2009 I Know I Can Newspaper

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PRESIDENT’S CORNER By Mark E. Vannatta Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP I Know I Can has held its annual newspaper sale each fall for the past 19 years. Each edition has had a theme, and for this year’s, we asked students and graduates from Columbus City Schools (CCS) to complete the following sentence: “I Know I Can…” Elementary school students completed the sentence by drawing pictures of what they want to be when they grow up. Middle and high school students finished the sentence with written thoughts about their post secondary aspirations. And CCS alumni used the sentence to give advice about the importance of attending college. As president of the Board of Directors of I Know I Can, I complete the sentence as follows: “I Know I Can is strategically positioned to carry out its mission, promising to inspire, enable and support Columbus City Schools students in pursuing and completing a college degree.” We made this commitment in our founding year, 1988, and we proudly stand by our promise today.

Last year, as we celebrated our 20th Anniversary, I Know I Can worked diligently to carry out the second of a threeyear strategic plan. Now in our final year, we are in the process of implementing a progressive and forward thinking

In the upcoming school year, I Know I Can will embark on new and innovative programming for current CCS students, as well as for district graduates attending college. The organization will continue providing all second graders with a copy of the I Know I Can book with coinciding activities to help reinforce the book’s message. The organization will also market its new bilingual edition (English/ Spanish) across the country. With support from the district as well as community partners, I Know I Can will begin shifting a greater emphasis on middle-school age, college advising activities in the 2009-2010 academic year. College programming and advising services for CCS high school students, graduates and their families will continue, including college admissions and financial aid assistance, as well as awarding the Last Dollar Grant. Moreover, I Know I Can hopes to offer several larger grants to graduating CCS students in an effort to provide greater motivation so students will be better prepared to succeed in college. And for the first time ever, I Know I Can has formed an alumni council to better engage with CCS graduates who have been impacted by our service. The council will serve as ambassadors for the organization, helping to increase its visibility and volunteer involvement and will look for ways to help increase financial support from a new generation of leaders in central Ohio. The 2009-2010 academic year is a critical one for I Know I Can, but never has there been a more fervent commitment to help Columbus City School students enter and succeed in college. Now more than ever, I Know I Can will inspire students to dream big and support them as they work hard to achieve their goals. Dream Big. Work Hard. We’ll help. Will you?

Contact the I Know I Can office at: 3798 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43213 Phone: (614) 233-9510 Fax: (614) 233-9512 Web: www.iknowican.org


19th Annual Special Edition | 25 September 2009

The I Know I Can Staff: December 2008 I Know I Can Staff Members

Dessa Augsburger Brian Beckley Bess Bolton Hearcel Craig Jr. Brian Davis Andrea Dunn Kim Ebbrecht

Josie Evans-Phillips Debra Foreman Katina Fullen Jeff Gehring Caitlin Kredell Felicia Mitchell Nancy Nikiforow

Mary Rose Jimmy Sheppard Lynda Snyder Meredith Turanchik Bobby Williams


Newspaper Layout: Think Design Studio www.think design studio.net

Confronting difficult economic pressures during the past year has been challenging for everyone, and I Know I Can is no different. Fundraising has been difficult, and the stock market returns have been less than positive. However, like many other organizations, we implemented cost-cutting measures and otherwise trimmed our budget. Most importantly, we have taken these steps without reducing the benefits and services provided to our customers - CCS students and their families.

action-plan that will serve a new generation of well-prepared CCS students and their families and keep I Know I Can on the cutting edge of college access programs for the next 20 years and beyond.


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Elementary Student Artwork I Know I Can go to college to become...

I Know I Can asked elementary school students to think about their college dreams and share those dreams by drawing a picture of who they want to be when they grow up.

Josiah Hunt Stewart Elementary

Jemauri Johnson Stewart Elementary

Zoe Williams Stewart Elementary

Devin Horn Stewart Elementary


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19th Annual Special Edition | 25 September 2009


Middle School Students I Know I Can...

I Know I Can invited middle school students to write an essay or poem about their goals as they prepare to enter high school and begin planning for college.

Ghadir Amin

Chantel Jack

Taejas Malik

Taylor Quiller

Hilltonia Middle School

Arts Impact Middle School

Wedgewood Middle School

Beery Middle School

My name is Ghadir Amin. I started with a rough life. Having war in my country, having to move from place to place, and having to lose and make new friends were just too hard for me. When I was eight and a half years old, I moved to Jacksonville, Florida. People were very mean to me in Jacksonville. They made fun of me all the time. I think it was because I was Muslim and very different from them. But then, luckily, I moved to Columbus, Ohio. Everybody was nice to me here. Well, maybe not everybody but most of them. I didn’t know English for a year and a half; I didn’t even try to learn. But when I came to middle school, I realized that grades matter more than I expected. I also began to understand the language and the lessons. It was easy. In 6th and 7th grade, I got all A’s and a few B’s. I made college plans too. I really want to go to Ohio State University or Harvard University. I want to be a successful eye doctor. I know if I really want this to happen, I’ll have to try harder. Now I’m trying as hard as I can to make my dream a reality. It is a big challenge to take on, so are you in? I know I’m in. I know I can go to college.


College is a place I want to be Because it gives you a lot of opportunities

I know I can go to college, Because I have an abundance of knowledge.

College is good for me It’s a door of choices All you need is a learning key

I do my work, I use my brain, When I get work, I never complain!

College is important So work hard in high school If you want it College can also be confusing You just have to get your head in the game If you do, you can do anything You have to believe to succeed

19th Annual Special Edition | 25 September 2009

Math and science are my strengths, I can measure up to many lengths. If I grow up to be an engineer, I will always remember to be sincere. If I grow up to be a scientist, I might invent a new potion, Or be like Sir Isaac Newton who showed us the laws of motion. College is work and a lot of fun, After I get my degree, I’ll be done!

