4 Pippin Spears History Charts

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 6,626
  • Pages: 18
Week 1 Day 1 VA Studies KS-SOL – vs.7; vs.9 Coming to America

Day 2 VA Studies KS-SOL – vs.7; vs.9 Coming to America CM The teacher will CM/T The teacher talk about Indians will introduce and how they lived white settlers in Virginia. The coming to VA by teacher will talk showing the about Indian beginning of the contributions to the Disney movie state of Virginia. Pocahontas*, making sure to point out the apprehension the Indians had about white men coming on their land. LI/W The students AK/A The will complete a students will draw worksheet, “Friend the three ships that or Foe?” The came sailing to VA students will discuss that day in history. what they think the The students will Indian attitudes will be lead by the be towards the White teacher in an settlers when they Oregon trail type come. The students of game (made up will also partake of by the teacher) an Indian dish of discussing what succotash, and talk supplies the about the food the settlers needed to Indians would have come and what eaten, food that is obstacles could native to Virginia. have occurred (storms and sickness) when the settlers were coming to VA.

Day 3 VA Studies KS-SOL – vs.7; vs.9 Coming to America

Day 4 VA Studies KS-SOL – vs.7; vs.9 Coming to America

Day 5 VA Studies KS-SOL – vs.7; vs.9 Coming to America

PS The teacher will discuss how the Indians and settlers viewed each other and the strengths and weaknesses of their relationships.

CL The teacher will talk about the significance of Jamestown to the English, it being the first permanent settlement, who it was named after, and various other details about the colony. The teacher will talk about who the settlers went through starving time.

A The students will make macaroni necklaces to be used as Indian jewelry. The students will then take popsicle sticks and begin to make a settlement which they will name and build entirely out of popsicle sticks and glue. The girls will work on one settlement while the boys work on another. DA Students who have difficulty manipulating small objects will use large legos and build their own settlement.

A The students will color a picture about how the Indians came and helped the colonists through the starving time. The students will also make Powhatan Indian Vest*. The vest and necklace(previously made) will be used the next day of school when a pow-wow is had to show students how the Indians conducted business in their tribes.

CM The teacher, Indian Chieftess, will guide the young Indians in a round circle discussion about how we are going to treat the white men, will we attack them or will we be friendly towards them. After the students have discussed how they will treat the Indians, the teacher will talk about how the Indians treated the white settlers. LI The students will behave in the powwow and will offer good advice about how to deal with the white settlers. The students will each be given an Indian name and will use that name to reference each other during our study of Indians and settlers.

Week 2 Day 6 VA Studies KS-SOL – vs.7; vs.9 Coming to America

Day 7 VA Studies KS-SOL – vs.7; vs.9 Coming to America

Day 8 VA Studies KS-SOL – vs.7; vs.9 Coming to America

Day 9 VA Studies KS-SOL – vs.7; vs.9 Coming to America

CM As the teacher informs students of how settlers came to America and made themselves at home, importance will be shown on how John Smith established a work ethic among the colonists. W The students will write an essay detailing a day in the life of John Smith. DA –The students, who are not good writers will draw a picture of John Smith.

T/CM The teacher will use a map and explain why the settlers needed to land where they did.

W The teacher will make a compare and contrast lists between the settler and Indians with the students help to see how different the two worlds were that collided into each other.

AK The teacher will let the class work on their project of sending a company to come to the new world.

LI The students will create a “charter” to go and find a new world. The students will decide what supplies to send with the company and what this new world will be called.

W/AK The students will pick 2 items off the list that they have helped to create and will write a paragraph explaining in further detail why those two items a unique to the culture they represent.

AK/PS The students will come up with encounters that the settlers will face as they come to the new world.

Day 10 VA Studies KS-SOL – vs.7; vs.9 Coming to America and Review R The teacher will play a review game with the class.

R The students will participate in a review game so that the students will be better prepared for their test the next day of school.

