3 Section 3

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  • Pages: 67
Department of Schools, Ministry of Education Project Title : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Schools Network Infrastructure for Government Primary, Secondary and Religious Schools Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam (Phase I, II & III) Project Ref : MOE/EGOV/DS/001-9/2004


COMPOSITION OF TENDER.........................................................................................................2 SCHEDULE 1 – INFORMATION SUMMARY......................................................................................4 SCHEDULE 2 – SUB-CONTRACTS ................................................................................................5 SCHEDULE 3 – COMPANY’S BACKGROUND ..................................................................................6 SCHEDULE 4 – COMPANY’S TRACK RECORD...............................................................................7 SCHEDULE 5 – CONTRACTOR’S EMPLOYEES AND THEIR DUTIES..................................................16 SCHEDULE 6 – SOFTWARE.......................................................................................................24 SCHEDULE 7 – HARDWARE FACILITIES......................................................................................28 SCHEDULE 8 – SPECIFICATION..................................................................................................31 ...........................................................................................................................................34 SCHEDULE 9 – PERFORMANCE CRITERIA..................................................................................34 SCHEDULE 10 – TECHNICAL PROPOSAL AND SYSTEM CONFIGURATION..........................................36 SCHEDULE 11 – PROPOSED APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY........................................................39 SCHEDULE 12 – IMPLEMENTATION PLAN...................................................................................45 SCHEDULE 13 – IMPLEMENTATION AND RELATED SERVICES.........................................................48 SCHEDULE 14 – INSTALLATION TESTS.......................................................................................53 SCHEDULE 15 – ACCEPTANCE TESTS.........................................................................................53 SCHEDULE 16 – DOCUMENTATION AND DELIVERABLES................................................................53 SCHEDULE 17 – TRAINING PLAN..............................................................................................57 SCHEDULE 18 – STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE............................................................................64 SCHEDULE 19 – PRICE SUMMARY............................................................................................65 SCHEDULE 20 – TERMS OF PAYMENT........................................................................................67 Section 3 – Requirements of 67

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Department of Schools, Ministry of Education Project Title : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Schools Network Infrastructure for Government Primary, Secondary and Religious Schools Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam (Phase I, II & III) Project Ref : MOE/EGOV/DS/001-9/2004





The composition of the Technical Proposal, Price Proposal and Tenderer Information shall be as follows: (a) Information to be included in Price Proposal and Technical Proposal: “Requirement Schedule”: Requirement Schedules

Technical Proposal

Schedule 1


Schedule 2


Schedule 3


Schedule 4


Schedule 5


Schedule 6

All except Table 6.1(a)

Table 6.1(a)

Schedule 7

All except Table 7.1(a)

Table 7.1(a)

Schedule 8


Schedule 9


Schedule 10


Schedule 11


Schedule 12


Schedule 13

All except Table 13.2

Schedule 14


Schedule 15


Schedule 16


Section 3 – Requirements of 67

Price Proposal

Table 13.2

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Department of Schools, Ministry of Education Project Title : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Schools Network Infrastructure for Government Primary, Secondary and Religious Schools Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam (Phase I, II & III) Project Ref : MOE/EGOV/DS/001-9/2004

Requirement Schedules

Technical Proposal

Schedule 17


Schedule 18


Price Proposal

Schedule 19


Schedule 20


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Department of Schools, Ministry of Education Project Title : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Schools Network Infrastructure for Government Primary, Secondary and Religious Schools Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam (Phase I, II & III) Project Ref : MOE/EGOV/DS/001-9/2004


Tenderers shall provide in this Schedule the following information: (a)

Management summary


List of all the companies (including Contractor and sub-contractor(s), if any) involved in the provision of the services and items specified in this tender, and the responsibility of each company


Company profile (including Contractor and sub-contractor(s), if any)


Years of experience (as of the Tender Closing Date) and skills of the Contractor and sub-contractor(s) in: • •


Developing and implementing IT projects; and Providing operations and maintenance services

Description of the salient features and flexibility of the Hardware Facilities and Software proposed, including: • • • •

Overview Architecture Configuration Interoperability


Status and support policy of each major product (e.g. how long each product has been available in the market, the manufacturer, commitment in terms of life cycle and in the case of software, the current version number and the number of versions released in the last 24 months with information summary for the proposed version)


Other information which is considered relevant

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Department of Schools, Ministry of Education Project Title : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Schools Network Infrastructure for Government Primary, Secondary and Religious Schools Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam (Phase I, II & III) Project Ref : MOE/EGOV/DS/001-9/2004


Tenderers shall complete Table 2.1 with information about all the companies involved in the provision of the services and items specified in this tender. This shall include details about the Contractor and each sub-contractor involved, as well as their respective responsibilities.


Tenderers shall also indicate in Table 2.1 any alliance relationship established with each sub-contractor. An alliance is defined as a formal and binding business relationship between the allied parties.

Table 2.1

Responsibility Table

Company Name

Responsibility Description

Alliance Relationship between Contractor and Sub-contractor(s) Alliance Exists? Date (Y/N) Establishe Alliance d Description

Contractor Not Not Applicable Applicable

Not Applicable


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Department of Schools, Ministry of Education Project Title : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Schools Network Infrastructure for Government Primary, Secondary and Religious Schools Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam (Phase I, II & III) Project Ref : MOE/EGOV/DS/001-9/2004


Each of the companies involved in this tender, including Contractor and subcontractor(s) (if any), shall provide its company profile including company strengths, organisation structure and management background.

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Department of Schools, Ministry of Education Project Title : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Schools Network Infrastructure for Government Primary, Secondary and Religious Schools Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam (Phase I, II & III) Project Ref : MOE/EGOV/DS/001-9/2004


Company Contribution 4.1.1

Tenderers shall complete Table 4.1, with information about the contribution percentages of different companies (which can be the Contractor, sub-contractor(s), or other manufacturer(s)) in the provision of the following project services or items: (a)

Project Management Services Tenderers shall list the company(ies) responsible for the provision of Project Management Services. Contribution percentage of each company shall be provided based on the relevant number of mandays, service price or cost, over total mandays, service price or cost for Project Management Services.


Implementation and Related Services Tenderers shall list the company(ies) responsible for the provision of Implementation and Related Services. Contribution percentage of each company shall be provided based on the relevant number of mandays, service price or cost, over total mandays, service price or cost for Implementation and Related Services.


Application Software Tenderers shall list the manufacturer/developer(s) of all the proposed application software item(s). Contribution percentage of each manufacturer/developer shall be provided based on the relevant application software price/cost over total application software price/cost.


