28 November - 4 December 2009

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  • Words: 25,307
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^ò~êqò Lae WûKùe ù^ùf 1 ahðKê U.260.00 6 cûiKê U.130.00 3 cûiKê U.65.00 Uuû c^ò@Wÿe ð / aýûu Wâû`Ö @ûKûeùe _VûA _ûeòùa ö Manager, Nijukti Khabar,

TS-3/193, Mancheswar I.E., Bhubaneswar - 10

RNI No. 52621/93

17g ahð

iõLýû- 25


28 ^ùb´e -4 Wòùi´e 2009

aòbò^Ü WòÁâòKÖ RRþ Kû~ðýûkdùe ^ò~êqò


ISSUE - 25


MõRûc, MR_Zò, aâj_ à e ê , _êeú, aûeò_\û, aûùfgße Gaõ Rd_êe WòÁK ò Ö RRþ Kû~ðýûkdùe ^òcf Ü L ò Z ò _\aúMêWK òÿ ^òcù« _âû[ðúu Vûeê \eLûÉ @ûjßû^ Keû~ûCQò ö Ròfäûe ^ûc Rê^ò@e KäKð-Kcþ-K_òÁ Rê^ò@e UûA_òÁ Rê^ò@e ùÁù^ûMâû`e MõRûc, MR_Zò, aâjà_êe 85 5 3 _êeú 24 3 3 aûeò_\û 12 5 2 aûùfgße 18 6 8 Rd_êe 59 8 --

iõ_ì ‰ ð aò a eYú bò Z e _é  ûùe

ùK¦âúd iõelòZ ù_ûfòiþ ak

AÁ aäKþ-10, ùfbfþ-7, @ûeþ.ùK._êecþ, ^ì@û\òkäú-66 ùcûU gì^ý_\ iõLýû - 285

ùK¦âúd iõelòZ ù_ûfòiþ akùe 49(@YPûg) A^èù_KÖe /RòW,ò 21 (GùKûAg) iaþ A^èù_KÖe/RòW(ò _êeh ê ), 01 (ùMûUòG) ùjWÿþ K^þùÁak/RòWÿò(_êeêh) Gaõ 214 (\êA gj PC\) K^þùÁak /RòWò(_êeêh) I 12(aûe) iòUò(cjòkû) _\aúùe KâúWÿû ùKûUûùe ^ò~êqò _ûAñ bûeZe _êeêh/ cjòkû _âû[ðúcû^uVûeê \eLûÉ @ûjßû^ Keû~ûCQòö _\aúMêWÿòK @iÚûdú @ùU Kò«ê Gjû iÚûdú ùjaûe i¸ûa^û ejòQòö Gjò _\aúe @Zòeòq bûùa, ùK¦â ieKûeú KcðPûeúu _ûAñ _â~êRý cjwû bû, QêUò bâcY eòjûZò, ÊûiÚý AZýû\ò Z[û bWÿû ijòZ ejòaû iêaò]û, ake i\iýu _ûAñ icdû^êaðú @^êcZò ù~ûMý ùei^ Lyð ejòQòö C_ùeûq _eúlû bòòùe ^ò~êqò _ûAñ cù^û^úZ KcðPûeúcû^u ^òcù« ùK¦âúd iòbòfþ ibòðùiiþ(ù_^þi^þ) iõùgû]^ ^òdcûakú-2003 @^ê~ûdú 01/01/2004eê fûMê ùjûA[ôaû “^ìZ^ \ûZaý ù_^þi^þ ù~ûR^û” _â~êRý ùjaö 2. gévkû Gaõ Aùb bòòùe 297(\êA gj iZû^ùa) ùMûUò LûfòiÚû^ ^òcÜ @^ê~ûdú @ùU:_êeêh aMð 15. bfòafþ 12 Kâ. gévkû LûfòiÚû^ 16. ùIßUþ fò`Öòõ 12 1. @û[ùfUòKþ(_êeêh) 33 17. ùeiþfòõ(ùMâùKû ùeûcû^þ) 09 2. aûùÄUþ afþ 07 18. ùeiþfòõ(`òâ ÁûAfþ) 08 3. aWÿò aòfþWÿòõ 05 19. UûGùKûùŠû 10 4. aKèõò 22 20. Chê 13 5. `êUþafþ 15 21. @ûùPðeú 08 6. Ròcþ^ûÁòKþ 12 ùcûU 285 7. jýûŠafþ 12 cjò k û aMð 8. jKò 26 Kâ. gévkû LûfòiÚû^ 9. RêùWÿû(_êeêh) 10 1. @û[ùfUò K è ( cjò k û) 03 10. KaûWÿò/aòRþ KaûWÿò 15 2. Êòcòõ/@ûKßûUòKþ(cjòkû) 04 11. KeûùU 10 3. gê U ò õ ^ýûiÜ û fþ ( cjò k û) 02 12. @ûKßûUòKþ 25 13. ùÆûUðiþ gêUòõ 09 4. ùIßUþ fò`Öòõ(cjòkû) 03 14. IßûUeþ ùÆûUðiþ(ùeûAõ 12 ùcûU 12 KûdûKòõ Gaõ Kûù^ûAõ) 1 0 . iû]ûeY ^ò ù Ÿð g ûakú: K) _âùZýK _âû[ðúuê ^ò~êqò _eúlû icdùe _âùZýK _ûjýû I Aùb _ûAñ ^ò¡ðûeòZ MêYûcôK @ûagýKZûùe Cú‰ð ùjaûKê _Wÿòaö L) iµéq KâúWÿûùe _âû[ðúcû^ue cû^KKê ùicû^u aòMZ 3 ahðe i`kZûMêWÿòKê aòPûeKê ^ò@û~ûA _âÉêZ Keû~ûA[ôaû ùc]û ZûfòKû bòòùe ^ò¡ðûeY Keû~òaö M) ÊúKéZò_âû¯ PkòZ @«RðûZúd KâúWÿû _âZòù~ûMòZûùe ù\g _ûAñ _\K RòZò[ôaû Kò´û 2006, 2007 I 2008 ahðùe iò^òdeþ ^ýûiþ^ûfþ/ RûZúd ùMcèùe ʉð _\K/ ùeø_ý _\K jûif Keò[a ô û _âû[ðúcû^uê @Mâû]ôKûe \ò@û~òaö N) KâúWÿûaòZcþ û^ue PìWÿû« cù^û^dc ùicû^u KâúWÿûMZ i`kZû, gòlûMZ ù~ûMýZû Gaõ KâúWÿûaòZþu ^ò~êqò _ûAñ ^ò¡ðûeòZ MêYûcôK @ûagýKZû bòòùe Keû~òaö Gjò ^ò~êqò iµKòðZ icÉ cûcfûùe ^ò~êqò _eòh\e ^ò¿ò PìWÿû« aòùaPòZ ùja Gaõ ^ò~êqò _ûAñ ^ûKP Keû~ûA[ôaû \eLûÉMêWÿòK fûMò ùKøYiò _Zâûkû_ Keû~òa ^ûjóö iõ_ì‰ð aòaeYú bòZe

Re. 5.00

Tel: 2587532,2582533 Fax : 2582535 e - m a i l : n i j u k t i k h a b a r @gmail. c o m

ùK¦âúd eòRbð ù_ûfòi aûjò^úùe Lûfò _Wÿò[ôaû K^þùÁak / RòWò (cjòkû) _\aú _ìeY ^òcù« ^òcÜfòLòZ eûRý / ùK¦âûkùe iû]ûeY bûùa aiaûi Keê[ôaû bûeZúd cjòkû ^ûMeòKcû^uVûeê \eLûÉ @ûjßû^ Keû~ûCQò ö 1. ùaZ^ jûe : U.5200-20200 (ù_ aýûŠ-1) ijòZ U.2000/- e ùMâWþ ùaZ^ ö 2. @^ýû^ý bû : ^òdcû^ê~ûdú icdû^êiûùe ùK¦â ieKûeú KcðPûeúu _ûAñ _â~êRý bû ö 4. PûKòeò iÚû^ : bûeZ bòZùe Kò´û aûjûùe ù~ùKøYiò iÚû^ùe ö Pd^ _âKâòdû : @ûùa\^_Zâ VòKþ [ôaû icÉ ù~ûMý _âû[ðúuê ^ò~êqò _âKâòdûùe bûMù^aû_ûAñ _âùag _Zâ / Kfþ ùfUe Aiêý Keû~òa ö Gjò ù~ûMý _âû[ðúcû^u ZûfòKû iò@ûeþ_òG`þ ùIßaþiûAU Gaõ @ûùa\^_Zâ MâjY ùK¦âùe ù\LòaûKê còkò_ûeòa ö _âû[ðúcû^uê ^òcÜfòLòZ ^ò~êqò _âKâòdû ù\A ~òaûKê _Wÿòa ö (iõ_ì‰ð aòaeYú bòZe _éÂûùe)

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited (A Joint venture of Govt. of India and Govt. of Delhi)

ADVT NO: DMRC / OM / HR /IV / 2009 Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC), a Joint Venture Company with equity participation from Govt. of India and Govt. of National Capital Territory of Delhi has been entrusted with the responsibility of implementation of the rail based Mass Rapid Transit System for Delhi & NCR. Applications are invited from young, dynamic and motivated persons of Indian nationality for the following category of Non-Executive posts in DMRC: Post Code


Name of Post

Grade (IDA) in Rs.

Station Controller/ Train Operator (SC/TO)


Raþ jûAfûAUþi l ùaø¡ `ùeÁ Wò b ò R ^ l IWÿ ò g û _aä ò K þ ibò ð i þ Kcò g ^ l Nê c ie iûC[þ `ùeÁ Wò b ò R ^ l aûfò M ê W ÿ û `ùeÁ Wò b ò R ^ l _ûIß û e Mâ ú Wþ Kù_ð û ùei^ fò ü . l Wò Á â ò K Ö Iß û UeùiWþ cò g ^, KkûjûŠò

Gaõ @ûjê e ò @ù^K....

# No of vacancies including reserved categories including previous short fall

184 (UR-78, OBC34, SC-23, ST49, ExSM-27*) *On horizontal basis

Eligible Qualification

Three years Engineering Diploma in Mechanical/ Electrical/ Electronics / Electronics & Communication / equivalent Engineering discipline from a Govt. recognized Institute, with minimum 50% marks in the concerned discipline . Details inner page....



Product Training: This includes: Equity Basics Advanced for all new joinies in view with developing their knowledge in equity and also preparing them for NCFM Capital Markets. Mutual Funds basics and advanced, also preparing the employees to prepare for AMFI certification. Derivatives training along with basics concepts strategies. Insurance Training (General as well as product specific) imparted all employees of India Infoline. Content Development. Profile: Candidate with at least 2 yrs in Stock Broking sales / client accquisition / client servicing experience. Exp: 2-5 Location: Kolkata Email: [email protected]

^ò~q ê ò Lae Gùa Aeù^Uþùe www.nijuktikhabar.net

_é Â ûùe MK


iò@ûeþ_òG`þùe K^þùÁak / iû]ûeY WêýUò (cjòkû) ^ò~êqò ^òcù« aòmû_^ ùcûU gì^ý_\ - 980

28 November - 4 December, 2009

ùcûU gì^ý_\ iõLýû - 241


Postal Regd.No-BN/43/09-11

Employment & Education based leading weekly



GZŸßûeû WûKù~ûùM ^ò~êqò Lae cMûC[ôa ô û icÉ MâûjKcû^uê RYûA \ò@û~ûC@Qò ù~ ùicûù^ Lae KûMR iµKð ù e ù~ùKøYiò ù~ûMûù~ûM ùaùk MâûjK ^´e CùfäL Keòaû Reêeú @ùUö - _âiûe _eòPûkK



28 ^ùb´e - 4 Wòiù´e 2009





28 Nov. - 4 Dec., 2009


Applications in plain paper in the format given below are invited for filing up the following posts of Jr.clerks-cum-copysts. post of Typists/Jr.stenographers in judgeship of Sundargarh...... in scale of pay Rs. 5.200/-, Rs. 20,200/- Grade pay Rs.1900/-, Rs.5,200/- to Rs.20,200/-, Grade Pay-Rs.1900/- and Rs.5,200/- to Rs.20,200/-, Grade pay Rs.2400/- per month respectively with usual DA and other allowances as admissible by government from time to time. Sl

1. 2. 3.




































Jr. Steno


Women Total










































(The no. of above vacancies in different categories of post may increase or decrease) Application of candidates received earlier in pursuant to this office Notice No. dated 7.9./2005 will not be taken into consideration and such candidates may apply afresh, if they fulfill the condition laid down in this advertisement and there would be age relaxation of 5 years with 5 years of maximum on upper age limit to such candidates. 2. Eligibility of the Candidates: a) have passed at least +2 examination conducted by the Council constituted under section 3 of the Orissa Higher Secondary Education Act, 1 982 or equivalent examination of a recognized Council/ Board or University as the case may be. b) Have at least passed Diploma in Computer Application from a recognized Institute. c) be over 1 8 years and below 32 years of age on the last date fixed for receipt of application by the District Recruitment Committee. Provided that the upper age limit in respect of reserved categories of candidates shall be relaxed in accordance with the provisions of the relevant Act, Rules, Orders or Instructions, for the time being in force, for the respective reserved categories. d) be able to speak, read and write Oriya and have passed a test in Oriya equivalent to the M.E. standard. e) be of good character. f) be of sound health, good physique and free from organic defects or bodily infirmity. g) have not more than one spouse living if married; and h) For the post of Typists the candidate shall posses a minimum speed of 40 words in type writing per minute. i) For the post of Stenographers the candidates shall possess a minimum speed of 80 words in Shorthand and 40 words in type writing per minute. 3. Fee for examination. The candidates are required to deposit fees Rs.100/- in shape of the Treasury challan under the Head 0070-Other Administrative Services-01 , Administration of Justice501 -Services & Service Fees-9904650- Law Deptt.-9916730-Examination Fees ‘or recruitment conducted by Orissa District and Subordinate Courts alongwith their applications form. The S.C. and ST. candidates are exempted from payment of examination fees. The candidates are required to submit their application being duly filled in and signed by their own hands furnishing the required particulars as per the format given below. The candidates who are in Govt. employment are required to apply through proper channel. NOTE: Non compliance of any of the requirements mentioned in the notice shall entail rejection of his/ her application. The application, if found defective/incomplete in any respect shall be summarily rejected. 4. a) Scheme of Examination. There shall be an examination on the following subjects for the posts of Jr Clerks, Typist and Copyist only. Part-l



Subject English


General Knowledge

Computer Science Viva voce


Duration of Tests


1 Hour


100 50


2 Hours 1 Hour

1 Hour

1 Hour

The written test for the posts of Jr. Clerk-cum- Copist and Typist will be held on 21.2.2010. b) For the posts of Typist there will be a separate test in type written and such typewriting test will be held after publication of result of written test and the qualifying candidates are required to bring their own type-writer machine. c ) For Stenographer there will be a test in Shorthand and type writing and such test will be held on 7.3.2010. LAST DATE OF RECEIPT OF APPLICATION: Applications alongwith required documents and self-attested copies of certificates must reach by 15/12/2009 and application received in the office after the last date shall be summarily rejected. 5. In case of receipt of large no. of applications for the post of Jr.Clerk-cum-Copyist the authority reserves right to short list the candidates in accordance with the Rules contained in Orissa District and Subordinate Courts non-judicial staff services (Method of recruitment and condition of service) Rules 2008. 6. List of documents to be submitted by the candidates. i) Attested copies of D.C.A/H.S.C./+2 Certificates and onwards, with mark sheets. ii) A challan showing deposit of Rs.100/- under the Head "0070-Other Administration Services-01"Administrative of Justice-501 -Services and Service Fees-990 4650-Law Deptt-9916730Examination Fees for recruitment conducted by Orissa District and Subordinate Courts alongwith their application form. iii) Attested copy of Caste Certificate, if belongs to S.C./S.T./S.E.B.C. iv) Attested copy of handicapped, in case of handicapped person. v) Two attested passport size photographs of the applicant. vi) One self address envelop with postage stamp worth Rs.5/ - affixed thereon. vii) Candidate's Land/Mobile Telephone No. The candidates are required to mention the category of the post in bold letters on the top of their respective applications and top of the envelops containing their applications. District Judge,Sundargarh


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


Name in full (in Block Letters) :Father's/Husband's Name :Permanent Address (in Block Letters) With Pin Code Number: Present Address for Correspondence (in Block Letters) with Pin Code Number. Date of Birth in Christian Era (in figures and words) Category you belong to (Gen./ST/SC) Amount of Treasury Challan. Treasury Challan No. and Name of Treasury. Educational Qualification (from Matriculation onwards Including computer knowledge)





2. 3. 10.


