2nd Q - Cle4-admu

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2ND QUARTER – CLE I. PRAYER FOR GENEROSITY Match column A with the meaning in column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank provided. Fill in the missing words in column A. (12) Column A

Column B

_____ 1. Dearest Lord

A. We do these good deeds out of love. This is rightfully done for God.

_____ 2. Teach me to be generous,

B. We sincerely offer this prayer to our Lord God.

_____ 3. Teach me to _________ You as C. We understand that we do these acts of You __________, generosity because these are what God desires of us. _____ 4. To give and not to _______ the D. We beg God for the grace to help us cost, share whatever we have, whether material, To ________ and not to heed the wounds, or non-material, with others. To toil and not to seek for _______, To labor and not to _________ for reward, _____ 5. Save that of knowing that I am doing Your ____________. Amen.

E. We give something --- material, time, effort, of ourselves, for others without expecting anything in return. In doing so, we imitate the true model of generosity, Jesus.

II. LESSON 4 – SATAN TEMPTS JESUS Write T if the sentence is TRUE and F if it is FALSE. (5) _______ 1.

Through prayer, we can grow up strong in fighting all kinds of temptation.

_______ 2.

One way to resist temptation is to take the Holy Communion during mass.

_______ 3. _______ 4. _______ 5.

Temptation can appear to be a good and fun thing. With the help of angels, Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights in the desert. Just like man, Jesus was tempted to do evil.

Write the letter of the correct answer. (3) ________ 1. When Satan asked Jesus to turn the stones into bread, he was tempting Jesus: A. B.

to act in a worldly manner to be popular among the people to focus on His own needs

2 C.

to tempt God by presuming special protection

________ 2. “Him alone shall you ________________.” A. B. C.

adore sacrifice serve

________ 3. Scripture has it: ___________.” A. B. C.

“You shall not put the Lord your God to the

test worship evil

III. LESSON 5 – JESUS CALLS HIS APOSTLES Ring the letter of the best answer. (4) 1. Which of the following was not a fisherman when Jesus called him to be an apostle? a. Simon Peter b. James c. Matthew d. John 2. Which apostle later on betrayed Jesus? a. Matthew b. James, son of Alpheus c. Bartholomew d. Judas Iscariot 3. Jesus told them: “Come after me: I will make you fishers of men.” a. James and John b. Simon and Andrew c. Matthew and Thaddeus d. Judas and Philip 4. He was a tax collector named Levi before he became an apostle. a. Simon Peter b. James c. Philip d. Matthew Write T if the sentence is TRUE and F if it is FALSE. (6) _______ 5. Jesus needed to look for men to help Him proclaim the Good News because He cannot do it alone. _______ 6.

Jesus found Matthew in Galilee.

_______ 7.

Some of the apostles hesitated when Jesus first called them.

_______ 8.

James and John were named “Boanerges” which means “men of thunder.”

_______ 9.

The apostles were given by Jesus the “authority to expel unclean spirits and to cure sickness and disease of every kind.”

_________ 10. Jesus chose learned and rich men to be his apostles. ESSAY: How can you be an apostle of Jesus at home? Give a specific example. Explain you answer in 2-3 sentences. (2) ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

3 IV. LESSON 6 – JESUS HEALS A ROMAN OFFICER’S SERVANT Write the letter of the correct answer. (5) _____ 1.

Which of the following did not become rulers of Palestine? a. b. c. d.

____ 2.

What trait did the Roman officer show when he sent his friends to meet Jesus with this message: “Sir do not trouble yourself, for I am not worthy to have you enter my house. … Just give the order and my servant will be cured.” a. b. c. d.

____ 3.

He was not as rich as the other Romans. He lived away from the other Romans. He was very good and kind to the Jews. He attended Jewish services.

When Jesus healed the servant of the centurion, what was he showing about God’s love? a. b. c. d.

____ 5.

humility great faith thoughtfulness Both a and b

How was the centurion different from the other Romans? a. b. c. d.

_____ 4.

Assyrians British Greeks Romans

God’s love is everlasting. God’s love is all-knowing and forgiving. God’s love is for all people, regardless of religion or race. God’s love is just.

What is the teaching of this story? a. We must always be humble and faithful to Jesus. b. Since God loves all people, we should not have prejudices against our neighbors who are different from us. c. We must always remember the meaning of our prayers during Mass. d. There will always be a time when our faith in God will be put to the test.

V. LESSON 7 – JESUS CALMS A STORM Being a Christian means that we should overcome our fears, no matter how difficult. Write YES if the statement shows that you are being a faithful Christian. Write NO if it does not. (5) _______ 1.

I was nominated to be Class President but I declined because I did not want the responsibility.

_______ 2.

I left my books in my locker and there will be a mastery quiz the following day. I will tell this fact to my parents even though I expect to be scolded for it.

_______ 3.

I forgot to do a major homework that must be submitted so I decided to be absent from class for that day.

4 _______ 4.

My teacher requested me to entertain this student who was visiting from another country. Although I am terribly shy and this means I cannot play with my friends during recess time, I obey my teacher and accompany the visitor around the campus.

_______ 5.

I was asked to sing a number during Music Class. Although I do not have a good singing voice, and expect that my classmates will laugh at me, I perform as best as I could.

