2009 November Inspire 0

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Congratulations Third Graders Congratulations to the third graders who received Bibles at the 9:30 am service on October 11. The third grade class includes: Bradley Alton, Brandon Burmeister, Trace Burmeister, Sean Carroll, Jane Diaz, Eli Hoeft, Elizabeth Jackson, Samuel Jensen, Annika Johnson, Aaron Kasic, Gabe Kemper, Ruth Kinyon, Ellie Krueger, Calvin Libra, Katherine Northrop, Kate Sandage, Riley Simmons, Jaidyn Spencer, William Steiner, Sawyer Swain, and Adam Wind. Several also participated in the worship service, Sawyer Swain (lector), Elizabeth Jackson (Prayer of Dedication), and Sam Jensen (benediction). This Bible Sunday is also a wonderful reminder of the children who are a part of our church family. “Every child born into the world is a new thought of God, an ever fresh and radiant possibility.” (Kate Douglas Wiggins 1856-1923)

Make Your Pledge this Month!


Each year, during the month of November, Hennepin Church participants make their financial pledge estimate for the coming year. Already you have received a color information brochure, and soon you will receive your pledge card by mail. NEW THIS YEAR is that pledge cards are available on the church website at HennepinChurch.org under the “giving” dropdown menu on the homepage. Pledge Sunday is November 15 at all worship services. Please mail, email, or bring your response to church that day. If every household at Hennepin would pledge, we could fully fund all our 2010 ministries! Never pledged before? Why not start now? Every gift of every size is important! May your gratitude guide your giving for 2010.

Welcoming the Wild One ADVENT 2009

This is the irrational season When love blooms bright and wild. Had Mary been filled with reason, There’d have been no room for the child. ~Madeline L’Engle The season of Advent is filled with a certain wildness. The wildness of John the Baptist heralding Jesus’ coming. The wildness of the young woman Mary caught by the surprise of an angel. The wildness of shepherds and sages who drop everything to follow a gone-wild star in the winter sky. The wildness of birth in a stable and the animals that looked on in amazement or boredom. And then there is the darkness and wildness of these ever-intensifying winter days. This year’s Advent theme is “Welcoming the Wild One” and this is your invitation to add your own interpretation of this familiar, life-changing story: to reflect on the scriptures of Advent and Christmas and to write your offering for our annual Advent devotional. These can be original poems, prayers or short essays of 200 words or less. They can also be something written by another that you have found meaningful that you would like to share with the church. We need to receive your contribution by Sunday, November 15th. You can share your thoughts through the church website at HennepinChurch.org/devotional or leave at church Attn: Sally Johnson. As this tradition of Advent has continued, people eagerly await the first Sunday of Advent when they can see what the devotional holds. To read all of your reflections on “Welcoming the Wild One” will be the first gift of a season filled with blessings.

The Challenges What About Bible Study of Change and Transition at Hennepin? LED BY JULIE NERAAS NOV. 8, 15, 22 AT 11:00 AM

This ever-changing world is fast-paced; history is happening faster than we can make sense of, if on both personal and societal levels, change and transition are not optional; they are daily realities. Transitions include endings, which is one of the reasons we resist them. But, paradoxically, “the things we wish we could hold onto and keep from change, were themselves originally produced by change.” (William Bridges, The Way of Transition,” p. 1.)

In this series we reflect on the changes we are experiencing, personally and collectively; talk about spiritual resources we can draw upon in transition; and discover what we can learn from wisdom figures who have written or spoken about change. Julie Neraas has taught in the Graduate School of Liberal Studies since 1991. An ordained minister and spiritual director, she received her M.Div. from Princeton Seminary, Spiritual Direction training from the Shalem Institute, and a certificate in Organizational Leadership from the University of Minnesota. She is the author of Apprenticed to Hope: A Sourcebook for Difficult Times.

SALLY JOHNSON, WORSHIP AND SPIRITUAL FORMATION So many times people will ask about the adult Bible study offerings at Hennepin. I am happy to say that we have several options for those who want to enter into a weekly Bible study experience. Every Sunday we offer adult Bible study at two different times. Both are called Seasons of the Spirit and require no preparation before attending. They are offered at 11:00 AM and 5:00 PM. During the month of November, the 11:00 study will be led by Jane Mylrea from the Adult Nurture Ministry Team. Bill Tipping, Hennepin Lay Leader, leads the 5:00 study, which is a perfect fit for parents who are driving their children to evening youth events. Seasons of the Spirit is a Bible study based on the readings you will also hear in worship so it is a great opportunity to discuss, not only what is in the curriculum, but what you heard in the sermon. Why not give one of these on-going groups a try?