Week 3 Day 11 VA Studies KS-SOL vs.7&9 Test on Coming to America

Day 12 VA Studies KS-SOL – vs.4 vs.4-1 Virginia Geography Project

TS The teacher will administer a test over the Indians and settlers that live in VA.

A/AK The teacher will distribute blank maps of the state of VA to the class. The teacher will help the students label where specific Indian tribes lived in 1619, land features of VA, and regions of VA (including what specifically grows in a given region. The teacher will help the students to create legend to interpret their maps. A/AK The students will pay close attention so that they can complete their maps and gain better understanding of the development of their state. DA- The students who cannot create legends for their maps will be given a map and will color code the map.

TS The students will take a test over Indians and settlers that live in VA.

Day1 3 VA Studies KS-SOL – vs.4 vs.4-1 Virginia Geography Project A/AK The geography project will continue.

Day 14 VA Studies KS-SOL – vs.4 vs.4-1 Virginia Geography Project

Day 15 VA Studies KS-SOL – vs.4 vs.4-1 Virginia Geography Project

A/AK The geography project will continue.

A/AK The teacher will draw a map of various land features that are significant to the schools area of location.

A/AK The students will continue with their map project.

A/AK The students will continue with their map project.

A/AK The students will draw land features that are significant to where their houses are located. A legend will be included to be able to interpret the map.

Week 4 Day 16 KS-SOL – vs.8 Big Changes in the New World CM The teacher will teach students about the first English governing body in VA.

GA The students will act out the governing body that was found in Virginia and pass a law to be kept throughout the year in the classroom.

Day 21

Day 17 KS-SOL – vs.8 Big Changes in the New World AK The teacher will inform students that women came to America the same year that the new government was formed. PS The students will discuss what they think the women’s roles were in the colonies and what they believe the women’s daily duties to be. The students will make a daily schedule of what the women’s duties would involve.

Day 18 KS-SOL – vs.8 Big Changes in the New World CM The teacher will talk about how the first slaves came to America and their role in VA.

Day 19 KS-SOL – vs.8 Big Changes in the New World R The teacher will review the big changes that came to VA by way of a quiz.

Day 20 KS-SOL – vs.10 Big Changes in the New World LI The teacher will talk about the different types of agriculture that is grown in VA.

W The students will complete a worksheet on “African Slaves Come to Virginia.”*

R/W The students will participate in a quiz for review of the big changes that came to VA. After the quiz, the students will complete a word search.*

GA/T The students will be broken up into groups and research one of the types of agriculture that the teacher talked about and will present their findings to the class. DA- The students who have trouble researching will find a picture of one of the agriculture types that was discussed in class.

Day 22

Day 23

Day 24

Day 25

Week 5 KS-SOL – vs.10 Big Changes in the New World T The teacher will present a PowerPoint Presentation on slavery and how it was affected by different beliefs systems in America.

KS-SOL – vs.11 Big Changes in the New World CM The teacher will use a map and discuss reasons why other people were coming to America and what countries they were from.

KS-SOL – vs.11 Big Changes in the New World CM The teacher will continue to discuss why immigrants were coming to America.

KS-SOL – vs.2 Culture Impact on the Colonies AK The teacher will discuss what changes the settlers have made on the land which they have settled on.

W/CM The students will learn how the colonists held different views of slavery and will complete a worksheet that they will have to decode in order to find out the message.*

W The students will take a map and label the country from where certain people groups are coming to America from and draw their path of migration to the colonies. DA- The students who cannot read amps will trace the path of immigrants to America.

RE/W The students will read about an immigrant coming to America and write a paragraph about the story they have read.

A The students will learn about how Virginian women made quilts. The students will complete the worksheet “Crazy Quilt.”*

Day 26

Day 27

Day 28

Day 29

KS-SOL – vs.2 Culture Impact on the Colonies CL The teacher will talk about what other cultures influenced America besides English and will have the students write about some of those differences. A The student will each be given a sheet of white paper and will draw a scene of some activity, person, or land feature from VA. The students will then place their quilt together making a VA quilt.

