4 - Claar-smith - Integration

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 2,221
  • Pages: 6
CANDIDATE(S): Megan Claar & Caitlin Smith

DATE: December 8, 2007

EDUC 410 FINAL ASSIGNMENTS CHECKLIST Curriculum Integration & Cohesiveness Please mark YES or NO to signify that you completed all of the assignments listed in the table below:


INDICATOR I have given my school colleagues (each person) a CD with the following documents: _____ Character Education _____ Standards Paper _____ Horizontal Mapping _____ Science Charts _____ Language Arts Charts _____ Math Charts _____ Social Science Charts _____ Resource Documents _____ Final Checklist – Fine Arts, PE, Health _____ Final Checklist – Integration (collaboration / accommodations for diversity)


Each CD I have made has a label with


___ My name and my partner’s name ___ The grade level (s) ___ The name of my colleague so he/she will be able to identify the one he/she is to obtain. I have placed a CD consisting of ALL assignments in this course in the appropriate box in TE 102. The CD is in a “sleeve” protector and labeled with the “name of my partner and I, EDUC 410 and section number, Curriculum Project, Grade of Curriculum, and semester date.”

1.) Cite at least 5 examples of how you imparted your school’s mission throughout your curriculum.



4. 3

Englishleadership Englishoral skills Social Studies English

5. 2




2. 9 3. 172

ACTIVITY Students will partner up and demonstrate good leadership and following skills by being blind-folded and lead around the school. Students will discuss current events in the newspaper. Students can voice their opinions on the situation. Students will interview an older adult relative about how history influenced them and ask questions about their childhood. Students will interview someone in their community and learn how to do something new and make a project and presentation about it to share with the class, exhibiting creativity. Students will learn the importance of reading instructions when they do the following directions activity on the second day of school.

2.) Cite at least 5 examples of how you included lessons and activities planned in your Character Education Paper.

DAY 1. 2.

101110 114

TOPIC Scienceresponsibility Mathleadership/

ACTIVITY Students will have a plant take care of for a science project/ experiment. Higher achieving students will tutor lower-achieving peers on what they do not understand about graphing on the coordinate plane.

3. 152 4. 135

5. 172

compassion Social Studies- WV, obedience Social Studies- new republicintegrity Social Studiesaccountability

Students will talk about how West Virginia illegally broke away from Virginia to form its own state by referring to the book, Shiloh. The teacher will talk about how Thomas Jefferson and George Mason both had integrity in their influences on the early republic with the Virginia Declaration of Rights and Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom. The teacher will bring in a guest speaker to talk about their experiences in a time in Virginia history, maybe when they had to be accountable to someone else or trust them with their life.

3.) Cite at least 5 examples of use of technology.



1. 119

Math- flips

2. 166

Math- prealgebra Scienceearth patterns Scienceearth patterns Englishhomonyms

3. 141 4. 149 5. 27

ACTIVITY Students will make virtual snowflakes at http://snowflakes.barkleyus.com/ to visualize flips. Students will go to the computer lab and play Math Baseball found at http://funbrain.com/math/indes.html The teacher will play a short clip of Neil Armstrong’s first response to landing on the moon (his one small step speech). Students will watch a short video on asteroids, comets, and meteors. Students will type their sentence in the computer lab.

4.) Cite at least 5 examples of collaboration with community resources.

DAY 1.


2. 80 3. 172 4. 172 5. 135

TOPIC Math- prealgebra Social studies Social Studies Social Studies Math

ACTIVITY Students will create a game relating to a topic in pre-algebra and can invite family and community members to play the games. Field trip to Jamestown Students will interview an older adult relative or someone from their community about how history influenced them and ask questions about their childhood. The teacher will bring in a guest speaker to talk about their experience in history. Students can ask questions about their presentation. Students will survey 30 people they know (community, family, friends, etc) about at topic they want to do a survey on.

5.) Cite at least 5 examples of collaboration with families.

DAY 1. 180 2. 172 3. 159 4. 135 5. 140

TOPIC Math- prealgebra Social Studies Social Studies Mathstatistics Social Studies

ACTIVITY Students will create a game relating to a topic in pre-algebra and can invite family and community members to play the games. Students will interview an older adult relative about how history influenced them and ask questions about their childhood. Students will ask their families about their ancestry nationality. Students will survey 30 people they know (community, family, friends, etc) about at topic they want to do a survey on. Students will ask their parents or guardians why they chose to live in Virginiawhy they may have moved there or chosen to remain there and then write their responses.

6.) Cite at least 5 examples of collaboration with colleagues.

DAY 1.


2. 18

TOPIC Sciencehuman body English-

ACTIVITY The health/gym teacher will come in and teach the students about the major bones, muscles, and organs in the body. Students will meet in the library and the librarian will talk about a good place to

3. 33 4. 66 5. 63

resources Englishfiction Englishresearch Englishresearch

find resources. The librarian will talk about different genres of books and then show students where fiction books are located in the library. The computer lab teacher will give an introduction to the task of internet and computer program researching and then allow students to research for themselves. Students will meet in the library where the librarian will talk about the Dewey Decimal system and the arrangement of books in the library.

7.) Cite at least 5 examples of use of assessment (various types).