Institute/Board University

Percentage of Marks obtained

Remarks Recognised

+2 / 12th

List of enclosures. i) ii) iii) 11. Whether applied earlier pursuant to Court's Notice No.______ dated. 07.09.05 DECLARATION I hereby declare that information furnished above are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I am fully aware that in the event of any information being found false or incorrect at any stage, my candidature/appointment is liable to be cancelled/terminated without any notice. Place: Signature of the Candidate Date: Name


28 ^ùb´e - 4 Wòiù´e 2009

`ûdûe Gaõ ùi`þUò A¬ò^òdeòõùe ùUâ^òõ ù^A

`ûdûecýû^ bûùa ù~ûM \ò@«ê

\ecû jûe: U 6500+ @^ýû^ý iêaò]û

iað^cò Ü gòlûMZ ù~ûMýZû:- cûUâKò þ _ûi, Kò´û Zêfý gûeúeòK ù~ûMýZû:- CyZû- @^ì ý^ 5’5’’

Job Guarantee 100%

iaòùgh aòaeYú _ûAñ ^òcÜfòLôZ VòKYûùe ù~ûMûù~ûM Ke«ê ö Jagannath Institute of Fire & Safety Engineering


Plot No D-106, Sector-9, Bank Colony, CDA, Cuttack, Phone No:- 0671-3248474, 9338877707 Near New SBI Kalinga Road, Aska, Ganjam, Ph. 9338878259,9090337243

QûZâQûZââú @ûagýK

(Approved by the Govt. of Orissa) ùK¦â I eûRý ieKûeu ÁûUòÁòKûfþ, NALCO, PWD, Zjiòfþ I AeòùMi^ aòbûMcû^uùe ajê iõLýK @cò^, Revenue Inspector, iùbð d e, ùUâ i e, Wâ û `Ö i cýû^þ , Work Sarkar @ûagýK ùjC[ôaûeê 8ceê B.A. ù~ûMýZû [ôaû _âû[ðúuê 45 \ò^ c¤ùe ùUâ^òõ \ò@û~òa ö SC/STuê iêaò]û \ò@û~òa ö ùUâ^òõ _ùe PûKòeò Keòùa ö AzêK QûZâQûZâúcûù^ 20 \ò^ c¤ùe Principal, Regional Institute Plot No. 298, Near Side of overbridge, Baramunda, Bhubaneswar-751003 uê U.50/-uû c^ò@Wÿðe Ke«ê ö

WûKù~ûùM c¤ ùUâ ^ ò õ ù^A_ûeò ù a



Job Oesc: Managing Key Accounts/Named Accounts/Large Accounts identify the opportunities for the new products/ services enhance the existing infrastructure for additional revenues Good experience in selling Connectivity or Network services, Hosting services, Managed (Enterprise IP) Voice, Security solutions, Managed infrastructure services, System Integration services. Connectivity (VPN, Internet Leased Line, MPLS, IPLC)/ Security (Firewall, Checkpoint, Forte net, Jupiter)/ Data Center/Voice( VOIR Contact Center), Managed Infrastructure (Thin clients, Software Application) or System Integration Tools Preferably healthy experience in Handling Media Vertical - Drive Maximizing Revenue per customer and Collection targets from the set of Large Accounts Defend the revenue with the existing accounts and ensure higher share of revenue by pitching in enhanced products services Result oriented, number oriented with high levels of perseverance Work with the internal and external teams to address all potential business opportunities and convert them into business for the company Build maintain relationship with Corporate customers Good Negotiation/ People Management Skills Exp: 3-6 Location: Delhi/NCR Email: [email protected]



Marketing Executive, Receptionist, Accountant, Data Entry Operator, Electrical (I.T.I./ Diploma) and office Assistant. Qualification/Age No BAR. aòmû_^ _âKûg^e 12 \ò^ c¤ùe iûlûZ Ke«ê ö


Plot: 147/A. Budheswari post office lane, Bhubaneswar. Mob: 9090577101


GK ^ìZ^ bûùa MXÿò CVê[ôaû ùÊzûùiaú @^êÂû^ (NGO) UòKê iVòKþ cûMð\gð^ I iê_eòPûk^û Keòaû _ûAñ RùY gòlòZ I @bòmZû [ôaû _êeêh Kò´û cjòkû _eòPûkK ùÊzûùiaú bûaùe @ûagýK ö ^òR @kùe ejò @Ì icd @^êÂû^ùe ijù~ûM Keò,Meòa, ^òeûgâd, @aùjkòZcû^u _ûAñ Kû~ðý Keòùa ö baòhýZùe ^òRe I Meòa, ^òeûgâd I @^êÂû^e C^ÜZòKê @ûLò @ûMùe eLò Kû~ðý Keòùa ö 15 \ò^ bòZùe ^òcÜfòLòZ VòKYûùe ù~ûMûù~ûM I @ûùa\^ Keò_ûeòùa ö C}k iûcûRòK iùPZ^Zû _eòh\, Mâûc- ^dû_ûUYû, ù_ûÁ- aûew, Ròfäû- KUK, \ìebûh- 9777795824


All posts except Sl.No. 7 are invited for Cuttack, Bhubaneswar and Sl.No. 7 posts are Bhubaneswar, Dhenkanal & Jajpur. Entry Fee Rs.280/1. 2.


Front Off. Manager (Male)

Data Entry Operator (M/F)


Marketing Exe. (M)


Marketing Manager (M)


Hardware Eng. (M)


Faculty (F)


Accountant (M/F)


Programmer (M/F)


Project Manager (Male)


Office Assistant M.D. P.A. (F)


Civil Engineer (M)


Peon (M)



+ 3 Speed Min. 20


Hotel Management Exp. 1 Year

M.B.A 2 Yrs. in Mrketing.


+3 PGDCA, Foxpro C, C++, Java Programming.



Degree / Diploma 1Yr.Exp. in Road & Building.

8000/- 10000/-




Staff Nurse




Interested candidate walk - in - Interview on 3,4 & 5th December 2009 at the following address.

S.M. INFORMATION SERVICE Roxy Lane, (Near Tarini Tailor), Badambadi, Cuttack - 753009 Phone : 0671-3250381

A walk in interview will be conducted on Dtd. 04.12,09 for the following posts under National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) on contractual basis in the office chamber of the undersigned. The candidates have to register there Names in the office of the undersigned between 09.30A.M. to 11 A.M. on exact Date after which candidates will not entertained to appear in the interview. Qualification

The candidate must have passed the HSC examination and must have undergone the 1-1/2 year training for a multipurpose Health Worker (Female) at the approved Government Training Centers/ recognized private institution.

The candidate must have passed in General Nursing & Midwifery from any 3 Govt. Nursing Schools of the 3 Medical Colleges/ School of Nursing MCLTalcher/ IGH Rourkela & must have registered in the Orissa Nursing Council

interested candidates are requested to log on to the website www.nabarangpur.nic.in (for downloading the application form). On the date of interview candidates are requested to bring there all original educational certificates, experience certificate, nativity certificate, certificate in support of Date of Birth etc. along with completely filled up application form and a one set of attested photocopy of all certificates with two recent passport size colour photographs. No TA/DA is permissible for the same. Sd/- Chief District Medical Officer, Nabarangpur

CAREER PROMOTER, Opposite Hotel Basanti (Top Floor)

WâûAbòõ ùUâ^òõ,

Mahatab Road, Cuttack, Contact - 9238100193


Regd by Govt. of Orissa ùK¦âúd ^ìZ^ ^òdc @^êiûùe Cq ieKûeú ÊúKéZò_âû¯ ùUâ^òõ @^êÂû^ùe IWÿògûe _âùZýK Ròfäûe _âû[ðúuê Rò_þ, Kûe, ùcKû^òRòcþ I Uâû`òKþ ^òdc aòhdùe ùUâ^òõ \ò@û~ûC@Qò ö ùUâ^òõ _ùe _âcûY_Zâ ij fûAùi^è \ò@û~òa ö QûZâûaûie iêaò]û @Qò ö AzêK _âû[ðú Principal, Regional Institute, Near Side Over Bridge, Plot No.298, Baramunda, Bhubaneswar-3 uê iûlûZ Ke«ê ö Mobile- 9238909941, 9238804415


137/B, Ashok Nagar, Near Khadi Niketan, Bhubaneswar-9

+3 MCA, PGDCA Typing speed 20

H.S.C. (C.T.C.)


gòlûMZ ù~ûMýZû : 10th to Graduation, Age below 30 Years cûiòK \ecû, Rs.3700/- ij @^ýû^ý iêaò]û ö A GRAND OPENING COMPANY Zû’e Lûfò[ôaû Official & Non Official _\aúùe Final Interview _ùe iò ] ûikL ^ò ~ ê q ò ù\CQò ö @ûi«û 7 \ò ^ c¤ùe iûlûZ Ke«ê ö



MCA, MBA Exp. in Programming Knowledge.


GMI Company requires 20 Matric, passed for Cuttack Branch. Selected candidates have future of Marketing Manager. Starting with Rs.6000/- P.M. + Accommodation Free. Walk-in-Interview Monday to thursday between 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. at GREAT MERCHANDISING INDIA, Qr. No. R/8, Raja Bagicha Labour Colony (Near Hotel Monalisha), Badambadi, Cuttack - 753009


+3 Com. Tally Min. 1 Yr.

B.E. B.Tech or MCA


28 Nov. - 4 Dec., 2009

RY Male I 21 RY Femaleuê Zû’e (bêaù^gße, KUK, aûùfgße, aûeò_\û, aâjà_êe, Rd_êe, _êeú, ZûkùPe, i´f_êe,afûwúe I eûCeùKfû) ijeùe newly opened branch _ûAñ ^ò~êqò KeêQò ö Qualification: 10th /+2 / +3 or above. Age- Below 30 years. Accommodation Free for all. @ûi«û 7 \ò^ c¤ùe ^òRe icÉ _âcûY_Zâ ijòZ iûlûZ Ke«ê ö (Interview

Diploma in Hardware 4000/-


3500/- (Boading with Fooding)

+3 Two wheeler must 5000/- - 10000/Exp. 1 Year (T.A. D.A.)


SI. No. Name of the Post



Job Desc: Day To day maintenance of books of accounts, sales Tax, Excise Duty and Income Tax Profile: having experience with accounts, sales tax, Income Tax Exp:3-8 Location: Kolkata Email: [email protected]

World’s No.1 Publishing Industry 23

start on 10 A.M.)


iò K ê ý eò U ò Áû`þ @ûagýK

IWÿògûe iê_âZòÂòZ ISO-9001-2000 Certified Kµû^ú _ûAñ ^òcÜfòLòZ _âû[ðú @ûagýK Keê@Qò ö Kâ . iõ. _\aú iõLýû iað^òcÜ adiiúcû CyZû cûiòK \ecû 1. iòKêýeòUò 12 MâûRêGUþ Kò´û 25 eê40 5’7’ C¡ß ð 5000 eê iê_ebûARe @aie_â û ¯ 6000/ùi÷^òK 2. iòKêýeòUòMûWÿð 150 cûUâòKþ _ûi 25 eê 40 5 ’ 7 ’ 4000 eê Civil & ExE.S.M. ùKak iòbf ò 5000/Serviceman 40eê 55 ESM _ûAñ 3. a§êK]ûeú 40 @Še cûUòâK 25 eê 5”6’ 6000 eê eê D¡ßð 50 ahð eê D¡ßð 7000/@ûMâjú _âû[ðú ^òRe IeòRò^ûf gòlûMZ _âcûY_Zâ ij ^òcÜ VòKYûùe iûlûZKûeùe ù~ûM ù\A_ûeòùa ö aòùaPòZ _âû[ðú ùWâiþ Gaõ ùeRòùÁâi^ ^òcù« U.900/- iû[ôùe @ûYò[ôaû @^òaû~ðý ö iûlûZKûe icd 10.30 A.M. eê 2.00 P.M. Interview date- 16th, 23rd & 30th Nov. 09 to 7th,14th Dec.09

-: ù~ûMûù~ûM _ûAñ VòKYû:-

INDUSTRIAL SECURITY & ALLIED SERVICES F-3/F-5, Indradhanu Market, IRC Village, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar-15Tel.No.9437003386, 9937555171, 9668023533, 9937096507, 0674-2553878


28 ^ùb´e - 4 Wòiù´e 2009



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28 Nov. - 4 Dec., 2009


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28 ^ùb´e - 4 Wòiù´e 2009


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CeûLŠ IWÿògû _½ò c aw Rû¹ê @k

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28 Nov. - 4 Dec., 2009





Job Desc: Required a Sr.Mgr. (Liaison/Administration/HR) for a fast growing Iron & Steel manufacturing unit in Barbil (Orissa) and Kolkata (Corporate Office) with an annual turnover of more than 20QO crores. Profile: UG - Graduate PG MBA (Pref. with LLB) The candidate should be Sr.Mgr. (Liaison/Administration/HR). He should have through knowledge in liaison work with various Government Department (particularly Mines/ Pollution/Land) in Orissa. Exp: 1012 Location: Kolkata, Barbil Email: [email protected] vvv


Job Desc: * To hire people as per company needs. * To maintain Work atmosphere.*To handle all administrative work in the office. *Must able to handle Corporate Communication Letter.Proposal & Contacting Drafting for company.Profile: * Good HR Knowledge (Generalist). * Good Written & Oral Communication. * Good presentation Skills. * Good Leadership Skills. * Must be MBA in HR. Exp: 2-5 Location: Delhi Email: [email protected] vvv


Profile: Should have good exposure in Sharepoint (MOSS 2007). Should be interested for onsite. Should be able to join asap.Exp: 47 Location: Delhi/NCR, Gurgaon, Bengaluru/Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad / Secunderabad Email: [email protected],[email protected] vvv


Job Desc: Analyzing and developing solutions / coding as per Development guidelines. Develop Documentation according to developmental methodology/guidelines. Adhere to best practices and coding standards. Ensuring Quality through Unit Testing. Profile: 3 years of experience having strong technical concepts on AJAX, PHP, MySQL Strong technical concepts. Good business communication, Analytical and interpersonal skills. Exp: 3-4 Location: Noida Email: [email protected] vvv


Job Desc: Software coding, System Study, Implementation of ERP Product, Testing, Customization, Integration, Training and Trouble Shooting etc. Conduct in-depth analysis of business processes. Profile: Any graduate with stong skills in VB6, SQL Server, Oracle & Crystal Reports. Hard working with good attitude and ability to deliver within schedules is a must. Ability to troubleshoot existing applications. Exp: 2-5 Location: Kolkata Email: [email protected] vvv


Job Desc: Explore new client base & market company's services in Metals&Mineralsand Coal division.Operations coordination with clients & branch offices maintain and interact with individual client/ client account. Be a key team member. Report to Sr. Manager. Profile: B.Sc. with Chemistry, or M.Sc. with Chemistry. Candidate will have to tour extensively through all the worksta-tionsand different client bases across India. Exp: 5-10 Location: Kolkata Email: [email protected] vvv


Job Desc: The candidate must have proficient knowledge in the following areas: The candidate is responsible for providing furniture sales and interior related products like fabrics, accessories coordination with interior designer, Architects customers related to outlet. Profile: The candidate must be proficient in Sales techniques, have previous experience in furniture sales is preferred , good administration and documentation skills, positive attitude, excellent communication skills both written and verbal, high attention to detail, good organisational skills and computer literate, well presentable. Exp: 0-5 Location: Mumbai, Mumbai Suburbs Email: [email protected]


28 ^ùb´e - 4 Wòiù´e 2009

iò@ûeþ_òG`þùe K^þùÁak...5c

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_éÂûe @agòÁûõg

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(The application form should be filled in neatly and legibly in capital letters. It should be completed in all respect, incomplete application will not be entertained) paste here your ROLL NO. / Caste

SPACE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY :............................

Name of Application Receiving Centre .................

recent pp sixe photograhp(approx 3.5x4.5cms)duly at duly attested

Advertisement No................. Year...................... 1. Name in BLOCK LETTERS (As recorded in Matriculation certificate 2. Father’s Name (As recorded in Matriculation Certificate) 3. Date of Birth D

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.








Nationality (whether by birth or domicile) ......................................... Community / Region ): Hindu / Muslim/Sikh/Chrisian/Buddhist/Jain/ Other Category : General / SC / ST / OBC Educational Qualification : ............................................................ Physical Standard Height in Cms Weight in Kgs.

9. Permanent Address

10. Present postal address 11.

Particulars of the present employment, if any with name of post/name of Department etc.................... 12. State of Domicile:........................................................................... 13. Medium option fro examination : English / Hindi (Tick any one) 14. Enclosures be submitted in accordance with para - 12 of the advertisement 15. Detals of DD/IPO number, date and name of issuing branch ................................................ 16. Indicate whether ward of CRPF person. If so, Father/Mother's Force No., Rank, Name and Unit/place in whichserving................................. 17. Indicate whether ward of CRPF deceased person and applying under the scheme of compassionate appointment or otherwise, if so furnish details and required service documents of deceased.......................;... DECLARATION I hereby declare that all statements made in this application are true and complete to the best-of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any information being found false or incorrect or ineligible being detected before or after the test and interview, my candidature will stand cancelled and all my claims of the recruitment will stand forrfeited. Place................ Signature of the applicant Date: ...................(Application not signed by the candidate will be rejected) Note : Candidates already in Govt. servant must submit their application through proper channel alongwith NOC as prescribed below duly signed by their employer.



i) Certified that Smt./Kumari....................D/O................. holds a permanent / temporary post of .......................Under Central / State Govt. ii) Certified also what Smt. Kumari ........................................................ has submitted his application to this department/office on ...................... and will be released in case of his selection for the post Ct/GD in CRPF. Place:............. Date:.............. Signature of Head of Office/Department with office seal FROM OF CERTIFICATE TO BE PRODUCED BY A CANDIDATE BELONGING TO SCHEDULED CASTE OR SCHEDULED TRIBE This is to certify that Shri/SmtVKumar............................................. son/daughter* of Shri................... village / town*...................................in District/Division*..........................of State/Union Territory*........................... belongs to the ............................... Caste/Tribe* which is recognized as Scheduled Caste/Schedules Tribe*under : The Constitution (Scheduled Caste) Order, 1950. * The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950. * The Construction (Scheduled Caste) (Union Territories) Order,1951. * The Constitution (Scheduled Tribe) (Union Territories) Order, 1951. (As amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes List (Modification Order) 1956, the Bombay, Reorganization Act, 1960, the Punjab Reorganization Act, 1966, The State of Himachal Pradesh Act, 1970, the North Eastern Areas (Reorganization Act, 1971) and the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976) * The Constitution (Jamu & Kashmir) Scheduled Caste Order, 1956. * The Constitution (Andaman and Nicobar lslands( Scheduled Tribes Order, 1959, as amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Order (Amendment), Act, 1976. * The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Castes Order, 1962. * The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1962 * The Constitution (Pondichery), Scheduled Castes Order, 1964. * The Constitution (Utter Pradesh) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1967. * The Constitution (Goa, Daman & Diu) Schedule Castes Order, 1968. * The Constitution (Goa, Daman & Diu) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1968. * The Constitution (Nagaland) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1970. * The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Caste Order, 1978. * The Constitution (Sikkirn_ Scheduled Tribes Order, 1978, , * The Consitition (Jammu & Kashmir) Scheduled Tribes Order 1989. * The Constitution (Scheduled Caste) Order (Amendment) Act 1990. * The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Orders (Amendment) Act, 1991 * The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Orders (Second Amendment) Act, 1991. 2. ** This certificate is issued on the basis of the Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes Certificate issued to Shri/Smt./Kumari ...................................son/daughter* of Shri..................................... of village/town* ................................. in District/ Division*...................... of State/Union Territory* ............................................in District/Division*........................ of State/Union Territory* ...................................in District/ Division*......................... of State / Union Territory*............................ in District/Division* ................ of State/ Union Territory* ....................belongs to the ..................... Caste/Tribe* which is recognized as Scheduled Caste / Schedules Tribe* in the State / Union Territory* issued by the ............................dated.................... 3. Shri/Smt'/Kumari....................................and/or* family ordinarily reside (s) in village/town* .................................... and/or* family ordinarily reside (s) in village/town*.............................. in District/ Division* ..........................of State/Union Territory* of.............................. Place :.......................... Date:........................... Signature............................... Designation........................... (With seal of Office) Note : The terms "Ordinarily resides" used here will have the same meaning as in Section-20 of the Representation of the Peoples Act,1950. *Please delete the words which are not applicable. ** Applicabel in case of SCs, STs persons who have migrated from one State/UT. AUTHORITIES EMPOWERED TO ISSUE CASTE /TRIBE CERTIFICATE 1. District Matistrate / Additional District Magistrate / Collector / Deputy Commissioner / Additional Deputy Commissioner / Dy. Collector /1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate / Sub Divisional Magistrate / Taluka Magistrate / Executive Magistrate / Extra Assistnat Commissioner. 2. Chief Presidency Magistrate / Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate / Presidency Magistrate. 3. Revenue Officers not below the rank of Tehsildar. 4. Sub Divisional Offices of the area where the candidate and / or his family resides.

