2x02 We Are Them

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 3,515
  • Pages: 19
NOTE: I recommend you look at the room plan of the Hatch from the previous episode before reading this. Or have it open at the same time. 2x02 – We Are Them (Sun Kwon & Jin Kwon Centric) Previously on LOST: 1) Inman stood in the jungle looking up at the plane crashing 1x01, 1x02 2) The rustling coming from the tree’s and the pair of feet walking out of them. – 1x18 3) Kate saying – “where the hell are they?!” – 1x19 4) Kate being lowered into the hatch. – 2x01 5) Locke and Jack saying they’re going to go into the hatch – 2x01 Exterior. Jungle – Hatch. (Day). We see the remaining survivors gathered or sat around the hatch. We recognise several of them as Sun, Jin, Claire, Charlie, Rose and Neil. We hear a twig snap and Sun whips round to look. There is nothing there. We then hear rustling coming from the trees, and simultaneously, the remaining survivors at the hatch stand up and look at the rustling. The camera pans down lower, showing the trees as a pair of feet walk out into the clearing. The camera pans up but before it shows who it is, it whips round to show Claire who is holding Aaron close. The camera pans back round and we see who the feet belong to. It is Mr. Eko!! From Oceanic 316. (Pilot part 2). He walks further into the clearing and we see another person behind him. The camera cuts to their feet and slowly moves up their body. It is Ana Lucia! They both walk forward into the clearing. Ana Lucia: Are you the survivors? Mr. Eko: You must come with us! They are coming. Charlie:

Who the bloody hell are you?! The survivors (Oceanic 815) back away from Ana and Eko. Ana Lucia: If you’re thinking that we’re them... we’re not. Mr. Eko: We crashed here too. On a plane. We survived! Ana turns to look at Claire who is stood beside Rose. Her eyes widen. Ana Lucia: Rose?! Mr. Eko turns to look at Rose with wide eyes. The survivors look from Rose to Ana Lucia. Sun: What is going on? Rose... how do they know you? Rose: They know me... because... I was on their plane too. I’ve been on this island before. And I escaped... Jin: How?! Rose: It’s complicated. I don’t really know myself. I was taken. By the Others. I was pretty much out of it. One minute I was here, on the island. And the next moment I woke up. At home. In bed. Ana Lucia: We have to go! Now! The Others... they’re coming! We get a quick shot of the faces of: Claire, Charlie, Sun, Jin, Rose, Neil, Ana and Eko before the camera fades to black. We then see a speeded up montage of the following things: 1) Locke and Jack stood in the jungle.

2) Kate saying – “where the hell are they?!” 3) Hurley seeing the numbers on the side of the hatch. 4) The hatch blowing up. 5) Kate being lowered into it. 6) Locke then lowering himself into it. 7) Hurley, Libby and Luke sat looking at the hatch. 8) Sayid and Boone walking out of the jungle. 9) Hurley pointing at the hatch. The camera fades to black. -LOSTCommercial Break. Flashback. Interior. Hotel – Korea. (Day). We see Sun sat at a table in a hotel in the middle of eating a meal. She is with an older woman. Sun: (Subtitled) So why did you take me out to dinner today, Mom? Mrs. Paik: (Subtitled) I was just concerned about you, honey. What with Jae and the crash. Sun: (Subtitled) No need to worry about me, Mom. I’m fine. We were over way before he died. Mrs. Paik: (Subtitled) So, is there anyone new on the horizon? Sun: (Grinning, embarrassed) (Subtitled) Mom! No... There isn’t. I just haven’t met the right guy yet. The camera focuses on Sun’s face as the flashback sound begins... Exterior. Jungle. (Day).

We see Ana and Eko leading the survivors through the jungle. Charlie: So where are we going, exactly? Mr. Eko: It’s hard to explain. We found something. In the jungle. A room... we’re staying in there now. That’s were we are headed. The camera cuts to Rose who is walking beside Sun and Jin. Sun: So why didn’t you ever tell us? Rose: Tell you what? Sun: That you had been in another plane crash. That you had been on this island before! Rose: I didn’t recognise this place. When we originally crashed... it was on the other side of the island. I had never been on that beach before! I’d never seen the hatch. I’d never met any of the Other’s before. We’re all entitled to our secrets... we all have ‘em. I’m sure you do, Sun. Rose looks at Sun who looks back, deep in thought. The camera cuts to: Interior. Hatch – Computer Room. (Night). The camera is focused on the door of the computer room in the hatch as Locke walks through them. Locke looks at the computer and moves over to it as a beeping sound (the same as at the beginning of the previous episode) begins. Locke looks around and spots a timer on the wall above the second door. It reads 03:56. The seconds tick away and Locke looks around, confused. Suddenly, a man rushes into the room we recognise him as the grey haired man from the previous

