3rd Grade Year-at-a-glance

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Third Grade Treasures Unit 1 Week 1 Phonics Skill: words with short vowels Vocabulary Words: downstairs, nervous, fumbled, chuckled, nonsense, trudged Spelling Words: clap, luck, head, jump, step, crop, shut, click, sick, snack, miss, pond, rock, mess, stamp Review words: cat, man, can Challenge Words: bathtub, anthill Unit 1 Week 2 Phonics Skill: CVCe pattern Vocabulary Words: crackle, announced soared starry, envelope, photograph Spelling Words: date, life, globe, grade, fine, home, plane, smile, rose, safe, wise, come, lake, rice, smoke Review words: clap, sick, crop Challenge Words: sneeze, escape Unit 1 Week 3 Phonics Skill: words with long (a) Vocabulary Words: neighborhood, content, addressing, resort Spelling Words: fail, plain, braid, paint, bay, tray, sway, snail, pail, trail, gray, great, ray, May, plays Review words: safe, rice, globe Challenge Words: lady, afraid Unit 1 Week 4 Phonics Skill: words with long (o) Vocabulary Words: fierce, whips, echoes, shuffles, huddle, junior, down Spelling Words: gold, snow, scold, show, bowl, loaf, coal, float, soak, roast, slow, blow, sold, coast, grows Review words: snail, plain, gray Challenge Words: window, program Unit 1 Week 5 Phonics Skill: words with long (i) Vocabulary Words: perfect, challenge, healthy, satisfy, manage, scratch, appetite Spelling Words: mild, find, fry, bright, sky, fight, tight, buy, pie, ties, child, dye, might, right, flight Review words: soak, bowl, gold Challenge Words: wind, children

Third Grade Treasures Unit 2 Week 1 Phonics Skill: words with long (e) Vocabulary Words: decorated, symbol, darkened, gnaws, securing, weakest Spelling Words: heel, bean, free, street, seal, creek, green, freeze, weak, speaks, clean, field, week, team, cream Review words: right, pie, child Challenge Words: sixteen, peanut Unit 2 Week 2 Phonics Skill: words with (ch) Vocabulary Words: passion, admire, concentrate, splendid, bothering, dangerous, ached Spelling Words: chick, chum, hatch, stretch, much, lunch, cheese, watching, pitch, ditch, bench, crunching, teacher, cheek, chunk Review words: weak, green, seal Challenge Words: catcher, sandwich Unit 2 Week 3 Phonics Skill: words, with (th, ph, wh, sh) Vocabulary Words: objects, entertainment, predictions, computers Spelling Words: thick, shock, them, month, this, fish, washing, dishpan, truth, what, wheel, weather, whales, sixth, pathway Review words: lunch, chick, pitch Challenge Words: shadow, thicken Unit 2 Week 4 Phonics Skill: consonant blends Vocabulary Words: solar system, easily, farther, main, dim, temperatures, telescope, probably Spelling Words: thread, stream, three, strong, scrubs, scratch, screens, scraped, spree, spread, spray, strength, screams, throne, throw Review words: thick, washing, whales Challenge Words: streamer, scribble Unit 2 Week 5 Phonics Skill: words with (gn, kn, wr) Vocabulary Words: talented, single, proper, excitement, acceptance, useful Spelling Words: wrap, knots, knock, gnaws, knit, wrote, wreck, write, gnat, knight, know, wrong, wrists, sign, wring Review words: throw, spray, scratch Challenge Words: wristwatch, knapsack

Third Grade Treasures Unit 3 Week 1 Phonics Skill: Vocabulary Words: guests, banquet, agreeable, curiosity, gaze, untrusting Spelling Words: bark, hard, sharks, chore, shorts, storms, porch, wore, sharp, yard, pour, carve, sore, sport, story Review words: knots, sign, wrong Challenge Words: orchard, artist Unit 3 Week 2 Phonics Skill: decode words with (ar, or) Vocabulary Words: wearily, depart, suitable, increase, observed, advised, discouraged Spelling Words: stairs, share, glare, pears, mare, wear, pairs, square, bear, dares, hare, haircut, bare, chairs, their Review sport, sore, hard Challenge Words: airport, beware Unit 3 Week 3 Phonics Skill: decode multisyllabic words Vocabulary Words: preserve, restore, suffered, rainfall Spelling Words: turns, purr, perch, world, first, third, girls, serve, herds. Earn, firm, worth, learn, nurse, word Review bare, bear, stairs Challenge Words: perfect, Thursday Unit 3 Week 4 Phonics Skill: silly sentences Vocabulary Words: annual, potential, expensive, politely, package, wrapping, innocent, aisles Spelling Words: loop. Spoon, cubes, true, rude, tube, goose, shoe, look, shook, mules, stew, clue, blue, gloom Review firm, turns, learn Challenge Words: classroom, childhood Unit 3 Week 5 Phonics Skill: Vocabulary Words: instance, illustrate, style, textures, sketches, suggestions Spelling Words: coy, coins, boiled, choice, soil, point, spoiled, soybean, foil, noise, enjoys, joyful, toil, loyal, voice Review spoon, rude, shook Challenge Words: noisy, checkpoint

