2008 Europe Afap Conference

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Army in Europe Issue Paper 2008 Army Family Action Plan Conference Community Support - Issue #1

Issue: Internet Accessibility Limitations Scope: Existing internet facilities fail to meet the after duty hour needs of the community because they are not open 24 hours, late evenings or weekends. Current facilities that offer Internet services do not use updated technology that is required for high speed wireless accessibility that soldiers, civilians and family members could access on their schedule. This results in limited internet usage that significantly impact morale, welfare and recreation within the Army community. Recommendation 1: Establish community Activity Center with free 24 hours wireless and/or Internet LAN that is unrestricted. Recommendation 2: Place internet support in most commonly used areas for easier accessibility. Recommendation 3: Have DFMWR explore alternative facility options for 24 hour internet accessibility. Originating Garrison and POC Info: USAG Mannheim, Diana Lovett, AFAP Program Manager, 314-385-2562 Staff Coordinator: Christopher Clements, DMWR Director, 314-385-2342 Approval Line: Jeffrey Fletcher LTC, IMCOM-E USAG Mannheim Commander

Army in Europe Issue Paper 2008 Army Family Action Plan Conference Community Support - Issue #2

Issue: Juvenile Delinquency Prevention

Scope: Vandalism is an ongoing problem within the Army Military Communities. Lately, there has been a rise in Youths destroying various equipment, walls, vehicles, and defacing properties. These contributing factors diminish the quality of life and safety within the total Army family. Recommendation 1: Video surveillance in highly problematic areas. Recommendation 2: Enforce Safety Neighborhood Awareness Program (SNAP). Recommendation 3: Incorporate existing youth council in Community Information Forum (CIF) meetings. Originating Garrison and POC Info: USAG Mannheim, Diana Lovett, AFAP Program Manager, 314-385-2562 Staff Coordinator: Jessica L. Cranford MAJ, Mannheim Director of Emergency Services/Provost Marshal, 385-2541 Approval Line: Jeffrey Fletcher LTC, IMCOM-E USAG Mannheim Commander

Army in Europe Issue Paper 2008 Army Family Action Plan Conference Community Support - Issue #3

Issue Title: Installation access security Scope: Proper security and Force Protection procedures are not being consistently adhered to throughout USAREUR. Unprofessional behavior, horse playing and the constant use of profanity by guards who authorize access to flagged individuals can be a potential danger to security. Without consistently enforcing the standards, the safety of our community is diminished. Recommendation 1: Reinforce security standards for installation access. Recommendation 2: Impose professional development for guards. Recommendation 3: Complaints procedures displayed at installation entrances. Originating Garrison and POC Info: USAG Mannheim, Diana Lovett, AFAP Program Manager, 314-385-2562 Approval Line: Jeffrey Fletcher LTC, IMCOM-E USAG Mannheim Commander

Army in Europe Issue Paper 2008 Army Family Action Plan Conference Family Support – Issue #1

Issue: Building Coordinator Program Execution Scope: Building Coordinator Program fails to enforce existing housing regulations and policies resulting in an unsafe and unpleasant living environment for Soldiers and their families. Stairwells are often found cluttered, dirty, and unsafe to include noise pollution, environmental hazards (cigarette smoke, trash, and rodents). Follow-through in resolving complaints does not occur due to apathy or lack of respect for the coordinator position. Recommendation 1: Garrison Command enforces standardized citations and reports offenders to their chain of command. Recommendation 2: Implement a standardized Building/Stairwell Coordinator training program with Garrison Command authority to empower Coordinators to effectively enforce housing policies. Recommendation 3: Create contracted positions to manage the Building Coordinator Program. Originating Garrison and POC Info: USAG Mannheim, Diana Lovett, AFAP Program Manager, 314-385-2562 Staff Coordinator: Sharan Dockery, IMCOM-E USAG Mannheim Department of Public Works, 314.385.2611 Approval Line: Jeffrey Fletcher LTC, IMCOM-E USAG Mannheim Commander

Army in Europe Issue Paper 2008 Army Family Action Plan Conference Family Support – Issue #2

Issue: High turn-over of childcare providers within CDC Scope: The lack of personnel at the CDC increases the workload and contributes to the loss of staff. According to the CYS Chief, local nationals are often more qualified, reliable, and are less likely to relocate. Frequent turn-over of military spouses employed with the CDC negatively affects quality and continuity of childcare and causes undue stress on children. Recommendation 1: Enforce the hiring policy based on qualifications rather than spousal-preference. Recommendation 2: Increase the Table of Distribution and Allowances for local nationals and “flex” positions”. Recommendation 3: Authorize incentives and raise base pay. Originating Garrison and POC Info: USAG Mannheim, Diana Lovett, AFAP Program Manager, 314-385-2562 Staff Coordinator: Sandra Hill, USAREUR CYSD Director, 314.385.3550 Approval Line: Jeffrey Fletcher LTC, IMCOM-E USAG Mannheim Commander

Army in Europe Issue Paper 2008 Army Family Action Plan Conference Family Support – Issue #3

Issue: Lack of supervision after school

Scope: After school hours, children are often left unattended placing them at risk and creating problems within the community. MPs do not have enough manpower to adequately patrol common areas. Misconduct results in destruction of government and personal property and negatively affects quality of life. Recommendation 1: Revive and revise the Safe Neighborhood Awareness Program (SNAP). Recommendation 2: Adjust the Garrison Table of Distribution and Allowances to authorize additional Military Police patrols Recommendation 3: Require community service hours for juvenile offenders and their parents on personal time. Originating Garrison and POC Info: USAG Mannheim, Diana Lovett, AFAP Program Manager, 314-385-2562 Staff Coordinator: Jessica L. Cranford MAJ, Mannheim Director of Emergency Services/Provost Marshal, 385-2541 Approval Line: Jeffrey Fletcher LTC, IMCOM-E USAG Mannheim Commander

