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Young Beth Jacob! Programs

Open Group

Groups Begin @ 10:00am, Parents please attend to your children beforehand.

Trip Part I This Sunday Drivers Wante d Call Mr. Weis er 619.550.595 4

Note: The Torah Reading is divided into 5 sections. Each section is called an Aliya [literally: Go up] since for each Aliya, one person “goes up” to make a bracha [blessing] on the Torah Reading.

Programs Junior Cong: The Classic— Reborn With Mr. Weiser Teens: Chulent...Torah. With Rabbi Simon (Now With More Mussaf!)

n o t a k k u S os Chol Ha’Moed Shabb




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Yom Kippur Pre-paid lunches for children on Yom Kippur. Lunch will be served at 11:30 in the social hall. RSVP before Tuesday October 7th!!! NCSY Break The Fast Fundraiser - Join NCSY Motzai Yom Kippur for a Fundraiser Break-Fast. $18 for Adults $10 for Kids Email [email protected] for details

 Where The Past Meets The Present,    With An Eye Towards The Future...

Rosh Hashana • Sept. 30th-Oct. 1st, 2008 • ‫ראש השנה • א׳ תשרי תשס״ט‬ The Reading For Rosh Hashana Can Be Found In The Machzor

with The Dawsons begin @ 11am in the social hall for elementry school and Kinder Cong Room with Preschoolers

Programs Tots: Below 1st Grade with Morahs Faye & Shaina Group 1: Quieter Programs with Morah Chava (Simon) Group 2: Active and Educational Programs with our High School Helpers


Three descriptions, so to speak, of G-d, through which we can relate to Him, are contained in the Mussaf Prayer of Rosh HaShanah. They are as follows: 1) Malchiyot -Kingliness: G-d is the incomparable King of The Universe. The destiny of humanity is to come to this realization. Whereas human kings rule in accordance with the principle of :”might makes right,” G-d is the Holy King, Who is, at the same time, beyond comparison in His power, “Vas er vil, Tut er” “ Whatever He wills, He can do,” yet He is also the Father of the orphan and the Judge of the widow, Who is always on the side of the powerless. He is the Incorruptible and Righteous Judge of the World, Who favors no one, and cannot be bribed. He is the true G-d and His word, the Torah, is true and eternal. 2) Zichronot -Remembrances: We recognize that Hashem is above Time, and the idea of “forgetting” does not apply to Him, nor is He limited in “understanding” the inner thoughts of His creatures. Nevertheless, we ask that He “remember” only the “good” in our behalf when He Judges us. For all of humanity, for the whole world is Judged to-

day, we ask that He “remember” the faith of Noach who endured taunts and threats for 120 years while he built the Ark, and tried to explain its purpose to his wayward generation. For the Jewish People in particular, we ask that He “remember” the early loyalty of our People, who followed Him as a bride, as He said “I remember your youthful devotion, the love of your bridal days, how you followed Me through the desert, in a barren land” (Yirmiyahu 2:2) and later as a precious child, “Is it because Ephraim is my favorite son, my beloved child? As often as I speak of him, I remember him fondly. My heart yearns for him, I will have pity on him, says the L-rd.” (Yirmiyahu 31:19) Most of all, we ask that He “remember” the supreme act of devotion performed by our fathers Avraham and Yitzchak, where Avraham suppressed his natural feelings of mercy towards his son, and was prepared to sacrifice him at the command of G-d, and Yitzchak was prepared to be sacrificed, thereby suppressing his natural feelings of self-preservation, in fulfillment of G-d’s command. So should G-d suppress, so to speak, His Midat HaDin , His Attribute of

Strict Justice, which would require veal Yourself that we be punished for our mis- to them, amid the sound of the Shodeeds, in favor of His Midat HaRac- far did you appear to them.” The hamim, His Attribute of Mercy. Shofar will be blown during the fi3) Shofarot -Blasts of the Shofar: nal battles of Israel with its enemies. We recall the time that G-d revealed It will be sounded when our Exiles Himself on Mt. Sinai and gave us the return. It will be sounded when Torah. “The whole world trembled the Temple will be rebuilt. It is the at Your Presence, Creation shook in sound signifying the Presence of awe before You, when You, our King, the majesty of G-d. We ask that it be did reveal Yourself on Mt. Sinai to sounded again with the arrival of give to Your People the Torah and the Mashiach. its Commandments, letting them Overview is courtesy of the OU hear your majestic voice, your holy words out of flashes of fire. Amid thunder and lightening did You re-

Thank You! Sarit, Marco, Paulino, Renee and the entire staff for a beautiful Yontif

Welcome! To all our guests and visitors here for Rosh Hashana, please feel free to ask us if you need anything! Rabbi and Mrs. Stewart, Cantor Suffrin and boys.

