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  • June 2020
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Download & View 3_au_dmts_official_fyp_report_panaflex_brochure_format_and_details_2016.docx as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 2,002
  • Pages: 12
Title Page (All text is in Times New Roman format) PROJECT TITLE (Bold Font Size: 16, Centered, Upper Case)

AU logo (2in × 2.3in)

Group Members: (Font Size 14, Centered, Italic) NAME 1(Bold Font Size: 14, Centered, Upper Case) (Roll No) (Bold Font Size 14) NAME 2(Bold Font Size: 14, Centered, Upper Case) (Roll No) (Bold Font Size 14) Note: The group members name should be arranged in ascending roll no order and there are THREE TABS spacing between name and roll no. The roll no’s should be mentioned in brackets.

BE MECHATRONICS (Session xxxx-xxxx) (Bold Font Size: 14, Centered, Upper Case)

Project Supervisor (Bold Font Size 14, Centered) Supervisor Name (Bold Font Size 14, Centered) Designation (Bold Font Size: 12, Centered)

DEPARTMENT OF MECHATRONICS ENGINEERING (Bold Font Size 12, Centered, Upper Case) FACULTY OF ENGINEERING (Bold Font Size 12, Centered, Upper Case) AIR UNIVERSITY, ISLAMABAD (Bold Font Size 12, Centered, Upper Case)

Title Page (All text is in Times New Roman format) 2nd Page (All text is in Times New Roman format) PROJECT TITLE (Bold Font Size: 16, Centered, Upper Case) FINAL YEAR PROJECT REPORT (Bold Font Size: 14, Centered, Upper Case) (SESSION xxxx-xxxx) (Bold Font Size: 14, Centered, Upper Case)

AU logo (3in × 3.5in)


Title Page (All text is in Times New Roman format) 3rd Page (All text is in Times New Roman) Project Title (Bold Font Size 16, Centered, Upper Case)

Submitted By: (Font Size: 14, Centered, Italic) NAME 1(Bold Font Size: 14, Centered, Upper Case) (Roll No) (Bold Font Size 14) NAME 2(Bold Font Size: 14, Centered, Upper Case) (Roll No) (Bold Font Size 14) Note: The group members name should be arranged in ascending roll no order and there are three tabs spacing between name and roll no. The roll no’s should be mentioned in brackets.

Project Supervisor (Bold Font Size: 14, Centered) Space above this line should be left for supervisors signatures

____________________________ Supervisor’s Name (Bold Font Size: 14, Centered) Designation (Bold Font Size: 12, Centered)

Chair Department (Bold Font Size: 14, Centered) Space above this line should be left for HOD signature

_______________________________________ Name (Bold Font Size: 14, Centered)

Page i Acknowledgements Heading: Times New Roman, Bold Font Size: 14, Centered Text: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12, Justified (Select text and Ctrl+J) (Page numbering at the bottom right corner (footer) of the page; Un-bold Font Size: 12, Spacing 1.5 and 6 points; Before and After)

Page ii Abstract Heading: Times New Roman, Bold Font Size: 14, Centered Text: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12, Justified (Select Text and Ctrl+J) (Page numbering at the bottom right corner (footer) of the page; Un-bold Font Size: 12, Spacing 1.5 and 6 points; Before and After)

Page iii Nomenclature Heading: Times New Roman, Bold Font Size: 14, Centered Table with Two Columns (without the heading of Symbol and Abbreviation) No borders of the Table Text: Symbol (In First Column) (Using Equation Editor: Insert  Equation) Abbreviation: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12 The nomenclature should include list of symbols first Roman, Greek and other relevant symbols. The abbreviation should be in alphabetical order. (Page numbering at the bottom right corner (footer) of the page; Un-bold Font Size: 12, Spacing 1.5 and 6 points; Before and After)

Page iv Table of Contents Heading: Times New Roman, Bold Font Size: 14, Centered Text: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12 (Auto Generated: Table of Contents) (Write the number of the page at the place of Page No. written below)