See page.....11


28 ^ùb´e - 4 Wòiù´e 2009

bûeZ ieKûe(ÊeûÁâ aýû_ûe cªYûkd)


cjû^òùŸðgûkd (_âgòlY gûLû) ùK¦âúd iõelòZ ù_ûfòiþ ak AÁ aäKþ-10, ùfbfþ-7, @ûeþ.ùK._êecþ, ^ì@û\òkäú-66 ZûeòL: 11 ^ùb´e 2009 ^ò ~ ê q ò

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ùjWÿþ K^þùÁak/RòWò


K^þùÁak/RòWò (_êeh ê /cjòkû)


28 Nov. - 4 Dec., 2009


RûZúd còUþ/Uê‰ðûùcùe eûRýe _âZò^ò]ôZß Keò[ôaû Z[û ^ò~êqò ^òcù« aòPûe Keû~òaû icdùe @Lòk bûeZúd ù_ûfòiþ ùMcèe cû^Kê _ìeY Keòaûe lcZû eLò[ôaû KâúWÿûaòZþ Kò´û @û«ü aògßaò\ýûkdùe ùKøYiò aýqòMZ Aùbùe _â[c Kò´û \ßòZúd iÚû^ jûif Keò[ôaû KâúWÿûaòZþö \k ùlZâùe ùicû^u \k Gbkò Aùb `ûA^ûfèùe _jò[ôaû @ûagýK Kò´û G_eò KâúWÿûaòZþ ~òG Rê^òde RûZúd Éeúd còUþùe ùKøYiò aýqòMZ Aùbùe ʉð Kò´û ùeø_ý _\K RòZò[ôùa Gaõ Zûu _â\gð^ iò@ûe_òG`þ ùeKWÿðeê Kcþ ùjûA ^[ôaö \kMZ Aùb ùlZâùe \k Gbkò Aùbùe `ûA^ûfèùe _jò[ôaû @ûagýKö aýqò M Z Aùb ùc]ûaú KâúWÿûaòZþ ~òG RûZúd ùMcè/ Pûµòd^þgò_þ Kò´û Rê^òdeþ RûZúd ùMcè/ Pûµòd^þgò_þùe aýqòMZ Aùbùe _\K RòZò[ôùa Gaõ ~\ò Zûue _â\gð^ iò@ûeþ_òG`þ ùeKWÿðeê Kcþ ùjûA ^[ôaö \kMZ Aùb \kMZ Aùb ùlZâùe ùicû^u \k RûZúd ùMcè/ Pûµòd^þgò_þùe ^ò½òZ bûùa ùaâû¬ _\K RòZò[ôaû @ûagýKö ùc]ûaú KâúWÿûaòZþ ~òG RûZúd KâúWÿû ùMcèùe eûRý/ aò\ýûkde _âZò^ò]ôZß Keò[ôùa Kò´û Rê^òdeþ RûZúd Éeùe _âZòù~ûMòZûùe ùKøYiò eûRýe _âZò^ò]ôZß Keò[ôùa GK @ûgûR^K i\iý bûùa iò@ûeþ_òG`þ ùK¦âúd \ke _âZò^ò]ôZß Keò_ûeê[ôaû KâúWÿûaòZþ Kò´û aýqò M Z Kò ´ û \kMZ Aùb ùlZâ ù e ùiKÖ e \ke cû^K _~ðý« CVòaûe lcZû eLê[ôaû KâúWÿûaòZþ @[aû 6`êUþ 3 Aeê Kcþ ùjûA ^[ôaû @iû]ûeY CyZû aògòÁ KâúWÿûaòZþ Gaõ ~òG aûùÄUafþ I bfòafþ ùLkòaû ^òcù« GK Cc KâúWÿûaòZþ ùjûA_ûeòùa Gaõ G_eò aýqò ~ûjûuê @û[þùfUòKèùe ù[âûAõ AùbMêWÿòK _ûAñ ù~ûMý aòùaPòZ Keû~ûAQòö

4. adi iúcû: A^èù_KÖe I iaþ A^èù_KÖe(RòWò) : Zû 01/12/2009 eòL iê¡û 20eê 25 ahð c¤ùe ùjWÿþ K^ùÁak I K^þùÁak(RòWò) : Zû 01/12/2009 eòL iê¡û 18eê 23ahð c¤ùe (iùaðûy adi iúcûùe ùKûjk Giþiò /GiþUòu _ûAñ 5 ahð Gaõ Iaòiòu _ûAñ 3 ahð fûMê ùja) \âÁaý: C_~êq Kðé_l cûcfûeê cûcfû ùlZâùe @iû]ûeY Z[û ùc]ûaú KâúWÿûaòZþcû^u _ûAñ Cbd iùaðûy I iað^òcÜ adi iúcûùe ùKûjk Keò_ûeòùaö 5. gòlûMZ ù~ûMýZû A^èù_KÖe I iaþ Aù^èù_KÖe(RòWò) : ÊúKéZò_âû¯ aògßaò\ýûkdeê iað^òcÜ MâûRêGi^þ ùjWÿþ K^ùÁak(RòWÿò) : ÊúKéZò_âû¯ _eòh\eê iað^òcÜ 10+2 Kò´û Zêfýö K^ùÁak(RòWÿò) : ÊúKéZò_âû¯ _eòh\eê iað^òcÜ cûUòâKêùfi^ Kò´û Zêfýö 6. _âû[ðú ^òcÜfòLòZ @ûagýKZû ^ò½òZ bûùa _ìeY Keê[ôùa:K) A^èù_KÖe/iaþ A^èù_KÖe(RòWÿò) (_êeêh) eûRý/ùK¦âgûiòZ @k CyZû QûZò IR^ iû]ûeY _âû[ðú 170ùicò @Y_âiûeòZ 80ùicò _âiûeòZ 85 ùicò MXIßûfò, KêcûI^ò, ùMûLðû, ùWûMâû 165 @Y_âiûeòZ 78ùicò CyZûe ceûVû aMðe _âû[ðú Gaõ iòKòcþ, _âiûeòZ 83ùicò icû^ê_ûZòK ^ûMûfûŠ, @eêYûPk _âù\g, cYò_êe, Zòâ_êeû, còùRûeûc, ùcNûkd, @ûiûc, jòcûPk _âù\g, Kûgàúe eûRý Z[û Rû¹ê I Kûgàúee ùfj I fû\ûL @ke _âû[ðúö @^êiìPòZ R^RûZòe icÉ _âû[ðú 162.5 @Y_âiûeòZ 76 ùicò _âiûeòZ 81 ùicò L) ùjWÿ þ K^þ ù Áak (_ê e ê h ) I K^þ ù Áak(RWò ) (_ê e ê h ) eûRý /ùK¦âgûiòZ @k CyZû QûZò IR^ (ùKak _êeêhu _ûAñ) iû]ûeY _âû[ðú 170 @Y_âiûeòZ 80 ùicò _âiûeòZ 85 ùicò MXIßûfò, KêcûI^ò, ùMûLðû, ùWûMâû 165 @Y_âiûeòZ 78ùicò CyZûe ceûVû aMðe _âû[ðú Gaõ iòKòcþ, _âiûeòZ 83ùicò icû^ê_ûZòK ^ûMûfûŠ, @eêYûPk _âù\g, cYò_êe, Zòâ_êeû, còùRûeûc, ùcNûkd, @ûiûc, jòcûPk _âù\g, Kûgàúe eûRý Z[û Rû¹ê I Kûgàúee ùfj I fû\ûL @ke _âû[ðúö @^êiìPòZ R^RûZòe icÉ _âû[ðú 162.5 @Y_âiûeòZ 76 ùicò _âiûeòZ 81 ùicò \âÁaý- cûcfûeê cûcfû bòòùe C_~êq Kðé_l @iû]ûeY Z[û ùc]ûaú KâúWÿûaòZþuê CyZû, IR^ I QûZòùe ùKùZK eòjûZò _â\û^ Keò_ûe«òö 7. ÊûiÚýMZ cû^: (K) \éÁg ò qò: \ìe \éÁò:(i) aò^û iõùgû]^ @[ðûZþ aò^û Phcûùe Cbd @ûLòe iað^òcÜ \ìe\éÁò 6/6 Gaõ 6/9 ùjC[ôaû @ûagýKö @agò Á ûõg _é  û-8


28 ^ùb´e - 4 Wòiù´e 2009

ùK¦âúd iõelòZ ù_ûfòiþ ak....

7c _éÂûe @agòÁûõg


(ii) _âû[ðú a‰ðû§Zûeê cêq ùjûA[ôaû @ûagýKö (L) _âû[ðúue auû @ûŒê, Lù^Aaû iciýû, PUKû _û\, ÇúZ ]c^ú Kò´û @ûLô ùUeû ùjûA ^[ôaû @ûagýK Gaõ Zûue Cy a‰ð\éÁò ejò[ôaû @ûagýKö ùicû^u cû^iòK I gûeúeòK ÊûiÚý Cc ùjûA[ôaû @ûagýK Z[û ^òR KðaýKê iêPûeê eìù_ ZêfûAaûùe aýZòKâc iéÁò Keê[ôaû ùKøYiò gûeúeòK @KcðYýZûeê _âû[ðú cêq ùjûA[ôaû @ûagýKö 8. aûiò¦û iÚòZò _âû[úð bûeZe ^ûMeòK ùjûA[ôaû @ûagýKö 9. ùiaû iðûakú icÉ _\aú K´ûUûARþWÿ Z[û iµì‰ð @iÚûdú @ùU Kò«ê Gjû Rûeò ejòaûe i¸ûa^û @Qòö cù^û^úZ _âû[ðúcû^uê bûeZ Kò´û aòù\gùe ù~ùKøYiò iÚû^ùe @aiÚû_òZ Keû~ûA_ûùeö ùicûù^ iò@ûeþ`òG`þ @]ô^òdc I ^òdcûakú, iòiòGiþ ^òdcûakú Gaõ bûeZ ieKûe/ aòbûM _leê icdû^êaðú Rûeò Keû~ûC[ôaû @^ýû^ý ^òùŸðgûakú @]ú^ùe @^êgûiòZ ùjùaö 10. iû]ûeY ^òùŸðgûakú K) _âùZýK _âû[ðúuê ^ò~êqò _eúlû icdùe _âùZýK _ûjýû I Aùb _ûAñ ^ò¡ðûeòZ MêYûcôK @ûagýKZûùe Cú‰ð ùjaûKê _Wÿòaö L) iµéq KâúWÿûùe _âû[ðúcû^ue cû^KKê ùicû^u aòMZ 3 ahðe i`kZûMêWòK ÿ ê aòPûeKê ^ò@û~ûA _âÉêZ Keû~ûA[ôaû ùc]û ZûfòKû bòòùe ^ò¡ðûeY Keû~òaö M) ÊúKéZò_âû¯ PkòZ @«RðûZúd KâúWÿû _âZòù~ûMòZûùe ù\g _ûAñ _\K RòZò[ôaû Kò´û 2006, 2007 I 2008 ahðùe iò^òdeþ ^ýûiþ^ûfþ/ RûZúd ùMcèùe ʉð _\K/ ùeø_ý _\K jûif Keò[ôaû _âû[ðúcû^uê @Mâû]ôKûe \ò@û~òaö N) KâúWÿûaòZþcû^ue PìWÿû« cù^û^dc ùicû^u KâúWÿûMZ i`kZû, gòlûMZ ù~ûMýZû Gaõ KâúWÿûaòZþu ^ò~êqò _ûAñ ^ò¡ðûeòZ MêYûcôK @ûagýKZû bòòùe Keû~òaö Gjò ^ò~êqò iµKòðZ icÉ cûcfûùe ^ò~êqò _eòh\e ^ò¿ò PìWÿû« aòùaPòZ ùja Gaõ ^ò~êqò _ûAñ ^ûKP Keû~ûA[ôaû \eLûÉMêWÿòK fûMò ùKøYiò _Zâûkû_ Keû~òa ^ûjóö O) _âû[ðúcûù^ ~ûZâû ^òRÊ \ûdòZß /Lyðùe Keòùaö ^ò~êqò _eúlû _ûAñ ùKøYiò UòG/ WòG @^êcZòù~ûMý ^êùjñö P) ~ûZâû Kò´û _âû[ðúu _eúlû iûk^ icdùe Zûuê ùjûA[ôaû @ûNûZ / \êNðUYû _ûAñ iò@ûeþ_òG`/bûeZ ieKûe \ûdú ejòùa ^ûjóö Q) ieKûeú/@¡ðieKûeú aòbûMùe Kû~ðýeZ aýqòcûù^ ^òR ^òRe \eLûÉMêWÿòKê ùicû^u ^òù~ûqûu cû¤cùe @ûù^Kèeþ- “iò” ùe _â\ `cðûUþ @^ê~ûdú “ù^û @aþùRKè^þ iûUòð`òùKUþ” ijòZ _VûA_ûe«òö R) _âû[ðúcûù^ cù^û^d^ _âKòâdû ^òcù« ^òR Lyðùe 2eê 3 \ò^ _ûAñ ejòaû fûMò _âÉêZ ùjûA @ûiòaû @ûagýKö S) @iµì‰ð \eLûÉMêWÿòKê aòPûeKê ^ò@û~òa ^ûjóö 11. Kò_eò @ûùa\^ Keòùa @ûù_ŠòKè “G”ùe _â\ ^ò¡ðûeòZ `cðûUùe \eLûÉKê UûA_þ Keû~ûA Kò´û `êfþùÄ_þ iû\ûKûMRe ùMûUòG _ûgßðe ÆÁ bûùa jûZùe ùfLû~ûA Z[û \eLûÉùe `ùUûMâû`þ fMû~ûA “The DIG/CSO, Directorate

General(Training Branch), CRPF, East Block-10, Level-7,R.K.Puram, New Delhi-110066” u ^òKUKê f`û_ûe C_eòbûMùe “APPLICATION FOR THE RECRUITMENT IN CRPF AGAINST SPORTS QUOTA” CùfäL Keû~ûA Zû 20/12/2009 eòL Kò´û Gjû _ìaðeê ùKak _¬úKéZ WûKùe _VûAaû