Day 30

Week 6 KS-SOL – vs.13 KS-SOL – vs.13 KS-SOL – vs.13 KS-SOL – Economic Life in Economic Life in Economic Life in VS. the Colonies the Colonies the Colonies Review for Test

KS-SOL – VS. Test on Colony Life in America

M The teacher will show the students how the colonists used barter in the colonies among the Indians and among other colonists.

TS The teacher will administer a test over previously learned material.

GA The students will barter with each other over ice cream toppings for their ice cream sundaes. DA- The students who don’t understand the bartering system, they will give out the chocolate syrup to each student.

Day 31

CM The teacher will discuss the use of money in the colonies and if it was important or not. The issue of credit will also be discussed as far as use in the colonies. MA The game of monopoly will be played so students will understand some of the concepts of money and will make relations between the game and how colonists used their money and credit system.

Day 32

Day 33

R The teacher will review the three forms of money in the colonies and will discuss how they influenced the community around them.

R The teacher will play a review game with the class to prepare for their test tomorrow.

R/W The students will write about which form of money they most preferred and why it is better than the other two using examples to support their reasoning.

R The students TS The students will participate in will take a test a review game. over colony life in America.

Day 34

Day 35

Week 7 KS-SOL – vs.12 Moving the Capital

KS-SOL – vs.14.a. Colonists Rights

CM The teacher will inform the class of how the capital of VA moved several times before it was eventually made home in Richmond.

AK The teacher will go over what the colonists viewed as their God-given right’s as Englishmen, and how the colonists thought the English were violating their right’s.

AK/W The students will complete a map in which they will trace the path of the capital and star the current location of the capital of VA.

W/AK The students will write about what they believed life to be like as colonists whose rights had been taken away by their former countrymen.*

Day 36

Day 37

KS-SOL – vs.14.a.b. Colonists Rights and How the Declaration of Independence Guided America’s Future PS The teacher will inform the students of some of the various acts that took place before the Revolutionary War that affected Virginians. The teacher will also go over how the Declaration of Independence set the colonists apart from the Englishmen.

KS-SOL – vs.15 George Washington: Life and Legacy

CM The teacher will introduce George Washington to the class by giving them a riddle and seeing if they can guess who the riddle is taking about. The riddle will contain facts about Washington that are little known. The teacher will talk about Washington and his role as a leader of the state of Virginia, and talk about Washington’s trials and defeats in the Revolutionary War. W The students will GA/A The students complete a worksheet will put together a on Independence book about the life Day.* of George Washington from “Famous Friends.” The students will also disucss about how pictures were taken during Washington’s day. The students will be paired with a partner and will draw each other’s silhouette.

Day 38

Day 39

KS-SOL – vs.15 George Washington: Life and Legacy

GA/CM The teacher will continue discussing Washington and lead the class into a discussion about how Washington was the first president of the United States and how he handled the new job.

PS/A The students will discuss what jobs they think a president has to do today and compare them with what they think that Washington had to do as the first president. The students will make a cartoon about an event in Washington’s life and share with their classmates the event they drew about. DA- The students who cannot follow a cartoon pattern will draw a picture of Washington.

Day 40

Week 8 KS-SOL – vs.15 Thomas Jefferson: Founding Father AK/CM The teacher will introduce Thomas Jefferson by reading the Declaration of Independence and discussing how a Virginian is responsible for writing the document. The teacher will discuss Jefferson’s life before his presidency. W/L The students will write about what influences that they can have upon their state of Virginia. The students will also put together books about Thomas Jefferson.*

KS-SOL – vs.15 Thomas Jefferson: Founding Father CM The teacher will discuss how Jefferson became president and what he did as president and his contributions to the state of Virginia.

