2009 Urban Pattern

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  • Pages: 20
living contingency and design in-determinacy:

prof. dr manfredo manfredini – polimi.it

aedificare necesse est, vivere non necesse

Organization and software trend (soa-eda.blogspot.com ) 1. the nineties of 20th. century (before Internet) 2. first decade of 21st. century 3. second decade of 21st. century the nineties of 20th. century (before Internet)

de-spatialization – global computing cloud

SaaS (Software as a Service) HaaS (Hardware as a Service) virtualization: from desktop to datacenters (more efficient, green, dynamic)

living contingency and design in-determinacy:

prof. dr manfredo manfredini – polimi.it

aedificare necesse est, vivere non necesse

Organization and software trend (soa-eda.blogspot.com ) 1. the nineties of 20th. century (before Internet) 2. first decade of 21st. century 3. second decade of 21st. century 1. Hierarchical cities: Filarete, sforzinda, 1464 Palmanova, 7/10/1593 2. Decentralized cities: Paris, Georges-Eugène haussmann, 1852-70 New york commpssioners plan 1881 3. Distributed cities :Randstadt, fiandre

de-spatialization – global computing cloud

SaaS (Software as a Service) HaaS (Hardware as a Service) virtualization: from desktop to datacenters (more efficient, green, dynamic)

living contingency and design in-determinacy:

prof. dr manfredo manfredini – polimi.it

aedificare necesse est, vivere non necesse

The collapse of knowledge work cathedrals ratify the fragmentation of the barriers, which once separated daily, weekly, yearly and biographically the productive part of life. New physical and communication spaces match up with temporal rere articulations generated by Informatics acceleration and dromotic: from time-place of hic et nunc to time-light of the extended telepresence

de-spatialization - the diffusive process

non-linear phenomena: room, building, city about stochastic behaviours in the atomization of living conditions

living contingency and design in-determinacy:

prof. dr manfredo manfredini – polimi.it

aedificare necesse est, vivere non necesse

architecture is not simply about space and form, but also about event, action, and what happens in space. B Tschumi B.



-Architecture has always been as much about the event -that takes place in a space as about the space itself. -The Columbia University Rotunda has been a library, it has been used as a banquet hall, it is often the site of university lectures; someday it could fulfill the needs for an athletic facility at the University. What a wonderful swimming pool the Rotunda would be - “the respective contamination of all categories, the constant substitutions, the confusion of genres” -as described by critics of the right and left alike from Andreas Huyssens to Jean Baudrillard -- is the new direction of our times…” times ” - “If architecture is both concept and experience, space and use, structure and superficial image -- nonhierarchically -- then architecture should cease to separate these categories and instead merge them into unprecedented combinations of programs and spaces.”

movement events


movement events

space movement events


- For Foucault, an event is not simply a logical sequence of words or actions, but rather “the moment of erosion, collapse, questioning, or problematization of the very assumptions of the setting within which a drama may take place -- occasioning the chance or possibility of another, different setting.” The event here is seen as a turning point -- not an origin or an end -- as opposed to such propositions as “form follows function.” I would like to propose that the future of architecture lies in the construction of such events. […] Jacques Derrida expanded on the definition of event, calling it “the emergence of a disparate multiplicity.”

living contingency and design in-determinacy:

prof. dr manfredo manfredini – polimi.it

aedificare necesse est, vivere non necesse

Abstract machines UN Studio Van Berkel + Bos Routes and paths diagrammatic functional composition Graphs/Networks

prof. drdatareadable manfredo manfredini – polimi.it density-equalizing projections a tool density-equalizing for presentation maps diffusion-based method for producing mapsand analysis of geographic living the contingency and design in-determinacy: aedificare necesse est, vivere non necesse

re-spatialization re spatialization - the abstract machine graphs: data processing in social sciences

prof. drdatareadable manfredo manfredini – polimi.it density-equalizing projections a tool density-equalizing for presentation maps diffusion-based method for producing mapsand analysis of geographic living the contingency and design in-determinacy: aedificare necesse est, vivere non necesse

re-spatialization re spatialization - the abstract machine graphs: data processing in social sciences

prof. drdatareadable manfredo manfredini – polimi.it density-equalizing projections a tool density-equalizing for presentation maps diffusion-based method for producing mapsand analysis of geographic living the contingency and design in-determinacy: aedificare necesse est, vivere non necesse

re spatialization - the abstract machine re-spatialization graphs: data processing in social sciences

alden s. klovdahl, australia national university (s.w. view_net) social graph records bonds of friendship among 450 people in canberra, australia carlo ratti, mit-telecom italia, real time rome, venezia 2006

living contingency and design in-determinacy:

prof. dr manfredo manfredini – polimi.it

aedificare necesse est, vivere non necesse

maps describing urban phenomena as systems of fields, knots, links

re-spatialization - phenomenology of the existing

reading spatial uses: synaptic spaces and instant junctions

living contingency and design in-determinacy:

prof. dr manfredo manfredini – polimi.it

aedificare necesse est, vivere non necesse

re spatialization – the rhizomatic space re-spatialization informal settements spontaneous urban morphogenetic process: porousity and cellular automata hypogeal si he yuan, shaan xi; Catalhoyuk, map, 6.500 bc ca.

