned knowledge.

MA - The students will utilize stand-up plastic mirror manipulatives in order to accomplish the transformation/reflecti on assignment from their text. Then going to the computer lab for AAAMath Review time.

DA – learners with disabilities will be given the opportunity to sit down with the teacher one-on-one and go over quadrants, reflection, transformation, etc. so they can best retain the information; the teacher taking into account any specific learning disability the student may have and making proper accommodations.

GA - The students will use masking tape quadrants in groups of four to experiment and record data about transformations/reflectio ns, as based on the worksheet assignment; completing a worksheet assignment for homework.

Week 35

Day 161 Math KS-SOLm10.b Transformations test TS - The teacher will administer the transformation test-giving the students free math time on the rug upon completion.

TS – The students will take the transformations test – moving to free math time on the rug once finished.

Day 162 Math KS-SOLm9a. Parallel vs. perpendicular T – The teacher will instruct from the text on parallel/perpendicular lines and then break the class up into pairs, distributing the in-class parallel and perpendicular worksheet and signing out a graphing calculator to each pair in order to complete the worksheet.

Day 163 Math KS-SOLm9a. Parallel vs. perpendicular M / A – The teacher will encourage the students to think of real-life examples of parallel and perpendicular lines and draw a picture of such in their math journals. Then the students will be encouraged to get up and move about the classroom in order to find a person with the same notecard taped to their backs- displaying their matching term.

Day 164 Math KS-SOLm9b 2-D, 3-D shapes

Day 165 Math KS-SOLm9b 2-D, 3-D shapes activity LI – The teacher will T – The teacher instruct from the text will lead the class on 2-D and 3-D to the computer shapes. The class lab and get them will then take a trip set up on the down to the library website provided for a ‘private on the reference screening’ of a 3-D sheet in order to feature film event. play a Following the movie, game/activity the students will draw dealing with 2-D a picture in their math and 3-D shapes. journals of a scene from the movie and write an entry as to how the picture differed from the movie they watched. T - The students will use M – The students will T – The students will T – The students Texas Instrument think of real-life listen as the teacher will go to the Graphing Calculators examples of parallel instructs from the computer lab and with a partner on loan and perpendicular lines text on 2-D and 3-D access the website from the library in order and draw a picture of shapes. The class provided on the to work with the parallel such in their math will then take a trip reference sheet in and perpendicular journals. Then get up down to the library order to play a worksheet provided by and move about the for a ‘private game/activity the teacher. classroom in order to screening’ of a 3-D dealing with 2-D find a person with the feature film event. and 3-D shapes; same note card taped Following the movie, accessing to their backsthe students will draw AAAMath displaying their a picture in their math Review once the matching term. journals of a scene initial from the movie and instructional DA – Students with write an entry as to activity is limited mobility or how the picture completed. more moderate/severe differed from the disabilities will be movie they watched. given physical 3-D shapes in order to compare them to paper 2-D shapes.

Week 36

Day 166 Math KS-SOLm9.c Congruent/non shapes

Day 167 Math KS-SOLm9.c Congruent/non shapes

Day 168 Math KS-SOLm9.b, c review

Day 169 Math KS-SOLm9.b, c quiz

MA / T - The teacher will pass out tangrams to the class-allowing the class to play with them for a period before instructing from the text and utilizing the smart board to illustrate congruent/non congruent shapes. The students will complete a worksheet for homework.

MA / A - The teacher will lead an oral review of shapes on the board and then disperse the class to the art stations in the back of the room, allowing them to create their own set of shapes for 20 minutes, leaving the last 15 minutes of class for a ‘bingo-match’ game to take place.

R – The teacher will set up ‘math centers’ for the students to visit for their congruency quiz.

TS – The teacher will administer the congruency quiz; allowing the students to take turns on the class computer visiting AAAMath Review.

MA / T – The students will have free time with tangrams for a period before listening as the teacher instructs from the text and utilizing the smart board to illustrate congruent/non congruent shapes. The students will complete a worksheet for homework.

MA / A- The students will cut/create their own set of shapes from wallpaper scraps and then go around the room comparing them with peers, playing a ‘bingo’ type game in order to match as many ‘congruent/similar’ shapes as possible.