@ûagýKö \eLûÉ ijòZ ^òcÜfòLòZ KûMR_Zâ \ûLf Keû~òaû @ûagýKö Ce _ìaðûk eûRýMêWÿòKe \ìeû« @k, Rû¹ê I Kûgàúee fû\ûL WòbòR^, iòKòc, jòcûPk _âù\ge P´û Ròfäûe _ûwú iaþ-WòbòR^, fûjûCfþ I ÇòZò, @ûŠûcû^ I ^òùKûae \ßú__ê¬, fûlû\ßú_e _âû[ðúcû^u _ûAñ ùgh ZûeòL 15 \ò^ aé¡ò Keû~òaö i ) gòlûMZ ù~ûMýZû i_lùe _âcûY_ZâMêWÿòKe @ûùUùÁWÿþ K_òö ii) R^àZûeòL _âcûY(cûUòâKêýùfi^þ/10c Cú‰ð _âcûY_Zâ) iii) ùKak iû]ûeY I Iaòiò _âû[ðúcû^u _ûAñ “Wò@ûARò/ùiâûfþ ùÆûUðiþ @`òieþ, cjû^òùŸðgûkd, iò@ûeþ_òG`þ”u i_lùe ^ì@û\òfäúVûùe ù_÷Vù~ûMý 50Uuûe AŠò@û^ ù_ûÁûfþ @Wÿðeþ(Giþiò/GiþUòu _ûAñ QûWÿ)ö iv) ùK¦â ieKûeú ^ò~êqò _ûAñ fûMê Zjiòf\ûe Kò´û GiþWòI / GiþWòGcþ AZýû\ò _ûjýûe @]ôKûeúu \ßûeû _â\ Giþiò/ GiþUò/ Iaòiò RûZò/aMð _âcûY_Zâe @ùUùÁWÿþ K_òö v) ^ûc I _ò^þ ùKûWÿþ ij _ìeû VòKYû ùfLûA[ôaû Z[û 5Uuû cìfýe WûKUòKU fûMò[ôaû ùMûUòG 23 x10 ùicò @ûKûee ^òRÊ VòKYû aògòÁ f`û_ûö vi) \eLûÉ `cð ijòZ @ûù_ŠòKè- “aò” @^ê~ûdú _âùag _Zâ Aiêý _ûAñ `cð iùcZ ^ûc, _\aú I ùcûje ijòZ ùMùRùUWÿþ @`òieu \ßûeû @ûùUùÁWÿþ ùjûA[ôaû _ûiþù_ûUð @ûKûee `ùUûMâû`þ _Vû~òaû @ûagýKö vii) _âû[ðú @ûùa\^ Keê[ôaû gévkûe KâúWÿû_âcûY_ZâMêWÿòKe @ùUùÁWÿþ K_òö viii) _âû[ðú ieKûeú KcðPûeú ùjûA[ôùf @ûù_ŠòKè- “iò” @^ê~ûdú ieKûeú/ @¡ðieKûeú aòbûM \ßûeû Rûeò “ù^û @aþùRKè^þ iûUòð`òùKUþ” 12. cù^û^d^ _âKòâdû — _âùZýK @ûùa\^Kûeúu ~[û[ð/KâúWÿû \lZûe _âû[còK ~û _ùe ùKak ù~ûMý _âû[ðúcû^uê _eúlû/iûlûZKûeùe ù~ûM ù\aû _ûAñ ùeûfþ ^´e I iû]ûeY ^òùŸðgûakú ijòZ _âù\g _Zâ Aiêý Keû~òaö — ùKak _ûeû(3)eê (8)ùe _â\ MêYûcôK @ûagýKZûMêWòÿKê _ìeY Keê[ôaû ùc]ûaú KâúWÿûaòZþ/cjòkûuê iò@ûeþ_òG`þ \ßûeû cù^û^úZ iÚû^ùe _eúlû _ûAñ WKû~òaö Kò«,ê KâúWÿû i`kZûKê ~û Keû~òaû _ùe ùKak ù~ûMý _âû[ðúcû^uê _eúlûùe ù~ûM ù\aû _ûAñ iVòKþ ZûeòL I iÚû^ iµKðùe RYû~òaö — ùKøYiò UòG/WòG _â\û^ Keû~òa ^ûjóö — @iµì‰ð Gaõ aò^û ZûeòLe \eLûÉMêWÿòKê ^ûKP Keò\ò@û~òa Gaõ G iµKðùe ùKøYiò _Zâ ù~ûMûù~ûMKê _âgâd \ò@û~òa ^ûjóö — WûKR^òZ aòk´ ù~ûMêñ aòk´ùe _âû¯ \eLûÉMêWÿòKê _âgâd \ò@û~òa ^ûjóö — iìP^û _ûAñ _âû[ðúcûù^ \eLûÉ `cð Gaõ @^ýû^ý aòaeYú iò@ûeþ_òG`þe ùIßaþiûAU www.crpf.nic.ineê WûC^þùfûWÿþ Keò_ûeòùaö — icÉ baòhýZe _Zâù~ûMûù~ûM _ûAñ _âû[ðúcûù^ ùeûfþ ^õ. I ^ûc \gðûAaû @ûagýKö — ^ò~êqò icdùe ùMcè/KâúWÿû, RûZò, @û\òaûiú, gòlûMZ ù~ûMýZû Gaõ @^ýû^ý i`kZûe cìk _âcûY_ZâMêWÿòK Gjûe @ûùUÁWÿþ `ùUûK_ò ijòZ ^ò~êqò _eòh\ i¹êLùe _â\gð^ KeòaûKê _Wÿòaö


Appendix- “A”


Name of Discipline of games/event for which candidate applied___ Paste here a Post for Which applied_________________ copy of your 1. Full Name (in Block letters)____________ recent passport size photo2. Father’s Name__________________ graphs, appx. 3. Sex(Male/Female)_________________ 3.5x4.5 cms.duly 4. Whether SC/ST/OBC________________ attested by a GO. 5. Nationality_____________________

6. 7. 8.


28 Nov. - 4 Dec., 2009


Religion_______________________ Date of birth(In Christian Era) Permanent Address______________ ______________________________ 9. Present Postal address 10. Marital Status___________________ 11. Education Qualification:___________ 12. Details of examination passed stating from Matriculation onwards:Name of School/College with Examination Passing Division Percentage of adress passed year obtained Marks obtained 13.

Please give tick mark(ü) the following appropriate achivement/distiction obtain in the above sports/Games & attach certificates:Inspector/GD i) Represented the country in Olympics or recognized international Competitions/ meets ii) Won any medal in Commonwealth Games/Championship, Asian Games/ Cham pionships iii) Won Gold medal National meet/Champioship/Games in individual category Sub Inspector/GD iv) Represented country in recognized international competition /meets v) Won National Championship in any individual event two times vi) Represented a State in a National meet/Tournament. vii) Secured first or second position in indivisual event in Inter University/tournaments. (In case of team event. their team must have reached finals in such event). viii) Won Gold or Silver medal in individual event in Junior National level meet. In case of team event, their team should have played in the finals such event. ix) Represented Sate/School in National Sports/Games Head Constable x) Won medal in individual event in National Games/Championship or Junior National Games/Champ. in case of team event, thier team must have won Bronze medal in National Games/Champ’ Constable xi) Represented a State/School in National sports games & Junior National level meet 14. Physical Standard: Height(in Cms)_______ Chest (in Cms): Unexpanded_________ Expanded_______ Weight (in Kgs) ______________ 15. Particulars of present employment, if any with post, service number/Nate of deptt. etc. whether ‘NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE’ obtained from his/her employer attached_(if not, give reasons)______________________ 16. IPO No. & date of issue_________________ List of enclosures: i) _________________________________ ii) _________________________________ iii) _________________________________ iv) _________________________________ v) __________________________________ DECLARATION

I do hereby declare that all statements made in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belife. In the event of any information being found false or incorrect or ineligibility being datected before of after the test/interview, my candidature will stand cancelled and all my claims for the recruitment forfeited. I also understand that if at any stage I am found by selection Board to have used unfair means in the written examination/test or to have violated any of the Rules/ regulation governing the conduct of selection process, my candidature can be cancelled or be declared to have failed by the selection board at its sole discretion.

Place______ Date_______

Signature of Candidate (Name) Appendix “B” SELECTION FOR THE POST OF INSPECTOR/GD, SUB INSPECTOR/GD, HEAD CONSTABLE/GD,CONSTABLE(GD)(MALE) & CONSTABLE/GD(FEMALE) AGAINST SPORTS QUOTA IN CENTRAL RESERVE POLICE FORCE To be filled in by office Paste here a copy of your recent Roll No._______ passport size Discipline_____ photographs, appx. ADMIT CARD 3.5x4.5 cms.duly Post for which applied for_______________________ attested by a GO. 1. Name of Candidate : _________________________________ 2. Father’s name : _________________________________ 3. Date of Birth : _________________________________ 4. Postal Address : _________________________________ 5. Whether SC/ST/OBC/General : _________________________________ Signature of Candidate FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1. Place of Recruitment/Test/Interview : _________________________________ 2. Date and time of reporting : _________________________________ 3. General information(copy enclosed): _________________________________ 4. Any other remarks : _________________________________ Signature with Designation with office seal of Rectt.Officer Appendix- “C” NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE (Candidate already in Government service must submit their application through proper channel with the following certificate duly signed by their employear agreeing to release them in case finally selected for the post of Sub Inspector /GD(Male) or Constable/GD(Male/ Female) against sports quota in CRPF) 1. Certified that Shri____________ holds a permanent/temporary post under Central/ Sate Govt. 2. Certified also that he has submitted his application to this Department/office on____ 3. Certified also that Shri_________ will be relived in case of his selection for the post of Sub Inspector/GD(Male) or Constable/GD(Male/Female) against Spots quota in CRPF. Place ________ Date _________ Signature of Head of Office/ Competent Authority with Name & Designation with Office Seal


28 ^ùb´e - 4 Wòiù´e 2009



(c) 5.

Dtd. 19th November 2009


Applications in plain paper in the format given below are invited from the intending candidates for filling up of the following posts of Junior Clerk-cum-Copyist, Junior Typist and Junior Stenographer in the Judgeship of Ganjam-Gajapati in the Time Scale of pay of Rs. 5200-20200/- + Grade Pay of Hs. 1900/- , Rs. 5200-20200/- + Grade Pay of Rs. 1900/-, Rs. 5200-20200/- + Grade Pay of Rs. 2400/- per month respectively with usual D.A. and other allowances as admissible from time to time. Sl 1. 2












Women -
























1 -










Junior Typist








Women 5















16 1


Women -





2 1
















1 -




Computer Science



General Knowledge Viva voce


Duration of Tests


1 Hour


100 50


7. i)


10 Total


(The number of above vacancies includes the backlog vacancies to be filled up from amongst the reserved categories coming under Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe community and the categories of posts as’displayed above may increase or decrease) Besides, 25% of the above vacancies which comes to a total number of 21 posts in the rank of Junior Clerk shall be filled up from amongst the Departmental Candidates in Group ‘D’ employees, who possess the requisite qualification, in the ratio 1:2 for Process Servers and other Group ‘D’ employees respectively. In case of non-availability of employees in such group or those who do not possess the requisite qualification as per rule-6 of the Orissa District and Subordinate Courts Non-Judicial Staff Services (Method of Recruitment and condition of Services) Rules 2008 or who have not come out successful in the test as would be conducted by the District Recruitment Committee basing on the method and procedure, that would be adopted by such committee , the vacancies so reserved for them shall be filled up from amongst the candidates come out successful in the Recruitment Test. 2. ELIGIBILITY OF THE CANDIDATE : (a) have passed at least +2 Examination conducted by the Council constituted under Section-3 of the Orissa Higher Secondary Education Act, 1982 or equivalent examination of a recognized council, Board or University, as the case may be ; (b) have at least passed Diploma in Computer Application from a recognized institute; (c) be over 18 years and below 32 years of age as on the last date fixed for receipt of applications by the District Recruitment Committee, provided that the upper age limit in respect of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Women candidates shall be relaxed for 5 years and for SEBC candidates such relaxation shall be for 3 years and for Physically Handicapped candidates 10 years; in accordance with the provisions of the relevant Act, Rules, Orders or instructions for the time being in force, for the respective reserved categories. (d) be able to speak, read and write Oriya and must have passed at least a test in Oriya equivalent to the M.E. standard; “ (e) be of good character; (f) be of sound health, good physique and free from organic or bodily infirmity; (g) have not more than one spouse living, if married; (h) For the post of Junior Typists the candidates shall possess a minimum speed of 40 words in English Typewriting per minute. (i) For the post of Junior Stenographers the Candidate shall have to possess a minimum speed of 80 words in shorthand and 40 words in English Typewriting per minute. 3. FEES FOR EXAMINATION : The candidates are required to deposit fees of Rs. 100/- (Rupees One hundred) only in shape of the Treasury Chalilan under the head “0070-Other Administrative Services-01-Administration of Justice501-Services and Service Fess-9904650-Law Deptt.-9916730-Examination Fees for Recruitment conducted by Orissa District and Subordinate Courts “.-alongwith their application forms. The Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates are exempted from payment of such examination fees. The candidates are required to submit their applications being duly filled in and signed by their own hands furnishing the required particulars as per the format given below. The Candidates who are already in Government employment are required to apply through proper channel. NOTE : Noncompliance of any of the requirements mentioned in the notice shall entail rejection of his/her application. The application if found defective/incomplete in any respect shall be summarily rejected. 4. SCHEME OF EXAMINATION : (a) There shall be an examination on the following subjects for the posts of Junior Clerk/ Copyist and Junior Typist only. Part-l


2 Hours 1 Hour

1 Hour

1 Hour

The Written Test for the posts of Junior Clerk-Copyist / Junior Typist will be held on 21.02.2010 and the candidates would be intimated about the venue and time of such Written Examination in due course.

(b) For the post of Junior Typist, there will be a separate test in Type writing and such Type Writing Test will be held after publication of the result of Written Test and the qualifying candidates are required to bring their own Type Writer machine at the time of such Test as would be intimated in due course.

iv) v) vi)


viii) ix) x) xi) xii)



28 Nov. - 4 Dec., 2009


For Junior Stenographers, there will be a test in Shorthand and English Type Writing and such test will be held on 07.03.2010 and the Candidates would be intimated about the venue and time of such test in due course. LAST DATE OF RECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS: Applications alongwith required documents and self attested copies of Certificates, Mark Sheets and other particulars as the case may be must reach the Office of the undersigned by 15.12.2009 either in person during office hours on each working day or by post. Applications received in the office after the last date shall be summarily rejected. In case of receipt of large number of applications for the posts of Junior Clerk-cum-Copyist, the authority reserves the right to short list the candidates in accordance with the Rules contained in Orissa District & Subordinate Courts Non-Judicial Staff Services (Method of Recruitment and conditions of Services) Rules, 2008. Over and above, the District Recruitrnent Committee is also competent to adopt the method of processing the applications, the scrutiny thereof and conducting the test. The decision of the Committee in this regard shall be the final in every respect. The Candidates are required to submit the following documents alongwith their application. Copy of self-attested H.S.C.Examination Certificate or any equivalent Certificate in support of their date of birth. Copy of self attested +2 Examination Certificate conducted by the Council constituted under Sec-3 of the Orissa Higher Secondary Education Act, 1982 or equivalent examination of a recognised Council, Board or University, as the case may be. Copy of self-attested Certificate showing to have passed at least Diploma in Computer Application issued by a recognized Institute, Copy of self-attested Mark Sheet of the H.S.C. Examination or any equivalent examination thereof, Copy of self-attested Mark Sheet of the +2 Examination or any equivalent examination thereof, Copy of seif-attested Conduct and Character Certificate issued by the appropriate Authority of the Institution, the Candidate last attended, The Treasury Chalan in Original showing to have deposited a sum of Rs. 100/- (One hundred) only in the appropriate head. Two passport size recent photographs duly attested by a Gazetted Officer, Two self addressed envelope affixing stamp of Rs. 5/- (five) on each, One declaration regarding marital status showing to have one spouse living, if married, Copy of self attested Type writing Certificate/Shorthand Certificate issued by a recognized Institution. A copy of Caste Certificate issued by the appropriate authority duly attested by a Gazetted Officer in respect of Candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/ Schedule Tribe/SEBC Community with signature of the Candidates thereon. A copy of medical certificate showing the percentage of physically disability issued by the appropriate authority duly attested by a Gazetted Officer with signature of the Candidates thereon in respect of physically handicapped candidates only. The Candidates are required to mention the category of the post in bold letters on the top of their respective applications and the top of the envelope containing their applications. The Candidates are required to submit separate applications for each category of post applied for furnishing relevant documents and Treasury Chalan therewith. Sd/- B.K. Misra DISTRICT JUDGE, GANJAM-GAJAPATI, BERHAMPUR.


(Application must be filled up by the Candidate in his/her own hand) POST APPLIED FOR : 1. Name of the Applicant in full (in Block Letters) : 2. Father's / Husband's Name : SPACE 3. Permanent Address : FOR (in Block letters with Pin Code Number) PHOTOGRAPH 4. Present Address for Correspondence : (in Block letters with Pin Code Number) 5. Date of Birth in Christian Era : ....... date........ month............. year (in figures and words) 6. Age as on 15.12.2009 : .......year.........month..............days 7. Category (General/SC/ST/ SEBC) : 8. Whether Physically Handicapped : Yes / No 9. Sex (Male/Female) : Male / Female 10. Marital Status : Married / Unmarried 11. Amount of Treasury Challan with No / Date and name of the Treasury 12. Educational Qualification (from Matriculation onwards including Qualification in Computer Application) Sl. No.

