360 Degree Performance Appraisal Notes

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  • Words: 2,253
  • Pages: 14
Visit hrmba.blogspot.com for more notes, project reports etc. Introduction The meaning of the word "appraisal" is "to fix a price or value for something". This is used in finance in terms such as project appraisal or financial appraisal where a value is attached to a project. Similarly performance appraisal is a process in which one values the employee contribution and worth to the organisation. Employees across the entire organisation are appraised of their performance. This could be done annually, twice a year, periodically depending the need of the organisation A performance appraisal is a formal review of employee performance. At a performance appraisal, objectives or targets are agreed between manager and employee. At each subsequent appraisal, current and past performance is compared and targets are reviewed. It is a prescribed system with a meeting arranged after a set period to review the targets set by the previous appraisal. This may be six-monthly or annually, depending on your organization. Nonetheless, the performance appraisal is not only a means to review performance standards and specific targets. It is a means to: ⇒ Identify current job performance levels ⇒ Identify individual employee strengths and weaknesses ⇒ Motivate and encourage the individual employee ⇒ Reward employees for their contribution to organizational objectives ⇒ Identify training and development needs ⇒ Identify potential performance standards ⇒ Plan future development of the individual ⇒ Discuss salary, promotion and training The performance appraisal interview At its simplest, the appraisal interview consists of three steps:  setting targets or standards  measuring performance  planning the appropriate action

A performance appraisal begins with an interview between manager and employee, an appraisal form is completed, and action is agreed. The action plan will specify targets to improve job performance, and indicate what is the reward for improvement. This reward may be a salary increase, job promotion, an opportunity to join a management development scheme, or to enroll in a new training program.

360 Degree Appraisal In 360-degree performance reviews, many different types of people are consulted about an employee's performance. This includes customers, suppliers, peers and direct reports. In the case of a manager, employees are often asked to give "upward feedback" on how well they are being managed. While the benefits of multiple points of view are obvious, there are also some challenges to these types of performance reviews. Employees almost never give "true" feedback about their managers (out of fear that the manager finds out) and outside contacts may be simply too busy, or unqualified to effectively rate a specific employee (customer satisfaction surveys may be a better way to gauge this type of feedback). If 360-degree performance reviews are performed, a Human Resources manager should coordinate the process, so that subordinate reviewers (i.e., employees) are assured that their performance reviews are kept anonymous.



Name Of Appraise



SUBORDINATE The 360-degree appraisal significantly differs from the traditional supervisorsubordinate performance evaluation. Rather than having a single person play judge, a 360-degree appraisal acts more like a jury. The people who actually deal with the employee each day create a pool of information and perspectives on which the supervisor may act. This group of individuals is made up of both internal and external customers. Using 360-degree appraisals provides a broader view of the employee's performance. The most obvious benefit of the 360-degree appraisal is its ability to corral a range of customer feedback. Because each customer offers

a new, unique view, it produces a more complete picture of an employee's performance. Unlike with supervisors, employees can't hide as easily in 360degree appraisals because peers know their behaviors best and insist on giving more valid ratings. In addition to providing broader perspectives, the 360-degree appraisal facilitates greater employee self-development. It enables an employee to compare his or her own perceptions with the perception of others on the employee's skills, styles, and performance.


90 Name Of Appraise



SUBORDINATE Peer-to-Peer Employee Performance Evaluations Peer-to-peer employee performance evaluations require employees at the same level to review each other. The thinking behind peer-to-peer employee performance evaluations is that nobody knows a worker's ability better than his or her co-workers. While this can be an effective review format for some groups of workers (for example, a team of doctors working on a research project together, where specific content knowledge is required), it can also cause controversy because of the way it affects future group dynamics. When evaluating the use of these types of employee performance evaluations, consider the maturity level of the employees involved and the long-term effects that could result from the source of negative reviews getting back to the team members.

PEER TO PEER APPRAISAL FORM Name of the Organization :


Name of Appraise :


Previous Appraisal Date:

rateposition: your colleague Date on the following parameters TimePlease in present of joining:

Appraisal Date & Time:

Appraisal Appraiser: RatingVenue: can be done on 3 basis i.e. 1) Write down “E” if he/she “Exceeds” the quality 2) Write down “A” if he/she is “Acceptable” 3) Write down “N I” if he/she “Needs Improvement”

Job Performance and Knowledge

Understanding and acceptance of team/department goals and priorities.  Ability to share in workload and assists others.  Ability to share credit with the team/department.  Knowledge and skills to perform team/department activities.  Quality of work.  Ability to meet assigned tasks/commitments.  Handling of responsibility for getting things done.  Ability to seek and identify new and better ways of doing things


       

Level of accessibility Level of approachability on difficult subjects Sensitivity to others’ feelings and points of view Outlook on the department Ability to seek understanding before rendering judgment Ability to deal with pressure, conflict and stress positively and appropriately Level of making commitments willingly Participation as part of the team/department



   

Written and oral communication Level of open information sharing with the team/department Ability to communicate important information in a timely manner Ability to encourage diversity of opinions


   

Level of sharing and commitment to the team’s/department’s values Trustworthiness Ability to treat other team/department members with respect Respect of other’s needs to appropriately balance work and family/personal responsibilities


 

Leadership Ability to provide direction through setting priorities and goals of staff



Name Of Appraise




Self-Assessment Performance Reviews Self-Assessment performance reviews are effective when combined with any of the other three types of performance reviews. With this type of review, employees are asked to rate themselves, often using the same form that a manager will use to review them. Self-assessment performance reviewss help make the employees an active part of the process and provide a vehicle for them to reflect on their own performance prior to the formal review. Studies have shown that employees are usually harder on themselves in selfassessment performance reviews, than their managers and generally give themselves lower ratings. Having employees do self assessment performance reviews prior to a manager's review can set a positive tone for the meeting, as the manager will often have better things to say than the employee has said about him or herself.

