2x01 Into The Darkness

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  • Words: 3,449
  • Pages: 18
2x01 – Into The Dark (Jack Shepherd Centric) Previously on LOST: 1) Locke and Boone finding the hatch – 1x07 2) Locke placing the dynamite on the hatch – 1x19 3) Nadia being shot – 1x17 4) Sayid burying her – 1x19 5) The hatch top exploding – 1x19 6) Jack and Locke looking down into the hatch – 1x19 Interior. Unknown Location. A black screen with a shrill beeping in the background is what we first see. The camera then opens to show a man sitting up from his bed. We don’t see the man’s face. The man jumps up from the bed and wheels himself into another room on a computer chair. He stops in front of a computer and presses in a few buttons. He hits a final button and the beeping stops. The man then stands up from his chair and walks into the living room/kitchenette area. He walks over to an old record player and selects an LP. “Make Your Own Kind Of Music” by Mama Cass Elliot beings to play. The camera cuts to him putting some fruit into a blender and blending it. He pours it into a glass. The camera cuts to him picking up some dirty dishes and taking them over to the sink where he begins to wash them. The camera cuts to the man in another room in the middle of working out – bench presses. The camera cuts to the man in the shower washing his hair. The camera cuts to the man dressed in a towel walking over to a small cabinet on the wall. He pulls it open and takes out a pneumatic injector and a bottle of liquid. On the side of the bottle we can see the numbers printed onto the label. He injects himself with the liquid. The camera cuts to the man putting on some clothes as the ceiling shakes violently and the music stops playing. The Lost music begins to play as the man is seen grabbing some overalls. The camera cuts to him zipping it up and tying his shoe laces. The camera cuts to an empty room as the man opens the door and grabs a gun from a rack on the wall. The man runs from the room towards a looking glass which is hanging from the ceiling. He dims the lights and

looks into it. He presses some buttons and various mirrors along a long passage way move into focus. Throughout all of this, we don’t see the man’s face. The camera then moves through the passage way into a tiny room which has a small puddle at the bottom. In the corner is a mirror. Before we see the image in the mirror, the camera begins to pull upwards as the small room gets even smaller. Eventually, the camera pans round and we see Jack and Locke looking down into the hatch!! The camera fades to black. -LOSTFlashback. Interior. Saint Sebastian’s Hospital. LA. (Night). The camera opens up to show a set of double doors as they are pushed open. A woman on a trolley is pushed in through the doors and wheeled to the side of the room. A large number of doctor’s gather around her and we see that Jack is one of them. The doctor’s begin to hook the woman up to a heart rate monitor. Jack: What happened? Doctor 1: She was in a car accident... The other victim died immediately. Her spine has been crushed. Jack: We’re going to have to operate immediately. Doctor 2: Prep her. The camera cuts to an operation room as Jack is in the middle of operating on the woman. Jack: I need a clamp... hold it there... steady! Jack looks flushed as he makes another incision on the woman. The flashback sound begins...

Exterior. Jungle – Hatch top. (Night). We see Hurley stood in the jungle by himself. Hurley: (Muttering) 4... 8... We’re doomed... 15... Dead... 16... And doomed... 23... Kate: You ok Hurley? Kate walks up to Hurley and puts her hand on his shoulder. Hurley: Umm... yeah. Fine. Kate walks past Hurley towards the hatch top which is still smoking slightly. She stops when she reaches the door of the hatch which was pushed to the side. Looking down at it, she says: Kate: Hey... guys... look at this. Jack, Locke, Hurley, Libby and Luke gather around the hatch door and peer down at it. The camera follows their gaze and we see the word “QUARANTINE!” printed onto the back of it. The camera pans back up to them as it cuts to: Exterior. Jungle – Nadia’s Grave. (Night). We see Sayid still sat at Nadia’s grave, crying. Boone walks over to him and puts his hand on Sayid’s shoulder. Boone: Take as much time as you want, Sayid. But... I’d like to get back soon... if you don’t mind? Sayid doesn’t reply. He just continues to stare at the grave. Rain begins to fall heavily on them and Boone walks over to his