New Member Class The next new member classes will be held November 8 and 15. Sign up now at the Reception Desk!

United Methodist - Lutheran Communion Celebration NOV. 1, 4:00 PM, HENNEPIN SANCTUARY This worship celebration marks the agreement between the United Methodist Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to be in full communion with each other. Bishop Sally Dyck (UMC) will preside, and Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson (ELCA) will preach at this communion service. Music will include choirs from St. Olaf College and Hamline University. Reception follows. More information online at HennepinChurch.Org.

If you have internet access, you can easily share information about an event, class, announcement, etc. on our website. All you have to do is go to HennepinChurch.org/ Share and you can pass on your info! There’s a place for you to add pictures or other attachments, too. You can choose where the information is sent, such as: the Hennepin website, Sunday Spire and/or

the !nSpire monthly newsletter. It couldn’t be easier! Special thanks to those who have already used this convenient way of sharing information! Remember the deadlines for our print materials: Sunday Spire info is due on Monday at 10:00 AM for the coming Sunday; the December !nSpire newsletter deadline is 10:00 AM, Thursday, November 19th. Thanks for your help!


!nSpire A monthly Newsletter of Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church. Please submit all photos, stories and story ideas to Daniel Pederson at the church, 612 - 435 - 1320 or use the on-line form at HennepinChurch.org/share. All submissions are subject to editing for content and space availability.

The December !nSpire deadline is 10:00 AM, Thursday, Nov. 19

Serving with you at Hennepin: CLERGY

BRUCE W. ROBBINS Pastor Leah Rosso Young Adults & Hospitality SALLY JOHNSON Worship & Spiritual Formation CHRISTOPHER JACKSON Church Administration BOB BRINKLEY Pastoral Visitation WAYNE K. CLYMER Bishop in Residence RICHARD D. WAGGONER Music Emeritus



HENNEPIN AVENUE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 511 Groveland Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55403 612-871-5303


Welcome to the Monthly Newsletter !nSpire Enjoy this month’s !nSpire Newsletter where you’ll find there is a lot happening at Hennepin that you won’t want to miss! One exciting development: our updated website has launched! Check it out at the new address: HennepinChurch.org. Soon, in conjunction with the new website, the !nSpire will be available in an electronic version of that you can optin to receive, and opt-out of the mailed newsletter, saving printing and postage costs! The former Spire newspaper also included broad United Methodist news, published by UMR Communications. If you’re interested in receiving that printed publication, you may subscribe to the MN Edition ($26 for 52 issues): UMR Communications Attn: Circulation 1221 Profit Dr. Dallas, TX 75246 (214) 630-6495 [email protected] We look forward to all the new ways that we can share information with the entire congregation and community! We are also updating our records, and are looking for your email address! Please send your email address, or your postal address changes to Larry Duncan at: [email protected]. !nSpire is edited by Daniel Pederson, 612-435-1320 or [email protected]

Elijah Sings! NOVEMBER 15, 11:00 AM LED BY BILL MATHIS In preparation for the Sanctuary Choir’s performance of Mendelssohn’s great masterpiece, Bill Mathis, our Minister of Music and Fine Arts, will lead a session looking inside one of the artistic landmarks of Western civilization.

Sanctuary Choir Presents Mendelssohn’s “Elijah” SUNDAY, NOV. 22, 7:30 PM

Mark your calendars now for Nov. 22, 7:30 PM, when the Hennepin Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra will present Elijah by Felix Mendelssohn. Directed by William Mathis, with Michael Schmidt, baritone soloist.

The Legend and Power of Elijah NOVEMBER 22, 11:00 AM LED BY BRUCE ROBBINS Bruce Robbins will provide information and pose questions on the great prophet, Elijah, who sets fires, loses and finds God, ascends to heaven and is predicted to return. People think Jesus is Elijah. He appears to Jesus and to the disciples at the Transfiguration. And Mendelssohn celebrates him with great music!

