2009 Usa Dance Camps

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  • Pages: 16

Dance Team Dance/Drill Team Dance intensives

For 60 years USA has been the camp

Where teaMs CoMe trUe TM

“the Best CaMP We’ve ever Been to!” Fountain Valley HS Dance Team – Fountain Valley, CA

Take your dance skills to new heights

– with the Usa!

We’ll be there every step of the way to ensure that your camp experience prepares you for the upcoming season. 2

Choose Your Camp:

Curriculum to meet all of your dance training needs. Choose FroM 3 tyPes oF CaMPs...

Team Camps DaNCe INTeNsIVes

teaM CaMPs Dance/Drill Team & Dance Team Camps

speCIalTY Camps

sPeCiaLty CaMPs

usa sTaff

Jr. High Camp, officers Camp & Home Camps

3-Day DanCe intensive CaMPs

DaTes & loCaTIoNs


Your TEAM will be

“UniFieD With PriDe” for a

the Usa “teaM” CaMP eXPerienCe

great season!

Usa MateriaL • Customized material in the styles of your choice! • 3 routine classes – providing even more level & style options! • More routines than other summer training programs! • USA camp dance unique to the dance program! • Each student receives one-on-one feedback from a USA instructor to help them develop their performance skills.

shoWtiMe Usa bring a routine from home to be evaluated by a well-trained panel. This performance is non-competitive and is a great opportunity for your team to get into the spirit of the year to come! Every team receives an award!

Unity & teaMMaKer WorKshoPs Creative games & bonding activities are scheduled throughout camp to generate the most unified team to start the school year!

T E A M W O R K , U N I T Y, L E A D E R S H I P, T E C H N I Q U E , C U T T I N G 4

Choose Your Camp:

“I loved hearing ideas about problem solving and creative motivation exercises in my director’s classes.” Soda Springs HS Dance/Drill Advisor Soda Springs, ID

Special “officers” Workshops are offered at every dance & drill team residential camp (with a new topic each year) to help jump-start the leadership of your officers.


Bremerton HS Dance Team Director Bremerton, WA

Team Camps

“The girls came as individuals and left as a team.”

FoCUs on oFFiCers • Officers work to improve their voice clarity & projection in the Drill Down calling class. • Through several team building classes, the USA Staff provides feedback to the officers throughout camp on how to lead a strong team. See page 10 for more details.

speCIalTY Camps

Usa “DireCtors” WorKshoPs The USA “Directors” Workshops are offered at most residential camps. These workshops are held throughout camp, focusing on creative ideas and team management strategies to help make your year more successful.


USA will conduct the national federation of State High School Associations (nfHS) dance technique credential course at select camps (see camp locations for details). for more information about nfHS, log onto www.nfhs.org


DaTes & loCaTIoNs

Students earn several ribbons in individual classes as well as team- based plaques for their unified team efforts.

usa sTaff

Positive aWarDs

eXaMPLes oF “DireCtors” WorKshoPs: • Organizing Your Year • Cleaning Competition Routines • Discipline & Rules : How to Set Them & Stick to Them • Motivational Games • Fundraising: Keeping It Positive • Creative Choreography & Tips • First Aid & Safety

USA CAMPS Choose the perfect dance camp training curriculum for the unique needs of your team.

steP 1: Choose a dance camp... DanCe/DriLL teaM or

DanCe teaM


DanCe/DriLL teaM steP 2:

Select which rountine style best suits your team

Style Options: Military, Kick, Dance/Drill, Jazz, Stylized Jazz, Hip Hop, lyrical, Modern, Character, Dance/Pom Technique: All levels of fundamental Jazz, ballet & Drill technique Drill Downs Class: foster marching abilities for a strong first impression as your team takes the floor to perform. • Precision & linework • Marching Styles, formations & guiding • leaps, Turns, Kicks, flexibility & More! • Enhance Team Discipline & listening Skills

Choose Your Camp:

Select which rountine style best suits your team

“We always look forward to coming to USA camp, because of all the opportunities for us to grow as a team.”

speCIalTY Camps

steP 2:


DanCe teaM

Team Camps

Get ready for a more customized experience for your TEAM than other summer training programs offer.

