2013-14bundycombinedbriefing Resume Cio Ecqs

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Confidential Executive Briefing 1421F W. 26th St. • Houston, TX 77008

Confidential Resume of

2770 Arapahoe Rd. #132-196 • Lafayette, CO 80026 Tel: 1 (281) 915-0136 • email: [email protected] Tel: 1 (281) 915-0136 • email: [email protected]



Awards & Organizations

For our company I’ll do the following: • • • • • • •

Lead our people and technology from traditional to transformational Reduce expenses and improve our business Produce hard dollar savings – direct to our bottom line Deliver a comprehensive Master Plan to align business technology with our objectives Optimize our existing investments in both people and technology Build a high-performing business technology team …and more!

To get started, we need to meet. You may contact me at: 281-915-0136 / [email protected]

PROFILE ♦ Outstanding Business Management

♦ Management Performer

♦ Articulate and Skilled Communicator

♦ Well Organized

♦ Analytical/Troubleshooter

♦ Proven Project Manager

♦ Team Leader

♦ Creative Leadership


Boulder, Colorado


Houston, Texas


Chicago, Illinois


San Francisco, California


San Diego / San Francisco, California / Baltimore, Maryland


Advanced Degree, Westmont College, Santa Barbara, CA Lived and worked in Europe 5+ years • Bi-lingual

Professional/Career site: http://www.jeffbundy.com


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Technology executive and ERP expert in selection, implementation, and optimization of enterprise operations software will lead your organization and customers to improve business and reduce costs. Together, we will create and align a world-class business technology team.

PROFILE ♦ Outstanding Business Management: Developed, presented and implemented 5-year multi-million Technology Master Plan with 30% ROI. Teamed with Board-level task force and secured executive and key staff sponsorship resulting in significant bottom line savings. ♦ Management Performer: Self-starter with a collaborative leadership style. Secured both local executive management sponsorship and Board of Director approval for complex, comprehensive, long-range, multi-million dollar technology master plan with million dollar plus ROI. ♦ Articulate and Skilled Communicator: Prepared and delivered several presentations to several Boards of Directors at various organizations. KeyNote speaker and expert presenter at many local events and national conferences. Authored multiple “Technology Master Plans” and budgets. ♦ Well Organized: Able to gather information, analyze and synthesize data and materials, plan and set realistic goals. Experienced in establishing effective priorities and formulating criteria. Prepared and secured approval for multi-million dollar budgets, projects, and contracts. ♦ Proven Project Manager: Successfully orchestrate numerous complex projects: multi-branch, national, mixed platform to common operating environment. Developed regional key leaders network to ensure successful transition from multiple disparate systems to corporate-wide, standards-based platforms. ♦ Analytical/Troubleshooter: Established track record for identifying complex problems; resourceful and inventive in developing creative solutions resulting in increased profitability and sales. Enhanced sensitivity to company / client cost, efficiency and deadlines. ♦ Creative Leadership: Created and nurtured both National and local Change Leaders Management teams. Secured participation and buy-in of both key executive management as well as regional/department staff. ♦ Team Leader: Builds strong teams through skill alignment and project assignments. Nurtures individual career growth through strong team performance. Committed to core character values.


Boulder, Colorado

ERP Expert / Operations Software Implementation - Delivered “Professional Services for Social Impact” directly to non-profit clients. Provided leadership and support to NGOs in the strategic use of technology and business systems, enabling them to more effectively accomplish their mission of social impact. ♦ Produced & directed “Inspiring Community Conversations℠” campaign for national publication. • • • •

Increased circulation and awareness across the country reaching hundreds of professionals Recruited nationally recognized experts as presenters Pioneered on-line electronic format “Webinar Wednesday” Leveraged multi-channel communication vehicles

• • •

Fluency in Max OS X environment (Snow Leopard) Furthered software development using M-V-C architecture (Ruby on Rails) Tracked emerging technologies especially mobile (video streaming, real-time social media)

