(2008) Focus

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2.) Call Out to Me

(2008) Focus

Intro: D-Bm-G-D---D-Bm-G-A---D-Bm-G-D---D-Bm-A-D

(D) You feel (Bm) weak: you (G) call out to (D) Me! Your outlook is (Bm) bleak, you (G) call out to (A) Me! If (D) answers you (Bm) seek, just (G) call out to (D) Me! I'll set you (Bm) free if you (A) call out to (D) Me!

1.) Calling the Passionate Hearts (Oct.07) See all the thousands of sheep on the hills Scattered in darkness, starving & ill Shepherds won’t feed them, make their plight harder still There’s a torch to be picked up – who will? (Chorus:) Is there no one (someone) out there with passionate love in the hearts Who would give their life for this mission & cause of God’s love? Is there no one (someone) out there with passionate love in the hearts? Calling the passionate hearts Woe to the selfish shepherds feeding themselves Fleecing the sheep and letting them go to hell Where are the bravehearts, seeking God’s will? Will He have to wait longer still?

Don't know what to do? Call out to Me! You ain't got no clue, until you call out to Me! It's simple but true, all you've got to do is call out to Me! My advice to you: Oh, child you've got to call out to Me! (Br.:) You ask, (G) "It's as easy as (D) that?" And I say, (G) It's that (D) easy (Bm) There's no condition too (A) bad No circum(G)stances I couldn't change No challenge that could (Asus4) tease Me (First verse) (Ch.:) If you feel tired & weak, call out to Me I'll give you all the strength & power you need I'll show you anything you want to see All is yours if you will call out to Me (rep.)


(Ch.) (Bridge:) Where are the ones who are moved by the multitudes, Moved with compassion, willing to die for the truth? Where are the ones who are eager to follow the call Of the one greatest Shepherd of all? (Chorus 2x) See all the thousands of sheep on the hills There’s a torch to be picked up – who will?


Every day comes with a sheer array of Shiny things designed to make me go astray Countless temptations and distractions coming my way Must have this & “Lord, I still need that” And then I’m craving this, though I’m already fat & there’s this one thing missing for my happiness Until You call me to look up And You make all this madness stop (Chorus:) I focus on You & the more that I do The more I realize that nothin else In this whole world could ever really satsisfy I focus on You & the more that I do The more it becomes clear that all my wants, selfish addictions and desires disappear when I focus on You

The web, the movies & computer games Along with buzzy drinks can sometimes blur our aim Make us forget that we are fighting a war Endless pleasure trips and lethargy can come across like Good & dear old friends to me until I can’t remember What I’m fighting for Lord, take control & lift me up And please make all this madness stop

Mountain peeks are your destiny, do what you must do for love:

(Chorus) (2nd chorus:) When I focus on you I see nothing is true Except You and Your Cause That matters more than any other thing that I could ever do I focus on You and the more that I do Everything else fades away like a long & sad day With nothing to say until You came my way I focus on You (2x) I fix my mind, I keep my eyes pinned straight on You I’m tuning in, I won’t let go, You’re all I think, You’re all I know Make all this madness fade away There’s nothing else that’s left to say Cause without You it all won’t matter anyway I focus on You Keep me focused on You I focus on You

(Chorus twice)

4.) Rise Above Proclaim it now with all your might: Under a bushel’s no place for the light Open the door and let it out What you receive is what you must shout You’re not alive just to stay alive No, that’s not what life’s all about The choice is yours: high or be low Make up your mind & let us know The higher path’s the one you are called to walk All others lead where you won’t go No man lives just to himself alone No, brother, that just isn’t so (Chorus:) Don’t allow to remain unfound all that’s yours yet to retrieve You were born to walk higher ground, life is yours, if you believe Pay no mind to “it can’t be done” nor to those who push & shove

Rise above! Down in the valley they start to scream Because you’re ruining their scheme “Hey, that’s no way, get yourself back down here! Take your place in the machine!” Don’t listen to them, their Titanic is sinking Don’t let them rob you of your dream

