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TERM 4 20 th Octo ber 2 009

Nelson Central School Week l y N e ws l ett er

Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa te whanau whanui o te Kura Tuatahi o Whakatu – Greetings to friends and family of Nelson Central School.

Bilingual (Maori) Education If you are considering a bilingual (Maori) education for your child can you please make this known to Trina Bennett, Thank you to everyone who took part in the annual mask Carly Ave, Jo Glassford or Paul Potaka by 30 October. This offer is open to anyone in the school - we will arrange an parade and thanks to teachers and parents who helped to make such wonderful masks. I was really proud of the turn information/question and answer session for you once we out of children, teachers and parents. Our effort this year know how many people we have to cater for. was organized by Christine Harrison with musical Class Placements Form 2010 assistance by Tanya Nock and design and technical This is to remind caregivers/parents that there is a form expertise by Dave Palmer. The fact that we won the available for you to complete if you think there is something ‘Daring Diversity’ prize was incidental to the fun everyone we need to know about your child that you feel we might had in getting ready and taking part – well done everyone. not be aware of and that might be relevant as we consider class placements for 2010. The forms will need to be Tsunami Relief Operations returned to either your child’s classroom teacher or to the The tsunami that occurred while we were on holiday has school office by 6 November. spawned much interest with several relief organizations stepping up their work. If anyone is interested in Term Events contributing as a family or other group you might like to 19–23 Oct - Room 1 camp at Marahau consider doing so through the agencies listed elsewhere in 20 Oct - Iron Brion this newsletter – thanks to the Hobbs family for making the 20 Oct - NCS Groups perform at Red Square 10:30 am list available to us. 20-23 Oct - Room 1 Camp 20-21 Oct - Rooms 3 and 6 camp at Teapot Valley Teacher Only Day 22-23 Oct - Rooms 5 and 14 camp at Teapot Valley School will be closed on Tuesday 27 October to allow 27 Oct - Teachers Only Professional Development Day – teachers to take part in professional development to school closed introduce the New Zealand Curriculum to the school. 28 Oct - Prospective Parents Evening 7 pm Renwick 2 Parents/caregivers will need to make arrangements for 9-13 Nov - Room 2 Camp their children on that day. 12 Nov - NIS Powhiri for 2010 enrolments Class placement meetings 16-20 Nov - Cycle Safety Week For the benefit of parents new to the school (and of course 18 Nov - NIS testing for extension class to anyone else who might find it of use) we will be holding 22 Nov - SCG Push Play Family Walk four meetings to explain the process for making class lists Dec - End of Year activities TBA for 2010. Week 8 - Mt Arthur Summit Club Walk • Parents of children in the Kowhai Syndicate (Renwick 7 Dec - SCG Summer Picnic Evening 8 Dec - Year 6 Disco 1 Renwick 2, Renwick 3 and Room 10, Room 11 and Room 12) are invited to a meeting at 2:30 pm on 10 Dec - Totara Big Day Out Monday 2 November in the carpeted area of Trinity 14 Dec - Year 5/6 End of Year Assembly Hall. 16 Dec - School closes Please watch the newsletter and classroom notices for • Parents of children in the Kahikatea Syndicate (Rooms 3, 5, 6, 9, 13 and 14) are invited to a meeting at changes. 2:30 pm on Tuesday 3 November in the carpeted area Dr Paul Potaka of Trinity Hall. PRINCIPAL • Parents of children in the Totara Syndicate (Rooms 1, 2, 7, and 8) are invited to a meeting at 2:30 pm on FREE DRINKS & NIBBLES! Wednesday 4 November in the carpeted area of Trinity Now that I have your attention… Hall.

• Parents of children in Te Pouahi (Rooms 15, 16, and 17) are invited to a meeting at 2:30 pm on Thursday 5 November in the carpeted area of Trinity Hall. Our weekly newslett er is kindly sponsored by –


7 0 N il e St r e et , N e lson Principa l: tumuaki @t s.co.nz

Ph on e 0 3 5 4 8 4 9 7 2

Sec reta ry: secret ary @nel so ncent ral.scho ol.nz


E ma il st a ff@ n el son cen t ra l.sch o ol.n z

BO T Cha irma n: Geof f Cl ark 545 8010

W ebsite: www.nel so ncent ral.school.nz

School Community Group 2010 Fundraising Calendars Throughout the school over the next few weeks children will be doing artwork for personalised calendars and/or cards which will be available later in the term. Look out for the order forms coming home about Week 3 which will explain the options. Costs to parents are as follows: A4 Art Calendar $10.50 ea A4 Photo calendar $12.00 ea Greeting Cards (8 pack) $12.00 per pack Calendar Art will be available for parents to see in classrooms during week 4 and completed orders should be available about week 8. These will make great gifts for family and friends!

