2006 Crime Victims Annual Report

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Annual Report 2006

On the front cover: The more than 80 employees of the Ohio Attorney General’s Crime Victims Services section often spend time meeting with crime victims advocates and law enforcement agencies across Ohio. This face-to-face contact ensures that the Crime Victims Services section is in touch with the special concerns and needs of the men and women who assist victims of crime rebuild their lives. The section also hosts training programs to bring victims’ advocates and law enforcement agencies up to date on the latest developments and services offered by the Ohio Attorney General’s Office.

Dear Fellow Ohioan: I’m very proud of the hard work and dedication of the men and women of the Crime Victims Services Section in fiscal year 2006. The section processed nearly 12 percent more claims in 2006 compared to the previous year, yet reduced the response time for a decision by almost 10 percent. My office paid out $14.5 million in compensation this year to victims of crime which is more than a 38 percent increase from the previous year. Embracing technology, streamlining the organization, and promoting efficiency have yielded measurable returns for Ohioans from our Crime Victims Services Section. Administrative costs have been reduced by almost $500,000 since 2000, while the response time for processing claims has continuously fallen, allowing eligible victims to receive assistance in record time. Under our Crime Victims Assistance Program, we continued to administer millions of dollars in grant funding to victim service providers. This report highlights the programs my office offers to help victims of crime on the road to recovery.


Jim Petro

Attorney General

Contents Mission Statement Crime Victims Services Section Office of the Ohio Attorney General Introduction Crime Victims Compensation The Crime Victim Claim Process Intake Unit Field Unit Legal Unit Finance Unit Compensation Awards Awards By the Incident Type Statistical Data and Comparisons by Fiscal Year Claims Filed Administrative Costs SAFE Program Payments For Attorney’s Fees Crime Victims Subrogation and Restitution Unit The Crime Victims Fund Remains Healthy Statement of Financial Activity Crime Victim Reparations Fund 402 FY2006 (July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006) Crime Victims Assistance Federal Victims of Crime Act The Application Process Applicant Eligibility Funding and Reporting Requirements Two Days In May Conference National Crime Victims Rights Week A.D.V.A.N.C.E. Academy Crime Victims Rights Information and Publications Picking Up the Pieces: Your Rights & Responsibilities as a Crime Victim VINE Identity Theft Verification PASSPORT Program Missing Children’s Clearinghouse Improving Services to Victims Through New Initiatives 60 In ‘06 Speaker’s Bureau Perfected Claims Conclusion Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D

1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 14 14 16 16 16 20 21 53 54

MISSION STATEMENT Crime Victims Services Section Office of the Ohio Attorney General Our mission is to help victims recover from the effects of violent crime by providing financial assistance to victims, families of victims, and victim service providers to alleviate the economic and emotional burdens of victimization.

In executing this mission we shall: Investigate crime victim compensation claims in an objective and timely manner while treating victims and their families with respect, dignity, and compassion; Work with the Ohio Court of Claims to maintain a positive balance between the interests of victims, the integrity of the judicial process, and the solvency of the Crime Victims Reparations Fund; Provide clear and concise communication to victims, their advocates, the Court of Claims, and the general public; Promote public awareness of crime victim services, including the Ohio Crime Victims Compensation Program, and remove the barriers of accessibility to victims so they have a greater opportunity to receive the services available to aid in their recovery; and Recognize and appreciate the contributions and achievements of all members of the Crime Victims Services team and treat each other with respect and dignity at all times.

INTRODUCTION No one ever asks to be a victim of crime. People are victimized by random chance or because they were acquainted with or related to a person who commits a criminal act. When a person commits a crime, from a legal perspective, that person acts out against the state or the community, and the victim of the crime is simply someone who happened to be caught up in events outside of his or her control. That is why, when the police arrest a criminal and that person is charged with a crime, the indictment reads “State v. …” rather than “Victim v. …” Before there was a state or a government, it was the responsibility of the victim or his or her family and friends to seek retribution or “justice.” In fact, the concept of a crime being different from a civil wrong is a relatively new idea for civilized society. Of course, over time, civil society grew and flourished, laws were written, police forces were created and the concept of the state catching criminals and preventing crime was founded. For a long time, unfortunately, there was little thought for the victims of crime. The rights of the accused to a fair trial and humane treatment were developed and codified, but the place for the victim in the criminal justice process became secondary to the need for the protection of the defendant’s rights and the rehabilitation of the convicted.

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Society seemed to forget that the innocent victims of crime were asked to bear terrible physical, psychological and financial burdens alone. Victims may have insurance, but insurance does not pay for lost wages of family members who attend the trial of the person accused of killing a sister or daughter, for example. Insurance might replace the window broken by an intruder, but it does not pay for the cost of a security system that allows a rape victim to feel safe at night. The victims or their survivors were left to fend for themselves.

Crime victims were the missing pieces of the criminal justice puzzle. Eventually, victims, survivors and their advocates began to demand a place in the picture. The criminal justice system and the legislatures heard their pleas and crafted laws that not only ensured that victims would be active participants in the investigatory and judicial processes, but also that they would be compensated for their losses.

CRIME VICTIMS COMPENSATION THE CRIME VICTIM CLAIM PROCESS INTAKE UNIT When claims first enter the office, they are processed by the Intake Unit, which examines the claims for mandatory elements, compares them with claims already on file to see if they are related to previously-filed claims, and enters initial data into the system. The Intake Unit also makes telephone calls or mails letters to claimants and others to seek details about the requested compensation. From there, the claim goes simultaneously to the Field Unit and the Economic Loss Unit.

FIELD UNIT A preliminary criminal check is completed on all victims and claimants to verify that within the ten year period before their victimization, or at any time afterwards, they have not: engaged in violent felonious conduct, engaged in drug trafficking, been convicted of a misdemeanor domestic violence or child endangering offense; or been convicted of a felony. A person who has one of these disqualifying events cannot be awarded reparations. However, in a homicide situation, in spite of these disqualifying events in the parent’s history, the minor dependent children of the deceased are still eligible for dependent economic loss and counseling expenses, where the actions of the deceased did not contribute to the crime. The Field Unit obtains reports and other information from law enforcement and other agencies such as coroners’ offices, children’s service agencies, and prosecutors, regarding the incident. This information is necessary in determining certain eligibility requirements. Some of the relevant issues may be whether there was contributory misconduct by the victim/claimant; whether law enforcement was notified of the crime; whether that notification was made within 72 hours of the incident or whether there was good cause for a delayed report; who was present at the time of the crime, and what each person told law enforcement or whether the victim and/or claimant fully cooperated with law enforcement authorities. Often, follow-

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up information needs to be gathered from local agencies, or from the victims/claimants themselves, for clarification. When the Field Unit has gathered all relevant information about the underlying crime, a field report is prepared summarizing the information received, and the claim moves on toward the Legal Unit.

ECONOMIC LOSS UNIT The Economic Unit gathers information and makes mathematical calculations regarding the net economic loss that resulted from the crime. All medical, counseling, and other eligible expenses are verified, taking into consideration any potential collateral sources such as health and auto insurance, Bureau of Workers Compensation benefits, Medicaid eligibility, Medicare benefits, auto insurance, etc. If work loss resulted from the crime, it is also verified, taking into consideration potential collateral sources such as benefits from the Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services, the Social Security Administration, the Bureau of Workers Compensation, disability benefits, etc. Out-of-pocket losses for other items are also examined. These may include mileage to and from court and doctor/counselor appointments; reimbursement for items held for evidence purposes by law enforcement; expenses for crime scene clean-up; or costs to pay someone to perform household chores victims would have done themselves had the crime not occurred.

Once all relevant information is received, reviewed, and analyzed, the claim moves on towards the Legal Unit.

LEGAL UNIT After the reviews are completed, the claim is assigned to an assistant attorney general who examines all of the information provided by the other units, analyzes any particular legal issues that are present, and prepares a Finding of Fact and Decision. If an award is granted, payment is rendered to the applicant and/or providers of service to the victim as appropriate, by the Finance Unit. If an applicant does not agree with a Finding of Fact and Decision, within 30 days of the decision, an applicant may file a Request for Reconsideration to have the claim reviewed once again by the office. The Attorney General has 60 days to conduct that additional review and render a Final Decision on the claim. If an applicant is only questioning a portion of the Finding of Fact and Decision, undisputed items of economic loss can be paid while the review process is pending. If the applicant does not agree with the Final Decision, within 30 days the applicant may file an appeal to have the claim heard before a three commissioner panel of the Court of Claims of Ohio. Arguments and new evidence, including testimony, may be presented at the panel hearing. The commissioners then render a written decision, which may be appealed to a judge of the Court of Claims, if desired. No new evidence can be presented at that final judicial hearing, however, the judge may overturn a panel’s decision only in those instances where the panel’s decision is against the manifest weight of the evidence or is contrary to law.

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FINANCE UNIT Once an award is determined, the claim goes to the Finance Unit for payment. If all applicants in a particular claim send in a document indicating that they will not be seeking reconsideration, the Finance Unit can process invoices and vouchers for payment immediately. If waivers are not received from each applicant, payment is delayed to give those applicants an opportunity to dispute the award, before the money is distributed, but will be processed 40 days after the award decision was made. If any medical or other service provider is not currently listed in Ohio’s Central Accounting System (CAS), that provider must submit a W-9 tax form before payment can be made.

Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Number of Claims Filed 6,672 6,824 7,162 6,987 7,062 7,974

COMPENSATION AWARDS Compensation awards paid in Fiscal Year 2006 totaled nearly $14.5 million. The amount of the awards granted increased 38 percent from $10.5 million awarded in Fiscal Year 2005. The positive impact can be attributed to more decisions rendered over last fiscal year. The total number of awards paid increased 19 percent from 3,181 in Fiscal Year 2005 to 3,790 in Fiscal Year 2006. The following tables provide more details of the total. Also, a list of every claim that received an award in Fiscal Year 2006 is included in Appendix B.

Year 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Compensation Award $10,668,007 $9,969,044 $10,289,787 $10,469,484 $14,476,374

AWARDS BY INCIDENT TYPE Incident Type Assault Child Abuse Domestic Violence Homicide Motor Vehicle Robbery Sexual Assault Other

Number of Awards 3,174 164 990 494 353 758 371 437

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ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS Administrative costs increased in FY06 by 4.7 percent. By embracing technology and adopting innovative methods, the Crime Victim Section strives to maximize the productivity of the resources at our disposal to provide top quality service to our clients and constituents. Streamlining the organization, encouraging forward thinking and promoting efficiency have yielded measurable returns for Ohioans. Since 2000, administrative costs have decreased by $483,485. Despite lowering administrative costs, the section continues to process a large number of claims in an efficient and timely manner.

Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Administrative Cost $7,733,465 $7,392,347 $7,311,156 $7,007,898 $6,920,860 $7,249,980

SAFE PROGRAM The Sexual Assault Forensic Examination (SAFE) Program has increased the amount of awards granted every year since its inception in 2000. The SAFE program provides reimbursement to hospitals and other medical facilities for each sexual assault evidence collection examination that is conducted in compliance with state approved protocols. Reimbursements increased 6.7 percent from $3,506,092 in fiscal year 2005 to $3,743,716 in fiscal year 2006. The SAFE program reimburses at a rate of $532 per examination. A total of 7,037 examinations were approved for payment.

Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total Payments $1,773,500 $3,030,000 $3,179,000 $3,448,164 $3,506,092 $3,743,716

PAYMENTS FOR ATTORNEY’S FEES Private attorneys who represent victims with their Ohio Victims of Crime Compensation Program applications may be paid at a rate of $60.00 per hour from the fund. This payment does not reduce any award granted to the victim. In addition, victims may be reimbursed for attorney fees incurred to separate victims from their offenders.