episode. The camera shows his face and we recognise him from somewhere else too. The man stood in the jungle in 1x02 looking up at the plane crash!!! He heads towards the computer but stops, upon spotting Locke. Inman: Who the hell are you?! Locke: I’m John. Locke. I was in a plane crash... I found the hatch. Inman: What are you doing in here?! Locke: (Distracted) What is that? (Pointing at the counter) Why is it beeping? Inman suddenly remembers why he is in the room and rushes to the computer. He begins to press several buttons and the camera zooms into the computer screen. We see the numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 pop up on the screen. The camera then pans down as Inman presses the button “Execute” and the beeping stops. The camera pans up to the counter which has now changed to 108:00. Locke: What was that? Voice (O.S.): Put your hands up, Brotha! Locke whips round and we see Desmond stood there pointing his gun at Locke. Locke backs away. Locke: No need for guns... I’m not armed. Desmond: Who are you? And what do you want?

Locke: I just want answers. About what this place is. Desmond: (To Inman) I think we’ve found our replacement. Locke: What... Look, where’s Kate?! Desmond: Who’s Kate? Locke: A woman who came into here before me! Inman: Ahh, her. No need to worry. She’s out. The camera cuts to: Interior. Hatch – Food Cupboard. (Night). We hear a groaning sound. We then hear movement as someone stands up. A moment later, a light flickers on and we see Kate standing up. She leans against the door to the room she is in and sighs. The camera cuts to: Exterior. Jungle. (Day). We see the group of survivors still being led through the jungle by Eko and Ana. Charlie: So who else survived your crash? How many of you are there? Ana Lucia: There were about 40 of us. But there are only 7 of us left. Charlie: Seven?! What happened to everyone else?

Ana Lucia: We’ve been here for over a year! Some of them died. From injuries from the crash, the Others... the monster. And some of them were taken by the Others. Claire: Monster? Ana Lucia: You haven’t heard it? Sun: How long is it going to be? Till we get there? Ana Lucia: About half an hour. The camera focuses on Sun as the flashback sound begins... Flashback. Interior. Hotel – Korea. (Day). We see Sun and her mother standing up from the table. Sun picks up her bag and leads the way out of the hotel. The camera cuts to: Exterior. Hotel – Korea. (Day). The camera is focused on the door of the hotel which is open. The person who has it open is hidden from view by the door. Sun and her mother walk out of it and Sun leads her mother to a cab which is parked at the side of the road. Sun: (Subtitled) I’ll call you later, Mom. Sun’s mother gets into the cab and it drives away. Voice (O.S.): (Subtitled) Excuse me, Miss. You dropped this.

Sun turns and see’s Jin holding out a broach. Sun takes it and smiles. Sun: (Subtitled) Thank you. Jin: (Subtitled) Not at all, Miss. Jin smiles and walks back towards the door which he was previously holding open. Sun turns and begins to walk down the road. She glances back at Jin and smiles at him as the flashback sound begins... Interior. Hatch – Food Cupboard. (Night). Kate turns from the wall and her eyes open wide. The camera pulls back and we see that Kate is stood in a room which is filled with food. She moves forward and spots a box of chocolate bars. Kate grabs one of them, pulls the wrapper off and bites into it. Kate: Mmm. Kate puts a couple of the bars in her pocket before looking up at the ceiling. She spots an air vent and jumps to try and hit it. She misses. Kate then pulls a couple of wooden boxes full of food into the centre of the room under the air vent. She climbs up onto them and pushes the air vent open. Kate pulls herself into the air vent as the camera cuts to: Interior. Hatch – Kitchen/Dining Area. (Night). We see Locke sat down at a dining table. He has a glass of water in front of him. Desmond is sat opposite him and Inman is stood over them both. The camera pans up to show a window in front of the table booth which has a bright light behind it. Locke looks at it. Locke:

This generated sunlight... is that because you never get out of here? Desmond: You said you were in a plane crash. How many people survived? Locke: About 48 of us. But some have died since. Desmond: And how have you been surviving? What about the sickness? Locke: Sickness? Is that why it says quarantine on the door of the hatch? To keep you here? Desmond: (To Inman) Did you know about this? Inman: (Shrugging) I might have done... Desmond: What?! Inman: He told me not to say anything. Locke: Look... what’s going on? What’s this place for? Desmond: To save the world... The camera pans from Desmond’s face to the computer which is visible through the door as the camera fades to black. Commercial Break. Flashback. Interior. Restaurant – Korea. (Day).

