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Spelling Error

English Language and Comprehension 221

Chapter 18

Spelling Error Some Spelling Rules There is no royal road to spelling. The first thing to do is to find out exactly what kind of error you make in spelling. Form the habit of looking carefully and precisely at these words. Bear in mind the correct pronunciation of those words. A few simple rules of spelling are given below:

Rule 1 Words ending in silent ‘e’ usually drop the silent ‘e’ before adding vowel suffix. (eg, -ing, -able, -ary, -ous etc) as given below: Drop ‘e’

lone move

+ly +ment

=lonely =movement

(b) After ‘c’ or ‘g’, if the suffix begins with ‘a’ or ‘o’, the ‘e’ is retained to indicate the soft sound of ‘c’ or ‘g’. (eg, –ous, –able). For example, advantage change courage manage notice outrage peace service trace

+ous +able +ous +able +able +ous +able +able +able

=advantageous =changeable =courageous =manageable =noticeable =outrageous =peaceable =serviceable =traceable

K KUNDAN admire admire allure arrange arrive become care come compare imagine desire deplore dine divide explore fame give hope imagine live love lose move name note

+ation +able +ing +ing +ing +ing +ing +ing +able +able +ous +able +ing +ing +ation +ous +ing +ing +ary +ing +able +ing +able +ing +ed

=admiration =admirable =alluring =arranging =arriving =becoming =caring =coming =comparable =imaginable =desirous =deplorable =dining =dividing =exploration =famous =giving =hoping =imaginary =living =lovable =losing =movable =naming =noted

Exceptions: (a) The ‘e’ is retained when a suffix beginning with a consonant letter (eg, -ment, -ful) is added. For example, arrange +ment =arrangement care +ful =careful extreme +ly =extremely force +ful =forceful hate +ful =hateful like +ne ss =likeness

Rule 2

Words ending in ‘ee’ or ‘oo’ add suffixes without changes. For example, agree coo flee glee se e woo

+able +ing +ing +ful +ing +ing

=agreeable =cooing =fleeing =gleeful =seeing =wooing

Rule 3

Words ending in a consonant preceded by two vowels do not double the final consonant before a suffix beginning with a vowel. For example, boor cook cool look meet repeat shout teem

+ish +ing +ing +ing +ing +able +ed +ing

=boorish =cooking =cooling =looking =meeting =repeatable =shouted =teeming

Rule 4 When a suffix that begins with a consonant is added to a word that ends in silent ‘e’ the ‘e’ is with a few exceptions, retained as given below: (a) When the suffix ‘-ly’ is added to an adjective that ends in silent ‘e’ the ‘e’ is usually retained. For example,

Spelling Error

222 English Language and Comprehension entire false fine late nice polite safe sure

+ly +ly +ly +ly +ly +ly +ly +ly

=entirely =falsely =finely =lately =nicely =politely =safely =surely

(b) Exceptions to the retention of ‘e’ when ‘-ly’ is added. true whole

+ly +ly

=truly =wholly

(c) If the adjective ends in ‘-le’, the ‘-le’ is dropped when the suffix ‘-ly’ is added. gentle noble idle

+ly +ly +ly

= gently = nobly = idly

(d) The ‘-le’ is also dropped from adjectives ending in ‘-able ’ and ‘ible’ when the suffix ‘-ly’ is added. comfortable fashionable forcible pleasurable sensible

+ly +ly +ly +ly +ly

=comfortably =fashionably =forcibly =pleasurably =sensibly

care amuse home announce hope exicite tire

+le ss +ment +less +ment +le ss +ment +le ss

=careless =amusement =homeless =announcement =hopeless =excitement =tireless

Note: When ‘-ment’ is added to judge, acknowledge and abridge two spellings are generally accepted. For example, judge +ment acknowledge +ment abridge


= judgment, or judgement = acknowledgment or acknowledgement = adridgment or abridgement.

Rule 5 Words ending in two or more consonants usually remain unchanged when a suffix is added. For example. call till pull she ll roll will thrill toll

+ed +ed +ed +ed +ing +ed +ing +ing

=called =tilled =pulled =shelled =rolling =willed =thrilling =tolling


(e) When the suffix ‘-tion’ is used to form a noun from a verb ending in silent ‘e’ after ‘t’ the letters ‘te’ are dropped. For example, associate create celebrate communicate complete dictate frustrate pollute

+tion +tion +tion +tion +tion +tion +tion +tion

=association =creation =celebration =communication =completion =dictation =frustration =pollution

(f) When the suffix ‘y’ is added to noun ending in silent ‘e’ to make an adjective, the ‘e’ is dropped. For example, bone e ase ice noise smoke snake stone taste

+y +y +y +y +y +y +y +y

=bony =easy =icy =noisy =smoky =snaky =stony =tasty

(g) When the suffix ‘-full’, ‘-hood’, ‘-less’ and ‘ment’ are added, the ‘e’ is retained. For example, hope wire use advertise false amaze

+ful +le ss +ful +ment +hood +ment

=hopeful =wireless =useful =advertisement =falsehood =amazement

Rule 6

When a word of one syllable ends in a single vowel and a single consonant, the consonant is usually doubled when a suffix with a vowel is added. For example, (a) Comparative and superlative suffixes, -er, and -est big hot sad thin

bigger hotter sadder thinner

biggest hottest saddest thinnest

(b) The suffix -er, meaning ‘person or thing that does something’ cut hit rub run sin swim

+er +er +er +er +er +er

=cutter =hitter =rubber =runner =sinner =swimmer

(c) The suffix -ing, present participle and gerund bid brag cram cut dig din

bidding bragging cramming cutting digging dinning

drag get plan run sin sit

dragging getting planning running sinning sitting

Spelling Error

English Language and Comprehension 223

(d) The suffix -ed, past tense and past participle beg drag drop fit hop

begged dragged dropped fitted hopped

map rag rub sin strap

mapped ragged rubbed sinned strapped

(e) The suffix -y, making adjectives from nouns fog fun

foggy funny

mud sun

muddy sunny

Rule 7 In a word of one syllable, the final consonant is not doubled before a suffix beginning with a consonant. For example, fat fit glad

fatness fitful gladness

man sad sin

manhood sadness sinful

level pedal travel

leveller pedalling traveller

Exception: parallel


(f) If the stress is on the first syllable, and if the verb ends in ‘-ap’ or ‘ip’, the final consonant is doubled. For example, kidnap worship

kidnapped worshipped

kidnapper worshipper

Rule 9 Words of more than one syllable, ending in a single consonant preceded by a single vowel, if not accented on the last syllable, usually do not double the final consonant before a suffix beginning with a vowel. For example, bigot redden

Rule 8

levelled pedalled travelled

bigoted reddened

despot rivet

despotic riveted.


(a) Words of more than one syllable, ending in a single consonant preceded by a single vowel, if accented on the last syllable, usually double the final consonant before adding a vowel suffix. For example, admit control regret forbid forget prefer

admitted controlled regretted forbidden forgotten preferred

admitting controlling regretting forbidding forgetting preferring

admittance controller regrettable

(b) When adding a suffix in words of more than one syllable, the accent is shifted to a preceding syllable, the foregoing rule does not apply. infer






Exception: excel

(c) In words of more than one syllable, the final consonant is not doubled before a suffix beginning with a consonant. For example, equip regret

equipment regretful

profit unfit

profitless unfitness

(d) The final consonant is not doubled if the stress is on the first syllable and if the verb ends in ‘-en’ or ‘er’. For example, happen listen open offer

happened listened opened offered

happening listener opener offering

(e) The final consonant is doubled if the stress is on the first syllable of the verb...if it ends in ‘-al’, or ‘el’. For example, cancel equal

cancelled equalled

cancellation equalling

Exceptions: There are words having two syllables almost equally accepted. In such a situation this rule is not applied. For example, handicap handicapped



Rule 10

When a verb ends in ‘y’ with a consonant preceding it, the ‘y’ becomes ‘i’ before the suffixes ‘-es’ and ‘-ed’. They remain unchanged before the suffix ‘-ing’. For example, bury carry copy defy deny hurry marry multiply pity rely reply satisfy study try

buries carries copies defies denies hurries marries multiplies pities relies replies satisfies studies tries

buried carried copied defied denied hurried married multiplied pitied relied replied satisfied studied tried

burying carrying copying defying denying hurrying marrying multiplying pitying relying replying satisfying studying trying

Rule 11 If a verb ends in ‘y’ with a vowel preceding, the ‘y’ generally remains unchanged before the ending ‘-s’, ‘ed’ and ‘-ing’. For example, annoy destroy enjoy obey play

annoys destroys enjoys obeys plays

annoyed destroyed enjoyed obeyed played

annoying destroying enjoying obeying playing

Spelling Error

224 English Language and Comprehension pray stay

prays stays

prayed stayed

praying staying

Words e nding in ‘ll’ usually drop one ‘l’ whe n compounded. For example,

Exceptions: lay pay say

lays pays says

laid paid said

laying paying saying

Rule 12 If the suffix ‘-ing’ is added to verbs ending in ‘ie’, the ‘i’ becomes ‘y’ and the ‘e’ is omitted. For example, die lie tie

dies lie s tie s

died lied tied

dying lying tying

all all all all all dis doubt use un well

+most =almost +ready =already +though =although +together =altogether +ways =always +till =distil +full =doubtful +full =useful +till =until +come =welcome

Rule 19

Rule 13 When a noun or adjective ends in ‘y’ with a consonant preceding the ‘y’ usually becomes ‘i’ when a suffix is added. For example, dry happy pity tidy twenty

Rule 18

drier driest happier happiest pitiful pitiless tidier tidiest twentieth

drily happily plenty tidily

happiness plentiful tidiness

In words with ‘ie’ or ‘ei’ when the sound is long ‘ee’, use ‘i’ before ‘e’ except after ‘c’. For example, achieve belief believe brief besiege

chief cashier field fierce grief

niece piece pierce priest relieve

shield shriek siege thief wield


Rule 14

Words ending in ‘y’ preceded by a consonant, use ‘i’ instead of ‘y’ before additions other than those beginning with ‘i’. For example, beauty deny fly

beautiful denial flier

happy justify study

happiness justifies studious

Rule 15

Words ending in ‘n’ do not drop the ‘n’ before adding the suffix ‘-ness’. For example, clean




Rule 16

If the adjective ends in ‘l’, the adverb formed by adding ‘ly’ will contain two l’s immediately before the ‘y’. For example, cool formal real

coolly formally really

final hopeful useful

finally hopefully usefully

Rule 17 If the adjective does not ends in ‘l’, the adverb formed by adding ‘ly’ will contain only one ‘l’ immediately before the ‘y’. For example, evident fluent

evidently fluently

grim quick

grimly quickly

But, ceiling, conceive, conceit, deceit, deceive, perceive, receipt, receive Exception: either, financier, leisure, neither, seize, species

Words Commonly Misspelt

(1) Compound words with a hyphen: birth-rate boarding-house by-product copy-book dog-tired ex-president fellow-citizen football-player half-dozen

home-made kick-off old-fashioned pre-existence pocket-knife printing-house quarter-mile re-echo self-made

self-regard self-respect semi-independent semi-invalid stumbling-block tongue-tied vice-president well-being working-man

(2) Compound words without a hyphen: afterwards almost already anybody anyhow anyone anything anywhere birthday cannot childlike copyright downfall

gatekeeper handwriting herewith householder however indoors into lifetime lighthouse meanwhile midnight moonlight moreover

posthumous postman riverside schoolboy shoemaker somebody somehow someone something sometimes somewhat threadbare throughout

Spelling Error downstairs everybody everyone everything everywhere extraordinary fellowship football

English Language and Comprehension 225 newspaper nobody nonessential otherwise ourselves outside playwright postgraduate

together tomorrow welcome whatever whenever wherever within without

(3) Words to be written separately: all right all round at least at once

do not no one per cent some time

up to well done young man

(4) Words ending in ‘-ate’: accelerate accumulate accurate adulterate affiliate aggregate alleviate ameliorate annihilate appreciate appropriate

assimilate associate collaborate collegiate commemorate corroborate desperate disseminate effeminate elaborate elucidate

emancipate emulate enunciate eradicate evaporate exaggerate initiate inundate literate meditate separate

dubious envious furious infectious ingenious

injurious illustrious judicious luxurious pernicious

precarious pugnacious superstitious suspicious victorious

(9) Words ending in ‘-uous’: arduous impetuous sumptuous conspicuous presumptuous superfluous contemptuous strenuous tempestuous (10) Words ending in ‘-eous’: courageous courteous erroneous

gorgeous outrageous hideous simultaneous miscellaneous spontaneous

(11) Words ending in ‘-ise’: advertise advise apprise chastise compromise

demise despise devise disguise enterprise

exercise franchise merchandise supervise surprise


(5) Words ending in ‘-tion’: accusation affection assimilation collection combination commotion compensation conception constitution convention conversation

conviction description detection detention dilution evaluation expectation fascination frustration inclination inflation

institution intention perfection prevention promotion proportion proposition repetition reputation situation vindication