Year 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Attorney Fees Paid $448,510 $397,131 $301,063 $222,483 $195,924

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CRIME VICTIMS SUBROGATION AND RESTITUTION UNIT Ultimately, the financial loss should be born by the offender, and not by the victim or the state. The Crime Victims Subrogation and Restitution Unit serves the public by holding offenders financially accountable for the economic costs of their crimes. This unit seeks to reimburse the Crime Victim Compensation Fund for monies paid out on the victim’s behalf. Ultimately, the financial loss should be born by the offender, and not by the victim or the state. This mission drives the Crime Victims Subrogation and Restitution Unit in its effort to maintain the integrity of the Crime Victim Compensation Fund, so that the fund can remain intact to meet the needs of tomorrow’s victims. The compensation fund, while ample, is not unlimited. As such, the unit seeks to recover monies from offenders, insurance companies, and other liable parties to be returned to the fund. The unit evaluates every claim in which compensation has been awarded and an offender identified. Once a decision is made to take collection action in a particular claim, the claim is “certified” to the Attorney General’s Collections Enforcement Section, which houses the Subrogation and Restitution Unit. The unit then contacts offenders, insurance companies and attorneys to explain their legal reimbursement obligations. Sometimes, lawsuits are commenced as part of the collection process. The Subrogation and Restitution Unit works with the courts, prosecutors, and other agencies to increase the number of cases where restitution is ordered, and to improve the effectiveness of the collection process. The overall goal remains the same: to hold offenders accountable for the financial loss caused to their victims, but to do so in a fair, uniform, and effective manner. During this fiscal year, the unit recovered $487,786 for the Crime Victims Compensation Fund

SUBROGATIONS COLLECTED Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total Collected $263,042 $358,534 $428,683 $488,936 $344,028 $487,786

THE CRIME VICTIMS FUND REMAINS HEALTHY The Crime Victims Fund remains healthy at $34.6 million. This will enable the Attorney General to continue to provide necessary services for victims of crime.

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Statement of Financial Activity Crime Victim Reparations Fund 402 FY2006 (July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006) BEGINNING BALANCE Fund Transfers Ohio Court of Claims Initial Appropriation1 Fund Transfer Subtotal Crime Victims Compensation Personal Service Maintenance Equipment Claimant Awards SAFE Program Payments Attorney Fees Refunds of Overpayments Reissue of warrants from prior bieniums Crime Victims Compensation Subtotal Crime Victims Assistance Personal Service Maintenance Equipment Subsidy Crime Victims Assistance Subtotal DNA Expenses Personal Service Maintenance Equipment Subsidy DNA Subtotal Child & Elder Protection Section Personal Service Maintenance Equipment Subsidy Child & Elder Protection Section Subtotal

$42,347,282.34 $1,119,093.52 $1,119,093.52 $4,876,939.38 $848,568.57 $30,765.02 $14,407,296.58 $3,743,716.00 $195,923.88 $634.00 $127,437.51 $24,231,280.94 $579,529.98 $124,978.48 $208.73 $2,994,935.57 $3,699,652.76 $ $ $ $

2,966,636.92 990,142.72 40,117.78 293,964.35



$ $ $

1,282,788.47 182,336.04 41,607.25 $0.00

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Other 5% Expenditures

Personal Service Maintenance Equipment Subsidy Other 5% Expenditures Subtotal TOTAL OF ALL OUTFLOWS Deposits to Fund Crime Victims Compensation Court Costs Federal Grants Driver’s License Reinstatement Subrogation Collections Voided Warrants Refunds and Reimbursements Miscellaneous Gifts To Fund Subtotal Crime Victims Compensation Crime Victims Assistance Refunds and Reimbursements Subtotal Crime Victims Assistance DNA Refunds and Reimbursements Subtotal DNA Child & Elder Protection Miscellaneous Subtotal Child & Elder Protection TOTAL OF ALL DEPOSITS ENDING BALANCE

$91,995.66 $509.72 $93,730.06 $194,927.67 $381,163.11 $35,228,783.86

$16,540,921.85 $6,444,000.00 $3,851,016.13 $487,786.53 $76,857.91 $67,387.35 $6,440.13 $90.00 $27,474,499.90 $2,529.89 $2,529.89 $11,714.64 $11,714.64 $40,129.58 $40,129.58 $27,528,874.01 $34,647,372.49

1These funds are used by the Ohio Court of claims for their administrative costs including $632,368 for compensation of court personnel, $9,754 for compensation of judges, $346,428 for compensation of panel commissioners, and $233,077 for other administrative costs.

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CRIME VICTIMS ASSISTANCE Since its creation in 1985, the Crime Victims Assistance Division (CVA) has been responsible for allocating grant monies to private non-profit and government agencies that assist Ohio’s victims of crime. Funding provided by CVA helps support direct victim services such as rape crisis centers, domestic violence shelters and criminal justice advocacy programs. Other services provided by CVA include TWO DAYS IN MAY, the annual conference for victim advocates providing training for those who assist victims in the aftermath of crime. Further training to victim service providers has been developed with the newest initiative, the Advocates Dedicated to Victim Assistance and Continuing Education (A.D.V.A.N.C.E.) Academy. This Academy provides continual training to victim advocates. It includes a week-long basic training for new staff working in the field of victim advocacy called Basic Advocacy Skills In Crime victim Services or B.A.S.I.C.S. Other courses have been developed and are offered from the Academy and include such topics as cultural diversity, outcome measures, testifying in court, victims’ rights, and many more. Additionally, coordination of activities in Ohio for National Crime Victims’ Rights Week is provided by this unit.

Federal Victims of Crime Act The Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) was passed by Congress and signed into law by the President on October 12, 1984, and later amended by the Children’s Justice and Assistance Act of 1986, the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, the Justice Appropriations Act of 1994 and the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994. The original statute was the product of the President’s Task Force on Victims of Crime. The Task Force concluded that the needs of crime victims could be adequately met only by federal, state, and local governments, in conjunction with the private sector, sharing the responsibility of providing victims assistance. The Act established within the U.S. Treasury a separate account known as the Crime Victims Fund. The Fund is supported entirely by fines, penalty assessments, forfeited appearances and bail bonds collected by the federal government. The Attorney General of the United States is designated as the administrator of the Fund.

Services to Victims Advocates The State Victims Assistance Act (SVAA) was passed by the Ohio Legislature and signed into law by the Governor on June 27, 1984. The Bill was one of several proposals made to address the needs and rights of victims of crime at the state level. This Act established within the Office of the Ohio Attorney General, the Crime Victims Assistance Division (CVA). They are charged with two primary responsibilities: 1. To determine crime and delinquency victim service needs and policies and to exercise leadership in the improvement of victim programs in the State of Ohio. 2. To determine which victim assistance programs will receive state financial assistance from the Crime Victims Reparations Fund as appropriated by the Ohio General Assembly. The SVAA also established the State Victims Assistance Advisory Board. The Board is appointed by the Attorney General and consists of sixteen members and four ex-officio members. It serves in an advisory capacity in determining victim service needs and in establishing policies that seek to improve the quality of victim service programs who receive funding. It is also charged with the responsibility of reviewing local Crime Victims Section - Annual Report 2006

victim assistance programs and to recommend which programs should receive financial assistance under the SVAA. Appendix D shows the distribution of SVAA and VOCA grants by county for the federal fiscal year (10/1/05 – 9/30/06).

The Application Process The CVA Division distributes and makes available on-line in March of each year, “Guidelines and Application Procedures” for the Victims of Crime Act Grant Program and the State Victims Assistance Act Program. Applications are reviewed by staff and presented to the Advisory Board, who review each application and make funding recommendations. Final decisions as to recipients and funding levels are made by the Attorney General. Letters of Determination, Grant Awards and Acceptance forms are mailed to the approved recipients by September of each year. The funding period is 12 months beginning October 1 and ending September 30. Grants under $5,000 may be disbursed by the CVA Division in lump sum payment and those more than $5,000 are typically disbursed in monthly payments. All funds must be expended before September 30.

Applicant Eligibility To be eligible to receive funding, a new or existing Ohio non-profit or governmental program or organization must provide services that directly benefit individual victims of crime, and must meet the needs of the racial, ethnic and socioeconomic diversity of the community or region served. Types of programs include, but are not limited to, rape crisis centers, domestic violence shelters, child abuse treatment facilities and other community based service organizations. In addition, public and nonprofit organizations such as criminal justice agencies, faith based organizations, hospitals and emergency medical facilities and other state and local public agencies such as mental health service organizations, legal service agencies and public housing authorities are also eligible to receive funding with the stipulation that they include components within the organization specifically trained to provide direct service to victims of crime.

Funding and Reporting Requirements Grant recipients must submit monthly and/or quarterly financial reports to the CVA Division and are required to maintain complete and accurate financial records which are subject to federal audit requirements in certain circumstances.

TWO DAYS IN MAY CONFERENCE Attorney General Jim Petro’s annual Two Days in May Conference on Victim Assistance was held on May 23 and 24, 2006 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Columbus, Ohio. Approximately 1,400 people attended the conference representing many different professions. Participants were social workers, law enforcement agencies, attorneys, probation and parole departments, and many more. This two-day conference which consisted of 50 workshops on a variety of topics dealing with victim issues such as stalking, sexual assault, childhood abuse, murder, domestic violence. Opening the conference was keynote speaker Paul Greenwood, Deputy District Attorney with the San Diego Prosecutor’s Office. Other keynote speakers included Kimberly Black Wisseman, Domestic Violence Counselor and survivor, and Mark Anthony Garrett, motivational speaker. The Attorney General honored two Ohio crime victim advocates with the Special Achievement Award.


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Jeannette Adkins, former Director of the Victim Assistance program in the Greene County Prosecutor’s Office, and now Executive Director of the National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA); and Lori King, Victim Advocate for the Office of Victim Services of the Department of Rehabilitation and Correction, were honored for their hard work and dedication in the field of victim advocacy. Also Promising Practice Awards were presented to the MADD (Mother’s Against Drunk Driving) Minority Outreach Program, Ohio State Highway Patrol, and the Open Arms Shelter in Findlay, Ohio. These awards recognize projects that have enhanced an organization in order to provide better service to victims of crime in Ohio.

NATIONAL CRIME VICTIMS RIGHTS WEEK During the entire year and especially during National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (NCVRW), April 23-29, 2006, victim advocates set out to educate the community on victims’ rights and available services. Tributes are also held that inspire and unite everyone to this very important cause. With increased awareness and through strength in unity, victim services not only are made more aware, but ideas for service improvements are shared. In the past, the Ohio Attorney General’s Office provided informational booths at events during NCVRW. However, this year, the office created the state’s first annual Rally In Remembrance, to provide an opportunity for victim advocates to share their personal stories. Additionally, statewide victim assistance agencies were available to inform and educate the public on victim assistance services available. Held at the Statehouse Atrium in downtown Columbus, the Rally In Remembrance was an all day event. The Rally’s open-ended structure allowed for the public to take as long as they wanted in hearing victim testimonials and reading through victim assistance informational literature. Additionally, interactive self defense and drug-sniffing canine demonstrations captivated the attention of the audience while giving out more information on available victim services. Demonstrating this year’s theme, Strength in Unity, it was only through the donation of time and materials of our statewide victim service agencies that the Rally achieved its goals. These goals were to educate the public on victims’ rights, services and safety, heightening awareness to the issues of crime victimization, and remembering those who have been victimized. The Rally In Remembrance is in its infancy but will continue to grow in order to further inspire the general public about victims’ rights and services.

