4-hafsa Bint Umar

  • November 2019
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hafsah bint umar her name : (arabic: ‫حفصة بنت عمر‬ literally: daughter of a lion she is hafsah bint umar bin al-khattab bin nufail bin abdul-uzza she was beautiful and a pious woman hafsa bint umar (arabic: ‫ ;حفصة بنت عمر‬literally: daughter of a lion; born c. 606 [citation needed] - 45 ah (665 muhammad married her after the battle of badr in 2 ah. hafsa was around twenty years old and muhammad fifty-six at the time of marriage [4]. battle of badr was the first battle with non believers (hafsah bint `umar ibn al-khattab (may allah be pleased with them both). he married her in ah 2 or 3. she died in ah 45. wife number 4)

jahiliyyah = thats the time when people doesnt know bout islam ******************************************************************* ******** 3:154 after (the excitement) of the distress, he sent down calm on a band of you overcome with slumber, while another band was stirred to anxiety by their own feelings, moved by wrong suspicions of allah-suspicions due to ignorance. they said: "what affair is this of ours?" say thou: "indeed, this affair is wholly allah's." they hide in their minds what they dare not reveal to thee. they say (to themselves): "if we had had anything to do with this affair, we should not have been in the slaughter here." say: "even if you had remained in your homes, those for whom death was decreed would certainly have gone forth to the place of their death"; but (all this was) that allah might test what is in your breasts and purge what is in your hearts. for allah knoweth well the secrets of your hearts. thumma anzala aaalaykum min baaadi alghammiamanatan nuaaasan yaghsha ta-

ifatan minkumwata-ifatun qad ahammat-hum anfusuhum yathunnoonabiallahi ghayra alhaqqi thannaaljahiliyyati yaqooloona hal lana mina al-amri minshay-in qul inna al-amra kullahu lillahi yukhfoona feeanfusihim ma la yubdoona laka yaqooloona law kanalana mina al-amri shay-on ma qutilna hahunaqul law kuntum fee buyootikum labaraza allatheena kutibaaaalayhimu alqatlu ila madajiaaihim waliyabtaliyaallahu ma fee sudoorikum waliyumahhisama fee quloobikum waallahu aaaleemun bithatialssudoori

5:50 do they then seek after a judgment of (the days of) ignorance? but who, for a people whose faith is assured, can give better judgment than allah. afahukma aljahiliyyatiyabghoona waman ahsanu mina allahu hukmanliqawmin yooqinoona 33:33 and stay quietly in your houses, and make not a dazzling display, like that of the former times of ignorance; and establish regular prayer, and give regular charity; and obey allah and his apostle. and allah only wishes to remove all abomination from you, ye members of the family, and to make you pure and spotless. waqarna fee buyootikunna walatabarrajna tabarruja aljahiliyyati al-oola waaqimnaalssalata waateena alzzakatawaatiaana allaha warasoolahu innama yureeduallahu liyuthhiba aaankumu alrrijsa ahlaalbayti wayutahhirakum tatheeran

48:26 while the unbelievers got up in their hearts heat and cant - the heat and cant of ignorance,- allah sent down his tranquillity to his apostle and to the believers, and made them stick close to the command of self-restraint; and well were they entitled to it and worthy of it. and allah has full knowledge of all things. ith jaaaala allatheena kafaroofee quloobihimu alhamiyyata hamiyyata aljahiliyyatifaanzala allahu sakeenatahu aaala rasoolihi waaaalaalmu/mineena waalzamahum kalimata alttaqwa wakanooahaqqa biha waahlaha wakana allahubikulli

2- umar was the originator of a number of precedents

a) for example there were things which he was the first to do or say among them was he was the first to be known as the commander of the faithful.

b) he was the first to establish the hijri ( starting from the year of migration of the prophet)

c) he was the first one to establish the deewan ( its an arabic noun derived from the verb dawwana, meaning to write down or record) , which is a persian word, meaning the record in which were recorded the salaries paid to the government employees, the names of the soldiers and what they were paid.

d) he was the first to order the taraweeh prayers in the month of ramadan be performed in congregation.