Self Appraisal Form

Name of the Organization :




Previous Appraisal Date:

Time in present position:

Age: Date of joining:

Appraisal Date & Time: Appraisal Venue: Rate each question below on the scale of 1-5, according to how true it is of you. 1 Virtually never




5 Virtually always

Self Awareness     

I am aware of the physical reaction (twinges, aches, sudden changes) that signal a “gut reaction” I take a break or use another active methods of increasing energy when I sense that my energy level is getting low I take time every day for quiet reflection I can usually identify the emotion I am feeling at any given moment I am clear about my own goal and values

⇒ Motivation     

I have several important things in my life that I am enthusiastic about, and I let it show Others usually feel inspired and encouraged after talking to me I try to find the positive in any given situation I can keep going on big projects, despite obstacles I believe the work I do day-to-day has meaning and value to society

⇒ Self Confidence

    


readily admit mistake and apologize have little trouble taking prudent risk take initiative and move ahead on task that need to be done am generally comfortable in new situations express my views honestly and thoughtfully, without being pushy

⇒ Self Control     

I let go of problem, anger, or hurt from past and I can move beyond these I “open up” with people appropriately, not too much but enough so that I don’t come across as cold and distant I refrain from making up my mind on issues and expressing my opinion until I have all the facts I neither bury my anger nor let it explode on others I am good at managing my mood, and I seldom bring negative emotions to work

⇒ Self Competency     

I can easily meet and initiate conversation with new people when I have to I have no trouble in making presentations in front of groups or conducting meetings I can deal calmly, sensitively and proactively with the emotional display of others I am respected and liked by others, even when they don’t agree with me I can effectively persuade others to adopt my point of view without coercing them



Name Of Appraise




Down To Top Employee Performance Evaluations Down-Top employee performance evaluations tend to be one of the most common and most effective method, because they involve the assessment of an employee by its subordinate. Down to top employee performance evaluations are most useful when given by an employee's immediate subordinate - someone who works with that employee everyday and knows his or her strengths and weaknesses. The Down-Top employee performance evaluation becomes less effective when given by a Human Resources manager who has only second-hand knowledge of an employee's performance.

Subordinate Appraisal Form

Name of the Organization :


Name of Appraise :



Previous Appraisal Date:

Time in present position:

Date of joining:

Appraisal Date & Time:

Appraisal Venue:


Please rate your senior on the following parameters. Rating can be done on 5 basis i.e.     

Write down “N” for “Never” Write down “S E” for “Seldom” Write down “S O” for “Sometimes” Write down “U” for “Usually” Write down “A” for “Always”


Does the manager:  Set an example for others to follow?  Take risks and experiment where appropriate?


Does the manager:  Provide information critical to successful job performance?  Provide constructive criticism? Choose the right time to deliver messages?  Sense others' moods?


Does the manager:

   

Treat all group members equally? Encourage group problem-solving? Share credit with all team members? Hold effective team meetings?


Does the manager:  Set a good example by constantly trying to improve?  Provide training opportunities?  Have a good sense of the City's customers and their needs?


Does the manager :  Ask for help in planning?  Set realistic, attainable objectives?  Follow through with plans?  Celebrate accomplishments?


Does the manager:  Set realistic time table for completion?  Provide the resources, time and support to accomplish the delegation?  Involve the employee in budget preparation, as appropriate?  Complete his/her fair share of the work?



Name Of Appraise




Top-Down Employee Performance Evaluations Top-down employee performance evaluations tend to be the most common and most effective, because they involve the assessment of an employee by a direct manager. Top-down employee performance evaluations are most useful when given by an employee's immediate supervisor - someone who works with that employee everyday and knows his or her strengths and weaknesses. The top-down employee performance evaluation becomes less effective when given by a Human Resources manager who has only secondhand knowledge of an employee's performance. One offshoot of top-down employee performance evaluations are "matrix" employee performance evaluations, where multiple managers rate the same employee. This is a good choice when the employee works for multiple managers, or engages in various fixed-time length projects

Superior Appraisal Form Job Title _____________________________________________ Employee Name ______________________________ Employee ID ___________________ Supervisor Name ___________________________ Title _____________________________

Department Name ____________________________________________________________ Period Covered: from ___________ to __________ Evaluation Date ___________________ Purpose of review :_________________________ Other (Specify) _____________________

Please rate your Subordinate on the following parameters Rate each question below on the scale of 1-5, by putting a “ 1 Best



Departments Customer Service Attendance/Punctuality Ability to get along with Co-workers Ability to get along with Colleagues on Campus Time management Planning, budgeting and forecasting reporting and administration communication skills delegation skills IT/equipment/machinery skills meeting deadlines/commitments creativity problem-solving and decision-making Team-working and developing others




Needs Improvement






energy, determination and work-rate steadiness under pressure leadership and integrity adaptability, flexibility, and mobility

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