A.D.V.A.N.C.E. ACADEMY Advocates Dedicated to Victim Assistance and Continuing Education The A.D.V.A.N.C.E. Academy, which is the first of its kind in the state of Ohio, is a program designed to provide on-going training to victim advocates. The Academy will offer courses from the very basic for beginners to the very advanced for more experienced workers in the field. The first planned project, the B.A.S.I.C.S. (Basic Advocacy Skills In Crime victim Services) program, was held on June 11-16, 2006 at the Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy in London, Ohio. The B.A.S.I.C.S. is a week-long course geared towards advocates with 5 or less years of experience and offers 40 hours of baseline education such as court accompaniment, crisis intervention, legal advocacy, etc. A second B.A.S.I.C.S. course is planned for September of 2006, and this project will continue into the new calendar year as well. Crime Victims Section - Annual Report 2006


The application for attendance, along with some information regarding what A.D.V.A.N.C.E. and the B.A.S.I.C.S. are, can be found on the Attorney General’s web site so that prospective students can access and download it. This course is offered free of charge. There are accommodations for 50 students in each B.A.S.I.C.S. class. Classes generally run from 8:00am to 5:00pm, except on Friday when class will only be from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. There is a welcome dinner on Sunday, the opening day of the course. Some evening activities are planned, most notably, a tour of the facilities at Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation (BCI & I) as well as a charter bus trip to the Prime Outlets at Jeffersonville. Friday will culminate the week with a luncheon and graduation ceremony. Continuing Education Units from the Ohio Counselor and Social Worker Board have been approved for 30+ hours. For those students who do not have a degree or a license, this program has been approved by the National Advocate Credentialing Program (NACP) for 40 hours.

CRIME VICTIMS RIGHTS INFORMATION AND PUBLICATIONS Picking Up the Pieces: Your Rights & Responsibilities as a Crime Victim “Picking Up the Pieces” is a publication that identifies and explains the rights of crime victims in Ohio. It is written in an informal and easy to read format and provides the Ohio Revised Code Chapter and Section numbers for those wishing to research the laws of Ohio that govern the rights of crime victims. The publication is available in English and Spanish via on-line at www.ag.state.oh.us/online_publications/ crime_victims_services/index.htm or by calling (800) 582-2877.

VINE The Victim Information and Notification Everyday (VINE) statewide project is a free, anonymous, computer-based service that provides victims of crime with two important services: Information and Notification. The project is funded through a VOCA grant and is coordinated with the Buckeye State Sheriffs’ Association, the Ohio Prosecuting Attorneys’ Association, the Ohio Department of Youth Services (ODYS) and the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction (ODRC). VINE is an automated telephone system that permits callers to stay informed about the status of an offender housed in a county jail, ODRC or ODYS facility. They can find out about the transfer, release, escape or death of an inmate, and the inmate’s location. Callers may also register for automatic notification of this information via telephone, e-mail or pager. VINE links county sheriffs and statewide correctional facilities to make this information available 24 hours-a-day, 365 days-a-year. Anyone may call the toll-free VINE Hotline at (800) 770-0192, which is available in English and Spanish. The service electronically links all of Ohio’s participating county courts, county jails, state prisons and juvenile facilities to the VINE National Call Center in Louisville, Kentucky.

IDENTITY THEFT VERIFICATION PASSPORT PROGRAM Identity theft, which occurs when someone uses another’s personal information to obtain credit or evade criminal liability, has quickly become one of the most common types of fraud. Victims can spend an enormous amount of time cleaning up the mess the thieves have made of their good name, and credit record. The Attorney General has brought together a coalition of agencies to help these victims, through a unique program called the Identity Theft Verification PASSPORT Program. 12

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Under this programs, victims who report identify theft to local authorities are be given step-by-step information about how to alert creditors to fraudulent activity in their names as well as simple, fill-in-theblank affidavits to send to credit bureaus and creditors. The cornerstone of PASSPORT is the card victims can show to creditors and law enforcement personnel establishing that they have been victimized. Law enforcement agencies and creditors can verify the validity of the PASSPORT by calling (877) VERIFY-IT. Law enforcement will also be able to access all information provided during the application process, including the original police report, digitized fingerprint, photograph and signature of the victim through the Ohio Law Enforcement Gateway (OHLEG), a secure internet platform designed for and used by law enforcement for a number of confidential purposes. Although the push to get information to law enforcement occurred mostly in FY 2005, that initiative continues, and the number of victims assisted continues to grow, as illustrated below.

Law Enforcement Agencies trained


Law Enforcement Agencies with equipment


Officers trained


Card applications filed


Cards mailed


The national interest in the PASSPORT Program lead to the Ohio Attorney General’s s first National Conference on Identity Theft, held in Columbus on April 23-24, 2006. The event featured the PASSPORT Program and covered a wide range of issues including presentations on preventing, investigating and prosecuting this devastating crime. It also featured Bob Sullivan, MSNBC Interactive and Author as the Luncheon Speaker and Howard Schmidt, President and CEO R&H Security Consulting LLC as the Keynote Speaker. Attendees included members of law enforcement agencies and the financial and legal community from across the country. On April 24th, Attorney General Jim Petro accepted the March Fong Eu award from the National Notary Association, for his effort in creating the PASSPORT program which it called the most aggressive effort by law enforcement in the nation to address the recovery process of victims of identity theft. The association grants the award annually to an individual who did the most to improve the standards, image, quality and effectiveness of the office of notary public. On September 16, 2006 House Bill 48 became effective. It provided legislative support for the Ohio Identity Theft Verification PASSPORT Program by requiring that law enforcement assist victims in obtaining a PASSPORT, and also enhanced the penalty for identity theft if the victim is elderly or disabled by increasing the penalty from a misdemeanor to a felony crime.

MISSING CHILDREN CLEARINGHOUSE (Please note that the MCCH operates on a calendar year, not a fiscal year basis, so information below reflects 2005 statistics). The Ohio Missing Children Clearinghouse is a central repository to coordinate and improve the availability of information on missing children. The Clearinghouse assists in searches, creates public awareness, and Crime Victims Section - Annual Report 2006


develops and disseminates educational information about missing and abducted children. It promotes Missing Children Day, May 25th of each year, and maintains a toll free hotline, (800) 325 5604, providing nationwide access, 7-days-a-week, 24-hours-a-day, 365 days a year. The Clearinghouse provides local law enforcement and schools with child fingerprint ID cards. These cards, which are used at local events such as fairs) throughout the state, are available from the Attorney General’s Office and at no cost.

In 2005, the Clearinghouse received reports regarding 11,074 missing children, of which 10,683 children, or 96%, were recovered. Amber Alert Runaway Family Abduction Non-Family Abduction Lost, Injured or Otherwise Missing TOTAL The public can help the recovery of missing children by subscribing to the Ohio Citizens Alert Network on Ohio’s Amber Plan web site, www.ohioamberplan.org. Subscribers are notified of missing children through text messages and e-mails that are sent when an Amber Alert is issued. Additionally, a downloadable screen saver featuring missing children and a desktop pop-up Amber Alert message are available. The MCCH web page provides information regarding Ohio missing children their photos and related issues, and has featured 1,105 children since its creation. This site can be accessed through the Ohio Attorney General’s web site, www.ag.state.oh.us

34 10,801 146 5 88 11,074


During 2005, 20 Amber Alerts were issued through the Missing Children Clearinghouse through OHLEG, the Ohio Law Enforcement Gateway, with all children recovered unharmed. Because Amber Alerts are only issued under certain circumstances, there are situations where missing children are in danger, but the facts do not meet the Amber criteria. In those situations, the MCCH has the ability to go beyond the normal protocol when searching for missing children. A “Trucker’s Alert” can be issued with an Amber Alert or even when an Amber Alert is not issued. In 2005, 6 Trucker Alerts were issued. In those situations, after a report is made to law enforcement, that agency determines that the Truckers Helping to Recover Ohio’s Missing Children advisory is warranted. The police or sheriff’s office then contacts the Ohio Missing Children Clearinghouse to issue the advisory. The MCCH will then broadcast by fax and e-mail the child’s information to participating trucking companies within a local or regional area requested by law enforcement Trucking companies then post the information in their drivers’ lounges and dispatch offices, and include it in their dispatches. Participating private organizations include the Ohio Trucking Association, Mid-states Meat Association, Midwest Dairy Foods Association, Ohio Aggregates & Industrial Minerals association, Ohio Coal Association, Ohio Grocers Association, Ohio Lumbermen’s Association, Ohio Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Ohio Soft Drink association, and the Wholesale Beer and Wine Association of Ohio.


Crime Victims Section - Annual Report 2006

IMPROVING SERVICES TO VICTIMS THROUGH NEW INITIATIVES 60 IN ‘06 Prior to 2000, under the Crime Victim Compensation Program, the Attorney General made recommendations to a Single Commissioner of the Ohio Court of Claims, who would make the decision to grant or deny an applicant. That year, however, the program was transformed by statute such that the Attorney General made decisions regarding the granting or denial of crime victim compensation awards. The Court of Claims commissioners became, in effect, appellate hearing officers if claimants appealed from those decisions. The statute enacted at that time required that the Attorney General issue a decision within 120 days after receiving an application, although that deadline can be extended in writing R.C. 2743.59(E). Over the past few years, the Attorney General has been complying with that law, and many decisions were issued at about the 120 day time limit, or were extended for short periods of time. Recent annual average processing times for claims are listed below:

2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

125 days 122 days 111 days 130 days 123 days 279 days While this met the letter of the law, the processing time did not always meet the needs of the victims. If someone, as a result of crime, needs medical or counseling services, a four-month delay can be four months of pain. If, as a result of the crime, a victim’s income is gone, a four-month delay can mean utilities being disconnected, evictions occurring, and mortgages going into arrears. It also means no money for food and clothing. As such, the Crime Victim Compensation Program began an aggressive campaign to not only shorten the processing time for reviewing compensation applications, but to cut the time in one-half. This initiative was called “60 in ’06.”

It involved a “soup-to-nuts” examination of each step the office takes in processing and reviewing a claim. We found many ways in which time could be cut without hampering quality. The result of those small cuts was dramatic. The campaign began in December 2005 and the results have been spectacular. The processing time for the fiscal year dropped to 108 days. However, this included months before the initiative began. The results of the first few months under the 60 in ’06 initiative are illustrated below, and the project continued into the next fiscal year, when it ultimately reached its goal, which will be more accurately reflected in the annual processing time found in next year’s annual report.

Crime Victims Section - Annual Report 2006


130 126

120 116 113

110 101


97 90


86 83


NOV. ‘05

DEC. ‘05

JAN. ‘06

FEB. ‘06



MAY ‘06

JUNE ‘06

SPEAKER’S BUREAU The Crime Victims Services Section Speakers’ Bureau is composed of employees who travel the state to speak to groups regarding the services provided by the section. These presentations create a greater awareness of these services and will allow our office to serve a greater number of victims each year. Topics can include: Crime Victim Compensation, Victim Information and Notification Everyday (VINE), identity theft and the Identity Theft Passport Program, the Sexual Assault Forensic Examination (SAFE) Program, the Missing Children Clearinghouse, Civil Protection Orders and the Ohio Protection Order Registry.

