2x12 Them Or Us

  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 8
2x12 – Them or Us (Jae Lee Centric) Previously on LOST: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Sun and Jae reuniting – 2x02 Sun listening to Jae’s message – 1x13 Jin watching Sun go into Jae’s tent – 2x07 Sun telling Jin that nothing happened – 2x08 Danielle telling Charlie and Luke that she has something to show them – 2x11

Jae walked into the hotel restaurant and looked around. He spotted the table with several people on who he was supposed to meet and walked over to it. “Hey, sorry I’m late.” Jae said, in Korean. He sat down at the table beside Sun’s mother. “That’s ok.” Jae’s mother replies. “We were just about to order.” “This is Sun, my daughter,” Mrs. Paik said, indicating Sun who was sat down beside her. Sun smiles and hold out her hand. “It’s nice to meet you.” Jae stands up and bows to Sun. He takes her hand and kisses it. “It’s nice to meet you too, Sun.” Jae stood at the tree line looking around the beach camp. Sun walked over to him. “Sorry I took so long. I couldn’t get away from Jin.” “It’s ok.” Jae smiles. “You want to go for that walk now? Sun nods and her and Jae walk off into the jungle. Jin watches them, frowning, from his tent. LOST “How long is it?” Charlie asks from behind Luke. “Umm... About ten minutes.” Danielle called from the front of the three. “Trust me, it will be worthwhile.” “I’ll take your word for that.” Charlie said, sarcastically. “What were you doing out in the middle of the jungle anyway?” Danielle asked, ignoring Charlie’s sarcasm. “We umm... One of our people was taken by the Others. We were going to get him back.” Luke said, catching up with Rousseau. Danielle raises her eyebrows, turning to look at Luke. “Did you get him back?” “I don’t know. We left the group to come and see what the gunshots were.” Charlie said, also catching up with them. “Why did you shoot him?” He asks again. “We’re here.” Danielle says as the group walk into a clearing.

Sun and Jae walked through the jungle. Sun looked slightly awkward as she glanced over at Jae. “Listen, Sun,” Jae said, turning to look at her. They both stopped walking. “I’m really thankful that you’ve given me this second chance.” “Second chance?” Sun asked, frowning. “Listen... If you think...” “I know we won’t be getting back together. And I know that last night was just a one off... It won’t be happening again. But I’m glad that we just got to spend one last night together.” Jae said, cutting her off. “But I am thankful that you’ve given me a second chance. At being friends, I mean. After what I did... I’m surprised that you’d even want to.” Sun smiled. “It’s in the past. And that’s where it’s going to stay.” Sun was stood in her bedroom, looking into the mirror. She wore a wedding dress. The sound of talking and laughter could be heard in the background. The door opened and Jae walked in dressed in a tuxedo. He smiled at Sun. “You really do look beautiful, you know.” Jae walked over to Sun and kissed her. “No I don’t.” Sun laughed and kissed him back. “I can’t believe we’re actually married.” “Me neither. I still can’t believe that the ‘blind date’ actually worked. My mother has tried to set me up numerous times before but they’ve all failed.” Jae laughed. “Well not this time, Jae. I love you.” “And I love you too, Mrs. Lee.” Jae and Sun smile before kissing again. Sun looked up at Jae. Jae looked back. He moved in slightly. “I can’t...” whispered Sun. “You can, if you want to. And I know you do.” Jae moved in again. He leant forward and kissed Sun. Sun didn’t pull away. Jin had followed Sun and Jae through the jungle. He had now stopped, watching them in the middle of a clearing. Jae was kissing Sun. And she was kissing him back. Jin fought back tears as he turned and walked away. Sun pulled away from Jae. But Jin didn’t see that. Danielle had stopped at the edge of the clearing. Charlie and Luke stood beside her, frowning. “What...” began Charlie. “HELP!!” Called someone from the other side of the clearing. Charlie and Luke rushed forward. A man was dangling from a net tied up to a tree. He was gasping as if he was in pain. “What the hell?!” Charlie called to Rousseau as he moved over towards the rope that held the man up. Danielle moved over towards them slightly. “Don’t let him go. He’s not who he says he is. He’s one of them. One of the Others?

