3rd- Mink, Weaver- S.s

  • November 2019
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Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.1 Contribution of Different Cultures MA/LI: The teacher will have a table displayed with various items from different cultures. The teacher will show each item and explain what it is and where it comes from. The teacher will explain what “culture” is. A: Students will make a culture collage to sum up what culture they are living in, including: hobbies, foods, language, fashions, beliefs, & holidays

Week 1-History Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.1 JSSOL SS 3.1 JSSOL SS 3.1 Contribution of Contribution of Contribution of Different Cultures Different Cultures Different Cultures A/CL/L: The students CI/LI: Students will T/LI:The class will will make a step book hear from a Chinesewatch a short video clip with construction paper American who moved on how the English about several different to the U.S when he was language has developed cultures using their texts 15. and borrowed from and/or powerpoint notes various other languages. OL/LI: The groups who GA/T: The teacher will OL/LI: The groups who break students into groups had fashion and music & dance will present had tools & weapons, to research contributions today. and music will present in certain areas by the today. various cultures. These areas will include DA: Students who have contributions in: fashion, hearing impairment may music and dance, tools & come to the front of weapons, foods, design class to hear and see the and architecture, & speaker. helpful inventions. Students may use their texts, supplemental books, and the website links from www.usbornequicklinks.com

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.1 Contribution of Different Cultures T/LA/W: The students will watch a media presentation on DaVinci’s inventions and afterwards complete a journaling prompt. OL/LI: The groups who had foods and helpful inventions will present today. CC: The teacher will have a few cultural dishes brought in from teachers to have the students sample. DA: The teacher will have an alternative snack for any students with food allergies

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.2 West African Empire

Week 3-History Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.2 JSSOL SS 3.2 JSSOL SS 3.2 West African Empire West African Empire West African Empire

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.2 West African Empire

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.4 Reasons for Exploration of the New World

Week 5-History Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.4 JSSOL SS 3.4 JSSOL SS 3.4 Reasons for Exploration Reasons for Exploration Reasons for Exploration of the New World of the New World of the New World

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.4 Reasons for Exploration of the New World

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.3 Impact of European Explorers MU: Student will listen to a song about Columbus’ voyage. LI: The teacher will launch a lesson on how Columbus came to discover America. R/W/LA: Students will read an excerpt from his diary and write a paragraph on what they learned.

Week 7-History Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.3 JSSOL SS 3.3 JSSOL SS 3.3 Impact of European Impact of European Impact of European Explorers Explorers Explorers V: Students will watch a GA/R/TX: The students V/LI: Students will video on the Age of will break into groups watch a film strip Discovery. and take turns reading detailing the explorers: about the interactions Christopher Newport, LI: The teacher will between Columbus and Juan Ponce de Leon, introduce a lesson on the his men with the and Jacques Cartier. role that the spice trade Indians. Students will have a fill played in European in the blanks note set. exploration. PS/W/MO: Students will write on the board E: Afterwards students MO/MA/PS: The students and transfer to their will use their notes and will play an exploration game in which students notes the positive filmstrip knowledge to will manage a ship. They interactions and complete an activity will have to plan ahead, negative interactions matching up the manage money, and react explorer to a specific to given situations. LI: The teacher will fact. discuss how the lives of DA: Students with Europeans and the learning disabilities will Indians were changed have a teacher aid help forever. them.

Friday Day 5 Review & Test Day The teacher will answer any class questions about exploration. E: The students will be tested.

