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Healthcare Supply Chain Metrics That Matter: A Discussion

Eric O’Daffer Research Director Gartner AMR Supply Chain Group April 20, 2010

© 2009 AMR Research, Inc. | Page 1

Healthcare Value Chain Model

Life Sciences


Pharma Biotech Med Dev Generic


© 2009 AMR Research, Inc. | Page 2

Linking Strategy to Value in the Healthcare Value Chain

Value in Healthcare High Quality Patient Care at Optimal Economic Cost

Understanding Demand Inventory Management Compliance

Communication Timely and Accurate Data Knowledge and Info Sharing

Sustainable Collaborative Relationships Joint Value Creation

Shared Vision and Goals Extension of Supply Chain Services Business Process Governance

Transparency Aligned Metrics

Demand-Driven Value-Network Strategy Supporting Supporting the the Business Business Strategy Strategy with with Demand-Driven Demand-Driven Capabilities Capabilities Consciously Consciously Executing Executing Value-Based Value-Based Trade-Offs Trade-Offs Outside-In Outside-In Focus Focus Coupled Coupled with with Inside-Out Inside-Out Excellence Excellence

© 2009 AMR Research, Inc. | Page 3

Challenges of Metrics

Too many metrics!

Define a clear strategy

Endless debate over definition

Cultural wars; lay down the law

Constantly changing metrics

Implement measurement strategy now

Data too old by the time it’s collected

Fix data issues

Gaming the system

Motivate consistently

Silo behavior

Cross-functional metrics © 2009 AMR Research, Inc. | Page 4

A Multitude of Metrics

Perfect Order

Internal Fill Rate

External Fill Rate Inventory

Demand Forecast % Spend on Contract

Cash-to-Cash Cycle SKU Reduction Supply Chain Cost Transportation Cost Supply Cost as % of Net Patient Revenue © 2009 AMR Research, Inc. | Page 5

Hierarchy of Supply Chain Metrics

A tiered system of metrics to improve supply chain effectiveness – the top tier assesses a company’s supply chain health, while the two successive tiers diagnose the root cause of performance gaps and provide insight for corrective action.

© 2009 AMR Research, Inc. | Page 6

The Hierarchy of Supply Chain Metrics

Demand Forecast Perfect Order


SCM Cost


AP Supplier Quality

Inventory Total Supplier On-Time

RM Inv

Diagnose AR

Purchase Dir Mtl Costs Costs

Correct Cost Detail

Production Plant WIP + FG Schedule Utilization Inventory Variance

Order Cycle Time

Perfect Order Detail

© 2009 AMR Research, Inc. | Page 7

“Consciously Incompetent”

Demand Forecast


Perfect Order


SCM SCM Cost Cost



AP Supplier Supplier Quality Quality

Cost Cost Detail Detail

Inventory Inventory Total Total Supplier Supplier On-Time On-Time

RM RM Inv Inv

Diagnose AR

Purchase Purchase Dir DirMtl Mtl Costs Costs Costs Costs

Production Production Plant WIP + + FG FG Plant WIP Schedule Schedule Utilization Inventory Variance Utilization Inventory Variance

Order Cycle Time

Perfect Order Detail

High Inaccurate Shipments

Correct Correct © 2009 AMR Research, Inc. | Page 8

Large Consumer Products Company “Consciously Excellent” Key: Above par On par

Demand Forecast

Below par

Assess Perfect Order


Diagnose AP Supplier Quality

Correct Cost Detail

SCM Cost

Inventory Total Supplier On-Time

Production Plant Sched Utilization Variance

AR Purch Costs

WIP + FG Inventory

Dir Mtl Costs

Order Cycle Time

Perfect Order Detail

© 2009 AMR Research, Inc. | Page 9

Measurement Best Practices Develop a metrics strategy Metric Definition • Goals: Different metrics portfolios for different goals • Balance: Keep the portfolio balanced, cross-functional, and practical • Alignment: Align to business and supply strategy • Right-sized: Keep it small: avoid the “mushroom effect” • Standards: Address standards vs. customization

© 2009 AMR Research, Inc. | Page 10

Measurement Best Practices Develop a metrics strategy Measurement Program Implementation •

Plan: Develop migration plan for the metrics with timeframes and milestones

Scope: Define feasible and actionable scope, by supply chain, end-toend

Process: Pay attention to ownership, roles, responsibilities, and structure

Culture: Manage the culture and motivation

Tools: Invest in the tools that will enable repeatability

Pilot: Use pilots to test the approach

Tradeoffs: Beware of tunnel vision and understand the interdependencies

Turning data into action: Identify conclusions using patterns and levers, prioritize results, and manage the communication

Power through Process: Institutionalize the measurement program through a business process to make it “sticky” © 2009 AMR Research, Inc. | Page 11

Making performance management sustainable over time What makes it “sticky”?

Leadership Continuous Improvement Culture STICKY GLUE

Measurement Aptitude

“East-West” Process Performance

Power Through Process

“North-South” Goal Alignment © 2009 AMR Research, Inc. | Page 12

Your Manufacturing Partners are Already Seeing the Value Level of change seen amongst better demand forecasters in profitability performance over the last 12 months

Benefits realized as a result of demand forecast accuracy improvement

Improved supply chain costs

Improved manufacturing  productivity



More successful NPDL


Better perfect order  performance


Lower inventory levels


Source: 2009 AMR Healthcare Study © 2009 AMR Research, Inc. | Page 13

Demand Visibility is on the Radar Screen

Value Analysis Programs

Asset Management

Provide Real-time Visibility to Trading Partners

Talent Recruitment Strategy

Integrating Supply Chain and Patient Care Systems

End–to-End Electronic Sourcing

Supply Chain Metrics System


Optimize Materials Management

13. What are your company’s main supply chain objectives today?

n= Healthcare Providers only, n=60

14. LIST THOSE MENTIONED IN Q13. Which one is your company most successful at today?

© 2009 AMR Research, Inc. | Page 14

The Hierarchy of Supply Chain Metrics

Demand Forecast Perfect Order


SCM Cost


AP Supplier Quality

Inventory Total Supplier On-Time

RM Inv

Diagnose AR

Purchase Dir Mtl Costs Costs

Correct Cost Detail

Production Plant WIP + FG Schedule Utilization Inventory Variance

Order Cycle Time

Perfect Order Detail

© 2009 AMR Research, Inc. | Page 15

Provider Supply Chain Metrics

Assess Cash-to-Cash



© 2009 AMR Research, Inc. | Page 16

Big questions to answer … • How do you sense demand? Who sees it? What do you do with it? • Do you use demand data in Supply Chain tradeoffs? • Do you have a Joint Value Creation strategy with key / segmented Suppliers? • Have you defined a measurement strategy that outlines how you will use the metrics? • How do you pull this together in a Value Chain strategy?

© 2009 AMR Research, Inc. | Page 17

Other Questions, Comments or ideas to share?

© 2009 AMR Research, Inc. | Page 18

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