“Other what?” Asked the man, breathless. “My name is Henry Gale. I’m from Minnesota.” Charlie took a knife out of his pocket and went over to the rope. “I’m letting him go.” Danielle bent down to some leaves and pushed them apart. In the middle of the leaves was a bow and arrow set. She picked it up and put an arrow in the bow. Charlie cut the rope and the man dropped. Luke helped the man to get the net of him. “Thank you,” Henry said. He turned and began to run off into the jungle. Danielle held up the bow. “No...” began Luke. Danielle fired and the man dropped to the floor. Charlie and Luke ran over to him. “What the hell have you done?” Asked Luke, picking the man up. “He will lie. For a long time, he will lie. But he is one of them. He is one of the Others.” The man gasped in pain. Luke shook his head and walked away from Danielle carrying Henry over his shoulder. Charlie followed him. The hatch door burst open and Luke and Charlie rushed in. Luke carried Henry into the living area. Jack and Locke were stood there, about to put away the guns. “What the hell?” Jack asked, eyebrows raised as he turned and looked. Luke lay Henry down on the floor. “Rousseau took us to him. She caught him in one of her nets. She believes him to be one of the Others. He tried to get away so she shot him.” Jack rushed over to them and knelt down to Henry who was bleeding badly. “Can you help him?” Charlie asked. “I can try,” Jack replied, examining the wound. “Listen, my first-aid kit is on the beach at my tent. I need you to go and get it for me Charlie. And bring Sayid. We might need help getting answers from him.” Charlie nodded and ran from the hatch. Sun walked over to her tent and saw Jin in the middle of gutting a fish. “Hey, Jin.” Sun said, smiling at him. “How are you?” “I saw you,” Jin replied, his voice hollow. “Saw me what?” Sun’s face looked worried. She knelt down to Jin. “You and him...” Jin jabbed his knife in the direction of Jae’s tent. “I saw you in the jungle. Kissing!” Jin stood to his feet. “It’s not what you think,” Sun said, tears beginning to for in her eyes. “He kissed me. I tried to pull away.” “No you didn’t! I watched it all! He kissed you and you kissed him back.” “Jin... Please.” Sun began but Jin cut her off. “No! It’s too late.” Jin wiped his eyes and shoved a bag at Sun. “Go!” Sun picked up the bag, tears falling fast. She watched Jin as he went back to gutting the fish. She turned and walked away.

Charlie rushed up the beach and entered Jack’s tent. Ana Lucia watched him as he remerged from the tent. She walked over to him. “What’s up?” “Hey, have you seen Sayid?” Charlie was slightly out of breath. “Umm... Yeah. He’s up there at his tent. Why?” Ana pointed in the direction of Sayid’s tent. “Never mind.” Charlie ran off up the beach. Jae was sat on the couch in his and Sun’s apartment on the phone. “All right. I’ll tell her when she comes home. I have to go.” He hung up the phone as the door opened and Sun walked in. She smiled when she saw Jae. “Hey.” Sun walked over to kiss Jae but he pulled away. “I have something to tell you, Sun. I’m... Leaving you.” Jae fought back tears. “Wha- what?” Sun stammered, her herself fighting back tears. “Why?” “There’s someone else. I’m sorry.” Sun walked over to Jae’s tent. Jae was sat on the beach outside of it in the middle of reading a book. He smiled at Sun when she walked up to him. “So Jin us.” Sun said simply. “Saw us what?” “Kissing. Out there in the jungle. And now he’s left me. Thinking I kissed you.” “Well you did kiss me back.” Jae stood up. “But this is good. We can be together now.” He smiled; moving in to kiss Sun. Sun slapped him. “I don’t want to be with you! I want Jin. I love Jin!” Sun stormed off up the beach leaving Jae to nurse his cheek. Jack took the first-ait kit from Charlie who moved over to sit down on the sofa beside Luke. “I’m gunna need some tools. Something strong and sharp to cut this arrow.” Jack said as he began to mop away some of the blood. “I got it.” Locke rushed from the room. He came back a minute later carrying a tool kit. Locke put it on the flood beside Jack and Howard and began to look through it. A moment later he handed Jack a large set of pliers. “I’m gunna need someone to mop away the blood. This is going to get pretty nasty when I take the arrow out.” “I got it.” Locke said, taking the cloth from Jack. Together, they propped Henry up against the counter. Jack moved round to the back of him and got the pliers ready. “On three. One. Two. Three.” Jack clipped the end of the arrow of which dropped to the floor. Slowly, he began to pull the arrow out. Henry whimpered.

“Luke... Get me some alcohol to put on the wounds.” Jack panted as the arrow came free from Henry. He placed it on the counter as Luke handed him a bottle of alcohol. He began to pour the alcohol onto Henry’s wound. Henry screamed out. “AHHH!” Cried Henry. “Locke! The blood.” Jack said, nodding at Henry’s wound. Locke began to mop up the blood. “Now. What are we going to do with him?” Jack asked the group. Sayid and Locke moved away from the group into the computer room. “Do you believe what Charlie told us?” Locke asked Sayid. “What, that he’s called Henry Gale and he’s from Minnesota?” “Do you?” Locke raised his eyebrows. “No.” Sayid replied. He looked back into the room and saw Jack dressing Henry’s wound. “So what do we do?” “How long would it take you to change the armoury combination?” Jae sat down on a seat in the LA airport. Ana Lucia walked past him. Jae pulled out his cell phone and dialled in a number. There was no answer so he left a message. “Sun... I want to try and make it work. I know that I messed everything up, but I miss you. So much. I’ll be back from the conference on the 20th. I’ll be on Flight 316... Please, come to meet me when I land... I’m sorry, but I know we can make this work.” He hung up the phone as someone over the speaker system informed them that Flight 316 was boarding. Jae stood up and picked up his bag. He smiled down at his cell phone as he put it into his pocket. Jae walked up the beach and spotted Jin fishing. He walked over to him. “Jin... Could I speak with you for a moment?” Jin looked up and glared at him; pissed. “What?” “I just wanted to tell you... Me and Sun slept together. We did a few times. She started it. Wanted me and her to be together again.” Jae turned and grinned. He was obviously lying. Jin tore of up the beach after Jae and tackled him to the ground. He began to hit him. Jack, Sayid and Locke carried Henry into the armoury. “So we’re agree?” Jack asked. “We only keep him in here until we are sure who he really is. He could be innocent for all we know.” “Yeah, agreed, Jack.” Locke said as they began to lower Henry down onto the ground. Jack left first. Then Locke. Locke closed the door quickly and locked it, leaving Sayid inside with Henry. “What... What are you doing?” Asked Jack, turning back to the door. “It’s for the best, Jack.” Jack put the combination in and tried to open the door. It didn’t open. “Why won’t it open?” Jack asked as he turned to Locke.