• •

National Fitness Technology, Quarterly Conference Calls Chief Technology Officers (National Affiliate Group), Drafted initial Charter

♦ Continuous Professional Development

♦ National Expert Advisor

Professional/Career site: http://www.jeffbundy.com


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Houston, Texas

As the 1st CIO for the 3rd largest YMCA in the USA, I brought a 25+ year track record of success to focus on taking this association to a higher level of performance with respect to core business systems automation and 21st Century relevance to its members and communities. Focused on aligning the use of information & telecommunications technologies to improve business and reduce costs. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Partnered with Operations to launch association-wide new Membership & Program system Re-aligned Financial Development systems and recordkeeping Implemented automated Time & Attendance for the 5000+ employees (manual process prior) Successfully automated background checking saving $100,000 in the first year alone Built a high-performing team via coaching, mentoring, and aligning business with mission Rescued telecommunications from a failed vendor impacting 21 centers Introduced new fiscal disciplines within technology & telecommunications - $3+million budget


Chicago, Illinois

Provide expert leadership in technology solutions, from 20th to 21st Century, for the YMCA of the USA, local YMCA current and future users, and policy volunteers throughout the movement. National advocate to foster awareness and appropriate use of IT and new technologies to improve business and reduce costs. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Successfully negotiated 6-year $10+million Telecommunications agreement with MCIWorldcom Successfully co-negotiated 6-year $300 million North American outsourcing agreement Secured $3M 5-year telecomm Charity Settlement from MCI. Computerworld/Smithsonian Laureate for visionary use of Information Technology Keynote speaker at numerous local and national conferences and events. Consulted internationally for YMCAs in Uruguay, Mexico and Jerusalem


San Francisco, California

Responsible for the strategic direction of $35M Association’s overall information resources including telecommunications and branch automation. Provided leadership and built strong relationships with key Executives, Board Members and key staff to ensure alignment of applied technology and overall business success -- resulting in higher customer retention and lower operating costs. ♦ Introduced & effected successful, comprehensive organizational change via technology. ♦ Developed 5-year multi-million $ Technology Master Plan; secured Board of Director approval. ♦ Initiated, developed, and nurtured significant global & local relationships with Hewlett-Packard, Pacific Bell Network Integration, Pacific Bell, Vanstar, and others.. ♦ Increased communication effectiveness & efficiency via corporate-wide robust electronic messaging.



Lived & worked internationally 5+ years • Bilingual


To get started, we need to meet. You may contact me at: 281-915-0136 / [email protected] Professional/Career site: http://www.jeffbundy.com


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EXECUTIVE CORE QUALIFICATIONS (ECQs): (supplemental material) The Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs) define the competencies needed to build a corporate culture that drives for results, serves customers, and builds successful teams and coalitions within and outside the organization. You’ll find these here replete with details for your review. They include: • • • • •

Leading Change Leading People Results Driven Business Acumen Building Coalitions

Professional/Career site: http://www.jeffbundy.com


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ECQ 1: Leading Change Definition: This core qualification involves the ability to bring about strategic change, both within and outside the organization, to meet organizational goals. Inherent to this ECQ is the ability to establish an organizational vision and to implement it in a continuously changing environment. Creativity and Innovation Develops new insights into situations; questions conventional approaches; encourages new ideas and innovations; designs and implements new or cutting edge programs/processes.