Educational Qualification

Board/University/ Institution

Percentage of Marks obtained


SIGNATURE OF THE CANDIDATE DECLARATION I do hereby declare that the information furnished above are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I am fully aware that in the event of any information being found false or incorrect at any stage, my candidature/appointment is liable to be cancelled/terminated without any notice. Place : Date : List of Enclosures: 1. 2. 3. SIGNATURE OF THE CANDIDATE


28 ^ùb´e - 4 Wòiù´e 2009



Applications in plain paper in the format given below are invited for filling up the following posts of Jr.Clerks-Cum-Copyists, Junior Typists / Jr. Stenographers in the Judgeship of Puri in the scale of pay Rs.5200/- to Rs.34800/- per month respectively with usual D.A and other allowances as admissible by the Govt. from time to time. Sl.No. 1


Jr.Clerk Copyist






Men-3 Women-2 Total-5 Men-1 Women-1 Total-2 -



Men-2 Men-4 Women-2 Women-2 Total-4 Total-6


Men-6 Women-3 Total-9


Women-1 Total-1



Men-1 Women-1 Total-2

Women-1 Total-1


Ex-SM Sportsman

One post from SEBC category shall be reserved for Exservicemen/Physically handicapped persons / Sports person. --


(The number of above vacancies in different categories of post may increase or decrease). 2.Eligibility of the Candidates:-a)have passed at least +2 examination conducted by the Council constituted under Section 3 of the Orissa Higher Secondary Education Act, 1982 or equivalent examination from a recognized Council, Board or University, as the case may be;b)have at least passed Diploma in Computer Application from a recognized Institute.c)be over 18 years and below 32 years of age as on 15.12.2009.Provided that, the upper age limit in respect of reserved categories of candidates shall be relaxed in accordance with the provisions of the relevant Act, Rules, Orders or Instructions, for the time being in force, for the respective reserved categories.d)be able to speak, read and write Oriya and have passed a test in Oriya equivalent to the M.E. standard; e) be of good character;f)be of sound health, good physique and free from organic defects or bodily infirmity;g)have not more than one spouse living, if married, and h)For the post of typists the candidate shall possess a minimum speed of 40 words in typewriting per minute.i)For the post of Stenographers the candidate shall possess a minimum speed of 80 words in Shorthand and 40 words in typewriting per minute. 3.Fee for examination: The candidates are required to deposit fees of Rs. 100/- in shape of the treasury challan under the head 0070-other administrative services-01-administration of Justice-501- Services & Service fees -990 4650 - Law Deptt. - 9916730 - Examination Fees for recruitment conducted by Orissa District & subordinate courts along with their applications form.The S.C. & S.T candidates are exempted from payment of examination fees.The candidates are required to submit their applications being duly filled in and signed by their own hands furnishing the required particulars as per the format given below. The candidates who are in Government employment are required to apply through proper channel. NOTE:-Non compliance of any of the requirements mentioned in the notice shall entail rejection of his / her application. The application if found defective / incomplete in any respect shall be summarily rejected. 4.a)Scheme of Examination;- There shall be an examination on the following subject for the posts of Junior Clerks -cum- Copyist and Junior Typist only:Subject Marks Duration of Tests Part-l English 100 2 hrs. Arithmetic 100 1 hr. Gen. Knowledge 100 1 hr. Part-Ill Computer Science 50 1 hr. Part -III Viva-Voce 50 1 hr

The written test for the posts of Junior Clerk -cum- Copyist and Junior Typist will be held on 21.2.2010. b) For Stenographer there will be a test in Shorthand and typewriting and such test will be held on 7.3.2010. Last Date of Receipt of Application.:- Applications along with required documents and Self-attested copies of certificates must reach by 15.12.2009 and application received in the office after the last date shall be summarily rejected.5.In case of receipt of large number of applications for the post of Junior Clerk -cum- Copyist and Junior Typist the authority reserves the right to short list the candidates in accordance with the Rules contained in Orissa District & Subordinate Courts non-judicial staff services (Method of recruitment and condition of service) Rules, 2008 6.List of documents to be submitted by the candidates:-i)Two attested pass port size photographs ii)Certificates from HSC to onwards. iii)Mark sheets from HSC to onwards iv)Certificate of Diploma in Computer Application (DCA)v)Caste certificate. vi)Physical Handicapped Certificate in case of Physically Handicapped Person.vii)Sports Identity Card in case of Sportsmen. vii)One self address envelope with adequate postal stamp. The candidates are required to mention the category of the post in bold letters on the top of their respective applications and top of the envelopes containing their applications.

(FOR 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


THE POST OF JR.CLERK COPYIST/TYPISTS/STENOGRAPHER) Name in full (in Block Letters): Father’s/Husband’s Name: Permanent Address(in Block Letters) with Pin Code Number: Present Address for Correspondence(in Block Letters) with Pin Code Number: Date of Birth in Christian Era(in figures and words): Category you belong to(Gen./ST/SC): Amount of Treasury Challan: Treasury Challan No., date & Name of Treasury: Educational Qualification (from Matriculation onwards including Computer knowledge):

Sl. Qualification Institution/Board Total Percengate of Remarks No. University marks marks obtained 1 HSC 2 +2 3 +3 4 P.G. 5. DCA etc. 6. 10. List of enclosures: (i) (ii) (iii) DECLARATION I hereby declare that inforrnation furnished above are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I am fully aware that in the event of any information being found false or incorrect at any stage, my candidature/appointment is liable to be cancelled/terminated without any notice. Place: Signature of the candidate Date Name District Judge, Puri




28 Nov. - 4 Dec., 2009

1st CORRIGENDUM TO NOTICE NO. 27-N No. 29-N: The item No. 2 i.e. Eligibility at (c) may be read as follows:

(2) Eligibility.... (c) He / She shall be above 21 years of age and not more than 42 years of age as on the 1st November 2009. However in case of SC/ST, Women and Ex-servicemen candidates the upper age limit shall be relaxed by five years and in case of SEBC, the upper age limit shall be relaxed by three years, in case of PH candidates the upper age limit shall be relaxed by 10 years. Age limit may not be applicable at the time of renewal of contract. All other terms and conditions published in the Advertisement No.27-N remain unaltered. DIRECTOR, SECONDARY EDUCATION, ORISSA, BHUBANESWAR

Job Desc: Should have hands on experience in EU & US markets at managerial level. Product Dossier and DMF Preparation and Submission in CTD and eCTD format in US, EU and other regulated countries. Review of documents required for submission of ANDA and AMDS. Profile: Only managerial level person with relevant regulatory experience in pharma formulation handling CTD formats for EU & US markets should apply. Must be Mumbai based candidate will be preferred. Exp:8-13 Location: Mumbai Email: [email protected]



Job Desc: Requirement gathering for sales forecasting and supply chain planning processes System setup and configuration Technical design and development Customer facing Testing of Demantra and ASCP Profile: Should have atleast 2 years of Oracle Planning modules expereince in techno functional capacity. Demantra implementation expereince is desired, but even if you are trained we are willing to consider Must have attitude to learn with a growing company. Exp: 2-4 Location: Delhi, Kolkata Email: [email protected]


No. 145-M : Applications in prescribed Form are invited from the eligible candidates for recruitment for the.post of Forester in Boudh Forest Division so as to reach Division Forest Office, Boudh through Regd. Post / Speed Post by 11.12.09. Scale of Pay: Pay in pay band :- Rs.5200 to 20200 + Grade pay: -Rs.2000/- per Month with other allowances. Vacancy Position:- Tentative number of posts to be filled up is indicated below: -It may be altered. Men 2


Women 1

Men 2


Women 0

Men 1


Women 0




Women 0




Women 1

Minimum Educational Qualification:A candidate must have passed +2 Science from recognized Board/Institution. Age Limit :• The candidate shall not be less than 18 years( Eighteen) and not more than 32(Thirty two) years of age on the closing date of application i.e. 11.12.2009. In case of Scheduled caste/ Scheduled Tribe and women candidates the upper age limit will be relaxed up to five years and in case of candidates belonging to Socially and Economically Back ward classes(SEBC) it will be relaxed up to three years and in case of Ex-Serviceman the age will be relaxed as per Rule 5 of the Orissa Ex-serviceman (Recruitment to the State Civil Services and Posts) Rules, 1985 . General Criteria of Eligibility:A candidate applying for the post shall 1) be a citizen of India (2) be able to speak, read and write Oriya Language fluently and must have passed Oriya language examination of M. E. Standard. (3) Possess the physical standard as follows -

1. 2. 3.

Category of the Candidate

Minimum height in C.M.

Scheduled Tribe



General and

Scheduled Caste





Minimum chest in C.M. Un-expanded Expanded (3)








4. Must have valid Employment exchange Registration Number of Dist. Employment Exchange, Boudh District. Mode of Selection:- The tests will be conducted as per the Orissa Subordinate Forest Service (Method of Recruitment and Conditions of Service of Foresters)Rules,1998. Application form:1. The application form can be obtained in person from the office of the undersigned and from Range Offices, Boudh, Manamunda, Purunakatak, Kantamal & Madhapur on payment of Rs.100/- (Rupees one hundred) for candidates belonging to General Category & Rs. 40/- (Rupees forty) for ST & SC candidates in Cash. Selling of application is from 27.11.09 to 9.12.09 in office hours except holidays. The application should be accompanied with the following particulars and documents :-a) Xerox copy of HSC(10+) Examination pass certificate duly attested by a Gazetted Officer, (b) Xerox copy of pass certificate of +2 Science from recognized Board/ Institution duly attested by a Gazetted Officer, (c) Four passport size photographs duly certified by a Gazetted Officer and signed by the candidate in ink on the front out of which one is to be pasted in application form, one to be pasted in Admit Card, and two Nos. to be enclosed . (d) True copy of caste Certificate issued by competent Revenue Authority in case of S.C/ S.T/S.E.B.C. candidates, (e) Sports Certificate showing representation/ winning at different levels as prescribed in the Recruitment Rule in case of sports man/ woman, (f) Attested Xerox copy of the valid Employment Registration Card, (g) Certificate from Medical Officer of any Govt. Hospital mentioning the details as mentioned in Item No. 3 of General Criteria of Eligibility, (h) Two self addressed stamped (Rs.5/-) envelope of size 22CMX10CM. incomplete or defective applications and those received after the last date of receipt of application shall be rejected summarily. The authority reserves the right to cancel or postpone the test if so warranted. The place of examination will be intimated to each eligible candidate by ordinary post in self addressed and stamped envelope furnished by him. Anybody who fails to get the letter of intimation by 14.1.2010 should contact Division Office on 15.1.2010 with 2 attested photographs. Tentative date of written test is fixed on 17. 01.2010. N.B :- (c). No T.A/ D.A. will be paid to the candidates for appearing at the tests:- (2) In case of any discrepancy / dispute /difference regarding qualification and Conditions of service, the provisions contained in the Orissa Subordinate Forest Service (Method of Recruitment and Conditions of Service of Foresters) Rules, 1998 shall be final and binding.

Divisional Forest Officer, Boudh Division


28 ^ùb´e - 4 Wòiù´e 2009















Women -































3 -



Women Men




Women -

Women Men






















Junior Typist




1 -

Women Men






Women Men









(The No. of above vacancies in different categories of post may increase or decrease). 2. Eligibility of the Candidates ; (a) Have passed at least +2 examination conducted by the Council constituted under section 3 of the Orissa Higher Secondary Education Act, 1982 or equivalent examination of a recognized Council, Board or University, as the case may be ; (b) Have atleast passed diploma in computer application from a recognized Institute; (c) Be over 18 years and below 32 years of age on the last date fixed for receipt of applications by the District Recruitment committee; provided that, the upper age limit in respect of reserved categories of candidates shall be relaxed in accordance with the provisions of the relevant act, rules, Orders or Instructions for the time being in force, for the respective reserved categories. (d) Be able to speak, read and write Qriya and have passed a test in oriya equivalent to the M.E. standard; (e) Be of good character; (f) Be of sound health, good physique and free from organic defects or bodily infirmity; (g) Have not more than one spouse living, if married; and (h) For the post of typists the candidate shall possess a minimum speed of 40 words in typewriting per minute; (i) For the post of stenographers the candidate shall possess a minimum speed of 80 words in short hand and 40 words in type writing per minute. Fees for Examination : The candidated are required to deposit fees of Rs. 100/- in shape of the Treasury Challan under the head 0070 - Other administrative services - 01 - administration of justice - 501 - Services & Service fees - 990 4650-Law Deptt. - 9916730- Examination Fees for recruitment conducted by Orissa Dist. & subordinate courts along with their applications form. The S.C. & ST. Candidates are exempted from payment of examination fees. , The candidates are required to submit their applications duly filled in and signed by, their own hands furnishing the required particulars as per the format given bellow. The candidates who are in Govt. employment are required to apply through proper Channel. NOTE : Non compliance of any of the requirements mentioned in the notice shall entail rejection of his/ her application. The application if found defective/incomplete in any respect shall be summarily rejected. 4. (a) Scheme of Examination : There shall be an examination on the following subjects for the posts of Jr. Clerks, Typist & Copyists only; Part-l



Subject English


General Knowledge

Computer Science Viva voce


Duration of Tests


1 Hour


100 50




Application in plane paper in the format given bellow are invited for filling up the posts of Junior Clerkscum-Copyists, post of Typists/Junior Stenographers in the Judgeship of Mayurbhanj, Baripada in the scale of pay of Rs. 5,200 to Rs. 20,200/- + Grade pay Rs. 1900/-, Rs. 5,200 to Rs. 20,200/- + Grade pay of Rs. 1900/- and Rs. 5,200 to Rs. 20,200/ - + Grade pay of Rs. 2400/- per month respectively with usual D.A. and other allowance as admissible by the Govt. from time to time. 1.

28 Nov. - 4 Dec., 2009

iò@ûeþ_òG`þùe K^þùÁak...6 _éÂûe @agòÁûõg




2 Hours 1 Hour

1 Hour

1 Hour

(b) for the posts of typist there will be a separate test in type writing after publication of the result of written test. (c) For stenographer there will be a test in shorthand and type writing. Last Date of receipt of application : Applications along with required documents and self attested copies of certificates must reached by 15-12-2009 and application received in the office after the last date shall be summarily rejected. 5. In case of receipt of large number of applications for the post of Junior Clerk-cum-copyist, the authority reserves the right to short list the candidates in accordance with the Rules contained in Orissa District & subordinate courts non-judicial staff services (Method of recruitment and condition of service) rules - 2008. 6. List of documents to be submitted by the candidates along with the application. 1. Copy of certificate of +2 examination. Or equivalent examination of a recognized Council, Board or University as the case may be and mark sheet. 2. Copy of certificate of H.S.C. or equivalent examination from a recognized board or University and mark sheet. 3. Copy of certificate of Diploma in Computer Application from a recognized Institute. 4. Original Treasury Challan showing deposit of fees for recruitment examination, other than S.C. & S.T. candidates. 5. Copy of Caste certificate, in case of Reserved categories. 6. Copy of Technical Type writing certificate, in case of Typist and Stenographer. 7. Copy of short hand certificate, in case of Stenographer. 8. Two self addressed postal envelop duly stamped. 9. Two attested copies of recent passport size photographs. The candidates are required to mention the category of the post in bold letters on the top of their respective applications and top of the envelops containing their applications. Sd/- GR. Purohit District Judge, Mayurbhanj, Baripada


This is to certify that Shri/Smt/Kumari ................................................son/daughter of Shri ..............................................................of village ...........................................in District/ Division....................... in the .....................State......................belongs to the .......................... community, which is recognized as a backward class under : i) Resolution No. 12011/63/93-BCC (C) dated 10th September, 1993, published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary - Part 1, No. 186 dated 13th September, 1993. ii) Resoluation No. 12011/9/94-BCC dated 19th October, 1994, published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary-Part-1, Section 1, No. 163 dated 20th October, 1994. iii) Resolution No. 12011/7/95-BCC dated 24th May, 1995, published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary-Part-1, Sectin 1, No. 88 dated 25th May, 1995. iv) Resolution No.12011/44/99-BCC dated 6th December, 1996, published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary - Part-1, Section 1, No. 210 dated 11th December, 1996. 2. Shri/Smt/Kumari ...................................and/ or family ordinarily reside (s) in is also certified that he/ she does not belong to the persons/sections (creamy layer) mentioned in column-3 of the Scheduled to tho arvwornmont nf inriia nfinartrrmnt of Personnel & Trainina O;M. No.36012/22/93-Estt. (SCT) datd 08.09.1993. Place :.......................... Signature............................... Date:........................... Designation........................... (With seal of Office) Note : The terms “Ordinarily resides” used here will have the same meaning as in Section- 20 of the Representation of the Peiples Act, 1950. 1. 2. 3. 4.


District Magistrate / Additional District Magistrate / Collector / Deputy Commissioner / Additional Deputy Commissioner / Dy. Collector / 1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate / Sub Division Magistrate / Taluka Magistrate / Executive Magistrate (non below the rank of 1st class stipendiary Magistrate). Chief Presedency Magistrate / Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate / Presidency Magistrate. Revenue Officers not below the rant of Tehsildar. Sub Divisional Officers of the area where the candidate and / or his familay normally resides.

Annexure - III


Certified that Smt. Kumari.......................................... D/O Shri........................................ whose photo is affixed and attested below is a permanent resident of village ............................... Tehsilfialuke.......................... District ........................of State of...................... 2. It is further certified that Smt./Kumari ............................... D/O Shri ............................... belongs to {Garhwali / Kumaouni / Dogra / Maratha / Ladhakhi / Kashmiri / Sikkimies), (Name of the community) ............................. Community for relaxation in height and chest for recruitment in Central Para Millitary Forces. OR It is further certified that Smt. / Kumari .................................................... D/O Shri.......................................... belongs to and aborigine of (North Eastern States) .............................. (Name of the State) and entitled for relaxation in height and ches for recruitment in Central Para Military Forces. OR It is further certified that Smt. / Kumari.......................................................D/O .......................................belongs to and aborigine of (North Eastern States) ......................... (Name of the Tribe) ............................ Tribals / Adivasis Community and is entitled for relaxation in height and chest for recruitment in Central Para Military Forces. Place .............................. Date................................ Signature of District Magistrate/ Sub Divisional Magistrate / davp 19111/11/404/0910


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


Name in full (in block letters): Father's / Husband's Name : Permanent Address (in Block letters) with pin Code Num : Present Address for correspondence (in Block letters) with pin Code Number: Date of Birth in Christian Era : (in Figure and Words) Category you belong to (Gen. / ST/SC/SEBC): Amount of Treasury Challan : Treasury Challan No. & Name of Treasury : Educational Qualification (From Matriculation onwards including computer knowledge)





2. 3.

Institute/Board/ University

Percentage of Marks obtained


Remarks Recognised

+2 / 12th

10. List of enclosures : (i) ....................... (ii) ....................... (iii).......................


I hereby declare that the informations furnished above are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, I am fully aware that in the event of any information being found false or incorrect at any stage, my candidature /appointment is liable to be cancelled / terminated without any notice. Place: Signature of the Candidate Date: Name:


28 ^ùb´e - 4 Wòiù´e 2009


2. 3. 4. 5.

GHUMSUR SOUTH FOREST DIVISION, BHANJANAGAR Short notice for recruitment of Forester during 2009.

6 (six) posts of Forester under this establishment is to be filled up in accordance with the Orissa Subordinate Forest Service (Method of Recruitment & Conditions of Services of Foresters) Rules, 1998. Tentative No. of Post to be filled up. S.T.