Rocky Mountain HS Dance Team Director Meridian, ID

usa sTaff

Style Options: Jazz, Stylized Jazz, Hip Hop, lyrical, Modern, Character, Dance/Pom Technique: All levels of fundamental Jazz & ballet technique


DaTes & loCaTIoNs

Choose Your Challenge Class: • leaps & Turns • Kicks, flexibility & leg Extensions • Strengthening & Conditioning, yoga, Pilates & More!

Ensure your material and dance technical training is the Best it Can with the USA Staff.


Routines – All Levels & All Styles “Studio Style” Technique Training Warm-Ups & Core-Conditioning


INTENSIVE CAMPS We offer a specialized dance experience for students

at every level. Teams and individuals attend camp where they learn from top choreographers, many of whom are dance majors or hold degrees in Dance Education. During the non summer months, instructors teach at dance studios and college dance departments throughout the nation. Many choreograph for award-winning high school dance teams and professional teams in the NBA and NFL.


Choose Your Camp:

Dance Intensive Camp Highlights: USA Camp Dance

Team Camps

An exciting and challenging routine for your team to learn together. The camp dance is taught to a popular, upbeat song and has optional sections that vary in degree of difficulty.  

Choose Your Challenge

Routines are offered in levels ranging from beginning to pro and are designed to be both innovative and “cutting edge”.

Supersensational Competition Dancers are recognized with ribbons for their effort, attitude and performance in routine classes. Selected finalists will perform a piece of the USA Camp Dance along with their own choreography.  

USA Staff

Routine Showcase

San Pasqual HS Dance Team Director – Escondido, CA

This showcase focuses on dancers gaining performance experience by performing camp routines in front of their peers. There are no evaluations, which makes the showcase stress-free and fun (family and friends welcomed as spectators).

Master Teachers at Select Dance Intensive Camp Locations!

http://usa.varsity.com 9

Dates & Locations

“The USA continues to provide a camp where students are challenged and loving every minute of it!”

(Subject to the specialty expertise of staff at each camp. Groups may be teamed up with other teams.)

Specialty Camps

Each Dance Intensive Camp offers students the opportunity to learn 3 complete routines, in addition to the Camp Dance.


Take home four or more routines!

Work one-on-one with a USA instructor! Each team chooses a specialty they want to master at their level. Possible classes include jumps and leaps, turns, basic lifts and partnering/combinations, tap, hip-hop, ballet, modern dance, African dance, character dance and across the floor progressions. Always a camp favorite!

USA stays “UniFieD With PriDe” with these specialized camps to meet the unique needs of various programs!

oFFiCersCAMP Non-Eval Camps!

JUniorCAMPS The USA’s focus for junior high, middle school and junior independent teams is to encourage team unity and provide extra attention on technique basics and the breaking down of choreography. The instructional staff at these camps are specifically chosen for their expertise in working with younger teams.

What We oFFer: • Beginning, Intermediate & Advanced Level Routines • All Levels of Technique Training Classes • Fun Unity & Team Building Activities our Jr. High program offers the same quality instruction, awards and opportunities that our high school camps receive. Jr. High camps are non-evaluation (non-Eval) based camps; however students all receive one-on-one feedback from a USA instructor to help them develop their performance skills.