Vignette: Houston – 100% solid state Computer Training Center overhaul using “Virtual Desktop” technologies and thin-client (Wyse) embedded Windows XP. This provides 2 key benefits: 1) no moving parts = high hardware & software availability/low maintenance; 2) “fresh” virgin, standardized desktops delivered instantly with each new login. Additionally this same center serves 2 completely different corporations and their unique needs – securely and transparently. Vignette: San Francisco – transformed a character-based, mid-range dumb terminal enterprise application and implemented (then risky) early 1996 Citrix implementation and the organization’s first-ever local area network that ran its enterprise-wide membership, registration and fundraising applications (ERP) on industry-standard PCs with standardized desktops and productivity applications (i.e. Microsoft Office). Also rolled out an “Exec Connect” first ever email system with the Executive population and their first corporate rollout of laptops, with secure 2-phase remote access. Vignette: San Diego – “Disk-based Data Entry” (DBDE) – In 2011 it’s hard to imagine this as unique let alone valuable. But in 1986 it was a “trailblazing” digital advancement in what had always – since the beginning of time – had been a very manual, labor-intensive process. This particular survey was done for the Hospital Council of Southern California and involved about 200 Hospitals reporting compensation data and practices on an annual basis. When DBDE was introduced the surveys were filled-out on a standalone PC. The data was captured on a 5 ¼” floppy diskette and returned to be aggregated into the annual database – all done 100% electronically. Saved time. Eliminated dual entry from paper to database; consequently, eliminated dual entry keypunch errors. A huge success! Eventually, this evolved to 3 ½” diskettes and ultimately transformed into a “previous year’s answers” pre-populated version. Each evolution brought greater efficiency and convenience into the process.

External Awareness Understands and keeps up-to-date on local, national, and international policies and trends that affect the organization and shape stakeholders' views; is aware of the organization's impact on the external environment.

Anecdote: Passionately well-read with a thirst for continuous learning. I’ve subscribed to dozens of industry journals over the past 20+ years. Today most of those are now available on-line; so I follow them there. Additionally, I’ve been a longtime student of business management materials including things like the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, etc. A sample of recent reading material in my lifelong library of learning includes, but is not limited to the following: • In Search of Excellence, Tom Peters • Barbarians to Bureaucrats, Lawrence Miller Professional/Career site: http://www.jeffbundy.com


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• Management: Tasks, Responsibilities and Practices, Peter Drucker • Here Comes Everybody, Clay Shirky • Built to Last, Jim Collins • Good to Great, Jim Collins • The Ultimate Question, Fred Reichheld • The World is Flat, Thomas Friedman Also, I track governmental regulations and their impact on both the business and the communities served. A particular example of this was the impact of FASB statements 116 and 117 on non-profit accounting in the mid 1990’s with particular note of contributions and their need to be treated in very new ways. Flexibility Is open to change and new information; rapidly adapts to new information, changing conditions, or unexpected obstacles.

Vignette: Houston – Telecommunications provider of both voice and data services to 21 of our 41 locations one evening announced that they were “out of business”. The next day, all 21 locations found themselves with no service and support. Beginning the evening of the announcement, my team and I began to put a plan in place to 1) locate immediate service technicians to keep “dial tone” and data live; 2) as quickly as possible secure new contractual arrangements with more reputable business suppliers while minimizing service interruptions to staff and customers. Resilience Deals effectively with pressure; remains optimistic and persistent, even under adversity. Recovers quickly from setbacks.

Vignette: Chicago – A multimillion $ nationwide software development project had been placed in “permanent suspension” following 2 separate, professional assessments by Deloitte-Touche as directed by the Board of Directors and with the CEO’s strong encouragement. As the national service center for 970 corporations with pre-existing, although aging, functional software services, I immediately assembled multiple teams of software and services support with 2 primary goals: 1) deliver the highest and timeliest level of customer service to the 540+ corporations currently subscribed to the software, and 2) identify, assemble, and remediate all outstanding known “bugs” to deliver functionally required patches and upgrades that would allow these aging systems to continue in service many years into the future. Vignette: San Francisco – My Board-approved Master Plan called for a “Training University” to effectively train 100s of staff on a brand new ERP system. We had it all coordinated and resourced. Then the existing, in-service ERP system housed on an obsolete mid-range computer, died. 100% died. Parts were neither readily available nor cheap. The Executives met, and we decided to abandon “Training University”, accelerate the ERP roll-out with a “all hands on deck” approach, 1 location at a time until all locations were on-the-job trained and “live” on the new ERP system with two weeks.