I know I want to go to college as soon as I get out of high school. I want to go to The Ohio State University. I know that going to college isn’t free so I am going to start saving my money so when the time comes to go to college, I will be ready. When my sister went to college it was very hard for her because she was the first person in my family to go off to school. She cherished every moment, took every opportunity she was offered, and made the most of it. Now it is my turn and I am ready for the challenge. Now that my sister is out of college and has started her family, she tells me every day to be good in school, to do my work, and to listen to my teachers. My sister said that teachers are here to help me get ready for what is ahead in my life. I come to school each and every day ready to learn and to be told that I have what it takes to make it. Hopefully with a lot of hard work, I will get a scholarship and then I will be on my way, right to the doors of The Ohio State University.



19th Annual Special Edition | 25 September 2009


High School Students I Know I Can...

Our I Know I Can college advisors identified two outstanding high school students and asked them to look back at their accomplishments thus far and to write about how those accomplishments have shaped their college and career ambitions.

Chaunte Banks Columbus Alternative High School Leadership is the first step to becoming a mentor and role model. As the senior class president of Columbus Alternative, leadership is my passion. I believe that good exposure to great leaders obligates our students to have the character, mindset and lifestyle of a leader. One example of a fine role model that I have been exposed to is Dr. Talisa Dixon. As an educator, she goes beyond her normal duties to show her love for each student by giving advice about leadership and her successful strategies. As an educator, I will establish different organizations that provide awareness about professional development. Different topics such as, attire for an interview, creating a resume and speaking in public will be addressed. As the class president, I receive countless opportunities to attend many leadership conferences, but my concern is for those who have potential but are never exposed to these informative conferences. In the fall I plan to attend Wittenberg University with a major in Biology Education. After graduating, I plan on studying at The Ohio State University with plans of attaining a master’s degree in counseling education. I then plan to enroll at Harvard’s School of Education, with the faith to one day become the Superintendent of the Columbus City School District. One quote I live by is “Anytime one is in a leadership position, you must give your all and always make the best decision out of the worst scenario.”- Dr. Talisa Dixon. This means be the very best you can be. Anytime you are leading, you must never fail because someone is always looking up to you. Education is the foundation and future for preparing our students to enter the competitive global economy.


I am excited about the next stage in my life: college. I know my dreams can come true and I thank I Know I Can for helping me along the way.

Bilingual Edition of I Know I Can Now Available

I Know I Can wholeheartedly thanks our 2009 Right to Read Week Volunteers.

Shadae Howard Eastmoor Academy As a student of Eastmoor Academy High School I have many challenges set before me. Thanks to I Know I Can, I have been able to tackle each and every challenge, one by one. My experience with I Know I Can has been very beneficial and I owe them a tremendous debt of gratitude. My I Know I Can college advisor has helped to make my college decisions less stressful for both my mother and I. Also, she has given me advice for my journey through college and even life after college.

I Know I Can first published its self-titled book in 1996 and has distributed it to second graders in Columbus City Schools every year since then. Over the past ten years, the beloved book has gained popularity with districts throughout the country from Alaska to Hawaii to districts across the Midwest. And so, it is with great enthusiasm that I Know I Can announces the publication of its first ever bilingual edition: I Know I Can / Yo Se Que Puedo (English/Spanish). For more information about how to order I Know I Can or I Know I Can/Yo Se Que Puedo, please email [email protected]

A special thanks to Battelle, Grange Insurance and McGraw-Hill for their incredible employee participation. And thanks to all of the other organizations and volunteers that helped make it a success. We also applaud Columbus City Schools alumni like Dr. Gene T. Harris, Ohio Treasurer Kevin Boyce, and Columbus City Councilmembers Andy Ginther, A. Troy Miller, Charleta Tavares, and Priscilla Tyson for volunteering and inspiring kids to dream big and work hard!

As an honor student, I have always excelled in the classroom and therefore my grades have never been a problem. However, I was lost when it came to my next step to success. The financial burden of college is where I needed serious help. But I Know I Can has surely paved the way! From fee waivers, to scholarships, to awarded money, I Know I Can has helped me substantially. With their help, I have been accepted to many prestigious colleges and universities such as Spelman College, Washington and Jefferson, Miami University, University of Louisville, Kentucky State University, and many more. I am very thankful and appreciative of all that I Know I Can has done for me and I openly recommend them to all students who plan to further their education.

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The Shackelford Family Foundation celebrates Kevin Boyce, Ohio State Treasurer and one of I Know I Can’s first graduates, pictured here with the next generation of I Know I Can graduates!



19th Annual Special Edition | 25 September 2009


College Students I Know I Can...

Four Last Dollar Grant recipients were chosen by I Know I Can College Retention staff to share their college trials and triumphs and share their post- college aspirations.

Kenyatta Bosley

Amber Payne

Columbus State Community College Northland High School

Columbus College of Art and Design Walnut Ridge High School

I know I can achieve anything I want through hard work, despite any obstacles I face. I am a 2008 graduate from Northland High School. While attending Northland, I was selected for Who’s Who Among American High School students, served on the Principal’s Leadership Board and Student Council, and was regularly on the Honor Roll. I am currently a full-time freshman student at Columbus State Community College and I want to become a nurse and transfer to a four-year institution. It won’t be an easy road but I know I can do it.

As a senior in high school I graduated at the top of my class, achieved numerous honors, starred in a Cotillion, was a cheerleader, played in the band, got accepted to more than 5 colleges, won prom queen and was awarded a list of superlatives. Now nearing the end of my senior year in college I have continued to stay on the focused path to success; consistently earning recognition at my school on both the Dean's and President's list. With the days of strenuous class schedules and nights of tedious homework coming to an end, I know I am a conqueror. Even though I have always been optimistic, there are many learned lessons from this last chapter of my life that have helped me to mature into the intelligent, young woman, that I am.

Every day I show that I am an individual who expresses strength, pride, and leadership. I have always uplifted my family in difficult situations and have been there through thick and thin. I have been there for my older brother, helping him make major life decisions, like helping him pick the right college for him. I show devotion to my family by carrying my father’s responsibilities on my back, not because he’s not there for my family, but because he is disabled. I’m a very hard worker, who sets and accomplishes goals not only for myself, but for my family. I make sacrifices for my family on top of going to school full-time and working two part-time jobs. I am committed to being there for my nine-year-old brother to be a role model for him, so he can learn family values and most of all show devotion to my family the same way I do. I not only help my own family, but other families as well. I help with babysitting and mentoring. I have helped with mentoring young teens on sex, drugs and life in general. I have gone out of my way to make sure my grandparents have food to eat and are comfortable. I choose to be an inspiration and a strong young lady who wants to make a difference. I choose this over drinking and living a college party life. It’s not always easy, but I know that in the end, if I continue to support my family, work hard in school, and try my best at my jobs, I will succeed and make all of my dreams come true. I know I can finish college, become a nurse, and always be there for my family.


