Science Centres For 21st Century Schools

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Science Centres st for 21 Century Secondary Schools DRAFT Paper of Findings by CEO BER Group Simon Crook and Gary Carey March 2009

“We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us.” Winston Churchill

Contents DRAFT Paper of ................................................................................................................................... 1 Findings by CEO BER Group ................................................................................................................ 1 “We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us.” ............................................................................ 1 Winston Churchill .................................................................................................................................... 1 1



Building the Education Revolution.............................................................................................. 4 1.1

Context ................................................................................................................................ 4


Timeline............................................................................................................................... 4


Funding................................................................................................................................ 4


Eligibility, Conditions and Payment of Funding .................................................................. 4

Defining the Pedagogical Needs ................................................................................................. 4 2.1

Identifying the Institutional Context ................................................................................... 6


Key learning principles ........................................................................................................ 6


Learning activities that support these principles ................................................................ 7

Summary of Design Principles..................................................................................................... 7 3.1

Generic Desirable Design Principles.................................................................................... 7


Practical Investigation Areas ............................................................................................... 8


‘Wet’ Laboratories .......................................................................................................... 8


‘Dry’ Laboratories............................................................................................................ 8


Collaborative Group Work Areas ........................................................................................ 9


Problem Based Learning Areas ........................................................................................... 9


Direct Instruction Areas ...................................................................................................... 9


Summary of Designs to Avoid ..................................................................................................... 9


Creating a Set of Requirements .................................................................................................. 9


Design Principles Explained....................................................................................................... 10

Appendix ........................................................................................................................................... 12 Appendix I – CEO BER Group......................................................................................................... 12 Appendix II – Additional Contributions ......................................................................................... 12 Appendix III – Chronology of Visits ............................................................................................... 13 Appendix IV – Details of Facilities Visited ..................................................................................... 13 Anglican Church Grammar ............................................................................................................ 13 Australian Science and Mathematics School ................................................................................ 14 Barker College ............................................................................................................................... 15 Caroline Springs College................................................................................................................ 16 2

Clairvaux MacKillop College .......................................................................................................... 17 Clancy College ............................................................................................................................... 18 De La Salle College, Revesby ......................................................................................................... 19 Ecolinc Science and Technology Innovation Centre ..................................................................... 20 Iona College................................................................................................................................... 22 Parramatta Marist High School ..................................................................................................... 23 Princes Hill Secondary College ...................................................................................................... 24 St John Bosco College.................................................................................................................... 24 University of New South Wales .................................................................................................... 25 University of Sydney ..................................................................................................................... 26 Bibliography ...................................................................................................................................... 27 Literature ...................................................................................................................................... 27 Websites........................................................................................................................................ 28



Building the Education Revolution 1.1


The ‘Building the Education Revolution’ (BER) will fund the building of science laboratories in secondary schools. Funding for major refurbishments of current science laboratories to create state-of-the-art facilities is also possible under this element of BER. State/Territory Education Departments and BGAs will conduct a competitive process to fund projects in secondary schools that satisfy the eligibility criteria for funding and can demonstrate the greatest need and a readiness and capacity to be able to build the facilities within the 2009/10 financial year. The competitive application process must assess the applications in accordance with the eligibility criteria and other requirements of the Guidelines.1 1.2

Timeline March–May 2009 By 15th May 2009 By 31 May 2009 July 2009 30 June 2010


States, Territories and BGAs assess proposals and create short-list of projects CEO applications completed2 Submit short-lists to Commonwealth for approval Commencement of projects Projects completed


$1 billion is available to fund the building of science laboratories or language learning centres in Australian secondary schools, with a notional number of around 500 buildings. 1.3

Eligibility, Conditions and Payment of Funding

Consult ‘Building the Education Revolution Guidelines’, pp 8-9, for details on eligibility criteria, conditions for funding and payment of funding.