Professional/Career site: http://www.jeffbundy.com


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Strategic Thinking Formulates objectives and priorities, and implements plans consistent with the long-term interests of the organization in a global environment. Capitalizes on opportunities and manages risks.

Vignette: Chicago – After 20 years of providing direct software and services to member associations, the national organization made the decision, with Board of Director support, to exit the software business. As the national resource center whose member associations depend on national support, we could not simply “exit” – in the sense of stopping immediately – our software services that over 540 of the corporations subscribed. Consequently, I began a comprehensive exit strategy that provided clear milestones, project plans, and abundant guidance to the member associations to provide them opportunities, education, and choices in their future business software selection. We conducted facilitated regional meetings and provided detailed software selection and migration “kits” with practical hands-on tools for them to use. Vision Takes a long-term view and builds a shared vision with others; acts as a catalyst for organizational change. Influences others to translate vision into action.

Vignette: Chicago – Following the collapse of a national software development effort, I immediately began to form a new mission/vision for our team of 35. Each focus area developed a new “chart of work” for their area. We completely re-positioned our collective efforts on the external market. Out of these efforts came a new name and “brand” for our group, which over the following 3+ years not only shed the stigma attached to the old failed effort, but became a positive source of support and a source of pride as a national resource. We turned a complete 180-degree transition and led 100s of corporations into the future with choices that exceeded their current operational expectations and reality. ECQ 2: Leading People Definition: This core qualification involves the ability to lead people toward meeting the organization's vision, mission, and goals. Inherent to this ECQ is the ability to provide an inclusive workplace that fosters the development of others, facilitates cooperation and teamwork, and supports constructive resolution of conflicts. Conflict Management Encourages creative tension and differences of opinions. Anticipates and takes steps to prevent counter-productive confrontations. Manages and resolves conflicts and disagreements in a constructive manner.

Vignette: Houston – A newly recruited manager inherited a less than high performance team – particularly one member. The troubled team member had crafted a very clever, yet entirely legal, use of FMLA while going through some legitimate physical therapy. I worked with the manager together with HR to run the full gamut of the extended FMLA 12-week period (over the course of 6 months!). When the FMLA period ended, the worker still was unable to get on board with the new team manager and the new direction. The team manager and I were prepared to issue a severance package and simply begin the team building process. Much to our collective surprise, the troubled worker, unsolicited, turned in her resignation. The new manager got on with recruiting and building her high-performance team, and the company saved money by not having to issue a severance package! Professional/Career site: http://www.jeffbundy.com


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Leveraging Diversity Fosters an inclusive workplace where diversity and individual differences are valued and leveraged to achieve the vision and mission of the organization.

Vignette: Chicago – Two of my direct reports had personalities at polar opposites. The good news was each of them had their own, separate chart of work. And the even better news is that while collectively there was a certain amount of constructive “tension”, it was precisely that tension that internally pushed each of them to exceed their “normal” efforts. As a result, the customers got a better work product and more refined services. These in turn furthered the vision and mission of the organization faster than would otherwise have been possible. Developing Others Develops the ability of others to perform and contribute to the organization by providing ongoing feedback and by providing opportunities to learn through formal and informal methods.

Vignette: Chicago – I charted a course of independence for one of my key staff, Steve, at the time. Together, Steve and I pursued a course by which he was given more and more independence to not only run existing initiatives but eventually develop new initiatives, successfully launch them, grow them and nurture them into becoming significantly valuable to the customer base. Over the course of the 3 years, Steve gained experience, confidence and leadership capacities that he was able to build upon. He went on to become a national leader and facilitator to a brain trust of talent in this national organization. This brain trust, under his leadership and direction, collaboratively wrote and were published in a book produced by a nationally renowned and well-respected Non-Profit organization. Team Building Inspires and fosters team commitment, spirit, pride, and trust. Facilitates cooperation and motivates team members to accomplish group goals.

