3rd November Newsletter - Ncs

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TERM 4 3rd November 2009

Nelson Central School We e k l y N e w s l e t t e r

Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa te whanau whanui o te Kura Tuatahi o Whakatu – greetings to friends and family of Nelson Central School. World Diabetes Day Diabetes Education and Prevention is the World Diabetes Day theme for the period 2009-2013. The campaign calls on all those responsible for diabetes care to understand diabetes and take control. For people with diabetes, this is a message about empowerment through education. For governments, it is a call to implement effective strategies and policies for the prevention and management of diabetes to safeguard the health of their citizens with and at risk of diabetes. For healthcare professionals, it is a call to improve knowledge so that evidence-based recommendations are put into practice. For the general public, it is a call to understand the serious impact of diabetes and know, where possible, how to avoid or delay diabetes and its complications. The key messages of the campaign are: • Know the diabetes risks and know the warning signs • Know how to respond to diabetes and who to turn to • Know how to manage diabetes and take control Absences Thank you to everyone who lets the office know when children are going to be absent from school. Office staff report that approximately 80% of absences are notified. Let’s see how soon we can move that up to 100%. School fees and donations If you haven’t yet paid the school stationery fee or to make a donation to the school it’s not too late to do that – call at the office and see Judy – remember we have EFTPOS. Teacher release time Next week classroom teachers will start work on the end of year written reports for students. That will see them released from their classroom duties from time to time. End of term The last day of the school year will be Wednesday 16 December. Final assembly will start at about 11:15 am and we expect that to finish just after mid day. Biggest ICT Expo in the Top of The South More than 2,000 children from Auckland Point, Clifton Terrace, Hampden Street, Maitai, Nelson Central, Nelson Intermediate, St Josephs and Victory schools will be participating in a Children’s ICT Expo on 18-19 November to be held in the Victory School hall. This will be the biggest ICT Expo ever held in the top of the South Island.

Teachers are busy preparing displays of the work their children have been involved in. Displays on how children use Inquiry Learning; digital story telling and blogging in the classroom have been prepared. A display on Kidpix is also being prepared. Teachers from other schools will prepare displays showing what their children have been working on. During the Expo children from different schools will be present to demonstrate other aspects of their learning. We will be able to let you know next week exactly what our children will be offering. Several children from Year 2 and upwards in our school will visit the Expo. Visiting times for our school will be advised next week. Class Placements Form 2010 This is to remind caregivers/parents that there is a form available for you to complete if you think there is something we need to know about your child that you feel we might not be aware of and that might be relevant as we consider class placements for 2010. The forms will need to be returned to either your child’s classroom teacher or to the school office by 6 November. Term Events 12 Nov – NIS Powhiri for 2010 enrolments 16-20 Nov - Cycle Safety Week 18 Nov – NIS testing for extension class 22 Nov – SCG Push Play Family Walk Dec - End of Year activities TBA 4 Dec - Mt Arthur Summit Club Walk 7 Dec – SCG Summer Picnic Evening 13 Dec – Year 6 Disco 10 Dec – Totara Big Day Out 14 Dec – Year 5/6 End of Year Assembly 14 Dec – Kowhai Big Day Out 16 Dec – School closes Dr Paul Potaka PRINCIPAL YEAR 6 DISCO We will be selling tickets every day until the 13th of November. They are $3.00 The disco is on the 13th of November. We are selling the tickets outside the library every morning. If you can bring a plate of food please do. Sorry no door sales. Maddie, Rochell and Juliette

Our weekly newsletter is kindly sponsored by –


70 Nile Street, Nelson Principal: [email protected]

Phone 03 548 4972

– Fax 03 548 4483 – Email [email protected]

Secretary: [email protected]

BOT Chairman: Geoff Clark 545 8010

Website: www.nelsoncentral.school.nz

School Community Group 2010 Fundraising Calendars Throughout the school children have been doing artwork for personalised calendars and/or cards which will be available later in the term. The order forms should have come home last week. Costs to parents are as follows: A4 Art Calendar $10.50 ea A4 Photo calendar $12.00 ea Greeting Cards (8 pack) $12.00 per pack Calendar Art will be available for parents to see in classrooms this week and orders placed through classrooms by November 6. These will make great gifts for family and friends!