Defining the Pedagogical Needs It has become increasingly clear to educators that the effective design of learning spaces — whether a classroom or a laboratory, can enhance learning. At this particular point in time, with the influx of wireless technology and laptop computers into schools, science educators are confronting the issues of integrating communication, open inquiry, collaboration, and modern technologies into their learning spaces. The question then arises; “How can the innovative uses of space and technology enable these activities, leading to more effective learning?”3


DEEWR, Building the Education Revolution Guidelines, 2009 2 3

Internal CEO deadline EDUCAUSE, Learning Space Design, 2005


To design a learning space which will allow effective learning to take place for both today’s and tomorrow’s students, Johnson and Lomas (2005)4 break the design process down into 6 steps. These are as follows: 1) identify the institutional context; 2) specify learning principles meaningful to that context; 3) define the learning activities that support these principles; 4) develop clearly articulated design principles; 5) create a set of requirements; and 6) determine a methodology for assessing success. These 6 principles need to be followed within the broader Learning Spaces Framework as defined by the Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs (MCEETYA) through the Curriculum Corporation (2008)5. This framework uses four organisers to raise key issues that need to be considered as the guiding principles are applied: • changing the culture of schooling • creating ICT rich learning spaces • designing spaces for learning • planning and decision-making.


Chris Johnson and Cyprien Lomas, Design of the Learning Space: Learning and Design Principles, EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 40, no. 4 (July/August 2005): 16–28 5

MCEETYA, Learning in an Online World: Learning Spaces Framework, 2008



Identifying the Institutional Context

As we move toward the introduction of a new National Curriculum in Science (2011) it is important to make reference to the National Curriculum Board’s Science Framing Paper (2008)6 to identify the pedagogy that will need to underpin the teaching of this “world class” curriculum: “To achieve the stated aims of the national science curriculum it is proposed that there needs to be less emphasis on a transmission model of pedagogy and more emphasis on a model of student engagement and inquiry. The driving force of the transmission model is teacher explanation whereas the learning engine for inquiry is based on teacher questions and discussion. Teacher explanation is still important but it should be seen as one skill in a broad repertoire of teaching skills. ………….. With these explanations and science language, the teacher then provides activities through which students can apply the science concepts to new situations.”


Key learning principles

The key learning principles that are relevant to this project have been clearly set out in the CEO Sydney Learning Framework7 which is defined in the following diagram:


National Curriculum Board, National Science Curriculum Framing Paper, 2008 7

CEO Sydney, Learning Framework, 2005



Learning activities that support these principles

Careful analysis of National Curriculum Board’s Science Framing Paper (2008) in the context of the key learning principles reveals that a wide range of teaching/learning strategies will be needed to implement this curriculum. These strategies can be broken down into 4 different types of activities: a) Practical Investigations – current literature highlights the need for Science teachers to move away from “recipe book” type investigation to authentic open inquiry. b) Collaborative Group Work – students need the opportunity to engage with the concepts being taught through a wide range of small group tasks such as visualisations, role-plays and games. These activities will afford the students the opportunity of developing a deeper understanding of the concepts, a genuine interest in science and their general capabilities. c) Problem Based Learning Activities – an essential part of the teaching/learning process is giving students the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills to a range of new situations. This can be achieved through a range of activities using digital technologies e.g. research, the use of simulations or the development of multi-media presentations. d) Direct Instruction – Whilst the authors highlight the need for teachers to move away from a transmission pedagogy they acknowledge that teacher explanation will still need to be present as part of the “repertoire of teaching skills”


Summary of Design Principles Below are summary lists of Design Principles to be encouraged for new or refurbished Science Learning Spaces. These conclusions were arrived at by visiting many Science facilities, conversations with leading educators and the latest literature. Details of the facilities visited can be found in Appendix IV. Specific details of the individual Design Principles are discussed in Section 6. 3.1

Generic Desirable Design Principles Flexible Learning Space Flexible Teaching Space Glass/Transparent Partitions/Connections between rooms Latest Technology: o Digital Visualiser o Data Projector o Interactive Whiteboard (providing PD given to staff) o Wireless Access o Multimedia Wall-plate o Audio System o Environmental Sensors o ‘Weather Wall’ data screen o Class sets of data-logging equipment Conventional Whiteboard Acoustically Dampened Ceilings 7

Blinds Sufficient Customised Storage Large Prep Room with access to as many Science rooms as possible Forced Ventilation and Exhaustion of Chemical Store Cupboards Substantial Pin-board Space Numerous Power-points above desk height around room Outside Learning Space (space permitting) Air-conditioning limited between 21 C - 24 C Display Cabinets in Corridors Ecological Conversion and Sustainability Features: o Passive air cooling system o Smart-metres o Solar Panels o Water monitoring hardware o Natural Air Flow Construction o Products made from low volatile organic compounds o Weather and Conditions Monitoring System o Sky lights o Low energy, high efficiency T5 light fittings o Timers for lights o Light coloured paint o ‘Greensafe’ wall insulation/double-glazing o Roof Ventilators o Tint Film on windows o Shade for Air-con split condensers o Eaves o 80plus specified PSUs in all computers o Heat pump or solar hot water systems o Shutters o Sky exhausts 3.2