Vignette: Houston – Introducing the “i-Team”. Leveraging Apple’s “i” brand – the iPod, and the then – 2007 – just introduced hugely popular iPhone, I created a new moniker for our group: the i-Team! Under my leadership we developed position descriptions – the first time ever – and assembled existing talent, plus recruited replacement talent as necessary to introduce a brand new team charged with delivering Information Technology Service & Support. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the “i-Team”. This simple yet powerful announcement brought with it new, fresh, and quite frankly uncharted expectations casting aside the old “IT” department name (and with it the less than prestigious track record and image in the customers’ minds). The timing was critical in 2 areas: 1) actually having the right people in the right positions; 2) riding the coattails of the iPhone’s brand.

ECQ 3: Results Driven Definition: This core qualification involves the ability to meet organizational goals and customer expectations. Inherent to this ECQ is the ability to make decisions that produce high-quality results by applying technical knowledge, analyzing problems, and calculating risks.

Professional/Career site: http://www.jeffbundy.com


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Accountability Holds self and others accountable for measurable high-quality, timely, and cost-effective results. Determines objectives, sets priorities, and delegates work. Accepts responsibility for mistakes. Complies with established control systems and rules.

Vignette: Houston – Rolling out the first “pilot” group on a new ERP system. We had a rollout plan with dates, resources, timelines all laid out. The entire team was performing beyond the call of duty (e.g. working late into the evenings during the last consecutive days up to the scheduled rollout; working weekends; jumping in and doing last-minute data entry themselves. Everyone was giving “2nd mile service”. However, as the last deadline of midnight was approaching, the entire team realized that we were not going to be able to “go live” as scheduled. Everyone was hugely disappointed, myself included. The next day everyone rested, and the second day we regrouped, performed a high-level roundtable discussion about re-setting and making sure we get it right the next time. What resulted was a revised game plan that factored in a longer prepreparation time based on semi-monthly bank draft dates. Re-scheduled, the system went live on the second planned “go live” launch. Customer Service Anticipates and meets the needs of both internal and external customers. Delivers high-quality products and services; is committed to continuous improvement.

Vignette (internal): Houston – hired a director of “customer experience” who had no technical expertise whatsoever to head up our Information Technology services and support help desk. He brought the right attitude; he was a quick study and learned as much of the “technical” as necessary. He listened. He communicated well with each customer – one customer at a time. He delivered on what he promised. Together we set out to create the best “customer experience” possible in an otherwise low customer satisfaction area: technical support. Together we succeeded. Each quarter we conducted an identical, simple 5-question customer survey, targeting only those customers who had used technical support services during that quarter. We went from: “prefer the old way” in the first survey, to: “we love Rob”, “we love Mario” etc. The results continually improved on every survey. Every single survey. All under my leadership. Vignette (external): Houston – With a portfolio of over 40 suppliers and service providers – many of them delivering on-site service directly to our internal customers, our own reputation was only as good as the “face” on-site. Under my leadership, we transformed this army of expertise into our on-site customer excellence team. We focused on communication with the customer. That first started with “listening” – really listening – to the customer. Followed by ‘over-deliver’ and ‘under-promise’. The result? Customers began to recognize this army as their “friends/partners” – extraordinary in the delivery of caring, effective solutions. Decisiveness Makes well-informed, effective, and timely decisions, even when data are limited or solutions produce unpleasant consequences; perceives the impact and implications of decisions.

Vignette: Houston – After an extended 6+ month “pilot”, the ERP system was back on track and scheduled to launch the first of consecutive installations the beginning of February. The three locations for this launch had all done their preparation; training was well underway; data had Professional/Career site: http://www.jeffbundy.com


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been scrubbed for migration – albeit at a cost of 3 additional days. And here was the clincher: the primary ERP trainer had been hospitalized that week with a major infection stemming from her recent months of recovery following major cancer surgery. There was literally only one trainer on-site and another remote worker to help with daily service requests. The ideal amount of time, even with a full team – a full team being defined as three people for this operation – was between 10-12 days. With the extra data migration delays, we were down to 6 days – and only 1 trainer. No backup resources were available. I made the painful decision to suspend the rollout, called an emergency conference call with all executives directly affected, announced the decision, explained what led up to it, and ultimately received buy-in from all parties involved. Entrepreneurship Positions the organization for future success by identifying new opportunities; builds the organization by developing or improving products or services. Takes calculated risks to accomplish organizational objectives.