5.) Together United we'll stand but divided we'll fall that's why we simply must stick together Together we're great, separated we're small we've got to fight and march on together Let's choose to win for the sake of us all let's choose to run, win, work, stand together Let's do our best to heed and answer the call for unity and let's walk together (Chorus:) For the sake of you, for the sake of me for the sake of all: let's get together For the sake of truth, for the sake of peace for the sake of love let's get together You and me, we were meant to be one because we'll be much stronger together A three-fold chord can't easily be undone That's why we've got to hold on together Let's become like the Father and Son as They are One, let's all be together Let's not falter but stick to our guns Let's be in heart, mind, soul, truth, together (Ch.) We've got the answers to the world's problems but only if we stay together We've got the power to master the hurdles but only if we take them together You and me, sister, may never be perfect but we can rise above sin together You and me brother, will never be heard if we won't join hands and sing together (Ch.2x)

6.) Waiting for Tomorrow

7.) Seasons

(Intro: C--Am--F--Gs4-G 2x)


(C) Yesterdays have (Am) come and gone, to(F)day is all I (Gs4)have (G) and yet, the things I see around me, make me rather sad So (Am) I cling to Your (F) promises of (C) better days a(Gs4)head (G) If (Am) everything will (F) be the way You (Gs4) said, (G) I'm waiting for to(C)morrow

In the spring time of my life I heard the birds like angels sing Thrilled by all the newness every day of life would bring The sky, the animals and flowers, all seemed to be as one in the spring time of my life, my dance on earth had just begun

(intro) You promised You would soon return to save us from this mess And that the world from shore to shore would live in righteousness If that is true & You'll bring true & lasting happiness I can't wait for those changes to take place I can't wait for tomorrow (intro) (Chorus:) All I (Am) have, all I've (F) done, is like (C) ice beneath the (Gs4) sun (G) I would gladly trade the world for one glimpse of Heaven's Son You can keep your here & now with all your things that you call fun But (Dm7) me, I will hold (Am7) out for something (F) better I'm (Gs4) waiting (G) for to(C)morrow (intro) I'm looking forward to the days we won't need planes to fly And no more dark black clouds of smoke pierce holes into the sky No politicians, televisions spouting off their lies A world where all the innocents won't die I'm waiting for tomorrow I'm waiting for a time when there'll be no such thing as war No money, no clichés, but truth and love will tell the score There won't be any evil people, rotten to the core We'll all know: Only idiots get bored! Can't wait for that tomorrow (Chorus 2x) (Choir:) Here in the Kingdom of God's Son true love is all you need Here in His Kingdom everyone's as happy as can be (3x)

In the summer of my life, I danced, I laughed, I drank and sang Sought the company of others, held many a maiden's hand I said, "Sun, you'll be my friend forever, moon, you'll be my bride And I hoped the dance would never end with you right by my side In the autumn of my life I felt the wind begin to blow And the fruits of what my life had sown clearly began to show So I harvested my tears and laughter and deemed it the best I enjoyed the fruits of all my labors and laid down to rest In the winter of my life I could hear the angels sing Ever beckoning to come back to the Source of everything There was some remorse but also joy as I could hear Him say "Welcome back, enjoy forever what I've done for you this day!" In the seasons of my life I learned that everything belongs to love God and one another is the purpose of our song He that sows in tears will reap in joy and gather his reward In the seasons of my life I learned to love and trust the Lord

8.) God of Love

9.) Better Place Dec.14, 07

(D) You say (C9) can’t believe in a (G/a) God of love when there’s (Em7/f#) so much that (A7sus4) just won’t make (D) sense to you How can He be a God of love when there’s so much that’s bad & good things so few? How naív to believe all will turn out good Is this just wishful thinking or true? And you tell me that life has been hell for you Well, life has been hell for me, too

(D) I'm goin' somewhere, (G) I'm gettin' outta here (Em) I'm headin' for (G) New Jeru(F#/G)sa(Em)lem This world's not my home, it's not where I belong My Home's a new and better Place one where (A) I'll behold (A4) my Savior's (A) face

But there’s one difference between our points of view And I think that’s what each of us choose You say, “What do I gain from believing this?” While I’d say, “What have you got to lose?” Just a load full of pride & a heart of blues You ask me, I’d say, that’s quite a deal: Just forget how much life has been hell for you Sister, I know quite well how that feels