Practical Investigation Areas 3.2.1

‘Wet’ Laboratories

Mobile Practical Benches with brakes Stain/Graffiti/Scratch-proof Surface to bench tops Durable Carpet Tiles Breakout Area NO stools at benches Safety Shower Practical Bench for Students with Physical Disabilities Fume Cupboard 3.2.2

‘Dry’ Laboratories

Mobile Practical Benches with brakes Increased number of Power-points above desk height around the wall 8

At least one long fixed bench for big experiments Overhang on bench tops Durable, non-static, soft carpeting Breakout Area Comfortable seating Blackout Blinds 3.3

Collaborative Group Work Areas Large open space Concertina doors or glass partitions to change space size Light weight interconnecting tables Soft carpeting Comfortable chairs Networked flat-screen TVs spread around walls


Problem Based Learning Areas A combination of Practical and Collaborative Areas Access to all Technologies


Direct Instruction Areas Variety of possibilities: o Aligned (but not fixed) tables and chairs within a Practical Area if large enough o Collaborative Area partitioned off o Lecture theatrette


Summary of Designs to Avoid The following are design features that are considered out-dated and obstructive to contemporary pedagogical practices: Fixed seating and tables for students Fixed seating and tables for teachers Teacher desk raised on a stage Reverberating hard flat surfaces Uncomfortable seating


Creating a Set of Requirements Given the design principles listed in the Section 3 and the huge variety of needs existing across our schools there must be a range of options to choose from individually or in combination to suit the needs and practical restrictions existing at each site. There are 7 main options available, the design principles incorporated in each would be chosen considering the finer points outlined in Section 6: 9

a) Building new facilities that provide large open spaces for large numbers of students engaged in cooperative group work with specialised breakout areas for individual or group work b) Building new facilities with highly flexible science learning spaces which can be used for collaborative group work, open practical investigations, problem based learning and direct instructions c) Refurbishing existing labs to provide highly flexible science learning spaces (as in 2) d) Refurbishing existing labs to provide highly flexible science learning spaces (as in 2) along with breakout areas for individualized learning e) Refurbishing parts of existing labs to overcome existing problems (e.g. installation of acoustic tiles and carpet at Aquinas College, Menai) f) Building new specialised learning spaces to complement existing science laboratories, e.g. building Problem Based Learning centres or mini-laboratories for individualised learning. g) Refurbishing existing GLA’s to develop specialised learning spaces e.g. Problem Based Learning centres


Design Principles Explained Below, each of the Design Principles listed in Section 3 is explained and referenced to an observed facility listed in Appendix IV. Flexible Learning Space – mobile furniture and partitions e.g. Clancy College, ASMS Flexible Teaching Space – mobile furniture not fixed at the front Glass/Transparent Partitions/Connections between rooms – groups or classes given their own spaces whilst still being connected with other students, teachers and lab assistants e.g. ASMS, Clancy College, De La Salle Revesby, Parramatta Marist Digital Visualiser – device to observe something on a teacher or student’s desk then project onto IWB or TV e.g. Parramatta Marist, Iona College Data Projector – connected to wall-plate, more than 1 if in large open space Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) – to be used interactively by students and teachers in conjunction with student laptops, not merely as a projector screen Wireless Access – with sufficient coverage and bandwidth Multimedia Wall-plate – fully cabled and linked to projector, 2 computer inputs, audio/video input Audio System – speaker system with amplifier linked to wall-plate Environmental Sensors – Humidity, rainfall, air pressure, wind direction, temperature sensors fixed outside building linked to ‘Weather Wall’ e.g. Ecolinc ‘Weather Wall’ data screen – Display e.g. Flat screen TV, with local environmental data in public area such as Science foyer e.g. Ecolinc Class sets of data-logging equipment – providing students with equitable and efficient access to contemporary technologies and investigative tools e.g. St John Bosco Conventional Whiteboard – not necessarily at the front e.g. UNSW Acoustically Dampened Ceilings – using dropped ceilings or soft materials e.g. Iona College, Ecolinc Blinds – within window frame for sufficient blackout e.g. ASMS Sufficient Customised Storage – to cater for the variety Science equipment e.g. St John Bosco College Large Prep Room – with access to as many Science rooms as possible and a compactus to 10