Elijah Michael Schmidt, baritone

7:30 PM November 22

HennepinChurch.org Community Meals Hennepin Church’s generous members gave $900 during the March Food Drive. Our own Cal Hanson presented this gift to the Groveland Emergency Food shelf’s Executive Director David Enghusen in September. “The food shelf and the people who receive food are grateful to Hennepin church,” said Enghusen. Hennepin Church is one of the five original congregations who founded Groveland Food Shelf and still support this important neighborhood hunger resource in our neighborhood. Cal Hanson serves as Hennepin’s representative on their Board of Directors. Find out more about Community Meals online at HennepinChurch.org.

H1N1 and Hennepin

MN FluLine Now Available

If the flu becomes widespread this fall, the church will take precautions to prevent the spread of the disease and protect our members. Everyone can help by frequent, thorough handwashing, covering your mouth when coughing or sneezing, and using hand sanitizers (several are being installed in public areas around the church). There could be some adaptations in worship with greeting or communion. Because children and youth are in the higher risk categories for the new H1N1 flu, those ministry leaders will monitor the situation, and respond appropriately. Thank you for your flexibility as we meet this concern.

A new phone-based service is now available for Minnesotans who think they may have the flu. People with possible flu symptoms can call the Minnesota FluLine (MN FluLine) at 1-866-259-4655 for information and treatment options. Professionals will be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. People with limited English skills will be connected with an interpreter. There is no charge for the call.


December !nSpire Deadline 10:00 AM Thursday, November 19.

The Beauty and Courage of Sudan A DREAM OF PEACE IS POSSIBLE

Photo Credits: Paul Jeffrey UMCOR

What do you really know about Sudan? Do you wonder why it is so continuously at war? What is your picture of the country? Do you see it as a country plagued by drought, famine, climate change and devastating wars? On Sundays at 11:00, Nov. 1, 8, and 15, the United Methodist Women, the National/International Outreach Committee, and the Peace With Justice Committee will offer a class to help you appreciate the complexities and ambiguities of Sudan, and to expand your picture of the country to include its richness of tradition, culture, and natural resources, and the beauty of its people. Sudan is the largest country in Africa and the home of ancient civilizations. During the three class sessions you will have an opportunity to explore the country, its geography and history, its people and its cultures; to gain some understanding of the economic, political, racial, religious and cultural influences and the effects of 20 years of drought and climate change which have contributed to war; to discover why the beauty and courage of its people promise the hope of eventual peace; and to learn what United Methodists are doing there. Dr. Khin Khin Jensen, Hennepin member, world traveler, retired History and International Affairs professor, and a former director on the General Board of Global Ministries of the UM Church will lead the study. A frequent study leader at United Methodist Women’s Schools of Christian Mission, she taught the Sudan Study this past summer at the MN School of Christian Mission.

Faith and Fiction Group This group is committed to reading great fiction and having wonderful conversations! They gather on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7pm at the Dunn Bros. on Loring Park (15th St) 2 blocks north of the church. Come for one book or all of them. You are always welcome! Nov.17: Little Bee by Chris Cleave. Dec.15: A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Jan.19: The Blue Notebook by James Levine.

40 Below People in their 20’s and 30’s gather weekly for fun and conversation, 7:00 PM Thursdays. For more information, please contact Becca Johnson at: [email protected].

Faith and Life Group Gather with others to discuss the questions you have about faith using the Saving Jesus curriculum. Come once or every week. Great theological discussion about what it means to believe in Jesus as progressive Christians, and how our lives are impacted by our faith. Group meets Tuesday evenings from 8-9:30 pm in the Longfellow Room. Facilitated by Kate Kennedy.

Little Kids, Big Fun! Please join us the second Wednesday of every month for Little Kids, Big Fun, a great family night! Cost is just $20 per family, including dinner! Nov. 11: Kids will enjoy Move and Groove Night while parents have a Cooking Night with Hennepin Member Nick Brown. Register by calling the reception desk at 612-871-5303 or email Pastor Leah: [email protected]. Everyone welcome! Bring your friends, neighbors!

Quilt & Teddy Bear Sale Consider a quilt, a handmade teddy bear or other textile item made by the Knotty Quilters. These will be sold in the East Entrance on November 29 and Dec. 6. All proceeds not needed to purchase supplies will be given to the missions of the church.