Vignette: Houston – 100% solid state Virtual Desktop Computer Training Center overhaul using VMWare’s Virtual Desktop running on an IBM Blade Server and thin-client (Wyse) embedded Windows XP. This provides 2 key benefits: 1) no moving parts = high hardware & software availability/low maintenance; 2) “fresh” virgin, standardized desktops delivered instantly with each new login. Since 2008 this same center serves 2 completely different corporations – Houston Campus, Springfield College; YMCA of Greater Houston – and their unique needs – securely and transparently. Problem Solving Identifies and analyzes problems; weighs relevance and accuracy of information; generates and evaluates alternative solutions; makes recommendations.

Vignette: Since 1980 this is what I do: solve problems. This is what I am: professional problem solver. The focus is on business problems, but this capacity carries into all facets of my life. In business, the range includes people problems – these can be the most challenging; technology problems – these, while sometimes perplexing, once understood/researched tend to be the easiest; and finally process problems which are some of the most complex since they invariably involve 1) people; 2) process and 3) technology. Furthermore, when problems have been identified, it’s always incumbent upon the identifier – whether that’s me or other staff – to bring light to the problem with thoughts, ideas, and alternatives about resolutions. And I always coach others to think of problems as a “pair” i.e. “problem/solution”. Always. Additionally, I have been rated a “Rational Mastermind” by the Keirsey test (KTS®-II). Here’s an excerpt definition of a Rational Mastermind: “All Rationals are good at planning operations, but Masterminds are head and shoulders above all the rest in contingency planning. Complex operations involve many steps or stages, one following another in a necessary progression, and Masterminds are naturally able to grasp how each one leads to the next, and to prepare alternatives for difficulties that are likely to arise any step of the way. Trying to anticipate every contingency, Masterminds never set off on their current project without a Plan A firmly in mind, but they are always prepared to switch to Plan B or C or D if need be.” (from www.keirsey.com) Technical Credibility Professional/Career site: http://www.jeffbundy.com


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Understands and appropriately applies principles, procedures, requirements, regulations, and policies related to specialized expertise.

Vignette: Chicago – In collaboration with General Counsel’s office and the office of the CFO, my team produced a nationally distributed resource with respect to PCI compliance (Payment Card Industry) a then new and emerging set of financial regulations governing security of credit card transactions. While the actual use is embedded in the ERP software, the expertise required to compose this official “Advisory” included highly specialized and licensed expertise that comes with both the General Counsel’s office and the office of the CFO. The resulting document continues to serve, years later, as a milestone for what collaboration can deliver especially in a regulatory environment. ECQ 4: Business Acumen Definition: This core qualification involves the ability to manage human, financial, and information resources strategically. Financial Management Understands the organization's financial processes. Prepares, justifies, and administers the program budget. Oversees procurement and contracting to achieve desired results. Monitors expenditures and uses cost-benefit thinking to set priorities.

Vignette: Chicago – Supervisor Performance Review Comment re: Fiscal Management “No stone remains unturned… Jeff continually looks for opportunities for fiscal improvement, and does so with a long term, as well as a short term, perspective.” (this category had a “High” priority and received an “Outstanding” – the highest performance rating possible) Vignette: Baltimore -- “Technologically, Jeff has become an expert in transition, strategic design, and implementation of modern, appropriate technologies throughout a department, a single site, a small group of sites, or an entire organization. He leads the transition out of the old into the new, in some of the worst financial conditions imaginable and still manages to get the organization where they need to be.”-William M. Stanton, President and CEO, WFCorroon -East Human Capital Management Builds and manages workforce based on organizational goals, budget considerations, and staffing needs. Ensures that employees are appropriately recruited, selected, appraised, and rewarded; takes action to address performance problems. Manages a multi-sector workforce and a variety of work situations.