bag which is on the floor. He pulls out a piece of fruit as the camera cuts to: Exterior. Jungle – Hatch. (Night). We see Locke and Luke crouched over the hatch looking down the shaft. Locke bends down and picks up a rock which he then drops into the hatch. After a moment, we hear a distant splash. Locke: I’d say about... 30, 40 feet. Luke: Are you... planning on going down there? Locke: Well not me. Yet, anyway. I think it would be better if Libby or Kate were to go down first. That way we could lower them in. They’re a lot lighter than me and you. Libby, overhearing this, says: Libby: You can’t be serious! I’m not going down into that! You don’t know what’s in there! Kate: I’ll go down... Jack: But... Kate: (Cutting him off) We went all the way to the Black Rock to get in here! Boone was nearly killed... the rest of out group has vanished! The whole purpose of the past few days was to get into the hatch and find out what it’s all about. I’m not asking for your blessing, Jack. I’m going in whether you’re happy with this or not!

The camera pans over to Jack looking both pissed off and hurt at the way that Kate just spoke to him. He sighs and walks off towards Hurley. Jack: Whatever. Just don’t blame me if you get hurt. Kate: Jack... Look... Jack: (Now cutting her off) Go on, Kate. Go in. Jack sits down on the grass and with that, the conversation is over. The camera cuts back to Locke. Locke: There’s some rope that we salvaged from the crash. And we have some vines that we got from the jungle... I say we should tie it around her and then lower her into the hatch. As the rest of the group begin to discuss the plan, their speech is muted and the camera cuts back to Jack, still looking pissed. The flashback sound begins... Flashback. St. Sebastian’s Hospital, Patient’s Room – L.A. (Morning). We see Jack stood at the foot of a bed in front of the woman who was pushed through the doors in the previous flash. Jack picks up her chart which is hanging on the end of her bed and examines it. Woman: So what’s wrong, Doctor? Jack: You’re spine was crushed... As Jack begins to talk, the camera pans up and we see Christian Shepherd, through the window, walking past the

room. He glances into the room, stops and listens. The camera cuts back to Jack. Jack: And there was a very high chance that you won’t walk again... Woman: Oh. Jack: I’m sorry... Jack glances at the woman’s chart once more. Jack: Miss... Woman: (Cutting him off) Call me Sarah. Jack: I’m sorry, Sarah, I just thought you deserved to know the truth. If there’s anything you need... call for me. Jack hangs up her chart and makes for the door. The camera cuts to the corridor and we see Christian on the phone. Christian: It’s me. She left... she’s on her way too see him now. Man (Voice): Did it work? Christian: Meet me at the usual place in one hour. Man (Voice): Yeah, sure. I’ll be right there. Christian: Bye, Mr. Pasons.

Christian hangs up the phone as we realize that we have just been listening to the other end of the phone call between Luke and Christian in 1x16 “Two Birds, One Stone.” The camera pans up as we see Jack walking out of the hospital room with Sarah in it. The camera fades to black. Commercial Break. Exterior. Jungle. (Night). The camera opens up as we see Kate, with rope and vines tied around her being lowered into the hatch shaft. Locke begins to gently lower her into the hatch. The camera cuts to the hatch shaft as we Kate holding her flashlight down towards the bottom of the shaft. Darkness. The camera cuts back up to Locke as he continues to lower Kate into the hatch. The camera pans over and we see Hurley, Libby and Luke stood beside the hatch watching Locke lower Kate into the hatch. Jack is still sat on the grass, watching them. The camera cuts back to the inside of the shaft as Kate points the flashlight back down to the shaft. We see the bottom of the hatch with the mirror and the puddle of water. The lights at the bottom of the shaft suddenly go out and Kate looks up the shaft. Kate: (Shouting) I think there’s something down here! The camera cuts back up to Locke as the rope is suddenly pulled forward and Locke is yanked ahead. He flies across the ground towards the hatch but manages to stop himself from flying into the hatch shaft. The camera cuts to Jack as he rushes over towards the hatch. Locke pulls on the rope but it has now gone slack. Jack: Kate! Kate?! Jack and Locke stare down into the hatch shaft as the camera pans over to the jungle where Hurley, Libby and Luke are sat

watching. They all jump to their feet and rush over towards the hatch as the flashback sound begins... Flashback. St. Sebastian’s Hospital, Corridor – L.A. (Morning). We see Jack walking out of Sarah’s room. He looks down the corridor and spot’s Christian. Jack turns and begins to walk down the other end of the corridor but Christian stops him. Christian: Jack... a moment, please. The camera cuts to Jack as he sighs. Jack turns and walks over towards Christian. Jack: Yeah? Christian: What the hell do you think you are doing?! Telling her(Indicating Sarah’s room) ... That she may not walk again! You don’t say that to a patient! Even if there is a 99% chance that they may never walk again... you still tell them that there is a slight chance that she may. Jack: And lie? Christian: No, don’t lie. Just don’t tell them. It’s as simple as that. Jack: Dad... whatever! Jack turns and walks off from Christian who looks as if he was about to say something. Jack walks down the corridor as the flashback sound begins... Exterior. Jungle. (Night).