12 Days of Christmas Steeple People Style BY ANNE LIPPIN

On the Twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: ! Twelve Pipes for Plumbing rget o F h ’t Eleven Wipers Wiping Don S 30t y Ten Books on Cooking SPS iversar e Nine Ladies Sorting Eight Maids a Pricing Ann n Hous 8 Seven Skeins of Mohair Ope ember Six Fleece Pullovers Nov Five Golden Rings (14K, 10K, and three Platinum) Four Prints of Birds Three French Presses Two Turtlenecks And a Cartridge for my P.C. Want to be a virtuous, eco-conscious Christmas shopper? Join the eager masses on Monday, Nov. 23 at noon when we throw open the doors to another amazing Steeple People Christmas season! The Elves have been industriously toiling, testing lights, pricing trees, and organizing wrapping paraphernalia. Shop early (and often) for the best selection. Better yet, start VOLUNTEERING (see below) to get a jump on next year! As usual, you can shop guilt-free, knowing that store profits are donated to charitable causes. Top Ten Reasons to Volunteer at Steeple People Surplus Store: 10. Your efforts and time are always appreciated. 9. There is a guaranteed salary! 8. We have flexible hours as well as volunteer-from-home options. 7. Food. Food. Food. 6. You get the first opportunity to buy the good stuff! 5. The benefits package never gets cut. 4. You get to give away money – over half a million dollars since 1979. 3. Job Security. You will never be down-sized or out-sourced. 2. You have the opportunity to tease long-time volunteer Craig M. 1. God, Buddah, Allah, Adonai, Jehovah, Vishnu and Humanity all NEED YOU! Steeple People Surplus Store 2004 Lyndale Ave S, Mpls, MN 55403 612 871-8305. Business hours: Mon 12-6. Tues – Fri 10:30-5:30. Sat 10-5:30. Sun closed.

Church Finance Report

Ad Council Notes



By Rod Bacon, Finance Committee Chair


As reported in a previous edition of the !nSpire, the net loss from operations for the first six months of the year was $41,000. The third quarter results produced a loss of $82,000, bringing the total loss through September 30 to $123,000. This compares favorably to a year-to-date loss of $148,000 for the first nine months of 2008. Our deficit historically grows during the slower summer months and this year was no exception. However, contributions typically spike during the fourth quarter due to a combination of the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, and year-end tax planning, among other factors. Therefore, provided that amounts pledged are fully paid, the Finance Committee still projects a break-even result for 2009. Looking ahead, the 2010 Operating Campaign is already underway. Many thanks to Marla Tipping, Ginger Sisco and Chris Jackson for coordinating this effort! While the 2010 budget is not yet completely finalized, neither the budgeted total receipts nor total expenses are expected to change significantly from those of 2009. On the receipts side, declines in program service revenue are approximately offset by increased revenue due to the lease signed with Minneapolis Community and Technical College for classroom facilities space. On the expense side, increased Conference apportionment expenses are largely offset by declines in program service expenses and the use of Dedicated Fund accounts to pay selected personnel costs. As such, we are pleased to report that the 2010 budgeted pledge goal of $1,680,000 remains unchanged from 2009 (this is, however, inclusive of the 2009 supplemental pledge receipts). Thank you for your feedback and input regarding these quarterly reports. If you have specific comments or questions, as always you may reach me by email at [email protected].



By Bobbie Keller A colorful electronic sign inviting pedestrians, bikers and drivers along Lyndale Avenue to participate in Hennepin Church activities is only one of the projects the Board of Trustees has accomplished this year with capital campaign funds and bequests. Fred Blaisdell, board of trustees chair, described the projects — both completed and in process — that the trustees have approved for 2009 to Administrative Board members at their meeting Oct. 1. “We’ve had lots of comments about the new sign, most of them positive,” said Blaisdell. Three other new external signs now identify the church to passersby, and a set of interior signs label significant church locations and give directions, helping visitors and others find their way. Enhancing the church’s hospitality, the trustees also repaired exterior stairs and masonry, and re-landscaped, creating a labyrinth garden near the East Entrance. They also repaired stained glass storm windows and replaced a deck, air conditioning system and windows at Koinonia Retreat Center.