Database Software Tenderers shall list the manufacturer/developer(s) of all the proposed database software item(s). Contribution percentage of each manufacturer/developer shall be provided based on the relevant database software price/cost over total database software price/cost.


Hardware and Operating System Tenderers shall list the manufacturer/developer(s) of all the proposed hardware and operating system item(s). Contribution percentage of each manufacturer/developer shall be provided based on

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Department of Schools, Ministry of Education Project Title : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Schools Network Infrastructure for Government Primary, Secondary and Religious Schools Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam (Phase I, II & III) Project Ref : MOE/EGOV/DS/001-9/2004

the relevant hardware or software price/cost over total hardware and operating system price/cost.

4.1.2 The sum of contribution percentages across different companies on a particular project service or item must give a total of 100%. Table 4.1 Contribution of Companies (in %)

Hardware and Operating System

Database Software

Application Software

ServicesOperations and Maintenance

Company Name

ServicesImplementation and Related

Ref. No.

Project Management Services

Project Services or Items



Other Companies/ Manufacturers (if not Contractor and subSection 3 – Requirements contractors) of 67

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Total: 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Department of Schools, Ministry of Education Project Title : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Schools Network Infrastructure for Government Primary, Secondary and Religious Schools Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam (Phase I, II & III) Project Ref : MOE/EGOV/DS/001-9/2004


Program Management Experiences 4.2.1

Tenderers shall complete Table 4.2, with details of all the IT projects in the recent 5 years as of the Tender Closing Date, that the Contractor was responsible for overall programme management of the Implementation and Related Services.

Table 4.2 Program Management Experiences Name and Address Of Customer

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Name and Version of Main Application, Brief Description

Location where System was implemented

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Department of Schools, Ministry of Education Project Title : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Schools Network Infrastructure for Government Primary, Secondary and Religious Schools Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam (Phase I, II & III) Project Ref : MOE/EGOV/DS/001-9/2004


Project Partnership Experiences 4.3.1

Tenderers shall complete Table 4.3, with details of all the IT projects in the recent 5 years as of the Tender Closing Date, that: (a) The Contractor has partnered with any of the proposed subcontractor(s) in this tender, in providing any of the following project services or items for the listed projects: (i) Implementation and Related Services (ii) Operations and Maintenance Services (iii)

Application Software The types of partnership shall include: •

Partnership between Contractor and sub-contractor within the same project in providing different services or items as listed above.

Partnership between the Contractor and sub-contractor within the same project in providing the same service or item as listed above.

(b) The Contractor itself was responsible for any two or more project services or items mentioned above for the listed projects, although without partnership with the proposed sub-contractor(s) in this tender. 4.3.2

Tenderers shall indicate the roles of the Contractor and sub-contractor(s) for the listed projects in Table 4.3, by providing the companies’ reference numbers as specified in Table 4.1.


Tenderers shall enter ‘N/A’ (not applicable) for the project service(s) or item(s) in the listed project(s), that were responsible by parties other than the Contractor or sub-contractor(s) in this tender.

Table 4.3

Project Partnership Experiences

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Application Software

Project Description

Project Completi on Date

Operations and Maintenance Services

Name & Address of Customer

Implementation and Related Services

Companies Responsible for


Department of Schools, Ministry of Education Project Title : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Schools Network Infrastructure for Government Primary, Secondary and Religious Schools Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam (Phase I, II & III) Project Ref : MOE/EGOV/DS/001-9/2004


Company Track Records 4.4.1

Tenderers shall provide a list of relevant track records in the tables as listed below, for the companies that are named in Table 4.1. Table 4.4 --

Project Management Services

Table 4.5 --

Implementation and Related Services

Table 4.6 --

Application Software

Table 4.7 -4.4.2

Hardware and Operating System

Tenderers shall complete Tables 4.4 to 4.7 with track records as follows: (a)

The track records must be for with similar functions to the system being tendered.


The track records must be within recent 5 years as of the Tender Closing Date.


The company must have performed a similar role as in this tender for the listed projects.


Tenderers shall indicate in Tables 4.4 to 4.7, the track records/ projects that can be used as reference sites. Three (3) reference sites must be provided for each company under a particular project service or item.


Tenderers shall assign a project reference number to the track records provided. The same project reference number must be used if the same project is referred to by different companies, or under different project services or items.


General guidelines for completing Tables 4.4 to 4.7:

Column Heading Customer Type

• • •

Section 3 – Requirements 11 of 67

Descriptions Tenderers shall indicate whether the customer is a Government or Quasi Government organisation. Please put a ‘Y’ under the appropriate category and leave blank if the customer is neither a Government nor a Quasi Government. A Quasi Government is defined as an organisation which (1) is managed and controlled by Government; or (2) has at least 50% shares being held by Government. Page

Department of Schools, Ministry of Education Project Title : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Schools Network Infrastructure for Government Primary, Secondary and Religious Schools Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam (Phase I, II & III) Project Ref : MOE/EGOV/DS/001-9/2004

Column Heading Project Scale

Reference Site

• •

Project Reference Number

Section 3 – Requirements 12 of 67

Descriptions Tenderers shall indicate the scale of the project:  Table 4.4 - in terms of total contract value (the contract value of the overall project), and total number of mandays.  Table 4.5 – in terms of contract value of the implementation project, and the total implementation mandays.  Table 4.6 – in terms of total/ annual contract value of the service, and the number of users supported. Please mark a ‘Y’ for the projects/ track records that can be used as reference sites. Tenderers shall provide at least three (3) reference sites for each company under a particular project service or item. Please assign a project reference number for each project/ track record. Tenderers shall note that the same project reference number must be used if the same project is referred to by different companies, or under different project services or items.


Department of Schools, Ministry of Education Project Title : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Schools Network Infrastructure for Government Primary, Secondary and Religious Schools Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam (Phase I, II, & III) Project Ref : MOE/EGOV/DS/001-9/2004

Table 4.4 Company Track Records (Project Management Services) Company Name Customer Type

Name of Customer


Project Project Timeframe Scale Where Total No. Project Quasi Name and Version of Main System was of Project Completion Referenc Referenc Govt Govt. Application, Brief implemented Man-days Start Date Date e Site e . Description Number

Table 4.5 Company Track Records (Implementation and Related Services) Company Name Customer Project Type Location Scale Project Timeframe where No. of Project Quasi Name and Version of Main System was Project Completio Referenc Referenc Name of Govt Govt. Application, Brief implemented Man-days Start Date n Date e Site e Customer . Description Number

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Department of Schools, Ministry of Education Project Title : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Schools Network Infrastructure for Government Primary, Secondary and Religious Schools Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam (Phase I, II, & III) Project Ref : MOE/EGOV/DS/001-9/2004

Table 4.6 Company Track Records (Application Software) Company Name Customer Type Quas Name and Version of Main Govt i Location where System Name of Customer Application, Brief . Govt was implemented Description .