R / M- The students will review by visiting separate math centers all dealing with congruent and noncongruent shapes. One such center would have shapes with magnetized backs on a magnetic board, another center would be a table with tangrams, another center would be geoboards. The students would also be encouraged to bring in a pair of real-life objects from home that are congruent shapes.

TS – The students will take the congruency quiz, taking turns at the computer for AAAMath Review.

DA – Students with physical impairments that may inhibit them from cutting out shapes could draw congruent shapes with other art materials instead.

Day 170 Math KS-SOLm3* Review; and KS-SOLm12 intro LI – The teacher will introduce the next unit from the text and allow the students to have math free time on the rug once they’ve summarized the chapter introductionusing 5 of the week’s mathrelated spelling terms. LI – The students will have math free time on the rug once they’ve summarized the chapter introductionusing 5 of the week’s mathrelated spelling terms.

Week 37

Day 171 Math KS-SOLm12 Predictions from graphs

Day 172 Math KS-SOLm12 Predictions from graphs

AK – The teacher will reacquaint students with knowledge about various graphs; then allow for opportunities to produce their own graphs about a selected topic-displayed on the board.

AK – The teacher will guide the students in book workanswering comprehension questions dealing with graphs/story problems of graphs, etc.

AK - Student will review orally with the teacher about graphs; then create their own graph according to the topic and data displayed on the board.

AK – The students will do book work from text dealing with given graphsanswering comprehension questions, story problems, etc. DA – Students with disabilities will be given a simplified worksheet dealing with graphs in order to master the concept.

Day 173 Math KS-SOLm12 Conclusions/ Summations from graphs MA – The teacher will distribute teacher-created graph templates and introduce the lesson on graphs, lastly distributing fruit loops in order for the students to make pictographs using the manipulatives and recording their findings to compare with the class. AK - Students will make a graph with colored fruit loops and record their findings in their math journals.

Day 174 Math KS-SOLm12 Conclusions/ Summations from graphs T - The teacher will guide the students in the computer program on Microsoft excel in order for the class to create graphs from their findings the day before using the fruit loops, print them and display them around the room. T - The students will apply knowledge about graphs to spreadsheet interaction in Microsoft excel program dealing with simple graphs using their journal entries from the previous day’s activities.

Day 175 Math KS-SOLm12 Conclusions/ Summations from graphs LA – The teacher will instruct from the text and speak on real life applicability of writing a report based on knowledge from graphs. Then she’ll break the class into groups in which they’ll have to collect data from a specified experiment, graph it, record the findings and write a report based on all of their information. GA / LA – The students will work in groups in which they’ll have to collect data from a specified experiment, graph it, record the findings and write a report based on all of their information.

Week 38

Day 176 Math Fun math activities

Day 177 Math Fun math activities

Day 178 Math Fun math activities

Day 179 Math Fun math activities

Day 180 Math Fun math activities

AK / R Teacher will lead students in a rousing game of Around the World using mult, div, add, and sub – prize for the top three champs

AK / R – The teacher will lead the class in a round robin time of games playing, Zeus On The Loose Interactive Game, Monopoly, War (card game), Hi-Lo, Rummy, and other fun math game stations set up around the classroom. AK / R - The students will participate in a round-robin of sorts with math games in the classroom playing games listed above.

AK / R – The class will watch Stand and Deliver (Math Inspirational video) with popcorn and juice.

AK / R - The class will watch Stand and Deliver (Math Inspirational video) with popcorn and juice.

AK / R – The teacher will recruit the students to help sort, count, label and put away math manipulatives, texts and free time manipulatives/games.

AK / R - The class will watch Stand and Deliver (Math Inspirational video) with popcorn and juice.

AK / R - The class will watch Stand and Deliver (Math Inspirational video) with popcorn and juice.

AK / R - The students will help sort, count, label and put away math manipulatives, texts and free time manipulatives/games.

AK / R Student will participate in the game, Around the World as a fun way to wrap up their school year of mathematics instruction.

DA – For students who need eating accommodations (allergies, fed through tube, diabetic, etc.), alternative options will be provided.

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