1 (One)


1 (One)


2 (Two)

Scale of pay :- Pay Band - PB-I - 5200 - 20200/- Grade Pay - 2000/Educational Qualification :- +2 Science Pass. Minimum Physical Standard & Qualifying Physical Test:-




in Cm.





S.C, S.E.B.C. & UR




2 (Two)


6 (six)

Physical Test



25 Km. within 4 hours




1.6 Km within 5 Minutes

Age:- Age as on 31.12.2009 between 20 to 32 years. Upper age relax able by 5 years in case of S.C & S.T candidates & by three years in case of SEBC candidates & as per the special provision made regarding age limit in respect of Ex- Servicemen candidates. 7. The candidate must have valid registration in any employment exchange of Ganjam District. Applications in the prescribed Form should reach Divisional Forest Officer, Ghumsur South Division, At/Po:- Bhanjanagar, Ganjam, Pin:- 761126 on or before 1 1.12.2009. Application Form along with detailed information can be obtained from the Office of the undersigned on payment of Rs. 100/- (One hundred) only in cash towards the recruitment processing fee. Incomplete applications and applications received after due date will be rejected. Important dates (i) Sale of application Form at Divisional Office from 01.12.2009 to 10.12.2009 from 10.00 A.M to 05.00 P.M (on working days only) (ii) Screening & Measurement of Physical standard & issue of Admit Cards 22.12.09 & 23.12.09. (iii) Written Test Examination on 17.01.2010. Persons qualifying in written test will appear for physical Test & Viva Voce for which dates will be fixed later on. Divisional Forest Officer, Ghumsur South Division.


Post of Forester in Balliguda Division, Balliguda in the District of Kandhamal intended to be filled up in accordance with the Orissa Sub-Ordinate Forest Service (Method of Requirement & condition of services of Forester) Rules1998. 01. Vacancy : Tentative number of posts to be filled up (Category wise) in Balliguda Forest Division, Balliguda indicated below. Category of Post 1

Scheduled Caste

Male 2

Female 3

Scheduled Tribes

Male 4

Female 5







Male 8


Female 9


Forester 01 01 02 -01 -03 01 09 The number of post indicated above are purely tentative subject to approval of the competent authority 02. Scale of Pay : The post of Forester shall get Rs. 5,200-20,200+Grad pay - Rs.2000 with other allowance as asmissible under rules. 03. Terms / Conditions : The appointment is purely temporary and terminable at any time without assigning any reasons thereof. 04. Educational Qualification : For the post of Forester,’ the applicant must have passed +2 science from any recognised univeristy / institution. 05. Age (as on 1.11.2009) : Between 18 to 32 years. Upper age limite relaxable by 05 year in case of SC/ST & 03 years in case of S.E.B.C. Candidates. 06. Registration in employment exchange : Candidates shall have valid registration certificate in any of the Employment Exchange in Kandhamal District. 07. Last date of Submission of the application : The last date of submission of application for the above post is 11th December-2009 (Friday) 08. Physical Fitness : The minimum physical standard of the candidate shall be as follows for the post of Forester. Category Minimum height in CM Minimum chest in CM (only in case of male candidate) 1






1. Scheduled Tribes




3. Unreserved




2. Scheduled Caste




Recruitment of Assistant Director of Factories and Boilers in Class-ll of Orissa Factories and Boilers Inspection Service under Labour & Employment Department. WEBSITE - http://opsc.nic.in



1.6 Km within 5 Minutes

25 Km. within 4 hours


28 Nov. - 4 Dec., 2009






4. Women 153 --09. Physical test : Male Candidate : A physical test covers 25 kms. walk cover within 3 to 4 hours and cycling of 1.6 kms covered within 3 to 5 minutes. This test will be conducted for the candidates who qualify in the written test.Female candidate : A Physical test covers 16 kms walk cover within 3 to 4 hours and cycling of 1.6 kms covered within 8 to 10 minutes. This test will be conducted for the candidates who qualify in the written test 10. Date of physical exam & Physical test : The date of physical fitness examination & Physical test will be intimated in duetime. 11. Date of written exam : On 17.01.2010 (Tentative). The venue will be intimated in ‘the admit card. For the post of Forester written test will be conducted in two subjects i.e. paper-l Oriya language & mathematic. Each paper shall have 1(one) hour duration and shall carry 20 marks as maximum. Candidates securing minimum 50% marks (40% in case of SC & ST) in the written shall qualify for the subsequent test. 12. Viva-voice test : Candidates who qualify in the physical test and written test shall appear in viva-voice test to be conducted by the selection Board. 13. Others : (i) The other eligible criteria i.e. physical standard details of written examination. Physical test, Vivavoice test can be ascertained in the office notice board of the Divisional Forest officer, Balliguda Division, Balliguda Kandhamal. (ii) The candidate shall collect the identity card on 24.12.2009 (Tentative), from the Office of the Divisional Forest Officer, Balliguda Division, balliguda or otherwise, (iii) The date of written test so fixed as subject to change by the competent authority. Candidates are required to apply in the prescribed application form which will be available in the Office of the Range Officer, Balliguda / Kaotagarh / Belghar / Tumudibandha / K.nuagoan / Simonbadi/ Bramunigoan as well as Divisional Officer Balliguda during the office hour on payment of required fees in cash as given below. 1. General / SEBC Candidates Rs.100/2. SC/ST Candidates Rs.40/The application form must be completed in all respect alongwith the enclosures should be sent to the Divisional Forest Officer, Balliguda Division At/PO-Balliguda, Dist-Kandhamal, PIN-762103 by registered post so as to reach on or before 11.12.2009. Application received after the scheduled date, incomplete application, application without supporting required valid documents will be summarily rejected, without any notice of reason thereof. The following documents must enclosed in the application form : (i) Attested Xerox copy of HSC & +2 science certificate from recognised Board / institution applying for the post of Forester, (ii) Attested Xerox copy of conduct certificate from 2 Gazetted Officer, (iii) Attested Xerox copy of Caste certificate from competent authority if applicable, (iv) Attest Xerox copy of valid employment registration card, (v) Attested Xerox copies of sports / athletics certificate, (vi) Four self addressed stamped envelops of size 22 cm x 10 cm. (vii) Two pass port size photographs duly signed by the candidate on the front and attested by a Gazetted officer on the front of the photographs. (viii) Attested Xerox copy of the ME standard certificate have being Oriya language (only for candidates whose MIL is not Oriya in the HSC examination) Divisional Forest Officer, Balliguda Forest Division

Applications received incomplete in any respect are liable to be summarily rejected. No correspondence on that score will be entertained.

Applications in the prescribed form are invited from the prospective candidates for recruitment to the posts of Assistant Director of Factories and Boilers under Labour and Employment Department in Class-ll of Orissa Factories and Boilets Inspection Service in the pay band of Rs.9,300/- to 34,800/-carrying the grade pay of Rs. 4.600/-with usual allowances sanctioned by Government of Orissa from time to time.The posts are temporary but likely to continue. 2.

VACANCY POSITION Category (i) Un-reserved (ii) Scheduled Tribe


No. of Posts 06 (2-W) 04 (1 -W)

Total-10 (3-W)

Out of 10 vacancies, one vacancy is reserved for Ex-Servrceman. The candidate belongs to Ex-Serviceman shall be adjusted against the categories to which he belongs. (b) In the event of non-availability of eligible and suitable women candidates, the vacancies shall be filled up by suitable male candidates of that category. (c) Exchange of reservation between SC & ST will not be considered. (d) The number of vacancies to be filled up on the basis of this recruitment is subject to change by Government without notice depending upon the exigencies of public service at the discretion of the state Government. 3. AGE: A candidate must be under 32 years of age and above 21 years of age on the 1st August, 2009 i.e. he/she must not have been born earlier than 2nd August, 1977 and not later than 1st. August, 1988.The upper age limit is relaxable by 5 (five) years for candidates belonging to the categories of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Women and Ex-servicemen, 3 (three) years for candidates belonging to Socially and Educationally Backward Classes (S.E.B.C.). Provided that, a candidate who comes under more than one category mentioned above, he/she will be eligible for only one age relaxation benefit, which shall be considered most beneficial to him/her. SAVE AS PROVIDED ABOVE THE AGE LIMITS PRESCRIBED CAN IN NO CASE BE RELAXED. The date of birth entered in the High School Certificate or equivalent certificate issued by the concerned Board/Council will only be accepted by the Commission. 4. QUALIFICATION: A candidate should possess a Degree in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized university or any qualification declared by the Union or State Public Service Commission as equivalent thereto and should preferably have practical experience of at least two years in a workshop or manufacturing concern of good standing or in design, construction, operation or maintenance of boilers. The certificate should be obtained from the competent authority of the workshop or manufacturing concern, where the candidates gathered practical experience. 5. HOWTO APPLY: (a) (i) Application Form: Candidates are required to apply to the Secretary to the Commission in the prescribed Form which, along with Other particulars are obtainable in person from the office of the Orissa Public Service Commission at 19, Dr. RK. Parija Road, Cuttackr753001 between 11.00 A.M. & 1.30 P.M. and 2.00 P.M. & 4.00 P.M. on any working day on cash payment of Rs.30/- (Rupees thirty) only or by registered post on remittance of Rs.70/-(Rupees seventy) only by Money Order. Full name and address of the candidate, advertisement number and name of the post/service advertised must be specified in the Money Order coupon in BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS. (ii) If Money Order from any candidate, for supply of application form, is received in the office of the O.P.S.C. after the last date for receipt of applications, no application form will be supplied to such candidates. (iii) The candidates may also download the prescribed application form and copy of long advertisement from the website of the OPSC i.e. http://opsc.nic.in. The unreserved candidates downloading the application form will be required to pay Rs.80/-(Rs.30/- towards application fee + Rs.50/- towards examination fee) only in shape of Indian Postal Order/Bank Draft/Pay Order/Treasury Challan as provided under Paragraph-8 of the long advertisement at the time of submission of application form. The S.T. candidates downloading the prescribed application form will be required to pay Rs.30/towards application fee only in shape of Indian Postal Order/Bank Draft/Pay Order/Treasury Challan as the case may be, at the time of submission of application form. The S.T. candidates are, however, exempted from paying the examination fee. (b) Submission of applications: Candidates are required to send their applications in prescribed form by Registered Post/Speed Post/Courier Service to the Secretary, O.P.S.C., 19, Dr. P.K. Parija Road, Cuttack-753001. Applications received after the closing date shall not be entertained.The Commission will not take any responsibility if the application is not received in time. The candidates may also submit their applications in closed covers in the office of Orissa Public Service Commission directly/personally on or before the last date of receipt of applications at the counter.The closed envelope containing the application must be superscribed “Application for Assistant Director of Factories & Boilers”.The candidates submitting their applications directly/personally at the counter of Orissa Public Service Commission will be given proper acknowledgement receipt. 6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF APPLICATIONS : On receipt of the application form of a candidate, the acknowledgement card (Post Card in case of downloaded application form) submitted by him/her along with the application form, will be despatched to him/her by the Commission’s Office. The mere fact that a candidate’s application has been acknowledged by the Commission does not mean that his/her candidature for the recruitment has been accepted by the Commission. 7. FACILITATION COUNTER : Candidates may contact the O. P. S. C. Facilitation Counter over Telephone No.0671 -2304141/ 2305611 & Extn.-112 & 126 for any guidance/ information regarding application or candidature etc. Cuttack Date: 20.11.2009



28 ^ùb´e - 4 Wòiù´e 2009



Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited (A Joint venture of Govt. of India and Govt. of Delhi)

ADVT NO: DMRC / OM / HR /IV / 2009 Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC), a Joint Venture Company with equity participation from Govt. of India and Govt. of National Capital Territory of Delhi has been entrusted with the responsibility of implementation of the rail based Mass Rapid Transit System for Delhi & NCR. Applications are invited from young, dynamic and motivated persons of Indian nationality for the following category of Non-Executive posts in DMRC: Post Code


# *

Name of Post

Station Controller/ Train Operator (SC/TO)

Grade (IDA) in Rs.


# No of vacancies including reserved categories including previous short fall

184 (UR-78, OBC34, SC-23, ST49, ExSM-27*) *On horizontal basis

Eligible Qualification

Age between as on 01.07.2009

Three years Engineering 18 to 28 Years Diploma in Mechanical/ (i.e. born not earlier Electrical/ Electronics / than 2.7.1981 and Electronics & not later than Communication / 1.7.1991 equivalent Engineering discipline from a Govt. recognized Institute, with minimum 50% marks in the concerned discipline .

All vacancies are provisional and subject to increase / decrease.

The candidates having higher qualification than that of minimum eligible qualification for these posts may keep it in mind while applying for these posts that the job profile for the above-advertised posts requires minimum qualification as stated in above column.

Note: There is no reservation for physically handicapped candidates in this selection. In-take for physically handicapped in identified categories, wherever applicable, to the extent admissible, will be processed separately.

Qualification: As prescribed above. The candidates who possess the minimum eligible Qualification at the time of applying for the post, may only apply. Candidates must possess the proof of passing the required qualification by the stipulated date i. e. 31/ 12/2009 i.e. the last date of receipt of applications, failing which they will not be allowed to appear in the Psycho Test/ Interview. This cut off date is sacrosanct and will be applied across the board. Job Profile: The job of Station Controller/Train Operator is interchangeable in nature as per the requirement of the Corporation and it includes driving the train, looking after the affairs of Metro Stations including CCC, Depot Control Centres, Operation Control Centres etc. in shift duty including night shift. The job requires highest standard of medical fitness, including naked vision of 6/6, the details of which are also available at DMRC’s website www.delhimetrorail.com. So, the candidates meeting the required medical standard may only apply. A certificate from the Registered Medical Practioner may be submitted along with application as per enclosed Proforma (ANNEXURE-A). Selection process: The selection methodology will comprise four-stage process – Written Test (two papers), Psycho Test & Personal Interview followed by Medical examination in Aye-one category.

The selection process would judge different facets of knowledge, skills, comprehension, aptitude and physical fitness. Candidates will have to pass through each stage successfully (including Medical examination), before being adjudged as suitable for selection. Candidates, who fail in the prescribed medical test, will not be given any alternative employment and decision of the Corporation is final on this issue. Dates of written examination (tentatively to be held in last week of January, 2010), Result of written examination and recruitment related all information shall be available only on Web site: http://www.delhimetrorail.com and candidates should remain in constant touch with it. Written Test: The written test will consist of two papers (PaperI and Paper-II, to be held on the same day in the same centre). Paper-I will consist of multiple-choice objective type questions, with provision of negative marking for wrong answers, on General Awareness, English, Logical Ability, Quantitative Aptitude and/or knowledge of the discipline/trade. The Paper-I shall be of 1.5 hours duration. Paper-II will consist of subjective type questions on Paragraph Writing, Comprehension, Essay and questions on Science & Technology matter, in English Medium to judge the candidate’s comprehension skills & test of English language. The Paper-II shall be of 1.5 hours duration. Candidates who qualify in Paper-I and rank high on the merit list within the zone of consideration, as decided by the DMRC, will only be evaluated for Paper-II. Successful candidates based on the Written Test (Both Paper-I & Paper-II put together) shall be

Medical Standards as per Indian Rly. Medical Manual. (Brief details of Medical Standard are available at DMRC’s Web site)

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Aye-One (A-1)

called for Psycho Test/ Personal Interview, at Delhi.

The candidates to be called for Psycho Test and Medical examination at Delhi shall be paid to & fro sleeper class Railway fare for journey by the shortest route between Railway Station nearest to hometown & Delhi. No reimbursement shall be made to the candidates appearing for the written examination. Character & Antecedents: The success in the examination does not confer any right to appointment unless the corporation is satisfied after such an inquiry, as may be considered necessary, that the candidate having regard to his/her character and antecedents is suitable in all respects for appointment to the service.

Surety Bond: The candidates will have to execute a surety bond of Rs. 50,000/- & Cost of training (apprx.Rs.22,000/-) to serve the corporation for a minimum period of three years and also a three months prior notice, will be required before seeking resignation from the corporation.

Training & Probation: The selected candidates on appointment will be on Probation for a period of two years (including period of training), where they will undergo intensive training for prescribed duration. The Corporation has the right to enhance or reduce the training period at its discretion for any or all the trainees. During the probation period the candidates shall be required to pass various examinations. The service of the candidate during probation period can be terminated by the corporation if the performance of candidate is found to be unsatisfactory, in accordance with the terms & conditions of offer of appointment.

Pay & Emoluments: The pay & emoluments for direct recruits shall be as per pay scales under the IDA (Industrial DA) pattern, Dearness Allowance as applicable from time to time and other benefits which include, HRA, Medical benefit, EPF, Gratuity, and Insurance etc. as per extant rules of the Corporation. Concessions & Relaxations: * * *


Upper age relaxation by 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC candidates (of Central List), for reserved posts.



10. 11.

Upper age for Ex-servicemen will be length of service + 3 years, subject to a maximum age of 40 years. The Exservicemen are those who are covered in the definition, as per extant rules of Ministry of Defence/Govt of India.

Existing DMRC employees who have completed at least 3 years continuous service in DMRC as on 1.7.2009, will be given age relaxation to the extent of 3 years as on the date of reckoning of age limit i.e. 1.7.2009. All other terms and conditions of the open market recruitment notice will apply as such, in case of departmental candidates also. Most Important

While applying for these posts, the applicant should ensure that he / she fulfils the eligibility and other norms mentioned above as on the specified dates and that the particulars furnished by him / her are correct in all respects. In case it is detected at any stage of recruitment that a candidate does not fulfill the eligibility norms and / or that he / she has furnished any incorrect / false information or has suppressed any material fact(s), his /her candidature will stand cancelled. if any of these shortcomings is / are detected even after appointment, his / her services are liable to be terminated. Candidate must write the declaration in his own words in the


application form, and put his signature, and Thumb Impression, failing which application will be summarily rejected at any stage of the selection process.