help with storage e.g. Clancy College, De La Salle Revesby Forced Ventilation and Exhaustion of Chemical Store Cupboards – for OH&S to forcibly remove any fumes to prevent injury when cupboards opened e.g. ASMS Substantial Pin-board Space – to celebrate students’ work and acoustics e.g. Anglican Church Grammar Numerous Power-points above desk height – all around room preventing bending down or students kicking wall-plates Outside Learning Space – e.g. Wetland area at Ecolinc Air-conditioning – in line with CEO Sustainability Strategies, see gary Burrows Display Cabinets in Corridors – for grabbing interest of students passing by e.g Princes Hill Passive air cooling system – sustainable alternative to air-conditioning, see Gary Burrows, just been installed in Bethany College Smart-metres – for measuring school energy consumption, see Gary Burrows Solar Panels – to generate electricity for the school e.g. Ecolinc Water monitoring hardware – for measuring school water consumption, see Gary Burrows Natural Air Flow Construction – to allow natural cooling by convection e.g. Ecolinc Products made from low volatile organic compounds – minimise carbon footprint, see Gary Burrows Weather Monitoring and Conditions System – to allow students to monitor their local environment e.g. Ecolinc Sky lights – for natural illumination reducing power consumption e.g. Ecolinc Low energy, high efficiency T5 light fittings – reduce power consumption, see Gary Burrows Timers for lights – reduce power consumption Light coloured paint – increases natural illumination reducing power ‘Greensafe’ wall insulation – reduce power consumption, see Gary Burrows Double-glazing – reduce power consumption and provide sound-proofing e.g. Ecolinc, ASMS Roof Ventilators – to allow natural cooling by convection e.g. Ecolinc Tint Film on windows – to limit sunlight and heat entering rooms in summer Shade for Air-con split condensers – increases efficiency, see Gary Burrows Eaves – limit sunlight and heat entering windows in summer e.g. Ecolinc 80plus specified PSUs in all computers – reduce power consumption, see Gary Burrows Heat pump or solar to water systems – provide own hot water reducing power consumption e.g. Ecolinc Shutters - to limit sunlight and heat entering rooms in summer Sky exhausts – whirly in roof to allow cooling by convection, see Gary Burrows Mobile Practical Benches with brakes – to make a practical space flexible e.g. Clancy College, De La Salle Revesby Stain/Graffiti/Scratch-proof Surface – alternative materials e.g. USyd, Clairvaux MacKillop and Iona College Durable Carpet Tiles – chemical proof and acoustic damping Breakout Area – any space adjoining classroom where students can move to e.g. ASMS, De Parramatta Marist, La Salle Revesby NO stools – students to stand during practicals for OH&S Overhang on bench tops – to allow G-clamps Durable, soft carpeting – for projectile experiments Light weight interconnecting tables – to allow learning space to change easily e.g. Clancy Networked flat-screen TVs spread around walls – alternative to IWBs, very good for group work dynamic e.g. Parramatta Marist Lecture theatrette – for direct instruction to large groups or guest speakers e.g. Parramatta Marist, Barker