PERFECTED CLAIMS A new initiative was launched to develop a “perfected claim” procedure so that victims can receive a decision and an award in a much faster manner with the assistance of local victim advocates. Historically, processing a compensation application can take up to 120 days or more. The majority of that time is spent waiting on information requested by our office that is needed to review the claim (e.g. medical bills, police reports, earnings information, etc.). It is not uncommon for a claim to sit idle for several weeks while we await the needed information. In an effort to better serve the victim community, the Attorney General’s Office has implemented the “Perfected Claims” concept. This initiative is designed to allow victims of crime to receive assistance much faster from the compensation program. An easy-to-follow checklist of the documents and other information needed to file a Perfected Claim was developed to aid in the preparation of a complete claim. This initiative will work best when victims are assisted by victim advocates who are encouraged to participate by helping victims file Perfected Claims. Although not every claim can be perfected, the more information provided at the time the claim is filed helps victims receive funds faster.


Crime Victims Section - Annual Report 2006

CONCLUSION Victims of crime have the right to feel safe, to express their feelings and emotions in healthy ways, and the right to be informed about their role in the criminal justice process. Attorney General Jim Petro’s Crime Victims Services Section helps those whose lives have been touched by crime to begin the healing process. Government agencies provide many essential services to their constituents, but perhaps there are none more important than those performed by the Ohio Attorney General’s Crime Victims Services Section: standing beside victims, giving assistance and guidance, providing answers and support. This report of the activities of the Crime Victims Services Section demonstrates the commitment of Attorney General Jim Petro and the men and women of his office to Ohio’s crime victims, letting them know that they are not alone and that they need not be victims forever. It is a duty we resolutely and proudly set about doing every day.

Crime Victims Section - Annual Report 2006


“You will always be in my heart” A woman who was raped by a co-worker has struggled with psychological trauma for the last 5 years. She writes: To all the wonderful people who have helped me try to keep going . . . You are all special! . . . I can’t thank you enough. The Victims of Crime Compensation Program is truly a blessing to victims like me. I know someday I will make it on my own, and won’t need you (which is a good thing!) but you will always be in my heart. God Bless you all. Thank you Justin for all the hard work you have done on my behalf. You have always been kind when I kept calling and I know you are very busy. Thanks for all the help and I really am glad you are a part of my victims compensation claim!

“I could tell that you honestly did care” A 13 year old was sexually assaulted by her mother’s boyfriend. The mother reported the matter to the police and stood by her daughter. She writes: I realize that you have never met my family, and you deal with families like mine on a daily basis. God bless you! My family and myself would like to thank you for helping us. This is the 21st Century, but a lot of people still believe that child molesters are taboo, that if you just don’t do or say anything it will go away. But you realize that isn’t true. I believe that I talked with you on the phone and I could tell by the compassion in your voice that you honestly did care. These past months have been as close to hell that I ever want to get. We have lost everything and on top of that these bill collectors call daily, threatening lawsuits. They don’t care what my family is going through. It is a great ease of mind to know that you are on your side. Thank you.

“For once, someone has worked with us” A young father became a double amputee when a teenager chose to drive home even though she realized she was too tired to drive, and then fell asleep at the wheel. After the Crime Victim Compensation Program paid over $40,000 for work loss, home renovations, a motorized wheelchair, prescriptions, and other personal care items, he wrote: I would like you to send this email to your boss. Me and my wife have been presented with several hurdles in this last year. For once, someone has worked with us and been extremely professional and pleasant to deal with during this difficult time. I would like you to know that Julie should be an example for everyone in your organization to follow. Julie, thank you for making a complicated process not seem bad at all. Thanks.


Crime Victims Section - Annual Report 2006

“How proud I was to give him the news” After a homicide, the widower faced loss of his home, without his wife’s income to keep up the payments. The local advocate sent in a “Perfected Claim” and a $50,000 award was issued 57 days after we received the application. I want to take a moment and applaud your victim compensation team for a job well-done. On February 16, 2006, the applicant’s wife was killed here in Marion County. The victim compensation application was submitted as an expedited claim. So you know, the reason for the expedited claim was so that the applicant would be able to refinance the home he shared with his wife so he could afford to keep it. I received a copy of the Finding of Fact and Decision on June 14, 2006, awarding $50,000 for the loss of support of his lovely wife. Fifty-Seven Days! I have to say it again, 57 days! Please, please, please extend a “Great Job” to all of your team who was involved in processing this claim. How proud I was to call and give him the news that the Ohio Victims of Crime Compensation Program had approved the loss of support award.

“Without you I would still be fighting” Interns in the Missing Children Clearinghouse contacted local law enforcement to officers assistance regarding a missing infant. Based upon that contact, a Missing Child Medial Alert and Trucker Alert were issued, and the child was recovered several hours later. The mother writes: I will never be able to express how grateful I am to you for helping me to have my son returned. Without you I would still be fighting to get him back. He’s the light of my life and God sent me the two of you as a blessing. A million times thank you! I owe you all my happiness! Thank you so much!

Crime Victims Section - Annual Report 2006


APPENDIX A Application and Award Summary FY05


Number of original and supplemental new claims received



Number of claims decided



Number of awards paid



Average award



Number of new original claims filed



Number of original claims decided



Number of original awards granted



Average original award



Number of new supplemental claims filed



Number of supplemental claims decided



Number of supplemental awards granted



Total number of applications reviewed and denied





Total amount of attorney fees paid out Number of decisions appealed to the Court of Claims


Average processing time for an application



Percent female applicants


58% (3% not recorded)

Percent male applicants





Most common award by crime category


Crime Victims Section - Annual Report 2006



Claims and Awards

V9844940 V0049778 V0082538 V0151638 V0224494 V0232583 V0077411 V0322621 V0325381 V0326949 V0329872 V0337855 V0340002 V0343812 V0345453 V0346169 V0346153 V0346875 V0347397 V0348741 V0349216 V0349263 V0351295 V0351316 V0354997 V0357096 V0358147 V0359134 V0359967 V0361674 V0363006 V0362939 V0364825 V0368620 V0368531 V0369870 V0373103 V0373082 V0375439 V0412813 V0412986 V9549185 V0416027 V0416927 V0417804 V0418264 V0418463 V0420014 V0420213 V0421985 V0423469 V0425335 V0425010 V0425246 V0425157 V0425952 V0426610


$10,017.75 $10,760.00 $9,000.00 $13,041.00 $1,853.64 $5,688.00 $36,247.25 $8,633.00 $45,000.00 $45,042.96 $25,174.36 $131.00 $44,999.22 $155.96 $42,353.20 $42,005.32 $39,000.00 $36,428.58 $6,666.66 $38,004.98 $94.00 $376.07 $3,524.50 $35,745.60 $8,561.66 $50,000.00 $37,535.41 $47,095.96 $42,500.00 $1,484.75 $9,611.00 $35,606.16 $840.00 $8,982.98 $8,382.00 $25,413.00 $40,291.23 $254.74 $50,000.00 $5,005.20 $41,597.24 $597.75 $50,000.00 $37,500.00 $38,559.43 $2,759.85 $161.62 $39,948.71 $67.19 $44,437.60 $556.00 $6,000.00 $411.35 $308.13 $6,952.36 $5,246.73 $19,085.00

APPENDIX B V0426495 V0426590 V0427499 V0428089 V0429695 V0429688 V0432562 V0433963 V0434443 V0435143 V0435823 V0436090 V0436209 V0437161 V0437899 V0438509 V0439173 V0159621 V0440149 V0440369 V0440808 V0440767 V0441467 V0442151 V0367371 V0444226 V0444650 V0444692 V0445318 V0445742 V0447032 V0447472 V0447362 V0448172 V0448208 V0448240 V0448632 V0448585 V0448810 V0324042 V0449766 V0449918 V0450293 V0450141 V0450890 V0451391 V0451709 V0451997 V0452352 V0452242 V0452593 V0452634 V0453094 V8236250 V0453884 V0454166 V0453946 V0455038 V0454542

$29,177.50 $39,351.84 $8,308.00 $1,530.43 $6,931.30 $7,500.00 $158.81 $7,500.00 $43,220.49 $1,767.00 $222.00 $5,175.00 $21,144.69 $500.00 $1,495.75 $7,500.00 $50,000.00 $142.96 $1,740.50 $600.00 $39,232.18 $50,000.00 $313.51 $50,000.00 $936.00 $337.50 $44,859.29 $49,973.81 $5,250.13 $7,500.00 $7,500.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $44,717.40 $34.00 $82.94 $3,046.68 $105.00 $2,390.00 $120.00 $25,574.98 $4,256.39 $75.00 $50,000.00 $45.00 $7,316.38 $1,199.90 $1,650.91 $1,950.00 $200.00 $675.00 $3,036.50 $7,500.00 $1,369.76 $80.00 $50,000.00 $8,014.90 $458.96 $50.00



V0454432 V0455200 V0455499 V0455860 V0456199 V0456109 V0456863 V0457171 V0457646 V0457845 V0458001 V0458017 V0458290 V0458498 V0458854 V0459073 V0459272 V0459528 V0460625 V0460782 V0461000 V0461241 V0461304 V0269861 V0461811 V0268249 V0462470 V0413268 V0462903 V0462898 V0463076 V0463871 V9832852 V0464126 V0464152 V0464607 V0464592 V0464461 V0464388 V0464869 V0458310 V0465333 V0466060 V0466211 V0466227 V0466379 V0466823 V0466577 V0372162 V0229916 V0446490 V0467330 V0467586 V0467209 V0467701 V0467660 V0467738 V0467999 V0468161

$7,500.00 $1,251.00 $51.08 $226.00 $44.05 $13,615.00 $3,630.27 $85.00 $276.00 $20,960.43 $75.00 $266.71 $20.00 $3,893.51 $202.67 $8,068.00 $214.44 $55.90 $7,500.00 $2,274.97 $1,771.50 $1,519.58 $3,560.58 $636.83 $940.14 $120.00 $1,494.36 $7,565.00 $475.49 $475.49 $36.00 $514.60 $8,280.00 $208.13 $344.81 $1,974.74 $1,097.14 $43,454.17 $626.77 $18,261.39 $333.19 $2,175.00 $195.07 $416.83 $12,068.92 $3,034.90 $7,500.00 $1,028.97 $5,529.50 $2,445.93 $20.00 $396.04 $5,984.70 $70.26 $309.72 $2,225.00 $4,574.93 $131.30 $895.35

V0468271 V0468360 V0468470 V0468615 V0468396 V0468924 V0468863 V0468898 V0468856 V0468835 V0469060 V0424567 V0469316 V0469562 V0469729 V0371373 V0370260 V0469960 V0069370 V0470261 V0470345 v0470240 V0470475 V0471024 V0416121 V0417831 V0471374 V0471615 V0471531 V0471813 V0471442 V0472048 V0326713 V0472163 V0472184 V0472116 V0472273 V0472357 V0472513 V0427739 V0064840 V0123332 V0473057 V0473104 V0473099 V0472870 V0472911 V0473365 V0473570 V0473653 V0473674 V0473648 V0473632 V0473956 V0474003 V0351358 V0512141 V0512168 V0512176

$1,243.66 $459.47 $8,000.00 $7,854.51 $1,017.26 $5,535.90 $254.00 $1,188.52 $5.18 $432.30 $356.31 $1,080.00 $12,448.04 $6,812.47 $147.45 $2,438.93 $75.00 $4,555.90 $360.63 $36,143.93 $1,605.37 $478.85 $45,902.55 $3,150.00 $68.54 $4,865.40 $40.00 $277.00 $835.08 $260.30 $881.00 $2,374.00 $9,043.83 $10,153.53 $261.45 $423.26 $608.72 $5,531.20 $2,162.97 $4,268.94 $1,755.45 $22,401.64 $1,636.30 $6,376.46 $5,521.88 $70.00 $11,438.08 $204.00 $958.70 $3,546.15 $1,269.13 $2,412.24 $14,001.28 $40.00 $2,674.57 $50.00 $329.00 $553.89 $208.28