'umar gave his government an administrative structure. departments of treasury, army and public revenues were established. regular salaries were set up for soldiers. a population census was held. elaborate land surveys were conducted to assess equitable taxes. new cities were founded. the areas which came under his rule were divided into provinces and governors were appointed. new roads were laid, canals were lug and wayside hotels were built. provision was made for he support of the poor and the needy from public funds. he defined, by precept and by example, the rights and privileges of non-muslims, an example of which is the foll

his death

in 23 a.h., when umar returned to medina from hajj;, he raised his hands and prayed,

"o god! i am advanced in years, my bones are weary, my powers are declining, and the people for whom i am responsible have spread far and wide. summon me back to thyself, my lord!"

some time later, when 'umar went to the mosque to lead a prayer, umar's killer (abu-lu'lu'ah) was a nonmuslim persian slave brought to al-madina by almugheerah bin shubah and who is said to have held a personal grudge against umar; attacked him with a dagger and stabbed him six times as umar led the dawn prayers in the masjid al nabawi mosque in medina.

umar reeled and fell to the ground. when he learned that the assassin was a magian, he said, "thank god he is not a muslim."

'umar died in the first week of muharram, in 24 ah (646) at age of 63, the victim of an assassin's dagger and was buried by the side of the holy prophet (peace be on him) and abu bakr. uthman ibn affan was elected as his successor as 3rd caliph, by a group of prominent muslims before his death. ********************************************** mukthirun = anyone who narrated more than 1000 hadiths ********************************************** her 1st marriage she was married to khunais ibn hudhaifa as-sahmi, who was from the tribe of banu sahm. he had embraced islam during the initial days of the dissemination of the divine message by allah's prophet. he was a good muslim,the early converts to islam.

the verse of prohibition: the prophet used to visit his wife ,zainab and drink honey in her house, for he loved honey and sweets, so aishah and hafsah- who were friends between there existed a sisterly love and affection- agreed that each of them would say when the prophet came near to them “ have you eaten maghafeer ( a kind of bad-smelling resin”- for the prophet disliked foods which cause bad breath upon eating them. then he visted aisha and she ask him” have you eaten maghafeer?” he said “ no,…i drank some honey in zainab’s house, but i will not drink it again…( reported by al-bukhary), then the verse of prophibition was revealed, in which allah said

66:1 o prophet! why holdest thou to be forbidden that which god has made lawful to thee? thou seekest to please thy consorts. but god is oft-forgiving, most merciful. 66:2 god has already ordained for you, (o men), the dissolution of your oaths (in some cases): and god is your protector, and he is full of knowledge and wisdom. it is hafsah and aisha (ru) who backed up each other against the prophet (saw). consequently allah the almighty said: "if you two [wives of the prophet (saw), namely aisha and hafsa (ru)] turn in repentance to allah (it will be better for you), your hearts are indeed so inclined [to oppose what the prophet (saw) likes]; but of you help one another against him [muhammad (saw)], then verily, allah and gabriel, and the righteous among the believers, - and furthermore, the angels - are his helpers." (66:4) 66:3 when the prophet disclosed a matter in confidence to one of his consorts, and she then divulged it (to another), and god made it known to him, he confirmed part thereof and repudiated a part. then when he told her thereof, she said, "who told thee this? "he said, "he told me who knows and is well-acquainted (with all things)." 66:4 if ye two turn in repentance to him, your hearts are indeed so inclined; but if ye back up each other against him, truly god is his protector, and gabriel, and (every) righteous one among those who believe,- and

furthermore, the angels - will back (him) up. hafiz (quran), a term used by muslims for people who have completely memorized the qur'an she died in the year 45 ah, she was about 60yrs old *************************************** umar abu hafs umar nicname, farrouq-can distinguish between right and wrong he was 13 years younger than the prophet jahiliyyah (arabic: ‫ )جاهلية‬is an islamic concept of "ignorance of divine guidance" or "the state of ignorance of the guidance from god"[1] referring to the condition arabs found themselves in pre-islamic arabian society prior to the revelation of the qur'an. by extension it means the state of anyone lacking the benefit of islam and the qur'an. ************************************************************* this is why prophet remarried hafsa : angel gaberial came to him and said she is the one he will be with in jannah she is the one to pray and fast all the time *****************************************

zainab bint mazun = hafsa's mother ********************************************** married about 8 years and then spent about 30yrs alone

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