(6) Words ending in ‘-sion’: allusion apprehension collision comprehension conversion

decision dimension dissension inclusion inversion

precision pretension profusion provision tension

(7) Words ending in ‘-ous’: anonymous boisterous callous credulous disastrous fabulous

generous heinous jealous miraculous momentous monotonous

monstrous poisonous ridiculous synonymous treacherous venomous

(8) Words ending in ‘-ious’: ambitious audacious auspicious

ceremonious contagious copious

curious delicious delirious

(12) Words ending in ‘-ar’: altar beggar burglar calendar circular collar dollar grammar

molecular muscular particular peculiar pedlar pillar popular regular

secular scholar similar singular solar spectacular vicar vulgar

(13) Words ending in ‘-er’: adviser alter barrister character debater defender diameter examiner farmer interpreter

leather lecturer manner manufacturer messenger meter miner minister partner plotter

premier prisoner robber soldier summer tiger traveller villager writer

(14) Words ending in ‘-or’: actor ancestor auditor author bechelor benefactor censor chancellor conqueror contributor creditor debtor

dictator director doctor emperor executor governor inspector inventor investigator liquor manipulator minor

orator professor protector superior suitor surveyor survivor tailor traitor tutor visitor

Spelling Error

226 English Language and Comprehension (15) Words ending in ‘-ance’: abundance acceptance accordance acquaintance allegiance alliance allowance appearance arrogance

brilliance defiance elegance endurance exuberance guidance insurance irrelevance maintenance

(21) Words ending in ‘-le’: nuisance predominance radiance relevance reliance remittance repentance resistance resonance

(16) Words ending in ‘-ence’: audience diffidence circumference excellence coherence evidence coincidence indolence concurrence inference conference influence conscience innocence convenience insistence correspondence

patience preference prudence residence resilience reticence reverence violence

(17) Words ending in ‘-able’:

ankle cycle fickle mettle middle

muscle noble obstacle paddle particle

principle single title uncle vehicle

(22) Words ending in ‘-ure’: agriculture enclosure leisure

literature manufacture miniature

nature signature venture

(23) Words ending in ‘-ur’: augur



Miscellaneous Examples abbreviate accidentally acclaim accommodate accompanied accompanying accuse achievement acknowledge acquaintance acquitted across additionally address adolescent affluent affirm affright aggravate aggression allegory allure allusive although altogether amateur amiss amount analyzes annals annual apostle

Set I apparently appetite argument arrangement athlete athletics attitude auxiliary awkward beginning believed benefited breathe brilliant bulletin bureau bureaucracy buried business cafeteria campaign casually career carrying category ceiling cemetery changeable characteristic chosen colleague colloquial

despair destroy develop diagram dictionary different dilapidated

Set II disappeared dissolute disappointment divide disastrous division discipline eccentric dissatisfied ecclesiastic dissect efficiency dissertation effusion

commission committee commodity communism comparative competitive compulsory conceive conceivable condemn conquer conscientious conscious continually convenience corner correspond corrode corrupt course curiosity courteous criticism criticize curriculum decision definitely definition demurrage dependent describe


acceptable admirable adorable advisable agreeable amendable applicable available innumerable inseparable interminable intolerable justifiable laudable liable manageable

avoidable charitable comfortable commendable comparable dependable desirable detestable marriageable noticeable objectionable palatable perishable practicable profitable recognizable

fashionable formidable implacable improbable incurable indispensable inevitable inflammable suitable thinkable transferable unconquerable unmistakable unthinkable vulnerable respectable

(18) Words ending in ‘-ible’: accessible admissible contemptible divisible eligible feasible flexible

forcible repressible responsible horrible incorrigible invincible irresistible

perceptible permissible plausible sensible tangible terrible visible

(19) Words ending in ‘-al’: annual canal cannibal gradual

jackal literal material medal

menial metal pedal total

(20) Words ending in ‘-el’: channel jewel label

level nickel panel

parcel rebel satchel

Spelling Error

English Language and Comprehension 227

dining disease elsewhere eliminate elocution eloquence embarrass emissary emphasize encyclopaedia ennoble enormous enthusiastic environment epidemic epitaph epitome epoch equalled equipment equipped equivalent erosion errand erroneous

dissipate dissipation especially essence etiquette evolution excellence exceptionally excitement exhausted exhilaration existence experience explanation extraordinary familiar fascinating February financial foreign formerly forty fourth friend gauge

egotism eight generally genius geography government grammar grievance guarantee guard guidance handle height hindrance hitherto humorous hurriedly imaginary imagination immediately impromptu inaccessible inadequate inapplicable inauspicious

incidentally incredible indefinitely independent inexorable influential inimical inimitable innocuous innuendo intellectual intelligence intentionally interfere interpreted interrupted

Set III irrelevant knack knight knot knowledge laboratory legitimate leisure librarian lieutenant lightning livelihood loneliness manoeuvre marriage marvellous

mathematics medicine minute mischievous morale mysterious naive naturally necessary nevertheless niece ninety ninth noisily notwithstanding nowadays

obstacle occasion occasionally occurred occurrence offspring omission omitted operate opportunity optimistic original otherwise

outburst outcast outright pamphlet parallel parliament particularly partner perseverance personnel persistent perspiration persuade

phenomenon physically physician pleasant propelled propeller psychology pursue quantity questionnaire quite quitting quiz

realize really recognize recommend recurring referred regrettable reign relieved religious remembrance renaissance resource restaurant rhythm rhythmical ridiculous running sacrifice satisfactorily scarcely schedule secretary seize sergeant severely sincerely simultaneous

Set IV soliloquy undoubtedly source unnecessary souvenir unparalleled specifically until specimen usual speech usually stopped valley strenuously valuable stretched varieties subtle vein succeed vengeance successful view superintendent vigorous supersede village surgeon villain susceptible warring synonym weird technique wholly temperament wield temperature wolf theatre woman tomorrow worrying transferred writing transferring written tremendous yawn twelfth yield tyranny yonder unanimous

K KUNDAN Exercise - 1 Directions In these questions, identify the mis-spelt word and mark it in the Answer Sheet. 1. a) Elementary b) Secondary c) Laundary d) Momentary 2. a) Apprehension b) Intension c) Imagination d) Confusion 3. a) Submitted b) Admitted c) Comitted d) Omitted 4. a) Brillient b) Valiant c) Salient d) Radiant 5. a) Recuperate b) Regulate

c) a) c) 7. a) c) 8. a) c) 9. a) c) 10. a) c) 6.

Reinstate Cease Beseige Carrier Courier Competent Penitent Assure Sensure Seige Receive

d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d)

Seperate Seize Beseech Carreer Barrier Repentent Consistent Insure Ensure Seize Believe

Spelling Error

228 English Language and Comprehension 11. a) c) 12. a) c) 13. a) c) 14. a) c) 15. a) c) 16. a) c) 17. a) c) 18. a) c) 19. a) c) 20 a) c) 21. a) c) 22. a) c) 23. a) c) 24. a) c) 25. a) c) 26. a) c) 27. a) c) 28. a) c) 29. a) c) 30. a) c) 31. a) c) 32. a) c) 33. a) c) 34. a) c) 35. a) c) 36. a) c) 37. a) c) 38. a) c) 39. a) c)

Responsibility Possibility Courageous Temple Efficient Magnificient Transferred Sufferred Proceed Superseed Admonish Aberration Confidant Conjecture Lapped Deterred Sergent Session Facade Quotation Demeanour Demonstretor courageous languoreous Unaccompanied Unadopted Boutique Opaque Admitting Preferring Torpedoes Pianoes Malignity Malfeasance Combination Hallucination Sacrosanct Sacred Allitration Almighty Idiosyncrasy Idiosy Jaundise Javelin Eminent Eloquent Tailor Doctor Mathametician Dietician Grotesque Picturesque Indomitable Amicable Personel Notional Impetuous Imperial

b) Oppertunity d) Generosity b) Stampede d) Saliloquy b) Sufficient d) Proficient b) Referred d) Deferred b) Exceed d) Succeed b) Aborigin d) Agrarian b) Confiscate d) Conversent b) Murmurred d) Worshipped b) Silhouette d) Somnambulist b) Inept d) Pursuasive b) Deodorize d) Demoralize b) outrageous d) spacious b) Unaccustomed d) Unaloyed b) Physique d) Obleeque b) Budgetting d) Travelling b) Mosquitoes d) Tomatoes b) Malodorus d) Malevolent b) Exageration d) Admonition b) Sacrelege d) Sacrament b) Allowance d) Almanac b) Idealize d) Ideology b) Jasmine d) Jarring b) Immanent d) Exuberant b) Sculpter d) Fitter b) Statistician d) Physician b) Burlesque d) Piccaresque b) Furmidable d) Admirable b) Personnel d) National b) Impertinant d) Implication

40. a) Prefer c) Difer 41. a) Mercenary c) Missionery 42. a) Seize c) Believe 43. a) Accomplice c) Accomplishment 44. a) Replaceable c) Replacement 45. a) Relieve c) Deceit 46. a) Labrinth c) Laborious 47. a) Commit c) Committee 48. a) Poignant c) Prevalent 49. a) Seize c) Wierd 50. a) Repent c) Flagrent 51. a) Dining c) Determining 52. a) Vendetta c) Vicarious 53. a) Metaphor c) Allegary 54. a) Neurosurgeon c) Bureaucrat 55. a) Variety c) Gaitey 56. a) Assesment c) Alignment 57. a) Synonimous c) Unanimous 58. a) Condom c) Contampt 59. a) Accumulate c) Beginning 60. a) Peruse c) Persuit 61. a) Waitage c) Luggage 62. a) Receive c) Perceive 63. a) Prioratise c) Visualise 64. a) Mendacious c) Pernicious 65. a) Pennetrate c) Hesitate 66. a) Passagway c) Subway 67. a) Rapport c) Repport 68. a) Stationery c) Revolutionary

b) Defer d) Refer b) Machinery d) Visionary b) Decieve d) Reign b) Accompaniment d) Accomodation b) Replaceing d) Replaced b) Protein d) Frieght b) Laboratory d) Library b) Comedian d) Comunication b) Relevent d) Malignant b) Achieve d) Leisure b) Serpent d) Reverent b) Shining d) Begining b) Verisimilitude d) Vociferrate b) Expletive d) Parody b) Homoeopath d) Veteinary b) Anxiety d) Society b) Assignment d) Inherent b) Anonymous d) Pseudonymous b) Condemn d) Content b) Challenge d) Tolerent b) Persuade d) Pursue b) Baggage d) Village b) Conceive d) Decieve b) Picturise d) Individualise b) Obnoxcious d) Ferocious b) Irritate d) Perforate b) Causeway d) Straightway b) Support d) Purport b) Dictionery d) Voluntary


Spelling Error 69. a) c) 70. a) c) 71. a) c) 72. a) c) 73. a) c) 74. a) c) 75. a) c) 76. a) c) 77. a) c) 78. a) c) 79. a) c) 80. a) c) 81. a) c) 82. a) c) 83. a) c) 84. a) c) 85. a) c) 86. a) c) 87. a) c) 88. a) c) 89. a) c) 90. a) c) 91. a) c) 92. a) c) 93. a) c) 94. a) c) 95. a) c) 96. a) c) 97. a) c)

Temperature Tempastuous Whether Whither Legible Incorrigible Audacious Caprisious Quadruple Quadrangle Postar Posture Reference Difference Agreeablly Doubtfully Nomenclature Non-chalant Insolvency Hypocrisy Anniversery Heresy Embankment Preceding Inexplicable Inextinguishable Representation Amplification Designation Controversy Kitten Justified Hillock Mileage Neice Neigh Breakage Breathless Explaination Exaggeration Utility Spacielity Cruise Truce Believe Grieve Democracy Prophecy Ballistic Bulletin Bearer Conquerer Careful Fulfild Knac Kneed Adultration Advancement

English Language and Comprehension 229 b) Temperament d) Temptation b) Weathere d) Wither b) Communiceble d) Eligible b) Auspicious d) Credulous b) Quagmaire d) Quadrant b) Pastor d) Pasture b) Preference d) Performence b) Cruelly d) Fatally b) Non-interfereance d) Non-commissioned b) Legitimacy d) Idiosyncracy b) Bureaucracy d) Secrecy b) Deliberately d) Proleferation b) Inevitable d) Inexpressable b) Verification d) Liberalisetion b) Amature d) Burglar b) Cumulative d) Inediable b) Vilify d) Hillarious b) Neither d) Rein b) Brevity d) Briliance b) Extermination d) Expectation b) Vitality d) Casualty b) Deduse d) Bruise b) Relieve d) Decieve b) Beaureaucracy d) Aristocracy b) Baloon d) Bullock b) Governor d) Admirer b) Untill d) Final b) Knee d) Kneel b) Adulation d) Admittance