V0364130 V0364125 V0512288 V0512347 V0512365 V0512244 V0512571 V0512992 V0512742 V0512537 V0512518 V0512786 V0513115 V0513554 V0513527 V0513270 V0513451 V0513312 V0513537 V0513141 V0513227 V0513795 V0513760 V0513734 V0513751 V0513666 V0513658 V0513649 V0513630 V0513613 V0513854 V0513872 V0514065 V0514012 V0514003 V0513992 V0514115 V0514039 V0425486 V0514219 V0514150 V9950919 V0514321 V0514416 V0514529 V0514519 V0514666 V0514546 V0514622 V0514743 V0514658 V0514708 V0514478 V0514802 V0514855 V0514460 V0515021 V0515004 V0514975

$1,815.00 $1,815.00 $6,211.48 $755.00 $48,066.25 $2,725.00 $2,768.79 $1,666.55 $5,368.26 $2,228.46 $7,517.77 $231.19 $4,175.00 $17,472.85 $415.64 $238.00 $1,292.36 $250.00 $318.00 $3,114.47 $267.34 $1,726.60 $1,355.15 $271.78 $831.04 $883.07 $59.92 $236.01 $59.92 $226.04 $160.00 $18,636.35 $7,500.00 $50,000.00 $1,310.69 $240.00 $205.43 $160.00 $5,340.97 $1,515.09 $200.00 $7,473.16 $50.00 $6,375.69 $50,000.00 $224.29 $50,000.00 $226.28 $2,135.47 $951.96 $199.22 $8,123.33 $13.50 $17,904.72 $6,265.00 $227.84 $13,741.02 $548.47 $2,840.25

V0514992 V0514949 V0262427 V0515065 V0515407 V0515289 V0515169 V0515416 V0515299 V0515186 V0515684 V0515640 V0515479 V0515675 V0515717 V0515899 V0515864 V0515994 V0515734 V0437684 V0347774 V0356506 V0324042 V0216961 V9290320 V0516066 V0516021 V0516178 V0516107 V0516083 V0516219 V0516408 V0516375 V0516313 V0516201 V0516416 V0516367 V0354541 V0354536 V0516452 V0423516 V0516605 V0516599 V0516572 V0516538 V0516511 V0062413 V0211272 V0516940 V0516931 V0516847 V0516890 V0516864 V0516914 V0516976 V0517092 V0517201 V0517178 V0517142

$2,892.59 $50,000.00 $2,724.00 $1,306.00 $7,500.00 $22,477.10 $1,638.88 $500.00 $38,527.69 $213.97 $97.79 $309.00 $10,074.86 $9,378.58 $93.20 $1,048.68 $1,221.98 $23,800.00 $600.00 $604.17 $89.74 $14,491.41 $2,778.29 $341.23 $4,273.10 $158.65 $9,279.33 $2,736.40 $9,407.18 $7,486.70 $19.98 $6,473.50 $454.00 $279.00 $8,816.23 $10,694.34 $3,502.71 $3,721.56 $4,212.14 $2,670.90 $5,144.24 $621.41 $101.89 $1,354.04 $1,813.15 $1,348.46 $4,479.61 $189.23 $270.00 $175.00 $515.82 $2,496.80 $2,895.00 $3,682.00 $335.25 $2,772.12 $2,413.63 $7,500.00 $5,803.05



V0517108 V0517013 V0517195 V0517057 V0517271 V0517281 V0517263 V0517228 V0517237 V0448365 V0260772 V0364277 V9383360 V0319931 V0517520 V0517501 V0517376 v0517367 V0517435 V0517479 V0517511 V0324262 V9852764 V0517581 V0517779 V0517761 V0517735 V0517718 V0517709 V0517564 V0517555 V0517693 V0517659 V0517623 V0517590 V0517873 V0517940 V0517915 V0517864 V0517906 V0517881 V0518066 V0517847 V0518049 V0518013 V0518005 V0517994 V0437841 V0518201 V0518075 V0518117 V0518108 v0518263 V0518376 V0518393 V0518367 V0518273 V0518511 V0518581

$58.00 $11,419.83 $2,493.68 $1,739.69 $2,779.77 $15,200.86 $345.00 $2,316.18 $153.09 $1,449.00 $1,367.00 $1,018.07 $4,216.80 $1,734.00 $942.64 $182.00 $355.34 $498.32 $137.89 $1,696.01 $3,306.88 $5,155.00 $9,013.24 $68.06 $250.00 $280.00 $88.87 $390.00 $2,500.00 $606.83 $170.00 $5,213.51 $1,854.00 $5,110.00 $228.78 $3,791.60 $6,895.47 $15.00 $6,723.45 $1,203.39 $2,950.40 $1,062.50 $100.00 $50,000.00 $12,738.61 $3,686.23 $2,270.50 $260.00 $69.34 $7,776.90 $1,156.75 $903.00 $2,567.00 $2,825.25 $949.83 $140.00 $50.00 $16,147.30 $1,545.59

V0518556 V0518520 V0351818 V0446944 V0422329 V0460034 V0519014 V0518932 V0518873 V0518987 V0518856 V0518968 V0518923 V0518906 V0518718 V0518820 V0518788 V0518685 V0518623 V0519108 V0519126 V0519160 V9295992 V0519314 V0519255 V0519263 V0519210 V0519322 V0519331 V0519504 V0519369 V0519436 V0519557 V0519771 V0519591 V0519866 V0519737 V0519849 V0519719 V0519804 V0519780 V0519745 V0519728 V0519616 V0519583 V0442611 V0437135 V0520052 V0520027 V0519987 V0519979 V0520215 V0520139 V0520120 V0520103 V0433832 V0452195 V0458545 V0519883

$252.00 $232.00 $532.28 $4,251.72 $553.70 $976.99 $50.00 $5,889.20 $1,325.60 $667.87 $470.53 $70.43 $80.20 $70.42 $1,028.46 $457.39 $4,173.18 $1,325.00 $441.86 $2,023.47 $528.34 $50.00 $45,759.95 $451.60 $50,000.00 $5,645.26 $2,032.88 $250.00 $3,395.98 $1,103.50 $535.00 $1,917.26 $107.87 $440.38 $215.00 $103.82 $11,386.62 $375.20 $4,143.22 $168.22 $1,165.16 $4,113.24 $15.00 $1,103.15 $2,384.81 $555.21 $7,637.96 $10,293.44 $226.68 $728.50 $1,626.31 $206.60 $162.23 $2,597.95 $232.36 $4,013.75 $1,575.00 $1,908.00 $4,358.58

V0519951 V0351426 V0416100 V0520578 V0520569 V0520456 V0520344 V0520420 V0520524 V0520361 V0520491 V0520318 V0520466 V0520439 V0520268 V0520370 V0520327 V0520586 V0520532 V0520506 V0520335 V0520276 V0450157 V0520353 V0461681 V0458456 V0520766 V0520645 V0520833 V0520600 V0520895 V0520878 V0520851 V0520825 V0520816 V0520954 V0520928 V0520945 V0520901 V0520671 V0521089 V0521070 V0520971 V0521053 V0521044 V0370495 V0033511 V0455661 V0521165 V0521207 V0521191 V0521182 V0521173 V0521112 V0521120 V0521215 V0521285 V0521403 V0521398

$2,733.86 $4,088.00 $26,903.44 $268.75 $268.75 $893.92 $10,278.57 $9,652.87 $7,395.49 $75.22 $211.22 $222.00 $2,423.72 $10,172.51 $740.65 $7,500.00 $1,634.07 $2,474.24 $1,862.91 $206.02 $2,047.00 $274.69 $1,158.44 $850.00 $3,186.65 $34,103.38 $12,210.09 $621.31 $155.00 $1,080.00 $7,144.16 $955.00 $3,613.47 $8,805.97 $363.57 $420.00 $698.43 $765.00 $547.50 $368.01 $207.58 $6,605.44 $359.94 $370.08 $862.50 $163.61 $2,209.00 $168.00 $815.37 $1,617.66 $1,617.67 $3,290.02 $1,175.02 $404.00 $492.50 $51.49 $130.00 $629.82 $1,147.84

V0521448 V0521277 V0521268 V0521336 V0521319 V0521294 V9871076 V9755565 V0445193 V0374111 V0521456 V0521507 V0521551 V0521542 V0521534 V0521515 V0521671 V0441069 V0521842 V0521834 V0521825 V0521783 V0521775 V0521628 V0521758 V0521749 V0521937 V0521910 V0521878 V0521817 V0521595 V0521587 V0521600 V0522156 V0522148 V0522224 V0522112 V0522182 V0521980 V0521963 V0522070 V0522062 V0142035 V0361214 V0522277 V0522286 V0463520 V0522542 V0522534 V0522345 V0522507 V0522483 V0522475 V0522327 V0522560 V0522587 V0522595 V0522637 V0522421

$3,518.20 $91.88 $3,552.18 $859.62 $763.73 $4,563.62 $258.11 $161.74 $7,310.68 $226.20 $1,473.64 $1,038.00 $620.93 $12,014.00 $612.90 $1,387.64 $134.45 $326.88 $137.56 $1,845.78 $1,280.79 $297.94 $15,397.24 $791.96 $113.00 $75.00 $1,125.03 $4,795.62 $274.81 $5,205.52 $7,500.00 $1,090.41 $290.40 $2,054.68 $120.46 $9,788.06 $360.00 $100.00 $167.31 $907.75 $5,151.16 $448.23 $11,917.89 $404.61 $7,500.00 $217.89 $2,913.69 $246.01 $7,500.00 $100.51 $100.00 $1,432.50 $680.06 $8,190.26 $723.99 $280.78 $214.54 $135.97 $1,101.34



V0455765 V0522713 V0522654 V0522766 V0522731 V0364104 V0356019 V0522963 V0522851 V0522955 V0522937 V0522980 V0522972 V0522808 V0522834 V0523062 V0523250 V0523174 V0523242 V0523224 V0523104 V0523089 V0463687 V0344533 V0443636 V0462987 V0447466 V0523286 V0523475 V0523328 V0523301 V0523296 V0523277 V0523399 V0523372 V0523362 V0523492 V0523638 V0523758 V0523629 V0523740 V0523560 V0523655 V0523551 V0523543 V0523516 V0524113 V0524098 V0524089 V0524062 V0524121 V0523964 V0524019 V0523946 V0523999 V0523972 V0523929 V0523955 V0523879

$538.23 $5,689.95 $565.41 $7,500.00 $183.60 $4,307.19 $1,029.80 $340.66 $12,995.67 $1,541.22 $8,247.01 $365.00 $682.00 $6,899.32 $230.95 $7,638.98 $352.00 $889.52 $3,677.49 $17,649.38 $75.00 $4,233.47 $88.00 $17,923.28 $492.49 $3,418.11 $8,032.78 $3,883.99 $146.89 $128.76 $960.45 $166.43 $810.22 $20,218.53 $12,630.10 $1,867.50 $1,301.34 $5,871.13 $5,183.79 $10,279.83 $58.13 $178.19 $372.52 $19,914.80 $3,819.02 $111.98 $382.00 $143.53 $2,718.70 $90.75 $94.29 $1,768.32 $7,001.83 $1,453.47 $102.53 $330.00 $7,500.00 $2,358.02 $278.20