Social Skills Citizenship is Everyone’s Business

Caring I have the right to be cared for. I have the responsibility to care for others.


How to donate to Tsunami Relief Operations Pacific Cooperation Foundation Deposits can be made at any Westpac branch. All the money raised will go to the Samoan Government. Red Cross Make a secure online donation at www.redcross.org.nz Send cheques to the Samoan Red Cross Fund, P0 Box 12140, Thorndon, Wellington 6144 Call 0900 31 100 to make an automatic $20 donation Make a donation at any NZ Red Cross office. ANZ bank Make a donation at any ANZ bank branch, or donate directly to the ANZ appeal account: 01 1839 0143546 00. Oxfam - Make a secure online donation at www.oxfam.org.nz Phone 0800 400 666 or make an automatic $20 donation by calling 0900 600 20. Caritas - Make a secure online donation at www.caritas.org.nz Phone 0800221022 or make an automatic $20 donation by calling 0900 41111. TEAR fund - Make a secure online donation at www.tearfund.co.nz Phone 0800 800 777 to specify Samoa the Philippines or Indonesia. You can also donate at CD and DVD stores. Mercury Energy - Donate at www.mercury.co.nz or text the word Samoa followed by the amount you wish to pledge and your Mercury account number to 515 or by calling 0800 10 18 10. Habitat for Humanity - Habitat for Humanity is asking for help with the clean-up www.habitat.org.nz. Unicef - Make a secure online donation www.unicef.org.nz or phone on 0800 800 194. LEARN TO SKATE CLASSES

Thinking about activities for th e new school year? Give your child the gift of music with this unique program! Kindermusik Young Child classes (suitable for 5–7 year olds) teach: • Rhythm patterns • Reading and w riting music • Songs, listening skills and dances • An introduction to playing simple key board, string and wind instruments • An introduction to the classics, and much more… Using fun activ ities a nd games which your child will love! Small classes (maximum 8 children) run for 1 hour x 15 weeks, with a licensed educator, using high quality materials. Ne w courses begin Februa ry 2010 but come and see us in action this term with a FREE VISIT Call Ruth 03 545 2261 or 021 023 26361 Email: musikboxnelson@hot mail.com www.musikbox.co.nz Kindermusik by MusikBox runs programs for children aged from birth to 7 years. Contact Ruth for details of our other classes.

Dates for this term are; 17 Oct, 31 Oct, 14 Nov, 28 Nov, 12 Dec Times; 10.00-11.00 Casual cost is $5 per person term rate available Enquiries to Tessa 5473007

Holidays In the holidays I went to the beach. We found some shells and we went swimming. Mum came too. Mum splashed me. I splashed Mum! I put my head under the water and I swam underwater. I caught a fish. It was small. I touched it. It was yucky. We chucked it back in the sea. Me and Mum dug a hole. Ben (5yrs) Renwick 3 JUNIOR ART CLASSES INDULGE AND EXTEND YOUR CHILDS ARTISTIC CREATIVITY! ART @ 203 (203 TRAFALGAR STREET, NELSON) TERM 4 MONDAYS 5–7yr olds, 3.30 – 4.30pm TERM 4 TUESDAYS 8–10yr olds, 3.30 – 4.30pm ONLY $9 / SESSION TUTOR – LARISSE HALL PLEASE REGISTER YOUR INTEREST FOR THIS CLASS (LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE) ‘ART @ 203’ (203 TRAFALGAR ST, NELSON) ph 548 3961 OR CONTACT LARISSE 027 358 2006 or 547 4929

Room1 Camp Fundraiser Snack Attack Pack was won by Bryan Hemi. Thank you to everyone who supported us. Room One.