Table 4.7 Company Track Records (Hardware and Operating System) Company Name Customer Type Q Name and Version of Main Location uasi Application and Hardware/ Name of Customer Govt. where System was Govt Operating System, implemented . Brief Description

Section 3 - Requirements 67

Number of Users

Number of Users

Reference Site

Project Referenc e Number

Reference Site

Project Referenc e Number

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Department of Information and Communications Technology, Ministry of Education Project Title : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Departmental Network Infrastructure in Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam Project Ref. : MOE/EGOV/ICT/001-5/2004


Reference Sites 4.5.1

Table 4.10

For each project/ track record that is indicated as a reference site in Tables 4.4 to 4.7, Tenderers shall provide contact details in Table 4.10 below. Reference Site Contact Details


The Ministry of Education shall treat all the information submitted under this schedule in strict confidence.


The Ministry of Education reserves the right to contact the reference sites for tender assessment purposes.


Tenderers may also be requested to make arrangements for the Ministry of Education Representative to visit the reference sites. If such site visits are required to be conducted overseas, Tenderers shall render all assistance in arranging the site visits but the Ministry of Education shall bear the costs of transportation, subsistence and accommodation for the Ministry’s Representative for such visits.

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Hardware and Operating System

Database Software


Application Software

Contact Person

ServicesOperations and Maintenance

Company Name and Address

Contact Number, Fax Number and E-mail Address

Implementation and Related Services

Project Referenc e Number

Project Management Services

Relevant Project Services or Items

Department of Information and Communications Technology, Ministry of Education Project Title : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Departmental Network Infrastructure in Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam Project Ref. : MOE/EGOV/ICT/001-5/2004






Project Team Structure 5.1.1

Tenderers shall provide a clear organisation chart to show the project management structure including the escalation procedures.


Tenderers shall provide a clear organisation chart of the Implementation Team. Descriptions shall be provided to show how the Implementation Team address the functional and technical requirements and how to discharge the Implementation and Related Services stated in Section 2.

Project Role and Staffing Arrangement 5.2.1

Tenderers shall provide, in Table 5.1, the following information in respect of each of their project staff designated:(a)



Company to which the project staff belongs;


Proposed role in this project;


Terms of Service;


Language (Spoken); and


Deployment of staff for this project, including information about estimated effort and estimated schedule of work.

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Department of Schools, Ministry of Education Project Title : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Schools Network Infrastructure for Government Primary, Secondary and Religious Schools Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam (Phase I, II, & III) Project Ref : MOE/EGOV/DS/001-9/2004

Table 5.1

Project Role and Staffing Arrangement Proposed Project Role Name

Section 3 – Requirements 67


Languag e (Spoken )

IC/ Passport No.

Team/ Sub-Team

Staff Category

Terms of Service On-site/ FullLocal offtime/ site/ Part- Overseas time

Schedule of Work Start Date

End Date

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Department of Schools, Ministry of Education Project Title : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Schools Network Infrastructure for Government Primary, Secondary and Religious Schools Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam (Phase I, II, & III) Project Ref : MOE/EGOV/DS/001-9/2004


Tenderers shall propose and present arrangements on the provision of staff and/ or sub-contractor establishment.


Previous Experience of Project Staff 5.3.1


Tenderers shall provide in Table 5.2 the following information in respect of the previous experience of each of their key project staff designated for the project: (a)



Academic qualification;


Years of post-qualification IT experience;


Number of relevant project experience; and


Years of experience in relevant subject areas.

Tenderers shall attach with this Schedule the Curriculum Vitae of each proposed staff for the Project Team. Tenderers are required to crossreference to the Curriculum Vitae when completing Tables 5.2 to 5.5.

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Department of Information and Communications Technology, Ministry of Education Project Title : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Departmental Network Infrastructure in Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam Project Ref. : MOE/EGOV/ICT/001-5/2004

Project Staff Profile Number of Relevant Project Experience in recent 10 Years

Section 3 - Requirements 67

Proposed Application Software Package

(Team Member)Assigned Subject Area


(Team Leader)Assigned Subject Area


Implementation and Related Services


Project Management


No. of Years of PostAcademic Qualification Qualification IT Experience No.

Years of Experience in

Operations and Maintenance Services

Table 5.2

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Department of Information and Communications Technology, Ministry of Education Project Title : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Departmental Network Infrastructure in Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam Project Ref. : MOE/EGOV/ICT/001-5/2004

Note: 1) For Functional Specialist, this should be “Number of Years of Post-Qualification Functional Experience” 2) Xref – Cross-reference to the experience provided in Curriculum Vitae

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Department of Schools, Ministry of Education : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Schools Network Infrastructure for Government Primary, Secondary and Religious Schools Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam (Phase I, II & III) Project Title

Project Ref : MOE/EGOV/DS/001-9/2004


Tenderers shall submit a list of system implementation projects in Table 5.3 that the proposed Project Manager(s) of this tender has engaged in with a similar role (as of the Tender Closing Date). Tenderers shall provide cross-references to the experiences in Curriculum Vitae. Please indicate whether the proposed Overall Implementation Methodology, as specified in Schedule 11 – “Proposed Approach And Methodology”, was adopted in the projects by putting a ‘Y’ under column “Used Proposed Overall Impl. Methodology” where appropriate.

Table 5.3

List of projects that the proposed Project Manager(s) has engaged in

Brief Scale of Project Period Project of Name(s) of Description No. of Time Used Proposed Name (e.g. name No. Total Team Engag Project and and nature of Project Memb ed in Proposed Overall Manager(s) Address of Users Manday ers at the Xref Impl. of application s Peak Project Methodolog Client ) y

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Department of Schools, Ministry of Education : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Schools Network Infrastructure for Government Primary, Secondary and Religious Schools Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam (Phase I, II & III) Project Title

Project Ref : MOE/EGOV/DS/001-9/2004


Tenderers shall submit a list of system implementation projects in Table 5.4 that the proposed Functional Specialist(s) of this tender has engaged in with a similar role (as of the Tender Closing Date). Tenderers shall provide cross-references to the experiences in Curriculum Vitae. Please indicate whether the proposed Overall Implementation Methodology, as specified in Schedule 11 – “Proposed Approach And Methodology”, was adopted in the projects by putting a ‘Y’ under column “Used Proposed Overall Impl. Methodology” where appropriate.