Vignette: Houston – former direct report -- Rob Cass, Director, Technical Support - Customer Experience, YMCA of Greater Houston (colleague)

“Professional, personable, and supportive, Jeff Bundy is the example of leadership that all managers of people and processes should strive to be, or should become. With a well-managed strategic business and technical support plan, Jeff restructured and introduced a new level of technical support services to the YMCA of Greater Houston that highly exceeded the expectation of many, and was appreciated by the most skeptical of “IT challengers.” Jeff is extremely knowledgeable of business technology and he recognizes the needs of the organization. He solidly embraces all opportunities to implement the best solutions for his organization, his customers, and his staff - always delivering dependable and quality results in the most efficient and cost-effective methods. Always caring and considerate, Jeff works with his team to develop and build strong customer service relationships while in-turn giving full appreciation and respect to his staff for their abilities and strengths. Jeff increases the strengths of his team by providing opportunities for each of his employees to further develop their skills and knowledge. Through direct and indirect communication platforms, Jeff stays informed with the progress of all of his staff, and frequently will re-enforce their

Professional/Career site: http://www.jeffbundy.com


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successes with a positive message of appreciation of a “job well done!” Without micro-managing his team, Jeff works with his staff to develop the best solutions and effective processes. Jeff leads his staff to be empowered while also giving them 100% of his support. To work with Jeff was an amazing opportunity for me and I learned so much from him, not only about technical applications and business acumen, but also, how best to manage the expectations and attributes of people. Jeff has a warm, friendly, and engaging personality. He respects everyone and treats everyone with the highest regard of consideration. Jeff sets the highest standards for himself and he brings out the best in everyone to meet challenges and new opportunities with the same enthusiasm, commitment, and support that he brings to his organization. I thoroughly enjoyed working with (and for) Jeff. Any organization would benefit by his exceptional leadership, his knowledge, his experience, and his utmost dedication.” April 14, 2009

Technology Management Keeps up-to-date on technological developments. Makes effective use of technology to achieve results. Ensures access to and security of technology systems.

Vignette: Houston – Investigated, fought for, and implemented an automated sex-offender registry and background-checking integrated solution. This was not only successful, but allowed 1000’s of previously unchecked volunteers to be checked while simultaneously saving the organization tens of thousands of dollars within the first 6 months of its implementation. Vignette: Houston – Automated time & attendance eliminating 5,000 bi-weekly manual timesheets. This was done via bio-metric time clocks and remote a “dial-in” channel for about 800 staff that daily worked at off-site locations. Not only did this save an enormous of staff time spent doing manual timesheet calculations, but now managers were able to have real-time access to their off-site staffing. And these off-site staffing requirements had very specific, statemandated requirements of staff to child ratios. Instant transparency! Vignette: San Francisco – Implemented a 2-phase remote access security system on a corporatewide basis. Also, implemented in 1996, a then risky (i.e. nearly bleeding edge), but highly successful thin-client platform using then state-of-the-art technology.

ECQ 5: Building Coalitions Definition: This core qualification involves the ability to build coalitions internally and with other Federal agencies, State and local governments, nonprofit and private sector organizations, foreign governments, or international organizations to achieve common goals. Partnering Develops networks and builds alliances; collaborates across boundaries to build strategic relationships and achieve common goals.