KS-SOL – vs.15 Fiery Patrick Henry

KS-SOL – vs.16 Surrender of Yorktown

KS-SOL – vs.16 New Right’s

OL The teacher will introduce Patrick Henry and his stance that he took in the Revolutionary War. The teacher will talk about Henry as a Virginian leader and as a Continental leader.

AK The teacher will talk about the Surrender of Cornwallis to Washington at Yorktown. The teacher will explain the significance of winning the war for the Americans and the significance of the British losing the war.

GA/AK/CM The teacher will read the new right’s that the state of VA and the new country has. The teacher will lead the class in a discussion about why these right’s were so important to them to gain back.

A The students will draw Jeffersonian architecture, using Monticello and UVA as a guide. The students will be given a blank map of the United States and will draw the land acquired by Thomas Jefferson from Napoleon.

L/GA/T The students will read Patrick Henry’s famous speech. They will discuss why Henry could be so fired up about a cause. The students will also research one contribution that Henry made to the state of VA.

A/W The students will draw pictures of the surrender of Cornwallis to Washington. The students will also write about what Washington must have felt to have been the key leader to have won his country its freedom.

GA/W The students will participate in the discussion about the new right’s of the country. The students will also complete a worksheet identifying a founding father.* DA- The students who have trouble finding the founding father, will be paired into groups with a gifted student.

Day 41

Day 42

Day 43

Day 44

Day 45

Week 9 KS-SOL – vs.17 Key leaders and Ideas to the New Government

KS-SOL – vs.17 Key leaders and Ideas to the New Government

CM The teacher will talk about how James Madison made an important contribution to our country.

R The students will review the importance of Washington and his leadership that helped our country succeed in its early years.

A The students will research the life of Madison and create a timeline of important events in his life.

A The students will continue to work on their Madison timelines.

Day 46 KS-SOL – vs.19

Day 47 KS-SOL – vs.19

KS-SOL – vs. 18 George Mason and States Right’s

KS-SOL – vs. 18 Thomas Jefferson: States Right’s and Religious Views CM The teacher R/CM The will introduce teacher will George Mason review Mason and his and the right’s he contributions as a gave Virginians Virginian and and will how he help introduce Virginia gain Jefferson and the state’s right’s. religious statutes he presented in VA. PS The students AK/PS The will look at the students will rights Virginia create a right just was given. The for Virginian’s to students will have. They will write about one vote on the right of the rights and and see how how that right difficult it is to would have get a right passed affected them in by a majority. the late 1700’s. Opposition from DA- The the bill will come students who from the teacher. have trouble relating present day to past times will right about a right that they have today.

Day 48 KS-SOL – vs.19

KS-SOL – vs.14.15.16 Revolutionary War Projects Due E The teacher will grade the presentations the students make about the Revolutionary War.

E The students will present their projects on the Revolutionary War.

Day 49 KS-SOL – vs.20.a.

Day 50 KS-SOL – vs.20.a.

Week 10 Go WEST!!


TR - The teacher will read out of the text about our third president’s dream for America to expand west across the continent. She’ll then hold a class discussion on ‘myth and reality’ concerning westward expansion.

T - The teacher will read Turner’s Frontier Hypothesis to the class and ask them to compare the reality of the piece with their journals from the previous day’s lesson. http://www.eng. umu.se/realities/leif/ frontier.htm The teacher will then teach on the Lousianna Purchase and Colorado’s settlement – engaging the students in a discussion about coal mines and what life must have been like without televisions.

GA - The students will work with a partner to collaboratively come up with a list of what they’d bring if they were headed west; then they will journal and illustrate what their journey would be like.

A - The students will draw a cartoon strip illustrating life as a cowboy on the frontier – including historical evidence found in their copy of TFH. The students will learn about Filipe Baca, Stephen Long, Zebulon Pike, and Kit Carson – chosing one to do a character sketch about for homework.

Day 51 KS-SOL –

Day 52 KS-SOL – vs.20.b.