19th Annual Special Edition | 25 September 2009

The first thing I learned (which I hope everyone gets a grip of ) is that: YOU CAN DO IT! When my school schedule would get hectic and I'd sometimes hardly make time to eat or sleep (due to the overlap of responsibilities), I would always aim to keep my motivation level up, staying calm and remembering that everything would work out. Having a "CAN DO" attitude is important not only in the classroom, but in everyday life. Another important lesson I learned while studying for my Bachelors degree in Advertisement and Graphic Design is to persevere. Being able to push yourself to go to your boring literature class or study one extra hour for that science exam, will help you prove to yourself that you are in control. Sometimes it’s easy to get so busy moving and going that it feels better to give in. When you challenge yourself, nobody reaps the benefit but you. Finally, I've learned not to be afraid to ask for help! When starting college I didn't know how many countless hours of work it would involve, how much money would be sacrificed, and how many people I would need to support me through it all. Students, if you need help don't be afraid to ask; there are people who will help! Personally, I Know I Can has been one of the building blocks that have assisted me


to my destination of graduating from college. My school's I Know I Can representative is one of the sweetest individuals you can meet. She was always there to help me with the FAFSA and the I Know I Can applications (even contacting me at times when I would get so tied up and forget to visit her). I am thankful for the support of my I Know I Can advisor and the I Know I Can organization. They have been there for the long haul, allowing me to declare "I've made it! I am graduating in May and I am so delighted!!! I close by saying to anyone who may read this, be encouraged, look up, think up, and then you can go up. I really believe for anyone to be successful they must first want to be successful. Through all trials and hardships whether school related or not, true happiness is within you. Because of my achievements in the last 5 years of my life, I am inspired to believe now more than ever, that if I want to be victorious in my life: I Know I Can.

Calvin Cooper

Capital University Northland High School I know I can do anything. My name is Calvin N. Cooper and I am a rising senior at Capital University, majoring in economics. I Know I Can has played an important role in my matriculation as a student at Capital University. I am a Last Dollar Grant recipient and the help that this organization has given me has aided me in financing my education. There have been semesters where, without I Know I Can’s help, I do not know how I would have bridged the gap between my scholarships and my tuition. Now I am nearing the end of my college career. College, for me, has been so much more than writing papers and taking tests. College has given me opportunities that I would have never been afforded. I have been very active during my time at Capital. I was elected by my peers to be a Senator on the Capital University Student Government where I was Student Interests Committee Chair. I am the immediate past Omicron Rho Chapter President and Central Ohio Area Director of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated. This past year I was given the opportunity to serve


as the College Representative to the Board of Directors of I Know I Can, and in January, I became a small business owner with the founding of Level 3 Entertainment Marketing and Promotions LLC. I want to give special thanks to my fraternal brotherhood, to the I Know I Can staff and board, and to my peers. There have been a lot of people who have made my college experience a memorable one. These people have inspired me and have convinced me that, with a lot of help and hard work, I can do anything.

Muimtaz Shalash

University of Cincinnati Walnut Ridge High School I know I can succeed. Throughout my college experience at the University of Cincinnati, I have been exposed to countless obstacles and challenges that have definitely shaped who I have become today. My goals have remained the same, yet my personality and determination have changed for the better. Today, I am determined and reflective. Today, I stand ready to experience the rest of my life as I learn from my mistakes and grow. Every obstacle and challenge that has stood before me has made me even more eager to cross the finish line. As a freshman, I recall the intimidating size of campus and feeling fear and regret. Today, I am a senior who has not only conquered her fear long ago, but has also used her fears to fuel her inner strength. Whether it was registration issues or academic challenges, I was able to utilize my resolve to motivate me towards excellence. Accomplishing my goals and creating new ones has made me more knowledgeable and imaginative with my future aspirations. I salute I Know I Can for remaining a constant in my academic life and generously contributing to the completion of my degree. It is because of programs like I Know I Can that students, such as me, are able to cope with the financial responsibility that comes with attending a four year University. I Know I Can has not only helped me succeed, but it has also given me the confidence to know that I will succeed. Thank you, I Know I Can, for believing in me!

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I Know I Can... We asked I Know I Can alumni to reflect on their post-secondary education and give advice to younger students as they follow in their footsteps and work hard to achieve their dreams.

Candace Allen Bowling Green State University Mifflin High School I know I can exceed expectations. As a recent graduate from Bowling Green State University, I have crossed a major milestone in my life. Hearing my name being called, my mother screaming at the top of her lungs, and receiving my diploma from the university’s president, signified the reward of my accomplishment. It was four years of hard work, dedication and persistence that defined my triumph of exceeding expectations. College can be intimidating: the freedom, the access, the intensity of the coursework, the distance from home, all of it can be a major hurdle for many to overcome. These things are added to ones’ own self-doubt of being able to compete, especially in an atmosphere so utterly different from what is comfortable. I was not an exception. I had fears of meeting new people; I had fears that I was not smart or prepared enough to receive the grades that were expected of me. I had fears of being lonely, and I had fears of temptation. These were all natural fears and doubts that I had to overcome in order to reach graduation. Therefore, I viewed them as a challenge. College was my challenge; it was the expectation my parents set, it was the expectation that Columbus’ Mifflin High School set, and this was the expectation that I set for myself. I confronted this challenge and exceeded expectations, by refusing to let doubts, fears, and depressive thoughts consume me to the point of quitting. Was


this process tough? Yes. Was this experience hard? Absolutely. However, the belief that I can accomplish and succeed at anything is immeasurable; it is a conviction that cannot be destroyed. The late nights writing ten page essays, the tearful phone calls to my parents, the letdown of receiving a bad grade after trying my best, did not deter me from this challenge. My completion of my undergraduate degree gave me a belief; it gave me a confidence to know that as I continue on my life’s journey nothing will be too hard or too difficult to overcome. I know that I am tough enough, smart enough, and strong enough not only to meet expectations, but also to exceed them.

