4 - Pilato-eshleman - Integration

  • November 2019
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CANDIDATE(S): Michael Pilato/ Emilee Eshleman DATE: 12/9/07

EDUC 410 FINAL ASSIGNMENTS CHECKLIST Curriculum Integration & Cohesiveness Please mark YES or NO to signify that you completed all of the assignments listed in the table below:


INDICATOR I have given my school colleagues (each person) a CD with the following documents: _____ Character Education _____ Standards Paper _____ Horizontal Mapping _____ Science Charts _____ Language Arts Charts _____ Math Charts _____ Social Science Charts _____ Resource Documents _____ Final Checklist – Fine Arts, PE, Health _____ Final Checklist – Integration (collaboration / accommodations for diversity)


Each CD I have made has a label with


___ My name and my partner’s name ___ The grade level (s) ___ The name of my colleague so he/she will be able to identify the one he/she is to obtain. I have placed a CD consisting of ALL assignments in this course in the appropriate box in TE 102. The CD is in a “sleeve” protector and labeled with the “name of my partner and I, EDUC 410 and section number, Curriculum Project, Grade of Curriculum, and semester date.”

1.) Cite at least 5 examples of how you imparted your school’s mission throughout your curriculum.

DAY 1. 78 2. 171 3. 93 4. 3 5. 15

TOPIC Heat Transfer Place Value Indian Way of Life Cooperation Oral Presentation

ACTIVITY Citizenship activity with fire evacuation plans The students will need to use self-discipline to begin studying for the final test. The Indians needed cooperation and other attributes to work as a tribe. The teacher will read the school’s mission statement and discuss the importance of cooperation. The students will practice sharing the mission statement of the school using different tones.

2.) Cite at least 5 examples of how you included lessons and activities planned in your Character Education Paper.

DAY 1. 80 2. 172 3. 93 4. 171

TOPIC Electromagnetic Review of Value Indian Way of Life Geography &

ACTIVITY Fire Prevention posters for citizenship When persevering in their studies, students will become self disciplined When the Indians worked together as a tribe they needed all of these characteristics to communicate. The leaders in our country need specific characteristics to keep order.

5. 3

Economics Cooperation

The students will role play and include a certain characteristic in their short skit.

Cite at least 5 examples of use of technology.

DAY 1. 2. 3. 4.

6 30 8 29

5. 111

TOPIC Sci Method Measuring <,>,= Roots, Prefixes, Suffixes Jamestown

ACTIVITY Research of origin of certain foods – internet Conversion game of metric units on computer Game of math packman on the computer Game titled “Jelly Fish” – The students add different prefixes or suffixes The students will take a quiz on pbs.org called “Would You Have Survived The Settlement?”

3.) Cite at least 5 examples of collaboration with community resources.

DAY 1. 12 2. 130 3. 89 4. 175 5. 87



Sci Method Cycle Rain Equivalent Measurements Government

Scientist from Local Sewage Plant gives lecture Speaker from local Water Purification Plant A local butcher from a deli will come into class and talk about the types of meats he sells and how many parts of pound or ounces of each people buy. A local police officer of the county will come and explain the government to the students and answer questions. An animal shelter worker will come to speak to the students about stray dogs and safety.

Questions about a Topic

4.) Cite at least 5 examples of collaboration with families.

DAY 1.


2. 165 3. 8 4. 59 5. 173

TOPIC Earth Feature Patterns

ACTIVITY Make simulated volcano at home with family

The students will go home and work on creating patterns with their families and see if they can create a pattern that might stump their own family. Research The students will interview their person of choice from home. Locate VA The students will ask their parents or guardians an important place to visit in & Bordering Virginia. States Government The students will quiz their parents about the important industries in Virginia and review them together.

5.) Cite at least 5 examples of collaboration with colleagues.

DAY 1. 2. 3.

32 46 99

4. 2



Measuring Graphs Conversions

Nurse measures height, weight, and blood pressure of students Librarian teaches students to sue excel The Librarian will teach the students ways to easily navigate the web for math related things concerning units The 1st grade teacher will work with the teacher to have the students in each class


5. 9

Oral Presentations

pair up and complete Venn diagrams together. The librarian will explain how to use the library’s resources.

6.) Cite at least 5 examples of use of assessment (various types).

DAY 1. 2. 3. 4.

36 62 30 18

5. 33



Sci Method Graphs Place Value Cooperation

Determine constant variables using Sci Method Organize data into various graphs Ability to manipulate decimals to create new numbers The students will write a paragraph about an experience they had with cooperation. The students will read sentences and create a cause and an effect for the situation.