We see Sayid stand up from Nadia’s grave and walk over towards Boone who is sat down beside his bag. Boone looks up at Sayid. Sayid: I’m ready... to go. Boone: You sure? Sayid nods and Boone stands up. He picks his bag up and puts it on his back. They walk off into the jungle together as the camera cuts to: Exterior. Jungle – Hatch. (Night). We see Jack and Locke still staring down into the hatch shaft. Jack: What now?! Locke: I put her in there. It’s my fault... I’m going in after her! Jack: But... Locke: You couldn’t stop her and you can’t stop me! Locke begins to pull the rope back up from the hatch shaft. The camera pans over to Jack as the flashback sound begins... Flashback. Interior. Football Stadium – LA (Morning). We see Jack running around a football stadium. He runs up the stairs in the seating area and runs down the next set of stairs. The camera is panned out to show quite a large set of the stadium so Jack is only a small person. We see another person running after Jack. The camera cuts in closer as Jack trips on the stairs and falls to the floor.

Jack: Ahh! Jack grabs a hold of his ankle as the man runs over to Jack. Man: You alright, brother? Jack: Yeah... it’s just my ankle. I think I’ve sprained it. The man sits down beside Jack and hands him his water bottle. Jack take’s a long drink and hands it back to the man. Man: I’m Desmond, by the way. And it’s your own fault. Jack: Jack. And what’s my fault? Desmond: It’s you’re fault you fell. Trying to beat me. Desmond grins and Jack who begins to laugh. Jack: Aye, whatever you say. Desmond: (Still grinning) So what’s got you running like the devil’s chasin’ you? Jack: Nothing. Just trying to take my mind of something. Desmond: Oh? Jack: I’m a doctor. And I’ve got this patient... Desmond:

Who is she? Jack: (Laughing) She? She... was in a car accident. Probably won’t walk again. And I promised her that I’d fix her. And I haven’t. Desmond: What if you did, though? Jack: But I didn’t. Desmond: Just say you did... Jack: Then it’d be a miracle. Desmond: That so hard to believe? Desmond stands up and looks down at Jack. Desmond: I got some advice for you. Jack: Oh yeah? Desmond: Lift it up. Jack looks up at Desmond, confused. Desmond: You’re ankle... it’ll stop the swelling. Jack laughs. Desmond: See you in another life, brotha.

Desmond runs down the stairs as the camera fades to black. Commercial Break. Exterior. Jungle – Hatch. (Night). The camera is focused on Hurley, Libby and Luke sat down on the ground outside of the hatch. All three of them are staring at the hatch shaft. The camera pans over to show the hatch and Jack and Locke are no where to be seen – they both must have went into the hatch. We hear rustling coming from the tree’s and Hurley, Libby and Luke jump to their feet. The camera pans round and we see Sayid and Boone walking out of the jungle. Sayid looks over at the hatch. Boone: Where’s everyone? Jack, Kate, Locke... Sun, Claire... Hurley: Dude! Where’ve you been? Libby: Jack, Kate, Locke... they’ve went into the hatch. The rest... we don’t know. They’ve vanished. Boone: What? Where are they? Hurley looks over at Sayid who hasn’t said anything. Hurley: You ok, dude? Sayid: (Turning, breaking up) Nadia... she’s dead! Michael... he’s gone. Libby: What? Oh, my God. I’m sorry. Libby puts her arms around Sayid. His arms remain at his sides.

Luke: How? Sayid falls silent once more and turns to look at the hatch. The camera cuts to: Interior. Hatch - Shaft. (Night) We see Jack climb down into the room at the bottom of the hatch. He pulls his flashlight out of his pocket and begins to make his way out of the cramped room. (NOTE: I didn’t want to explain the plan of the hatch because it would have took too much time and would have been really long which would have made you people bored. So instead, I have drew a plan of the hatch. If I refer to a room, you will now know where it is in proportion to the hatch.)