Lari Shaw

The Ohio State University South High School My College Degree–The Single most important and influential milestone of my life! As a South High Bulldog in the late ‘80’s preparing to head to college, I often questioned my ability to succeed there. Even though I earned very good grades while in High School, I would be a first generation college student and therefore had little knowledge of what to expect. I had only heard about how academically challenging it would be. However, I was a young person of great passion and persistence. And those traits combined with lots of effort, catapulted me through four years to graduation from The Ohio State University. What a wonderful experience it was and bar none the best, most important thing I’ve ever done for myself. So, my advice…go for your dreams and goals with all that you’ve got–leaving noth-

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ing to regret! Henry Ford once said “whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right”. We know you can!

Meredith Turanchik Otterbein College Linden McKinley High School The summer after my freshman year of college, I was at a crossroads. I didn’t know if I wanted to return to school in the fall. My first year of college had not been as easy as I thought it would be. Although my grades were good, and I found the work load to be manageable, it had been a tough transition for me. A new place, new people, new decisions to make. I had switched my major from Journalism to English halfway through the year and didn’t know if I had made the right decision. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and felt lost. I did go back to school for my sophomore year, partly because I didn’t know what else to do or where else to go, but also because I knew that earning a college degree was a necessity. But in all honesty, my heart was just not in it. Everything changed winter quarter of that year. I was taking an Early American Literature class with a professor I did not know. As it turned out, she probably saved my college career. Her class inspired and enthralled me. The class discussions were lively and interesting. The readings were entertaining and thought-provoking. The assignments were rewarding and fun. I felt like I was learning so much. I now knew that the English major was right for me, and college was definitely where I wanted and needed to be. I graduated from college a year ago and am grate-

ful for the education I received everyday. There is no doubt that entering and finishing college is challenging. But you have to stick with it. If you find yourself struggling, be patient and find something that you love, that can carry you to the finish line. It can be a certain professor, a particular class, a campus group or an extracurricular activity, just to name a few. You might still have a paper that you don’t want to write, or readings that you don’t understand, but if you can hold on to what you do love about college, you will get through the bad and cherish the good. Earning a college degree is so important. A year after graduation I am already seeing it all pay off for me. I have a job that I love, one that I could not be doing without my degree. Was this job waiting for the day after I graduated? Certainly not; in fact my job search was long and stressful. But it was all worth it. Working hard in high school, writing college admission essays, taking numerous final exams, writing my senior thesis, sending out resumes, and going to job interviews have all led me to where I am today. I am so glad I persevered and graduated from college. So far, it is the most important accomplishment of my life.

I was able to persevere. I now have a bachelors degree in Elementary Education, a masters in Elementary Education and a masters in School Administration. My college habits had to get better, before I was going to get better. I was used to just skating by in high school. I focused my first few quarters of college, but then I began to slack off. It was a wake up call when I had to sit out a quarter from school because I had messed up that much in college. When I was reinstated at The Ohio State University, I had a whole new agenda. I received some advice from my mentor, Mr. Larry Williamson. He stated that you should treat each class like it is a heavyweight fight. Train for 9 weeks (length of each class), then “knock that class out.” He showed me how to conquer each and every class by doing exactly what you need to do and even more. On top of that, my father told me that instead of wasting time complaining about all the tasks that you have to do, just get to them because you waste more time complaining about them. With my mentors and my father, I started doing better in school. I became very diligent and improved my organizational habits and study habits. I had a routine that I followed each day. I looked at all things that were distractions

for me and slowly began cutting them out; friends, family, telephone, television and the refrigerator. I also made it a point to go and see my professors at least once a quarter outside of class. I went to see them even if I was doing well in their classes. I developed a mental plan and implemented it each day. Today, our college students have even more distractions in their way. You have to stay focused and get to know yourself. I knew that I needed to be focused seven days a week. Many college students may or may not use the weekends to keep up with work. I worked hard studying on weekends but also gave myself a little bit of free time. You have to keep that balance. Overall, college students have to plan out how they are going to conquer each class and the business part of school. Making copies of all documents for their records, talking to the right people, etc are all really important things to do too. College was educational, fun, and it developed me into the professional that I am today. College graduation is attainable. Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. I had to always be prepared to perform when the time came to perform. No Excuses. “When the time to perform has come, the time to prepare has passed." -Bob Bowman, Michael Phelps' Coach

In Memory of Adolphus Andrews This past year, I Know I Can lost a dear friend and colleague, Dr. Adolphus (Andy) Andrews, who passed away on October 27, 2008. A graduate of Howard University and a lifelong educator, Andy joined I Know I Can as a retention specialist in 2005 and went on to work for the organization for three academic years. He set up the I Know I Can retention office at Central State University and directly impacted the lives of hundreds of students. After Andy retired from the Air Force, he spent seven years prior to I Know I Can serving as the Vice President of Administration and Finance at Central State University. He was a truly valued member of the I Know I Can team and was respected by all who knew him. Andy believed that all students had potential. He pushed students to excel academically, helped them get involved in campus life, and encouraged them to be the best they can be. We miss him greatly and will remember him always.

Doc West The Ohio State University Mifflin High School I knew I couldget through school, but I really had to buckle down and change my ways. I struggled my first two years of school. I really began to feel that I could not complete college. I stuck with it though. With the help of Jesus, my father and my two mentors;



19th Annual Special Edition | 25 September 2009



19th Annual Special Edition | 25 September 2009



19th Annual Special Edition | 25 September 2009


Learn More About I Know I Can…

Celebrating 20 Years

The only college access program in Columbus, I Know I Can gives students a chance to realize their full potential and make their dreams come true by:

Celebrating 20 years in 2008 was a milestone for I Know I Can. This important anniversary served as a unique opportunity to reflect on I Know I Can’s two decades of providing FAFSA, financial aid, and college admission advising services to CCS students, not to mention awarding more than $23 Million in Last Dollar Grants to district graduates to help off-set the ever growing tuition costs that too often make it difficult to stay and complete a college education.