Why is Virginia in the Civil War? The teacher will talk T - The teacher will to the students about take the students to the unions, the Ludlow computer lab and guide Massacre, and the 10 them to day way – showing http://valley.vcdh. clips from virginia.edu/choosepart. “Matewan” Html requiring them to select one diary DA – Students with entry or letter from disabilities who each of the eras listed might not be able to to print and compile for view clips from the a character analysis (to film (for emotional them write a reasons) will be monologue from their given an SSR perspective in why VA reading assignment is in the civil war) that covers Ludlow’s Massacre in a more edited way.

Why is Virginia in the Civil War? GA / A - The teacher will roll out a long strip of butcher paper on the carpet and assign triplets of students a few dates for a timeline on the civil war

GA - The students will discuss Ludlow’s legacy as a class and the Colorado Industrial Plan. They’ll then work with their tables to come up with a ‘Student Union’ formalized report – voting on the best of the class.

R / A - The students will be required to research as much as they can about the given dates, summarize their findings and illustrate their points on the paper.

Day 53 KS-SOL –

W - The students will select one diary entry or letter from each of the eras listed on the given website to print and compile for a character analysis (to them write a monologue from their perspective in why VA is in the civil war)

Day 54 KS-SOL –

Day 55 KS-SOL –

Week 11 vs.20.a. Why is Virginia in the Civil War?

Historic Battles of the Civil War fought in Virginia

vs.20.b. Historic Battles of the Civil War fought in Virginia AK - The A - The teacher will speak AK - The teacher RE - The teacher TS - The teacher will briefly on the battles – will pass out the will have the teacher will hang giving the students a Civil War students popcorn administer pictures of battle cheat sheet Wordsearch read from the text the people in http://www2.lhric.org/ worksheet – then assigning ghettysburg civil war, pocantico/civilwar/battles. http://www.teach- the address quiz race to Htm and require the nology.com/work http://www.teach- and then magnetic students to come up with sheets/soc_studies nology.com/work make art strips of mneumonic devices to /civil/search/ sheets/soc_studies supplies facts about memorize them in order. requiring the /civil/cry/ available for each under The class will then create students to write cryptogram students in correct confederate and union one sentence worksheet for order for picture – flags to hang on the board about each word comprehension them to role winning above the magnetic they find – then purposes. play ‘battle team important figure pictures allowing them to topographers’ memorize and fact blurbs. go to the and create 2/3 of the computer lab for maps for ghettysburg games on the chosen battles address approved website. of the war. AK - The MU - The students will The students will RE / AK - The T / TS - The students memorize the major complete the civil students popcorn students will play a relay battles of the Civil war in war worksheet read from the text take the quiz race with order – allowed to keep and then be – then cryptogram The students magnetic their cheat sheets as a allowed to play worksheet. will choose a strips. reward. They’ll then games / activities battle from create giant tissue paper on the the civil war confederate and union www.civilwar and use the flags while listening to mini.com website www.usgs patriotic ‘of the era’ DA – Students .gov/pubprod/ music. with disabilities website in will be given a order to role modified play the battle worksheet to topographer complete. of that time.

Day 56 KS-SOL – vs.20.c. Creation of West

vs.20.b. Historic Battles of the Civil War fought in Virginia

Day 57 KS-SOL – vs.20.c. Creation of West

Day 58 KS-SOL – vs.20.

vs.20.b. Historic Battles of the Civil War fought in Virginia

Day 59 KS-SOL – vs.20.

Day 60 KS-SOL – vs.20.

Week 12 Virginia

Review Expansion and Civil war T - The teacher will MO - The teacher W - The allow the students to will present a lesson teacher will access the website and on the creation of have a free complete their West Virginia – writing time Manassas worksheet acting as a travel in which she online agent; then allow for states a topic the students to take covered in /search?q=cache:uKK the changes in VA study on the JoyrtgXwJ:scott quiz online. civil war and .k12.va.us/mvermillion the students /lessonplans.htm and write as much then allow them to as they can play VA trivia about it – then (Virginia Experience going back an 44) filling in later


In Class Exercise on Civil War

TS - The teacher will give the civil war test and then have them write a soldier – thanking them for their service for our country at such a time of turmoil

AK - The teacher will lead the class in an activityremoving seceding states from bulletin board, then dividing class into U and C, then choosing leaders, drawing flags and learning advantages, then create enlistment posters, finally each side will write and orate a report as Lincoln or Lee re: plans for post-war.