Army in Europe Issue Paper 2008 Army Family Action Plan Conference Medical Entitlements Issue # 1

Issue: Automatic Meal Deductions for Single Soldiers Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) Scope: Single Soldiers receiving BAS have the cost of meals automatically deducted regardless of the fact that many are not able to use the Dining Facility, i.e. weekends and training holidays. In many cases only one meal is offered, through Soldiers pay is being deducted for three meals a day. This causes a financial burden on those individual affected. Recommendation 1: Stop automatic deduction of meals from BAS if the soldier does not consume them. Recommendation 2: Have the Soldier pay for each individual meal as consumed. Originating Garrison and POC Info: USAG Mannheim, Diana Lovett, AFAP Program Manager, 314-385-2562 Staff Coordinator: Robert Dowdy CPT, 208th Finance Battalion, 314-384-6637 Approval Line: Jeffrey Fletcher LTC, IMCOM-E USAG Mannheim Commander

Army in Europe Issue Paper 2008 Army Family Action Plan Conference Medical Entitlements Issue # 2

Issue: Post Office Boxes for Retirees Scope: Retirees do not have Community Mail Room boxes available to them and are forced to utilize the Regional Post Office boxes on Spinelli Barracks. There is no transportation directly to the Regional Post Office at Spinelli Barracks. It is a two mile walk to the Regional Post Office and back from the bus stop. This has presented a problem for people who are unable to drive. Recommendation 1: Change the location of where retirees receive their mail to a more convenient installation, depending on individual physical residence. Originating Garrison and POC Info: USAG Mannheim, Diana Lovett, AFAP Program Manager, 314-385-2562 Staff Coordinator: John Little, Postmaster of Mannheim Army Post Office, 314.380.9529 Approval Line: Jeffrey Fletcher LTC, IMCOM-E USAG Mannheim Commander

Army in Europe Issue Paper 2008 Army Family Action Plan Conference Medical Entitlements Issue # 3

Issue: Annual Dental Requirements for Reserve Soldier’s Readiness Scope: U.S. Army Europe Dental Command requires Reserve Soldiers to be on orders to receive required annual exams. Reserve Soldiers are required annual dental examinations in order to maintain mobilization status. Reservist should be able to receive an annual dental examination without orders. Reservists that do not have the annual exam are automatically identified as category 4 (non-deployable). Recommendation 1: Change current USAREUR policy to allow Reservist to receive an annual dental examination without orders. Originating Garrison and POC Info: USAG Mannheim, Diana Lovett, AFAP Program Manager, 314-385-2562 Staff Coordinator: Michael S. Wall MAJ, HDENTAC, 314-380-9266 Approval Line: Jeffrey Fletcher LTC, IMCOM-E USAG Mannheim Commander

Army in Europe Issue Paper 2008 Army Family Action Plan Conference Teen Issue # 1

Issue: DoDDS Educator Evaluation Process Scope: DoDDS educator evaluation process is insufficient. Evaluation by familiar administration leads to biased opinions about the teachers’ performance. Teachers put on a façade for the administration. This misrepresentation leads to inaccurate evaluation results, making the evaluation invalid. Recommendation 1: Conduct random evaluations more than once a year. Recommendation 2: Allow an unbiased outsider to observe the classes. Originating Garrison and POC Info: USAG Mannheim, Diana Lovett, AFAP Program Manager, 314-385-2562 Staff Coordinator: Carol Kuzmick, DoDDS District Superintendent, 314-388-9373 /9383 Approval Line: Jeffrey Fletcher LTC, IMCOM-E USAG Mannheim Commander

Army in Europe Issue Paper 2008 Army Family Action Plan Conference Teen Issue # 2

Issue: DoDDS Athletics by Region Scope: DoDDS high school athletics compete by region (proximity) rather than by division (size). Larger schools have more players to choose from and are able to rotate their players more frequently than smaller schools. Regional play can diminish the morale of the athletes and the community creates unfair competition and affects athletic scholarships. Recommendation 1: Revert back to divisional play. Recommendation 2: Increase funding for transportation to and from athletic events Originating Garrison and POC Info: USAG Mannheim, Diana Lovett, AFAP Program Manager, 314-385-2562 Staff Coordinator: Carol Kuzmick, DoDDS District Superintendent, 314-388-9373 /9383 Approval Line: Jeffrey Fletcher LTC, IMCOM-E USAG Mannheim Commander

Army in Europe Issue Paper 2008 Army Family Action Plan Conference Teen Issue # 3

Issue: Commissary Bagger Employment Scope: The hiring system of the baggers at the commissary is unorganized. The waiting time for prospective youth baggers is two to three years and the order of merit is not properly managed. Youth are deprived of valuable job experience, money, and responsibility. Recommendation 1: Position the head bagger under DECA management. Recommendation 2: Limit employment length to one year with option to renew on a competitive basis. Originating Garrison and POC Info: USAG Mannheim, Diana Lovett, AFAP Program Manager, 314-385-2562 Staff Coordinator: Ellison Bernard, DeCA Store Director, 314-385-3940 Approval Line: Jeffrey Fletcher LTC, IMCOM-E USAG Mannheim Commander

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