27914 Appendix J Installation Practices

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  • Words: 1,360
  • Pages: 4
Appendix J: Installation Practices All Proposers must complete this Appendix J. by checking the boxes under each provision. In addition, this appendix must be signed by an authorized representative which will confirm compliance with each provision herein. This Appendix J. is required to be submitted with the response per RFP Section VII. Required Information/Content of Proposals. Proposer must demonstrate the ability to meet all the requirements described in this solicitation. PROTECTION OF WORK: Selected Proposer/contract holder shall continuously maintain adequate protection of all their work and materials, whether worked or in process, or on or off the site of the project and shall protect the work and materials of subcontractors and City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County property from injury arising in connection with their contracts. Protection of materials, not yet part of the work, is the responsibility of the selected Proposer/contract holder. All damages of each and every kind resulting from neglect or refusal of selected Proposer/contract holder to protect such work, materials and property during erection, construction and completion of the project shall be corrected by selected Proposer/contract holder to the satisfaction of City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County and their designated representative at no additional cost to City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County. Whenever damage or destruction of property of any character resulting from neglect, misconduct or omission due to the manner or method of execution or non-execution of the work or caused by defective work or the use of improper materials, selected Proposer/contract holder shall be held responsible and not released until the work has been corrected, completed and the requirements and intent of these documents complied with. Selected Proposer/contract holder, at his/her own expense, shall correct any such damage or destruction in a manner acceptable to City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County. Agree and consent to comply with this provision INSTALLATION CRITERIA: Installation of all material and equipment must meet NEC and other industry standards, in all respects, with specific attention given to state and federal codes, methods employed for wiring, cabling, termination, cable dressing, cable and wire labeling, documentation, wire codes, equipment room layouts, general appearance, and operating performance. Equipment installed shall be protected from damage due to voltage or current spikes / fluctuations from any source. Agree and consent to comply with this provision SAFETY MEASURES AND ACCIDENT PREVENTION: Selected Proposer/contract holder shall take all necessary and required precautions to safeguard the public, employees, and others doing business in the buildings or on the premises from hazards associated with the work. The safety provisions of applicable laws, ordinances, and buildings and construction codes shall be observed and maintained. OSHA, Federal, and State standards shall be adhered to in the performance of this contract. Selected Proposer/contract holder shall suitably guard, cover and post notice of hazardous equipment and maintain these facilities throughout the course of work. Agree and consent to comply with this provision 1

PROMPT CORRECTION OF DEFECTS: Selected Proposer/contract holder shall promptly correct all defects within the network at no additional cost to City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County within twenty-four (24) hours of notification. Agree and consent to comply with this provision REPAIR DAMAGE AND CLEAN UP: Selected Proposer/contract holder shall be responsible for the cost to repair any damage to building or building components due to carelessness of its workers and exercise reasonable care to avoid any damage to City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County property. The selected Proposer/contract holder shall thoroughly cleanup facilities and equipment. Selected Proposer/contract holder shall completely remove from the premises all packaging, crates and other litter due to its work. Agree and consent to comply with this provision FACILITY ALTERATIONS PERMISSION: Selected Proposer/contract holder shall obtain City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County or other Public Partner and building owner permission before proceeding with any work necessitating cutting into or through any part of the building structure such as girders, beams, concrete, tile floors, partitions or ceilings. Agree and consent to comply with this provision

FIRST QUALITY MATERIAL: The absence of specifications regarding details implies that the best general practice will prevail and that first quality material and workmanship will be applied. Agree and consent to comply with this provision NETWORK INSTALLATION COMPLETION: Cutover(s) from existing circuits and other network connections will be performed by the selected Proposer/contract holder during non-working hours, either over a weekend (between 5:30 p.m. Friday and 7:30 a.m. Monday) or on other dates mutually agreed to by selected Proposer/contract holder and City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County. The systems will be fully operational prior to existing circuit cutovers(s). Agree and consent to comply with this provision LABELING: Any miscellaneous cabling will be terminated and clearly labeled by the installer as appropriate. This labeling extends to all components added by selected Proposer/contract holder at their expense. Approved self-adhesive labels shall be utilized for all Outlet, Terminal Block and Patch Panel labeling.. Label both ends of all cabling runs with labels in permanent marker.. Label all Patch Cords in permanent marker. Agree and consent to comply with this provision 2

FINAL ACCEPTANCE REVIEW: Delivery and operation of network services does not constitute acceptance of the work. Final acceptance of the work shall not occur until all documentation requirements of this RFP have been supplied and after selected Proposer/contract holder has demonstrated that the installation fulfills all requirements of the contract documents. Selected Proposer/contract holder, as soon as possible after each sites network installation, will provide written notification to the designated City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County project coordinator informing her/him that the CFN installation is complete and all documentation required in this RFP has been supplied. From receipt of the letter, City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County will have thirty (30) calendar days to provide a list (if any) of the items which have not been completed. After the last sites network installation and corrections (if any) have been made and all requirements of the RFP have been met, City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County will provide a final letter of system acceptance. Agree and consent to comply with this provision DOCUMENTATION INTERFACES: All interfaces with other systems must be clearly marked and transferred to easily reproduced drawings. All labeling or re-labeling of cable, jacks, and blocks, etc. will be approved in advance by City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County. Agree and consent to comply with this provision NETWORK INVENTORY: Selected Proposer/contract holder will be responsible for providing a network system inventory in an electronic format for each site as installed (database program and layout to be mutually agreed on after RFP Response award). The inventory shall be completed at no additional cost to City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County. At least four (4) copies of the completed inventory will be provided to City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County. The electronic and written inventory will include at a minimum, the following:  Circuit IDs  Account numbers  Type of service  Contract Installation and Termination dates  Location, site address as identified by City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County  Network Equipment, including manufacturer and model number, serial number, date in service, warranty expiration date, IOS level, etc.  Port/Card occupied with circuit number, including free slots Agree and consent to comply with this provision CONTACT / ESCALATION LIST: Selected Proposer/contract holder will provide a list of contact names, position title, phone number, etc. for reporting trouble 24/7, including an escalation list for trouble tickets. Please include this list in Appendix I. Agree and consent to comply with this provision


WORK ORDER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: Proposer/contract holder will provide a web based work order system for use by selected Proposer/contract holder and City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County in placing, approving, and scheduling work necessary in the performance of the contract. This will include installation, moves, service adds, and changes. Data elements listed above are to be included in the work order system. Please include a description of a system or process in your response to this RFP. Agree and consent to comply with this provision

By: Signature:__________________________________________ Date: _________________________________ Print Name: ________________________________________ Title: _________________________________


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