V0523860 V0523817 V0524399 V0524381 V0524372 V0524404 V0524362 V0524301 V0524278 V0524345 V0524328 V0524225 V0524413 V0524484 V0524475 V0524458 V0524467 V0524421 V0524552 V0524560 V0524602 V0524629 V0524611 V0524655 V0524681 V0524672 V0524843 V0524817 V0524758 V0524740 V0524731 V0524860 V0461633 V0429913 V0335247 V0434994 V0166121 V0463055 V0367935 V0333784 V0457756 V0342866 V0431271 V9173324 V0413027 V9985577 V0454296 V0416582 V0211283 V0459340 V0445339 V0525122 V0525080 V0525175 V0524981 V0525157 V0524972 V0525054 V0525045

$131.25 $1,310.07 $108.00 $108.00 $7,122.00 $3,105.96 $1,425.00 $420.00 $71.18 $936.51 $482.83 $908.02 $293.25 $645.00 $635.35 $4,907.58 $1,227.51 $7,500.00 $625.41 $679.31 $6,739.75 $1,051.00 $611.93 $2,067.12 $5,120.00 $1,424.88 $1,916.71 $789.46 $50.66 $326.89 $330.68 $60.89 $350.00 $2,303.88 $2,064.00 $1,485.00 $125.79 $2,039.04 $5,520.12 $16,145.52 $1,333.15 $3,075.00 $14,876.11 $1,754.20 $2,326.00 $550.50 $723.83 $1,088.64 $900.02 $5,250.00 $3,266.00 $491.74 $1,254.74 $70.56 $50.00 $7,500.00 $135.00 $1,920.23 $2,988.05

V0525028 V0525010 V0525001 V0355848 V0525459 V0525526 V0525430 V0525422 V0525493 V0525354 V0525337 V0525328 V0525552 V0525278 V0525561 V0414570 V0339681 V0430126 V0525596 V0525714 V0525655 V0525681 V0525647 V0525638 V0337380 V0525852 V0525844 V0525835 V0525826 V0525793 V0525785 V0525776 V0525767 V0525903 V0525897 V0525740 V0525879 V0525991 V0526175 V0526130 V0526122 V0526099 V0526071 V0526037 V0526028 V0320013 V0469363 V0434381 V0367757 V0458661 V0431690 V0174620 V0347492 V0347507 V0526390 V0526381 V0526485 V0526476 V0526440

$2,202.21 $3,265.08 $3,192.51 $2,591.93 $263.17 $2,214.09 $1,242.00 $942.00 $8,048.33 $2,736.85 $555.00 $1,078.26 $364.72 $563.71 $364.72 $437.36 $981.17 $990.00 $2,457.27 $7,500.00 $2,375.66 $2,409.27 $75.00 $422.00 $259.26 $86.43 $179.05 $628.34 $609.00 $1,114.33 $6,776.83 $100.00 $157.50 $407.96 $1,185.00 $976.49 $345.85 $1,661.26 $57.43 $1,110.99 $110.49 $5,915.35 $133.68 $762.83 $570.74 $37,617.05 $562.34 $733.01 $50.00 $582.76 $17,694.89 $328.00 $155.18 $155.18 $3,944.07 $995.49 $131.52 $629.00 $2,204.99

V0526432 V0526422 V0526234 V0526301 V0526552 V0526544 V0526518 V0330062 V0444508 V0428878 V0447712 V0037737 V0526603 V0526597 V0526723 V0526715 V0526706 V0526690 V0526740 V0526732 V0526588 V0526611 V0526579 V0526673 V0526656 V0526346 V0460797 V0526354 V0526793 V0526844 V0526870 V0526964 V0526956 V0526947 V0526911 V0526903 V0442020 V0526983 V0527105 V0527072 V0527037 V0527063 V0418829 V0527310 V0527260 V0527338 V0527270 V0527288 V0527346 V0527243 V0527192 V0319925 V0439633 V0258472 V0449991 V0527597 V0527373 V0527544 V0527553

$3,163.91 $595.00 $335.00 $6,779.79 $844.00 $677.50 $7,650.90 $1,706.02 $780.00 $3,858.13 $10.00 $2,625.00 $204.78 $995.64 $780.00 $150.00 $82.64 $817.50 $1,035.00 $1,642.50 $175.40 $862.50 $6,532.58 $3,262.83 $2,843.62 $217.64 $454.13 $780.92 $16,960.64 $5,977.25 $6,103.43 $623.35 $4,675.34 $6,414.24 $4,198.00 $2,878.52 $7,851.81 $98.00 $1,054.24 $5,916.69 $75.00 $7,968.05 $3,670.00 $320.00 $1,027.46 $6,845.04 $1,570.99 $531.14 $110.14 $13,878.75 $5,182.22 $166.25 $3,894.00 $2,780.75 $475.32 $7,500.00 $1,757.89 $1,303.57 $50.00



V0527561 V0527612 V0527620 V0527405 V0527390 V0527494 V0527500 V0527414 V0527656 V0527647 V0527732 V0527682 V0527759 V0527777 V0527673 V0458828 V0074900 V0074896 V0527827 V0527912 V0527897 V0527870 V0527956 V0527948 V0527861 V0527939 V0527853 V0527844 V0527836 V0527818 V0527800 V0528217 V0528311 V0528209 V0528046 V0528302 V0528297 V0528288 V0528260 V0528055 V0452070 V9952946 V0454894 V0420187 V0528356 V0330962 V0528131 V0528365 V0528158 V0528175 V0528184 V0528432 V0528382 V0528441 V0528459 V0528390 V0528405 V0528424 V0528114

$265.95 $2,343.45 $1,064.49 $7,662.58 $1,404.00 $457.18 $3,188.79 $1,213.05 $424.64 $6,932.83 $1,883.18 $577.42 $218.49 $10,333.12 $1,781.63 $6,532.88 $253.00 $253.00 $1,593.00 $1,039.39 $16,465.00 $1,815.73 $3,714.62 $302.15 $275.00 $2,906.05 $44,506.23 $9,158.70 $467.41 $3,003.64 $990.41 $741.00 $159.80 $2,968.04 $10,195.85 $2,404.08 $2,580.25 $1,186.39 $462.22 $923.00 $63.24 $3,002.19 $912.94 $2,024.07 $920.00 $111.60 $484.08 $1,046.00 $900.00 $3,405.15 $611.66 $50,000.00 $6,275.10 $4,845.93 $6,748.20 $26,199.80 $630.00 $1,048.48 $528.00

V0528485 V0528494 V0528105 V0528544 V0528620 V0528612 V0528561 V0528597 V0528414 V0417977 V9991437 V0470564 V0528870 V0528853 V0528844 V0528785 V0528777 V0529002 V0529011 V0529029 V0529064 V0529081 V0529167 V0529131 V0529271 V0529658 V0529683 V0529692 V0529469 V0529510 V0529442 V0529357 V0529366 V0529414 V0529649 V0529375 V0529563 V0529571 V0529580 V0529599 V0529605 V0529622 V0529487 V0529495 V0529501 V0324550 V0466651 V0470784 V0430016 V0471160 V0529725 V0529837 V0529829 V0529760 V0529751 V0529863 V0344204 V0465198 V0471217

$481.80 $803.91 $3,727.30 $750.00 $80.00 $172.23 $40,990.00 $112.00 $1,175.00 $20,000.00 $1,904.00 $220.00 $1,166.50 $476.79 $202.45 $89.74 $867.00 $2,043.05 $122.14 $111.59 $43,122.57 $398.96 $453.34 $1,422.00 $382.50 $1,366.30 $1,185.08 $3,397.00 $7,500.00 $1,072.00 $1,977.06 $4,040.69 $710.25 $295.00 $518.00 $80.00 $645.00 $465.00 $510.00 $1,310.45 $4,173.25 $929.84 $100.33 $100.33 $50.34 $6,390.00 $4,613.45 $366.00 $215.68 $358.00 $8,965.20 $750.00 $465.00 $58.35 $6,114.12 $1,315.54 $4,508.59 $1,259.73 $633.30

V0450685 V0529985 V0530256 V0530077 V0530248 V0529993 V0530068 V0467979 V0530050 V0530015 V0529966 V0529958 V0530162 V0529949 V0529905 V0530041 V0530032 V0530094 V0530291 V0530282 V9557803 V0452023 V0530395 V0530387 V0530445 V0530436 V0530427 V0530400 V0530499 V0530471 V0530453 V9970588 V0374771 V0433189 V0423427 V0530512 V0530625 V0530549 V0530566 V0530592 V0435269 V0449662 V0324037 V0324021 V0530799 V0530884 V0530917 V0531041 V0530805 V0530831 V0530866 V0530925 V0530780 V0530813 V0531024 V0530934 V0530978 V0531016 V0531007

$858.00 $938.77 $268.54 $276.72 $1,785.00 $5,737.50 $483.50 $6,397.00 $3,470.00 $400.00 $10,146.05 $1,732.50 $667.92 $4,789.96 $288.15 $41.61 $5,686.78 $6,803.02 $2,038.50 $12,164.65 $1,059.97 $600.00 $66.60 $14,408.31 $267.58 $2,062.50 $5,000.00 $892.78 $7,977.82 $86.00 $1,081.96 $765.00 $3,398.15 $2,811.83 $68.40 $1,731.72 $513.83 $1,232.00 $7,939.38 $118.32 $100.00 $1,662.50 $1,176.65 $1,941.20 $1,182.30 $1,948.33 $302.14 $424.00 $50.00 $354.07 $10,182.33 $187.14 $1,427.57 $554.80 $4,209.03 $1,689.87 $50.00 $69.38 $317.78

V0531128 V0531198 V0531171 V0531265 V0241338 V0241405 V0367454 V0531324 V0531396 V0531342 V0452409 V0366179 V0531531 V0531567 V0531592 V0531558 V0531687 V0531472 V0531710 V0531436 V0531702 V0531521 V0531549 V9991798 V0322924 V0466384 V0531909 V0531884 V0531875 V0531858 V0531831 V0531805 V0453230 V0473229 V0532266 V0532248 V0532007 V0532162 V0532274 V0532257 V0532230 V0532198 V0532119 V0532069 V0532042 V0532024 V0531952 V0532428 V0532419 V0532350 V0532437 V0532593 V0532499 V0532369 V0532626 V0532333 V0532387 V0532401 V0532463

$302.00 $2,457.83 $576.72 $54.97 $1,901.88 $2,053.00 $2,137.66 $433.82 $6,672.28 $1,207.37 $283.80 $772.00 $839.84 $210.00 $9,723.00 $170.00 $88.15 $373.66 $1,025.00 $5,675.26 $750.00 $420.00 $270.00 $10,839.92 $3,660.00 $3,962.36 $1,402.50 $162.00 $746.00 $10,170.47 $409.93 $4,831.78 $50.00 $263.75 $7,500.00 $566.57 $603.00 $2,130.12 $7,500.00 $51.59 $6,015.32 $64.20 $314.67 $1,491.54 $28.80 $8,562.75 $135.00 $3,433.00 $930.58 $1,005.55 $246.31 $2,231.05 $411.84 $1,768.06 $50.00 $380.00 $2,270.38 $1,340.00 $1,489.12



V0325919 V0453444 V0260583 V0364119 V0254605 V0532660 V0424305 V0532738 V0532764 V0532746 V0532781 V0532772 V0532858 V0532840 V0532823 V0532876 V0532909 V0532935 V0532917 V0532867 V0169073 V0417041 V0373537 V0452608 V0329694 V0533101 V0533163 V0147177 V0533198 V0533110 V0533145 V0533171 V0533283 V0533369 V0533388 V0533396 V0465574 V0533410 V0533095 V0533428 V0533051 V0533308 V0533379 V0533513 V0533505 V0533437 V0533455 V0435337 V0533531 V0533567 V0533635 V0533316 V0533626 V0533540 V0533584 V0533764 V0533747 V0533720 V0533688