(Ch.:) Not satis(D)fied with (G) earthly (A) fakes we'll look on high for God's Own State Won't fall for lies but we will wait for the (G) Real Thing, 'cause we're (A) heading for a Better (D) Place (G-Em-A4-A)

You see, faith is something you can’t touch or see Yet it can take you beyond any star It’s a torch light that leads some place you’ll be free & at home no matter where you are It’s a simple as turning a light switch on Illuminating a dark room & though life may have been quite some hell for you I’m offering Heaven to you Do you believe it? Will you receive it? Can you hear Jesus? He’s standing right at your door & just waiting for You to whisper the words, “Come on in!” Do you believe Him? Will you receive Him? He’s standing right at your door & just waiting for you Come on, let Him in! Do you believe it? Will you receive Him? Just say, “Dear Jesus, come into my heart, take my sin! I want to believe it! I want to receive you! Help me & save me, Come in!”

all of God's true children were never flad-a-wavin' patriots of some earthly land But pilgrims & strangers aware of the dangers in calling some place on earth your home all the way down from Egypt to Rome

(D) I'm goin' somewhere, (G) I'm gettin' outta here (Em) I'm headin' for (G) New Jeru(F#/G)sa(Em)lem This world's not my home, it's not where I belong Darling, the best is yet to come Safe & sound in dear Jesus' arms For justice we hunger, we're never warmongers or patriots of some earthly land But pilgrims & strangers aware of the dangers in making the devil's ways your own all the way from Saigon to Cologne or Alsaka down to San Antone nor your glorious NWO (Chorus 2x) for a Better (D) Place (G-Em-A4-A) (2x) 10.) Home Summoned by the tolling of the bell we run to save as many souls from hell and wake up from the old usurper's spell as come to listen Beckoned by the clearest (sweetest) Voice of all I can't resist the urge to heed Your call to help up anyone of those who fall and carry them back home For there are many people in this world who haven't seen yet and who haven't heard the light of truth that shines forth from His Word oh, come and listen

Come and listen that your souls may live there's no one else Who would have more to give than He Who died to teach us to forgive and carry us back Home For there are dark and troubled times ahead of which the ancients and the sages said that there have been no darker times before nor should they come back anymore Unless they're shortened no flesh should be saved but through this darkness the way will be paved for Jesus to return and take us Home Even so, come & come quickly, Lord Help us to gather all those who are Yours help them to hear Your voice and get on board before You'll take us Home 11.) Send Me A Light Sometimes you feel there's a world on your shoulders, day after day slowly we're getting older, faint seems the visions and dreams that inspired us yesterday, caught in a web of taboos and possessions was the desire for success my transgression? All I want now is to find a way out, a way to escape. Somewhere I know there just must be an answer, a purpose for me in this world to exist for, I don't know where but I won't give up searching till I find, I can't believe that the dream I once lived should be over, and I don't see how it could be that it all should have left me nowhere. Give me new faith to hang on to, give me new hopes I can cling to, send me a light that will guide me through all this night around me. Funny it seems how the things we most long for, once obtained can leave us cold like a closed door, all those material things can bring is such emptiness. Trapped in a cage of clichees and belongings, I don't need a house or a car to feel strong in. All I want now is to finally break out, a way to escape. Somewhere I know there just must be an answer, a purpose for me in this world to exist for,

I don't know where but I won't give up searching till I find, I can't believe that the dream I once lived should be over, how could it be that it all should have left me nowhere. Give me new faith to hang on to, give me new hopes I can cling to, send me a light that will guide me through all this night around me. Give me new hope to hang on to, give me new faith I can cling to, Send me a light, sned me a light, to guide me through the night.