Around the Community... Exercise class for women only!!! Sundays, 9-10am in the social hall. (cost: $5) Order a lulav and etrog. SCY High Fundraiser, Succahs for sale Call 858.560.1818 Cemetery Memorial Services at Know someone who is looking for an apartment?

Apartments Available to Rent. Call Propact 619.917.0592 Manager, Doug 619.490.8465

Home of Peace on Sunday, October 5th at 10:30 a.m. The Rabbi will be leading there. Check the status of the Eruv call (619)287-9890 on Fri. after 1 p.m. Tehillim group for Rabbi Langer’s grandson and son who will undergo a kidney transplant. To sign up call Deborah Brookler at 619-583-7509 Kaparos during aseres ymei teshuva can be doone with money up until yom kippur

Refuah Shleimah Irving Bernhardt, Rose Kraft, Goldie Masliah, Adella Adams, Doni Lepor, Ralph Carson, Rabbi Groundland, Sheila Kunin, Manny Librowicz, Dr. Steve Grennwald

Rosh Hashana I Schedule

Candlelighting………………….6:17 p.m. Mincha……………………………6:20 p.m. Daf Hayomi Gittin……………7:00 a..m. Shacharis (main sanctuary)……7:45 a.m. Shofar Blowing………………11:00 a.m. Beginners Class w/R’ Weiser…10:00 a.m. Game Room……………………11:00a.m. Mincha/Maariv…………………6:10 p.m.

Rosh Hashana II Schedule

Light Candles after…7:15 p.m. Daf Hayomi……………………7:00 a..m. Shacharis (main sanctuary)……7:45 a.m. Shofar Blowing………………11:00 a.m. Beginners Class w/R’ Weiser…10:00 a.m. Game Room……………………11:00a.m. Mincha……………………………6:10 p.m. Yom Tov Ends…………………7:14 p.m.

Weekday Schedule

Sunday Shacharis (Ashkenazi)…8:00 a.m. Sunday Shacharis (Sefardic)…7:45 a.m. Thur. Tzom Gedaliah Fast Begins/Ends…5:31a.m./7:13p.m Mincha……………………………6:00 p.m.

Mon - Fri Selichos……5:30 & 6:45 a.m. Sunday Mincha…………………6:20 p.m. Guided Learning w/ R’ Simon…8:00 p.m. Sun-Thurs Maariv……………9:15 p.m. Candlelighting Next Week…6:12 pm

Learning In Your Community... Our community offers a wide range of learning opportunities, from Classes, to One-on-One Learning, to Guided Learning. Every night from 8pm-9:15 there are programs followed by Maariv.


Daf Yomi: Mon-Fri at 6:15 am, Sunday at 7:00 am, Shabbos at 7:45 am Halacha Yomis: Sun-Thu at 9:30pm, Fri & Shabbos 15 minutes before mincha


Sunday Classes and One-On-One Learning All Morning, with Rabbi Simon Monday Ethics 10:45am w/ Rabbi Bogopulsky Women’s Class 1:30 w/ Mr. Weiser Prophets 7:45 pm with Rabbi Marks Ladies Chumash, Time TBA Gemara 8:15pm with Rabbi Simon

Tuesday Lunch N Learn TBA Judaism 101 at 7:45 pm Gemara 8:15 pm with Rabbi Simon Torah Topics 8:15pm w/Rabbi Hecht Wednesday Taste of Talmud (After Succos) 8 pm Gemara 7:15 pm with Rabbi Simon Thursday Parsha 7:30pm w/Rabbi Bogopulsky


Invite someone for a Shabbos. We will make all the Necessary arrangements for their Shabbos stay!

Rabbi Bogopulsky is available to learn; call to schedule. Mr. Weiser is available to learn; What’s on Weiser’s mind? call him to find out: 619.550.5954 Rabbi Simon hosts Guided Learning throughout the week and is available to learn, call him to schedule 310.867.6328

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