T - The students will access the website and complete their manassas worksheet online, then play VA trivia with a partner.

W - The students will take the civil war test and then write a letter to a soldier.

MA - The class will interact with the movable states as they secede, divide into U and C, creating artifacts according to their respective ‘side’ and eventually composing a report as their leader may have.

Day 61 KS-SOL – vs.21 Reconstruction and its Role in


TS - The students will read in their texts and go in pairs to the classroom computer to take and submit the http://scott.k12.va.us /martha2/Hot%20 Potatoes%20Tests /VS.9/Changing Virginia.htm website-quiz (20 questions on changes in VA postwar).

Day 62 KS-SOL – vs.21 Reconstruction and its Role in

TS - The students will write as much as they can about each given topic – circling ones they had difficulty with to study at home.

Day 63 KS-SOL – vs.21 Reconstruction and its Role in

DA – students with disabilities will be permitted to use a letter template to write their letter.

Day 64 KS-SOL – vs.23 Economic Railroad

Day 65 KS-SOL – vs.23 Economic Railroad

Week 13 Virginia MU - The teacher will play a record sounding like president Lincoln instituting the Freedmen’s Bureau and empowering freed slaves during America’s reconstruction

Virginia RE - The teacher will read from the text on reconstruction and then allow the class to independently read their selected trade book.

Virginia OL - The teacher will ask three students to prepare and present the three plans for reconstruction in the U.S. and the class will discuss which they see as best.

AK - The students will read ‘newspaper articles’ about reconstruction and then play SOL millionaire in order to solidify learned concepts.

RE - The students will be permitted to choose from: The Boys’ War, Shades of Gray, Across Five Aprils, or Jayhawker in order to do a brief book report and then a predictive paragraph on the characters roles in reconstruction efforts.

LA - Students will critique the various plans for reconstruction in the south, and write a poem about A.R. Brooks, his wife, or their influence in Richmond.

Day 66 KS-SOL – vs.23 Social

Day 67 KS-SOL – vs.22 Changing of America through Segregation

DA – students with disabilities will be permitted to draw a picture of A.R. Brooks or an expressive picture of his influences.

Day 68 KS-SOL – vs.22 Changing of

Development MO - The teacher will give each student a city name and tell them to stand dispersed around the room, walking around with a train, she’ll explain how as the cities boomed, the railroads played a major role! AK - The students will complete the train worksheet – displaying their understanding of the population booms in big cities and completing bar graphs comparing city sizes before the civil war and after reconstruction efforts.

Development OL - The teacher will present three maps on p 211 (Virginia: The world around us) and engage the students in a discussion on what changes were made and their causes.

Day 69 KS-SOL – vs.22 Changing of America through

Day 70 KS-SOL – vs.22 Changing of

AK - The students will complete a cause and effect chart relating the civil war and aftereffects to current howthings-are situations in America.

Week 14 Railroad Development PS - The teacher will discuss the social aspects the railroad brought with the class and introduce their assignment.

AK - The students will role play a pre-railroad friendship with partner and postrailroad friendship via pony express, including covered topics such as industrial revolution, emancipation proclamation and even Lincoln’s viewing via X road. Day 71 KS-SOL – vs.24 Why Come to

America through Segregation T - The teacher will MO - The show the teacher will http://www.rockingham. ask the k12.va.us/resources/ students elementary/4history. what they htm#7lessonplans know of powerpoint presentation segregated on the growth of cities America and and the rise in then see if segregation and ask the they can go a students how much they whole day know about segregation. with the classroom segregated boys and girls. T - The students will take notes from the powerpoint presentation and complete the http://marg.mhost. com/mugifs/Gr5/VA hist.htm quiz with a partner. DA – students with disabilities will have fill-in notes to work from for the powerpoint presentation and will be able to take their quiz in the resource room.