“We love USA! My girls had a blast! This is such a positive experience for them. We will definitely be back!” 10

Chemawa Middle School Dance/Drill Advisor Riverside, CA

USA “officers” Camp provides leadership and technical training to develop today’s dance and drill team leaders. The focus of the camp is how to be an effective leader on your team. in addition, officers receive extensive training on composition and choreography, using the latest techniques found in the best university dance departments.

eXaMPLes oF CLasses oFFereD: • Choreography • Cleaning & Critiquing • Problem Solving • Teaching Warm-Ups & Technique • Voice Projection & Calling Drill Commands • How to Be An Effective Teacher & Much More ... At officers camp, special “Directors” classes are offered to aid coaches and directors on how to help develop the leadership of their officers throughout the season. Classes include: How to Outline Officers’ Duties, Goal Setting, How to Motivate Your Team & more!

look for these camps at:

UC Santa Cruz, California Boise State University, Idaho Cal Lutheran, California

1 instructor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-20 students 2 instructors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-35 students 3 instructors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-50 students 4 instructors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51-65 students Each home camp must have a minimum of 12 students.

2 Day CaMP ForMat

$127.00 per student

No price increase!!

Day 2 Warm-ups Workshops Lunch Workshops Awards & Closing

Team Camps

Let the USA Come to You!

Day 1 9:00 Warm-ups 9:30 Workshops 12:00 Lunch 1:00 Workshops 3:30 Workshops 4:30 Review

Choose Your Camp:

instrUCtor ratios

3 Day CaMP ForMat

$151.00 per student

Day 3 Warm-ups Workshops Lunch Workshops Awards & Closing

Dance intensive day 3 ends at 1:45pm

USA home camp prices include all staff housing, travel and food expenses, as well as workbooks and awards. Home camps may not be available in all areas. Extra travel cost may be incurred depending upon camp location.

To schedule and customize your camp, call the USA at:


usa sTaff

What We oFFer: • A Lower Cost Overnight Camp Alternative • Experienced & Well-Trained Instructors • A Customized Schedule to Meet Your Needs • Personalized Attention / Superior Staff-to-Student Ratio • Useable Material • Comprehensive Technical Training in All Programs

Day 2 Warm-ups Workshops Lunch Workshops Workshops Review

speCIalTY Camps

We offer dance camps that focus on technique and choreography.

Day 1 Warm-ups Workshops Lunch Workshops Workshops Review

*Formally Private Camps

San francisco, California

los Angeles, California

Dance/Drill Nationals

Golden State Warriors Rally

Sacramento Kings Rally

Southern California

oakland, California

Great America Showcase

Denver Nuggets Rally

London Tour

northern California

Denver, Colorado

UCLA Rally


San Francisco 49ers Rally

northern California

Sacramento, California

london, England


DaTes & loCaTIoNs

Special Events, Rallies & Tours Only at USA! Cal State Championships




We build confidence, leadership, energy, spirit, unity and most importantly... TEAMS!

9:00 9:30 12:00 1:00 3:30 4:30

GET READY FOR THE USA You will not find a more enthusiastic, well-trained and fun group of instructors anywhere. “The staff was impeccable and so helpful. They really made the experience so amazing.” Los Altos HS Dance Team – Los Altos, CA

The USA Staff is composed of not only talented individuals, but most importantly, people who love to teach. They come to you from all over the United States, bringing you the hottest choreography and technique training from across the nation.


Choose Your Camp: Team Camps

The USA Staff is currently dancing throughout the country, coaching nationally ranked teams and performing on professional sports dance teams and championship college squads. They choreograph their own material in order to bring you the largest variety of cuttingedge moves available.


E x pe r i e n ced

Specialty Camps

T a l e n ted Positive p r o f ess i o n a l capa b l e

USA Staff

i n sp i r i n g f r i e n d ly d i sc i p l i n ed

ca r i n g


Dates & Locations

q ua l i f i ed

Can’t stay overnight? USA offers commuter participant registration at any of its overnight camps. The commuter option provides instruction only. (No lodging or meals are included).