Cause and Effect

7.) Cite at least 5 examples of use of literacy, problem solving, etc.

DAY 1. 18 2. 22 3. 46 4. 84 5. 41



Variables Fractions Estimate Sums/ Differences Measure Weights Viewpoints and Events

Activity determining greater and lesser masses Comparing fractions to parts of a circle and pieces of pie The class will try to think of other ways adding and subtracting then estimating is practical in other subjects. The teacher will bring in a large object and the students will try to guess how many of their shoes weigh the same as the object The students will write out their opinions of the Boston Massacre and show understanding in their literacy.

9.) Cite at least 10 examples of how you have used integration your curriculum. (eg. If you are studying about Native Americans on Day 27 in social studies, are you also reading a novel in reading group on Day 27 that would reinforce learning about Native Americans? Are you doing an art project that relates to Native Americans? Etc.)

DAY 1. 2. 3. 4.

46 86 102 101

5. 6.

146 11







TOPIC Graphs Electricity Photosynthesis Liquid volumes Probability Cause and Effect Understand the Settlement Understanding the Colonies Virginia’s Role in New

ACTIVITY Adding and subtracting data points on graphs – M/S Compare units of measure for electricity with math class Measuring liquids and gas with math and science class Measuring liquid and gas volumes – M/S Determining the probability of Precipitations The students will determine cause and effect relationships –E/SS The students will discuss the causes and the effects with the English Colonization in the New World – E/SS The students will create a timeline much like they did in Language Arts. The students will discuss the cause and effect relationships that led George Washington to be the Father of our country.

10 .


American Nation Reasons Behind Civil War

The students will write the cause and effect relationships that led to the Civil War.

10.) Cite at least 10 examples providing evidence that you have incorporated instructional strategies that provide creative, multi-sensory, hands-on approaches to learning throughout your curriculum.



1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

18 50 166 2 58

Variables Force Size of Earth Place Value Multiply





Oral Presentations Using Maps





10 .


Locate VA or Bordering States Identify American Indian Way of Life Reconstruction of Virginia

ACTIVITY Mass of raisins vs. cornflakes experiment Toy car and springs to determine force Simulation of how many balls fit into objects simulating earth’s capacity Students will manipulate base ten blocks for understanding The students will use the math blocks to create groups of blocks and test these skills of multiplication to see if their answers are the same as when they are added The students will cut out advertisements and use them to encourage great oral presentations. The students will use a map of the playground to find their way to the treasure. The students will use clay to create a model of Virginia or one of it’s bordering states. The students will make instruments that the Native Americans might have used. The students will play with building blocks to understand the concept of reconstruction.

11.) Cite at least 10 examples providing evidence that you have incorporated accommodations / differentiation of instruction for diversity / exceptionalities throughout your curriculum.

DAY 1. 2. 3.

14 76 148









TOPIC Variables Heat Transfer Features of Earth Estimate Sums and Differences Multiply

ACTIVITY Allowing gifted students do record humidity in activity as well Gifted students can relate process to Kinetic Energy to Potential Energy Give diagrams labeled to students incapable of copying For students who have forgotten adding, subtracting, or rounding concepts, give them a review sheet with simple examples. For remedial students, the teacher will provide one on one assistance with multiplying using blocks. For students that do not comprehend the lesson as quickly as others will have time to come back during study hall or recess and finish.

Conclusions and Generalizations Use Maps The students that are not well acquainted with the internet will be able to have





10 .


Understand 20th Century Virginia Word Families Evaluating Information

a partner to help them through the activity. The students that do not have access to the internet at home will have time to use the computers during study hall, lunch, or recess. The students that struggle with reading comprehension will be required to write down only 5 words instead of 7 from the reading. The students that are allergic to a particular food will be provided with an alternative snack.

On my honor, I Michael Pilato/Emilee Eshleman have included accommodations for diverse learners / exceptionalities at least one time per week throughout the curriculum or a minimum of 36 times over the course of the school year.) On my honor, I Michael Pilato/Emilee Eshleman have included accommodations for diverse learners / exceptionalities at least one time per week throughout the curriculum or a minimum of 36 times over the course of the school year.) On my honor, I Michael Pilato/Emilee Eshleman feel that I have put forth my best effort to create a curriculum that is diverse in instruction and learning activities and will provide meaningful experiences for each and every WHOLE child in academic, emotional, physical, and spiritual ways. On my honor, I Michael Pilato/Emilee Eshleman feel that I have put forth my best effort to create a curriculum that is diverse in instruction and learning activities and will provide meaningful experiences for each and every WHOLE child in academic, emotional, physical, and spiritual ways.

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