Week 11-History Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.5 JSSOL SS 3.5 JSSOL SS 3.5 JSSOL SS 3.5 Locate Countries and Locate Countries and Locate Countries and Locate Countries and Regions of America Regions of America Regions of America Regions of America LI/MA/E/GA: The LI: The teacher will MU: The teacher will MA/LS: The students teacher will demonstrate introduce longitude and teach a song to the class will be given the shapes how to use a globe to latitude. taken from Maps & of various states. They find other countries. Globes, called: “A Hop, will use a map of Students will be put into MA/PS/LS: Each Skip, and a Jump” but America to locate the groups and given a list student will be given a adapted to Virginia. state and which region it of countries. Students copy of a world map is in. will use a globe to and asked to locate LI: The teacher will locate these countries several places by their introduce the various V/LI:The students will and place a small sticker given latitude and regions of America: the watch a video about the over that country. The longitude. coasts, Midwest, New various regions and teacher will come England, etc. what each is known for. around and check. M/A: The students will use their maps to make A: Students will color a DA: Gifted students MA/CM/MO: Students a table of the countries map using a different may also find and label will play a classroom that have various color for each region the capitals for states. game of Where in the characteristics, ie: On a and labeling them. World is Carmen coast, has mountains, SanDiego? etc.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.8 Develop Different Map Skills CM/LI/HW: Students will recall what they learned about latitude and longitude. Students will use the poles and equator to give reference and comparison for various locations. MA: The students will attach maps to cardboard and use plastic pegs to locate an area that is South, North, West, East of a certain location.

Week 13-History Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.8 JSSOL SS 3.8 JSSOL SS 3.8 JSSOL SS 3.6 JSSOL SS 3.6 Develop Different Map Develop Different Map Develop Different Map Effects of Geography on Effects of Geography on Skills Skills Skills Culture Culture LI/MA: The teacher A: Students will make a MO/GA: Student will will discuss distance paper-mache globe, and be given a rough map of and size in relation to include labeling for all the school. The class maps with the class. The four oceans, seven will be divided into class will use a plastic continents, equator and several groups with bar scale with a prime meridian. different path marked movable needle to out. Students will stop practice learning LS: While the globes at several location distance and size. dry, students will points and record in examine road maps what order they stopped MA/M/PS: The class identifying several at each location. Extra will be given blank points of interest. credit will be given to maps and rulers and the groups who asked to use the scale to DA: An adult volunteer correctly use the maps trace out distances from will be available to help and their paths to visit one city to another. students with their each location. They will also be given globes. a few distance in which HW/HS/LS: Students to pick a city and will be given a map of connect it to a city that Virginia and asked to would make the follow what roads will distance accurate. get them to a specific location. Parents may assist

Week 15-History Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.6 JSSOL SS 3.6 JSSOL SS 3.6 JSSOL SS 3.7 Effects of Geography on Effects of Geography on Effects of Geography on Understand Different Culture Culture Culture Uses of Environment

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.7 Understand Different Uses of Environment

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.7 Understand Different Uses of Environment

Week 17-History Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.7 JSSOL SS 3.7 JSSOL SS 3.9 Understand Different Understand Different Producers and Uses of Environment Uses of Environment Consumers V/LI: Students will watch a video on Producers and Consumers. LI: The teacher will launch a formal explanation of producers, consumers, goods, and services. PS/CM/V/H: The class will compile a list of producers/goods and services in their local area, including a section on health related items.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.9 Producers and Consumers MO: Students will check items around the classroom to see where they are made. A Tally board will be made as each country is listed and tallied for each item made there. V/LI: The teacher will have a PowerPoint on the interdependence of world trade. The class will be given a picture chart with various goods and where they came from. HW: The students are to go home and look at 5 different items recording where they came from. DA/HS: Parents may help students determine where items came from.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.9 Producers and Consumers LI: The teacher will introduce the simple version of supply and demand. GA/R/CM: Students will get into their reading groups to look at a simplified article on the supply and demand of several services and their trends. The class will discuss what they read, facilitated by the teacher. V/SS: Students will watch a short video clip on the oil crisis of the 70’s.