DAY 1. 149 2. 130 3. 156 4. 109 5. 42

TOPIC Mathstatistics Sciencemeteorology Social Studies Scienceplants English

ACTIVITY Students will take a unit test on probability, statistics, and graphs. Students will take a unit test on weather and meteorology. Students will take a unit test on the Constitution and Civil War. Students will take a quiz on the parts of a plant and flower and process of photosynthesis. Students will take a test on Because of Winn-Dixie, focusing on important vocabulary and events from the story.

8.) Cite at least 5 examples of use of literacy, problem solving, etc.

DAY 1. 138 2. 27 3. 62 4. 139 5. 158

TOPIC Social Studies Englishhomonyms Englishresearch Mathstatistics Mathpatterns

ACTIVITY The class will play “Oregon Trail” (the computer game) and must make important decisions to ensure their survival in the game. The teacher will read the book A Chocolate Moose for Dinner and identify homonyms used in the book. Students will look at a list of book titles and determine which books would be good sources to use for a research paper about snakes and which wouldn’t be. Students will compare and contrast a bar graph with a pictogram and then tell which one they like better and why. Students will brainstorm a list of professions that involve identifying and creating patterns as well as where patterns occur outside of the classroom.

9.) Cite at least 10 examples of how you have used integration your curriculum. (eg. If you are studying about Native Americans on Day 27 in social studies, are you also reading a novel in reading group on Day 27 that would reinforce learning about Native Americans? Are you doing an art project that relates to Native Americans? Etc.)









3. 4.

105 126

Science Science

ACTIVITY Students will put themselves in the role of a colonial Jamestown colonist and write about what it was like to live there at that time. The teacher will read the poem “Shapes” from Shel Silverstein’s Light in the Attic. Students will measure plant growth. The teacher will review with the students basic map skills and directions.











10 .


Englishoral skills Social Studies Social Studies Englishfiction Social Studies Social Studies

Students will discuss current events in the newspaper. Students can voice their opinions on the situation. Students will write a one-page biography on a famous Virginian involved with the Revolutionary War. Students will identify synonyms of words used in the preamble of the Constitution. Students will learn the science behind how Littmus Lozenges are made (like rock candy) found in the book Because of Winn-Dixie. Students will come up with at least one question to ask the guest speaker. The class will create a Venn Diagram of the similarities and differences between the North and the South.

10.) Cite at least 10 examples providing evidence that you have incorporated instructional strategies that provide creative, multi-sensory, hands-on approaches to learning throughout your curriculum.




Englishleadership Mathgeometry Mathprobability Scienceevaporation Mathgraphing Sciencehuman body Social Studieswestward expansion English

Students will partner up and demonstrate good leadership and following skills by being blind-folded and lead around the school. Students will demonstrate various quadrilaterals using their bodies and ropes to demonstrate the shapes Students will move to various stations around the room to figure out and demonstrate probability. Students will experiment with evaporation by filling a pie plate with water and then observing the depth of the water a few days later. Students will use M&M’s to make graphs for statistics.







128, 133 123, 125 141









Math- prealgebra

10 .


Scienceearth patterns


Students will take large sheets of paper and with a partner, trace around their body and then label important organs and parts of the body. Students will play the computer game, “Oregon Trail” and talk about the important historical aspects of the game and must make important decisions to ensure the survival of their group members. Students will pick a word from a hat and then either act out the antonym or synonym of the word and students from the class will guess what it is. Students will make a pre-algebra game that incorporates some of the ideas learned in this unit and then on the last day invite friends and family to play the games. The teacher will make a human model of the sun, moon, and earth using various objects and demonstrate important processes such as rotation, revolution, eclipses, night and day, and the seasons.

11.) Cite at least 10 examples providing evidence that you have incorporated accommodations / differentiation of instruction for diversity / exceptionalities throughout your curriculum.

DAY 1.


















10 .




Mathangles Mathgraphing Mathpatterns Math- prealgebra Scienceearth patterns Scienceearth patterns Sciencehuman body Social Studies Social Studies English

Gifted students will be given a worksheet that has only digital time given and must identify the type of angle formed by the time. The teacher will ask the students to describe out loud the motion they are making when putting points on a coordinate plane to help auditory learners. Students with learning disabilities and/or kinesthetic learners can use pattern blocks for the quiz on patterns if they want to. Gifted students will complete a math square enrichment. For students that may be hard of hearing, the teacher will provide a script of Neil Armstrong’s words of his response to landing on the moon. Gifted students can research the next time a comet is scheduled to be seen from Earth: which comet it will be and its estimated year of arrival. Gifted students can research the findings they make about muscle groups and discover more muscle groups. The teacher will provide song lyrics from the video “School house Rocks: Fireworks” to all students but to benefit visual learners. Gifted students will be asked to find out the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and explain why each weakness was a weakness. Students that may need more time with their research paper can work during recess or after school so they can finish it and not fall behind.

On my honor, I (Megan Claar) have included accommodations for diverse learners / exceptionalities at least one time per week throughout the curriculum or a minimum of 36 times over the course of the school year.) On my honor, I (Megan Claar) have included accommodations for diverse learners / exceptionalities at least one time per week throughout the curriculum or a minimum of 36 times over the course of the school year.) On my honor, I (Megan Claar) feel that I have put forth my best effort to create a curriculum that is diverse in instruction and learning activities and will provide meaningful experiences for each and every WHOLE child in academic, emotional, physical, and spiritual ways. On my honor, I (Megan Claar) feel that I have put forth my best effort to create a curriculum that is diverse in instruction and learning activities and will provide meaningful experiences for each and every WHOLE child in academic, emotional, physical, and spiritual ways.

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