Table 5.4 engaged in

List of projects that the proposed Functional Specialist(s) has Brief Project

Scale of Project

Used Name(s) of No. of Period of Description Propos Proposed Name No. Total Team Time Engaged in (e.g. name ed Xref Functional and of Project Member the and nature Overall Management Address Users Mandays s at Peak Project of Impl. Specialist(s) of Client application Method ) ology

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Department of Schools, Ministry of Education : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Schools Network Infrastructure for Government Primary, Secondary and Religious Schools Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam (Phase I, II & III) Project Title

Project Ref : MOE/EGOV/DS/001-9/2004


Tenderers shall submit a list of system implementation projects in Table 5.5 that the proposed Team Leader(s) of this tender has engaged in with a similar role (as of the Tender Closing Date). Tenderers shall provide crossreferences to the experiences in Curriculum Vitae. Please indicate whether the proposed Overall Implementation Methodology, as specified in Schedule 11 – “Proposed Approach And Methodology”, was adopted in the projects by putting a ‘Y’ under column “Used Proposed Overall Implementation Methodology” where appropriate.

Table 5.5

List of projects that the proposed Team Leader(s) has engaged in

Brief Project Scale of Project Period of Description No. of Time Name(s) of Name (e.g. name No. Total Team Engaged Used Proposed and and nature of Project Member in the Proposed Team Address of Users Mandays s at Peak Project Overall Impl. Xref Leader(s) of Client application) Methodology

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Department of Schools, Ministry of Education : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Schools Network Infrastructure for Government Primary, Secondary and Religious Schools Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam (Phase I, II & III) Project Title

Project Ref : MOE/EGOV/DS/001-9/2004


Application and Database Software Items 6.1.1 be:

Tenderers shall propose in this part all necessary software items that will •

Licensed to the Ministry of Education

Supplied and implemented by the Contractor

These must include Application Software and Database Software. Details of the proposed software items, including product description, version number and proposed quantity etc., shall be provided. 6.1.2

The quantity of each software item shall be proposed based on a justifiable basis. Tenderers shall propose the quantity of licences required, with reference to the volumes and figures stipulated in Annex 2.2 or any justifiable basis as deemed appropriate. The licences must be sufficient to support the maximum number of concurrent users of the System. Sufficient development licences shall also be included for implementation, maintenance and support of the System.


Tenderers shall complete Table 6.1(a) and Table 6.1(b) with all the software items, that will be supplied by the Contractor and licensed to the Ministry of Education, in performing the functions specified in Section 2 (including all the essential functions and desirable functions that the Contractor is committed to offer).


Tenderers shall complete Table 6.1(a) and Table 6.1(b) with same contents (other than cost-related information), ensuring the two tables correspond with each other.


Tenderers shall: (a)

Enter ‘N/C’ (i.e. no charge) where applicable


Charge annual licence fees and annual maintenance charge


Include all necessary and related components for the installation of the software

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Department of Schools, Ministry of Education : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Schools Network Infrastructure for Government Primary, Secondary and Religious Schools Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam (Phase I, II & III) Project Title

Project Ref : MOE/EGOV/DS/001-9/2004

Table 6.1(a)

Application and Database Software Items

Year 1 Year 2 I Product/ tem No. Version Description Manufact Qty License Mainte Licen Maint No. urer Fee nance se enanc Charge Fee e Charg e

Year 3 Licen se Fee

Year 4

Year 5


Maint Licen Mainten Licen Mainte Lice enanc se ance se nance nce e Fee Charge Fee Charge Fee Charg e

Mainte nance Charge

Sub-total: Total:

Table 6.1(b) Item No.

Application and Database Software Items Product/ Version No.

Section 3 - Requirements 67




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Department of Schools, Ministry of Education : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Schools Network Infrastructure for Government Primary, Secondary and Religious Schools Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam (Phase I, II & III) Project Title

Project Ref : MOE/EGOV/DS/001-9/2004

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Department of Schools, Ministry of Education : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Schools Network Infrastructure for Government Primary, Secondary and Religious Schools Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam (Phase I, II & III) Project Title

Project Ref : MOE/EGOV/DS/001-9/2004


Utilities and Other Software Items 6.2.1

Tenderers shall propose in this part all necessary utilities and other software items that will be provided, utilised, and/or implemented by the Contractor at Contractor’s own cost, and shall include, but not be limited to: •

Utilities and other software running on each proposed hardware facilities (e.g. operating system, firewall, etc.);

Software for performing Implementation and Related Services, for example, software items required for developing interfaces, performing data conversion and migration exercise, and developing and effecting the interim process during Transitional Operations; and

Software for performing Operations and Maintenance Services, for example, help desk software.

Details of the proposed software items, including product description, version number and proposed quantity etc., shall be provided. 6.2.2

The quantity of each software item shall be proposed based on a justifiable basis. Tenderers shall propose a sufficient quantity of licences required, with reference to the volumes and figures stipulated in Section 2, or any justifiable basis as deemed appropriate.


Tenderers shall complete Table 6.2 with all the utilities and other software items that will be provided by the Contractor, in performing the functions and services, in accordance with the requirements specified in the Section 2.

Table 6.2 Item No.

Utilities and Other Software Items Product Name/ Version No.

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Department of Schools, Ministry of Education : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Schools Network Infrastructure for Government Primary, Secondary and Religious Schools Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam (Phase I, II & III) Project Title

Project Ref : MOE/EGOV/DS/001-9/2004


Contractor Provided Hardware Facilities 7.1.1

Tenderers shall submit, in Table 7.1, details of the Contractor provided hardware facilities which are required for the implementation, interface development, data conversion and migration, interim process development, network setup, operations and transitional operations and disaster recovery of the System as specified in Section 2.


Tenderers shall submit, in Schedule 6 – “Software”, the required utilities and other software running on each proposed hardware facilities item.


Tenderers shall complete Table 7.1(a) and Table 7.1(b) with same contents (other than cost-related information), ensuring the two tables correspond with each other.

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Department of Schools, Ministry of Education : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Schools Network Infrastructure for Government Primary, Secondary and Religious Schools Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam (Phase I, II & III) Project Title

Project Ref : MOE/EGOV/DS/001-9/2004

Table 7.1(a)

Contractor Provided Hardware Facilities

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total Item Manufactur Model / Softwar Descriptio Locatio Qty 1 2 er e n n No. Part No.Referen Purcha Maintena Purch Mainten Purch Mainten Purch Maintenan Purch Maintena Purch Mainten ce to se Price nce ase ance ase ance ase ce Charge ase nce ase ance Table Charge Price Charge Price Charge Price Price Charge Price Charge 6.2

Sub-total: Total: Table 7.1(b) Item No.

Contractor Provided Hardware Facilities

Model / Manufacturer Part No.

Software1 Reference to Table 6.2




Note : (1) Tenderers shall list all utilities and other software to be installed on the proposed hardware facilities items in Schedule 6 – “Software”.