Still in process are projects to upgrade Sanctuary sound and video systems, and remodel Border Chapel to make it more flexible and inviting. A new look for Sunday School Rev. Maria Wiblin, minister of youth and multigenerational ministries, told Ad Council members that this fall Hennepin’s church school program had moved away from the rotation format of recent years to one in which classes meet by grade. She said the goal of the new curriculum, “Seasons of the Spirit,” is to help educational experiences flow from childhood through youth in one continuous process. Rev. Wiblin also introduced Dana Neuhauser, who has joined the church staff, working with children’s ministries. Neuhauser most recently worked with children’s ministries at Church of the Good Shepherd United Methodist Church in St. Paul. Koinonia’s future Tom Sopoci, Koinonia Board chair and co-leader of the Koinonia Task Force, said the group had formulated an action plan, divided itself into action groups and begun visioning and planning with the help of a consultant. The Ad Council formed the task force earlier this year to consider the future of Koinonia Retreat Center and how it supports the church’s mission, and to provide a business plan.

RELEVANT INCLUSIVE BEAUTIFUL In Bethlehem Inn A DINNER THEATER EXPERIENCE DECEMBER 4 & 5, 6:30 P.M. HENNEPIN SOCIAL HALL Mark your calendars now for the first ever Hennepin Youth Dinner Theater to be held in the Hennepin Social Hall, Friday and Saturday, December 4 & 5 at 6:30 PM The many talented actors and actresses of our youth group will perform this interactive play that takes place in the dining room of the Bethlehem Inn on the night Jesus was born. Join the Innkeeper, Eli Merriman and his wife Sarah, as they entertain some strange and amazing guests. (Especially those in the audience!) Please watch the Sunday Spire and the website HennepinChurch.org for further details. This program is offered as a fundraiser for the Youth Mission projects. It will be a fun evening for all ages. Tickets will go on sale November 15th so don’t delay in making your reservations. You don’t want to be told “there’s no room in the inn!”


Flowers for Homebound

Steeple People 30th



Twice a year, at Christmas and at Easter, Hennepin’s Visitors to the Homebound volunteers deliver flowers to our members who reside in care facilities or are confined to their homes due to age or illness. It is one of the ways our Congregational Care Ministry helps our shut-ins feel connected to Hennepin. Currently there are about seventy homebound members receiving flowers and forty volunteers who faithfully deliver them. Many former volunteers are no longer able to do so, and some are now receiving flowers themselves. New volunteers are needed and would make the process easier for all involved. Under the thoughtful leadership of Ruth Laube, the volunteers deliver the plants to one or two members who live near to them. The plants will be available for pick-up from Hennepin in early December and can be delivered at your convenience. Are you, as an individual or as a family, willing to deliver a poinsettia this year? If so, please contact Ruth at 763-588-4826. Thank you!

Hennepin Heartwarmers Did you know…Hennepin Heartwarmers 2008 provided socks to 700 guests at our Community Meals? Thanks Hennepin! Your generosity warmed more than just feet.

A Pew for You! With the Board of Trustees’ planned remodeling of the Border Memorial Chapel later this year, the pews in the chapel will no longer be used. We want to make these pews available to church members before we donate them to other organizations or persons. There are approximately 22 oak pews: 8 feet, 3 inches long. If you are interested, please contact Chris Jackson in the church office, [email protected], or 612435-1308.

Advent Wreath Workshop SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2009 Come join us at 11:00 AM in Room 202 as we prepare for Advent! Greenery, wreath forms and candles will be available to make an Advent wreath for use at home. This is a fun project for the whole family.

SPSS 2004 Lyndale Ave. S. 612-871-8305

Assist a Homeless Person for a Day PROJECT HOMELESS CONNECT You are invited to share in a ministry of presence and support with members of our community who have the most urgent need. Project Homeless Connect is an event that brings support services for persons experiencing homelessness under one roof for a single day. Volunteers are needed to partner with guests to navigate the myriad of education, employment, health care, and housing services all available at the Minneapolis Convention Center on December 7. You don’t need special skills -- only a willing heart, flexibility, and a desire to be engaged and present with another person for a time on their journey. Sign up or ask questions on Sundays in November in Carlson Hall -or by calling Kristyn Ebert at 612-435-1305, or Kent Peterson at 651-644-4451. This is sponsored by Local Outreach Ministries.

Volunteer Opportunity Are you interested in connecting participants of the Hennepin Church Community to their faith calling as Christians by planning and implementing forums and educational events that bring awareness to ways we can put our faith into action? And how about planning and implementing local outreach service opportunities that engage Hennepin Church participants in working with and serving others through projects in the surrounding community? If so, then we invite you to use your gifts as part of Hennepin Church’s local outreach team. For more information contact Kristyn Ebert at 612-435-1305 or [email protected].

