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  • Words: 422
  • Pages: 2
Axial Musculature Head Muscles Temporalis Depressor Mandibulae Mylohoid

Origin Mid-dorsal line

Insertion Posterior region of the mandible Angle of the jaw

Action Raises the lower jaw

Median raphe

Inner surface of the lower jaw

Raises the floor of the mouth

Origin Anterior lateral surface of the urostyle

Insertion Neural arch and transverse process of sacral vertebra Ilium

Action Keeps coccyx in line with ilium

Mid-dorsal line

Lowers the jaw

Trunk Muscles Coccygeosacralis


Posterior lateral surface of urostyle

Longissimus dorsi


External oblique

Lumbo-dorsal fascia

Rectus abdominis


Linea alba

Lumbo-dorsal fascia, ribs

Posterior end of the skull, dorsal surface of the vertebrae Beneath the muscle on the ventral side of the abdomen Sternum Pubis

Inscriptiones tendinae Appendicular Musculature Muscles of the forelimb Origin Latissimus dorsi Fascia of the anterior trunk region Sterno-radialis Episternum Pectoralis


(2) Pectoral girdle, sternum (1) Fascia of the rectus abdominus Coracoid

Triceps brachii


Supports articulation of coccyx with the ilium Extends back and elevates head Compresses the abdomen Flexes the vertebral column Compresses the abdomen Compresses the abdomen

Insertion Shoulder joint, humerus Proximal end of the radioulna Humerus

Action Draws arm away from the body Draws the arms towards the chest Draws the arms towards the chest

Proximal end of the humerus Distal end of the humerus, proximal end of the radioulna

Draws the arms towards the chest Straightens the forearms

Insertion Proximal end of the tibio-fibula

Action Straightens the shanks, bends the thigh © Sio

Muscles of the hindlimb Triceps extensor femoris

Origin Posterior border of the ilium, anterior border of the


acetabulum Ischium

Proximal end of the tibio-fibula, back of the knee Proximal end of tibiofibula

Biceps femoris

Posterior margin of ischium

Gracilis major

Posterior margin of the ischium Lower end of the ilium Pelvic girdle

Proximal end of the tibio-fibula

Small head—top aponeuroses that covers the knee; Big head—glistening tendon at the back of the knee connected to the ligament binding the femur and the tibio-fibula Distal end of the femur

Achilles tendon

Sartorius Adductor magnus Gastrocnemius


Tibialis anticus Tibialis posticus

Distal end of the femur Entire length of the tibio-fibula

Distal end of femur

Draws the thigh medially and bends the shanks Draws the thigh medially and bends the shanks Draws the thigh medially Bends the leg Adducts thigh and draws thigh ventrally Flexes leg and extends foot

Distal end of the tibiofibula, proximal end of the tarsal bones Tarsals

Straightens the shank, bends the foot

Proximal end of the tarsals

Extends the foot

Bends the foot

© Sio

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