Tenderers shall indicate which Contractor’s locations (e.g. primary data centre, disaster recovery data centre, etc.) the hardware facilities

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Department of Schools, Ministry of Education : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Schools Network Infrastructure for Government Primary, Secondary and Religious Schools Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam (Phase I, II & III) Project Title

Project Ref : MOE/EGOV/DS/001-9/2004

to be placed.

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Department of Schools, Ministry of Education : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Schools Network Infrastructure for Government Primary, Secondary and Religious Schools Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam (Phase I, II & III) Project Title

Project Ref : MOE/EGOV/DS/001-9/2004



Tenderers shall complete this Schedule by entering all technical information and particulars including name of product, country of origin, name of developer/substantial place of manufacturing, address of developer/manufacturer, system name and version/release number of the proposed hardware facilities, software and customisation on software which corresponds to the Project Specification.


Hardware Facilities Specification 8.2.1

Tenderers shall provide specifications of the proposed hardware facilities to meet the requirements as specified in Section 2 Specification. Tenderers shall highlight the following information in the corresponding specifications: (a)

Servers •

Additional functions and features (e.g. fault event log, built-in diagnosis tool, automatic function turn on/off, etc.)

Compatibility with the proposed software

Number of authorised local support companies and the estimated total number of local technical support staff members for the product

Please also provide the name of these companies


Backup facilities •

The media support

Maximum uncompressed/compressed capacity

Backup rate for uncompressed/compressed data


Data Storage •

Maximum data storage capacity

Maximum throughput

Fault tolerant support

Scalability method in response to increased workload

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Number of authorised local support companies and the estimated total number of local technical support staff members for the product

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Software Specification 8.3.1

Tenderers shall provide specifications of the proposed software to meet the requirements as specified in the Specification. Tenderers shall highlight the following information in the corresponding specifications: (a) Application Software Please complete Table 8.1 with specifications of all the proposed application software items. (b) Database Software •

Functions and features supported (e.g. cluster support, distributed data support, etc.)

Maximum data volume supported

(c) Utilities and Other Software (i) Operating System Software •

Functions and features supported

Scalability method in response to increased workload

(ii) Other Software •

Functions and features supported

Table 8.1

Application Software Modules

Item No.

Version/Releas e

Section 3 - Requirements 67

Software / Software Module Name

Software / Software Module Description

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Custom Programs Specification 8.4.1

Table 8.2 I tem No.

Tenderers shall complete Table 8.2, by providing specifications of any customisations on the application software for the System to meet the requirements as specified in Section 2. Custom Programs Specification

Softwar e/ Softwar e Module Name

Software / Software Module Descripti on

X-ref to requirement s in the Section 2 to be supported by customisati on of the Software / Software Module

Elaboration of the customisati on of the Software / Software Module

New Progra m (Y/N) ?

Estimated customisati on effort (Mandays)


Tenderers shall commit that if the Contract is awarded, they shall provide support the workload under their proposed sizing model with the service levels specified in the relevant Contract Schedules and Section 2.


Tenderers shall include all recommended configurations for each resource for the implementation of the System. The resource should include both Contractor provided and Ministry of Education provided resources.


Tenderers shall provide the information of the minimum and recommended configurations of Ministry of Education provided user workstations for the

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implementation of the System.


Tenderers shall provide the information of the minimum and recommended network bandwidths for the Ministry of Education network for the implementation of the System.

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Tenderers shall provide in this Schedule a technical proposal describing the proposed architecture and configuration for the First Rollout and Second Rollout of the System.


The technical proposal shall cover, but not be limited to, the following items: (a)



Overall Design 

Describe the design philosophy of the proposed System.

Provide comprehensive system and network diagram(s) showing all proposed system and network equipment.

Explain in detail how the System meet or exceed the requirements set out in the Specifications Section.

Explain the benefits of adopting the proposed solutions.

Highlight any limitations or constraints of the System.

Describe how the major logical components (e.g. workflow, security, administration, backup/recovery, archiving, log recording/audit trail, monitoring, contingency plan, disaster recovery, high availability, availability, interface, etc.) are handled by the system architecture (e.g. server, database, workstation, network, etc.).

List all features provided by the System with descriptions of the functions and operations.

Describe what maintenance arrangement is required for the System.

Application Software 

Provide a description of the salient features and flexibility of the proposed application software.

Describe the functionality of each application module employed for the System operation.

Database 

Provide a description of the features and flexibility of the proposed database software.

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Provide information of the compatibility between the database and application software.

Provide the performance and reliability features of the database under the proposed System set up.

Describe any value added features such as clustering support, distributed data store, etc. are applied.

Server 

Describe how the System service accessibility level can be achieved with the proposed server configurations.

Provide information on the server scalability in response to the increased/decreased workload.

Backup 




Describe the backup approach to be implemented with the proposed backup facilities.

Security 

Describe in detail implemented.






Describe in detail the system security arrangement to ensure the System is well protected from malicious attacks.

Provide detail information on the system security control such as granularity of security control, number of authorisation level support, security technologies employed, variety of security features, etc.

Explain the digital certificate technology, architecture design and corresponding implementation.

System Environments 

Describe the set up of the five system environments which include Production, Development, Testing, Training and Disaster Recovery Environments.

Describe, if any, the data exchange, interconnectivity, switch over arrangements among the five Environments.


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Tenderers shall also provide other information which is considered relevant.

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Tenderers shall give a description on the proposed approach, methodology or any associated tools adopted for implementation management and control of this project including but not limited to the following services: (a)

Overall implementation (Paragraph 11.2)


Project management (Paragraph 11.3)


Quality management and assurance (Paragraph 11.4)


System analysis and design (Paragraph 11.5)


Business process re-engineering (Paragraph 11.6)


Interface design and development (with other systems) (Paragraph 11.7)


Interim processes design operations) (Paragraph 11.8)


Data conversion and migration (Paragraph 11.9)


Change management (Paragraph 11.10)


Optional (If Required) Operations and Maintenance Services (Paragraph 11.11)


Optional (if Required) Relocation of hardware and Software from temporary location to the permanent Location (Paragraph 11.12)





Overall Implementation


Tenderers shall provide detailed information on the overall methodology and approach to be adopted in implementation and related services as specified in this tender. This should include, but not be limited to: (a)

where appropriate, the name of the methodology shall be indicated. Tenderers shall also provide background descriptions of the methodology, including the source of the methodology (e.g. is the methodology defined by an international organisation and is well adopted in the industry, or is it a knowledge asset of the

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Contractor or any sub-contractor), year of first introduction and adoption, etc;



the approach, steps and procedures to ensure the integration of different services; and


an explanation on the linkage between this proposed methodology and the Implementation Plan.