Habitat for Humanity Share your gifts through service with the Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity. Saturday, November 7, from 9:30 AM — 3:00 PM, help with sorting, pricing, stocking, etc. at Habitat's building materials outlet store. To sign-up or for more information please contact Larry Olson at 612-396-7178 or [email protected].


Selected Events… SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1 Regular Sunday worship at 8:30, 9:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM Breakfast 10:30 AM June Wink Forum 11:00 AM Courage of Sudan 11:00 AM UMC/ELCA Communion 4:00 PM Community Meals 4:45 PM Seasons of the Spirit 5:00 PM First Light Class 5:30 PM MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2 Job Transition Group 7:00 PM Beginner’s Bible Study 7:00 PM TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3 Youth Council 6:00 PM India Partnership 6:30 PM Reconciling Committee 6:30 PM Faith and Life Group 8:00 PM WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 Kjerringsleppets 5:30 PM Susanna Wesley Circle 7:00 PM THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5 Bible Study 11:00 AM Prayer Shawl Meeting 1:30 PM Labyrinth Open 3:00 PM Administrative Council 6:00 PM SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8 Regular Sunday worship at 8:30, 9:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM Sunday School 9:45 AM Breakfast 10:30 AM Blood Pressure 10:30 AM SPSS Open House 10:30 AM FAQs LGBT Group 10:45 AM Courage of Sudan 11:00 AM Challenges of Change 11:00 AM Michael Kinnamon 11:00 AM Membership Class 11:00 AM Sacred Journey Potluck 11:00 AM Racism & Religion 11:00 AM Seasons of the Spirit 5:00 PM First Light Class 5:30 PM MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9 Multi-Cultural Cmte. 6:30 PM TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10 Russia Partnership 6:30 PM Youth Council 6:30 PM Finance Committee 7:00 PM Faith and Life Group 8:00 PM WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 Little Kids, Big Fun 5:30 PM THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12 Joy Circle 9:00 AM Bible Study 11:00 AM Labyrinth Open 3:00 PM Foundation Board 6:00 PM SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Regular Sunday worship at 8:30, 9:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM Sunday School 9:45 AM Breakfast 10:30 AM Elijah Sings! 11:00 AM

Sunday, Nov. 15 Continued Membership Class 11:00 AM Peace & Justice Forum 11:00 AM Challenges of Change 11:00 AM Race & Religion 11:00 AM Courage of Sudan 11:00 AM Seasons of the Spirit 5:00 PM First Light Class 5:30 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Beginner’s Bible Study 7:00 PM Job Transitions Group 7:00 PM Fine Arts Committee 7:00 PM TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17 Children’s Council 6:30 PM Faith and Fiction 7:00 PM Faith and Life Group 8:00 PM WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 Steeple People Board 5:30 PM Food Service Cmte 6:30 PM Koinonia Board 7:00 PM Trustees Meeting 7:00 PM THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19 Senior Council 9:30 AM Labyrinth Open 3:00 PM Staff Parish Relations 6:00 PM Peace & Justice Forum 7:00 PM Lydia Circle 7:00 PM FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20 Life Adventures Lunch 12:00 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22 Regular Sunday worship at 8:30, 9:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM Sunday School 9:45 AM Breakfast 10:30 AM Advent Wreath Making 11:00 AM Legend of Elijah 11:00 AM Challenges of Change 11:00 AM Race & Religion 11:00 AM UMW Annual Meeting 11:00 AM Seasons of the Spirit 5:00 PM First Light Class 5:30 PM Elijah Concert 7:30 PM MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23 Hospitality Cmte. 7:00 PM TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24 Dignity Center Steering 6:30 PM Inter/National Outreach 6:30 PM Adult Nurture 6:30 PM Faith and Life Group 8:00 PM THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26 Building Closed Thanksgiving Holiday FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27 Building Closed Thanksgiving Holiday SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28 Building Closed SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 29 Regular Sunday worship at 8:30, 9:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM Sunday School 9:45 AM Breakfast 10:30 AM Knotty Quilters Sale 10:30 AM Community Meals 4:45 PM Seasons of the Spirit 5:00 PM First Light Class 5:30 PM

Send calendar corrections to: [email protected]