The validity of the Selection Panel is for two years from the date of its operation. The selection of candidate by DMRC does not confer any right to the candidate for appointment.

The written test will be held at Delhi. However, DMRC reserves the right to allot any test center outside Delhi without assigning any reason.

Candidates employed in Govt. Dept./ PSU/ Autonomous Body must produce NOC from the present employer on the date of Psycho Test/Interview.

Eligible and interested candidates (including Ex-Serviceman and J & K domicile) can download the Application Form through DMRC;s website as per the instructions given therein. The printout of the filled up application form should be sent to the following address by enclosing a nonrefundable crossed Demand Draft for Rs.300/- for General & OBC candidates and for Rs.50/- for SC & ST candidates (for processing cost only) drawn only on State Bank of India in favour of DELHI METRO RAIL CORPORATION LIMITED, payable at Service Branch, New Delhi (Code No-7687) indicating on the reverse of the DD, their name & address, email, telephone no. if any, latest by _31/12/2009 , through Ordinary Post addressed to “DMRC Ltd., Post Bag No- 9”, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003. The filled up application should be sent in the Envelope super- scribing on it prominently – “Post Code, Name of Post” .Demand Drafts payable at locations other than Delhi / New Delhi will not be accepted. MO/PO or any other mode of payment is not acceptable. Candidates are advised to check the details of Demand Draft carefully, before enclosing it with the application Form. Attach attested copies of Community/Caste Certificate in Central formats (SC/ST/OBC), with the application. (All these formats are available on DMRC’s website www.delhimetrorail.com. No other format will be acceptable). Please also attach a copy of the requisite Qualification proof.

A candidate who claims to belong to one of the Other Backward Classes has to submit in support of his claim an attested copy of a certificate in the prescribed form issued by the competent authority specified by the Central Govt. in their O.M. No. 36012/22/93-Estt. (SC) dated 22.10.93. OBC certificate should be issued within one year of the closing date of 31/12/2009. Candidates should retain a photocopy of their demand draft and application form for future reference. They should also keep sufficient numbers of same Photograph in reserve for future use, which they are using in the application form.

Incomplete applications or applications received after the due date will be summarily rejected.

Request for change of mailing address or e-mail address will not be entertained under any circumstances.


Court of jurisdiction for any dispute will be at Delhi.


DMRC shall not be responsible for any postal delay/ loss in transit. No request in this regard will be entertained.



Upper age relaxations by 5 years for candidates belonging to Jammu & Kashmir who had ordinarily been domiciled in that state between 01.01.1980 and 31.12.1989.

General: 1.


28 Nov. - 4 Dec., 2009

16. 17. 18.

DMRC reserves the right to fix the minimum standard/qualifying marks for each component of selection for all posts. Candidates must remain in constant touch with DMRC’s website www.delhimetrorail.com for information regarding dates of written test, result of written test, schedule of Psycho Test/Interview, standards of Vision for Medical test etc. The eligible candidates, whose applications are available on the Master list & do not receive the admit card for written examination in time, may check the status of their application and also download the admit card through DMRC’s website as per schedule & instructions notified on DMRC’s website in advance. DMRC is not responsible for any printing error that might have inadvertently crept in.

Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate.

Bringing mobile phone/Communication device in the examination Hall will be deemed GUILTY OF MISCONDUCT & suitable actions including immediate expulsion of candidate from the examination hall will be taken.

N.B.: Candidates should refer to advertisement given in the on DMRC’s website only for the purpose of applying for the jobs. DMRC has not authorized any other agency/vendor to publish the instant ad and application form. If any wrong/insufficient entries are made by the candidates in their application form on account of mistakes in the guidelines or in printing of application forms by private agencies, their applications shall be rejected and the DMRC will not be responsible for such rejection. Any further information & application form, format for cast certificate will be available on DMRC’s Website www.delhimetrorail.com.


28 ^ùb´e - 4 Wòiù´e 2009




28 Nov. - 4 Dec., 2009



Applications in plain paper in the format given below are invited for filling up the following posts of Jr Clerks/ Copyists, Typists and Stenographers grade-Ill in the Judgeship of Balasore-Bhadrak in the revised pay structure i.e. P.B-1/Rs.5200-20,200/- with Gr Pay of Rs.1,900/-, P.B.-1/Rs.5,200-20,200/with Gr. Pay of Rs. 1,900/- & P.B1/- Rs. 5,200-20,200/- with Gr. Pay of Rs.2,400/-respectively with usual DA and other allowances as admissible by the Govt from time to time.

Applications in plain paper in the format given bellow are invited for filling up the following 59 posts of I Jr. Clerkscum-Copyist and 8 posts of Typists in the Judgeship of Koraput in the scale of Pay of Rs. 5200-20200/- with Grade pay Rs. 1900/- per month with usual D.A. and other allowances as admissible by the Govt. from time to time.

Dated Jeypore, the 25th Day of November, 2009

ADVERTISEMENT No.467dtd. 17.11.2009


SI. No.



Jr.Clerk-cum Copiest

























Women Total

















(The No. of above vacancies in different categories of post may increase or decrease).

The no of above vacancies in different categories of posts may increase or decrease. The Category wise reservation for the above posts is also tentative and is subject to change (2) Eligibility of the candidate: The candidate should be : (a) a citizen of India, (b) have passed at least +2 examination” conducted by the Council constituted under section 3 of the Orissa Higher Secondary Education Act, 1982 or equivalent examination of a recognized Council, Board or University, as the case may be. (c) have at least passed Diploma in Computer Application from a recognized Institute, (d) over 18 years and below 32 years of age on the last date fixed for receipt of applications i.e. 15.12.2009. The upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years in case of SC/ST/SEBC and women candidates, 10 years in case of physically handicapped candidates. For Ex-Serviceman, after deducting the period of service in armed forces from the present age, the resultant age should not exceed 32 years, (e) able to speak, read and write Oriya and have passed test in Oriya equivalent to the M.E Standard, (f) of good character, (g) of sound health, good physique and free from organic defects or bodily infirmity., (h) have not more than one spouse living, if married and (i) for the post of typists the candidate shall possess a minimum speed of 40 words in typewriting per minute, (j) of the post of Stenographers the candidate shall possess a minimum speed of 80 words in shorthand and 40 words in typewriting per minute. (3) Fee for Examination : The candidates are required to deposit fee of Rs. 100/- in the shape of treasury challan under the he ad “0070 other administrative services-01 administsration of justice-501 Services & Service fees-990 4650 Law Deptt. -9916730- Examination fees for recruitment conducted by Orissa District & subordinate courts” and submit challan along with their application form. The S.C & S.T candidats are exempted from payment of examination fees. The candidates are required to submit their applications being duly filled in and signed by their own hand furnishing the required particulars as per the format given below duly addressed to the District Judge, Balasore. The candidates who are in Govt. employment/semi Govt, or Public Sector Undertaking are required to apply through proper channel. Note: Non-compliance of any of the requirements mentioned in the advertisement shall entail rejection of his/her application. The application if found defective/incomplete in any respect shall be summarily rejected. No TA, DA will be allowed to the candidates for attending the written test or interview The candidates need not submit the testimonials in original along with application which are to be produced at the time of Viva-voce. (a) Scheme of Examination: There shall be an examination on the following subjects for the posts of Jr Clerks/copyists, and Typists only: (Part-l) (Part-ll)




Duration of Tests



1 hr

Computer Science (Practical)


1 hr


Gen Knowledge Viva- Voce


100 45

Out of the above one vacancy in each category are reserved for Physically Handicapped person, in addition to the above vacancies, 25% of the total vacancy which comes to 20 posts of junior clerks shall be filled up from the Group-D employees who possess the requisite qualification in the ratio of 1: 2 for Process Servers and other Group-D employees respectively as per the method of selection to be decided by the District Recruitment Committee. In case of non-availability of successful employees in such group the vacancies so reserved for them shall be filled up from successful candidates in the recruitment test. 2. Eligibility of the Candidates : (a) have passed at least +2 examination conducted by the Council constituted under section 3 of the Orissa Higher Secondary Education Act, 1982 or equivalent examination of recognized Council, Board or University, as the case may be ; (b) have atleast passed Diploma in Computer Application from a recognized Institute; (c) be over 18 years and below 32 years of age on the last date fixed for receipt of applications by the District Recruitment Committee; Provided that, the upper age limit in respect of reserved categories of candidates shall be relax in accordance with the provisions of the relevant act, Rules, Orders or Instructions, for the time being in force, for the respective reserved categories. (d) be able to speak, read and write Oriya and have passed a test in oriya equivalent to the M.E standard; (e) be of good character; (f) be of sound health, good physique and free from organic defects or bodily infirmity; (g) have not more than one spouse living, if married; and (h) for the post of typists the candidate shall possess a minimum speed of 40 words in typewriting per minute; 3. Fee for Examination : The candidates are required to deposit fees of Rs. 100/- in shape of the Treasury Challan under the head 0070 other administrative services - 01 - administration of justice - 501 - Services and Service fees - 990 4650-Law Deptt. - 9916730- Examination Fees for recruitment conducted by Orissa Dist. & subordinate courts along with their applications form. The S.C. & S.T. Candidates are exempted from payment of examination fees. The candidates are required to submit their applications being duly filled in and signed by their own hands furnishing the required particulars as per the format given below. The candidates who are in Govt. employment are required to apply through proper Channel. NOTE : Non compliance of any of the requirements mentioned in the notice shall entail rejection of his/her application. The application, if found defective/incomplete in any respect shall be summarily rejected. 4. (a) Scheme of Examination : There shall be an examination on the following subject for the posts of Jr. Clerkscum-Copyists & Typist only :


1 hr -

The written test for the posts of Jr Clerk/Copyist, and Typist will be held on 21. 2.201 0.(b) For the posts of typist there will be a test in type writing and such type writing test will be held after publication of the result of written test and the qualifying candidates are required to bring their own typewriters, (c) For stenographer there will be a test in Shorthand and typewriting and such test will be held on 7.3.2010 and they are required to bring their own type writers. Last date of Receipt of Application : Applications along with required documents and attested copies of certificates duly signed by candidates shall be sent by registered/speed post so as to reach the office of District Judge Balasore on or before 15.12.09. The applications received in the office after the last date shall be summarily rejected. (5) The authority reserves right to short listing the candidates on the basis of educational qualification including knowledge in Computer operation. (6) List of the documents to be submitted by the candidates along with applications are as follows: (i) Original treasury chalan showing deposit of examination fees of Rs.100/- only under proper head of account as mentioned above (except SC/ST candidates), (ii) Two self signed recent passport size photographs of the applicant duly attested by a Gazetted Officer, (iii) Attested photocopy of HSC examination or equivalent certificate showing the proof of age with mark list and certificates showing passing of +2 or equivalent examination and mark sheet, (iv) any other Educational Qualification certificate with mark sheets, (v) attested photocopy of certificate showing the knowledge of Shorthand/typewriting from a recognized institute for the post of stenographer, (vi) attested photocopy of certificate showing the knowledge of typewriting from a recognized institute for the post of Typists, (vii) attested photocopy of certificate showing qualification of D.C. A from a recognized institute, (viii) attested photocopy of certificate issued by the competent authority in case of SC/ST/SEBC/PH/EX-Serviceman. (ix) attested photocopy of identity cards of sports persons issued by Government, (x) Two self addressed envelopes properly stamped for despatch of call letters by Regd Post. All the Copies of testimonials shall also be signed by the candidate. The candidates are required to mention the category of the posts which they applied for in Capital letters on the top of their respective applications and top of the envelops containing their applications. (7) The selected candidates will be put on probation for a period of 2 years from the date of joining. Canvassing in any form shall be a disqualification.

By order, Registrar, Civil Courts, Balasore APPLICATION FORMAT

(FOR THE POST OF JR CLERK, COPYIST/TYPISTS/STENOGRAPHER (1) Name in full (IN BLOCK LETTERS), (2) Father’s/Husband Name, (3) Permanent Addresss (IN BLOCK LETTERS) With Pin Code Number, (4) Present address for correspondence (IN BLOCK LETTERS) with Pin Code Number, (5) Date of Birth in Christian Era (in figures and words), (6) Category you belong to (Gen/ST/SC/SEBC), (7) If belonging to category of Physically handicapped/Sports person/Ex-Service Men, (8) Amount of Treasury Challan Treasury Challan No. & Name of Treasury, (10) Educational Qualification (from Matriculation onwards including computer knowledge) SI.No Qualification Institution/Board/University Percentage of Marks Obtained Remarks 1 H.S.C 2 +2 Examination 3 D.C.A 4 5 6 (1) List of enclosures (i) (ii) (iii) (2) Whether applied earlier pursuant to Court’s Notice No................... Dated.................. DECLARATION I hereby declare that information furnished above are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I am fully aware that in the event of any information being found false or incorrect at any stage, my candidature/appointment is liable to be cancelled/terminated without any notice. Place: Date: Signature of the Candidate



Duration of Tests



1 hr.



Part I


Part II

General Knowledge Computer Science

Part III


100 50

2 hrs. 1 hr. 1 hr.

1 hr.

The written test for the posts of Jr. Clerks-cum-copyist & Typists will be held on 21.02.2010. (b) For the posts of typist there will be a test in type writing and such type writing test will be held after publication of the result of written test and the qualifying candidates are required to bring their own typewriter machine. Last Date of receipt of application : Applications along with required documents and self attested copies of certificates must reach the undersigned by 15-12-2009 and application received in the office after the last date shall be summarily rejected. 5. In case of receipt of large number of applications the authority reserves right to short list the candidates in accordance with the Rules contained in Orissa District & Subordinate courts non-judicial staff services (Method of recruitment and condition of service) rules - 2008. 6. List of documents to be submitted by the candidates alongwith the applications : (i) Attested copy of Certificate of HSC or equivalent to Matriculation with mark sheet. (ii) Attested copy of Certificate of +2 Examination or equivalent Examination of a recognized Council, Board or University with mark sheet. iii) Attested copy of Certificate of Diploma in Computer Application from a recognized Institute. (iv) Attested copy of Caste Certificate (v) Character certificate from two Gazetted Officers. (vi) Attested copy of Typewriting Certificate from a recognized Institute for the post of Typist. (vii) Treasury Challan in original showing the deposit of Examination Fees. (viii) Two self-signed passport size photographs of which one is to be affixed in the space provided for photograph in the application. (ix) Two self addressed stamped envelopes of size 23 cm x 10 cm. (x) One self addressed Post Card. (xi) The candidates are required to mention the category of the post in bold letters on the top ofl their respective applications and top of the envelopes containing their applications. Sd/- - S.K.Pattnaik District Judge, Koraput, Jeypore APPLICATION FORMAT (FOR THE POST OF JR. CLERK-CUM-COPYIST /TYPIST) 1. Name in full (Block letters): 2. Father’s / Husband’s Name : 3. Permanent Address (in Block letters) with Pin Code Number: 4. Present Address for correspondence (in Block letters) with pin Code Number: Date of Birth in Christian Era : (in Figures and Words) 6. Category you belong to (Gen. / ST/SC/SEBC): 7. Amount of Treasury Challan : 8. Treasury Challan No. & Name of Treasury : 9. Educational Qualification (From Matriculation onwards including computer knowledge) SI. No.





+2 / 12th

2. 4

Institution / Board / University

Percentage of Marks Obtained




5 6

10. List of enclosures : (i)............................. (ii)........................... (iii)....................................


I hereby declare that information furnished above are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I am fully aware that in the event of any information being found false or ncorrect at any stage, my candidature /appointment is liable to be cancelled / terminated without any notice. Place : Date: Signature of the Candidate Name;


28 ^ùb´e - 4 Wòiù´e 2009



District Watershed Mission, Kalahandi invites application from eligible candidates for engagement on contractual basis as Watershed Development Team members (Social/ Plant) Science/ Engineering/ Animal Science) against the existing requirements of the Project Implementing Agencies in Kalahandi District. The existing requirements of WDT (Social), WDT (Plant Science), WDT (Engineering) and WDT (Animal Science) are 6, 13, 9 and 13 respectively which is subject to change. The applications should reach the Project Director, Watersheds, Kalahandi, Beheraguda S.C.D.C. Farm, P.O: Bundelguda, Via. Bhawanipatna, Dist: Kalahandi on or before 11.12.2009. Eligibility Criteria SI. No. Discipline/ Stream 01.

WDT (Social)


WDT (Plant Science)


WDT (Engineering)


WDT (Animal Science)

Minimum Qualification

Post Graduate Degree in Social Work/ Sociology/MBA/ Post Graduate Diploma in Rural Development/Rural Management

Bachelor Degree in Agriculture /Forestry/ Horticulture/ Science (Botany Hons.)

Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering/Agricultural Engineering/ Diploma in Civil Engineering with 2 years experience

Bachelor Degree in Animal Husbandry/Fisheries/Science (Zoology Hons.)/ Retired Livestock inspector up to 62 years age.