Third Grade Treasures Unit 4 Week 1 Phonics Skill: r-controlled vowels (ar, or) Vocabulary Words: beasts, handy, itches, nibble, preen, puddles Spelling Words: part, start, park, farm, dark, sort, storm, short, for, horse, scream, stripe, area, money, piece Unit 4 Week 2 Phonics Skill: r-controlled vowels (er, ir, ur) Vocabulary Words: balance, deserted, freezes, imagine, saddest, wider Spelling Words: clerk, term, herd, skirt, sir, stir, chum, burst, hurt, turn, shark, storm, hours, problem, usually Unit 4 Week 3 Phonics Skill: variant vowel (oo, ou) Vocabulary Words: conservation, extinct, hardest, remains, trouble Spelling Words: shook, stood, hook, brook, crook, foot, soot, could, should, would, clerk, stir, during, sure, whole Unit 4 Week 4 Phonics Skill: variant vowel (oo, ui, ew) Vocabulary Words: beware, destroy, grasslands, prevent, uprooted, violent Spelling Words: flew, new, boot, shoe, clue, root, canoe, fruit, glue, suit, cook, could, complete, measure, questions Unit 4 Week 5 Phonics Skill: variant vowel (au, aw) Vocabulary Words: beloved, glanced, gleamed, noble, promised, wiggled Spelling Words: pause, draw, launch, law, fault, jaw, fawn, hawk, raw, crawl, cool, flew, door, order, remember

Third Grade Treasures Unit 5 Week 1 Phonics Skill: diphthong (ow, ou) Vocabulary Words: beyond, burrow, distant, lengthy, ranger’s, warning Spelling Words: clown, growl, howl, brown, crown, round, loud, cloud, house, sound, pause, fault, listen, several, wind (noun) Unit 5 Week 2 Phonics Skill: diphthong (oi, oy) Vocabulary Words: agreed, gathered, jabbing, randomly, signal Spelling Words: soil, broil, moist, point, boil, oil, toy, joy, soy, royal, down, house, pulled, travel, voice Unit 5 Week 3 Phonics Skill: schwa (a) Vocabulary Words: areas, oceans, planets, vast, voyage Spelling Words: alone, ago, again, away, alike, agree, above, awake, idea, comma, noise, broil, finally, notice, morning Unit 5 Week 4 Phonics Skill: consonants (gn, kn, mb) Vocabulary Words: aroma, blooming, muscles, prickly, scent, trade Spelling Words: knee, knife, knot, gnaw, sign, wrist, wren, thumb, lamb, debt, alone, idea, certain, field, hundred Unit 5 Week 5 Phonics Skill: hard and soft (c, g,) Vocabulary Words: discovered, footprint, lunar, spacecraft, surface, visible Spelling Words: camp, cave, cent, face, girl, wagon, gift, gym, gem, germ, knot, wrist, against, half, true

Third Grade Treasures Unit 6 Week 1 Phonics Skill: endings (dge, ge, lge, nge, rge) Vocabulary Words: assembled, devoured, fetch, forgetting, menu, simmered Spelling Words: cage, page, judge, lodge, large, barge, bulge, change, range, hinge, face, germ, among, bought, decided Unit 6 Week 2 Phonics Skill: r-controlled vowels (ar, are, air) Vocabulary Words: creating, familiar, glamorous, imagination, memories, occasions Spelling Words: star, shark, care, stare, rare, dare, hair, pair, chair, fair, judge, range, believe, built, material Unit 6 Week 3 Phonics Skill: r-controlled vowels (er, eer, ere, ear) Vocabulary Words: impossible, pleasant, talent, treasures, watch Spelling Words: near, dear, ear, deer, steer, queer, verb, perch, here, where, chair, care, heavy, region, system Unit 6 Week 4 Phonics Skill: r-controlled vowels (or, ore, oar) Vocabulary Words: allowed, design, instrument, invented, powerful, products Spelling Words: more, tore, wore, store, oar, roar, board, port, north, fort, dear, here, building, machine, scientist Unit 6 Week 5 Phonics Skill: r-controlled vowels (ire, ier, ure) Vocabulary Words: collection, concern, exclaimed, figure, goalie, vendors Spelling Words: fire, wire, hire, tire, drier, flier, crier, sure, cure, pure, north, wore, island, special, though

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