98. a) Perpendicular c) Exaggerate 99. a) Hack c) Halve 100. a) Deficient c) Magnificient 101. a) Deep c) Sleep 102. a) Instructor c) Carrier 103. a) Conquer c) Variety 104. a) Homogenious c) Honourable 105. a) Imperative c) Imminent 106. a) Teaser c) Tedious 107. a) Indefinite c) Advurtise 108. a) Loveable c) Useable 109. a) Illegal c) Illegitimate 110. a) Kiln c) Muslin 111. a) Conceit c) Receive 112. a) Seige c) Syllable 113. a) Proprietor c) Personal 114. a) Slight c) Thrift 115. a) Beetle c) Bearable 116. a) Anxiety c) Accommodation 117. a) Lonesome c) Ludicruous 118. a) Dairy c) Dainty 119. a) Allottee c) Allright 120. a) Coupious c) Caption 121. a) Birth c) Benefit 122. a) Weighty c) Height 123. a) Magnanimous c) Magnificient 124. a) Municipality c) Compartment 125. a) Jewellry c) Military 126. a) Miscellaneous c) Mischievious

b) Boundry d) Flourish b) Hawl d) Hark b) Efficient d) Reticent b) Heap d) Weap b) Grammer d) Organiser b) Passenger d) Retalitate b) Honorarium d) Hooligan b) Ilicit d) Immature b) Teething d) Teatotaller b) Courteous d) Periphery b) Manageable d) Soluble b) Illitrate d) Illegible b) Masculine d) Disciplin b) Deceit d) Percieve b) Solemn d) Seize b) Personel d) Proposal b) Shoot d) Subtel b) Beautician d) Beautifull b) Ankel d) Allergy b) Lovely d) Logical b) Dafodil d) Damage b) Almighty d) Altogether b) Cautious d) Capricious b) Beginer d) Banana b) Piety d) Gaeity b) Magnetism d) Magnify b) Restaurant d) Approch b) Beneficiary d) Literary b) Precarious d) Licentious


Spelling Error

230 English Language and Comprehension 127. a) Referring c) Beginning 128. a) Handicraft c) Handkerchef 129. a) Impediment c) Merriment 130. a) Familiar c) Hammer 131. a) Adhesive c) Applauce 132. a) Superstitious c) Commendable 133. a) Heritage c) Glimpse 134. a) Focal c) Vehical 135. a) Committed c) Benifitted 136. a) Ceramic c) Ceremony 137. a) Mischievious c) Misdemeanour 138. a) Projection c) Curve 139. a) Behaviour c) Commend 140. a) Numismatics c) Nucleus 141. a) Device c) Advice 142. a) Repeatition c) Recitation 143. a) Worried c) Sacrifice 144. a) Writing c) Leutenant 145. a) Aerodrome c) Aircraft 146. a) Rational c) Demolis 147. a) Frostbite c) Frenzy 148. a) Cieling c) Cease 149. a) Absess c) Abrasive 150. a) Profligacy c) Hypocricy 151. a) Jeopardy c) Jaundice 152. a) Allocation c) Allmighty 153. a) Receive c) Neighbour 154. a) Nightmare c) Coarse 155. a) Etiquete c) Ethereal

b) Openning d) Stopping b) Handbar d) Handicap b) Judgment d) Embarrassment b) Simmer d) Grammer b) Abusive d) Accomplice b) Accomodation d) Callous b) Ecstas d) Discription b) Vocal d) Mystical b) Submitted d) Remitted b) Ceribral d) Cereal b) Miscreant d) Miserable b) Educate d) Headquaters b) Mentenance d) Appraise b) Nuisence d) Numerous b) Demice d) Revise b) Renunciation d) Recapitulation b) Vegetable d) Tamporary b) Lightning d) Lighten b) Airoplane d) Aerial b) Release d) Survival b) Fretricide d) Franchise b) Celluloid d) Cemetery b) Accessory d) Abstinence b) Bureaucracy d) Prophecy b) Jealosy d) Javelin b) Allotment d) Elocution b) Receipt d) Sieze b) Unfruitfull d) Unwavering b) Ethnic d) Eulogize

156. a) c) 157. a) c) 158. a) c) 159. a) c) 160. a) c) 161. a) c) 162. a) c) 163. a) c) 164. a) c) 165. a) c) 166. a) c) 167. a) c) 168. a) c) 169. a) c) 170. a) c) 171. a) c) 172. a) c) 173. a) c) 174. a) c) 175. a) c) 176. a) c) 177. a) c) 178. a) c) 179. a) c) 180. a) c) 181. a) c) 182. a) c) 183. a) c) 184. a) c)

Mislead Cautious Admiror Jailor Continuous Criticize Psychoanalyst Psychaitrist Deference Pretence Abdominal Machenical Impregnable Improbable Clothing Actualise Allowance Alltogether Termination Determination Respite Reference Harmonise Surrender Evasion Occassion Assume Cunsume Career Territory Adambrate Celebrate Apropriation Increment Beleive Receive Governance Penance Omission Nineth Sceptic Prolific Harmony Harmful Opulence Nonsense Careful Harmful Preparatory Promisary Legibel Legalize Accurate Accrue Surround Survey Temparament Pilgrimage

b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) d) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d)

Obscure Exihibit Inspector Proprietor Valuable Gentalman Physiologist Psychologist Dence Offence Clinical Technical Imposter Implausible Gathering Reproch Allusion Alternative Culmination Defination Reciept Recipe Impression Enthusistic Ovation Erosion Presume Subsume Furios Objectionable Calibrate Proliferate Oppose Minute Relieve Deceive Essense Finance Muscular Roundish Agnostic Assetic Harmonius Harmonium Offens Occurrence Unlawfull Beautiful Cursory Emissary Legislature Legitimate Accomodate Accumulate Surveillance Sureptitious Spontaneous Enormous


Spelling Error 185. a) Boast c) Terrible 186. a) Ocupation c) Occasion 187. a) Regular c) Couragous 188. a) Soldier c) Infinite 189. a) Curiculum c) Emporium 190. a) Barrister c) Borne 191. a) Negligence c) Wisedom 192. a) Gorilla c) Gaudy 193. a) Repudiate c) Rezemblance 194. a) Kitchen c) Perquisite 195. a) Pudding c) Puncture 196. a) Promising c) Disterbance 197. a) Tabulate c) Sacrifice 198. a) Existant c) Vacuum 199. a) Indulgence c) Exercize 200. a) Collage c) Colleague 201. a) Fishery c) Alphabetical 202. a) Goitre c) Gravitation 203. a) Pregnant c) Negociation 204. a) Appetite c) Appriasal 205. a) Campaign c) Camouflage

English Language and Comprehension 231 206. a) Decesive c) Decease 207. a) Grandly c) Genorally 208. a) Trickery c) Argument 209. a) Benevolent c) Generous 210. a) Associate c) Bruere 211. a) Despatch c) Detach 212. a) Attendence c) Providence 213. a) Acquire c) Acquittal 214. a) Therapeutic c) Themometer 215. a) Idyllic c) Prolific 216. a) Emergency c) Mandatory 217. a) Caculate c) Vacilate 218. b) Careful c) Beautiful 219. a) Telepathy c) Sympathy 220. a) Earnest c) Detest 221. a) Literature c) Literecy 222. a) Oscillate c) Ennumerate 223. a) Hurdle c) Puddle 224. a) Composition c) Literature 225. a) Pneumonia c) Xenophobia 226. a) Commission c) Possession

b) Catelogue d) Heritage b) Obvious d) Ocean b) Criminal d) Garbage b) Beautiful d) Clearify b) Museum d) Medium b) Beseige d) Beginning b) Affinity d) Creativity b) Guarantee d) Gauze b) Requisite d) Rescind b) Obstakle d) Permissible b) Pungent d) Puntuation b) Ancestry d) Cardinal b) Across d) Servent b) Commercial d) Pursuant b) Leisure d) Mandatory b) College d) Commerciel b) Vocubulary d) Consonant b) Glorious d) Greivous b) Nutrition d) Approach b) Apathetic d) Aperture b) Camera d) Carborettor

b) Decimal d) Deceive b) Effectively d) Normally b) Uproar d) Comotion b) Compassionate d) Sympathatic b) Traipse d) Manhandle b) Attatch d) Catch b) Preference d) Evidence b) Acquatic d) Acquiesce b) Bureaucretic d) Barricade b) Idiotic d) Miopic b) Delegate d) Apreciate b) Articulate d) Gesticulate b) Skilfull d) Unmindful b) Antepathy d) Apathy b) Infest d) Againest b) Literal d) literary b) Deliberate d) Narrate b) Cuddel d) Meddle b) Grammer d) Poetry b) Diarrheoa d) Amnesia b) Omission d) Occassion

K KUNDAN Exercise - 2

Directions: In these questions, either a word has been written in four different ways or there are four different words out of which only one is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word and indicate it in the Answer Sheet. 1. a) Successfully b) Sucessfully c) Succesfully d) Successfuly 2. a) Embarrassment b) Embarassment c) Embarasment d) Embarrasment 3. a) Meagre b) Meeger c) Meager d) Meagar 4. a) Entirty b) Gratious c) Discern d) Contestent


a) c) 6. a) c) 7. a) c) 8. a) c) 9. a) c) 10. a) c)

Reminiscence Recolection Scenary Visionary Colaborate Cooperate Fullfil Fabbulous Receprocate Recetation Traveling Kidnaping

b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d)

Renounciation Relaxasion Granery Luminery Coroborate Colocate III will Usefull Recieve Receipt Remitance Equitable

Spelling Error

232 English Language and Comprehension 11. a) Neccessary c) Itinerary 12. a) Psycholagy c) Criminolegy 13. a) Asociate c) Appropriate 14. a) Consience c) Consciens 15. a) Magnificent c) Magnificient 16. a) Rennassance c) Rennaiscence 17. a) Irrepairable c) Irreparrable 18. a) Superfluous c) Superfluos 19. a) Pharmaceautical c) Pharmaceutical 20. a) Recomendation c) Recommendation 21. a) Neccesity c) Nesissity 22. a) Adrass b) Address 23. a) Refridgerator c) Refreggerator 24. a) Excution c) Expedition 25. a) Externel c) Introvert 26. a) Expact c) Exite 27. a) Intruisting c) Intersting 28. a) Supremecy c) Surfiet 29. a) Spectacular c) Spinache 30. a) Sacrosant c) Sacrilege 31. a) Discription c) Dessemination 32. a) Occurence c) Occupancy 33. a) Humorous c) Hulabaloo 34. a) Mischeivous c) Misdemeanour 35. a) Harassment c) Breevement 36. a) Capracious c) Fallicious 37. a) Inefable c) Infallible 38. a) Camoflage c) Milieu 39. a) Existence c) Depandence

b) Temparory d) Sanguinery b) Appology d) Archaeology b) Intigrate d) Exhilerate b) Conscience d) Consiens b) Magnificant d) Magneficent b) Renaissance d) Rennaissance b) Irreparable d) Irepairable b) Superflous d) Supperflous b) Pharmacutical d) Farmaceutical b) Reccomendation d) Reccomandation b) Necessity d) Necessety c) Addres d) Adrress b) Refregerator d) Refrigerator b) Excitment d) Extrection b) Extrovart d) Exect b) Impact d) Impect b) Interesting d) Entertening b) Suppressor d) Surender b) Spactroscope d) Splended b) Sacrificeal d) Sabotege b) Discretion d) Dessertation b) Occassion d) Octogenarean b) Humanetarianism d) Hurrecane b) Miscariage d) Misnomar b) Comitment d) Temparament b) Auspicious d) Dalicious b) Inaccesible d) Invinscible b) Tabuleau d) Miraze b) Occurence d) Persistance

40. a) c) 41. a) c) 42. a) c) 43. a) c) 44. a) c) 45. a) c) 46. a) c) 47. a) c) 48. a) c) 49. a) c) 50. a) c) 51. a) c) 52. a) c) 53. a) c) 54. a) c) 55. a) c) 56. a) c) 57. a) c) 58. a) c) 59. a) c) 60. a) c) 61. a) c) 62. a) c) 63. a) c) 64. a) c) 65. a) c) 66. a) c) 67. a) c) 68. a) c)

Sponsership Subserveint Handicaped Kidnaped Coersion Negociation Deliquency Discrepency Decese Decease Dieting Deiting Extempore Extempory Obsolate Obsolat Skillful Skilful Despondant Diaphenous Seperate Refrence Reprimond Repositary Necter Puntuation Irrelavance Maintenance Infatuation Infauctuation Miritricious Meritricious Omelette Omelatte Quandry Quandary Lieutenant Leuftinant Acquiesence Acquisence Idiosyncracy Idiosyncrasy Tranquility Trenquility Inimmitable Innimatible Buisiness Bussiness Exampal Exampel Recomendation Recomandation Arguement Argumment Defination Defenition Committee Comittee

b) Soveriegn d) Sepulchre b) Frolicked d) Developped b) Precision d) Explotion b) Friquency d) Hesitancy b) Dicase d) Discese b) Diating d) Daiting b) Extempor d) Extempery b) Obsolete d) Obsolet b) Skil full d) Skillfull b) Detriental d) Dilapidated b) Confidance d) Prosperous b) Resplendant d) Requisite b) Necessary d) Pangent b) Maintenence d) Acquaintence b) Infactuation d) Infectuaction b) Meretricious d) Maritricious b) Omelete d) Omelate b) Qundry d) Quendry b) Lieutenent d) Leftinent b) Aquiscence d) Acquiescence b) Idiosyncresy d) Idiosyncrecy b) Trenquility d) Tranquillity b) Inimitible d) Inimitable b) Business d) Busines b) Example d) Exemple b) Recommendation d) Recommandation b) Argument d) Argumennt b) Definition d) Definetion b) Commitee d) Comitee