• Motivating students to stay in school and focus on academics

• Advising students and families on college selection, admission and financial aid processes

• Promoting the opportunities and benefits of college

• Providing Last Dollar Grants to qualified students

• Offering college awareness programs, resources and activities

• Helping students stay in college and complete their education

I Know I Can Current Services Include: ACT/SAT – assistance with completing registration forms available to all students. In addition to fee waivers available from ACT and the College Board, I Know I Can will pay for one test during a student’s junior and senior years.

I Know I Can’s 20th Anniversary bash, held on Tuesday, November 11th at CCAD’s Canzani Center, proved to be a very special way to celebrate this momentous milestone. With nearly 400 guests in attendance that evening, I Know I Can shared its gratitude with countless supporters and community leaders who have helped ensure the organization’s success. Thank you again to all who attended; we are truly grateful for the many who support our mission and believe in the limitless potential of CCS students.

Application Fee Waivers – up to 5 college admission application fee waivers for all CCS seniors

A special thank you to the I Know I Can’s 20th Anniversary planning committee, the event’s Honorary Chairs, and the host committee for their hard work and contributions. The night will be remembered for many years to come. Most importantly, thank you again to our founders: Arthur Kobacker, Teckie Shackelford, Cliff Tyree & Robert Weiler for making their vision a reality.

Last Dollar Grants (LDG) – up to $1000 towards college for qualified Columbus City School graduates who demonstrate financial need Planning Folder – includes important information for 6th – 12th graders to successfully prepare to enter college Presentations – college planning presentations available in our resource room

College Planning - starting in middle school, students can meet with staff / volunteers to discuss college plans

Resource Room – computer lab available for online college searches, college materials and publications available to review or take with you

FAFSA Assistance – one-on-one assistance and evening workshops at every Columbus City Schools high school to assist students and families in completing their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

Retention – office hours offered to CCS graduates on 13 college campuses and at the I Know I Can office

I Know I Can children’s book – book is given to every 2nd grader in the Columbus City School district to encourage discussions about attending college

Summer Scholars – need-based grants available for 6th – 11th graders to attend summer academic workshops and camps on college campuses

College Reflections

Written By Katina Fullen, I Know I Can Executive Director Looking back, my earliest memories of college are actually from elementary and middle school. I clearly remember my mother trying to juggle a family, fulltime job, and college courses at night. I can still picture her sitting at our dining room table struggling over a math assignment and my father patiently tutoring her until she got it. My mom was working toward becoming a Registered Nurse. My dad went straight to the steel mill after high school but could teach a calculus course with minimal effort. Watching and learning from my parents, I dreamt big from a young age and aspired to attend Harvard University. I still have a photo taken of me wearing a Harvard sweatshirt that I bought from a street vendor while on my 8th grade class trip to Washington DC. (Picture permed hair and shiny braces!) I told everyone who would listen that I was headed to Cambridge upon graduation. I worked hard all through middle and high school trying to keep up my grades, take the right courses, and was involved


19th Annual Special Edition | 25 September 2009



in extracurricular activities. Look out Cambridge, 'cause I was on my way. Fast forward to my junior and senior years of high school when it came time to visit colleges, meet with admissions reps, and complete college applications. I had no idea what to do or where to begin. I needed help but didn't know quite how to ask for it. I ended up visiting one college - Capital University. I selected it because three friends were also interested in attending Capital and because my aunt lived in Columbus. I met with one admission rep from - Capital University. I completed one college application for - you guessed it - Capital University. Fortunately for me, Capital was the perfect fit. It was a small campus in the "big city" and my three best friends going with me. Despite changing my major three times, I attained a bachelors degree in education and a law degree both from Capital University. Along with the two degrees, however, I acquired over $114,000 in student loan debt. Despite the hefty

bill, I graduated thankful for the college path I took. I dreamt big. I worked hard. But who had been there to help me as I chose my college path? I sometimes wonder what path I would have taken if someone had stepped in to help me. Would I have chosen another college? Would I have accumulated so much debt? Regardless of the "what ifs," I know now that I am one of the lucky ones. I made Capital work for me and am a proud alumna. I am able to pay off, even if it's over 20 years, my student loan debt. My path, unclear and uncertain at times, has led me to dedicate my career to education, particularly helping students get on track, stay on track, and make smart decisions about college and careers. So, here I am doing what I love best, what I dreamt about, and what I worked hard to achieve. Now that it's my turn to help, I know I can make a difference. The question is, will you?

19th Annual Special Edition | 25 September 2009


Annual Report Decade at a Glance Heartfelt thanks to the following board members for their role in I Know I Can’s success: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Thekla R. Shackelford Mark Vannatta Kristine Devine Anne Nagy Jeffrey A. Rich Barbara Siemer Janelle Simmons Tei Y. Street Thomas E. Szykowny DIRECTORS Kenton R. Bowen Ann Casto Tanny Crane Debra Foreman Mabel G. Freeman W. Shawna Gibbs Eddie Harrell Jr. Jeffrey Lyttle Gene Pierce Rich Rosen David R. Schooler Jean R. Schottenstein Lari Madosky Shaw Thomas L. Sholl Clifford Tyree Matthew D. Walter Cindy Webber W. Carlton Weddington Robert J. Weiler Ernest D. West III HONORARY DIRECTORS James I. Luck John G. McCoy EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS Ray Biddiscombe Mayor Michael B. Coleman Dennison W. Griffith Gene T. Harris Rhonda Johnson Douglas F. Kridler Ty Marsh Carol L. Perkins BOLD indicates 10 or more years of service


Thank you Thank you to all Columbus City Schools personnel, staff, and faculty for their amazing, ongoing support of I Know I Can. We are very grateful for your generosity and shared vision. Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication!


Realize the Dream. Become a Nurse.












Families who Received FAFSA Assistance












Summer Scholars












Total Students Served



































Call today. Call (614) 234-4CON

Financial Aid Assistance

or visit our website

Last Dollar Grant (LDG) Applications

at www.mccn.edu

Number of Last Dollar Grant Recipients Last Dollar Grant Monies Awarded

I Know I Can is grateful for the time and talents of our invaluable FAFSA Volunteers, Volunteer Advisors and the 2009 Right to Read Week Volunteer Readers.