Project Management 11.3.1 Tenderers shall describe the detailed methodology and approach to be adopted in this project for project management. This should include, but not be limited to:



where appropriate, the name of the methodology shall be indicated. Tenderers shall also provide background descriptions of the methodology, including the source of the methodology (e.g. is the methodology defined by an international organisation and is well adopted in the industry, or is it a knowledge asset of the Contractor or any sub-contractor), year of first introduction and adoption, extent of use of the methodology on management system projects in other government or quasi government, etc;


the approach in controlling the project implementation processes;


the approach management;


the reporting and escalation responsibilities involved;


the methodology in delivering project products in good quality and performance; and


all associated procedures for the proper management of project issues, project risks, etc.










Quality Management and Assurance 11.4.1 Tenderers shall describe the detailed methodology and approach to be adopted in this project for quality management and assurance. This should include, but not be limited to: (a)

where appropriate, the name of the methodology shall be

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indicated. Tenderers shall also provide background descriptions of the methodology, including the source of the methodology (e.g. is the methodology defined by an international organisation and is well adopted in the industry, or is it a knowledge asset of the Contractor or any sub-contractor), year of first introduction and adoption, extent of use of the methodology on management system projects in other government or quasi government, etc;



the approach for version / release control;


the approach for configuration management;


the approach for quality management and assessments;


the acceptance procedures of deliverables such as programs, database, documentation, etc;


the standards and procedures to be used in the project; and


the quality assurance procedures recommended to ensure the quality of deliverables.

System Analysis and Design 11.5.1 Tenderers shall describe the detailed methodology and approach for system analysis and design (SA&D), including but not limited to:



where appropriate, the name of the methodology shall be indicated. Tenderers shall provide background descriptions of the methodology, including the source of the methodology (e.g. is the methodology defined by an international organisation and is well adopted in the industry, or is it a knowledge asset of the Contractor or any sub-contractor), year of first introduction and adoption, extent of use of the methodology on management system projects in other government or quasi government, etc;


the steps, procedures and deliverables associated to system analysis and design;


the approach in ensuring proper control and management on the system design; and


the approach in ensuring the alignment and integration between SA&D and business process re-engineering.

Business Process Re-engineering

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11.6.1 Tenderers shall describe the detailed methodology and approach in conducting business process re-engineering, including but not limited to:



the steps, procedures and deliverables associated to business process re-engineering;


the approach for defining the scope;


the approach for incorporating improvements into processes;


the approach processes;


the approach for implementing the new processes and realising the benefits; and


the approach for assessing benefits realisation.

for estimating





Interface Design and Development (with other systems) 11.7.1 Tenderers shall describe the detailed methodology approach for system interfaces, including but not limited to: (a)

the approach and methodology in designing, developing and implementing the System interfaces;


the technology to be employed for the System interfaces; and


the approach and methodology in ensuring the quality and security of the System interfaces.

11.8 Interim Processes Operations)






11.8.1 Tenderers shall describe the detailed methodology and approach for ensuring smooth operations during the transitional period between Release 1 and Release 3. This should include, but not be limited to: (a)

the approach requirements;


the approach in planning, designing and developing interim processes;


the approach in ensuring readiness for transitional operations before Release 1; and


the approach in ensuring a smooth changeover from transitional

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operations to full operations (that is, after Release 3). 11.9

Data Conversion and Migration 11.9.1 Tenderers shall describe the detailed methodology and approach for data conversion and migration, including but not limited to: (a)

the approach including data capture procedures and verification scheme, timetable and initial plan for migration showing all major activities, tasks, responsible parties, tools and methodology that shall be used, and the associated deliverables during the data conversion and migration exercise;


the approach and methodology in ensuring quality and security of the data conversion and migration exercise; and


the information required from relevant parties in order to meet the requirements specified in the “Implementation Plan”.

11.10 Change Management 11.10.1 Tenderers shall describe the detailed methodology and approach for performing change management, including but not limited to: (a)

the steps, procedures and deliverables associated to change management;


the approach for assessing change management requirements;


the approach in assessing and ensuring change readiness of different level of users; and


recommended types of change management activities, the approach in planning and conducting these activities, and any proven success based on Tenderers’ previous project experiences.

11.11 Optional (If Required) Operations and Maintenance Services 11.11.1 Tenderers shall describe the detailed methodology and approach for performing operations and maintenance services, including but not limited to: (a)

the steps, procedures and deliverables associated to operations and maintenance services;


the approach for operations and maintenance planning, resource

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estimation and management; (c)

the reporting and escalation responsibilities involved;




the approach and methodology in ensuring quality operations and maintenance services;


all associated procedures for the proper operations maintenance of software/hardware related issues, risks etc.


of the and

11.12 Optional (If Required) Relocation of hardware and software from temporary location to permanent location 11.12.1 Tenderers shall describe the detailed methodology and approach for performing the relocation of hardware and software from the temporary location to the permanent location, including but not limited to: (a) the steps and procedures and deliverables associated to the relocation of hardware and software from the temporary location to the permanent location.

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Tenderers shall show the proposed the implementation plan in Table 12.1. Tenderers shall propose the appropriate activities and deliverables with reference to Section 2 and shall include any other recommended activities and deliverables in the table. Tenderers shall provide detailed breakdown on each implementation service and activity: (a)

For the implementation service about data centre facilities and management during implementation, Tenderers shall provide detailed segregation between one-time set-up/ implementation tasks (e.g. set up system environments), and recurrent management/ support tasks (e.g. regular backup of data);


Tenderers shall provide for each task, where appropriate, the measurement metrics (e.g., number of programs) that can be used to objectively track the progress of specific tasks; and


Tenderers shall indicate the Critical Path and task dependencies.

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Table 12.1

Implementation Plan Tentative Timeframe (Date)

Major Activities/ Tasks



Estimated Effort (Mandays) Contractor


Others (Pls. Specify)

Measurem ent Metrics



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Note: (i)

1 Manday = 8 hours; 1 Man-month = 22.5 Mandays.

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Implementation and Related Services to be provided by the Contractor 13.1.1 The Contractor shall provide the following Implementation and Related Services, with details stipulated in Specifications sub-section 14 – “Implementation and Related Services”. (a)

Project management (including multi-vendor co-ordination)


System implementation/ integration services •

Business process re-engineering

System analysis and design

System installation and installation test

System configuration

Customisation and testing services

Integration of hardware, software and customisations

Interface with other systems

Service support at different testing stages

System software upgrade during implementation

System performance tuning

Interim processes development


Disaster Recovery Centre Integration •

Integration to Ministry of Finance EG Centre

Purchase and locate related Hardware at Ministry of Finance EG Centre

Disaster recovery planning and drill

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Infrastructure assessment and implementation


System conversion and rollout services •

Data conversion and migration

System performance verification




Change management services •

Training plan and development

Other change management initiatives Post-implementation review

Implementation and Related Services Charges – Excluding Data Centre Facilities and Management during Implementation (if any) 13.2.1 Tenderers shall fill in Table 13.1 for the above-said Implementation and Related Services of this with information about detailed implementation tasks and Mandays breakdown by Staff Categories. 13.2.2 Tenderers shall include, in Table 13.1 the effort in the development, testing and implementation of interim processes.


