3rd Grade May Newsletter

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 364
  • Pages: 1
P.S. 238

The Anne Sullivan School 1633 East 8th Street Brooklyn, NY 11223 M a y, 2 0 0 9 Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1

3rd Grade Newsletter Dear Parents, The Third Grade is working hard this year on a study of Mexico for our SEM project. We are creating different art projects that come to us from Mexico. We are also discovering how to use new computer programs to support our research of Mexico. We are looking forward to our culminating “fiesta” in June. We will be sending home more details in the following weeks. The Third Grade Teachers

Social Studies/ Science Third Grade is continuing to learn about heat and sound in science. The children are making interesting projects in science like maracas, to demonstrate how sound is made higher or lower. As always, in social studies, we are embarking on a journey in our year long study of new cultures and communities. This month, we will continue to learn about Mexico, as well as, begin our study on Japan.

Reader’s Workshop

In the Reader’s Workshop, we are focusing on reading non-fiction books. The children are becoming familiar with the set- up of nonfiction texts. The children have begun to focus on the features of non-fiction books. These include: Headings, sub-headings, captions, glossary, index, and table of contents.

Writer’s Workshop During the month of May, we will be completing our non-fiction, or informational writing piece. The children will produce a non-fiction report after researching and organizing facts about a topic of their choice. This report will contain many of the features of non-fiction writing that the children focused on during the reader’s workshop. The children will be responsible for revising and editing their own work.

Everyday Mathematics We will be completing Unit 6 of the Every Day Math Program. There will be an assessment of this unit shortly. Check your child’s notebook for the date of this assessment. We will begin Unit 7 of the Everyday Math Program, which is a unit on multiplication. Your child will continue to work on multiplication facts and learn new ways to multiply 2 and 3 digit numbers.

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