Spelling Error 69. a) Pronounciation c) Prenunciation 70. a) Commentry c) Commentery 71. a) Drought c) Drout 72. a) Parliamentery c) Parliamentary 73. a) Acurate c) Accurate 74. a) Gerraffe c) Geraff 75. a) Approached c) Appraoched 76. a) Carreer c) Career 77. a) Achievement c) Acheivment 78. a) Commandant c) Commandent 79. a) Supersede c) Superseed 80. a) Obssession c) Obssesion 81. a) Dilemna c) Dellima 82. a) Fahrenheit c) Fahrinheit 83. a) Cannibal c) Canebel 84. a) Privilege c) Previlige 85. a) Caimpagn c) Campaine 86. a) Occured c) Ocurred 87. a) Rigerous c) Regerous 88. a) Indipensable c) Indispansible 89. a) Palete c) Palate 90. a) Chancelary c) Chancelery 91. a) Tarriff c) Tarif 92. a) Satellite c) Sattelite 93. a) Entrapreneur c) Entrepraneur 94. a) Concupiescence c) Concupiscance 95. a) Ossous c) Ossues 96. a) Obloquy c) Obloquey 97. a) Lugubrious c) Lugubreous

English Language and Comprehension 233 b) Prononciation d) Pronunciation b) Commentary d) Commentrry b) Draut c) Drougt b) Parlimentary d) Parlamentary b) Accuratte d) Acurrate b) Giraf d) Giraffe b) Aproched d) Aproached b) Caireer d) Careir b) Achevement d) Achievment b) Comandant d) Comandent b) Supercede d) Superceed b) Obsession d) Obsessien b) Delima d) Dilemma b) Farenheit d) Farenhite b) Cannebol d) Canibal b) Privelege d) Privelige b) Compaign d) Campaign b) Occurad d) Occurred b) Rigourous d) Rigorous b) Indispenseble d) Indispensable b) Palet d) Pelate b) Chancellary d) Chancellery b) Tariff d) Tarrif b) Sattellite d) Satelite b) Entrepreneur d) Entrapraneur b) Concupescance d) Concupiscence b) Osseous d) Oseous b) Oobloquy d) Obloquay b) Lugabrius d) Luggubrous

98. a) Aproched c) Appraoched 99. a) Scriptur c) Scripture 100. a) Pasanger c) Pesanger 101. a) Coruppt c) Corrupt 102. a) Achievment c) Achievement 103. a) Bouquete c) Boquet 104. a) Foreigner c) Foriegnor 105. a) Exagerate c) Exaggerate 106. a) Forecast c) Forcast 107. a) Puerille c) Puerile 108. a) Commission c) Commision 109. a) Perseverance c) Perseverence 110. a) Illusteous c) Ilustrious 111. a) Pitiaeble c) Pitiaable 112. a) Paralelled c) Paralleled 113. a) Vetniary c) Veteninary 114. a) Fullfil c) Fulfill 115. a) Recommand c) Reccomend 116. a) Omenous c) Omineous 117. a) Overlapped c) Overleped 118. a) Necessary c) Necesary 119. a) Benefeted c) Benefitted 120. a) Sacrilegeous c) Sacriligious 121. a) Lackadaisical c) Lackadaisicle 122. a) Sepulchral c) Sepalchral 123. a) Refrigerator c) Refridgerator 124. a) Hindrence c) Hinderence 125. a) Consceintious c) Conscintious 126. a) Cancelation c) Cancellation

b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d)

Aproached Approached Skripture Scripcher Pessenger Passenger Curropt Currupt Acheivment Achevement Bouquet Bouquette Forienor Foreiner Exadgerate Exeggerate Forcaust Forecaste Puerrile Purrile Commisson Comission Preservarance Preserverence Illistrious Illustrious Pitiable Pitiabale Parallelled Parralleled Vetarinary Veterinary Filful Fullfill Recommend Recomend Ominous Ommineous Overlaped Overelaped Necesarry Neccessary Benifited Benifitted Sacrilegious Sacreligious Lackadisical Lackdaisical Sepalchrle Sepulchrle Refriderater Referigerator Hindrance Hinderance Conscientous Conscientious Cancelletion Cancellasion


Spelling Error

234 English Language and Comprehension 127. a) c) 128. a) c) 129. a) c) 130. a) c) 131. a) c) 132. a) c) 133. a) c) 134. a) c) 135. a) c) 136. a) c) 137. a) c) 138. a) c) 139. a) c) 140. a) c) 141. a) c) 142. a) c) 143. a) c) 144. a) c) 145. a) c) 146. a) c) 147. a) c) 148. a) c) 149. a) c) 150. a) c) 151. a) c) 152. a) c) 153. a) c) 154. a) c) 155. a) c)

Equannimity Equanimity Accomplish Accompalish Occurrance Occurance Gaurantee Garuntee Parlamentary Parlimentary Itinarary Itinerary Tentaitive Tentitive Surveilance Surveillance Careir Caireer Damage Damaige Sinchronize Syncronise Recommandation Recommendation Marvellous Mervelous Commision Comision Asthetic Asthetik Rendevous Rendezvous Resturant Restaurent Misceleneous Miscelaneous Veterinary Veterinery Membrane Membraine Anemia Anaemia Foreceps Forceps Bactaria Bacteria Semblence Semblance Gyoecoiogy Gynaeccology Hypochondria Hypochoodrea Instandaneous Instanttanious Itinarrary Ittineran Choronology Cronology

b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d)

Equinimity Equanimmity Ackmplesh Acomplush Occurrence Occurence Guarantee Guaruntee Parliamentary Parliamentery Itenerary Itinarery Tentative Tantitive Survellance Survaillance Career Carreer Dammage Dammege Synchormise Synchronize Recomandation Recomendation Marveleous Merveleous Comission Commission Aesthetic Aesthetique Rendzevous Rendezveous Restaurant Resturent Miscelleneous Miscellaneous Vetirinary Vaterinary Mambrane Membrain Anameia Anameiae Forecaps Forcaps Bectaria Bactria Samblance Samblence Gynaecology Gyneccology Hyppochondria Hyppochondrea Instantaneous Instantanious Itinerrary Itinerary Chronology Chronalogy

156. a) Scintilating c) Scintillating 157. a) Nemesys c) Nemesis 158. a) Anamoly c) Anamaly 159. a) Perseverence c) Perseverense 160. a) Photographe c) Bibbliography 161. a) Exquisite c) Osscillate 162. a) Hienous c) Foriegn 163. a) Signatery c) Obituery 164. a) Paralell c) Parentheticel 165. a) Endeavour c) Epidamic 166. a) Chauvinism c) Malepropism 167. a) Precious c) Speicious 168. a) Temprature c) Caryeature 169. a) Success c) Occassion 170. a) Acquaintence c) Acquaintince 171. a) Abbriviation c) Abbriviation 172. a) Believable c) Belivable 173. a) Defamatary c) Defamatory 174. a) Deliberation c) Deliberition 175. a) Detercorate c) Detiriorate 176. a) Exorbitant c) Exorbetant 177. a) Freivolous c) Frevilous 178. a) Miscarriage c) Mescarriage 179. a) Misterious c) Mysterious 180. a) Dictionery c) Dictionary 181. a) Receive c) Receeve 182. a) Repitition c) Repitetion 183. a) Judicious c) Judiceous 184. a) Mischeivous c) Misdemeanour

b) Scintillatinge d) Scintilliting b) Nemisis d) Nemysis b) Anomaly d) Anomoly b) Perseverance d) Perseverense b) Biogrophy d) Typography b) Reqiusite d) Leathal b) Caffeine d) Sacharine b) Statutory d) Derogatery b) Parallelogram d) Patriside b) Enterpreneur d) Eventuel b) Jingoeism d) Rivisionism b) Spicious d) Ciscious b) Nominclature d) Miniature b) Anihilate d) Assasinate b) Acquaintance d) Acquintence b) Abbreviation d) Abbreveation b) Beleivable d) Believible b) Defamatery d) Defamatry b) Deleberation d) Delaberation b) Deteriorate d) Detireorate b) Exhorbitant d) Exohorbitant b) Frivelous d) Frivolous b) Mescariage d) Miscariage b) Mistereous d) Mystereous b) Dectionary d) Dictienary b) Recieve d) Resieve b) Repetition d) Repetetion b) Juditious d) Judecious b) Miscariage d) Misnomar


Spelling Error 185. a) c) 186. a) c) 187. a) c) 188. a) c) 189. a) c) 190. a) c) 191. a) c) 192. a) c) 193. a) c) 194. a) c) 195. a) c) 196. a) c) 197. a) c) 198. a) c) 199. a) c) 200. a) c) 201. a) c) 202. a) c) 203. a) c) 204. a) c) 205. a) c) 206. a) c) 207. a) c) 208. a) c) 209. a) c) 210. a) c) 211. a) c) 212. a) c) 213. a) c)

Casset Casete Diferentiate Differentiate Embarass Embaras Business Pleashure Haroscope Horoscope Strom Tempest Bisciuit Biskit Interupt Interrupt Accessibility Accessebility Sugestion Suggesstion Cabage Cabbage Abandant Abundent Asassin Assasin Magnificient Magnifiscient Eccumenikal Ecuemenicel Supercede Supersede Systamatically Systematicaly Erthiness Earthhiness Tnuely Truily Allienate Alienatte Vacilliation Vacillation Collaborate Colate Circuiteous Chivelery Severety Superiorty Cummulative Accummulative Benidiction Beneficient Parapharnelia Peccadilo Measureable Marriagable Tassel Tumble

English Language and Comprehension 235 b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d)

Cassette Cassat Deferentiate Differensiate Embarras Embarrass Dissappear Indigetion Harosecope Haroescope Galle Huricane Biscuit Biscket Interrept Intrrupt Acsessibility Accessiblity Suggestion Suggession Kabage Cabbege Abendent Abundant Assassin Assassen Magnifecent Magnificent Ecumenical Ekumanical Superzede Superceed Systematically Systimatically Earthines Earthiness Truly Trueily Aliennate Alienate Vasillation Vacilation Comemorate Choccolate Clairvoyant Cavelcade Sovereignity Serenity Comemmorative Accommodative Besmerch Benevolence Parsimonious Peadiatrics Manageable Manoevrable Tunnle Trable

214. a) Populus c) Prelious 215. a) Impromptue c) Illusery 216. a) Enterpreneur c) Entrepreneur 217. a) Promiscuous c) Promiscuos 218. a) Onomatopoeia c) Onomatopoia 219. a) Bureacracy c) Buereacracy 220. a) Millionair c) Millionaire 221. a) Onvelope c) Envalope 222. a) Character c) Charactar 223. a) Drunkeness c) Drunkness 224. a) Surprise c) Suprise 225. a) Comitee c) Committie 226. a) Height c) Highte 227. a) Label c) Labal 228. a) Musuem c) Musaum 229. a) Occasion c) Occassion 230. a) Pusuedonm c) Pseudomn 231. a) Disease c) Decaese 232. a) Treveller c) Travailer 233. a) Scisorrs c) Scissors 234. a) Vaccum c) Vacuum 235. a) Accommodation c) Accomodation 236. a) Budgetery c) Budgetary 237. a) Occurence c) Ocurence 238. a) Pidistrian c) Pedestrian 239. a) Seperately c) Seperatley 240. a) Embarrassed c) Embarrased 241. a) Definitely c) Definitley 242. a) Cemetary c) Cemetery

b) Pompuous d) Presumptuous b) Illustrous d) Impetus b) Entreprenure d) Enterprenure b) Promescuous d) Promiscous b) Onomotopoei d) Onamotipoei b) Bereaucracy d) Bureaucracy b) Millionnaire d) Milionaire b) Envelope d) Envelap b) Charecter d) Chaerector b) Drunkenness d) Drunkennes b) Supprise d) Surprize b) Committee d) Commitee b) Hieght d) Heite b) Lebal d) Labbel b) Museum d) Muesum b) Ocassion d) Occesion b) Pseudonym d) Psuedonym b) Desease d) Dicease b) Traveller d) Traweler b) Seissors d) Sissors b) Vacum d) Vaccuum b) Acommodation d) Acomodation b) Bugetary d) Budgetry b) Occurrence d) Occurance b) Pedistrian d) Pidestrian b) Separately d) Separatly b) Embarassed d) Embarased b) Definately d) Defnitly b) Semetary d) Cemetry


Spelling Error

236 English Language and Comprehension 243. a) c) 244. a) c) 245. a) c) 246. a) c)

Recesion Reccession Correspondant Corraspondant Inconvenienced Inconvineinced Dominent Domenent

b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d)

247. a) c) 248. a) c) 249. a) c) 250. a) c)

Reccesion Recession Corraspondent Correspondent Inconvinienced Inconvenneinced Domenant Dominant

Obsarve Observer Aknoledge Acknoledge Posess Posses Lesure Leisure

b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d)

Obsarving Observent Acknowledge Acknolege Possess Possus Lezure Liesure

Answers and Explanations Exercise-1 1. c; 2. b; 3. c; 4. a; 5. d; 6. c; 7. b; 8. b; 9. c; 10. a; 11. b; 12. d;