13.2.3 Tenderers shall ensure that the Implementation and Related Services, as well as the effort specified in this Schedule correspond with the tasks and effort provided in Contract Schedule 12 – “Implementation Plan”. 13.2.5 Tenderers shall enter ‘N/C’ (i.e. no charge) where applicable.

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Table 13.1

Implementation and Related Services to be provided by the Contractor during Implementation Estimated Effort (Mandays)

Item No. 1 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 4 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 6 6.1

Description of Implementation and Related Services








Total Others (Pls. Specify)


Project Management (Including Multi-vendor coordination) System implementation/integration services Business process re-engineering System analysis and design System installation and installation test System configuration Customisation and testing services Integration of hardware, software and customisations Interface with other systems Service support at different testing stages System software upgrade during implementation System performance tuning Interim processes development Disaster Recovery Integration Centre Integration to Ministry of Finance EG Centre Purchase and locate related hardware at MOF EG Centre services Disaster recovery planning and drill Infrastructure assessment and implementation System conversion and rollout services Data centre arrangement Data conversion and migration System performance verification Change management services Training plan and development

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6.2 7 8

Other change management initiatives Post-implementation review Initial Application Management (Refer Section 2 – 20.1) Total:

Note: PM – Project Manager; DPM – Deputy Project Manager; FS – Functional Specialist; TL – Team Leader; SA – System Analyst (or equivalent); A – Analyst/ Programmer (or equivalent); QAS – Quality Assurance Specialist 13.2.6 Tenderers shall fill in Table 13.2 to provide the daily rates for any additional services required for Ongoing Application Management or other related services as outlined in Specifications sub-section 20.2.2. Table 13.2

Staff Daily Rate

Staff Category

Daily Rate

Project Manager Deputy Project Manager Functional Specialist Team Leader System Analyst (or equivalent) Analyst/programmer (or equivalent) Section 3 – Requirements 67

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Quality Assurance Specialist

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SCHEDULE 14 – INSTALLATION TESTS 14.1 Tenderers are required to state in this Schedule the Installation Tests to be performed (as specified in Specifications sub-section 15 – “Delivery and Installation”). 14.2 Tenderers are required to propose the test approach and the test tools (if any) for conducting the Installation Tests.


Tenderers shall state in this Schedule the Acceptance Tests (as specified in Specifications sub-section 16 – “Acceptance Testing”) to be performed including System tests, User Acceptance Tests and Performance Tests.


Tenderers shall propose the test approach and the test tools for conducting the Acceptance Tests in meeting the workload, performance, and other requirements of the System, including but not limited to data conversion and migration, and system interface.







Tenderers shall propose a complete list of documentation that will be provided, including all the mandatory documents specified in Section 2. Tenderers are welcome to recommend other types of documentation or additional documents that are suitable for this project.

Software 16.2.1 The Contractor shall produce all necessary documentation for the Application Software, Database Software and Utilities and Other Software as proposed in Schedule 6 – “Software”. Table 16.1

Ref. No.

Section 3 – Requirements 67 67

Software Documentation


No. of Copies Softcopy Deliverable (D)/ (Pls specify Ref Material ® medium) Hardcopy

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Hardware Facilities 16.3.1 The Contractor shall produce all necessary documentation for all Hardware Facilities as specified in Schedule 7 –“Hardware Facilities” during implementation.

Table 16.2

Ref. No.

Section 3 – Requirements 67 67

Hardware Facilities Documentation


No. of Copies Softcopy Deliverable (D)/ (Pls specify Ref Material ® medium) Hardcopy

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Implementation and Related Services 16.4.1 The Contractor shall deliver all relevant materials and documentation for the provision of Implementation and Related Services (as specified in Specification Specifications sub-section 13 – “Implementation and Related Services”) as Project Deliverables. These must include, but not be limited to the key deliverables specified in Specifications sub-section 19 – “Documentation and Deliverables”.

Table 16.3

Ref. No.


Implementation and Related Services Documentation


No. of Copies Softcopy (Pls specify medium) Hardcopy

Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Services 16.5.1 The Contractor shall deliver all relevant materials and documentation for the provision of O&M Services (as specified in Specification sub-section 20 – “Operations and Maintenance Services”) as Project Deliverables. These must include, but not be limited to the key deliverables specified in Specifications sub-section 19 – “Documentation and Deliverables”. Table 16.4

Ref. No.

Section 3 – Requirements 67 67

Operations and Maintenance Services Documentation


No. of Copies Softcopy (Pls specify medium) Hardcopy

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Others 16.6.1 Tenderers are welcome to recommend other types of documents that are suitable for this project. Table 16.5

R ef. No.

Section 3 – Requirements 67 67

Other Documentation


No. of Copies Softcopy Deliverable (D)/ (Pls specify Ref Material ® medium) Hardcopy

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Training Plan and Approach 17.1.1 Tenderers shall describe the training plan and approach, covering all necessary training courses including touch-base training, end-user operation training, as well as other proposed training courses. These shall include, but not be limited to the following: (a)

Overall training methodology and approach, for example, training recommendations so that end-user operation training can be effectively rolled out within the planned timeframe


Detailed approach of different courses, for example:

(c) 17.2

Types of learning modes (e.g. classroom, presentation, hands-on computer assisted training)

Types of delivery aids (e.g. presentation slides)

Types of course materials Proposed training approach for new users in the future after rollouts (e.g. self-learning training materials vs. instructor-led courses)

Training Resources and Facilities 17.2.1 Tenderers shall describe in this Schedule their training resources and facilities, including the structure of their local training centres and types of training offered in these centres.


Training Courses to be Provided by Contractor 17.3.1 Tenderers shall propose in this Schedule all necessary training courses to be provided and conducted by the Contractor, which shall include, but not be limited to: (a)

Touch-base training The Contractor shall conduct touch-base training for all project team members and key end users participating in the project.


End-user operation training The Contractor shall provide end-user operation training for all users.