$1,031,583 $1,034,350 $1,033,565 $1,190,780 $1,239,370 $1,430,698 $1,736,610 $1,693,800 $1,624,052 $1,601,234 $1,404,309

Average Last Dollar Grant












Financial Aid Captured for Students (Excluding LDGs)























High School Advisors












Financial Aid Workshop Advisors












Total Number of Advisors












Total Hours Volunteered












Hours of Service Returned by LDG Recipients Volunteer Advisors

FAFSA volunteers Elizabeth Arthur Robert Behlen Seneca Bing Bess Bolton Wendy Boortz David Brennan Rachel Brown Carol Burnhart Arnold Calhoun Marian Carter Karen Clark-Bolden Mike Clouse Nick Collis Richard Corley Tony Cornett Warren Danley Patricia Deacon Jackie Dean Cheryl Diggs Toni Duke Dawn Ellis Debra Foreman Sally Francis Jack Freund Angela Freund Katherine Fyffe Adrianne Gant Jennifer Gates John Glenn Staysee Handon Bob Hanf Randy Hering Jim Hutchins Ron Janning Deandre Jenkins Annie Johnson Mark Jones Patricia Jones Yogeesh Kamath Sari Kelley Nicole Kerr Christopher Killeya Larry Kish Ralph Kowaluck

19th Annual Special Edition | 25 September 2009

Sondra Kowaluk Marlene Kromer John Lackey Cry Latham Lari Madosky Shaw Lori Martensen Carl Martin Helena Mobley Kitty Monk Karhlton Moore Deniesha Newby Steve Niehoff Rebecca Noblit Kathy Patton Charles Paule Gisele Paule Lori Payne Colin Peters Andy Plagenz Marco Satala Betsy Schmalz Dave Shain Felicia Shanklin Janelle Simmons Latisia Smith Clifton Sparrow Daryl Steen Rebecca Sterrett Roger Street Charlene Summerall Tina Sutermeister Mary Alice Sutton Mary Thomas Tim Tucker Dick Uhde Mary Ann Vandagriff Pam Varda Tina Watkins Jeff Webb Cindy Webber John Weinhardt Brandy White Doug Wittig Beth Wolfe Sue Wright

Paul Wright volunteer Advisors Mary Babcock Amy Baumgardner Barbara Boley Norma Bradley Danielle Chatfield-Beres Patricia Clark Jerry Cohn Warren Danley Janie Davies Ruth Gonser Bob Hanf Wallis Harsch Daisy Lewis Betsy Owen Ann Rumble Kathy Shearn Eloise Stanford Jimmy Terry Nila Whitfield right to read week volunteer readers Alex Adams Lanita Bonner State Treasurer Kevin Boyce Representative Ted Celeste Tanny Crane Kathy Cunningham Sue Denisky Dr. Debra Dennis Patti Eshman April Fiorrelli Mabel G. Freeman Cybil Gilmore Councilmember Andy Ginther Robin Giroux Howard Green Eddie Harrell Dr. Gene Harris Thom Hauter Lisa Ingram

Melonie Jacobs Nancy Johnston Joe Juratovac Sybrina King Debbie Kingsboro Ken Kozek Rainy Krasny Becky Lester Jeff Lyttle Linda Martin Melissa Masters Valarie McDaniel Erin McDonald Amelia Menk Brown Marla Oppenheimer A. Troy Miller Shawn Price Tammy Roe Laura Rush Jeffrey Schwarz Tom Sholl Tom Szykowny Councilmember Charleta Tavares Councilmember Priscilla Tyson Robin Ungerleider Mark Vannatta Scott VanWoerkam Margaret Wildi Reggie Wilkinson Susan Ziolkowski

Since 1988 I KNOW I CAN has: • A  warded 22,086 Last Dollar grants, totaling $22,904,873;

• L everaged $318,300,000 million in captured financial aid;

• R  eceived 165,256 volunteer hours from High School Volunteer Advisors and Financial Aid Workshop Advisors; and

• R  ecorded 67,694 community service hours from Last Dollar Grant recipients.

Yes, I want to invest in a student's college education!

Enclosed is my investment for $ Please charge my Visa/MasterCard for $

(account number)

(expiration date – month/year)


INVESTMENT CATEGORIES: Name: Freshman – Under $50 Phone: Sophomore - $50 to $249 Address: Junior - $250 to $749 Senior - $750 to $2,499 City: Graduate - $2,500 to $5,999 State: Scholar - $6,000 plus Zip: E-Mail:

NEWSPAPER SALE VOLUNTEERS Calvin Cooper Ali Ebbrecht Clay Ebbrecht Gloria Patterson Robert Patterson

Making a pledge

I AM INTERESTED IN: Planned giving


Your investment is tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. Please make check payable to I Know I Can. Unless otherwise notified, your name will be acknowledged as above.

Bold indicates 10 or more years of service

Send donations to 3798 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43213. For further information please contact I Know I Can | 614.233.9510 | www.iknowican.org



19th Annual Special Edition | 25 September 2009


Thank You to all that support I Know I Can

A special thanks to our long time donors for their support over the past 21 years. HEROES* Corporations/Foundations JPMorgan Chase & Co. Columbus City Schools The Columbus Foundation The Nationwide Foundation Individuals Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Kobacker Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Shackelford &The Shackelford Family Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Weiler *donations totaling more than $1 Million CHAMPIONS* Corporations/Foundations: Battelle City of Columbus Honda of America, Mfg., Inc. The Siemer Family Foundation U.S. Department of Education *donations totaling between $500,000-$999,999

LEADERS* Corporations/Foundations American Electric Power The Borden Foundation Cardinal Health Columbus Education Association WWCD 101-FM** The Davis Foundation Deloitte & Touche, LLP The Paul G. Duke Foundation Fifth Third Bank Huntington Bank The Ingram-White Castle Foundation inVentiv** The Jeffrey Company KnowledgeWorks Foundation The Kroger Co. Lancaster Colony Limited Brands, Inc. The Harry C. Moores Foundation National City Bank Ohio College Access Network Plaskolite State Auto Insurance

Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation Vorys, Sater, Seymour & Pease, LLP The Leo Yassenoff Foundation

Ross Laboratories Roush Honda Ruscilli Construction Company` The Scotts Company Shiloh Baptist Church Stanley Steemer Stonehenge Partners, Inc. The Suddes Group Time Warner Communication

INVESTORS* Corporations/Foundations Abercrombie & Fitch Accenture Advanced Drainage Systems Alcatel-Lucent Technologies Baker & Hostetler The Benua Foundation

CASTO Columbia Gas of Ohio Columbus Life Insurance CompuServe Continental Office Environments Crane Group Dominion Homes Drug Emporium DSW Franklin County Commissioners Germain Motor Company Grange Insurance Company H & R Block Jones Day JP’s Barbeque Ribs** Key Bank Lumina Foundation for Education The Marsh Family Foundation The Raymond E. Mason Foundation M/I Homes Midland Mutual Life Insurance Michael’s Finer Meats PricewaterhouseCoopers The Reinberger Foundation The Richard M. & Elizabeth M. Ross Family Foundation

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Davis Ms. Margaret E. Day Ms. Julie A. Deshuk Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Devine Mr. Joel Diaz Ms. Catherine C. Donnell Ms. Sue Goetz Doody Mr. Edward M. Dunlap Mr. Bruce F. Duncan Mr. & Mrs. Andy Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Chad Dunn Mr. & Mrs. John Easton Dr. & Mrs. Todd Ebbrecht Dr. Matthew Eberts Ms. Shirley E. Elkins Ms. Jane W. Ellis Mr. & Mrs. Bernard L. Erven Mr. & Mrs. Raymond R. Fenner Ms. Geraldine T. Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. John F. Finn Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence L. Fisher Ms. Lindsay E. Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Ivery D. Foreman Ms. Lara Forsman Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Foster Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Foulke Mr. & Mrs. R. Reed Fraley Ms. Paua E. Francis Dr. Mabel Freeman Mr. & Mrs. Don Freytag Mr. & Mrs. Craig M. Fullen Ms. Elizabeth L. Galbreath Ms. Lucretia D. Gatewood Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Gehring Mr. Richard Germain Ms. W. Shawna Gibbs Mr. Laurie Gill Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. Giller Ms. Diane Ging Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Glandon Mr. & Mrs. Harvery L. Glick Ms. Brenda S. Gonzalez Mrs. Jane Goodman Ms. Norma J. Gorsuch Ms. Tracy K. Graham Mr. & Mrs. Dennison W. Griffith Ms. Stephanie Groce & Mr. Steve Niehoff Mr. Thomas R. Gross Jr. Ms. Erin Brennan Hall Mr. John L. Hank Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Harrell Jr. Ms. Derrion S. Harris

Mr. & Dr. Stanley Harris Mr. John F. Havens Mr. Bruce R. Henke Mr. Rob Herron Ms. Margaret Hiermer Ms. Enshane Hill-Nomoto Ms. Lina A. Himes Mr. & Mrs. John Hoberg Mr. John D. Holschuh Ms. Stephanie M. Howell Ms. Donna W. Hurley Ms. Elizabeth Ingram Ms. Willa P. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jacques Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm D. Jeffrey Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Jeffrey Ms. Courtney Y. Jeter Ms. Rhonda Johnson Mr. & Mrs. William Jordan Mr. Kwesi Kambon Mr. Thomas L. Kaplin Dr. & Mrs. Carl Kohrt Mr. & Mrs. Ralph S. Kowaluk Ms. Caitlin Kredell Mr. & Mrs. Jason Kreitzer Mr. & Mrs. Tahlman Krumm Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Calvin M. Kunin Ms. Karen Kersh Kurapkat Ms. Tiffany Lambert Mr. & Mrs. David Lauer Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. Lauer Ms. Carolyn M. Laughlin The Mr. & Mrs. Charles Y. Lazarus Fund Ms. Dawn Tyler-Lee & Mr. Robert E. Lee III Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lindemann Ms. Judith Gaye Long Mr. James I. Luck Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Lyttle Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Macaulay Ms. Beverly A. Maddox Mr. & Mrs. James T. Mahoney Mr. Ty D. Marsh Mr. Anthony A. Martin Mr. Steve McClung Mr. & Mrs. George W. McClure III Mr. & Mrs. George McConnaughey Jr. Ms. Valarie J. McDaniel Mr. & Mrs. Allan B. McFarland Mr. & Mrs. C. Granger McKinney Mr. & Mrs. Keith McNamara Mr. J. Jeffrey McNealey Ms. Karen P. Merritt

Ms. Miriam H. Mertens Mr. & Mrs. David R. Meuse Mr. & Mrs. H. Theodore Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Carl D. Miller Ms. Michelle Mills Dr. & Mrs. Paul S. Morton Ms. Teri A. Mullins Mr. & Mrs. Peter S. Mykrantz Mr. & Mrs. Ernest A. Nagy Jr. Ms. Lacey Neahr Ms. Francie J. Nolan Mr. & Mrs. Byron H. Nolte Mr. Kevin F. Parsons Mr. & Mrs. Robert Patterson Ms. Elaine Pyrch Pierce & Mr. Eugene H. Pierce Jr. Mrs. Margaret B. Postle Ms. Natalie Powers Ms. Patricia M. Ranalli Ms. Rachel A. Renkes Mr. J. Sebastian Restrepo Mr. & Mrs. Robert Reves Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Rich Ms. Connie A. Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Richardson Jr. Ms. Sally P. Rider Mr. Thomas B. Ridgley Ms. Katrina L. Rollins Ms. Mary L. Rose Mr. Rich Rosen Dr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Ryan Ms. Marsha Scanlin Mr. & Mrs. David S. Schoedinger Mr. David R. Schooler Mr. & Mrs. David E. Schuller Mr. & Mrs. John Schumacher Jr. Mr. James O. Schwarz Ms. Josephine Scott Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Shackelford Mrs. Lari Madosky Shaw & Mr. Travis Shaw Ms. Peggy Kobacker Shiffrin & Mr. David Shiffrin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Sholl Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Siemer Mr. Michael Silberstein Mr. Clarence Simmons Ms. Janelle Simmons Mr. & Mrs. Koboi M. Simpson Mr. & Mrs. B. Lee Skilken Ms. Michelle R. Smith Mr. Wilbur A. Smith Ms. Christie A. Sonnen