Vignette: Houston - Partner comments: Jim Cason, Technology Director, Kommar Solutions (business partner) was a consultant or contractor to you “It was a pleasure to work with Jeff as one of our Managed Services customers at the YMCA of Greater Houston. Jeff has great vision for how technology can assist the business with their objectives. He is a great communicator, and very effective in being people focused and not just technology focused.” May 4, 2009

Mark Reesor Owner, Kelsor Technologies (business partner) was a consultant or contractor to you “Jeff is one of the most likeable people I've ever met and I have a great deal of respect for him. As a service company providing IT consulting services to him and his team, Jeff always treated me as a colleague rather than a vendor. He is always in touch with the latest technology and is willing to use new technologies to help his team and clients get their jobs done. It was a pleasure having Jeff and his organization as a customer and I look forward to working with him again in the future.” April 13, 2009

Vignette: Houston – Performance Review: Professional/Career site: http://www.jeffbundy.com


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People and Tools (include one Personal Development goal) Connected ALL centers and enabled all center staff with high-speed, business-class data telecommunications capabilities. Eliminated “haves” vs. “have-nots” vis-à-vis access to information. People We Serve Completely re-staffed with a focus on “customer” service (i.e. staff) for all association staff with respect to service and support for information and technology business systems – not just limited to traditional computing but also including operationally integrated technology such as “FitLinxx” and the $2+M investment in that technology to increase overall member satisfaction and hence member retention.”

Vignette: Chicago – Performance Review, Supervisor comments: “Works extremely well with 3rd party business partners (EDS and Worldcom), including activities that move them from “standard offerings” to ones that are more “YMCA appropriate”.

Political Savvy Identifies the internal and external politics that impact the work of the organization. Perceives organizational and political reality and acts accordingly.

Vignette: Chicago – Y-Vision Advisory Council / Software Licensing and support. Over 300 corporations were using our GL/Budgeting software when we announced we were getting out of the software business. And because we are a national resource for all those corporations we simply couldn’t abandon the software. So instead we solicited volunteers and formed an Advisory Council of current software subscribers to help decide the future direction of support migration and future development of this software. We facilitated a day-long decision-making meeting that consisted of the Advisory Council listen to presentations from interested and qualified software providers make their “pitch” for why they should be considered as the candidate of choice for the future development of this software package. And the end of 3 qualified presentations, everyone voted. We took their votes under advisement – since it was only our decision to make (we had made this clear as part of the Advisory Council expectations) – and ultimately awarded the software to the provider who the Advisory Council scored highest. It was a democratic decision – not unanimous – meaning that not everyone was pleased with the outcome, but everyone accepted the process and the outcome. Influencing/Negotiating Persuades others; builds consensus through give and take; gains cooperation from others to obtain information and accomplish goals.

Vignette: Houston – Customer Experience Makeover, Technical Support. I inherited an “IT” support nightmare and an audience of customers who despised the treatment they received from the previous support services team. When I jumped in with the hiring of a contract employee – a specialist in technical support & service – there were 200+ tickets that hadn’t even been acknowledged. Some of those tickets were over 6 months old! Typically, support was given out on a “preferred” basis – i.e. if I like you, then I’ll think about helping you out. And conversely, if I don’t like you, I’m just going to ignore your service request. With the help of the specialist, we cleaned up the service request tickets and got them all current. We reinforced a positive customer experience that was focused on listening to the customer and communicating early & often with the customer. We centralized all service requests to the already purchased software system and dedicated voice mailbox. Upon hiring a full-time customer experience resource, we clawed our Professional/Career site: http://www.jeffbundy.com


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way back into the “respect” category of the over 5,000 employees, instituted several offerings which included an “In by noon, out by five” special report requests. (Prior these would take weeks or months, if done at all!) We also engaged multiple, competing service providers to conduct “Technology Health Clinics” during all-executive monthly meetings. The executives, while in their all-day meeting could drop off their laptop/phone, etc. and have it diagnosed, repaired and ready for them to pick up at the end of their meeting. We turned most of our customers from “hating IT” into “raving fans”! Lots of influencing, negotiating, but most of all lots of listening, communicating and delivering what we say we’re going to deliver. Simple concept. Hard to execute, but huge return when done right!

Professional/Career site: http://www.jeffbundy.com

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