2009 Dates & Locations Symbols:

- Junior High Camps

CALIFORNIA UC Irvine July 17-19




Cal State Long Beach July 10-13 August 7-9


$341 $262

Abbreviations: DD - Dance/Drill DT -Dance Team DI - Dance Intensives O - Officers OC - On Campus COM - Commuter (Instruction Only) NP - Non-Participant

- Elite Camps (by invitation only) COM


$140 $232 $155 $311 $140 $232

- Unity Camps (w/ Spirit (S) and/or Band (B) Camps)

Simpson University, Redding


Lincoln High School, San Jose

Utah State University, Logan

June 17-20 June 25-27


Jun 29-Jul 2


July 21-23 O July 24-27 DT August 8-10 DD

$335 $165 $275 $232 $140 $170 $335 $155 $305 ( By invitation only) $335 $165 $275 $232 $345 $262

Cal State Sacramento July 16-19






O $130 DD (S) $260 OC

$ 75 $ 70 $155 $230 COM


Western Oregon Univ., Monmouth Jul 29-Aug 1 DT



$155 $235



$155 $235



$155 $238




St. Martin’s College, Lacey July 11-14



$155 $239

Central Washington Univ., Ellensburg August 1-4



$155 $249

Mead High School, Spokane July 16-18



DI (commuter) $165


$140 $170 $155 $315 $140 $232

Cy-Ridge High School, Houston

$155 $303

GoTo: http://usa.varsity.com for the most current camp dates and locations.

August 5-7


Southern Utah University, Cedar City

Cal Lutheran Univ., Thousand Oaks

UC Santa Cruz

Jun 29-Jul 2

IDAHO July 13-14 July 15-18


$165 $269

DI (commuter) $165

(to be held at but not sponsored by UCSD) August 3-6 DD (S/B) $341 $155 $311 July 17-19 July 21-23 July 24-27 Jul 30-Aug 2 August 7-9


Boise State University, Boise

UC San Diego

- Day Camp

DI (commuter) $165

*NFHS dance technique credential course offered during these dates/location.

Note: Dates and locations are subject to change. 1. RESERVATIONS: Once you have selected your camp date and location and have an estimated number of students who will attend, you may make reservations by calling the USA office. Your final numbers will be confirmed when you have submitted your Enrollment Form and per person deposit. 2. REGISTRATION: In order to secure your reservation, please complete the attached Enrollment Form and mail it in with your $50.00 per person deposit no later than 45 days prior to the start of your camp. The form may be duplicated for additional names. Send one Enrollment Form per team/squad (include all participants and non-participants). A $50.00 per person registration deposit must be sent with the Enrollment Form. The $50.00 non-refundable deposit secures your place at camp and is applied to the total camp fee. Full payment may be sent with the Enrollment Form if desired. (Please see item #3 for detailed information regarding payments) The “On Campus” fee includes all housing, meals, and instruction. The “Commuter” fee includes instruction only. (Meals may be purchased for “commuters” on a per meal basis at most facilities – contact the USA office for more information). The “Non-Participant” fee includes housing and meals. Due to contractual obligations with host facilities, camp fees will be charged to all attendees regardless of age or participation. Adults may also audit student classes and attend director’s workshops. Participants must be at least 10 years of age to attend a Junior High Camp and at least 12 years of age to attend a High School Camp. Once the USA office has received your Enrollment Form and per person deposit, a camp packet will be mailed to the person designated to receive correspondence. This packet includes medical release and waiver forms (please do not fax or mail these forms to the USA office), and an invoice for each team/squad (e.g. Varsity, JV, or freshman) and program reflecting the final numbers submitted on the Enrollment Form. Please check these invoices for accuracy and contact the USA office if they are incorrect. Also included in the packet will be any pertinent camp information. IMPORTANT - Camps may, and often will, close to additional