As Jack makes his way through the cramped corridor, the flashback sound begins... Flashback. Interior. St. Sebastian’s Hospital – Sarah’s Room. (Day).

We see Jack walk into Sarah’s room. She is awake and still lying in bed. Sarah: Whoa! You stink! Jack: (Laughing) Thanks. I’ve just been for a run... didn’t have time to shower. I wanted to come in and check on you. Sarah: Oh. Jack: Sarah... I’m sorry. Sarah: For what? Jack: The other day... when I told you that you’d be ok. I lied. I made a false promise. I promised you that I’d make you better but really... I’m sorry but you’re not going to walk again. Jack looks down at the ground. Sarah: So... If I’m not going to be able to walk again... How come I can move my toes? Jack: (Looking up, confused) What?! The camera pans over to Sarah’s feet which are covered in the blanket. We see the blanket moving up and down. Sarah is wiggling her toes! Jack: (Welling up) Oh, my God!

The camera pans back to Jack as the flashback sound begins... Interior. Hatch – Corridor. (Night). Jack is still walking up the corridor. He points the flashlight down at the ground and we see a pair of shoes. Jack walks up to a mural on the wall. The mural has an image of a person looking scared surrounded by the numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42. Suddenly, “Make Your Own Kind Of Music” – Mama Cass Elliot begins to play. Jack looks at up before walking further into the hatch. He walks through a door and the camera cuts to: Interior. Hatch – Computer Room. (Night). We see Jack walking into the room. The camera pans round and we see the computer that the man was on at the beginning of the episode. Jack walks over to the computer and is about to press a button when the music stops and a voice says: Voice (O.S.): I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Jack. The camera whips round and we see Locke stood at the door! We can see a gun behind Locke being pointed at the back of his head! Jack: What... what’s going on?! Where’s Kate? Locke: She’s fine. Don’t worry. Jack looks back at the computer and notices a gun lying on the table beside it. He lunges forward and grabs it. He points the gun at Locke. Jack: What’s going on?! Where’s is she? The person behind Locke says:

Man: Lower your gun. Or I’ll kill him! Jack keeps his gun pointed at Locke. The man moves forward slightly and fires the gun into the room. It hits an air vent near the ceiling. The camera cuts to the back of the man’s head pointing toward Jack. The man has grey hair. We see a man walking into the computer room behind Jack. He points his gun at Jack. The man (holding the gun at Locke) says: Man: Lower your gun. Or he’ll shoot you! Jack looks confused. Who is he talking about? Jack: What...? Man 2: Lower your gun! Or I’ll blow his damned head of, brotha! The man moves his gun and points it at Locke as Jack whips round and stares at the man. Jack: (Emotional, confused) You! The camera pans round and we see the face of the man holding his gun beside Jack. It is Desmond, the man from Jack’s flashback!! Desmond grins at Jack as the camera fades to black.

LOST Next time: VO: The secrets of the hatch are about to be revealed. 1) Clip of Desmond. 2) The grey haired man from behind. 3) The computer.

VO: As we find out where the missing survivors are. 1)

Clip of Sun staring ahead as she says – “oh, my God!”

Main Cast (Order of appearance): Jack Shepherd – Matthew Fox John Locke – Terry O’ Quinn Hugo ‘Hurley’ Reyes – Jorge Garcia Kate Austin – Evangeline Lilly Libby Carlyle – Cynthia Watros Luke Parsons – Eric Dane Sayid Jarrah – Naveen Andrews Boone Carlyle – Ian Somerhalder Guest Starring (Order of appearance): Desmond David Hume – Henry Ian Cusick Sarah – Julie Bowen Christian Shepherd – John Terry Grey Haired Man - ??? Questions Raised: 1) What did Desmond inject himself with and why? 2) Why does the hatch door have the word “quarantine” printed on it? 3) What is the purpose of the hatch? 4) How did Jack cure Sarah? 5) Did Desmond know that Jack would cure Sarah? Why was he so confident about it? 6) How is Desmond on the island?! 7) Why is he in the hatch? 8) What is the purpose of the hatch? 9) What is the purpose of the computer? 10)Who is the grey haired man in the hatch? Questions Answered: There are two men in the hatch – Desmond and the grey haired man. 2) There are living areas in the hatch. 1)

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