35 Short Story Ideas

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 536
  • Pages: 1
Short Story ideas? 1.

“It was a dark and stormy…” oops - that’s been used before.

Let’s start again… 1. On my way to school I saw something strange... 2. Everyone avoided the big old mansion. It was believed to have... 3. It was a strange night, there seemed to be a chill in the air... 4. As soon as I arrived, I could sense that something was out of place... 5. One night, I looked out the window and I saw the neighbour... 6. I was reading a book when I looked up. There in the window I saw... 7. Harry was puzzled when the door didn’t open. 8. The headlights were coming straight towards Peter and he couldn’t move. 9. Only the flimsy wall of my tent separated me from the low rumbling growl. 10. I was not expecting what was waiting for me just as I rounded the corner. 11. Rosalie stifled her scream and cowered under the blanket. 12. Those last few steps seemed the most difficult I had ever made in my life. 13. As I read the contents of the letter, I was aware of the smile on my face. 14. It happened so quickly I had no time to think, only react. 15. John stared open-mouthed as the ball soared majestically over the fence. 16. Wendy didn’t see the danger ahead. 17. Paul couldn’t resist shouting out his joy. 18. The eagle swooped low over the trees. 19. I didn’t know until that moment that Nell was so afraid of spiders. 20. Greg closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and jumped. 21. It was not the birthday gift I was expecting. 22. I think I shall never forget Angela. Especially that fateful day when she… 23. John is not one to suffer fools easily. Only last week he… 24. “How could you do that?” asked Jennifer. “I always thought that you…” 25. I didn’t realise I was so close to the railway track until I heard the roar of the engine bearing down on where I stood crouched. How could I… 26. “Stop!” interrupted Tim. “I think I can see the problem. Why don’t we…” 27. “There is no use running. There is nowhere to go.” Don paused to allow his statement to sink in. “You might as well sit down and rest. Then we…” 28. I’d never seen an elephant outside of a zoo. As I faced the monster in front of me… 29. Alison was angry. She had worked so hard for so long. Now it seemed to have been a total waste of time. 30. Ben wasted no time getting to the bank. This had to be his lucky day. 31. The sudden change in wind direction caught Carol by surprise. 32. Daniel gave a polite couch. It didn’t attract the attention he wanted. He cleared his throat, took a deep breath and reached for the bell. It was now or never. 33. As the car tyres crunched on the gravel, Eliza realised… 34. “I’m going now,’ announced Frank as he opened the door. “Are you coming?” 35. Gina stared at the doctor. Her mind churned in confusion. How could she… 36. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!

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