12.) How Weak Am I (D) Oh, (G) how (D) weak am I, com(A)pared to Your strength, oh (G) God, com(A)pared to Your love, oh (G) God com(A)pared to You, mighty (G) God, (A) (D) Oh, (G) how (D) weak am I, com(A)pared to (G) my (D) God (D) Oh, (G) how (D) feeble am I, com(A)pared to Your strength, oh (G) God, com(A)pared to Your love, oh (G) God com(A)pared to You, mighty (G) God, (A) (D) Oh, (G) how (D) feeble am I, com(A)pared to (G) my (D) God Oh, how sweet it is to be cared for by You, oh God to be sheltered by You, oh God to be strengthened by You, oh God Oh, how sweet it is to be cared for by my God Oh, how precious Your every Promise, oh God Your loving kindness, oh God Your Word that guides us, oh God Oh, how precious is every Promise of God (Bridge:) That is (A) why we give (D) glory & (G) praise to Your (D) Name Because (A) Yours is all power, all (G) honor & (As4) fame) Oh, how magnificent are Your splendors, oh God Though I am frail & can't always see things Your way, oh God You have taught us to pray, oh God You enlighten my way, oh God Though I am frail, I know You dwell in me, oh God

13.) KING OF LOVE (Em) The streets are empty and you (Asus2) hear (Am) the wind blow (D) & whisper of forgotten (G/A) things you don't know (Em/f#)if there is something for you (Cmaj7) to be(Ds2/F#)lieve (Em/D) in (B7) if there is someone you can (C) still hold (D) on to So many years of your whole life seem wasted although of every cup of fame you've tasted but all those streams of pleasure have run dry now & leave you empty with a thirsty sigh, oh But there's a voice that whispers deep within you a voice of hope that cries, 'Let the light shine through! And let it chase all your dark clouds away & change your life into a (Em) sunny (E) day (Ch.:) Let Him (Am) in, let Him (D) in This is the (G) King of Love Who's (C) calling (B/G) (Am) Calling you to come (D) back into the (G) Country of the (Em) Free (E) Let Him (Am) in, let Him (D) in This is the (G) King of (F#/Dsus2) Love Who's (Em) calling (Am) Calling you to (D) come back to be (Gs4) free (G) So many people live in their own cages chains forged by their own hands in selfish rages Prisoners of their own desires & passions yet never really knowing satisfaction But there's a Man Who longs so hard to free them Who lived for love & died for you and me and rose again to set the captives free that we might live for all eternity

14.) Worthy (2.Samuel 22:2,4,7,33) The (A) LORD (E) is my (D) rock, and my (C#m) fortress, (D) and my de(E)liverer God is my strength and power: and He maketh my way perfect. (Chorus:) (D) I will call on the (E)LORD, Who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies. In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried to my God: and He did hear my voice out of His temple, and my cry did enter into His ears. (Ch.) Who is worthy to be praised (2x) Thou art worthy to be praised You are worthy to be praised

15.) Praise to the Lord Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation! O my soul, praise him, for he is thy health and salvation! All ye who hear, now to his temple draw near; praise him in glad adoration. Praise to the Lord, who doth prosper thy work and defend thee; surely his goodness and mercy here daily attend thee. Ponder anew what the Almighty can do, if with his love he befriend thee. Praise to the Lord, O let all that is in me adore him! All that hath life and breath, come now with praises before him. Let the amen sound from his people again, gladly for all we adore him.


Joachim Neander (1650-1680), 1680 trans. Catherine Winkworth (1827-1878), 1863


16.) Forward, March! (Chorus:) Forward, march! – Army of God, advance! Forward, march! – This is your second chance Forward, march! – Family, this is your dance Forward, march! – It may be their last chance You’ve been My chosen ones for nearly 40 years You’re the work of My hands, My blood, My sweat & My tears Out of America, to the ends of the earth I’ve called you out & now again I send you forth (Chorus) On February 18, 2008 I’ll send My signal shot The world must no longer wait I’m calling you to march, move forward & advance Take the offensive – this is your chance (Chorus) You can do what’s been unheard of, do what’s never been seen You will lead My Endtime Army as you follow your queen You will reap the mighty harvest, you will bring in My sheep You will usher in My Kingdom, wake’em up from their sleep (Chorus 3-4 times)

17.) Salvation Rap In the Beginning was the Word, was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God And the Word was made flesh (was made flesh) and lived among us He came unto His own and His own received Him not (Ch.:) But as many as received, as received, as received Him to them gave He power to become the sons of God even to them that believe, that believe (believe) on His name to them gave He power to become the sons of God You see, He's standing at the door of your heart, of your heart now, knocking, waiting for you to let Him in

