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The Anglican Parish of Cobden-Runanga

The Herald To know Jesus Christ and to make Him known. Sunday 23rd November 2008 Theme for this Sunday: Creation DVD (final) Readings: Heb 1:1-14, John 2:1-11 Theme for 30th November: Parable of the Talents - 1st Sun in Advent Readings: 1 Cor 3:4-15, Matt 25:14-30

Tim Writes  During last week some of the ministers of the town met with Colin and Grace Shaw who are part of a ministry that is cataloguing the way in which local churches in communities have begun to work together. Colin and Grace's role is very much to encourage this as they strongly believe that unity within the body of Christ locally is a key to seeing revival and even more fruitful ministry. Here in Greymouth there is a high degree of unity. The ministers respect each other as colleagues, individual Christians often see themselves as part of one big body and there are good working relationships on a number of projects. However we can't rest on our laurels and while what we currently have is a good foundation I believe there is much more that could be done to leverage our unity. So pray for the minister's association as they begin to reflect on this. FRIENDSHIP KIDS BREAK-UP Shirley Smith's Friendship Kids club will be holding their breakup and prize giving this Tuesday at 6:30pm at 49

Monroe St Cobden. Please bring some food to share for supper. OPEN DOORS VISIT Paul Christie of Open Doors will be speaking at Cobden Church on Wed 3rd Dec at 7:30pm. Open Doors is a ministry to the persecuted church overseas and Paul will be speaking on China and the recent unrest in India. In particular he will address the question of how specifically Christians can meet the needs of our persecuted brethren because often what we hear can feel very overwhelming and we wonder what on earth we can do to help. MEMORIAL SERVICE Laurie Anisy will be holding a memorial service for those who have lost loved ones over the past year at his Funeral Home, 77 Shakespeare St on Thursday 4th Dec at 7pm. EATON UPDATE Derek and Alice Eaton will be returning to NZ in 2009. They feel their time has come to an end and they are keen to return home and catch up with family. Lawn Mowing Roster 23rd Nov Henk Stengs

TEAR FUND- GIFT FOR LIFE The Tear Fund "Gift For Life" forms are out at the back of each church. "Gift for Life" is a way of supporting the needy through buying needed items like a goat, pig, education, start-up loan etc., instead of just giving money. Our tradition here is to fund various items as individuals and families and to place the gift certificates on the Cobden Christmas tree for reading out on Christmas Eve. Please take a form and hand into Eric or Nancy by Dec 7th with money. Make cheques out to "Tear Fund" please. ADVENT SERVICES Last year we initiated a series of Advent traditions for Cobden revolving around various set items we placed upon the Christmas tree. This year it becomes a tradition as we repeat the exercise for the first time. Tradition can be very powerful in that our energy can

be directed into the familiar rather than into the novel. Traditions are expected and can therefore be looked forward to. So can I encourage you to allow our new traditions to become a way of making Christmas more meaningful. Advent begins next week with the theme of Joy and the decorating of the Christmas tree. RETIREMENT GUIDE If you're getting close to retirement and want to know more about typical retirement questions then check out the Retirement Guide a copy of which is at the back of Cobden and Runanga Churches. THANK YOU Thanks to Eric who dug the hole for the drainlayer and who also helped me clear away a lot of the rubbish lying around the church. It looks much tidier now.

What's On This Week! Mon 24th Tues 25th Wed 26th Thurs 27th Friday 28th Sat 29th Sun 30th

All Day 9:00am 6:30pm 10:00am 7:30pm 9:00am 7:30pm 9:00am 7:00pm 10:30am 9:00am 10:30am

Vicars Day off Warden's Meeting Friendship Kids Prizegiving Dixon House Service Home Group Meeting at Lorimer's Bible in Schools Runanga Prayer Meeting at Dalma's Bible in Schools Cobden Friday Night Youth Group Music Group Practice Runanga Church Service Cobden Church Service

Priest-in-Charge: Rev. Tim Mora, 186 Main South Rd, Greymouth Phone & Fax: 768 9605 Mobile: 027 204 8560 Email: [email protected] Vicars Warden: Eric Holman 768 7704 E-Mail: [email protected] Peoples Warden: Nolene Millar 768 4638 E-Mail: [email protected] Blackball Contact Person: Trevor Johnston 732 3820 Runanga Contact Person: Barry Smithson 762 7826 Website & Newsletter: cobden.nelsonanglican.org.nz

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