Fill in the blanks. Write the letter of the correct answer. (6)

nature and creation have faith trust faith scolded peace In this parable, Jesus teaches us to 1. ___________ and not be afraid in times of trouble. When Jesus calmed the storm, He showed the apostles that He shared God’s power over 2. __________. He calmed the storm but he 3. _____________ the apostles for their lack of 4. _____________ in Him. In times of trouble and difficulties, Jesus wants us to 5. ____________ in Him. He brings 6. ________________ to those who are troubled. VI. LESSON 8 - JESUS TEACHES US TO GROW IN GOD’S LOVE (THE MUSTARD SEED) Write the letter of the correct answer. (4) _________ 1. What is the Kingdom of God? A. It is a kingdom of a powerful king. B. It is a kingdom with a mighty army that will destroy the enemy of the Jews. C. It is where God is with us and loves us. _________ 2. Why is the Kingdom of God like a mustard seed? The Kingdom of God is like a mustard seed because: A. like a mustard seed, it was given by Jesus and it becomes a giant tree. B. Jesus came to plant the seed of love with his teachings and miracles. When people believe in the teachings of Jesus, they love one another and become kind and helpful to one another and the more people who believed, the Kingdom of God grew more and more. C. when people plant a mustard seed, they have something to eat, just like the Jews in the desert with Moses. _________ 3. Jesus used stories with examples, like the mustard seed, which are familiar to the people, to help his followers understand his teaching. These stories are called: A. B. C.

parables rabbis gospels

_________ 4. How can the Kingdom of God grow in us? A. When we follow the teachings of Jesus

5 B. When we love our neighbors as well as our enemies C. Both A and B We show that we are members of God’s Kingdom when we love Him and others as we love ourselves. Write a √ if the statement shows a way of helping build the Kingdom of God. Write X if it does not. _______ 1.

My parents complain that household expenses for electricity and water get higher every month. I can help by turning off the TV if I am reading my book and to turn on the aircon only when I am about to sleep.

_______ 2.

My brother is having a very difficult time in Guitar Hero III and cannot get a high score. He gets very frustrated. I listen, so I can have some entertainment.

_______ 3.

Two of my science groupmates forgot to bring the materials assigned to them for our class experiment. Because of that, we all received failing marks. They apologized to the rest the group and promised not to do it again. I forgave them although it was very difficult for me to do so.

_______ 4.

My parents were both sick and could not get up to fix my breakfast. I tell our maid to get up early so she can help my brother.

_______ 5.

My classmate, whom I did not really like, forgot his lunchbox at home and did not have any money. I let him borrow half of my allowance for the day so that he can buy food during lunch, on the condition that he pays it back the following day with interest.

Write T if the sentence is TRUE and F if it is FALSE. (5) _______ 1. _______ 2.

Everyone who watched and listened as Jesus spoke and performed His miracles believed in Him. Jesus compared the Kingdom of God to a mustard seed.

_______ 3.

Jesus performed miracles so the people would believe that He is the Son of God.

_______ 4.

We belong to the Kingdom of God when we believe in Him and do His will.

_______ 5. The Jews expected the Kingdom of God to be a glorious place. VII. LESSON 9 – JESUS HEALS THE INFIRM DIRECTIONS: Write the letter of the best answer. (5) _____ 1.

The paralyzed man in the parable is a symbol of _____. A. faith B. a sinner C. Christ’s generosity D. punishment

_____ 2. “My friend, your sins are forgiven.” Why did Jesus use these words in healing the paralyzed man? A. to shock the scribes and Pharisees B. to show His great healing power C. to show His power to forgive sins D. to teach them about love


_____ 3. The efforts of the men who brought the sick man to Jesus showed their ____________. A. determination B. faith in His power to heal the man C. love and compassion for their friend D. All of the above. _____ 4.

Which of the following sacraments reflects God’s forgiveness and mercy? A. Reconciliation B. Baptism C. Holy Communion D. Confirmation

_____ 5. Today, we are healed in body and spirit by turning to God in our ________ and receiving His healing in the Holy Sacrament of Reconciliation. A. faith B. generosity C. prayers D. thoughts VIII. ANGELS AND FEASTS OF ANGELS DIRECTIONS: Ring the letter of the best answer. (9) 1. He is the Commander-in-Chief of all the hierarchies of the Heavenly Hosts. a. St. Raphael b. St. Gabriel c. St. Michael 2. His name means “Medicine of God”. He brings good health and abundant provisions during our journey. a. St. Raphael b. St. Michael c. St. Gabriel 3. His name means “He is the Power of God” or “He is the Warrior of God.” a. St. Raphael b. St. Gabriel c. St. Michael 4. Who said “The Angels are here. They are at our side. They are present on our behalf to take care of us.”? a. St. Gregory b. St. Bernard c. Tobit 5. He touched the eyes of Tobit and cured him of his blindness. a. St. Raphael b. St. Gabriel c. St. Michael 6. When do we celebrate the feast of the three Archangels? a. October 2 b. Sept. 28 c. Sept. 29 7. When do we celebrate the Feast of the Guardian Angels? a. October 2 b. Sept. 28 c. October 1 8. Which angel announced the Good News to Mother Mary? a. St. Raphael b. St. Gabriel c. St. Michael 9. This angel is called the “one who is like God.” a. St. Raphael b. St. Gabriel

c. St. Michael



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