History Paper 2 Sources Exam (1hr 40mins) Questions 1.
Study Sources A and B. What can you learn from these sources about how popular smuggling was in the 1700s? (6)
Study Sources A, B, C and D and use your own knowledge. Why was smuggling so difficult to control? Explain your answer, using your own knowledge and the above sources. (7)
Study Sources E, G and H and use your own knowledge. Why did many people in Britain oppose the introduction of a professional police force? (8)
Study Source I. How does Patrick Colquhoun back up his support for a professional police force? Explain your answer, using Source H. (5)
Study Sources F and H. Compare the value of Sources F and H for someone enquiring how successful the new Metropolitan Police was in its first ten years. Explain your answer, using Sources F and H. (7)
Study Sources K, L and M. How far do Sources L and M show that the aims of the ideas in Source K were being carried out? Explain your answer, using Sources K, L and M. (8)
Study Sources N and O. In what ways do these writers differ in their views on the solitary system in prisons? Explain your answers using Sources N and O. (7)
Study all the Sources and use your own knowledge. Do you think that Peel’s changes made life fairer for English people? Explain your answer, using your own knowledge, Source J and any other sources you find helpful. (12)