The Gala will be held on Sunday, 21st March 2010. The School Community Group invites you to come up with a theme for the Gala and have a say in what the fundraising objective will be. A form will be sent home with your child next week. Here’s your chance to have a say, so return it to the Office by Friday, 20th November. November All ideas are welcome.

Thank you, from the SCG

Social Skills - Helping Rights/ Responsibilities “I have the right to ask for help” “I have the responsibility to help others”

2009 Mask Parade

Giant masks walking streets Joyful children in groups Bushy plastic bags rustling Black clothing on children’s bodies World masks. Hazel Rm 5 (more photos on the website)

Student Council News As part of their Kroo Bay Inquiry representatives from Kahikatea syndicate approached the Student Council seeking their support to raise funds for Save the Children. They delivered the following speeches to the Council.

Express Yourself Thomas Zohrab Room 5 Every child should have rights. I think it’s not fair because we have medical care and we can survive and develop to the fullest. We have been learning about the children of Kroo Bay. Kroo Bay is a slum community in Africa. In Kroo Bay their rubbish is in the river so that means dirty water to drink and to wash in. Every year in August they have to be prepared for water to flood into people’s homes. Save the Children have banked the river to try to stop it but it still floods. People throw rubbish into the river in the hills so it washes down into Kroo Bay. In Kroo Bay they don’t get a quality education. If they do something wrong they might get beaten or hit so they might not do it again. They put a lot of effort into getting pencils. Every day they have to carry their desk because they share a classroom with older children. Save the Children helps poor children all over the world. I wish I could buy “Equip a school for a year” for $262 from Save the Children’s wish list because it will help a child have a brighter future. So please tell your friends and family to go on the wish list site and buy something to help children’s rights become a reality. Please buy something from the wish list. Save The Children: Buy a Yak!

Josephine Ripley Room 6

Room 6 have been looking at Children’s Rights around the world, we mostly looked at Kroo Bay, a slum community in Africa. Not all children are having their rights met like us in NZ. We want you to raise money to give to Save the Children; you could save a child’s life by buying a yak. Children are dying from the cold, hunger and unclean water. A yak can provide wool for blankets, fabric for clothes, leather; for boots, milk, yoghurt and cheese to eat and the yak’s hair can be used to make tents. You can make a change please raise money to give to Save the Children. You can make a child have a better life by getting supplies off their wish list. It may seem a like a little bit of money bit it can change a child’s life. Please raise some money! Hi, we are from Room 3. We have been studying Human Rights. We discovered that some children like those in Kroo Bay don’t have their basic rights met. Foe example: One in 4 children dies before the age of five because of not having enough nutritious food and clean water. In September 1990 UNCROC decided what rights children should have all around the world. We hope that you will help us to support and fundraise for Save the Children Fund. Save the Children Fund helps people in other places to better achieve their rights. Please help! In Kroo Bay they lack good trained teachers so education is poor. They have to share classrooms with other people, their river is full of junk from Freetown and it is their only source of water. They use it for everything – washing, drinking and playing in. Their houses are too close to the river so when floods occur the water fills their houses. Food prices are doubling so many can’t afford food, there aren’t any jobs so they can’t earn money, they don’t have enough money to survive. People are suffering from the conditions they are in. Three children die every second, some babies die before birth, mothers often die from childbirth, diseases are everywhere- especially in people. Even now people are dying so start fundraising now! Save the Children Fund sends people to places in need to advise and work on projects. They send needed equipment over to places that need it. Providing these things can help meet the rights of people in poor countries. You can send them: A woolly yak to provide wool, milk and meet A water filter to provide clean water Some plumpy nuts – these are very nutritious or Teacher training to give children good education. Thank you for listening to our speech. Ruby and Jenna The Council voted unanimously to support Kahikatea and ask you all for your help. You can either. • Go to the web site www.savethechildren.org.nz and then go to the shopping page wish list and select something. • Donate some money at school. (please place in the marked silver box in corridor Rooms 1-4) • Have your child make a gold coin donation on Crazy/Whacky Shirt Day(Date to be advised)