We see Sun once again sat down at a table in the middle of a meal. This time, she is accompanied by Jin. Jin raises his wine glass and Sun chinks hers against his. Jin: (Subtitled) I was surprised, you know. Sun: (Subtitled) Why? Jin: (Subtitled) Because I didn’t think you’d say yes to this date. I mean... me and you... we couldn’t be more different. Sun: (Laughing) (Subtitled) Yeah, I know what you mean. But... I like you. Jin: (Subtitled) That’s good. Cause I like you too. Jin smiles at Sun who returns it. Sun: (Subtitled) Next time... let me choose where we go. Jin: (Subtitled) There’s going to be a ‘next time’? Sun: (Smiling) (Subtitled) If you want. Jin smiles at Sun and chinks his glass against Sun’s. The flashback sound begins... Exterior. Jungle. (Night). We see Ana and Eko still leading the survivors through the jungle.

Claire: Hey, how long is it gunna be? Aaron... he needs to sleep. Mr. Eko: We’re here... Ana and Eko stop walking and look forward. The rest of the survivors stop and stare. The camera pans round and we see a door in the jungle. The camera cuts to: Exterior. Jungle – Hatch. (Night). We see Sayid still looking down the hatch shaft. Sayid: I’m going down. Hurley: What?! Sayid: Anything could be in there. Anything could have happened to them! Hurley: But... Sayid: Don’t bother trying to talk me out of this, Hurley. Cause I’m going in. Sayid begins to pull the rope up from the hatch as the camera cuts to: Interior. Hatch – Kitchen/Living Area. (Night). This scene continues from the previous one in the hatch. Locke is stood in front of Desmond and Inman, staring. Locke: And just how do you save the world?!

Inman: Well... We hear movement deeper in the hatch and Inman stops talking as he turns to Desmond. Desmond looks back and cocks his gun. Inman rushes out of the room and the camera follows him as he runs towards the armoury. Desmond leads Locke towards Inman, before rushing over to the record player. “Make Your Own Kind Of Music” begins to play as Desmond rushes deeper into the hatch. The camera them cuts to: Interior. Hatch – Computer Room. (Night). We see Jack walking into the room. Jack walks over to the computer and is about to press a button when the music stops and a voice says: Locke (O.S.): I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Jack. The camera whips round and we see Locke stood at the door! We can see a gun behind Locke being pointed at the back of his head! Jack: What... what’s going on?! Where’s Kate? Locke: She’s fine. Don’t worry. Jack looks back at the computer and notices a gun lying on the table beside it. He lunges forward and grabs it. He points the gun at Locke. Jack: What’s going on?! Where’s is she? The person behind Locke says: Inman: Lower your gun. Or I’ll kill him!

Jack keeps his gun pointed at Locke. The man moves forward slightly and fires the gun into the room. It hits an air vent near the ceiling. The camera cuts to the back of the man’s head pointing toward Jack. The man has grey hair. We see a man walking into the computer room behind Jack. He points his gun at Jack. The man (holding the gun at Locke) says: Inman: Lower your gun. Or he’ll shoot you! Jack looks confused. Who is he talking about? Jack: What...? Desmond: Lower your gun! Or I’ll blow his damned head of, brotha! The man moves his gun and points it at Locke as Jack whips round and stares at the man. Jack: (Emotional, confused) You! The camera pans round and we see the face of the man holding his gun beside Jack. It is Desmond, the man from Jack’s flashback!! Desmond grins at Jack as the camera fades to black. Commercial Break. Interior. Hatch – Computer Room. (Night). We see Jack staring at Desmond as Inman and Locke mover further into the room. Jack: You... How?

As Desmond looks like he is about to reply when we hear a gun cocking behind him. Desmond turns and we see Sayid stood there pointing a gun at Desmond!! Desmond: Who the hell are you?! Sayid: Lower your gun. Or I’ll blow your head off. The camera cuts to Inman as he creeps towards Sayid. The camera then cuts back to Sayid. Sayid: I’ll say it one last time. Lower your gun! Inman leaps towards Sayid and pushes him away from Desmond. Sayid and Inman begin to fight for a moment before BANG!! A bullet is fired and Inman drops to the floor. The camera pans from Desmond’s face to Inman lying on the floor as the camera cuts to: Exterior. Jungle. (Night). We see Sun, Jin, Claire, Charlie, Rose, Neil and the rest of the survivors still stood staring at the door in the jungle. Ana and Eko make their way forward and Ana knocks on the door. After a moment the door is pushed open and we see a man standing there. We recognise him as Nathan from 1x02. Nathan: What took you guys to long? Did you find them? Ana Lucia: Yeah, we found them. No trace of them though. Nathan pulls aside the door and leads the group into the room. The flashback sound begins... Interior. Sun’s Apartment – Korea. (Day).

