4 December 2009

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INFORMATION BULLETIN NO 15 4 December , 2009 P O Box 1261, Devonport 7310.

PH: 6420 8100

December 2009 Dear Parent/Guardian ANNUAL WALK/PICNIC – Friday 11th December Reece High School will be conducting its annual walk/picnic on Friday 11th December 2009. The main purpose of the day is for students and staff to get together and enjoy a day of recreation and fun. The cost to each student will be $5.00. This is to cover admission to the Devonport Olympic Pool including supervision by pool staff, a can of cordial and an ice cream. Students will have to pay extra if they wish to use the waterslide facility. Whilst kiosk facilities are available, students are encouraged to bring food, drink, suitable clothing and sunscreen. The walk to the pool will take approximately 1½ hours students are strongly advised to wear sensible footwear, to bring a water bottle and wear a hat. We will be departing at about 9.00am; students and staff will walk to the pool via Forbes, Steele and Formby roads from where the course will follow the walking tracks past the Bluff and Don Reserve. Students will leave the pool at approximately 1:45 pm and walk back to school via Steel Street and William Street. Could you please complete and return the permission slip below. Your child should hand the slip, together with the $5.00 cost to their Principal teacher by Thursday 10th December. Please note that this is a normal school day. Yours sincerely

A Baker Walkathon Organiser

Sheree Vertigan Principal

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Student: …………………………………… Class teacher group: …………..  Waterslide I give permission for my child to participate in the walk/picnic on 11th December 2009. Please indicate whether your child will be wishing to use the waterslide (extra cost of $3.00 for half an hour per grade.) This is paid directly to the pool kiosk. I enclose $5.00 to cover the costs of pool entry, ice cream and cordial. Signed: ………………………………………….… Parent Guardian

REECE HIGH SCHOOL Middle Road, Devonport, Tasmania 7310 Ph (03) 6420 8100 Fax (03) 6420 8199 Email [email protected] Web http://www.reece.tased.edu.au/


Anti Poverty Week In term three the Prefects organised Anti Poverty Week. This fundraiser was held in the week of the 11th to the 17th of October. During the week each leadership committee had the opportunity to take part and create an activity or event to raise awareness. Although bad weather interrupted some activities, many still went ahead. The Citizenship class held a barbeque that raised a huge $452.00 which was donated to World Vision. The week saw a rice eating competition held by the Prefects and a quiz held by the Grade 9 Council. Poverty wrist bands were sold throughout the month raising $106.85, including donations. Altogether this was a successful event raising a grand total of $558.85 for World Vision. Danielle Hooper and Taylor Jackson.

SOCIAL TERM 3 2009 The term 3 social was a great success with a Fancy Dress theme drawing out a variety of costumes from ‘Slash’ to ‘Wilma Flinstone’. It was the first time in quite a number of years that a live band has been used for entertainment at a school social. The night started off with a DJ playing popular beats which got the large crowd very involved. It was one of the hottest November nights ever recorded which caused most of the crowd to head outside into the cooler air. There was one hard core dancer who managed to sustain an injury that caused him to lose his tremendous dancing ability and passion. Then there was SHOE who took it up another notch pumping out the tunes, shaking the foundations of the building with their groove based indie, pop rock. One student from the audience was lucky enough to obtain the drummer’s bow tie! Overall, the night ran smoothly and was enjoyed by all. We thank all Staff for attending and providing supervision, and all students who made it a great time. By Rhys Evans and Jamie Hughes

Do you need a Student

Bus Pass Next year?

If 2009 is printed on your current bus pass and you need a new pass next year, please apply online at www.transport.tas.gov.au or obtain an application form from any Service Tasmania shop. If your pass says 2010, 2011, or 2012, simply keep using it until the end of that year, unless you travel on Metro buses.

Students with a bus pass travelling

on Metro buses

Any students catching a Metro bus next year and who are either applying for a new bus pass or have a 2010, 2011 or 2012 pass,

must have (or need to apply for) a registered Metro Greencard. The Student Bus Pass will be integrated into the Greencard. _________________________________________________________ To apply for a Metro Greencard go online at www.metrotas.com.au or call Metro Hotline on 13 22 01. If you have any questions please phone 1300 851 225 or email [email protected] or visit www.transport.tas.gov.au

End of year reports Students will be provided with end of year reports next Thursday, 10th December. These reports provide ratings in Literacy, Numeracy, Society and History and Science with a teacher comment on progress and work habits in these areas. Health and Wellbeing and Realising Potential subjects proved a report on progress and personal work habits. Year 10 students will also receive a statement outlining personal competencies and for some students a personal statement documenting positions held and involvement in extra-curricular activities whilst at Reece High School.

Kids4Kids Last month The Grade 9 council attended the AUSSI Kids4Kids conference at Camp Banksia. All of the council members had an active role on the day which had nearly 400 students representing primary and high schools across the north of the state. The conference focused on sustainable living with the students from all schools conducting workshops showing other students what their class had done. Companies and organisations also had workshops where students got hands on experience making food, planting trees, making paper and even getting to know crayfish. Monica Corbett and Lauren Sims were M.C’s for the conference with Kate Leiper and Sarah Baird also giving a presentation on the aims and goals of the conference. The highlight of the day was a talk and viewing of art from American artist Chris Jordan. Chris’ artwork drew gasps from the audience and Mr Fergusson who were all amazed at the waste his digital images portrayed. Well done to the grade 9 council for helping run the day, Reece high school were well represented.

IMAGE: Depicts 320,000 light bulbs, equal to the number of kilowatt hours of electricity wasted in the United States every minute from inefficient residential electricity usage (inefficient wiring, computers in sleep mode, etc.).

Grade 10 Dinner and Final Assembly on Tuesday Dec 15


Student Free Day - Professional Learning


Grade 6 Orientation Day Student Free Day – Grade 10 only




Grade 10 Final Assembly 11.00am


Grade 10 Dinner - 6 for 6.30


End of Term 3 - Grade 7-9 Final Assembly 11.00am

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REECE HIGH SCHOOL ASSOCIATION FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE Our major fundraising event for next year is catering for the Breathe of Life Concert to be held at Reece High School on Saturday 27th March 2010. We are asking for volunteers to assist us in our endeavours to raise much needed funds for the school. Please complete the form below if you are able to assist us in any way and return it to the office as soon as possible NAME: ……………………………………………… PHONE : ………………………………………

REECE HIGH SCHOOL Middle Road, Devonport, Tasmania 7310 Ph (03) 6420 8100 Fax (03) 6420 8199 Email [email protected] Web http://www.reece.tased.edu.au/

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