The candidates must be above 18 years of age and should have fluency in Oriya. Desirable Qualification: Computer literacy, Relevant Experience in Natural Resource Management based development projects/programmes. The engagement will be purely temporary & on contractual basis for a period of one year or till the completion of the projects which ever is earlier. The contract can be terminated at any time without assigning any reason thereof. On engagement the candidates will be paid a monthly consolidated honorarium of Rs.5000/-, travelling allowance of Rs.500/- & conveyance allowance of Rs.250/only. They shall abide by the rules and regulations approved or stipulated by District Watershed Mission, Kalahandi and are required to tour extensively in rural areas. The authority reserves right to cancel or reject any application without assigning any reason thereof. Incomplete applications and applications received after 11.12.2009 are liable to be rejected. APPLICATION FORMAT FOR ENGAGEMENT AS WATERSHED DEVELOPMENT TEAM MEMBERS Position applied for WDT (Plant Science)/WDT (Engineering)/WDT (Social)/WDT (Animal Science) 1. Name of the Candidate Attach a recent passport size photograph 2. Father’s Name Sex: Male/Female 3. Permanent Address Address for Communication 4. Contact Phone No. if any 5. Date of Birth: Attach True Copy of H.Sc. Certificate/ Birth Certificate in support of Date of Birth 6. Educational Qualification: Attach attested true copies of certificates Degree/ Certificate

Yer of Passing


28 Nov. - 4 Dec., 2009


POWER GRID CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprise) Regd. Office : B-9, Qutab Institutional Area, Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi-110016 Corp. Office : “Saudamini”, Plot No. 2, Sector-29, Gurgaon, Haryana-122 001


POWERGRID, a Navratna PSU, is one of the largest transmission utilities in the world with a pan India presence. The organization is the Central Transmission Utility (CTU) of the country and wheels about 45% of the power generated in India. We are engaged in the construction, operation & maintenance of Inter-State Transmission System and operation of National and Regional Power Grids. POWERGRID has also diversified into Telecom business and established an optic fibre cable telecom network of more than 20,000 kms which connects over 100 Indian cities. POWERGRID has also emerged as a renowned Consultant in power sector in a short span of time with National and International clients. The organization has been honored with the prestigious “Star PSU Award 2007-08” for its gamechanging role in the Indian power sector. It has been also awarded with IFTDO Global Human Resource Award for excellence in the field of HRD. The organization has ambitious plans to expand transmission network with an investment of over Rs. 55,000 crores in XI plan, i.e. by the year2012. To give a thrust to this process of growth, POWERGRID requires bright experienced professionals with initiative and enterprise, desirous of pursuing a career with POWERGRID, for the following positions:

Division awarded

7. Relevant experience if any: Attach attested true copies of experience certificates Organization Period of Work

Signature of the Candidates Date

No of completed months

Responsibilities Handled

Sd/- Project Director, Watersheds, Kalahandi


Applications are invited in the prescribed format from the eligible candidates for the contractual engagement of Lab. Technicians and Staff Nurses in the Blood Banks of DHH, Baripada/SDH, Udala, Rairangpur and Karanjia of Mayurbhanj district from Orissa Red Cross Society, Mayurbhanj. The engagement is purely temporary and terminable at any time without notice thereof. The Candidates are required to submit the applications to the address of the CDMO, Mayurbhanj in the prescribed format on cover envelope mentioning APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF STAFF NURSE OR L.T. OF BLOOD BANK along with recent passport size photograph pasted with right hand top of the application duly signed by the candidate, Xerox copies (attested) of educational/ Technical mark sheet/Certificates/valid residential Certificates as on 1.11.09 caste certificate for relaxation of age under Registered post only within 13 days of the publication of the advertisement. 1. LAB TECHNICIAN : (4 posts) Monthly consolidated salary Rs. 4.500/-. Eligibility Criteria : Should have passed DMLT from any Govt. Medical College of Orissa Or Govt. Recognized Institutions only. Preference will be given for candidates passed from Govt. Institution. Age : Should be under 32 years and above 21 years of age on 1.11.09. Relaxable up to maximum 5 years for ST/SC/ Women/Ex-servicemen. 3 years for SEBC and 10 years for PH candidates. 2. Staff Nurse : (4 posts) Monthly consolidated Salary Rs. 6000/-Eligibility Criteria : Should have passed GNM from any Govt. College of Orissa or Govt. recognized Institutions only. Preference will be given for candidates passed from Govt. Institution. Age : Should be under 32 years and above 21 years of age on 1.11.09 Relaxable up to maximum 5 years for ST/SC/Ex-servicemen. 3 years for SEBC and 10 years for PVl candidates. The selection will be made merit basis on marks secured in the Lab. Tech & GNM examination only The candidates of Mayurbhanj will be given preference. The selected candidates will not claim for regular appointment basing on this contractual engagement. The selected candidates have to undergo training on Blood Banking under SBTC, Orissa at their own cost prior to engagement. The Selection committee reserves all rights to alter/ cancel the selection without showing reasons thereof. FORMAT FOR APPLICATION : (.1) Name of the applicant (In Block Letters) (2) Father’s/Husbands name (3) Home District (4) Full postal address : At-, PO-, P.S.-, Dist (5) Date of Birth (6) Marital Status - M/UM (7) (a) Educational Qualification. HSC/IA/ ISc. Year of passing, full marks, % of Marks secured, Division if any, Remarks (b) Technical Qualification : Training passed, Year of passing, Full Marks, % of Marks Secured, Division if any, Remarks (8) Declaration : I do hereby declare that the above informations are given true to the best of my knowledge. My candidature will be cancelled if found false. Signature of the candidates, Date and Place. Collector and District Magistrate Mayurbhanj-cum-vice-President, Managing Committee ORC Blood Bank

Relaxations and Concessions: Relaxations and Concessions for SC, ST, OBC (NCL), Ex-service men and PH category are as per Government directives. Employees working as AE FTB in POWERGRID are eligible for age relaxation. For details on exact concessions and relaxations, refer to our detailed advertisement published in the website www.powergridindia.com Health: Applicants should have sound health. Candidates with myopia and hypermetropia exceeding +4.00D need not apply. Squint and Colour Blindness (partial or full) is a disqualification for all posts except SI.No. 63,64 and 68. No relaxation in health standard is allowed. Appointment of selected candidates will be subject to candidates being found medically fit in the Pre-Employment Medical Examination to be conducted as per the Norms and Standards of Medical Fitness. The detail POWERGRID norms and standards of Medical fitness are also available at the POWERGRID website (www.powergridindia.com) in Career section. Selection Process The Selection Process shall consist of Personal Interview.The Management reserves the right to raise the minimum eligibility standards/criteria and/or to conduct a screening test, to restrict the number of candidates to be called for Personal Interview, if so required. Compensation Package: The Corporation offers a very attractive package and is one of the best in the Industry with excellent facilities like Company Leased Accommodation / HRA, Performance Linked Incentives, Telephone/Mobile Facility, Conveyance Reimbursement, Medical facilities, LTC, Group Insurance, Personal Accident Insurance, Pension, Short and Long term Loans & Advances etc. as in force from time to time. How to Apply: Interested applicant must log on to www.powergridindia.com for detailed advertisement. An application fee of Rs. 400/- is payable by candidates belonging to General and OBC (NCL) category through a non-refundable Demand Draft obtained from STATE BANK OF INDIA drawn in favour of “Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd.” payable at New Delhi. Application will be received through on-line system only. Any other mode of submission of application is unacceptable. The detailed guidelines for on-line submission of application are available at POWERGRID website mentioned above. Important Dates Date of Commencement of On-line submission of Application : 28.11.2009 Date of Closing of On-line submissionof Application : 08.12.2009 Last Date of Receipt of Hard Copy Application : 21.12.2009

RNI No. 52621/93, Postal Regd. No. BN/43/09-11 Approved by Govt. of India (DAVP, Min. of I & B) & Govt. of Odisha

IWÿògûe icÉ Ròfäû Gaõ ije cjKêcûùe [ôaû _âùZýK _ûdZ / aäKþ /G^þ.G.iò./ cêý^òiò_ûfòUò @kùe 18 eê 40 ahð adÄ gòlòZ ùaKûe [ôaû ~êaK ~êaZúcû^uê ùicû^ue ù~ûMýZû Gaõ \lZû @^ê~ûdú @`òi _ûAñ @ûagýK ùjC[ôaû ^òùcÜûq _\aú MêWÿòKùe ^ò~êqò ^òcù« \eLûÉ (Bio-Data) ijòZ Certificate e Xerox Gaõ 2Uò ^òR VòKYû ùfLû[ôaû Postal Envelop @ûi«û 14.12.09 eòL iê¡û WûK / ùKûeò@e E-Mail cû¤cùe MâjY Keû~ûC@Qò ö S.N. _\aú iõLýû ù~ûMýZû cûiòK \ecû 1. Unit Manager 100 +2_ûieê D¡ßð Rs.10000-Rs.12000 Rs.9500-Rs.11500 2. Block Welfare 200 cûUâòKþ _ûieê D¡ßð ADVT.No.(09/09):

Officer Rural/Urban Dev. Officer Office Executive



cûUâòKþ _ûieê D¡ßð

Rs.8500- Rs.10,500

@Ác ùgâYúeê D¡ßð Rs.6500-Rs.9000 cù^û^úZ _âû[ðú ùUâ^õò _òed ò Wÿùe ^òR @kùe ejò Kû~ðýûkde _eûcgð Kâùc Kû~ðý Keòùa ö Zò^ò cûi _ùe ùicû^uê iÚûdú ^ò~q ê ò _â\û^ Keû~òaû ijòZ T.A., D.A., Bonus, Incentives _â\û^ Keû~òa ö Kû~ðý iµKðúd icÉ Z[ý \eLûÉ MâjYe ùgh ZûeòL _ùe RYûA \ò@û~òa ö ^ò~q ê ò _ìae ð ê _âû[ðúcû^uê `cð I ^òdcûakú Gaõ Zûfòc Lyð _â\û^ KeòaûKê _Wÿa ò ö Êû-cêLý _eòPûkK Apply to : THE HELP LINE, At- Peyton Sahi 4.


(Main Road, Po- Buxi Bazar, Cuttack-1, [email protected]


Job Desc: Understand operations at plants & corporate level. Assess compliance of policies & Internal Controls. Conduct Internal Audit in all functions. Assess internal/ external risks. Identify areas of improvement. Participate in Business Projects. Profile: French Cement MNC, Lafarge India, is looking for Dynamic and astute Accounts Professionals with good verbal and written communication, strong inter-personal skills, good understanding of accounting and auditing concepts Exp: 0-1 Location: Kolkata Email: [email protected]



Job Desc: You should -Have ITI/NCTVT from a reputed institute -Have experience in working on OG sets, HVAC, Chillers, Transformers, LT Panels, Cooling Towers -have a valid PWDor Supervisor License Profile: You should -Have ITI/NCTVT from a reputed institute -Have experience in working on DG sets, HVAC, Chillers, Transformers, LT Panels, Cooling Towers -have a valid PWDor Supervisor License Exp:2-5 Location: Mumbai Suburbs Email: [email protected] vvv



Job Desc: Graduates/Diploma holders in HR required to assist in recruitment, payroll and office administration We are looking for the candidates who can effectively coordinate among our 7 offices in Delhi employing a work force of 400 people. Profile: Good communication skills, adaptable to all types of working environment, presentable dynamic. Exp: 1-3 Location: Delhi, Delhi/NCR Email: [email protected]



Job Desc: Accountable for West Zone administration functions i.e. Administration / Facility Management, Ticket Booking, liasoning with local / Govt. Authorities for Licensing. Profile: Looking for Male aspirant having 3-4 years of administration experience in Retail Industry who can independently handle administration functions of West Zone. Exp: 3-5 Location: Mumbai, Mumbai Suburbs Email: [email protected]


ZSS, Cuttack invites applications from suitable candidates for engagement for the following’ posts under NRHM Cuttack District: SI. No.

Name of the posts


Block Programme Organizer (BPO)


Programme Manager Sub-Divisional Hospital



No. of Posts 3

Monthly Remuneration Rs.10000/-



Addl. ANM



Staff Nurses



Minimum qualification

Graduate in any discipline with PGDCA/MCA/ BCA from recognised Govt. institute, minimum 55% of marks and should be below 35 years’ of age as on 01.06.2009, preference will be given to candidates possessing PG qualification in management / health qualification in Management/health education and those have experience in this field. Candidates must be permanent resident’of the district s/he is applying for and Residential certificates to be produced while applying for the post. -- do --

The candidates must have passed the HSC examination and must have undergone the 1 1 / 2 year approved Govt. training centers/ recognised provate institute. Selection of the candidates shall be made on the merit, on the basis of marks secured in GNM examination from 3 Medical Colleges / Schools of Nursing MCLTalcher/IGH Rourkela and must have registered in the Orissa Nursing Council

The interested candidates are requested to log on to www.nrhmorissa.gov.in or www.cuttack.nic.in for downloading the forms and job responsibility. The completely filled in application forms alongwith other documents should reach the office of the Chief District Medical Officer, Cuttack, (At/- Old Secretariat Campus, P.O. Buxi Bazar, Dist-Cuttack) on or before 17th December 2009 through Speed Post/Regd. Post only. The post applied for should be clearly mentioned on the top of the envelope and application. Applicants are requested to enclose two self addressed envelope with Five Rupees stamp alongwith the application form. Chief District Medical Officer, Cuttack.

Indian Institute of Banking & Finance

World Trade Centre, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai-5, Tel No.22187003/04/05

Invites applications for the post of Director - 1 Post, Joint Director (Academic Affairs)-2 posts, Deputy Director (Academic Affairs) - 1 Post For details on job, qualification, experience, pay and other benefits log on to www.iibf.org.in


Medical Representative

( Duration : 30 days )

Starting Job: l 100% Placement Support in Orissa l By Experts in Pharma Marketing l Hostel Facility available. (Nursery for Quality Med.Rep.)

Dolamundai, Cuttack, Ph.:9861531250 / 9439619383

^ò½òZ ^ò~êqòe iêa‰ð iêù~ûM N.T.T. ù~ûMýZû: cûUâòKþ aû Z\ê¡ßð, icd - 1 ahð S.T.T. ù~ûMýZû: iÜûZK aû Z\ê¡ßð, icd - 1 ahð


^ò~êqò aòmû_^


28 Nov. - 4 Dec., 2009

Study Materials, Computer

Art & Craft,Spoken English

Hostel Facility for Ladies Candidates

Teacher’s Training ùlZâùe IWÿògûe GK

@_âZò\ߦú I ^òbðeù~ûMý @^êÂû^ 1998 ciòjûeê Kû~ðýKeò @ûiò@Qò ö

Ad ope missio nf n Bat or 9th ch


(Regd. By Govt. of Orissa) 23, Gautam Nagar, BBSR-14, Ph.2434818, 9438183366 ForForm & Prospectus send Rs.80/- By M.O. of Rs.60/- by hand

ùUâ^òõ I ^ò~êqò aòmû_^

Govt. Regd. No. CINU74910-OR2005 PTC-0008444

iêelû I ^òeû_û ù~ûMûYùe Advance Diploma Course ijòZ ^ò~êqò _â\û^

IWÿògû, \òfäú, jûA\âûaû\ùe [ôaû Steel & Power Plant, Aluminium Company cû^uùe Kû~ðý Keòaû _ûAñ ^òcf Ü L ò Z ò _\aúMêWK òÿ ^òcù« _âû[ðú @ûagýK ö AzêK _âû[ðú Training ijòZ ^ò~q ê ò _ûAñ ù~ûMûù~ûM Ke«ê ö

ùUâ^òõ _ùe ^ò½òZ ^ò~êqò / ^ò~êqò icdùe ùUâ^òõ `ò ^ò@û~òa

_\aú:FIREMAN, SAFETY SUPERVISOR ù~ûMýZû: cûUâòKþ _ûiþ, adi - 19 eê 35 ahð ö Limited gûeúeòK ù~ûMýZû : 5’.7” IR^- 50 ùK.Rò. Seats \ecû jûe : Rs.5000/- eê Rs.7500/- _~ðý« ejòaû _ûAñ Hostel iêaò]û @Qò ö AzêK _âû[ðú 7 \ò^ c¤ùe ^òcÜ VòKYûùe Certificate Xerox Copy Gaõ ùMûUòG Pass Photo ijòZ ù~ûMûù~ûM Ke«ê ö INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL SAFETY & FIRE MANAGEMENT

(AN ISO 9001-2008 Certified) HIG-13, Dharma Vihar, Khandagiri, Bhubaneswar, Ph.9178149131

@_ùei^þ [ôGUe ij ^iòõð ijûdòKû _ûVýKâcùe _âùag _ûAñ aòùgh iìP^û

bûeZ ieKûeu _äû^òõ Kcòi^þ Gaõ bûeZúd iõi\ \ßûeû @^êùcû\òZ bûeZ ùiaK icûR, ÊúKéZò_âû¯ @^êÂû^ @]ú^ùe PkòZ 20102012 gòlûahð _ûAñ @_ùei^þ [ôGUe ij ^iòðõ ijûdòKû Zûfòc _ûAñ 2 ahðò@û Diploma Course ^òcù« 10c _ûiþ / Z\ê¡ßð AzêK QûZâ I QûZâúcû^u Vûeê \eLûÉ @ûjßû^ Keû~ûCQò ö Cq Zûfòc, @ûkòK PòKò›û - aòmû^ ùa÷hdòK _âZòÂû^, bêaù^gßeu cû¤cùe _â\û^ Keû~ò a ö jùÁfe iê a ò ] û @Qò ö `cð I ^ò d cûakú ^ò c Ü f ò L ò Z Kû~ðýûkdeê U.100/- aò^òcdùe còkò_ûeòa ö \eLûÉ còkòaûe ùgh ZûeòL 31.12.2009 ö _âû[ðú I _âû[ôð^úu adi : 15 eê 30 ahð c¤ùe ùjûA[ôaû @ûagýK ö _âgòlY iÚû^ :


3489, Palasuni, P.O. GGP,(Rasulgarh), Bhubaneswar-25, ORISSA Ph.(0674)2370415, 6535319, Mob: 9937440788

Printed, Published & Owned by SATYAJIT PANDA, Published at TS-3/193, Mancheswar Industrial Estate, Bhubaneswar-751 010, Printed at Nijukti Khabar Prakashan , TS-3/193, Mancheswar Ind.Estate, Bhubaneswar-751010, Phone No.(0674) 2582532, 2582533, 2582534 FAX: 2582535, e-mail: [email protected] Editor - SUDHIR KUMAR PANDA iµû\K - iê]úe Kêcûe _Šû



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