$385.44 $1,025.00 $100.00 $120.00 $285.00 $163.11 $223.57 $5,966.29 $299.00 $672.00 $6,209.03 $1,059.29 $273.29 $22,928.03 $1,746.70 $7,500.00 $563.00 $71.88 $7,500.00 $616.57 $2,695.00 $810.58 $5,998.88 $376.56 $665.45 $1,975.85 $75.00 $492.62 $7,500.00 $36,579.24 $307.77 $1,434.00 $4,335.09 $95.00 $359.56 $4,940.50 $2,120.64 $2,500.00 $17,939.15 $311.56 $2,862.36 $248.40 $1,853.69 $4,222.80 $377.84 $508.53 $2,808.93 $225.83 $1,325.46 $721.98 $67.00 $100.35 $987.36 $1,173.78 $2,238.25 $141.47 $679.12 $50,000.00 $363.00

V0533773 V0044016 V0533832 V0534101 V0533867 V0533806 V0534051 V0533988 V0533952 V0533909 V0533876 V0533840 V0534095 V0534034 V0534069 V0534008 V0533961 V0534351 V0534266 V0534249 V0534230 V0534205 V0534180 V0534146 V0512141 V9160621 V0455038 V0469630 V0534401 V0534429 V0534455 V0534464 V0534505 V0534481 V0534576 V0534388 V0452111 V0534618 V0534652 V0534644 V0534688 V0534679 V0534609 V0534697 V0435509 V0444948 V0534790 V0534815 V0534832 V0534756 V0534711 V0534764 V0534823 V0534885 V0534961 V0534988 V0535008 V0534859 V0534876

$485.00 $2,087.00 $5,037.00 $965.50 $228.47 $1,058.17 $1,047.84 $2,291.95 $1,342.70 $2,408.18 $195.25 $2,084.37 $662.24 $1,324.71 $546.86 $1,402.00 $1,519.34 $7,574.66 $104.30 $1,253.62 $496.46 $314.80 $805.81 $589.74 $260.00 $1,673.30 $74.11 $1,257.85 $80.00 $442.00 $2,367.58 $2,029.37 $1,398.18 $360.44 $3,233.40 $50.00 $1,843.60 $50.00 $975.00 $347.13 $7,501.89 $310.00 $6,954.79 $169.62 $828.86 $1,457.60 $4,279.11 $26,895.32 $5,091.91 $5,481.00 $1,935.63 $2,641.63 $1,114.40 $475.57 $862.14 $119.04 $215.71 $1,079.20 $1,166.56

V0534918 V0534935 V0534952 V0534998 V0245650 V0223450 V0436607 V0535249 V0535231 V0535214 V0535199 V0535180 V0535155 V0535146 V0535388 V0535370 V0535102 V0412662 V0452964 V0316507 V0535541 V0468459 V0535576 V0535600 V0326907 V0346436 V0535559 V0535585 V0535644 V0535670 V0535473 V0535739 V0535790 V0535447 V0535815 V0535841 V0535918 V0535568 V0535594 V0535998 V0536026 V0535653 V0535712 V0535747 V0535456 V0535832 V0535868 V0535482 V0535927 V0536163 V0536155 V0536146 V0536138 V0536110 V0536043 V0536205 V0536051 V0536222 V0423453

$480.08 $325.40 $1,042.00 $163.35 $5,000.00 $14,792.82 $9,236.05 $100.00 $100.00 $4,375.00 $386.89 $3,793.38 $376.56 $7,053.47 $2,877.37 $148.90 $132.00 $693.27 $760.00 $17,066.76 $794.91 $4,916.71 $1,157.50 $433.12 $7,049.60 $61.13 $5.34 $1,040.00 $750.00 $834.26 $2,460.00 $1,536.12 $7,289.20 $7,500.00 $414.64 $1,047.82 $1,688.00 $1,170.00 $1,440.00 $1,250.00 $230.00 $1,632.30 $105.09 $2,511.10 $53.23 $1,564.83 $1,352.45 $196.56 $127.10 $108.02 $8,654.58 $155.00 $6,375.50 $794.36 $329.61 $1,150.00 $12,772.88 $3,230.65 $788.40

V0536317 V0536294 V0536285 V0536473 V0536447 V0536326 V0536515 V0536361 V0536490 V0536334 V0536411 V0536402 V0536370 V0536585 V0536577 V0536894 V0536765 V0536885 V0536877 V0536720 V0536868 V0536841 V0536670 V0536824 V0536636 V0536644 V0536791 V0536782 V0536739 V0536748 V0537009 V0536998 V0536980 V0537102 V0536953 V0537231 V0536944 V0537223 V0537035 V0537164 V0537155 V0537147 V0537138 V0537129 V0537111 V0536900 V0537362 V0537370 V0537397 V0537402 V0517195 V0537326 V0464388 V9988924 V0537550 V0537586 V0537627 V0537465 V0537439

$550.41 $1,804.81 $4,404.80 $1,171.00 $886.79 $4,725.00 $1,120.50 $7,500.00 $3,073.20 $1,480.00 $1,081.33 $114.01 $147.84 $3,743.25 $80.00 $612.82 $314.62 $258.31 $1,405.49 $46,149.50 $376.98 $276.52 $473.12 $772.39 $992.30 $1,076.50 $864.92 $1,636.26 $3,183.45 $715.72 $610.00 $3,551.75 $758.13 $394.93 $13,297.28 $635.42 $157.00 $1,645.00 $3,023.30 $1,149.82 $70.67 $12,420.00 $8,493.01 $100.00 $77.80 $209.13 $489.12 $284.49 $2,781.34 $27,112.43 $500.71 $300.95 $3,094.05 $4,921.30 $1,596.38 $2,956.72 $280.00 $1,291.68 $185.30



V0537482 V0537456 V0537533 V0537541 V0436806 V0460295 V0370260 V0537689 V0537662 V0537900 V0537824 V0537807 V0537748 V0537721 V0537894 V0537877 V0537791 V0537712 V0537698 V0427655 V0538277 V0538232 V0538206 V0538173 V0538259 V0538240 V0538147 V0538111 V0538181 V0538009 V0537999 V0538191 V0538043 V9748127 V0538457 V0538448 V0538345 V0252949 V0538398 V0062383 V0538318 V0538411 V0538370 V0538362 V0333920 V0236516 V0324791 V0512692 V0538569 V0538541 V0538577 V0538465 V0538516 V0538507 V0538474 V0538482 V0538594 V0538698 V0538689

$1,441.05 $1,048.19 $192.58 $229.00 $1,450.28 $5,100.00 $325.00 $50,000.00 $353.12 $1,275.00 $1,072.50 $2,197.50 $337.14 $723.00 $12,498.03 $1,632.50 $2,287.50 $2,257.50 $1,320.00 $1,447.65 $1,446.06 $450.00 $3,576.13 $3,468.66 $310.00 $335.50 $5,093.40 $145.05 $886.00 $2,298.16 $866.00 $989.42 $92.25 $2,528.44 $50,000.00 $7,500.00 $1,267.50 $14,561.72 $7,416.41 $172.10 $1,305.21 $80.00 $1,251.00 $6,760.16 $5,000.00 $172.00 $170.50 $26.09 $3,657.14 $5,278.00 $7,457.12 $464.63 $1,910.47 $15.00 $614.25 $500.00 $310.54 $168.68 $2,440.00

V0538628 V0538619 V0538712 V0538586 V0461963 V9869373 V0460583 V0538833 V0538816 V0538807 V0539009 V0538981 V0538973 V0538901 V0538886 V0468553 V0440657 V0468642 V9979836 V0539097 V0539399 V0539232 V0539223 V0539363 V0539355 V0539206 V0539346 V0539335 V0539164 V0539156 V0539318 V0539296 V0539278 V0539052 V0465691 V0337972 V0465877 V0539579 V0539551 V0539517 V0539699 V0539492 V0539484 V0539467 V0539672 V0539422 V0539414 V0539655 V0539629 V0539596 V0539587 V9749182 V0374682 V0539731 V0539817 V0539775 V0539784 V0539834 V0463818

$7,507.20 $153.94 $406.03 $3,697.43 $530.00 $151.70 $572.08 $1,333.72 $173.97 $345.95 $5,882.00 $1,496.02 $62.09 $919.57 $69.47 $75.20 $306.92 $143.37 $405.44 $329.00 $2,263.00 $130.00 $55.00 $571.28 $1,605.00 $247.73 $175.00 $109.57 $1,453.03 $62.14 $6,413.62 $129.58 $1,878.50 $407.00 $148.05 $1,624.99 $380.14 $959.84 $584.58 $164.86 $2,760.64 $3,213.58 $3,298.59 $97.70 $192.20 $771.40 $546.43 $1,878.22 $5,674.66 $3,734.00 $840.00 $1,056.85 $324.93 $7,777.53 $3,128.00 $786.39 $414.46 $465.87 $4,215.99

V0540142 V0540133 V0540236 V0540228 V0540083 V0540065 V0540057 V0540177 V0540169 V0540150 V0539879 V0539946 v0539860 V0540030 V0540021 V0425952 V0540004 V0539990 V0539982 V0539973 V0540407 V0540384 V0540357 V0540330 V0540262 v0540254 V0540304 V0540289 V0540501 V0540496 V0168603 V0540487 V0540479 V0540460 V0540450 V0540442 V0540433 V0540425 V0540838 V0540899 V0540914 V0540864 V0540604 V0540614 V0441446 V0540640 V0443479 V0374938 V0540555 V0540667 V0540581 V0540717 V0540726 V0540734 V0540779 V0540787 V0540796 V0540675 V0540684

$3,842.19 $169.09 $1,744.00 $6,094.84 $181.21 $474.83 $10,544.24 $3,163.94 $1,382.10 $414.00 $4,494.87 $1,740.02 $144.93 $7,902.80 $1,756.00 $2,098.07 $374.34 $2,098.45 $4,943.21 $1,905.00 $120.70 $2,505.29 $134.97 $7,500.00 $418.66 $2,011.65 $33,419.04 $138.15 $684.13 $270.95 $1,402.60 $2,376.60 $98.93 $73.62 $1,260.00 $1,087.50 $4,027.92 $2,143.81 $576.00 $2,432.77 $2,352.00 $4,449.74 $250.00 $34,655.03 $123.97 $207.30 $25,309.63 $969.59 $487.15 $3,529.00 $55.00 $2,488.00 $96.83 $71.91 $1,147.96 $817.13 $282.30 $205.00 $4,255.58

V0540958 V0541066 V0540940 V0540976 V0541004 V0541013 V0541021 V0442559 V0541142 V0541151 V0541108 V0541074 V0541195 V0541201 V9838605 V0541237 V0541298 V0541313 V0541330 V0451171 V0431245 V0366252 V0213150 V0541555 V0541528 V0541501 V0541488 V0541452 V0541442 V0541393 V0541709 V0541581 V0541811 V0541796 V0541718 V0541873 V0541881 V0541914 V0541932 V0541959 V0542049 V0542075 V0542116 V0541659 V0541667 V0541676 V0541614 V0541564 V0542178 V0542210 V0542228 V0542237 V0542246 V9978104 V0542349 V0437841 V0465072 V0513407 V9981512