living contingency and design in-determinacy:

prof. dr manfredo manfredini – polimi.it

aedificare necesse est, vivere non necesse

interspace and progression Luigi canina, descrizione storica del foro romano e sue adiacenze, roma, 1834 “So Rome, whehther imperial or papal, hard or soft, is here offered as some sort of model which might be envisaged as alternative to the disastrous urbanism of social engineering and total design[…it] provides perhaps the most graphic example of collisive fields and interstitial debris…”(p.107) Nuova Pianta di Roma Data in Luce da Giambattista Nolli, 1748

re-spatialization re spatialization – the rhizomatic space

urban morphogenetic processes: collisive fields spatial events, finite models and interstitial debris

"a proposal for constructive disillusion, it is simultaneously an appeal for order and disorder, for the simple and the complex, for the joint existence of permanent reference and random happening, of the private and the public, of innovation and tradition, of both the retrospective and prophetic gesture.” colin rowe, fred koetter, collage city

living contingency and design in-determinacy:

prof. dr manfredo manfredini – polimi.it

aedificare necesse est, vivere non necesse

Undefined y over-definition: “The sustained generalized dispersion gave rise to the formation of recurrent tissue figures in the territory: the isolated terraced houses in the middle of nowhere; the notorious corner with pubs at the tramway stop; the commercial ribbon development along national roads; the ribbon fragment along whatever road and so on.” Bruno de Meulder, Old dispersion…

re-spatialization re spatialization – the rhizomatic space urban morphogenetic processes. west and east flanders: from archipelago to rhizome

An incredibly dense of nationwide networks of different complementary infrastructure (canals, road, railways) “created an ‘universal’ accessibility for each spot of the territory […] and consequently an equal development potential that ultimately led to an ISOTROPIC CONDITION. […] Everywhere – on the periphery of the capital city or in the remote hamlets – an emerging, permanent type of urbanity was generated, juxtaposing housing, industry and commerce over the whole territory.”

Bruno de Meulder, Old dispersion and scenes for the production of public space – The constructive margins of secondarity, AD, 78-2, 2008

living contingency and design in-determinacy:

prof. dr manfredo manfredini – polimi.it

aedificare necesse est, vivere non necesse

re-spatialization re spatialization – the rhizomatic space urban morphogenetic processes west and east flanders: from archipelago to rhizome

living contingency and design in-determinacy:

prof. dr manfredo manfredini – polimi.it

aedificare necesse est, vivere non necesse

re-spatialization re spatialization – superposition principle and social “bricoleur” bricoleur urban morphogenetic processes: dis-junction and space re-institutions oma, design forum, yokohama ; lars vilks, nimis, driftwood ladonia

living contingency and design in-determinacy:

prof. dr manfredo manfredini – polimi.it

aedificare necesse est, vivere non necesse

re-spatialization re spatialization – urban nonlinearities urban morphogenetic processes: stapling spaces beyond superposition learning from mağusa cyprus international urban design research project

living contingency and design in-determinacy:

prof. dr manfredo manfredini – polimi.it

aedificare necesse est, vivere non necesse

urban design instruments sustainability patterns energy, environment and community

Kowloon walled city, hong kong; steven holl, linked hybrid, beijing; foster and partners, masdar development, abu dhabi; arup, dongtan eco-city, shanghai

living contingency and design in-determinacy:

prof. dr manfredo manfredini – polimi.it

aedificare necesse est, vivere non necesse

Learning from London working class streets of East London Team X, Urban Re-identification Grid, IX CIAM 1953 LEARNING FROM ALTINDAĞ HILL dwelling system established by internal migrators from country towns to the city, introducing a urban “rural” character: cohesive communities settle integrated neighbourhood where reciprocity and mutualism affect every daily action. As metropolitan concealed cites (modern underground defence villages), these settlements host houses built with primary available “natural” urban resources (merzbauten on own place-time accord).


urban design instruments

community patterns urban renewal the neighborhood unit. connecting tissues: street house and settlement of the INFORMAL urbanism

living contingency and design in-determinacy:

prof. dr manfredo manfredini – polimi.it

aedificare necesse est, vivere non necesse

urban design instruments

sustainability patterns energy, environment and community

architecture and participation: restoration and upgrade of quartiere regina giovanna, milan a social, urban, architectural and energetic intervention

living contingency and design in-determinacy:

prof. dr manfredo manfredini – polimi.it

aedificare necesse est, vivere non necesse

porousity and cellular automata urban design instruments

mobility patterns NOMADISM DETERRITORIALIZATION: multimodal nodeAND in the milan meropolitanFROM area YURTS TO TRANSPORTER

living contingency and design in-determinacy:

prof. dr manfredo manfredini – polimi.it

aedificare necesse est, vivere non necesse

porousity and cellular automata

urban design instruments complexity patterns Abstract machines: information and generative processes

Jeremy bentham, panopticon; oma, functional diagrams, un studio, arnhem central, peter eisenman, city of culture of galicia, santiago de compostela

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