The correct spelling is ‘laundry’. The correct spelling is ‘intention’. The correct spelling is 'committed'. The correct spelling is 'brilliant'. The correct spelling is 'separate'. The correct spelling is 'besiege'. The correct spelling is 'career'. The correct spelling is 'repentant'. The correct spelling is 'censure'. The correct spelling is 'siege'. The correct spelling is 'opportunity'. The correct spelling is 'soliloquy', which means ‘a speech in a play in which a character, who is alone on the stage, speaks his or her thoughts.’ The correct word is ‘magnificent’, which means ‘extremely’, ‘attractive’ and ‘impressive’. Instead of ‘sufferred’, the correct word is ‘suffered’. The correct word is ‘supersede’, which means ‘to replace someone in power’. The correct word is ‘aborigine’, which means ‘a member of a race of people who were the original resident of a country’. Admonish = to strongly advise to somebody to do something. The correct word is ‘conversant’, which means ‘having a knowledge of’; ‘familiar with’. The correct spelling is ‘murmured’. The correct spelling is ‘sergeant’, that means ‘a member of one of the middle ranks in the army and the airforce, below an officer’. Silhouette = the shape of a person’s body or of an object Somnambulist = sleepwalker The correct spelling is ‘persuasive’. The correct spelling is ‘demonstrator’. Demeanour = the way that somebody looks or behaves The correct spelling is ‘languorous’. Languor =the pleasant state of feeling lazy and without energy The correct spelling is ‘unalloyed’. The correct spelling is ‘oblique’. The correct spelling is ‘budgeting’. The correct spelling is ‘pianos’. The correct spelling is ‘malodorous’, that means ‘having an unpleasant smell’. Mal ig n = to say bad things about somebody/something publicly


28. b;

= wr ong-doing, especially by a public official when it affects his or her public duties Malevolent = having or showing a wish to do evil to others The correct spelling is ‘exaggeration’. Hallucination = somet hing t hat is seen or heard when it is not really there. Admonition = a warning to somebody about their behaviour The correct spelling is ‘sacrilege’, that means ‘an act or treating a holy thing or place without respect’. Sacrament = an important religious ceremony such as marriage Sacrosanct = t hat is consider ed t o be too important to change or question. The correct spelling is ‘alliteration’, which means ‘the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning or adjacent or closely connected words’. Almanac = a book that is published every year giving information for that year about a particular subject or activity. The correct spelling is ‘idiocy’, that means ‘very stupid behaviour’; ‘the state of being very stupid’. Idiosyncrasy = a person’s particular way of behav ing, thinking et c especially when it is unusual Idealize = t o consider or r epr esent somebody/something as being perfect or bet ter than they really are The correct spelling is ‘jaundice’. The correct spelling is ‘imminent’ Imminent = (especially of somet hing unpleasant) likely to happen very soon Immanent = present as a nat ural par t of something; present everywhere Eloquent = able to express a feeling Exuberant = f ull of ener gy, excit ement and happiness The correct spelling is ‘sculptor’ The correct spelling is ‘mathematician’ The correct spelling is ‘picaresque’. Grotesque = str ange in a way that is unpleasant or offensive Burlesque = a performance or piece of writing


13. c; 14. c; 15. c; 16. b;

17. d; 18. b; 19. a;

20. d; 21. c;

22. c;

23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

d; d; b; c; b;

29. b;

30. a;

31. c;

32. a; 33. b;

34. b; 35. a; 36. d;

Spelling Error

37. b;

38. a; 39. b;

which tries to make something look ridiculous by representing it in a humorous way Picturesque = pretty, especially in a way that looks old-fashioned Picaresque = connected with literature that describes the adventures of a person who is somet imes dishonest but easy to like. The correct spelling is ‘formidable’. Indomitable = not willing to accept defeat, even in a dif f icult sit uat ion; ver y brave and determined Formidable = if people, things or situations are formidable you feel fear and/ or respect for them, because they are impressive or powerful, or because they seem very difficult Amicable = done or achieved in a polit e or friendly way and without arguing The correct spelling is 'personal'. The correct spelling is 'impertinent'. Impetuous = acting or done quickly and without t hinking car ef ully about the results Impertinent = rude and not showing respect for somebody who is older or more important The correct spelling is 'differ'. The correct spelling is 'missionary'. The correct spelling is 'deceive'. The correct spelling is ‘accommodation’. Accomplice = a person who helps another to commit a crime or t o do something wrong The correct spelling is ‘replacing’. The correct spelling is ‘freight’. The correct spelling is ‘labyrinth’, that means ‘a complicated series of paths, which it is difficult to find your way through’. The correct spelling is ‘communication’. The correct spelling is ‘relevant’. Poignant = having a st rong eff ect on your feelings, especially in a way that makes you feel sad Prevalent = that exists or is very common at a particular time or in a particular place Malignant = having or showing a strong desire to harm somebody The correct spelling is ‘weird’, that means ‘very strange or unusual and difficult to explain’. The correct spelling is ‘flagrant’, t hat means ‘shocking because it is done in a very obvious way and shows no respect for people, laws, etc’ Repent = to feel and show that you are sorry for something bad or wrong that you have done Surpent = a snake, especially a large one Reverent = showing great r espect and admiration The correct spelling is ‘beginning’. The correct spelling is ‘vociferate’, that means ‘shout, complain or argue loudly or vehemently’. Vendetta = a long and v iolent disagreement between two

English Language and Comprehension 237

53. c;

families or groups, in which people ar e mur der ed in return for previous murders Verisimilitude = the quality of seeming to be true or real Vicarious = f elt or exper ienced by watching or reading about somebody else doing something, rather than by doing it yourself The correct spelling is ‘allegory’, that means ‘a story, play, picture etc in which each character or event is a symbol representing an idea or a quality, such as truth, evil, death, etc’ Metaphor = a word or phrase used to describe somebody/something else, in a way t hat is diff er ent fr om it s normal use, in order to show that t he t wo t hings have t he same qualities and t o make t he description more powerful Expletive = a word, especially a rude word, that you use when you are angry, or in pain Parody = a piece of writing, music, acting etc that deliberately copies the style of somebody/something in order to be amusing The correct spelling is ‘veterinary’. The correct spelling is ‘gaiety’, that means ‘the state of being cheerful and full of fun’. The correct spelling is ‘assessment’. The correct spelling is ‘synonymous’. Unanimous = if a decision or an opinion is unanimous, it is agr eed or shared by everyone in a group. Pseudonym = a name used by somebody especially a writer, instead of their real name. The correct spelling is ‘contempt’. The correct spelling is ‘tolerant’. The correct spelling is ‘pursuit’. Peruse = to read something especially in a careful way Persuade = to make somebody do something by giving them good reasons for doing it. The correct spelling is ‘weightage’. The correct spelling is ‘deceive’. The correct spelling is 'prioritise'. The correct spelling is 'obnoxious', that means ‘extremely unpleasant, especially in a way that offends people’. Mendacious = not telling the truth; lying Pernicious = having a very harmful effect on somebody/something, especially in a way t hat is gradual and not easily noticed Ferocious = very aggressive or violent; very strong The correct spelling is 'penetrate'. The correct spelling is 'passageway'. The correct spelling is 'report'. Rapport = a f r iendly r elat ionship in which people understand each other very well


40. 41. 42. 43.

c; c; b; d;

44. b; 45. d; 46. a;

47. d; 48. b;

49. c; 50. c;

51. d; 52. d;

54. d; 55. c; 56. a; 57. a;

58. c; 59. d; 60. c;

61. 62. 63. 64.

a; d; a; b;

65. a; 66. a; 67. c;

Spelling Error

238 English Language and Comprehension Purport

68. b; 69. c; 70. b;

71. b;

72. c;

73. b;

= to claim to be something or to have done something, when this may not be true The correct spelling is 'dictionary'. The correct spelling is 'tempestuous', that means ‘full of extreme emotions’. The correct spelling is 'weather'. Whither = used to ask what is likely to happen to something in the future; where; to which Wither = if a plant withers or somet hing withers it, it dries up and dies. The correct spelling is ‘communicable’. Legible = clear enough to read Incorrigible = having bad habits which cannot be changed or improved The correct spelling is 'capricious' that means ‘showing sudden changes in attitude or behaviour’. Audacious = willing to take risks or to do something shocking Auspicious = showing signs that something is likely to be successful in the future Credulous = too ready to believe things and therefore easy to trick The correct spelling is ‘quagmire’ which means ‘an area of soft wet ground’; ‘a difficult or dangerous situation.’ The correct spelling is ‘poster’. Paster = a minister in charge of a Christian church or group, especially in some non-conformist churches. The correct spelling is ‘performance’. The correct spelling is ‘agreeably’. The correct spelling is ‘non-interference’. Non-chalant = behaving in a calm and relaxed way; giving the impression that you are not feeling any anxiety; casual The correct spelling is ‘idiosyncrasy’, that means ‘a person’s particular way of behaving, thinking etc, especially when it is unusual’; ‘an unusual feature’. Insolvent = not having enough money to pay what you owe; bankrupt Hypocrisy = behav iour in which somebody pretends to have moral standards or opinions t hat they do not actually have The correct spelling is ‘anniversary’. Heresy = a belief or an opinion that disagrees strongly with what most people believe The correct spelling is ‘proliferation’, that means ‘the sudden increase in the number or amount of something’. The correct spelling is ‘inexpressible’ that means ‘(of feelings) too strong to be put into words’. The correct spelling is ‘liberalisation’. The correct spelling is ‘amateur’ that means ‘a person who is not skilled’. The correct spelling is ‘inedible’ that means ‘that you cannot eat because it is of poor quality or poisonous’. Kitten = a young cat The cor rect spelling is ‘hilarious ’ that means ‘extremely funny’. Hillock = a small hill Vi li f y = to say or write unpleasant things

86. a;

87. d;

88. a;

89. c; 90. b;

about somebody/something that other people will hav e a low opinion of them. Mileage = t he dist ance t hat a v ehicle has travelled, measured in miles The correct spelling is ‘niece’. Neigh = when a horse neighs it makes a long high sound Rein = a long nar r ow leat her band t hat is fastened around a horse’s neck and is held by the rider in order to control the horse. The correct spelling is ‘brilliance’. Brevity = the quality of using few words when speaking or writing The correct spelling is ‘explanation’. Extermination = t he killing of all t he members of a gr oup of people or animals The correct spelling is ‘speciality’. The correct spelling is ‘deduce’. Cruise = a journey by sea, visiting different places, especially as a holiday/ vacation Truce = an agr eement bet ween enemies or opponent s t o st op fight ing f or an agreed period of time Bruise = a blue, brown or purple mark that appears on the skin after somebody has fallen, been hit etc The correct spelling is ‘deceive’. The correct spelling is ‘bureaucracy’. The correct spelling is ‘balloon’. The correct spelling is ‘conqueror’. The correct spelling is ‘until’. The correct spelling is ‘knead’, that means ‘to press and stretch dough, wet clay, etc with your hands to make it ready to use’. Kneel = to be in or move into a position where your body is supported on your knee or knees Knack = a special skill or ability that you have naturally or can learn The correct spelling is ‘adulteration’ which means ‘food or drink that is less pure due to addition of another substance to it’. Adulation = admir ation and pr aise, especially when this is greater than is necessary Admittance = the right to enter or the act of enter ing a building, an institution etc, The correct spelling is ‘boundary’. The correct spelling is ‘haul’ that means ‘to pull something/somebody with a lot of effort’. Hark = used only as an order to tell somebody to listen The correct spelling is ‘magnificent’. Reticent = unwilling to tell people about things The correct spelling is ‘weep’. The correct spelling is ‘grammar’. The correct spelling is ‘retaliate’. The correct spelling is ‘homogeneous’. Honorarium = a payment made for somebody’s professional services Hooligan = a young person who behaves


74. a;

75. d; 76. a; 77. b;

78. d;

79. a;

80. d;

81. d; 82. d; 83. b; 84. d;

85. d;

91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96.

d; b; b; c; b; c;

97. a;

98. b; 99. b;

100. c; 101. 102. 103. 104.

d; b; d; a;

Spelling Error

105. b;

106. d; 107. 108. 109. 110.

c; c; b; d;

111. d;

in an ext remely noisy and violent way in public, usually in a group. The correct spelling is ‘illicit’, that means ‘not allowed by the law’ ; ‘not approved of by the normal rules of society’. Imminent = (especially of somet hing unpleasant) likely to happen very soon The correct spelling is ‘teetotaller’, that means ‘a person who does not drink alcohol’. The correct spelling is ‘advertise’. The correct spelling is ‘usable’. The correct spelling is ‘illiterate’. The correct spelling is ‘discipline’. Ki ln = a lar ge oven for baking clay and bricks, drying wood and grain etc. M u s l i n = a t ype of fine cotton clot h that is almost transparent, used especially in t he past , f or making clot hes and curtains. The correct spelling is ‘perceive’. Conceit = too much price in yourself and what you do; a clev er expr ession in writing or speech that involves a comparison between two things The cor rect spelling is ‘siege’, t hat means ‘a situation in which the police surround a building where people were living or hiding, in order to make them come out’. The correct spelling is ‘personnel’. The cor rect spelling is ‘subtle’ which means ‘behaving in a clever way, and using indirect methods, in order to achieve something’. Thrif t = the habit of saving money and spending it carefully so that none is wasted The correct spelling is ‘beautiful’. Beetle = to move somewhere quickly; an insect, often large and black, with a hard case on its back, covering its wings The correct spelling is ‘ankle’. The correct spelling is ‘ludicrous ’ that means ‘unreasonable’; ‘that you cannot take seriously’; ‘absurd’; ‘ridiculous’. The correct spelling is ‘daffodil’. Dainty = small and delicate in a way that people find attractive The correct spelling is ‘alright’. The correct spelling is ‘copious’ which means ‘in large amounts’; ‘abundant’. Caption = words that ar e pr int ed underneath a picture, cartoon, etc that explain or describe it Capricious = showing sudden changes in at tit ude or behav iour ; unpr edict able; changing suddenly and quickly. The correct spelling is ‘beginner’. The correct spelling is ‘gaiety’ which means ‘the state of being cheerful and full of fun’. Piety = the state of having or showing a deep r espect f or somebody/somet hing, especially for god and religion The correct spelling is ‘magnificent’. The correct spelling is ‘approach’. The correct spelling is ‘jewellery’.