Tuesday Day 2 JSSOL SS 3.9 Producers and Consumers

Week 19-History Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Wednesday Thursday Day 3 Day 4 Review & Test Day JSSOL SS 3.10 Economic Systems

GA/MA: The class will play the short “Export Game” from Super Social Studies. V/GA: The students will be shown an advertisement on tv and asked to identify the producer, good or service, and the consumer being targeted. Afterwards the students will be broken into groups and given several magazine ads. The groups will write the same information on each as they did for the tv ad. M/LS/HW: $100 dollar Consumer activity to be turned in tomorrow.

DA: Students with IEP will be given additional time to test

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.10 Economic Systems

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.10 Economic Systems

Week 21-History Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.10 JSSOL SS 3.10 JSSOL SS 3.11 Economic Systems Economic Systems Economic Choices

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.11 Economic Choices

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.11 Economic Choices

Week 23-History Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.11 JSSOL SS 3.11 JSSOL SS 3.12 Economic Choices Economic Choices Significance of Government

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.12 Significance of Government

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.12 Significance of Government

Week 25-History Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.12 JSSOL SS 3.12 JSSOL SS 3.13 JSSOL SS 3.13 Significance of Significance of Importance of Importance of Government Government Republican Government Republican Government

Week 27-History Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.13 JSSOL SS 3.13 JSSOL SS 3.13 JSSOL SS 3.13 JSSOL SS 3.13 Importance of Importance of Importance of Importance of Importance of Republican Government Republican Government Republican Government Republican Government Republican Government

Week 29-History Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.13 JSSOL SS 3.13 JSSOL SS 3.13 SOL TESTING Importance of Importance of Importance of Republican Government Republican Government Republican Government

Friday Day 5 SOL TESTING

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.14 Diversity of Americans CM/M/CZ: The teacher will conduct an in class survey and the results will be made into a graph on Excel. The teacher will discuss the differences even among the class, and encourage the class to be individuals reminding them they are all unique. V/LI: The students will watch a video about the U.S.A being a “melting pot”. HW/CL: Students will be given an assignment to trace their heritage.

Week 31-History Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.14 JSSOL SS 3.14 JSSOL SS 3.14 Diversity of Americans Diversity of Americans Diversity of Americans W: Students will have a writing prompt on how they spend Christmas and Thanksgiving including all family traditions. W/V: Students will continue work on their heritage project organizing their information and making a final draft. Students should think of a prop to bring in to accompany their presentations.

OL/CL: The class will hear the short presentations of each student’s background and ancestors. Each student will get 1 to 2 minutes to share. DA: Students who may feel more comfortable reading, rather than memorizing can use index cards to present their background.

OL/CL/LI/CM: Any unfinished presentations will go. The class will then discuss the various backgrounds, places, and/or traditions involved in the speeches. A: The class will make a large poster map of all the countries represented in the backgrounds of the class.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.14 Diversity of Americans LI/V: The teacher will read Snow in Jerusalem. LA/CM: The students will complete a character web of the 2 boys and their various differences. The class will discuss the story. V/CL: The class will watch a video about how Americans celebrate different traditions including Jewish and Muslim holidays from the story.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.15 Native Americans LI: The teacher will explain what the term “native American” means. LA: The students will complete a KWL sheet including information on the past lessons with Columbus and the Indians. V :The students will watch a general video on Indian tribes.

Week 33-History Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.15 JSSOL SS 3.15 JSSOL SS 3.15 Native Americans Native Americans Native Americans MU/CM/LI: Students will hear recordings of music from Native American tradition. The class will discuss what they noticed about the music. LI: The teacher will give a PowerPoint presentation on the three largest North American tribes, and the general customs: religious beliefs, hunting, shelter, etc.

A: Students will create an Indian name for DA: Gifted students will themselves and be make a brochure on one called this by classmates of the presented tribes. all week.

V/CL: The students will watch a video on the most common tribes in Virginia and their specific customs and traditions. CI/LI: A speaker from the Virginia Native American Cultural Center will come in and give a presentation allowing students to ask questions.