participants even before the deposit deadline. Please secure your camp space by getting your $50 per person deposit, completed Enrollment Form, and signed Camp Policy form into the USA office as soon as possible. A reservation does not guarantee a spot at our summer camp. 3. PAYMENT INFO: Payment can be made by credit card, school or cashier’s check, money order or school purchase order. Personal or organizational checks are not accepted. Make all payments payable to “USA Summer Camps.” Please no cash, personal checks, or payments made by individual squad members. A $20.00 fee will be assessed for each returned check. If you are paying with a purchase order, it should be written for the entire camp balance and submitted with a completed Enrollment Form. Make sure the school name appears on the purchase order. Teams submitting purchase orders without a completed Enrollment Form will not be registered. As an added convenience, payment can be made with MasterCard, VISA, Discover, or American Express. For deposit paid by credit card, use the space for credit card authorization on the Enrollment Form. THE BALANCE OF THE CAMP FEE IS DUE AND MUST BE RECEIVED IN THE USA OFFICE NO LATER THAN THREE WEEKS PRIOR TO THE CAMP OPENING DATE. ANY REGISTRATIONS THAT HAVE NOT BEEN PAID IN FULL AFTER THIS DATE WILL BE SUBJECT TO CANCELLATION AND ANY ASSOCIATED DEPOSIT PAID WILL BE FORFEITED. PAYMENTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AT CAMP. 4. CANCELLATION/ADD/CHANGE POLICY: Any changes/cancellations after your Enrollment Form has been processed will need to be submitted in writing to the USA office. All payments, except the $50.00 per person deposit, are fully refundable if written notice of cancellation is received in the USA office at least 14 days prior to your camp opening. If you do not receive an invoice confirmation reflecting your revised numbers within 48-hours of submission, please follow up with the USA Registration Department. CANCELLATIONS ARE OFFICIAL ONLY WHEN RECEIVED IN WRITING AND CONFIRMED BY THE USA OFFICE. USA will ONLY accept cancellations in writing.

Because of facility deposits paid by USA, “no-shows” at camp or cancellations received less than 14 days prior to camp will not receive any type of refund AND WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FULL TUITION. Payments may be applied to substitutes; however, if there is no alternate person, the $50.00 deposit cannot be applied to the balance of those attending. Should a “no-show” individual at a camp have an outstanding balance (e.g. unpaid school purchase order, etc.), FULL TUITION WILL STILL BE DUE for the individual even though she/he did not attend camp. 5. REFUND REQUESTS: A separate refund request for cancellations received in writing at least 14 days prior to the camp opening must be submitted in writing to the USA office by October 1, 2009. Again, the refund request is separate from cancellation request. No refund will be issued before the end of camp or after December 31, 2009. 6. ROOM ASSIGNMENTS: Room assignments will be made by the team representative upon arrival at camp. To expedite this process, please prepare your own rooming list (two to a room at most locations) and bring it to camp. 7. FULL CAMPS: Many USA camps fill to capacity. If bed space is not available when you register, you will be notified immediately regarding alternate camp dates. 8. CAMP CHAPERONE: Each school is required to bring at least one adult chaperone that is over 21 years of age. The camp chaperone fee is $125.00 and is limited to one per school/organization. Chaperone responsibilities primarily involve assisting and supervising students at night. Chaperones are assigned to areas with their own students; however, they may be asked to oversee students from other teams. Any additional adults (directors, coaches, etc.) should register on the Enrollment Form and pay the “Non-Participant” fee. 9. COMMUTING COACHES/ADVISORS FEE: Commuting teams may register one (1) coach/advisor to attend camp at no cost. Any additional coaches/advisors/non-participants may attend at the rate of $25.00 per person. Please be sure to list all commuting adults on the Enrollment Form.

USA’s Customer Service Representatives are ready to answer any questions regarding camp locations, dates, program details or registration procedures.

1.800.886.4USA (4872)

CUSTOMER# _______________________________________________


DATE REC’D_____________ DEPOSIT AMT______________ CC______________ CK#___________ PO#________________________________ENTERED BY________________ DD________








2009 USA DANCE/DRILL, DANCE TEAM & DANCE INTENSIVE CAMPS • Enrollment Form Please print or type information and send to: USA Camps, 11135 Knott Avenue, Suite C, Cypress, California 90630 FAX: 866.761.9365 OVERNIGHT Camps: indicate: ❍ On Campus ❍ Commuter (Instruction Only) School__________________________________________________________________________

Camp TYPE:

School Phone (

) ____________________________________________________

Camp Location: ___________________________________________________________________

School Address_________________________________________________________________

Camp Dates: ______________________________________________________________________

❍ Dance/Drill Team ❍ Dance Team ❍ Dance Intensive

CITY ______________________________________ State ____________ ZIp_ _______________ Director________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone (

) ______________________________________________________

E-mail__________________________________________________________________________ FAX Phone (

) ________________________________________________________

Mark YES or NO to the following questions:

Is the advisor/director attending camp? Is the advisor/director employed by the school? Is the advisor/director over 21 years of age? Is the contact person the advisor/director?

❍ ❍ ❍ ❍


Dance/Drill TEAM Camp Routine Styles (Rank each style, 5 – the highest interest, 1 – no interest) Military _____

Kick _____

Dance/Drill _____

Jazz _____

Hip Hop _____

Lyrical _____

Modern _____

Character _____

Dance/Pom _____

Dance Team Camp Routine Styles (Rank each style, 5 - the highest interest, 1 – no interest) Jazz _____

Stylized Jazz _____

Program abbreviations:

dD - dance/drill team

Hip Hop _____ dT - dance team

Lyrical _____

Modern _____

dI - dance intensive

Customer’s Name (Please include NP & CP)

o - officer


(DD, DT, DI, O, NP, CP)

Character _____

Dance/Pom _____

NP - Non-Participant


CP - Chaperone (1 Per School/Group)

Amount Enclosed Per Person

❍F ❍M 1. _ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❍F ❍M 2. _ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❍F ❍M 3. _ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❍F ❍M 4. _ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❍F ❍M 5. _ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❍F ❍M 6. _ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❍F ❍M 7. _ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❍F ❍M 8. _ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Form may be duplicated for additional names)

Person to Receive Correspondence:______________________________________________ E-Mail__________________________________________________________________________ Home Address___________________________________________________________________

($50 deposit is non-refundable)


PAYMENT: Payable to: United Spirit Association (PLEASE DO NOT SEND CASH) Forms of payment accepted: money order, cashier’s check and credit card. Personal checks, organization checks, cash or individual payments are not accepted.

CITY ________________________________ State ____________ ZIp_ _____________________

m CHECK# _________________________Total Amount of Check $______________________

Daytime Phone (

)________________ –_____________________________

m Credit Card Payment: ❍ VISA

Evening Phone (

)________________ –_____________________________

(Deposits or complete payment only)

❍ M/C



Card #_________________________________________________________________________

Chaperone: ❍ Male ❍ Female ________________________________________________ Camp Chaperone must be 21 years or older.

Cardholder’s Name_ _____________________________________________________________


Expiration Date _________________________ Amount Paid: $__________________________

Home Address___________________________________________________________________

Cardholder’s Signature_ _________________________________________________________

CITY _______________________________ State ____________ ZIp_ ______________________

Cardholder’s Billing Address______________________________________________________

Daytime Phone (

)________________ –_____________________________

City____________________________________ State ______________ ZIP__________________

Evening Phone (

)________________ –_____________________________

Cardholder’s Phone (

)________________ –________________________________

PArTiCiPATing SPonSorS

11135 Knott Avenue, Suite C Cypress, CA 90630

Attn: Dance/Drill or Dance Team Advisor/Director

Where teams Come true


Unity Camps – A Hallmark of the USA! bring your school groups together with a program designed specifically to promote unity between school activities – spirit/dance/band auxiliary units. These unique camps offer the traditional skills based training and material taught in individual programs at the USA, while offering classes to build bridges between school groups.

“Thanks for another great camp.” Torrey Pines HS Dance Team – Torrey Pines, CA

Workshops include: • Group Communication • Defining Roles • Promoting Campus Unity • Respecting Differences • Role Model Responsibilities • Unity Builders • Team Dynamics Specific hours of the camp are designed to bring all programs together to work on common challenges that many schools face. This camp is designed to set a foundation for groups working together all season to build campuswide unity.

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