Chapter 1 ………………………………………………………………………... Page No. Introduction ……………………………………………………………….…….. Page No. 1.1 Introduction……………………………………………………….…………. Page No. 1.2 Literature Survey……………………………………….……………………. Page No. 1.3 Problem Statement ……………………………………….………………..... Page No. 1.4 Objectives of the Project ……………………………….…………………… Page No. 1.5 Organization of Report …………………………………….………………... Page No. Chapter 2 ………………………….…………………...………………...……… Page No. Description …………………………...……...………...………………...……… Page No. 2.1 …………………………...……………………………………………..……. Page No. 2.1.1 …………………………………………….………………...……… Page No. 2.2 ………………………………………………………………………….……. Page No. Chapter 3………………………………………………………………………… Page No. Modeling and Simulation ………………………………………………..……… Page No. 3.1 ……………………………………………………………….………………. Page No. 3.2 …………………………………………………………………………….…. Page No. 3.2.1 ………………………………………………………………………..……. Page No. Chapter 4 ……………………………………………………….………………. Page No. Experimental Setup …………….……………………………….………………. Page No. 4.1 ……………………………………………………………….………………. Page No. 4.2 ……………………………………………………………….………………. Page No. Chapter 5: Results and Discussion ……………………………………...………. Page No. 5.1 ……………………………………………………………….………………. Page No. 5.2 ……………………………………………………………….………………. Page No.

Chapter 6: Conclusion and Future Recommendations ……………......………… Page No. 6.1 ……………………………………………………………….………………. Page No. Bibliography …………………………………………………………………….. Page No. Appendix A ……….…………………………………………….………………. Page No. Appendix B ………………….………………………………….………………. Page No. Appendix C ………………….………………………………….………………. Page No. The bibliography section should contain the reference of books, research papers and the websites consulted for the projects. The explanation/ details from the consulted material that is made part of the report, in your own words, should be having number in square parenthesis e.g. [1] in the body of the chapters of the report and [1] should be mentioned in the bibliography with the complete details of the source of the material and so on [2], [3] etc. and also details of the source of [1] should be cited properly in IEEE Format. (Format provided separately by email, see file named, “IEEE_Citation.”

Bibliography [1] (Write complete details of the source of material in proper IEEE format here)

Page v List of Figures Heading: Times New Roman, Bold Font Size: 14, Centered Text: Figure No. and Name Page Number: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12 Captions of the Figures in the chapters should be at the bottom of the figure


Figure 1.1: Box (Time New Romans, Un-bold Font Size 12, Centered, 1.5 Line Spacing and 6pts; before and after)

First Figure in Chapter 1 should be captioned as Figure 1.1: Description (See above) Second Figure in Chapter 1 should be captioned as Figure 1.2 and so on. First Figure in Chapter 2 should be captioned as Figure 2.1 Second Figure in Chapter 2 should be captioned as Figure 2.2 and so on. Figures in Appendix A should be captioned as Figure A-1: Description Figures in Appendix B should be captioned as Figure B-1: Description

Page vi List of Tables Heading: Times New Roman, Bold Font Size 14, Centered Text: Table No and Name

Page Number: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12

Captions of the Tables in the chapters should be at the Top of the Table See example below

Table 1.1: Example (Times New Romans, Bold Font Size 14, Centered, 1.5 Line Spacing and 6pts: before and after)

First Table in Chapter 1 should be captioned as Table 1.1: Description (See above) Second Figure in Chapter 1 should be captioned as Table 1.2 and so on. First Table in Chapter 2 should be captioned as Table 2.1 Second Table in Chapter 2 should be captioned as Table 2.2 and so on.

First Table in Appendix A should be captioned as Table A-1: Description and so on A-2, A-3 etc. First Table in Appendix B should be captioned as Table B-1: Description and so on B-2, B-3 etc.

FYP Report Style Guideline Paper Standard A4 size Width: 8.27" Height: 11.69" Weight: 90 Grams

Fonts, Type Styles Font Size = 12 (Normal Text) Font = Times New Roman Title = 20 bold (Times New Roman) Sub-title = 18 bold (Times New Roman) Heading 1 (Font Size) = 16 (Bold) Font = Times New Roman, Capitalized Each Word Heading 2 (Font Size) = 14 (Bold) Font = Times New Roman Heading 3 (Font Size) = 12 (Bold, Italics) Font = Times New Roman

Margins Top = 1.0" Bottom = 1.0"

Left = 1.5" Right = 1.0"

Spacing Line Spacing = 1.5 Paragraph Spacing (Before and After) = 6 pts

Indentation Indent all quotations comprising 4 or more lines by 5 spaces from left.