Day 72 KS-SOL – vs.24 Why Come to

America through Segregation RE - The teacher R - The will cut up the teacher will informative sheet present (http://www.nps. famous gov/chsc/forteachers Americans /upload/ through our Desegregation% country’s 20curriculum% segregation 202007.pdf) and -students have the students research read and summarize information their sections in about each of groups of three – them – sequentially reading creating a their summaries. jeopardy game for the other fourth grade class. W - The LI - The students R - The class will will read the given students will take an ininformation sheet research depth look at on America’s information the Jim Crow desegregation about Laws and efforts and influential will journal summarize their Americans how they feel sections – reading to during the about racism, the class and time of segregation, learning about desegregation etc. and if others’ sections. and be they see it in prepared to the school present facts currently. in order to play a jeopardy game

Day 73 KS-SOL – vs.24 Why Come to


Day 74 KS-SOL – vs.25 Recent Key

Day 75 KS-SOL – vs.25 Recent Key

Week 15 Virginia? TR - The teacher will read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn to the class and they will review immigration factors and contributors in the US

W - The students will send a postcard to a family member as if they were a new immigrant to the US.



Virginia Leaders and Impact on State R - The teacher A - The teacher AK - The teacher will give a brief will relate the will create a list WWI review – class’s language of recent just enough to arts coverage of legislative acts get the students’ Number the Stars that have feet wet on the to America’s affected the class subject, then talk involvement in as VA residents about unique WWII and and the class will characteristics of provide a brief engage in a VA heritage. overview of the discussion about war. Then, the the impact of class will create government and star art projects. importance of voting. Then the students will create a mockvoting poll and vote for their favorite cartoon character. AK - The LA - The class MO - The students will take will create star students will notes on WWI art projects – create a mockand then do a writing their voting poll and ‘Flower Shower’ book reports on vote for their activity Number the Stars favorite dessert. (Pumpkins 81). shortly after. DA – Students with disabilities will be given the option of orally giving their book report and receiving accommodative services in order to complete their art project.

Day 76 KS-SOL – vs.25 Desegregation in

Day 77 KS-SOL – vs.25 Desegregation in

Day 78 KS-SOL – vs.25 Civil Right’s

Day 79 KS-SOL – vs.1.3.

Virginia Leaders and Impact on State OL - The teacher will lead the class in a discussion in current and past VA leaders and then will hand out the Bad Hair Day Activity (Virginia Experience 38)

PS - The students will complete the Bad Hair Day activity and then brainstorm recommendations to write their congressman about – to be compiled and mailed in bulk at the close of the year.

Day 80 KS-SOL – vs.1.3. Timeline of VA

Week 16 Virginia

Movement in Virginia GA - The teacher MO - The will prepare teacher will materials in order require the to allow the class students to to create their memorize I have own photo essay a dream speech – on desegregation watch excerpts in our country from ‘4 Little with a partner to Girls’ be turned in for assessment.

Timeline of Virginia Events W - The teacher will have the students go through their VA studies notebooks and fill in blanks on a VA timeline worksheet in order to take a timeline quiz the following lesson

LS - The students will prepare to picket something their passionate about – making a list of all the pro’s and con’s of each side of the argument – ultimately promoting equality.

PS - The students will compile their photos, newspaper clippings, etc. with their partners in order to create a historical photo essay on the historical following of desegregation in America – especially in Virginia as a border state.

T - The students will watch ‘4 Little Girls’ and memorize MLK’s I Have a Dream Speech for a quiz grade.

W - The students will fill in the blanks on the VA timeline worksheet and have their parents initial at the bottom – noting that their child studied the timeline for the quiz.