English Language and Comprehension 239 126. c; The correct spelling is ‘mischievous’ that means ‘enjoying playing tricks and annoying people’. Precarious = not safe or certain; dangerous; likely to fall or cause somebody to fall Licentious = behav ing in a way t hat is considered sexually immoral 127. b; The correct spelling is ‘opening’. 128. d; The correct spelling is ‘handkerchief’. 129. d; The correct spelling is ‘judgement’. Impediment = something that delays or stops the progress of something Merriment = happy talk, enjoyment and the sound of people laughing 130. d; The correct spelling is ‘grammar’. Simmer = the state when something is almost boiling 131. c; The correct spelling is ‘applause’ which means ‘the noise made by a group of people clapping their hands and sometimes s houting to show their approval or enjoyment’. Accomplice = a person who helps another to commit a crime or t o do something wrong 132. b; The correct spelling is ‘accommodation’ Callous = not caring about ot her people’s feelings or suffering 133. d; The correct spelling is ‘description’. Ecstasy = a feeling or state of very great happiness Glimpse = a look at somebody/something for a very short time, when you do not see the person or thing completely 134. c; The correct spelling is ‘vehicle’. Mystical = having spiritual powers or qualities that are difficult to understand or to explain 135. c; The correct spelling is ‘benefited’. Remit = to send money etc to a person or place 136. b; The corr ect spelling is ‘cerebral’ that means ‘relating to the brain’. 137. a; The correct spelling is ‘mischievous’ that means ‘enjoying playing tricks and annoying people’. Miscreant = a per son who has done something wrong or illegal Misdemeanour = an action t hat is bad or unacceptable, but not very serious Miserable = v ery unhappy or uncomfortable 138. d; The correct spelling is ‘headquarters’. 139. b; The correct spelling is ‘maintenance’. Appraise = to make a formal judgement about the value of a person’s work, usually after a discussion with them about it 140. b; The correct spelling is ‘nuisance’ that means ‘a thing, person or situation that is annoying or causes trouble or problems’. Numismatics = t he st udy of coins and medals 141. b; The correct spelling is ‘demise’ that means ‘death’; ‘the end or failure of an institution, an idea, a company, etc’ 142. a; The correct spelling is ‘repetition’.


112. a;

113. b; 114. d;

115. d;

116. b; 117. c;

118. b;

119. c; 120. a;

121. b; 122. d;

123. c; 124. d; 125. a;

Spelling Error

240 English Language and Comprehension Renunciation

143. 144. 145. 146. 147.

d; c; b; c; b;

148. a; 149. a;

= the act of rejecting physical pleasur es especially for religious reasons Recitation = an act of saying a piece of poetry or literature that you have learned to an audience Recapitulate = to repeat or give a summary of what has alr eady been said, decided etc The correct spelling is ‘temporary’. The correct spelling is ‘lieutenant’ The correct spelling is ‘aeroplane’ The correct spelling is ‘demolish’ The correct spelling is ‘fratricide’ that means ‘the crime of killing of your brother or sister’. Frenzy = a state of great activity and strong emot ion t hat is oft en v iolent or frightening and not undercontrol The correct spelling is ‘ceiling’. The correct spelling is ‘abscess’ that means ‘a swollen and infected area on your skin or in your body, full of thick yellowish liquid (called pus)’ Abstinence = t he pract ice of not allowing yourself something especially food, alcoholic drinks or sex, for moral, religious or health reasons The correct spelling is ‘hypocrisy’ that means ‘behaviour in which somebody pretends to have moral standards or opinions that they do not actually have’. Profligate = using money, time, materials, etc in a careless way The correct spelling is ‘jealousy’ Jeopardy = in a dangerous posit ion or situation and likely to be lost or harmed The correct spelling is ‘almighty’. Elocution = the ability to speak clearly and correctly, especially in public and pronouncing the word in a way that is considered to be socially acceptable The correct spelling is ‘seize’ The correct spelling is ‘unfruitful’. Unwavering = not changing or becoming weaker in any way The correct spelling is ‘etiquette’ which means ‘the formal rules of correct or polite behaviour in society or among members of a particular profession’. Ethereal = ext r emely delicat e and light ; seeming to belong to another, more spiritual, world Eulogize = to praise somebody/something very highly The correct spelling is ‘exhibit’. The correct spelling is ‘admirer’. The correct spelling is ‘gentleman’. The correct spelling is ‘psychiatrist’. The correct spelling is ‘dense’. Deference = behaviour that shows that you respect somebody/something Pretence = the act of behaving in a particular way, in or der t o make other people believe something that is not true The correct spelling is ‘mechanical’.

Abdominal 162. b;

163. d; 164. c;

165. 166. 167. 168.

d; b; d; c;

= relating to or connected with the abdomen The correct spelling is ‘impostor’ which means ‘a person who pretends to be somebody else in order to trick people.’ Impregnable = str ong and impossible t o defeat or change; inv incible; an impregnable building is so str ongly built that it cannot be entered by force Implausible = not seeming reasonable or likely to be true Improbable = not likely t o be tr ue or to happen; unlikely The correct spelling is ‘reproach’ that means ‘blame or criticism for something you have done’. The correct spelling is ‘altogether’. Al lu si on = something that is said or written that refers to or mentions another person or subject in an indirect way. The correct spelling is ‘definition’. The correct spelling is ‘receipt’. The correct spelling is ‘enthusiastic’. The correct spelling is ‘occasion’. Evasion = the act of avoiding somebody or of avoiding somet hing that you ar e supposed to do Ovation = enthusiast ic clapping by an audience as a sign of their approval The correct spelling is ‘consume’. Subsume = to include something in a particular group and not consider it separately The correct spelling is ‘furious’. The correct spelling is ‘adumbrate’ which means ‘to give a general idea or description of something without details’. Proliferate = to increase rapidly in number or amount The correct spelling is ‘appropriation’ The correct spelling is ‘believe’. The correct spelling is ‘essence’ that means ‘the most important quality or feature of something that makes it what it is. Penance = an act that you give yourself to do, or that a priest gives you to do in order to show that you are sorry for something you have done wrong. The correct spelling is ‘ninth’. The correct spelling is ‘ascetic’ that means ‘not allowing yourself physical pleasures, especially for religious reasons’, ‘related to a simple and strict way of living’. Sceptic = a person who usually doubts that claims or st at ements are t rue, especially those that other people believe in Agnostic = a person who believes that it is not possible to know whether God exists or not Prolif ic = (of an artist, a writer, etc) producing many works etc The correct spelling is ‘harmonious’. The correct spelling is ‘offence’. Opulent = made or decorated using expensive materials; luxurious; extremely rich;


150. c;

151. b;

152. c;

153. d; 154. b;

155. a;

156. 157. 158. 159. 160.

d; a; d; d; b;

161. c;

169. c;

170. b; 171. a;

172. a; 173. a; 174. b;

175. c; 176. d;

177. b; 178. b;

Spelling Error wealthy 179. b; The correct spelling is ‘unlawful’. 180. c; The correct spelling is ‘promissory’. Promissory note = a signed document containing a promise to pay a stated amount of money before a parti-cular date Emissary = a person who is sent to deliv er an of f icial message, especially from one country to another, or to perform a special task Cursory = done quickly and without giving enough attention to details 181. a; The correct spelling is ‘legible’ that means ‘clear enough to read’. Legitimate = valid; justifiable; legal 182. b; The correct spelling is ‘accommodate’. Accrue = to increase over a period of time 183. d; The correct spelling is ‘surreptitious’ that means ‘done secretly or quickly, in the hope that other people will not notice’. 184. a; The correct spelling is ‘temperament’. 185. b; The correct spelling is ‘catalogue’. 186. a; The correct spelling is ‘occupation’. 187. c; The correct spelling is ‘courageous’. 188. d; The correct spelling is ‘clarify’. 189. a; The correct spelling is ‘curriculum’. 190. b; The correct spelling is ‘besiege’ that means ‘to surround a building, city, etc with soldiers until the people inside are forced to let you in’. 191. c; The correct spelling is ‘wisdom’. 192. d; The correct spelling is ‘gauge’ that means ‘an instrument for measuring the amount or level of something’. Gaudy = too brightly coloured in a way that lacks taste 193. c; The correct spelling is ‘resemblance’. Repudiate = to refuse to accept something; to reject Requisite = necessary for a particular purpose Rescind = t o of f icially st at e t hat a law, contract, decision, etc is no longer valid 194. b; The correct spelling is ‘obstacle’. Perquisite = something to which somebody has a special right because of their social position 195. a; The correct spelling is ‘punctuation’. Pudding = a sweet dish eaten at the end of a meal Pungent = having a strong taste or smell 196. c; The correct spelling is ‘disturbance’. 197. d; The correct spelling is ‘servant’. 198. a; The correct spelling is ‘existent’. Pursuant = according to or follow something, especially a rule or law 199. c; The correct spelling is ‘exercise’. 200. d; The correct spelling is ‘commercial’ Collage = a collection of things which may be similar or different; the art of making a pict ur e by sticking pieces of coloured paper, cloth, or photographs onto a surface

English Language and Comprehension 241 201. 202. 203. 204.

b; d; c; c;

205. d;

206. a; 207. c; 208. d; 209. d; 210. c;

211. b; 212. a; 213. b;

The correct spelling is ‘vocabulary’. The correct spelling is ‘grievous’. The correct spelling is ‘negotiation’. The correct spelling is ‘appraisal’ that means ‘a judgement of the value, performance or nature of somebody/something’. The correct spelling is ‘carburettor’. Camouflage = the way in which an animal’s colour or shape mat ches it s sur r oundings and makes it difficult to see The correct spelling is ‘decisive’. The correct spelling is ‘generally’. The correct spelling is ‘commotion’ which means ‘sudden noisy confusion or excitement’. The correct spelling is ‘sympathetic’. Benevolent = kind, helpful and generous The correct spelling is ‘brewer’ that means ‘a person or company that makes beer’. Traipse = to walk somewhere slowly when you are tired and unwilling Manhandle = to push, pull or handle somebody roughly The correct spelling is ‘attach’. The correct spelling is ‘attendance’. The cor r ect spelling is ‘aquatic’ that means ‘connected with water’. Acquittal = an official decision in court that a person is not guilty of a crime. Acquiesce = t o accept somet hing wit hout arguing, even if you do not really agree with it The correct spelling is ‘bureaucratic’. The correct spelling is ‘myopic’. Idyllic = peaceful and beautif ul; per f ect , without problems Prolif ic = (of an artist, a writer) producing many works, etc The correct spelling is ‘appreciate’. The correct spelling is ‘vacillate’ that means ‘to keep changing your opinion or thoughts about something, especially in a way that annoys other people’. The correct spelling is ‘skilful’. The correct spelling is ‘antipathy’, that means ‘a strong feeling of dislike’. Telepathy = t he direct communicat ion of t hought s or f eelings fr om one person to another without using speech, writ ing or any ot her normal method. Apathy = the feeling of not being interested in or ent husiast ic about something, or things in general. The correct spelling is ‘against’. Earnest = very serious and sincere Infest = t o exist in large number s in a part icular place, oft en causing damage or disease Detest = to hate somebody/something very much. The correct spelling is ‘literacy’. The correct spelling is ‘enumerate’. The correct spelling is ‘cuddle’, that means ‘to hold somebody/something close in your arms to show love or affection’.