You see that all you've got to do is open up your heart now And just ask Him, receive him, ask Jesus to come in (Ch.) You see, we've all been sinners, we've all made mistakes and that's why God sent His Son that through His death we might be saved Because God loved everyone in the world so much, He gave His one and only Son so that through faith in Him we could be saved (Ch.) You can't work for it (work for it) because it is a gift And He won't take it back from you (back from you) because it is a gift you can't work for it, pay for it, earn it, it's a gift you can't be good enough nor too bad, can't deserve it, it's a gift (Ch.) For by grace are you saved through faith - not of yourselves it is a gift of God and not of works - not of yourselves for the wages of sin is death - not of yourselves But the gift of God is eternal - eternal - eternal eternal life But the gift of God is eternal - eternal - eternal life through Jesus Christ (Ch.) Just pray this pray & repeat after me and say, "Jesus, come into my heart! Forgive all my sins, give me eternal life, I believe You are the Son of God..." (Ch.)

18.) Ich bin dankbar Ich bin (G) dankbar dafür dass (C) es Dich (G) gibt Ich bin (Em) dankbar dafür wie sehr (D) Du mich (G) liebst Ich bin dankbar für den Sonnenschein Und dafür dass ich weiss ich bin nie allein Ich (C-G) bin (D) dankbar, bin (C-G) Dir so (D) dankbar Da(C)für dass Du (G) meine (D) Stimme (G) hörst Und mich (C) täglich ein (G) Stück näher (D) zu Dir (G) führst

Doch so ist nicht der der nicht glaubt sondern wie Spreu die der Wind raubt Darum wird der der hasst nicht steh'n wenn der Sturm des Gerichts wird weh'n Und auch erreicht der Sünder nicht den Saal derer die sind gerecht Der Herr kennt des Gerechten Weg Doch der des Gottlosen vergeht

20.) Lobe den Herren (J. Neander)


Lobe den Herren, den mächtigen König der Ehren; Lob ihn, o Seele, vereint mit den himmlischen Chören. Kommet zuhauf, Psalter und Harfe, wacht auf, Lasset den Lobgesang hören.

Ich bin dankbar dass Du mir 2 Hände gabst & dass Du bei mir bist und Du nie versagst Auch für Nase und Ohren & Mund geb’ ich Dank Und dafür dass ich viel öfter gesund bin, als krank

Lobe den Herren, der alles so herrlich regieret, Der dich auf Adelers Fittichen sicher geführet, Der dich erhält, Wie es dir selber gefällt. Hast du nicht dieses verspüret?


Lobe den Herren, der künstlich und fein dich bereitet, Der dir Gesundheit verliehen, dich freundlich geleitet. In wieviel Not Hat nicht der gnädige Gott Über dir Flügel gebreitet.

Ich bin dankbar für diesen neuen Tag Und für jeden der mich auch ein bisschen mag Ich bin dankbar für mein warmes Bett Und für unsere Katze, denn die ist nett

Für die Menschen und Tiere der Welt dank ich Dir Auch wenn nicht alle genauso sind wie bei uns hier Und ich dank’ Dir so sehr für die Bibel, Dein Wort Drum will ich’s auch verkünden allen an jedem Ort (Ref. 2x) 19.) Psalm 1 (C) Glücklich (B/C) sind die (Am) die nicht (Gs4)wan(G)deln im (F) Rate (Am7) derer (Dm7) die schlecht (Gs4) han(G)deln und (F) nicht im (Am7) Rat der (Dm7) Sünder (C) geh'n nicht (F) lungern (Am7) wo die (Gs4) Spöt(G)ter (C) steh'n Sondern sich freu'n am Wort des (Am/G) Herrn es Tag und Nacht tief in sich hör'n Ein solcher ist so wie ein Baum gepflanzt nah an des Flusses Saum Der Früchte trägt zur rechten Zeit und dessen Laub ihm ewig bleibt Und was er auch beginnen mag es bringt ihm stets seinen Ertrag

Download “Focus” for free from here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/tznnntzdthg/(2008) Focus.zip

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