We see Sun and Jin sat down at Sun’s table in the middle of eating a meal. Jin puts down his knife and fork. Jin: (Subtitled) There’s something I want to ask you... Sun: (Subtitled) Yeah? Jin takes out a small box and hands it to Sun. Jin: (Subtitled) Will you marry me? Sun jumps up, grinning. She opens the box and pulls out the ring. Sun: (Subtitled) Of course! Sun kisses Jin. They both look extremely happy. Sun: (Subtitled) I love you. Jin: (Subtitled) I love you too. Sun: (Subtitled) You’ll have to ask my father, of course. You know how old fashioned he is... Both of their grins fade as the flashback sound begins... Interior. 316 Bunker. (Night) (NOTE: Again, as with the previous episode I am just going to have a room plan of the hatch instead of describing it.)

Nathan leads the group into the main area. On the wall we see a large hexagonal logo with the image of an Arrow running through it. We see several other people inside the bunker. We recognise them as Bernard, Cindy and Jae. Jae is at the back of the group. We also see a Labrador at the back as well. Ana moves into the bunker and begins to introduce the people. Ana Lucia: Bernard... Rose is here. Bernard: What?! Rose rushes forward upon seeing her husband and hugs him. Bernard: How...? Rose: Oh my God, I thought you were dead! They told me you were dead! Rose began to cry a little as she hugged Bernard.

Bernard: How...? Rose: (Whispering) I’ll explain later. (Normal) I’ve missed you. Bernard: I’ve missed you too. Ana Lucia: That’s Cindy there. The camera cuts to Cindy who smiles. Ana Lucia: And over there... Ana points at the back of the group as the camera pans over to Sun who is looking. She moves forward. Sun: Oh my God! The camera cuts back to Jae as he moves out of the shadows. Jae: Sun?! The camera cuts from Jae to Sun as it fades to black.

LOST Next time: VO: The two groups unite. 1) Clip of Sun, Jin, Claire, Charlie and Rose. 2) Ana, Eko, Bernard, Jae, Cindy and Nathan

VO: As we find out the true purpose of the hatch. 1) Clip of Desmond looking down at Inman on the ground. 2) The computer. 3) The counter. 4) A man speaking on a film reel projected onto a white screen. Main Cast (Order of appearance): Sun Kwon – Yunjin Kim Jin Kwon – Daniel Dae Kim Claire Littleton – Emilie De Ravin Charlie Pace – Dominic Monaghan Mr. Eko - Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje Ana Lucia Cortez – Michelle Rodriguez Jack Shepherd – Matthew Fox John Locke – Terry O’ Quinn Kate Austin – Evangeline Lilly Hugo ‘Hurley’ Reyes – Jorge Garcia Libby Carlyle – Cynthia Watros Luke Parsons – Eric Dane Sayid Jarrah – Naveen Andrews Boone Carlyle – Ian Somerhalder Jae Lee – Tony Lee Guest Starring (Order of appearance): Rose Nadler – L. Scott Caldwell Neil “Frogurt” – Sean Whalen Mrs. Paik – June Kyoko Lu Kelvin Joe Inman – Clancy Brown Desmond David Hume – Henry Ian Cusick Nathan Strikes – Josh Randall Bernard Nadler – Sam Anderson Cindy Chandler – Kimberly Joseph Vincent – Madison Questions Raised: Why did the Others help Rose of the island? 2) How did she get off the island? 3) What is the counter and why is it counting down to? 4) Why did Inman type the numbers into the computer? 1)

5) What is the purpose of the computer? 6) Why was Desmond made to believe that there was an airborne sickness on the island? 7) Who was the ‘he’ that made Inman not tell Desmond about the sickness not being there and why did he make Inman lie? 8) Is Inman dead? 9) What the is image seen in the bunker? 10)What is the purpose of the bunker? 11) What will happen now that Sun and Jae have been reunited? 12) Why are the 316 survivors in the Arrow station now instead of their campsite? Questions Answered: What happened to the rest of the survivors – they went with the survivors of Oceanic 316 to hide from the Others. 2) Rose got off the island originally due to help from the Others. 3) Upon entering the hatch, Kate was taken prisoner by Desmond and Inman and locked up in the food cupboard. 4) The hatch door has the word “Quarantine” on it to keep the occupants of it inside. 1)

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