337 Abstract.pdf

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 211
  • Pages: 1
HYBRI DVEHI CLE Abst r act : We' v eal lhear dofhy br i dsbynow,andsomewi l lknow abi taboutwhatt heyar e and whatt heycan pr ov i dei nt er msofdr i v i ng ef f i ci ency .Hy br i d si mpl ymeansa combi nat i onoft wopowersour ces.I nt oday ' smar kett hi smost l yconsi st sofanor mal pet r olcombust i onengi ner ecei v i ngsuppor tf r om anel ect r i cdr i v enmot or ,al t hough someuseadi eselengi ne.Theel ect r i cmot orhel pst hev ehi cl et akeof f , andcanr unt he caronel ect r i cpoweral oneont hehi ghwayandi nsomel owl oadcondi t i ons.Thi shel ps t o si gni f i cant l yr educef uelconsumpt i on.Toy ot a,Lexus,BMW,Mi t subi shi ,Hol den, Ni ssan,and Land Rov eral lcur r ent l yof f erahy br i d modeli nAust r al i a,wi t hmor e manuf act ur er sj umpi ngonboar dev er yy ear .

Submi t t edby : S. DI NESH 15091A0337

Si gnat ur eofSemi narFacul t y K.SudhaMadhur i .

Si gnat ur eofHSME Dr . Sy edAl t afHussai n

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