Day 81 KS-SOL – vs.27 The Importance of Virginia’s Five

Day 82 KS-SOL – vs.27 The Importance of Virginia’s Five

Day 83 KS-SOL – vs.27 The Importance of Virginia’s Five

LS - The teacher will bring in pictures of protests to lead the class in a study on free speech as our constitutional right.


DA – students with disabilities can submit a picture summary of MLK’s life as opposed to memorizing his speech.

Day 84 KS-SOL – vs.27 The Importance of Virginia’s Five

event AK - The teacher will assign students various parts and they will go out to the play ground in order to create a ‘living timeline’ applying knowledge about different events in VA history to their various roles. MO - The students will participate in a live timeline on the playground.

Day 85 KS-SOL – vs.27 The Importance of Virginia’s Five

Week 17 Regions A - The teacher will hand out maps of Virginia and assign the students to color in the five regions and research information in order to write one summary sentence about each region.

Regions CC - The teacher will lead the class in a discussion on working in Virginia and have members of the community come in to talk about their unique opportunity as a VA employee

Regions MO - The teacher will display brochures from all over VA – highlighting several attributes about the great state.

Regions T - The teacher will provide information as well as assign computer lab passes in order for students to research VA’s tourism industry as well as introduce the rep from the VA visitor’s center.

A - The students will color the five regions of VA on the map and research information on given websites in order to fill out the summary worksheet.

LI - The class will discuss working in VA and take notes when community members come in to speak on their unique VA position.

A - The class will discuss the diversity of VA (coast, mountains, DC, etc.) as a state and draw a picture about what VA means to them personally.

R - The class will research VA’s tourism industry and all create pamphlets and “VA is for Lovers’ bumper stickers from the VA visitor’s center staff.

Day 86 KS-SOL – vs. 28 Prospering Virginia

Day 87 KS-SOL – vs. 28 Prospering Virginia

Day 88 KS-SOL – vs. 28 Prospering Virginia

Day 89 KS-SOL – vs.26 Learn about Virginia’s

Regions TS - The teacher will evaluate the student’s oral presentation of their VA state report. DA – students with disabilities will be given the option of creating a clay topographical model of Virginia and simply writing three sentences about the state. OL - Each student will produce a VA state report – being sure to include the state flag, song, country’s foundations, current top leaders, map, and any other interesting facts that set VA apart as a state.

Day 90 KS-SOL – vs.26 Pass a Law

Week 18 Government CC - The teacher LA - The teacher AK - The teacher LI - The teacher will introduce will pass out will guide the will introduce the possible careers student copies of students on a guest speaker, a – allowing the the literature to long journey VA state students to dress be read and write back to the representative, up as various ‘American beginning of the and after he occupations with Dream’ on the school year – speaks, allow the safety pinned board and put a tracing our class to watch information basket government all School House cards the underneath for the way to Rock (gov’t ed) students must student’s 10 year modern day, copy down. plans to be writing placed in. monumental changes on the board. CC = The LA = The AK - The MU - The class students will students will read students will will learn the explore possible Just Like My trace government government song careers in VA and Dad, and My back to the to correspond dress up as what Father’s Boat Mayflower with “How A Bill they want to be and learn what it compact and Becomes A Law” when they grow means to be discuss all the (Virginia: the up – creating living the similarities and world around us graphs on the American differences 230) and be able computer in Dream. They’ll between that to fill in the researching their then write a 10 original blanks on their findings as to the year plan for governing body ‘bill to law’ quiz. needability of their lives in and today’s body that job and order to best – pro’s and con’s, popularity within succeed. then color a their class. donkey and an elephant, asking what party their parents vote.

PS - The teacher will help the class split into three branches of government and put their quizzed knowledge into action by passing a one-dayeffective law.

PS - The class broken down into three branches of VA Government and will make a new law to be in effect for one day. DA - Students with disabilities will be allowed to look at their “How A Bill Becomes A Law” sheet as a reference in the interactive activity of the day.

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