2x11 Is A Line

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 2,420
  • Pages: 7
2x11 – Is a Line (Charlie Pace Centric) Previously on LOST: 1) Sawyer in Nathans tent – 2x08 2) Luke telling Locke that Nathan was kidnapped – 2x10 3) Charlie telling Kate and Jack that they were going to go looking for Nathan – 2x10 4) Jack telling Kate that she can’t come with them – 2x10 Locke moved forward and handed Jack a rifle. Kate stood between them, watching, obviously pissed. She frowned at Jack and walked over to the couch and sat down. “Will you look after the button?” Locke asked, now handing a rifle to Luke. Kate rolled her eyes and looked away. “Alright.” Locke handed Charlie a rifle and pulled his backpack on. “Let’s get going then.” He said and began to lead the group out of the hatch. Charlie walked through the door into his apartment and slung his coat onto the chair. “Hello?” He called as he walked into the kitchen. “Yeah, I’ll be out in a minute.” Came the voice of Liam, Charlie’s brother. Charlie opened the fridge door and took out a bottle of beer. Liam walked into the room dressed in a towel, his hair wet and sodden. “I’ve just been in the shower,” said Liam. “Sorry about this.” Charlie sipped his drink. “It’s ok,” laughed Charlie. “You want a beer?” Liam nodded. Charlie walked back over to the fridge and handed Liam a beer. Somewhere within the apartment, a phone began to ring. “I’ll get it,” Charlie said and walked out of the room. He picked up the phone and answered it. “Hello?” Charlie said into the receiver. Five minutes later, Charlie walked back into the kitchen. Liam was still sipping his beer. “It’s Kira. She’s gone into labour.” Charlie said. Liam stared at him. Kate rushed up the beach. She spotted the person she was looking for. “Hey, Libby?” Kate called. Libby turned and smiled. “Hey.” Libby said. “How are you?” “I’m good. Listen, I need you to do something for me.” Kate said as she reached Libby’s tent. “Yeah, sure?” “I need you to look after the button. In the hatch.” “Oh, ok then. Why?” Libby asked, frowning a little.

“Jack’s gone off into the jungle. I need to go after him.” Kate was determined. Libby nodded. LOST Jack was in the lead. Rushing through the jungle, panting. “Slow down Jack,” Locke called from behind them. Jack ignored him so Locke spoke again. “You don’t even know where to go!” Jack slowed, but remained jogging. “I know I don’t,” he called back. “I’m going to the place Nadia was killed.” “Hey!” Called Charlie from the back of the four. “Do you think they have Michael?” “It’s possible, Charlie. I mean he did go missing at the same time that Nadia was killed.” Locke said back. “I reckon they killed Nadia when she went for a walk with Michael. And then they took Michael.” Charlie said. Jack slowed down to a walk and the other three caught up with him. “These are things we can ask them when we get them back. They’ve took too many of our people. It’s time for payback.” “Jack... You didn’t even want to come out looking for Nathan until me and Luke decided on it. So I’m going to take the lead.” Locke said, moving to the front. Jack looked pissed. Locke began to lead the group. Jack next. Followed by Luke and then Charlie. The double doors burst open and Charlie ran through them. He ran up the corridor. “Hey, no running in here!” Called a female nurse from one of the rooms. She poked her head out of the door and Charlie stopped. “Listen, I’m looking for Kira Pace. She’s just given birth.” Charlie said, walking over to join her at the door. “Room 15,” the nurse replied and walked back into the room. Charlie smiled and began to walk quickly up the corridor. Liam was stood over the hospital bed, smiling down at his new born baby. Charlie burst into the room and looked over at the bed. Kira (Liam’s wife) was sat in the bed holding the baby. Liam looked up and grinned. “You’re an uncle, baby brother.” Charlie stared at the baby. Libby was sat on the couch beside the armoury in the middle of reading. Hurley walked into the room and looked over at Libby. He was followed by Boone. “Hey guys.” Libby said, putting down the book. “Hey Libby,” Hurley walked over to Libby and kissed her. “What are you guys doing here?” Libby said, standing up. Boone walked over to Libby. “Locke came to see me, before.” Hurley said, standing in the middle of Boone and Libby. “He asked me to catalogue the guns.” Libby frowned and looked over at the armoury. “Uhh, why?”