V/W: Students will look at a handout of various Indian crafts and lore. The students will complete a worksheet describing the differences of each craft for the different tribes. A/LI/MA: The teacher will present a lesson on the symbols used to make up an Indian’s face. Students will have a face cut from a paper bag, and will choose symbols to paint or draw on their face. W: The students will complete a writing activity on “An Indian Journey”

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.15 Native Americans MO/A/CL: Students will take a field trip to Amazement Square and in particular spend a lot of time with the Monacan Indian exhibit. The students will be given a list of questions to answer from the displays in a scavenger hunt format. LA: Students will finish their KWL charts.

Monday Day 1 JSSOL SS 3.16 Location of Native Americans Northeast LI/V: The teacher will introduce the Iroquois League: (Mohawk, Onondaga, Seneca,Oneida, and Cayuga) V/W: Students will see a short clip about the hero, Hiawatha and answer a few questions in their notebook afterwards. LA/LI: The class will be read a poem on the hero by Henry Longfellow.

Week 35-History Chart Jennifer Mink & Sarah Weaver Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 JSSOL SS 3.16 JSSOL SS 3.16 JSSOL SS 3.16 Location of Native Location of Native Location of Native Americans Americans Americans Southeast Plains Southwest V/LI/CM: The teacher will show a video on “The Five Civilized Tribes” The teacher will facilitate a discussion about what made these Indians to be considered civilized. A/SS: Students will create a timeline of events with these tribes interactions with the U.S. DA: Students who have trouble writing small, may use a word processor to write out their events.

R/GA: The students will break into groups and will be given 10 minutes to research a given tribe of the great plains.

V/LI: Students will watch a video on the warrior tradition of the Southeast Indians, particularly the Nvajo, Apache, and the Pueblo Indians.

OL/LI: Each group will present their tribe in a 1- A/LA: The students will 2 minute presentation. do an artifact study on items by these tribes: R/CL/LA: Students will whips, kachina dolls, read an old newspaper ceremonial bows and account of the Massacre arrows, etc. at Wounded Knee and write a guided journal R: The students will entry. read a story about the warrior Geronimo from the Apaches.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL SS 3.16 Location of Native Americans Great Basin LI: The teacher will give a lesson on the similarities and differences between its nine tribes. R: Students will read a short story about Indian women and how they care for their babies. HW/E: The class will be handed out a worksheet with the various basket and beadwork of the basin Indians. The students will be asked to match them.

Legend: A-art CI-community involvement CL-cultural literacy and diversity CM-communication CZ-citizenship DA-differentiation/accom E-evaluation GA-group activity L-literacy LA-language arts LI-listening LS-life skills HS-collaboration with families HW-homework M-math

MA-manip. activity MO-movement/physical activity MU-music OL-oral language PS-problem solving R-reading S-science SS-social studies T-technology TX-text V-Visual W-writing

Works Cited: Caselli, Giovanni. (1985) The Renaissance and the New World. New York: Peter Bedrick Books Doherty, Gillian & Claybourne, Anna. (2001) The Usborne Book of Peoples of the World. New York: Scholastic Inc. da Costa, D. (2001). Snow in Jerusalem. Germany: Whitman Albert & Co. Murdoch, David. (1995) North American Indians. New York: Dorling Kindersley Publishing Van Tine, Elizabeth & (Various Authors). (1999) Super Social Studies! New York: Scholastic Inc. Tidd, Charles & Sullivan, George. (1993) Essential Map Skills. Maplewood, New Jersey: Hammond Inc. Marsh, Carole. (1997) Virginia Indians!: A Kid’s Look at Our State’s Chiefs, Tribes, Reservations, Powwows, Lore & More. Gallopade Int. Hunt, Ben W. (1954) Indian Crafts and Lore. Racine, WI: Western Publishing Company, Inc. Frazee, Bruce & Guardia, William. (1994) Helping Your Children with Maps & Globes. Glenview, IL: GoodYearBooks Harris, Nicholas. (2002) People of the World. Michigan: Blackbirch Press

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