Appendix Appendix I – CEO BER Group Mr Seamus O’Grady – Director of Curriculum Dr Mark Turkington – Director of Southern Region and ICT Mr Tim McMullen – Head of Secondary Curriculum Mrs Vicki Lavorato – Secondary Consultant, Eastern Region Mrs Beverley Johnson – Secondary Consultant, Inner West Region Mr Barry Mullins – Head of School Facilities Ms Rosemary Vellar – Manager: Strategic Learning Interventions Mr Gary Carey – Science Adviser, Archdiocesan Mr Simon Crook – Secondary eLearning Adviser, Southern Region Appendix II – Additional Contributions Mr John Couani – Director of Eastern Region Mrs Vicki Tanzer – Deputy Executive Director, Brisbane Catholic Education Mr Gary Burrows – Sustainability Project Officer Mr Danny McInerney – Professional Officer: Assistant to the Director Mr Manuel Nobleza – Professional Officer: School Facilities Mr Bill Walsh – Executive Officer, Catholic Block Grant Authority Mrs Christina Healy – Former Archdiocesan Science Adviser Prof. Stephen Heppell – Contemporary Learning Expert Ms Pam Green – Building Services, Brisbane Catholic Education Mr Jamie McKenzie – eLearning Educator Dr Manjula Sharma – Head, Sydney University Physics Education Research Mr Barry Napthali – Technical Officer, School of Physics, University of Sydney Ms Susanne Fraser – Technical Assistant, University of NSW Dr Wendy Cahill – Head, iNET Australia Dr Andrew Bunting – Director, Architectus Melbourne Mr Glen Sawle – CEO Science, NSW DET Mr Ric Morante – Senior Curriculum Adviser Science 7-12, NSW DET Mr John Robinson – Principal, Clancy College, West Hoxton Mr Michael Mullaly – Principal, De La Salle College, Revesby Mrs Elaine Hornas – Science Coordinator, St John Bosco College, Engadine Mr Jim Davies – Principal, Australian Science and Mathematics School, Bedford Park, SA Ms Jayne Heath – Assistant Principal, ASMS, Bedford Park, SA Mr Matthew Jamieson – Studio Support Officer, ASMS, Bedford Park, SA Mr Robert Paynter – Head of Science, Barker College, Hornsby Br Anthony Robertson – Science Coordinator, Parramatta Marist High School Shane Morris – Curriculum Coordinator, Parramatta Marist High School Ms Suzanne Clark – Manager, Ecolinc Science and Techology Centre, Bacchus March, VIC Rosa Marchionda – Assistant Principal, Caroline Springs College, Caroline Springs, VIC John Goodman – Assistant Principal, Princes Hill Secondary College, Carlton North, VIC Margaret Shepherd – Secretary, STANSW Brian Robbins, Science Coordinator, Iona College, Wynnum West, QLD Peter Elmore, Leadership Team member, Clairvaux MacKillop College, Upper Mt Gravatt, QLD Janet Grice, Science Co-ordinator, Clairvaux MacKillop College, Upper Mt Gravatt, QLD 12

Bill Cowlishaw, Science Co-ordinator, Anglican Church Grammar School, East Brisbane, QLD Stephen Pearse, Design Director, Group GSA Appendix III – Chronology of Visits 18th February 19th February 19th February 23rd February 25th February 25th February 26th February 27th February 2nd March 2nd March 2nd March 3rd March 6th March 6th March 6th March 11th March

Stephen Heppell Seminar: ‘Innovation and Future Schooling’ University of Sydney University of New South Wales St John Bosco College, Engadine Australian Science and Mathematics School, Bedford Park, SA Barker College, Hornsby Clancy College, West Hoxton NSW Department of Education and Training Ecolinc Science and Technology Centre, Bacchus Marsh, VIC Caroline Springs College, Caroline Springs, VIC Princes Hill Secondary College, Carlton North, VIC Parramatta Marist High School, Parramatta Iona College, Wynnum West, QLD Clairvaux MacKillop College, Upper Mt Gravatt, QLD Anglican Church Grammar School, East Brisbane, QLD De La Salle College, Revesby

Appendix IV – Details of Facilities Visited The following facilities are listed in alphabetical order. The descriptions and images include design principles both recommended and those to avoid. Anglican Church Grammar

An independent boys’ school for dayboys and boarders in East Brisbane. The work stations are quite thin and fixed and around the sides of the room. There is a large, fixed teacher demonstration bench near the work stations behind the student seating. The students sit at movable desks usually in a hexagonal horseshoe ‘battle axe’ arrangement around a teacher desk. The floor is vinyl. There are 5 prep rooms. Electricity is provided at bench height on the walls and on the demo bench. There are felt boards all around the room for posters but they also aid in the acoustics. Every room has a data projector and wireless. There are no IWBs. The Science department has and uses lots of data-loggers.


‘Battle Axe’ Seating

Demonstration Bench and work stations behind seating

Australian Science and Mathematics School

Recently built school (2005) with new pedagogical design, consisting of large ‘Learning Commons’ and ‘Studios’. The Learning Commons are for the instruction or self-directed study of several classes or as breakout areas from Studios. They consist of movable tables with PCs and chairs and comfy lounge type seating as an alternative. Power is provided by trapdoor points in the floor which are of poor design, breaking easily and damaging cords entering them. The Studios are specialist areas or laboratories. The ‘Wet’ Studio for Biology and Chemistry consists of fixed square pods with water, gas and electricity. In itself this is not a flexible space, however, combined with the Learning Commons the space becomes flexile for different modes of differentiated learning. Storage is a big issue and was unfortunately underestimated by the architects. The Studios are separated from the Learning Commons by sliding glass doors and glass walls. The various small teacher offices are open to the Learning Commons with windows into adjacent Studios so that teachers always have a line of sight with the students. The Physics Studio has blinds within the window frame to block out light for optics experiments. The Electronics Studio has a gas extraction unit attached to the soldering irons around the edge. The Dangerous Chemical cabinets are ventilated by piping to the outside by positive ventilation – the whirly on the roof creating negative pressure above the pipes to draw in air through vents in the base of the cupboards and draw out any fumes. A demineralising unit is used to convert tap water to close to distilled water at a fraction of the cost of bottled distilled water. The Multimedia Studio is soundproofed with double-glazing and a doubly thick door. Part of a Learning Commons area is furnished for Drama with lighting, curtains and a wall painted with the correct colour blue for ‘Blue Screen’ filming. There is a purpose built PDHPE Studio with various exercise machines connected to data-loggers and computers plus a driving simulator for road safety. There are projectors and wireless throughout the school but no IWBs. Every student uses their own laptop in all lessons.