K KUNDAN 214. b; 215. d;

216. d; 217. c;

218. b; 219. b;

220. d;

221. c; 222. c; 223. b;

Spelling Error

242 English Language and Comprehension Puddle


= a small amount of water or other liquid, especially r ain, that has collected in one place on the ground = to become involved in something that

does not concern you 224. b; The correct spelling is ‘grammar’ 225. b; The correct spelling is ‘diarrhoea’ 226. d; The correct spelling is ‘occasion’

Exercise-2 1. a; 2. a;

The correctly spelt word is ‘successfully’. The correctly spelt word is ‘embarrassment’ that means ‘shy, awkward or guilty feelings’. 3. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘meagre’ that means ‘small in quantity and poor in quality’. 4. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘discern’ that means ‘to know, recognize or understand something, especially something that is not obvious’. The correct spellings of other words are ‘entirety’, ‘gracious’ and ‘contestant’. Entirety = the whole of something Gracious = kind, polite and generous, especially t o somebody of a lower social position; showing the comfort and easy way of life that wealth can bring 5. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘reminiscence’ that means ‘a spoken or written description of something that somebody remembers about their past life’. The correct spellings of other words are ‘renunciation’, ‘recollection’ and ‘relaxation’. Renunciation = the act of rejecting physical pleasur es, especially f or religious reasons; self-denial Recollection = t he abilit y t o remember somet hing; t he act of remembering something 6. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘visionary’. The correct spellings of other words are ‘scenery’, ‘granary’, and ‘luminary’. Granary = a building where grain is stored Luminary = a person who is an expert of a great influence in a special ar ea or activity 7. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘cooperate’. The correct spellings of other words are ‘collaborate’, ‘collocate’ and ‘corroborate’. Collaborate = to work together with some-body in order to produce or achieve something Collocate = to be often used together in a language Corroborate = t o pr ovide ev idence or infor mat ion t hat suppor ts a statement, theory, etc. 8. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘illwill’. The correct spellings of other words are ‘fulfil’, ‘fabulous’ and ‘useful’. Fabulous = extremely good 9. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘receipt’. The correct spellings of other words are ‘reciprocate’, ‘receive’ and ‘recitation’. Reciprocate = t o behav e or feel t owar ds somebody in the same way as they behave or feel towards you Recitation = an act of talking or writing about a series of things 10. d; The correctly spelt word, is ‘equitable’ that means ‘fair and reasonable’; treating everyone in an equal way’. The correct spellings of other words are

11. c;

12. d;

13. c;

‘travelling’, ‘remittance’ and ‘kidnapping’. Remittance = a sum of money that is sent to somebody in order t o pay for something The correctly spelt word is ‘itinerary’ that means ‘a plan of journey, including the route and the places that you visit’. The correct spellings of other words are ‘necessary’, ‘temporary’ and ‘sanguinary’. Sanguinary = inv olv ing or liking killing and blood The correctly spelt word is ‘archaeology’. The correct spellings of other given words are ‘psychology’, ‘apology’ and ‘criminology’. The correctly spelt word is ‘appropriate’. The correct spellings of other given words are ‘associate’, ‘integrate’ and ‘exhilarate’. Exhilarate = to make somebody feel very happy and excited The correctly spelt word is ‘conscience’ that means ‘the part of your mind that tells you whether your actions are right or wrong’. The correctly spelt word is ‘magnificent’ that means ‘extremely attractive and impressive’; ‘deserving praise’. The correctly spelt word is ‘renaissance’ that means ‘a situation when there is new interest in a particular subject, form of art, etc after a period when it was not very popular’; ‘revival’. The correctly spelt word is ‘irreparable’. The correctly spelt word is ‘superfluous’ that means ‘more than you need or want’; ‘unnecessary’. The correctly spelt word is ‘pharmaceutical’. The correctly spelt word is ‘recommendation’. The correctly spelt word is ‘necessity’. The correctly spelt word is ‘address’. The correctly spelt word is ‘refrigerator’. The correctly spelt word is ‘expedition’ that means ‘an organized journey with a particular purpose, especially to find out about a place that is not well known’. The correct spellings of other words are ‘execution’, ‘excitement’ and ‘extraction’. Extraction = the act or process of removing or obt aining somet hing f rom something else. The correctly spelt word is ‘introvert’. The correct spellings of ot her giv en wor ds ar e ‘ external’, ‘extrovert’ and ‘exact’. The correctly spelt word is ‘impact’. The correct spellings of other given words are ‘expect’ and ‘exit’. The correctly spelt word is ‘interesting’. The correct spellings of other given words are ‘entrusting’ and ‘entertaining’. The correctly spelt word is ‘suppressor’. The correct spellings of other given words are ‘supremacy’, ‘surfeit’ and ‘surrender’. Surfeit = an amount that is too large; excess The correctly spelt word is ‘spectacular’. The correct spellings of other given words are ‘spectroscope’, ‘spinach’ and ‘splendid’.

K KUNDAN 14. b;

15. a;

16. b;

17. b; 18. a; 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

c; c; b; b; d; c;

25. c;

26. b; 27. b;

28. b;

29. a;

Spelling Error

English Language and Comprehension 243


30. c;

31. b;

= a piece of equipment for forming and looking at spectra Spinach = a v eget able with lar ge dar k green leaves that are cooked or eaten in salads Splendid = excellent; very good; great The correctly spelt word is ‘sacrilege’ that means ‘an act of treating holy thing or place without respect’. The correct spellings of other words are ‘sacrosanct’, ‘sacrificial’ and ‘sabotage’. Sacrosanct = t hat is consider ed t o be too important to change or question; sacred Sabotage = t he act of deliberat ely spoiling something in order to prevent it from being successful; to prevent something from being successful or being achiev ed, especially deliberately The correctly spelt word is ‘discretion’ that means ‘the freedom or power to decide what should be done in a particular situation’. The correct spellings of other given words are ‘description’, ‘dissemination’ and ‘dissertation’. Disseminate = to spr ead inf ormat ion, knowledge, et c so t hat it reaches many people. Dissertation = a long piece of wr iting on a par ticular subject, especially one writ t en f or a univer sit y degree The correctly spelt word is ‘occupancy’. The correct spellings of other given words are ‘occurrence’, ‘occasion’, and ‘octogenarian’. Octogenarian = a person between 80 and 89 years old The correctly spelt word is ‘humorous’. The correct spellings of other giv en wor ds ar e ‘humanitarianism’, ‘hullabaloo’ and ‘hurricane’. Hullabaloo = a lot of loud noise, especially made by people who are annoyed or excited about something The correctly spelt word is ‘misdemeanour’ that means ‘an action that is bad or unacceptable, but not very serious’; ‘a crime that is not considered to be very serious’. The correct spellings of other given words are ‘mischievous’, ‘miscarriage’ and ‘misnomer’. Mischievous = enjoying playing t r icks and annoying people. Miscarriage = the process of giving birth to a baby before it is fully developed and able to survive Misnomer = a name or a word that is not appropriate or accurate The cor rectly spelt wor d is ‘harassment’. The meaning of the word ‘harass’ is ‘to annoy or worry somebody by putting pressure on them or saying or doing unpl eas ant things to them’. The cor r ect spellings of other given words are ‘commitment’, ‘bereavement’ and ‘temperament’. Bereavement = the death of relative or close friend The correctly spelt word is ‘auspicious’ that means ‘showing signs that something is likely to be successful in the future’. The correct spellings of other given words are ‘capricious’, ‘fallacious’ and ‘delicious’.


37. c;

38. c;

= showing sudden changes in attitude or behaviour Fallacious = wrong; based on a false idea The correctly spelt word is ‘infallible’ which means ‘never wrong’; ‘never making mistakes’. The correct spellings of other words are ‘ineffable’, ‘inaccessible’ and ‘invincible’. Ineffable = too great or beautiful to describe in words Invincible = too strong to be defeated or changed The correctly spelt word is ‘milieu’ which means ‘the social environment that you live or work in’. The corr ect spellings of other giv en wor ds ar e ‘camouflage’, ‘tableau’ and ‘mirage’. Camouflage = the way in which an animal’s colour or shape mat ches it s sur r oundings and makes it difficult to see Tableau = a scene showing, for example, events and people from history, that is presented by a group of actors who do not move or speak Mirage = a hope or wish that you cannot make happen because it is not r ealistic; illusion; an ef fect caused by hot air in deserts or on roads, that makes you think you can see something, such as water, which is not there The correctly spelt word is ‘existence’. The correct spellings of other given words are ‘occurrence’, ‘dependence’ and ‘persistence’. The correctly spelt word is ‘sepulchre’ that means ‘a place for a dead body, either cut in rock or built of stone’. The correct spellings of other given words are ‘sponsorship’, ‘sovereign’ and ‘subservient’. Subservient = too willing to obey other people; less important than something else The correctly spelt word is ‘frolicked’. The meaning of the word ‘frolick’ is ‘to play and move around in a lively, happy way’. The correct spellings of other given words are ‘handicapped’, ‘kidnapped’ and ‘developed’. The correctly spelt word is ‘precision’ that means ‘the quality of being exact, accurate and careful’. The correct spellings of other words are ‘coercion’, ‘negotiation’ and ‘exploitation’. The correctly spelt word is ‘hesitancy’ that means ‘the state or quality of being slow or uncertain in doing or saying something’. The correct spellings of other giv en wor ds are ‘delinquency’, ‘frequency’ and ‘discrepancy’. Delinquency = bad or cr iminal behav iour , usually of young people Discrepancy = a dif f er ence between t wo or more things that should be the same The correctly spelt word is ‘decease’ that means ‘the death of a person’. The correctly spelt word is ‘dieting’. The correctly spelt word is ‘extempore’ that means ‘spoken or done without any previous thought or preparation’.


32. c;

33. a;

34. c;

35. a;

36. b;

39. a;

40. d;

41. b;

42. b;

43. d;

44. c; 45. a; 46. a;

Spelling Error

244 English Language and Comprehension 47. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘obsolete’ that means ‘no longer used because something new has been invented’; ‘out of date’. 48. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘skilful’. 49. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘dilapidated’ that means ‘(of furniture and buildings) old and in very bad condition’. The correct spellings of other given wor ds ar e ‘despondent’, ‘detrimental ’ and ‘diaphanous’. Despondent = sad, without much hope Detrimental = harmful; damaging Diaphanous = (of cloth) so light and fine that you can almost see through it 50. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘prosperous’. The correct spellings of ot her giv en wor ds ar e ‘separate’, ‘confidence’ and ‘reference’. 51. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘requisite’ that means ‘necessary for a particular purpose’. The correct spellings of other given words are ‘reprimand’, ‘resplendent’ and ‘repository’. Reprimand = to tell somebody officially that you do not approve of them or their actions; to rebuke Resplendent = br ight ly colour ed in an impressive way Repository = a place wher e something is stored in a large quantities. 52. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘necessary’. The correct spellings of ot her given wor ds ar e ‘nectar’, ‘punctuation and ‘pungent’. Nectar = a sweet liquid that is produced by f lowers and collected by bees for making honey; the thick juice of some fruits as a drink Pungent = having a strong taste or smell 53. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘maintenance’. The correct spellings of other words are ‘irrelevance’ and ‘acquaintance’. Acquaintance = a person that you know but who is not a close f riend; slight friendship 54. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘infatuation’ which means ‘very strong feelings of love or attraction for somebody/something especially when these are unreasonable and do not last long’. 55. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘meretricious’ which means ‘seeming attractive, but infact having no real value’. 56. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘omelette’. 57. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘quandary’ that means ‘the state of not being able to decide what to do in a difficult situation’; ‘dilemma’. 58. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘lieutenant’. 59. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘acquiescence’ that means ‘the fact of being willing to do what somebody wants and to accept their opinions, even if you are not sure that they are right’. 60. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘idiosyncrasy’ which means ‘a person’s particular way of behaving, thinking etc, especially when it is unusual’. 61. a; The corr ectly spelt word is ‘tranquility ’. The meaning of the word ‘tranquil’ is ‘quiet and peaceful’. 62. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘inimitable’ that means ‘too good or individual for anyone else to copy with the same effect’. 63. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘business’.

64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79.

b; b; b; b; a; d; b; a; c; c; d; a; c; a; a; a;

The correctly spelt word is ‘example’. The correctly spelt word is ‘recommendation’. The correctly spelt word is ‘argument’. The correctly spelt word is ‘definition’. The correctly spelt word is ‘committee’. The correctly spelt word is ‘pronunciation’. The correctly spelt word is ‘commentary’. The correctly spelt word is ‘drought’. The correctly spelt word is ‘parliamentary’. The correctly spelt word is ‘accurate’. The correctly spelt word is ‘giraffe’. The correctly spelt word is ‘approached’. The correctly spelt word is ‘career’. The correctly spelt word is ‘achievement’. The correctly spelt word is ‘commandant’. The correctly spelt word is ‘supersede’ that means ‘to take the place of something/somebody that is considered to be old-fashioned or no longer the best available’. 80. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘obsession’ that means ‘the state in which a person’s mind is completely filled with thoughts of one particular thing or person in a way that is not normal’. 81. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘dilemma’ that means ‘a situation which makes problems, often one in which you have to make a very difficult choice between things of equal importance’. 82. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘fahrenheit’. 83. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘cannibal’, which means ‘a person who eats human flesh’. 84. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘privilege’ that means ‘a special right or advantage that a particular person or group of people has’. 85. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘campaign’. 86. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘occurred’. 87. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘rigorous’ that means ‘done carefully and with a lot of attention to detail’. 88. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘indispensable’. 89. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘palate’ that means ‘the top part of the inside of the mouth’. 90. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘chancellery’ that means ‘the place where a chancellor has his or her office’. 91. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘tariff’. 92. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘satellite’. 93. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘entrepreneur’. 94. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘concupiscence’ that means ‘strong sexual desire’; ‘lust’. 95. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘osseous’ that means ‘made of or turned into bone’. 96. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘obloquy’ that means ‘strong public criticism’; ‘loss of respect and honour’. 97. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘lugubrious’ that means ‘sad and serious’. 98. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘approached’. 99. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘scripture’ that means ‘the Bible’. 100. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘passenger’. 101. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘corrupt’. 102. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘achievement’. 103. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘bouquet’. 104. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘foreigner’. 105. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘exaggerate’. 106. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘forecast’. 107. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘puerile’, that means ‘silly’; ‘suitable for a child rather than an adult’. 108. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘commission’.


Spelling Error 109. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘perseverance’ that means ‘the quality of continuing to try to achieve a particular aim despite difficulties’. 110. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘illustrious’. 111. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘pitiable’ that means ‘deserving of pity or causing you to feel pity’. 112. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘paralleled’. 113. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘veterinary’. 114. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘fulfill’. 115. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘recommend’. 116. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘ominous’ that means ‘suggesting that something bad is going to happen in the future’. 117. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘overlapped’. 118. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘necessary’. 119. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘benefitted’. 120. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘sacrilegious ’. The meaning of the word ‘sacrilege’ is ‘an act of treating a holy thing or place without respect’. 121. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘lackadaisical’ that means ‘not showing enough care or enthusiasm’. 122. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘sepulchral’ that means ‘looking or sounding sad and serious’; ‘making you think of death’. 123. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘refrigerator’. 124. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘hindrance’ that means ‘a person or thing that makes it more difficult for somebody to do something or for something to happen’. 125. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘conscientious’ that means ‘taking care to do things carefully and correctly’. 126. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘cancellation’. 127. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘equanimity’ which means ‘a calm state of mind which means that you do not become angry or upset, especially in difficult situation’. 128. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘accomplish’ that means ‘to succeed in doing or completing something’. 129. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘occurrence’. 130. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘guarantee’. 131. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘parliamentary’. 132. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘itinerary’ that means ‘a plan of a journey, including the routes and the places that you visit’. 133. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘tentative’. 134. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘surveillance’. 135. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘career’. 136. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘damage’. 137. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘synchronize’ that means ‘to happen at the same time or to move at the same speed as something’. 138. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘recommendation’. 139. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘marvellous’. 140. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘commission’. 141. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘aesthetic’ that means ‘concerned with beauty and art and the understanding of beautiful things’. 142. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘rendezvous’ that means ‘an arrangement to meet somebody at a particular time and place’. 143. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘restaurant’. 144. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘miscellaneous’. 145. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘veterinary’. 146. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘membranes’. 147. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘anaemia’ that means ‘a medical condition in which somebody has too few red

English Language and Comprehension 245


149. 150.

151. 152.

153. 154. 155. 156. 157.


cells in their blood, making them look pale and feel weak’. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘forceps’ that means ‘an instrument used by doctors, with two long thin parts for picking up and holding things’. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘bacteria’. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘semblance’ that means ‘a situation in which something seems to exist although this may not, in fact, be the case’. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘gynaecology’. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘hypochondria’ that means ‘state in which somebody worries all the time about their health and believes that they are ill/sick when there is nothing wrong with them’. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘instantaneous’ that means ‘happening immediately’. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘itinerary’. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘chronology’. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘scintillating’ that means ‘very clever, amusing and interesting’. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘nemesis’ that means ‘punishment or defeat that is deserved and cannot be avoided’. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘anomaly’ which means ‘a thing, situation etc that is different from what is normal or expected’. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘perseverance’ that means ‘the quality of continuing to try to achieve a particular aim despite difficulties’. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘typography’ that means ‘the art of work of preparing books, etc for printing, especially of designing how text will appear when it is printed’. The correct spellings of the given words are ‘photograph’, ‘biography’ and ‘bibliography’. Bibliography = a list of books or articles about a part icular subject or by a particular author. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘exquisite’ that means ‘extremely beautiful or carefully made’. The correct spellings of other given words are ‘requisite’, ‘oscillate’ and ‘lethal’. Requisite = necessary for a particular purpose. Oscillate = to keep changing from one extreme of feelling or behaviour to another and back again. Lethal = causing or able to cause death; deadly ; fatal. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘caffeine’ that means ‘a drug found in coffee and tea that makes you feel more active’. The correct spellings of other given words are ‘heinous’, ‘foreign’ and ‘saccharin’. Heinous = normally very bad. Saccharine = t oo emot ional in a way that seems exaggerated. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘statutory’. The correct spellings of other words are ‘signatory’, ‘derogatory’ and ‘obituary’. Derogatory = showing a critical attitude towards somebody. Obituary = an article about somebody’s life and achievement s, t hat is pr inted in a newspaper soon after they have died. Signatory = a per son, a count ry or an organisation that has signed an official agreement.






Spelling Error

246 English Language and Comprehension 164. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘parallelogram’. The correct spellings of other words are ‘parallel’ ‘parenthetical’ and ‘patricide’. Parenthetical = given as extra information in a speech or piece of writing. Patricide = the crime of killing your father. 165. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘endeavour’ that means ‘an attempt to do something especially something new or difficult’. The correct spellings of other given words are ‘entrepreneur’, ‘epidemic’ and ‘eventual’. Eventual = happening at the end of a period of time or of a process. 166. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘chauvinism’ that means ‘an aggressive and unreasonable belief that your own country is better than all others’. The correct spellings of other given words are ‘jingoism’, ‘malapropism’ and ‘revisionism’. Jingoism = a strong belief that your own count r y is best , especially when this is expressed in support of war with another country. Malapr opism = an amusing mistake somebody makes when they use a word which sounds similar to the word they wanted to use, but means something different. Revisionism = ideas that are different from, and want to change, the main ideas or practices of a political system, especially Marxism 167. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘precious’. 168. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘miniature’ that means ‘very small’; ‘much smaller than usual’. The correct spellings of other words are ‘temperature’, ‘nomenclature’ and ‘creature’. 169. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘success’. The correct spellings of other given words are ‘annihilate’, ‘occasion’ and ‘assassinate’. Annihilate = to destroy somebody/something completely; to defeat somebody/ something completely. Assassinate = to murder an important or famous person, especially for political reasons. 170. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘acquaintance’ that means ‘a person that you know but who is not a close friend’. 171. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘abbreviation’. 172. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘believable’. 173. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘defamatory’ that means ‘intended to harm somebody by saying or writing bad or false things about them’. 174. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘deliberation’ that means ‘the process of carefully considering or discussing something’. 175. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘deteriorate’ that means ‘to become worse’. 176. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘exorbitant’ that means ‘much too high’. 177. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘frivolous’ that means ‘silly or amusing, especially when such behaviour is not suitable’. 178. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘miscarriage’. 179. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘mysterious’. 180. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘dictionary’.

181. 182. 183. 184.

a; b; a; c;

185. b; 186. c; 187. d;

188. a;

189. c; 190. c;

The correctly spelt word is ‘receive’. The correctly spelt word is ‘repetition’. The correctly spelt word is ‘judicious’. The correctly spelt word is ‘misdemeanour’ that means ‘an action that is bad and unacceptable but not very serious’. The correct spellings of other given words are ‘miscarriage’, ‘mischievous’ and ‘misnomer’. Mischievous = enjoying playing tricks and annoying people. Misnomer = a name or a word that is not appropriate or accurate. The correctly spelt word is ‘cassette’. The correctly spelt word is ‘differentiate’. The correctly spelt word is ‘embarrass’ that means ‘to make somebody feel shy, awkward or ashamed, especially in a social situation’. The correctly spelt word is ‘business’. The correct spellings of other given words are ‘disappear’, ‘pleasure’ and ‘indigestion’. The correctly spelt word is ‘horoscope’. The correctly spelt word is ‘tempest’ that means ‘a violent storm’. The correct spellings of other given words are ‘storm’, ‘gale’ and ‘hurricane’. Gale = an extremely strong wind. The correctly spelt word is ‘biscuit’. The correctly spelt word is ‘interrupt’. The correctly spelt word is ‘accessibility’. The correctly spelt word is ‘suggestion’. The correctly spelt word is ‘cabbage’. The correctly spelt word is ‘adundant’ that means ‘existing in large quantities’; ‘more than enough’. The correctly spelt word is ‘assassin’ that means ‘a person who murders somebody important or famous, for money or for political reason’. The correctly spelt word is ‘magnificent’. The correctly spelt word is ‘ecumenical’ that means ‘involving or uniting members of different branches of the christian church’. The correctly spelt word is ‘supersede’ that means ‘to take the place of something/somebody that is considered to be old-fashioned or no longer the best available. The correctly spelt word is ‘systematically’. The correctly spelt word is ‘earthiness’. The correctly spelt word is ‘truly’. The correctly spelt word is ‘alienate’ that means ‘to make somebody less friendly or sympathetic towards you’ ; ‘to make somebody feel that they do not belong in a particular group’. The correctly spelt word is ‘vacillation’. The meaning of the word ‘vacillate’ is ‘to keep changing your opinion or thoughts about something especially in a way that annoys other people’. The correctly spelt word is ‘collaborate’. The correct spellings of other given words are ‘commemorate’, ‘collate’ and ‘chocolate’. Commemorate = to remind people of an important person or event from the past with a special action or object Collate = to collect informat ion toget her f r om dif f erent sources in order to examine or compare it

K KUNDAN 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196.

b; a; a; b; c; d;

197. b;

198. d; 199. b;

2 00 . c;

201. 2 02 . 203. 204.

b; a; b; d;

205. c;

206. a;

Spelling Error 207. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘clairvoyant’. The correct spellings of other given words are ‘circuitous’, ‘chivalry’ and ‘cavalcade’. Clairvoyance = the power that some people are believed to have to be able to see future events or to communicat e wit h people who ar e dead or far away. Circuitous = long and not direct. Chivalry = polite and kind behaviour that shows a sense of humour, especially by men t owar ds women. Cavalcade = a line of people on horses or in vehicles forming part of a ceremony. 208. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘serenity’. The correct spellings of other given words are ‘severity’, ‘sovereignty’ and ‘superiority’. Serene = calm and peaceful 209. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘accommodative’. The correct spellings of other given words are ‘commemorative’, ‘cumulative’ and ‘accumulative’. Commemorative = intended to help people remember and respect an important person or event in the past. Cumulative = hav ing a result t hat increases in strength or importance each time more of something is added. Accumulative = growing by incr easing gradually. 210. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘benevolence’. The correct spellings of other given words are ‘benediction’, ‘besmirch’ and ‘beneficent’. Benevolent = kind, helpful and generous. Benediction = a Christian prayer of blessing. Besmirch = t o damage the opinion that people have of somebody/something. Beneficent = giving help; showing kindness. 211. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘parsimonious’ that means ‘extremely unwilling to spend money’. The correct spellings of other given words are ‘paraphernalia’, ‘peccadillo’ and ‘paediatrics’. Paraphernalia = a large number of objects of personal possessions, especially the equipment that you need for a particular activity. Peccadillo = a small unimpor tant thing that somebody does wrong. Paediatrics = the branch of medicine concer ned with children and their diseases. 212. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘manageable’. The correct spellings of other given words are ‘measurable’, ‘marriageable’ and ‘maneuverable’. 213. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘tumble’ that means ‘to fall downwards, often hitting the ground several times, but usually without serious injury’. The correct spellings of other given words are ‘tussle’, ‘tunnel’ and ‘treble’ Tussle = a short struggle, fight or argument especially in order to get something. Treble = three successes in a row.

English Language and Comprehension 247 214. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘presumptuous’ that means ‘too confident, in a way that shows a lack of respect for other people’. The correct spellings of other given words are ‘pompous’, ‘populous’ and ‘perilous’. Pompous = showing that you think you are more important than other people, especially by using long and formal words. Po pu lo us = where a large number of people live. Perilous = very dangerous. 215. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘impetus’ that means ‘something that encourages a process or activity to develop more quickly’. The correct spellings of other given words are ‘impromptu’, ‘illustrious’ and ‘illusory’. Impromptu = done without preparation or planning. Illusory = not real, although seeming to be. 216. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘entrepreneur’. 217. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘promiscuous ’ that means ‘having many sexual partners’; ‘taken from a wide range of sources, especially without careful thought’. 218. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘onomatopoeia’ that means ‘the fact of words containing sounds similar to the noises they describe, for example hiss’. 219. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘bureaucracy’. 2 20 . c; The correctly spelt word is ‘millionaire’. 221. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘envelope’. 2 22 . a; The correctly spelt word is ‘character’. 223. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘drunkenness’. 224. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘surprise’. 225. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘committee’. 226. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘height’. 227. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘label’. 228. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘museum’. 229. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘occasion’. 230. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘pseudonym’ t hat means ‘a name used by somebody, especially a writer instead of their real name. 231. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘disease’. 232. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘traveller’. 233. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘scissors’. 234. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘vacuum’. 235. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘accommodation’. 236. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘budgetary’. 237. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘occurrence’. 238. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘pedestrian’. 239. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘separately’. 240. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘embarrassed’. 241. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘definitely’. 242. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘cemetery’ that means ‘an area of land used for burying dead people, especially one that is not beside a church. 243. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘recession’. 244. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘correspondent’. 245. a; The correctly spelt word is ‘inconvenienced’. 246. d; The correctly spelt word is ‘dominant’. 247. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘observer’. The correct spellings of other given words are ‘observe’, ‘observing’ and ‘observant’. Observant = good at noticing things around you 248. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘acknowledge’. 249. b; The correctly spelt word is ‘possess’. 250. c; The correctly spelt word is ‘leisure’.


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