EWING LITTLE DEVILS WRESTLING 2009-2010 WHO CAN JOIN: Any individuals in grades K, thru 5 who wish to get fit and build confidence in themselves. No previous wrestling experience is needed to participate. REGISTRATION: Monday, Nov’ 2nd & Wednesday, Nov’ 4th , at the Ewing High Schools gym lobby from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm You can also drop it off at the Ewing Recreation Office at 999 Lower Ferry Rd. REGISTRATION FEE: $ 60.00 per wrestler. $ 85.00 for non-Ewing resident Make checks payable to: Ewing Recreation Department. PRACTICE LOCATION: Ewing High School Wrestling Room (drop off by football field) PRACTICE TIMES: Tuesdays ,and Thursdays starting Dec’ 1st , 2009 6:00pm -7:00pm K-2nd 7:00 to 8:30 3rd-5th MATCHES :
Saturdays or Sundays starting in January
DRESS: T-shirts, Shorts, Sweat Pants, Sneakers or Wrestling Shoes. (No outside shoes) Head gear is required. QUESTIONS CALL: Mr. Given at 588-5374 or Mr. Garay at 647-9841. *COMPLETE AND RETURN ENTIRE FORM* CHILDS NAME: _________________________________________________________ PARENT / GUARDIANS NAME___________________________________________________ PARENT/ GUARDIAN SIGNATURE _______________________________________________________ EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON__________________________ PHONE#______________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________ CITY: ____________ZIP: __________ PHONE #: ____________________ CELL: _______________________ SCHOOL: _____________________ GRADE: ____ WEIGHT: ______ BIRTH DATE ________________ SHIRT SIZE :KIDS
VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO ASSIST COACHES, RUN CONCESSION, AND SET-UP MATCHES ARE YOU INTERESTED? YES____ No ___ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY _________________________________ AMOUNT PAID $______________ CASH____________ CHECK#_______________ RECEIVED BY_________________ DATE______________ RECEIPT #____________