This week the NCS Blog of the Week Award goes to ROOM 12! Room 12 have been busy! They have got some amazing photos of the mask parade, Kelly sports and the celebration of their fairy tale inquiry topic on Citizenship. Check out their blog to read all about what they've been doing, you may even like to leave them a comment. Keep up the great learning Room 12! You can view Room 12's blog by going to the school website and clicking on "Room 12" on the sidebar to the left. http://www.nelsoncentral.school.nz

2009 Mask Parade

Jolly Phonics Parents’ Workshop Supporting your child’s reading and writing skills New Entrants and Year One Renwick 1 and 3, Room 10, 11, 12 and Te Pouahi 16 Thursday 22nd October 7-8.30pm Room 11 This is a repeat of the workshop run in Term 2

I went to the mask parade. I liked it, it was fun. I played on the roundabout, it was fun. Lucy age 5 Room 11 The exciting mask parade got me fit. It was cool and fun. We were dressed as Cambodian people. I was happy. My mum saw me. Ruby age 5 Room 11 More photos next week, plus check out the video on the website.

Nelson Yacht Club Learn to Sail Classes Progra mmes every summer for adults and children who can swim 50 metres in a buoyancy aid Kiwi Cricket/Incrediball and 8 years of age and over. All sailing is based at Nelson Yacht Club Wakefield Quay. Childrens classes are run in Term 4 2009 school holidays. This is a 5 day course from 9.00a m to Starts Sat 31 Oct - Finish Sat 12 Dec 4.00pm each day. Saxtons Field (due to ground repairs new venue alongside Classes a re as follows: the Suburbs Clubrooms) Class 1 – 28 Sept -2 Oc t.2009 NO COST to play (Subs paid in Feb) Class 2 – 5-9 Oc t 2009 Saturdays 9.00am – 10.30am Class 3 – 20-24 Dec 2009 Registrations close Thursday 22nd October. Forms available from sports noticeboard located in hallway Class 4 - 5-9 Jan 2010 between rooms 2 and 3. Class 5 – 11-15 Jan 2010 Class 6 – 18-22 Jan 2010 Primary Inter-School Summer Hockey Competition Class 7 – 25-29 Jan 2010 Saxtons Hockey Turfs For more informa tion call Jill Hellyer 548 7501 or email 20 October – 8 December 2009 nyc@x tra.co.nz Tuesdays 5.15 – 6.30pm

8 a side teams with maximum of 10 players per team TENNIS 15 minute halves The Nelson Lawn Tennis Club and the Nelson Insti tute of Single sex or mixed teams. Tennis are still taking enrol ments for Term 4 coac hing Set up your own team or individual players welcome progra mmes - though places are very limi ted (starts Cost: $80 per team to be paid on the first night. th week beginning Oc tober 12th) for all ages and all Registrations to Hockey Nelson by Friday 16 October 12, 2009 abilities. These progra mmes run for 8 weeks with the See Sheryll or school term, and are held after school and Sa turday Contact Hockey Nelson on 547 9988 or email: mornings with qualified coaches. There will also be a [email protected] for further information number of Grasshoppers Tourna ments held throughout the term - with no experience required, for ages 5 GOLF GIVE GOLF A GO 13yrs................The first one is Oc tober 31st from 12.30WHERE: WAAHI TAAKARO GOLF COURSE 2.30pm, cost $10. WHEN: ThURS 16 th October @ 4.30 pm For further informa tion on any of the above please WHO’S IT FOR?? ALL BOYS & GIRLS contac t: Lynnie Nevin - Head Coach Nelson Insti tute of COME ALONG AND TRY IT OUT ON OPENING Tennis, lynnie@tennisnel son.co.nz ph 547 0971 DAY or 0273 663 709 ✹INCLUDED✹ COACHING FOR BEGINNERS THROUGH TO MORE ADVANCED. ACCESS TO EQUIPMENT PRIZES AND BBQS REGULAR ON COURSE PLAY CONTACT GOLF SHOP 5487301 or COLLIN HOSKING 5447599

Small Ferns and Little Giants for Years 1 – 4 Starts Monday 19 October Jack Robins Stadium $40 Junior Summer League for Years 5 & 6 Starts Thursday 22 October Jack Robins Stadium $150 per Team Entries close for Junior Summer League on Monday 19th October. Game times will be 3.45pm, 4.35pm and 5.25pm. For more information please contact: Dallas Ward, Work: 547 6419 Mobile: 0272976017 Email: [email protected]

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