Nelson BMX Club BMX is fun and action packed (it was a brand new event at the 2008 Olympics) come try for yourself. Club racing is on every Sunday 11am at the BMX Track, Beach Road, Tahunanui This week the NCS Blog of the Week Award goes to ROOM 10! Room 10 have lots of fantastic celebrations of learning on their class blog. You can see photos of students who have received certificates, information on the class' activities and read some of the poems they've been writing. Take a look at Room 10's blog and check it all out; you may like to leave them a comment too. You can view Room 10's blog by going to the school website and clicking on "Room 10" on the sidebar to the left. www.nelsoncentral.school.nz

Nelson Summer Series - Saturday 14 November 1pm come see some of Australasia's top BMX riders Call/Text: Chris Jones Ph: 027 270 2121 or email [email protected] with enquiries. SPORTS RESULTS - Week ended 1st November Mini Soccer Central Strikers v Victory Strikers 6 all draw. Central Strikers v Victory Strikers. Won 6-5. Central Rovers 5 v St Josephs Orange 3 Central Rovers v St Josephs. St Josephs won 2-4. Goals scored by Ben, Ren 3. Central Panthers v St Josephs. Central won 10-0.

Volleyball Central Spikers 52 v Nayland 59. Central Servers 46 v 62. Touch Nelson French Alliance - French Lessons Central Sharks 5 v Highlanders 1. Nelson: A new class is to be held at Victory school Central Tigers 6 v Richmond Rebels 1. on Tuesdays or Thursdays from 4.30 to 5.30pm Central Stormers 4 v Richmond 7. Richmond and Tasman: A new class is to be held at Touchdowns scored by: Devon room 8 3, Karama B. Central Stormers 3 v Richmond Tigers 4. Henley School on Mondays from 4.30 to 5.30pm Touchdowns scored by Devon, room 8. Age: from 6 to 11 years old Softball Central 8 v Clifton Terrace 10. Fees: $12 per one hour session payable per term Incrediball Cricket Prompt replies are necessary as places are limited Central/St Josephs Stars 22 v Nayland Allstars 25. (small groups) and a minimum of five children is Hardball Cricket needed to start a class. Nelson Central 59 v Nelson Central/St Josephs 45 runs. Top batsman: Nic Room7 25 runs, Jordan (St Joes) Please contact Charlotte Crottaz: 546 7739 or Top wicket takers: Brady M 3, Jordan (St Joes) 2 [email protected] Kiwi Cricket Schools NELSON ATHLETICS The draw for this Saturday is listed below Please remind REGISTERING NOW children to be there prior to 8.45 am ready to start at 9 am. Saxton Field all-weather track Second Round Date: 7 Nov 09 • Every Thursday Ground Team Team • 5.30 start INCREDIBALL GRADE 1 Birchwood Eagles v Nayland All Stars • 7-14 year olds welcome 2 Auckland Point Avengers v Henley Black Caps • Costs: $55.00 for Term 4 & 1 3 Mapua 1 v Central / St Joes Stars Contact: Sally ph 5488107 4 Appleby v Tahuna Blackcaps Push Play Fam ilies 5 Wakefield Yellow v HSS Red B ranford Park / M aitai R iver W alk 6 Ranzau v HSS Black

SU N D A Y, 22 nd N O V E M BE R 2009 A ll Central School fam ilies are invited to join us on a w alk over the Centre of N Z to B ranford Park, and back to Central School via the M aitai R iver. The w alk is approxim ately 2 hours, w ith a get together for som e gam es and lunch on the front field at the end. This is a m oderately easy w alk, M eet at the B otanics Sports field at 10.30 am . If you require further info, phone K athryn 5457009 Postponem ent date if w et – 29 th N ovem ber.

SENIOR GRADE 7 Birchwood Black Caps v Mapua 2 8 Stoke Hitters v Tahuna Tigers 9 Enner Glynn Green Caps v Auckland Point Aces 10 Wakefield Blue v Henley Stumpers 11 Central Sixers v Ranzau JUNIOR GRADE 13 Birchwood / Stoke v Appleby Aces 14 Mapua 3 v Nayland Kiwi Caps 15 Henley Magics v Wakefield Red

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