Page Numbers Including the title pages number all pages before the first page of Chapter 1 with lower case Roman Numerals (i, ii, iii, iv, …). The first page with Arabic numeral (1, 2, 3, and so on) starts from the first page of the chapter 1 and ends at the last page of the re[port. Mention page numbers on the Bottom right of the page. The first page of each section or chapter will not carry the page number (Use the option different first page); however the page number will be counted for the proceeding page.

Headers The header will comprise the title of the Project report. On every odd page will appear the title of the report while on the even pages the title of the chapter or section will be mentioned. The first page of every Section or chapter shall not carry the header.

Section Breaks Each chapter should be in a separate section. The pages before the chapter 1 should be in section 1 and chapter 1 should be in section 2 and so on. Similarly, Bibliography and Appendices (each A, B etc.) should be sectioned separately.

Deliverables The deliverables of the FYP contain 

Project Report


(4 Sets) (in pouch attached at the end of report)

Panaflex 2 x 5 (W x L) feet with Standee


Brochure (3 Fold)


Research Paper (IEEE Format)


Project Hardware in Demonstrating Condition


CD having folders (Project Report .pdf & .doc / docx files, Project Presentation, Codes and Design Files (Auto CAD/ Pro-E Designs, Proteus, MATLAB® etc.), Picture and Videos of the Project, Panaflex and Brochure and all other relevant material (Data Sheets of the components, Softwares etc. (If not available commercially)) The CD should be attached at the back of hard cover of each project report in a CD pouch. The data should be in separated folders. The CD must include: Folder 1: Project Report (.doc(x) and .pdf files) Folder 2: Project Presentation (.ppt(x)) Folder 3: Codes and Design Files (Auto CAD/ Pro-E Designs, Proteus, MATLAB® etc.) Folder 4: Pictures and Videos Folder 5: Panaflex and Brochure Folder 6: All Reference Material Folder 7: Research Paper (IEEE Format)

Binding Guidelines The final report should be Black with Project information (Same as 1st Title Page above) Written in Silver color. Spine of report should also be labeled with project title (Capitalized Each Word i.e. First Alphabet of each Word Capital) and session (xxxx-xxxx).

Panaflex Guidelines The panaflex should be 2 x 5 (W x L) feet dimensions. The type of panaflex should be star. The panaflex should be having AU Logo at top left corner. Panaflex should contain title of the Project, Abstract, Equations, Diagrams (Block Diagrams) and Graphs, Conclusion and Picture of the project. The name of the supervisor along with the group members should be present at the Bottom Right Corner (Font = Times New Roman) (Size: Must be chosen accordingly, the text on panaflex should be readable from a reasonable distance). Note: Add important details only. More details will result in smaller text size (that will not be readable)

AU Logo

Title of the Project Abstract Picture of Project Description and Diagrams (Block)

Equations and Graphs


Name of Group Members Name of Supervisor

Research Paper Follow the current IEEE Format for writing a research paper. IEEE format provided by email, see file named, “ieee.doc.”

Brochure Guidelines The brochure should be three fold. The brochure at side ‘A,’ should be having the AU Logo, University Name and Department, Title of the project, Supervisor Name and Group Members along with a small picture of the project (see Fig. below). The remaining folds should be having abstract, equations, diagrams/ graphs, conclusions and other relevant material. The last fold should be having the contact details and website (if any) (For this fold use the contact details of Air University (Phone #s, Extensions and Websites) (Font = Times New Roman) Side ‘A’ (The following figure is shown as an example)





Pictures Conclusion

Diagrams (Block)


References Equations




Side ‘B’


Contact Details

Specifications of the (Opposite Project (Opposite


should be A2). of

should be A3).


B3 AU Logo, University and B2 Name Department, Title of the Project, Supervisor Name and Group Members, a small picture of the project (Opposite of B3 should be A1)

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