“I don’t know. He just wanted to know how many there were of each type.” Hurley began to open the armoury. “You want to help?” Libby shrugged. “Alright then.” Kate pushed through the bushes and looked ahead. Jack was stood in the middle of a clearing with Locke, Luke and Charlie. She watched them for a moment until Locke began to walk off to the left. Jack, Luke and Charlie followed. Kate crept after them. “How long is it, Charlie?” Jack asked, turning to look at him. “Uhh... I dunno. About an hour or so.” Jack rolled his eyes and turned back to look at the others. BANG!! The group jump and look around. “What the hell was that?” Luke shouted. “Shh!” Locke said, moving over towards Luke. BANG! BANG! “That sounds like... Gunshots.” Charlie looked into the jungle towards his left. “It’s coming from over there.” The group look over into the jungle. Boone placed the rifle down onto the table. “I’ve another rifle here, Hurley.” Hurley wrote it down on a piece of paper before going back into the armoury. BLEEP! BLEEP! Libby groaned. “I’ll get it,” she said and walked off to input the numbers. “So how are you feeling now, Boone?” Hurley asked, placing another gun on the table. “After the whole... Dream thing.” “You know about my dream?” Boone asked with raised eyebrows. “Sure dude. Locke told me.” “Umm... Yeah, I’m ok now.” Boone said as he walked back into the armoury. “You don’t believe it, do you?” “I did. But not anymore. I was being stupid.” Boone laughed as Libby walked back into the room. As Charlie was sat playing on his piano, the door opened and Liam walked into the apartment. He took of his jacket and hung it up beside the door. Charlie turned to look at him. “You ok?” Liam didn’t reply. He walked into the bathroom. Charlie stood up and followed him in. “What’s wrong Liam?” It’s Kira... She’s left me. Taken Megan. She’s moved to Australia.” Liam choked back tears. “What?!” Charlie asked, putting his hand on Liam’s shoulder. “Why?” “The umm... Drugs.”

“Get some help. And then get your family back.” Charlie said, walking back into the main room. Liam followed him. Charlie sat down on the piano. “What you doing?” Liam asked, sitting beside him. “I’ve written a new song.” Charlie said, showing Liam the notes. “I think we should go and see what it is,” said Charlie, looking into the jungle. “I’m going after Nathan.” Jack looked determined. “Come on, lets go.” He moved off. “I’m gunna go with Jack.” Locke said. “But you can go and see what it is, if you like.” Locke ran after Jack leaving Charlie and Luke in the clearing. “You coming?” Charlie asked. Jack and Locke ran into a clearing. The same place where Nadia was killed. Night had fell. “They’re not here, Jack.” Locke said, stating the obvious. Jack turned to Locke, about to say something. “What are you doing here, Jack?” Asked a voice from behind him. Locke stared ahead. Jack turned. Tom “Friendly” stood in the clearing, looking at Jack and Locke. Jack rushed forward. Tom raised his hand. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Jack.” “Yeah? And whys that?” “Because if you do, my people will kill you.” Tom stepped forward. “Your... People? You’re here by yourself! You’re all alone.” “Am I?” Tom raised his eyebrows and held out his arms. “Light ‘em up!” He called. A pause. And then 20 torches were lit up, circling the clearing. The whispering is heard briefly. Charlie pushed through the dense trees with Luke behind them. “There.” Charlie whispered, pointing ahead. Luke looked. Danielle Rousseau was stood in between the trees with her gun pointed ahead. A man was stood in front of her. “I told you not to go back there, Robert!” Danielle screamed, jabbing her gun towards Robert. “But you didn’t listen.” “Danielle...” Robert started, raising his gun slightly. “I told you! You were lucky enough the first time. But you had to go back, didn’t you?” Danielle takes a step forward. “I know I was. But... Danielle... I’m ok. Look at me. I’m fine. Just lower your gun. Everything will be ok.” Danielle looks at him, frowning, fighting back tears. Eventually, she lowers her gun. Robert quickly raises his and fires! A click. Nothing. “I took the firing pin out.” Danielle said, raising her gun again. “See! It’s happened again.” “No. It hasn’t.” Danielle jabs her gun towards Robert.