The Power of Movement

Saholt Collages Received


KEENER WINK NOV. 1, 11:00 AM, ART GALLERY June Keener Wink, movement therapist and teacher, is a pioneer in the use of body movement in spiritual development. June offers a unique approach to the integration of body, mind and spirit in a comfortable, supportive atmosphere. The movement will seek to heal the ancient split between physical and spiritual that fractures our being and sets us at odds with our bodies. We will explore new ways to release depths of feeling and creativity in relationship to ourselves, others and our God. The movement experience is for everyone regardless of age, sex, physical ability or disability. It is an invitation to those of you who haven’t explored movement before. We focus on our own experiences: we will not be watching or judging the experience of others. Creative movement will be introduced to gently lead folks into exploring ways to relate to one another, to oneself and to our God.

Life Adventures All Hennepin Seniors and friends are invited to participate in the Life Adventures activities. These semi-monthly events provide opportunities for learning, fellowship, and spiritual growth through a unique variety of programs including luncheons with interesting speakers, theater outings, tours to regional attractions, and a spring retreat at Koinonia. Life Adventure brochures describing all the events planned for the 2009-2010 season are available in a literature rack in Carlson Hall. Take a copy to share with a friend. Friday, Nov. 20: Pastor Bruce Robbins and Larry Dunbar will share highlights of the mission trip that Hennepin members made to Cuba in October. Learn about the work they did and their impressions of Cuba. Lunch will be served in the Social Hall at noon. Cost is $8. Please call the church receptionist at 612-871-5303 for a reservation. ss!

Mi t ’ n Do ster by i Reg . 18th Nov —7—

Wesley Church recently donated two collages, created by artist Richard Saholt, to Hennepin Church. The topic of the collages is “Homelessness Today,” a situation that Mr. Saholt experienced personally. Saholt, a World War II veteran, was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder in his twenties. Because of his mental illness, he could not express the torment and pain he experienced during his childhood and World War II. The head of the Minneapolis Veterans of Foreign Wars urged him to put his thoughts on paper. As a result, Saholt made a series of 14 collages focusing on “dark subjects” like war, mental illness, alcoholism and homelessness. These collages have a gripping impact and focus on the reality of homelessness in our society. Each collage sends a message of the devastating effect homelessness has on those who experience it. If you are a compassionate person, you cannot walk by the collages and not be outraged that some people in our community have to endure such a horror as being homeless. Mr. Saholt intended for his art work to be used to educate the public about poverty and homelessness. They were displayed in Carlson Hall during the October 18 and 25 emphasis on homelessness sponsored by the HAUMC Interfaith Team Members of the DCEH, the Dignity Center, Community Meals and Faith in Action Team and the Peace Through Justice Committee. Some of Mr. Saholt’s collages have been displayed in the White House, the American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore, and at Howard University. His work is archived at the American Folk Art Museum in New York. “For myself, I can accept that my cries and tries went unheeded for so long. What I don't accept is that other people have to still endure such pain (from being homeless) I hope my works will increase everyone's awareness of the physical, mental and social ills of today.” — Richard Saholt

Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church 511 Groveland Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55403

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Sunday Worship at Hennepin November 1 — All Saints Sunday

November 29 — 1st Sunday in Advent

8:30 AM 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM

8:30 AM 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM

Communion, Bruce Robbins, Leader Sacred Journey Sanctuary, Walter Wink, Preacher Many Voices, Leah Rosso, Leader

November 8 8:30 AM 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM

Communion, Bruce Robbins, Leader Sacred Journey Sanctuary, Michael Kinnamon, Preacher Many Voices, Bruce Robbins, Leader

November 15 8:30 AM 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM

Communion, Bruce Robins, Leader Sacred Journey Sanctuary, Bruce Robbins, Preacher Many Voices, Sally Johnson, Leader

November 22 — Reign of Christ Sunday 8:30 AM 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM

Communion, Bruce Robbins, Leader Sacred Journey Sanctuary, Bruce Robbins, Preacher Many Voices, Chris Jackson, Leader

Communion, Bruce Robbins, Leader Sacred Journey Sanctuary, Bruce Robbins, Preacher Many Voices, Leah Rosso, Leader

Holiday Building Closings

The church building and the church office will be closed on Thursday and Friday, Nov. 26 and 27, in observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday. The building will reopen on Saturday, Nov. 28 at 9 am. Also, through most of the winter months, the church will close on Fridays at 5 pm, and on Saturdays at 3 pm. Thank you!

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