Individuals Ms. Elizabeth Galbreath The Ruth Lang Estate Ms. Marjorie McMillin Memorial Fund Mr. & Mrs. David Meuse Mr. & Mrs. James A. Rutherford Mr. & Dr. Thomas Szykowny Glenn H. Williams Estate Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wright *donations totaling between $100,000-$499,999

Individuals Mr. Robert T. Barkley Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Don M. Casto III Mrs. Lois Chope Ms. Loann Crane Ms. Cecilia S. Cullman Mr. & Mrs. John B. Deinhardt Ms. Carol Feinberg & Mr. Kenneth Gilman Mr. & Mrs. George M. George Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Glimcher Dr. Gerard Kakos Mr. & Mrs. David E. Kass Mr. & Mrs. Franklin E. Kass Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Kidder The Mr. & Mrs. Charles Y. Lazarus Fund

Dr. & Mrs. Steven S. Louis Mr. John G. McCoy Mr. & Mrs. Allan McFarland Mr. & Mrs. Louis Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. David Milenthal Ms. Floradelle Pfahl Mr. David R. Schooler Ms. Barbara Trueman Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Walter Mr. & Mrs. Robert Walter Ms. Elizabeth Rose Williams Memorial *donations totaling between $25,000-$99,999 **In-Kind

Thank you to all of our 2008-2009 Donors: Corporations/Foundations Alfred L. Wilson Charitable Fund Anheuser-Busch, Inc. Battelle Broad Street Presbyterian Church Capital University Cardinal Health CASTO** Columbus City Schools Columbus College of Art & Design Columbus Education Association The Columbus Foundation Columbus State Community College Denison University DeVry University The Paul G. Duke Foundation Fifth Third Bank Grange Insurance Honda of America Mfg., Inc. Huntington Bank The Ingram-White Castle Foundation inVentiv** JPMorgan Chase & Co. JP's Barbeque Ribs** The Kroger Co.** Limited Brands, Inc. Live! Technologies Mannequins Club The Harry C. Moores Foundation Mount Carmel College of Nursing The Nationwide Foundation Ohio College Access Network Ohio Dominican University Ohio Wesleyan University Otterbein College Porter, Wright, Morris, & Arthur The Reinberger Foundation Ruscilli Construction The Siemer Family Foundation Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation The Links, Inc.- Twin Rivers Chapter The Ohio State University This Week Community Newspapers** Time Warner Communications US Department of Education Vorys, Sater, Seymour & Pease, LLP Wittenberg University WBNS-10TV** The Wexner Center for the Arts WWCD101-FM**

Individuals Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth B. Ackerman Mr. & Mrs. Stanford M. Ackley Ms. Carol Andreae & Mr. James Garland Ms. Christie Angel & Mr. Otto Beatty III Mr. & Mrs. D. Wayne Ashby, Jr. Mr. Darrel D. Ayers Mr. & Mrs. David G. Baker Ms. Melody L. Bankhead Ms. Pamela L. Reid Banks Mr. & Mrs. Robert Barkley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick Beany Ms. Nancy A. Bearor Mr. & Mrs. Brian S. Beckley Ms. Evelyn W. Bell Mrs. Nancy Casto Benson Ms. Sarah C. Benson Ms. Beth A. Berkhouse Mr. Raymond J. Biddiscombe Ms. Virginia A. Black Ms. Sherran Blair Ms. Lauren Bonfield & Mr. Steve Keyes Dr. & Mrs. J. Richard Briggs Mr. Jeff Brindley Mr. & Mrs. Max Brown Mr. Timothy L. Buckley Ms. Nighat Bukari Ms. Mary A. Callahan Dr. & Mrs. John V. Campo Mr. Bobby Carrington Ms. Vivian Bolden Carstens Ms. Lauren Carter Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Carter Mr. & Mrs. Don M. Casto III Mr. & Mrs. John S. Christie Ms. Belinda K. Clark Ms. Frances D. Clay Mr. Robert D. Clinger Mr. & Mrs. Douglas J. Cohen Ms. Deborah B. Copeland Mr. William A. Copeland Ms. Ida Copenhaver & Mr. James Ginter Mrs. Georgeann Corey Ms. Elizabeth Crane & Mr. Richard McKee Ms. Jamie Crane & Mr. Timothy Miller Ms. Tanny Crane & Mr. John Wolff Mr. Bradley A. Danielson Mr. Brian M. Davis

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Soter Ms. Karen L. Spooner Dr. Michael F. Stephens Ms. Jennifer Stevens Ms. Tei Y. Street Ms. Tina L. Sutermeister Mr. & Dr. Thomas E. Szykowny Mr. Jeffery Tatum Mr. & Mrs. Rainey Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton J. Teaford Ms. Joyce A. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Tripp Ms. Barbara Trueman Mr. Darnell D. Tucker Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Tyree Dr. & Mrs. Manuel Tzagournis Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Vannatta Ms. Amie Vanover Ms. Beth L. Von Blon Ms. Sherry J. Walls Mr. & Mrs. Matthew D. Walter Mr. & Mrs. David Webber Mr. W. Carlton Weddington Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Weiler Ms. Wendy Weiler & Mr. Michael Dwyer Mr. Ernest D. West III Ms. Mary Anne Wiedenheft Ms. Amy Wilemon Ms. Elizabeth Williams Mr. & Mrs. William S. Williams Ms. Ethel L. Willis Ms. Sandra Winchester Mr. C.M. Woeckener Ms. Shirley A. Wohlwend Ms. Romenita Wood Mr. Kenneth Wright Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wright Ms. Tykiah Wright Mr. & Mrs. William Wright Ms. Mary Yeso Mr. Michael D. Zaborowski **In-Kind Due to limited space, this list includes investors contributing $100 or more during the 2008-2009 fiscal year. While we are unable to recognize all of our investors, please know how grateful IKIC is for each & every contribution received.

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