“NO!!” Charlie shouts, jumping from the trees. Too late. BANG!! Danielle fires and Robert is blasted to the ground! She turns and aims her gun at Charlie and Luke. Charlie walks into the apartment and looks around the main room. A large empty space was viewable. Charlie frowned. “Liam?” He called. No reply. Charlie walked into Liam’s bedroom and saw Liam in the middle of packing a bag. “What’s going on? Where’s my piano?” Charlie asked, watching him. “I sold it baby brother.” “What?! Why?” “I needed some money. I’m moving to Australia with Megan. Her father’s gunna get me into a clinic to help get me some help.” “But...” Started Charlie. Liam picked up the now full bag and walked out of the room. Charlie followed. “That was my piano. You shouldn’t have sold it!” “You told me to get help. So I am.” Liam walks out of the front door and Charlie follows him. “You can’t leave me!” Charlie calls after him. “You told me to be with my family. So I am.” Liam walks off town an alleyway leaving Charlie standing by himself. “What about my family?” Charlie breaks down. “What are you doing out here, Jack?” Tom asked, glancing at the gun in his hand. “You’ve taken too many of our people. We want Nathan back. And Michael and Walt.” Tom laughs. “What’s so funny?” Jack asks, frowning. “Walt and Michael aren’t here anymore Jack. They went.” “Went? Went where?” Locke asked. “And Nathan... You can’t have Nathan. He’s alright here with us. He’s with the person he wants to be with.” Jack frowns. “What’s that supposed to mean?” “Look, Jack. You best start behaving yourself. You see here...” Tom indicates the ground between them. “Right here is a line. And if you cross it... Things will become a lot worse for you. You’re here because we’re letting you live here. This is out island.” “Nice speech.” Jack said, glancing down at the ground. “But we want Nathan, Michal and Walt back.” “I already told you. Michael and Walt are gone. You’re group isn’t as cracked up as we thought it was.” “How come?” Locke asks. “Well... We thought Nadia and Libby were special. We were wrong. Walt is the only special person we’ve come across so far. Maybe Luke too.”

“Is that why you killed Nadia? Because she wasn’t special?” Jack asks, getting angry. “Well yes and no. She wasn’t supposed to be killed. The killer has been punished.” Tom glances at the guns again. “Right. We’re going to let you walk away from here. Just go. But we want your guns first.” “And what makes you think that we would just go?” “Bring her out!” Tom calls. An unseen Other pushes Kate out into the clearing with a bag over her face. Tom pulls it off. “We caught her before following you here. Now guns, please.” Locke hands his gun to Tom. Jack does the same, reluctantly. “This isn’t over.” Jack says, releasing the gun from his grasp. Tom chuckles and pushes Kate towards Jack. Jack, Locke and Kate stand for a moment watching as Tom walks out of the clearing and the torches go out. Danielle points her gun at Luke and Charlie as Charlie looks at Robert, dead on the ground. “Why did you kill him?” “Who are you?” Danielle asks. “We were on the plane crash. You know me Danielle... You took me to the Black Rock.” Luke replies, holding his hands up. Daniel turns to look at him, frowning. “Oh. Yeah. I was going to come and find someone from your group. I have something to show you.” “Oh?” Luke frowns. “Yeah. It’s this way.” Danielle points behind her, lowering her gun. “Please, come.” “No! You just had your gun pointed at us!” Charlie shouts, glancing at the gun. Danielle sighs and hands the gun to Luke. “Now will you come? You’re armed. I’m not. If I am wasting your time... Shoot me. But I believe this will help you.” Charlie glances at Luke before shrugging. “Fine.” Charlie says. “Lead the way.” Danielle turns and walks off into the jungle. Reluctantly, Charlie and Luke follow her. LOST Next time: VO: What does Danielle want to show Charlie and Luke? MAN – HELP! VO: And what’s up with Sun and Jae? Sun and Jae walking through the jungle. Jae kissing Sun. Jin watching.

Main Cast (Order of appearance): John Locke – Terry O’ Quinn Jack Shepherd – Matthew Fox Kate Austin – Evangeline Lilly Luke Parsons – Eric Dane Charlie Pace – Dominic Monaghan Libby Carlyle – Cynthia Watros Hugo “Hurley” Reyes – Jorge Garcia Boone Carlyle – Ian Somerhalder Guest Starring (Order of appearance): Liam Pace – Neil Hopkins Tom “Friendly” – M. C. Gainy Danielle Rousseau – Mira Furlan Robert Rousseau – Robert Knepper Questions Raised: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Why did Rousseau kill Robert? What were they going on about? Who is the person that Nathan wants to be with? What does it mean to be ‘special’? How was Howard punished after killing Nadia? What is Danielle going to show Luke and Charlie? Questions Answered:

1) Nadia was killed because she wasn’t ‘special’.

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