21st Century Learning

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21st Century Learning

OLSH Conference Sunday 16th August Simon Crook, eLearning Adviser

Outcomes • • • • • • • •

What is 21st Century Learning? 21st Century Learning Spaces eLearning Latest Literature iLE@RN Model Blooms Digital Taxonomy Offline eLearning Online eLearning

What is 21st Century Learning?

Characteristics of 21st Century Learners • • • • • • • •

Communicators and collaborators Technology literate and adept Interactive and networked Flexible and dynamic Instant Reflective and critical Creative and adaptive Student-centric, life-long, anywhere, anytime learners

Educational Origami, Andrew Churches, 2008

A Vision of K-12 Students Today

B J Nesbitt, 2008

21st Century Learning Spaces The new learning spaces are: • Flexible and adaptable • Reflective of the new learning practices • Designed to support different levels of technological sophistication • Provided with wireless and mobile computing devices 21st Century Learning Spaces, education.au, 2009

What is eLearning?

What is eLearning? ... a type of education where the medium of instruction is computer technology. (Wikipedia) Wikipedia v Encyclopædia Britannica ...only 8 serious errors were identified out of a total of 285 errors, four from both sources.

What is eLearning? • Using technology to enhance learning and teaching opportunities • Incorporating technology in assessments to make them more personalised • Creating a product that is published to give it a ‘life’ and be authenticated • Collaborative • 21st Century Learning

Latest Literature

SR eLearning Committee Meeting Wednesday 25th March

Digital Education – Making Change Happen • Published by MCEETYA in 2008 • Currently in Draft • a resource to support schools in meeting the vision of confidently using ICT in their everyday practices • Provides a guide for reflection, and strategic planning for the integration of ICT in teaching and learning • A tool that school leaders, staff and the school community can use to review and evaluate where they are now and where they want to be into the future, and to monitor their progress

10 Elements of Quality Schooling – – – – – – – – – –

personalising and extending learning enabling leadership supporting professional learning connecting learning beyond the school improving assessment and reporting developing, measuring and monitoring ICT capabilities accessing and utilising student information providing, accessing and managing teaching and learning resources automating business processes providing reliable infrastructure

The Leading School Descriptors • • • • •

Seamlessly integrates ICT learning, teaching and administration systems across the whole school. ICT planning is continuous, reflective and proactive ICT leadership is flexible, outward-looking and is diffused throughout the school. The school has a professional learning culture that is predicated on ongoing innovative and reflective practice. ICT access is available to members of the school community to support communication with learning

The Leading School Descriptors • •

Actively fosters a culture of informed, responsible inquiry and communication with ICT. Access, use, re-purpose and critically review quality assured digital learning and teaching resources that contribute to curriculum differentiation and extend and personalise learning for individuals and groups. Staff and students have access to a range of ICT-based assessment and monitoring tools that extend learning in all learning areas and are linked to an integrated electronic system of recording student achievement. Students are confident, engaged ICT users

Where is my School At? • Discuss your school with a neighbour using the descriptors to assist you

Horizon Report 2009 • Published by EDUCAUSE • 6 Emerging Technologies – Mobiles – Cloud Computing – Geo-Everything – Personal Web – Semantic Aware Applications – Smart Objects

Effective Use of ICT in Schools • Swedish Study • Using ICT in learning has increased: – Motivation – Level of skills – Level of independence – Development of collaboration – Level of attention – Level of involvement

• The technology itself should not be the sole focus

Annual Report on Emerging Technologies • Commissioned by DEEWR • Published by education.au, August 2009 • Strategic ICT Advisory Service (SICTAS) Project • to provide strategic advice to assist in the development of policy to support the implementation of ICT in Australia’s education • Provides Recommendations

Selection of Recommendations • Embed new media literacy skills into Australia’s national curriculum in a consistent way independent of specific technologies • Establish a national collaboration to identify, promote and share best practice in the development and implementation of Web 2.0-style collaborative online learning policies within schools.

Selection of Recommendations • That the Australian Government take a leadership role in collaboration with the jurisdictions to develop a national professional learning strategy for schools, based on sound research into good practice school improvement. • Commit to providing ongoing resourcing and funding to maintain, sustain and enhance a technology

Direction for eLearning in Sydney Catholic Schools K-12 • • • • •

By Diane Brook, Head of eLearning Stimulus Paper Provides direction for eLearning in CEO Gives Catholic context to eLearning Mentions emphasis in National Curriculum on ICT Literacy • Emphasis on Professional Development and changing models • Increasing opportunities to link with parents via technology • Sustainability

iLE@RN Model • Skills are generic with no reference or emphasis on possible technologies utilised

iLE@RN Model • Skills are unpacked

iLE@RN Model • Introspective, leading questions

Examples from iLE@RN Projects

Blooms Digital Taxonomy

eLearning Opportunities

eLearning Opportunities • Podcasting • Video Editing • Stop Motion Video • Interactive websites • Web 2.0





Podcasting • Making podcasts • Finding podcasts e.g. iTunesU Photo Story

Audacity Moviemaker

Movie Maker


Video Editing • Making videos

• Publishing Videos

• Acquiring Videos

Acquiring YouTube Videos • Go to www.youtube.com • Find the YouTube video you want e.g. Shining Trailer

• Copy the url e.g.


• • • • •

Open a new window or tab Go to www.keepvid.com Paste url in bar, press ‘Download’ Right-click on green Download button ‘Save As’ shining.flv

Stop Motion Video • Easy animated video

Interactive Websites • Delicious ( http://delicious.com/EvertonPom) • Scootle (www.scootle.edu.au) • Skoool (www.skoool.ie) • BBC (www.bbc.co.uk/schools) • TakingITGlobal (www.tigweb.org) • Whois? (www.whois.com)

Interactive Websites • Xtranormal (www.xtranormal.com) • Voki (www.voki.com) • Creative Commons Search ( http://search.creativecommons.org) • Wordle (www.wordle.net) • Atomic Learning ( www.atomiclearning.com)

Any Questions?

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