Others (if any)

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17.3.2 The proposed training schedule shall be in line with the detailed implementation plan provided in Schedule 13 – “Implementation Plan”. 17.3.3 All the training courses shall be conducted primarily in English with key support materials and job aids in Malay. 17.3.4 The proposed training fee shall include all charges only for the delivery of training courses. The effort and cost required in training plan and development services, for example, development of training plans and materials, design of training evaluation mechanism, etc., shall be provided in Schedule 13 – “Implementation and Related Services”. 17.3.5 Tenderers shall complete Table 17.1 and Table 17.2 17.3.6 General Guidelines for completing Table 17.1 and Table 17.2: Column Heading Course Title

Descriptions The title of the course, which shall be clear and selfexplanatory for the understanding. Where necessary, brief descriptions shall be included.


Classroom, self-study, others (please specify).

Number of Sessions per Course

The number of sessions that trainees need to attend in order to complete the course.

Total Duration (Hours) per Course

Total number of hours that trainees need to attend in order to complete the course.

Proposed Number of Classes

More than one class shall be proposed for a particular course if the number of trainees is large and considered not manageable in one class.

Category of Trainee

Project team member, end user, others (please specify).

Size per Class

Number of trainees per class.

Scheduled Date(s) for each Class

The proposed date(s) for trainees to attend the sessions.


Venue to be provided by the Contractor, or third-party training centre. Please provide details if the venue is to be provided by Contractor or by third-party training centre.

Section 3 – Requirements 67 67




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Table 17.1

Mandatory Training Plan and Details

Course Title


Number of Sessions per Course

Total Duratio Propose n d Category of (Hours) Number per of Trainee Course Classes

Size per

Scheduled Date(s) for


each Class


Touch-base training

End-user operation training

Others (if any)

Section 3: Requirements 67

Page 59 of

Department of Schools, Ministry of Education : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Schools Network Infrastructure for Government Primary, Secondary and Religious Schools Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam (Phase I, II & III) Project Title

Project Ref : MOE/EGOV/DS/001-9/2004

Section 3: Requirements 67

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Department of Schools, Ministry of Education : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Schools Network Infrastructure for Government Primary, Secondary and Religious Schools Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam (Phase I, II & III) Project Title

Project Ref : MOE/EGOV/DS/001-9/2004

Table 17.2 Optional Training Plan and Details

Course Title


Number of Sessions per Course

Total Duratio Propose n d Category of (Hours) Number per of Trainee Course Classes

Size per

Scheduled Date(s) for


each Class


Touch-base training

End-user operation training

Others (if any)

Section 3: Requirements 67

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Department of Schools, Ministry of Education : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Schools Network Infrastructure for Government Primary, Secondary and Religious Schools Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam (Phase I, II & III) Project Title

Project Ref : MOE/EGOV/DS/001-9/2004


Tenderers are to describe the proposed training venue and facilities.

Section 3: Requirements 67

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Department of Schools, Ministry of Education : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Schools Network Infrastructure for Government Primary, Secondary and Religious Schools Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam (Phase I, II & III) Project Title

Project Ref : MOE/EGOV/DS/001-9/2004


Qualifications of Trainers Responsible for the Training Courses 17.4.1 Tenderers shall submit in Table 17.3 the qualifications of the proposed trainers (with attached curriculum vitae) in conducting the touch-base training, end-user operation training, and any other training as proposed by the Tenderers.

Table 17.3 Qualification of the Trainers Number of Years of

N ame

Compan y

Cours e Title

Section 3 – Requirements 67

PostExperien Others qualificati ce in (Pleas Academic on Experien system e Qualificati experience ce in training specify on training )

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Department of Schools, Ministry of Education : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Schools Network Infrastructure for Government Primary, Secondary and Religious Schools Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam (Phase I, II & III) Project Title

Project Ref : MOE/EGOV/DS/001-9/2004




Tenderers shall indicate their compliance by providing a compliance table in Table 18.1, with clause-by-clause including sub-clause by sub-clause statement of compliance corresponding to all Sections of Section 2 except sub-section 1 – “Introduction” and sub-section 2 – “Background”. Proposal without this compliance table will be considered incomplete and may be disqualified. Table 18.1 Section

Statement of Compliance Sub-section No.





Note: 1. Please put “Yes” if complied, “No” if not complied. 2. Where appropriate, Tenderers shall specify how the requirement will be met in the Remarks column. 18.3

Tenderers shall indicate their level of compliance to the detailed functional requirements by completing the functional requirements checklists provided in Annex 2.1 – “Functional Requirements”. Proposal without these completed checklists will be considered incomplete and may be disqualified.

Section 3 – Requirements 67

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Department of Schools, Ministry of Education : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Schools Network Infrastructure for Government Primary, Secondary and Religious Schools Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam (Phase I, II & III) Project Title

Project Ref : MOE/EGOV/DS/001-9/2004


Tenderers shall provide a summary of the aggregate price for the non-recurrent cost, quarterly recurrent cost and other price information in Table 19.1. Tenderers shall ensure the accuracy and consistency with the items proposed in this tender. This Schedule must be completed in full and the price shall be consistent with the prices listed in the following Schedules. In case of discrepancy, this written Schedule document shall prevail. The charges in Table 19.1 are for the purpose of total price assessment for this project.


Items listed in Table 19.1 are guidelines to Tenderers and may not be exhaustive. Tenderers shall ensure the completeness and accuracy of the information provided for a total price assessment. Tenderers shall also include in this schedule the non-recurrent and quarterly recurrent cost of other items.


Tenderers shall: (a)

Enter ‘N/C’ (i.e. no charge) where applicable.

Section 3 – Requirements 67

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Department of Schools, Ministry of Education : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Schools Network Infrastructure for Government Primary, Secondary and Religious Schools Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam (Phase I, II & III) Project Title

Project Ref : MOE/EGOV/DS/001-9/2004

Table 19.1

Total Charges for Implementation Phase


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5


Schedule Reference

Application and Database Software

Schedule 6

Hardware Facilities

Schedule 7

Implementation and Related Services

Others (please specify)

Schedule 13 and 20

Not Applicable


Section 3 - Requirements 67

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Department of Schools, Ministry of Education : The Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Schools Network Infrastructure for Government Primary, Secondary and Religious Schools Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam (Phase I, II & III) Project Title

Project Ref : MOE/EGOV/DS/001-9/2004




Mode of Payment 20.1.1 Payment will be made locally and in Brunei Dollars.


Payment Schedule 20.2.1 Payments shall be made in accordance with the charges set out in Tables 19.1 Schedule 19. 20.2.2 Tenderers should propose a schedule of payments consistent with the implementation plan proposed in Table 12.1.

Section 3 – Requirements 67

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