“It’s for the best, Jack.” Locke repeated. Henry slowly propped himself up and leant against the wall. He was obviously in a lot of pain. Sayid stood over him. “I want you to tell me your story, Henry. If that even is your name.” “My... Story?” Henry asked as he winced in pain. “How did you get here?” “I... It was in a hot air balloon. Me and my wife. I had a lot of money. I always wanted to try and sail across the pacific in a hot air balloon.” “Your wife? Where is she now?” Sayid asked, frowning. “She... Died.” Henry whimpered again. “How?” Sayid wasn’t showing any emotion at all. “We crashed here four months ago. We were fine for three of those months. We moved into this cave off the beach. She fell ill. Rashes... Tiredness. She died, two weeks ago.” Henry began to cry. “And then I buried her.” “Where did you bury her?” “Beside the hot air balloon. It was... Our first home when we got here.” “How long did it take you to bury her?” Sayid was getting angry. “I... Don’t... I don’t know.” Stammered Henry. “What did you use to bury her? To dig the hole?” “My hands.” “How many handfuls of earth did it take to dig her grave.” “I don’t remember.” Sayid moved closer to Henry. “You would remember. If you had really lost someone you loved.” Sayid was crying now. “Did you... Lose someone here... On the island?” Sayid ignored him. He began to hit Henry. “Open the door!” Jack demanded. Locke stood his ground. “We have to know who he is, Jack.” BLEEP! BLEEP! The counter began to beep. Locke immediately moved off to input the numbers but Jack pinned him against the wall. “Let me go, Jack!” “Open the door.” Jack was angry. “We could die. The world will end. Do you really want that to happen?” “The world won’t end! It’s not real.” Locke tried to pull away but Jack wouldn’t let him. “Open the door. And then you can put the numbers into the computer.” Locke pulled himself away from Jack and rushed over to the door. He opened it before rushing towards the computer room. Jack ran into the armoury and pulled Sayid of Henry. “Stop it!” He pulled Sayid from the room. “He is one of them!” Sayid shouted, trying to pull himself away from Jack. Jack slammed the door closed.

Locke rushed into the computer room as the beeping became faster. BEEP BEEP BEEP! BEEP BEEP BEEP! BEEP BEEP BEEP! The counter had flickered down to “00.00” The cards began to flick around and change. Locke stood watching them for a moment. Hieroglyphics began to pop up on the screen as a loud metallic groaning sound began somewhere within the hatch. Locke looked worried all of a sudden and rushed towards the computer. He inputted the code and pressed execute. Nothing. Then, the counter flickered back to “108.00 and the groaning stopped.” Locke smiled. LOST Next time: VO: Who is the man in the hatch? 1) Henry tied up in the armoury. 2) Locke saying – “she wants to talk to him.” VO: Is he telling the truth? 1) Ana stood in front of Henry saying – “strange.” 2) Ana showing Libby a piece of paper and saying – “he drew me a map.” VO: And what will be done with him? 1) Jack – “what are we supposed to do with him now?” 2) Locke – “I can’t do this alone, Jack. Please.” Main Cast (Order of appearance): Jae Lee – Tony Lee Sun Kwon – Yunjin Kim Jin Kwon – Daniel Dae Kim Charlie Pace – Dominic Monaghan Luke Parsons – Eric Dane Jack Shepherd – Matthew Fox John Locke – Terry O’ Quinn Ana Lucia Cortez – Michelle Rodriguez Sayid Jarrah – Naveen Andrews Guest Starring (Order of appearance): Mrs. Paik – June Kyoko Lu Danielle Rousseau – Mira Furlan Henry Gale – Michael Emerson Questions Raised:

1) Is Henry Gale’s story real? 2) Is he really an Other or is he innocent? 3) What was the deal with the hieroglyphics on the counter? And the groaning in the hatch? Questions Answered: 1) What Rousseau wanted to show Charlie and Luke – she had captured

what she believed to be one of the Others.

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