Learning Commons

Lounge Seating

Wet Science Studio

Soldering Exhaust System

Chemical Cupboard Ventilation Barker College

A very large Science department consisting of 16 laboratories, a 106 seat mini lecture hall, 5 major Prep Rooms and 6 mini-labs. The laboratory plan is based on 7 work stations around the room: 2 on each side wall and 3 across the back of the room. The rooms are very 15

spacious and rectangular in shape (longer axis being the width of the room). The student writing benches are located in the centre of the room on a large square of carpet for better acoustics. The mini-labs act as linking areas between adjacent laboratories. They were designed as individualised learning centres or breakout areas where students could work on ongoing projects though are not currently being used in this fashion. Every laboratory had a huge whiteboard, no IWB, a projector, docking station for the teacher, multi-media cabinet and audio system. Some labs have desktop machines on the pods, however the school is relying on ethernet links through the walls rather than wireless. There are 3 banks of laptops; students cannot use their own laptops.

Seating in middle, work stations around side Floor plan for Science Block 

Caroline Springs College

A new school (2005) on the Western fringe of Melbourne. The most inspiring aspect is the very large prep room that connects to most of the Science labs. The main student seating is in rows with work stations around the edge of the room. The teacher bench is large and fixed at the front forming an undesirable barrier. Most rooms have a fume cupboard. There are not many displays to inspire students. There are some projectors but no IWBs. A suite of desktops has been bought with the NSSCF money though they are yet to be set up in a computer lab in the Science block.


Work stations around side of lab Clairvaux MacKillop College

A unification of Clairvaux Boys’ College and MacKillop Girls College, within the Brisbane Catholic Education Centre. The Science labs are only 12 months old. The reconstituted stone work stations are fixed and around the sides. The students sit in a hexagonal horseshoe ‘battle axe’ arrangement around a very large teacher/demonstration desk. The floor is vinyl in the practical areas and carpeted where the students sit. Behind large windows there is breakout computer room. There are 4 prep rooms but storage is a problem. There a no fume cupboards in the labs but there is portable one that can move between them. Electricity is provided at bench height on the walls. There are no blinds which is a drawback. The overall design concept had to work within the original shell of the room. Every room has a data projector and wireless. There are no IWBs. The Science department has and uses lots of data-loggers.

Work stations around side of lab Large fixed teacher bench  17

Clancy College

The newest school built in Sydney Archdiocese (2006 and ongoing). The Science labs were especially designed by former Science Adviser, Chris Healy, with flexibility and student-centred learning being the underpinning philosophies. The current main wet lab is very large. It has fixed mini-pods towards one side of the room (hosting water and gas supplies) with benches on wheels (with brakes) to make the learning space flexible. There is no cumbersome fixed teacher bench taking up room thereby making the learning space more open and accessible. Large windows visually link the large lab to two General Learning Areas which themselves have a concertina partition allowing the creation of a larger GLA for team teaching, students multi-functioning etc. Doors connecting the lab to the GLAs would allow the GLAs to be breakout areas from the lab (timetabling permitting). The Science lab has power connections hanging from the ceiling as well as in the wall. The prep room is very large, connecting to several labs with a compactus aiding with storage. The fume cupboards from the labs connect through to the prep room. The floors are vinyl. There is no projector in the lab but projectors are in some of the GLAs along with SMART Boards. There is wireless throughout the school as well as ethernet points. One of the computer rooms in TAS has a ‘herring bone’ layout so that all screens are visible to a teacher at the back of the room.

Flexible lab, power from above

Movable benches on wheels


Windows connecting lab with GLA

Large Prep Room

De La Salle College, Revesby

The new Science Block was opened in 2006. It consists of 4 labs, a computer lab and a prep room opening into a large foyer which is a communal breakout learning area rather than simply a corridor. Similar to Clancy, the labs have mini-pods with gas, electricity and water around the sides of the room with movable benches on wheels that can be rearranged to make this a very flexible work space. In the middle of the labs the students have normal desks on carpet whereas there is vinyl around the practical areas. There is a concertina door with whiteboard that links pairs of labs. Each lab also has lots of internal windows that look out into the foyer learning area and beyond into the computer room. There is a very large prep room with a compactus to aid storage. The College is wireless throughout and soon the students will be able to bring their NSSCF laptops into the Science labs. There is a SMART Board in one lab and a multimedia unit and data projector in another.

Entry to new Science Block

Movable benches on wheels


Windows connecting lab with breakout area

Communal breakout area

Concertina doors with whiteboard

Compactus used in large prep room

Ecolinc Science and Technology Innovation Centre

Ecolinc is not a school but an educational centre for schools to visit where students can perform experiments in a couple of labs. The labs contain fixed oblate octagonal work stations supplying water and gas for experimentation by medium sized groups. The space is not flexible as it is used solely for experimentation as in university labs. There is a glasshouse that opens off one of the labs. Outside there is a wetland area created using storm water. Both of these areas aid in the study of Biology and Environmental Science. Obviously there is an eco-friendly emphasis around the architectural design of Ecolinc. These features8 include: black walls to reradiate the sun’s heat which passed through large northfacing double-glazed windows, outside eaves to block out unwanted heat in summer, the ‘thermal mass’ of the building used for warming in winter and cooling in summer, sloping roof and air gap to allow convection currents to carry hot air away, high/low venting to allow 8

Sustainability features explained excellently through animated website


for natural cooling air flow, black roof with solar heated ‘hot box’ to circulate warm air in winter, wall and roof insulation, climate-control panel in each room, solar hot water system, photo-voltaic cells on the roof, water tanks and more. There are white circles painted on the concrete ceiling to break up the linear nature of the concrete and lighten the room. Large, soft white material circles are suspended from the ceiling to dampen the acoustics and cover the ceiling vents from view. Every room has a projector but no IWB. Every work station has a PC curiously within a depression in the bench top even though they are wet labs. There is a large ‘Weather Wall’ flat-screen TV in the foyer with live data from sensors outside the building on a meteorological mast (designed by the CSIRO) providing local environment data.

Science Lab

Glasshouse connected to lab

Reflecting circles on ceiling, large soft circles to dampen sound and hide vents

Climate Control Panel


PC sunk into work station

Weather Wall flat-screen TV in foyer

Monitoring Mast designed by CSIRO

Wetland Area

Iona College

A Catholic boys college conducted by the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, in the eastern suburbs of Brisbane. The Science labs have fixed granite benches around the side of the room for experimentation. The students sit in a hexagonal horseshoe ‘battle axe’ arrangement around a very large teacher/demonstration desk. The floor is white vinyl in the practical areas which has proved a problem due to staining but carpeted where the students sit. There is a lowered panelled ceiling which helps with acoustics. There are windows all the way around which is great for visual linking but without blinds thereby being a problem for optics experiments. A prep room is provided on each floor of the Science block. All labs are wireless as well as hard wired. There is a data projector but no IWB. Every lab has a visualiser. There are 6 PCs in breakout areas off the labs.


Large teacher bench with Visualiser

Work stations around sides of lab

Parramatta Marist High School

The Science labs at Parramatta are conventional plus they have a lecture theatrette. What are particularly impressive are their PBL (Project Based Learning) areas in various parts of the school. These PBLs are big open areas the size of two classrooms usually with two classes in and two teachers team teaching. The furniture is arranged around the room for group work with glass partitions partially separating some groups or providing a visual link to a breakout mini-amphitheatre area. The seating is very ergonomic and the carpeting very soft allowing students to sit on the ground. Students are timetabled in the PBLs for crosscurricular subjects such as ‘Cath-Tec’ which is a combination of RE and IT to stimulate the boys’ interest and participation in RE. Science may possibly be looking to make their own PBL as a breakout area from the labs. The technology is very impressive. There is wireless throughout. As well as data projectors there are numerous large flat-screen TVs on the walls near where each individual group may sit. There is also a large bank of laptops in each PBL as the NSSCF machines were not issued to the students. Students can link the laptops to the flat-screen TVs (which are networked) to then share their work with the rest of the class. The teachers have access to a multimedia podium including 4 wireless microphones, a visualiser and control over the networked TVs. There are also class sets of video cameras for use by the students.

Mini-amphitheatre behind glass partition in PBL 23

Flat-screen TVs on walls and glass partitions

Princes Hill Secondary College

A large, inner city, coeducational high school in Melbourne. The Science labs are large, split into two halves. The first half has a fixed teacher bench and student desks in rows facing a whiteboard. This area is carpeted. The second area has fixed square work stations with power, ethernet points and only 2 gas taps. There are large water troughs at the side of the room. Having both spaces in the room would allow for studentcentred work though it is a shame that the benches are fixed in the middle of that half of the room. There is a large prep room that only links directly to one lab. There is a fume cupboard operational from the prep room but viewable from a Science lab. Perhaps the best feature is the display cabinets in the corridor to captivate passersby. Some of these included an aquarium accessible from the lab and viewable from the corridor.

Fixed square work stations

St John Bosco College

St John Bosco was observed on an eLearning Staff Development Day and not formally as part of this investigation. The most notable features for this report are the customised storage for all equipment (including such cumbersome items as a linear air-track), the variety of class sets of the latest data-loggers and the opportunity and space for a possible outdoor learning or breakout area.


Customised Storage for air-track

Substantial Storage

University of New South Wales

Large designated laboratories to cater for up to 80 students. The work stations are ‘+’ shaped with power and slimline iMacs. The space is not flexible but solely designed for Physics practical investigation. The space does provide for student-centred, self directed learning and group work. There is also a breakout area with movable furniture and iMacs. Substantial storage is down one long wall and accessible to the students. Individual whiteboards are arranged on the opposite wall to assist one or two work stations at a time. There was also a hatch to pass through materials from the Prep Room. The flooring is carpet tiles.

Large lab of ‘+’ shaped pods

Breakout Room


Substantial storage along walls University of Sydney

Similar to UNSW though ‘+’ shaped work stations staggered around a squarer room for fewer students (48). The bench surfaces are 10 years old and in perfect condition being made of Tarkett vinyl. A long wall bench is provided for air track and projectiles experiments. Acoustics are poor due to hard ceilings and floor (vinyl). Again, not a flexible space but solely designed for experimental use, lending itself for student-centred, self-directed learning and group work.

Spacious lab with ‘+’ shaped pods


Bibliography Literature Association for Science Education, SCHOOL LABORATORIES FOR THE 21st CENTURY, 2002

Australian Science and Mathematics School, Building Design Manual (internal document), 2003 CEO Sydney, Learning Framework, 2005 work.pdf

COAG, National Partnership Agreement on the Nation Building and Jobs Plan: Building Prosperity for the Future and Supporting Jobs, 2009

Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Learning Space Design, 2008

DEEWR, Building the Education Revolution Guidelines, 2009

EDUCAUSE, Teaching and Learning with Laptop Computers in the Classroom, 2009

Group GSA, Laboratories + Language Site Audit, 2009 (prepared for CEO Sydney) Johnson and Lomas, Design of the Learning Space: Learning and Design Principles, EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 40, no. 4 (July/August 2005): 16–28

Koedinger, Suthers & Forbus, Component-Based Construction of a Science Learning Space, 2008

Li, Locke, Nair & Bunting, Creating 21st Century Learning Environments, 2005 MCEETYA, Learning in an Online World: Learning Spaces Framework, 2008

Nair and Fielding, Language of School Design, 2005 National Curriculum Board, National Science Curriculum Framing Paper, 2008

New Media Consortium, The Horizon Report: 2009 Edition, 2009

Oblinger, Learning Spaces, 2006

OECD, 21st Century Learning Environments, 2006 27

OECD, PEB Compendium of Educational Facilities: 3rd Edition, 2006 OECD, The Search for Innovative Learning Environments, 2008 Theisens, Benavides & Dumont, OECD Work on Future Educational Environments, 2008

Websites Australian Science and Mathematics School, Facilities Information, 2007

Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment, Engaging Places, 2009 Department for Children, Schools and Families UK, Academies, 2009

DEEWR, Building the Education Revolution Overview, 2009

Ecolinc, Virtual Tour, 2009

EDUCAUSE, Learning Space Design, 2005

FUTURELAB, Learning Spaces, 2008

JISC, Planning & Designing Technology-Rich Learning Spaces, 2008

NCEF, Resources Lists, 2009

University of Queensland, Science Learning Centre and interactive Learning Centres, 2008


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