$173.00 $5,859.64 $440.20 $479.91 $7,769.56 $648.49 $609.85 $13,465.10 $4,880.74 $758.00 $134.69 $335.41 $13,511.28 $1,301.19 $7,717.00 $1,179.30 $241.00 $3,546.59 $2,890.30 $916.46 $6,287.69 $149.24 $1,800.00 $240.89 $760.00 $697.81 $1,087.52 $72.88 $296.71 $61.38 $1,133.36 $18,053.58 $5,011.89 $241.00 $3,085.91 $154.31 $995.83 $224.93 $2,966.09 $7,600.00 $1,102.50 $1,270.08 $447.88 $2,182.50 $50.00 $4,329.32 $273.73 $1,353.00 $224.16 $142.00 $126.95 $1,020.39 $10,555.10 $2,773.37 $365.26 $550.00 $634.45 $699.00 $2,361.87



V9981521 V0375089 V0542434 V0542709 V0542538 V0542685 V0542520 V0542510 V0542614 V0542606 V0542479 V0542581 V0542564 V0542452 V0542555 V0542408 V0542779 V0542873 V0542847 V0542797 V0542838 V0542752 V0543066 V0543031 V0543005 V0543022 V0543013 V0542985 V0542976 V0542959 V0543305 V0543255 V0543143 V0543237 V0543125 V0543196 V0543520 V0543510 V0543502 V0543108 V0543470 V9649537 V0543452 V0543178 V0543151 V0459439 V0524278 V0337751 V0543393 V0543385 V0543376 V0543349 V0472911 V0142035 V9383360 V0543573 V0543606 V0543590 V0543556

$2,361.87 $2,920.86 $60.00 $4,030.40 $670.00 $2,153.46 $660.00 $670.00 $3,840.47 $2,285.40 $4,967.47 $236.38 $57.43 $75.00 $1,128.73 $474.00 $1,291.50 $100.00 $350.00 $206.70 $905.00 $2,821.69 $6,931.59 $914.15 $5,621.33 $2,479.85 $908.10 $4,671.07 $604.00 $9,227.50 $3,194.15 $203.20 $430.67 $1,117.00 $77.19 $540.00 $2,950.04 $1,086.49 $4,841.20 $5,127.18 $580.00 $78.00 $1,015.31 $13,083.16 $140.84 $106.98 $962.00 $667.62 $2,235.00 $2,137.50 $1,597.50 $1,515.00 $1,135.00 $5,923.53 $4,016.00 $2,988.13 $6,390.71 $9,389.60 $5,937.77

V0132030 V0543623 V0543735 V0543676 V0543761 V0543685 V0543694 V0543924 V0543882 V0543873 V0543906 V0543856 V0543839 V0543797 V0543812 V0543995 V0212461 V0449684 V0453581 V0425398 V0464283 V0165302 V0517201 V0086584 V0544160 V0544246 V0544238 V0544134 V0544126 V0544210 V0544202 V0544368 V0544358 V0544340 V0544331 V0544322 V0544305 V0544290 V0544282 V0544058 V0544084 V0544272 V0544453 V0544434 V0544426 V0468176 V9525685 V0544624 V0544718 V0544700 V0544590 V0544573 V0544694 V0544565 V0544685 V0544556 V0544677 V0544641 V0544632

$5,781.71 $1,150.31 $3,278.15 $1,124.00 $3,210.00 $611.64 $598.14 $2,331.63 $1,785.42 $348.08 $318.00 $60.00 $2,858.93 $1,472.37 $4,497.94 $2,169.92 $4,100.00 $87.64 $272.24 $37,892.12 $3,361.00 $1,200.00 $1,000.00 $202.73 $73.76 $4,602.13 $593.00 $2,656.51 $3,078.61 $10,427.00 $4,487.70 $816.75 $6,917.65 $7,500.00 $50.00 $325.00 $540.82 $211.92 $237.50 $477.09 $96.46 $294.24 $4,053.14 $158.97 $1,107.02 $318.75 $1,750.00 $50,000.00 $9,329.00 $380.00 $338.00 $2,946.97 $229.01 $2,400.00 $4,073.65 $982.50 $290.74 $1,185.00 $135.27

V0544547 V0544539 V0544520 V0544512 V0544497 V0544488 V0544470 V0359532 V0412992 V0365698 V0229105 V9542318 V0544744 V0544873 V0544736 V0544856 V0544848 V0544820 V0544812 V0544797 V0544907 V0359312 V0544977 V0544932 V0545084 V0545014 V0545005 V0544995 V0545031 V0044474 V0350993 V0238216 V0513048 V0375157 V0419529 V0175006 V0545255 V0545135 V0545264 V0545272 V0545282 V0545188 V0545291 V0545196 V0545314 V0545247 V0545152 V0545462 V0545650 V0545633 V0545736 V0545624 V0545368 V0545521 V0545436 V0545512 V0545502 V0545497 V0545489

$1,515.00 $1,830.00 $2,070.00 $1,132.50 $802.83 $170.00 $123.55 $5,410.76 $572.51 $85.58 $2,284.50 $535.00 $1,245.00 $4,597.51 $4,029.08 $14,521.14 $2,346.50 $640.34 $453.00 $535.18 $980.72 $218.63 $1,011.00 $7,500.00 $1,298.60 $7,500.00 $480.09 $761.61 $838.76 $5,633.17 $6,931.69 $9,881.31 $356.46 $3,290.00 $1,520.00 $1,627.20 $3,368.00 $391.98 $2,042.30 $788.00 $70.00 $200.79 $495.00 $2,576.00 $1,575.00 $132.24 $1,483.16 $7,261.59 $2,317.00 $1,884.00 $692.00 $133.40 $1,927.50 $1,200.00 $100.00 $435.00 $1,380.00 $885.00 $772.50

V0545470 V0545340 V0545331 V0545409 V0545418 V0545582 V0545574 V0545556 V0545548 V0545607 V0545323 V0545821 V0545789 V0546076 V0545916 V0546084 V0545941 V0546143 V0545950 V0546152 V0546161 V0545865 V0545874 V0545882 V0545977 V0545995 V0546006 V0546031 V0546067 V0264772 V0421420 V9861402 V0454495 V0446855 V0437710 V0519951 V0513580 V0546220 V0546211 V0546179 V0546202 V0546274 V0546377 V0546350 V0546306 V0546445 V0546409 V0517864 V0463729 V0417977 V0248650 V0546607 V0546857 V0546821 V0546498 V0546753 V0546462 V0546736 V0546728

$825.00 $1,215.00 $600.00 $1,148.27 $50,000.00 $1,369.00 $120.92 $464.31 $120.00 $17,690.01 $1,035.00 $498.75 $328.77 $1,746.00 $1,267.76 $3,694.38 $1,970.35 $1,008.56 $401.63 $1,124.00 $617.52 $864.29 $595.70 $380.00 $6,839.89 $261.00 $3,257.10 $129.44 $600.50 $208.01 $16,604.99 $734.40 $3,845.28 $264.00 $4,404.44 $164.00 $1,668.64 $1,523.17 $1,634.10 $55.00 $17,819.91 $210.11 $10,547.17 $175.01 $267.47 $238.58 $2,147.56 $717.49 $1,301.16 $9,907.38 $949.10 $81.12 $5,880.89 $2,709.69 $816.45 $3,456.00 $242.93 $7,500.00 $229.49



V0546700 V0546669 V0546694 V0517752 V0546650 V0546686 V0464152 V0546616 V0546565 V0546942 V0547023 V0547032 V0547015 V0547161 V0547144 V0547203 V0547239 V0547188 V0547170 V0266794 V0464770 V0223749 V0463138 V0470481 V0516976 V0446238 V0547291 V0547400 V0547395 V0547386 V0547454 V0547315 V0547428 V0547377 V0547274 V0547445 V0547342 V0446416 V0517890 V0547625 V0547633 V0547607 V0547521 V0547574 V0547530 V0547489 V0547513 V0547642 V0547548 V0547951 V0547908 V0547893 V0547942 V0547821 V0547771 V0547804 V0547849 V0547762 V0547754

$3,624.37 $525.00 $72.53 $9,176.94 $1,031.79 $1,541.20 $9,909.07 $2,490.00 $185.04 $1,436.69 $4,036.59 $361.74 $4,596.20 $1,069.51 $64.01 $1,335.00 $47,641.91 $2,100.86 $1,401.38 $17,009.44 $2,764.07 $825.00 $130.06 $738.00 $3,610.65 $632.00 $470.01 $173.00 $659.75 $800.00 $155.50 $3,684.07 $308.76 $356.91 $1,537.00 $926.00 $2,052.70 $65.66 $2,144.25 $2,788.74 $223.52 $2,999.75 $7,500.00 $5,195.05 $750.00 $639.68 $209.51 $459.27 $2,961.55 $4,224.35 $799.02 $1,533.43 $350.00 $719.88 $530.00 $114.29 $50,000.00 $1,225.00 $1,146.20

V0547745 V0548198 V0547979 V0457322 V0368306 V0548283 V0548342 V0548315 V0548395 V0548386 V0548378 V0548480 V0548247 V0548266 V0548291 V0548369 V0548445 V0548754 V0548549 V0548678 V0548737 V0548669 V0548728 V0548651 V0548710 V0548642 V0548633 V0548530 V0548830 V0548813 V0548804 V0548574 V0548608 V0548686 V0512168 V0371718 V0548970 V0548951 V0548875 V0548934 V0548894 V0548883 V0548969 V0548942 V0268249 V0461806 V0549276 V0549284 V0549293 V0549307 V0549024 V0549212 V0549203 V0549181 V0549077 V0549007 V0549170 V0549153 V0549136

$5,175.02 $5,647.87 $565.00 $502.50 $2,831.09 $417.79 $932.19 $112.02 $56.88 $3,727.54 $841.00 $838.77 $807.41 $1,640.92 $5,146.75 $1,098.00 $2,378.21 $2,124.25 $3,779.40 $331.26 $2,646.11 $670.00 $5,628.75 $2,809.97 $2,701.77 $3,170.00 $1,526.30 $423.58 $1,506.49 $704.43 $13,089.07 $942.56 $798.09 $369.91 $76.00 $2,600.00 $886.77 $2,234.73 $185.50 $2,491.50 $1,113.43 $2,661.94 $64.00 $288.86 $786.10 $731.90 $600.00 $600.00 $600.00 $600.00 $2,808.00 $4,677.83 $129.95 $834.70 $472.30 $2,467.08 $349.62 $7,500.00 $8,470.06

V0549100 V0549085 V0218327 V0162851 V0235250 V0425821 V0549540 V0549464 V0549447 V0549438 V0549360 V0549411 V0549481 V0448167 V0143317 V0549626 V0549832 V0549618 V0549755 V0549747 V0549661 V0549773 V0549652 V0549989 V0549970 V0549720 V0549711 V0549909 V0549876 V0549593 V0549944 V0549926 V0549576 V0468396 V0522851 V0522637 V0355848 V0550183 V0550037 V0550157 V0550149 V0550122 V0550113 V0550098 V0550080 V0550071 V0550381 V0550287 V0525681 V0550561 V0550525 V0550430 V0550638 V0550611 V0550601 V0550596 V0550588 V9294597 V0249516

$2,307.46 $7,121.34 $10,265.32 $450.92 $48,728.01 $1,113.25 $4,838.20 $372.12 $1,253.70 $3,612.61 $11,945.45 $689.70 $285.58 $357.00 $3,614.14 $300.00 $240.02 $150.00 $240.00 $3,145.48 $654.00 $300.00 $330.00 $1,008.74 $306.00 $892.00 $1,487.00 $11,226.99 $86.91 $6,221.60 $301.77 $4,123.90 $3,882.11 $4,162.59 $341.00 $64.00 $2,932.07 $2,838.97 $4,049.40 $610.86 $550.00 $13,303.91 $929.00 $1,116.52 $143.16 $93.22 $66.78 $1,180.22 $103.20 $7,154.62 $210.00 $334.00 $680.13 $523.27 $600.00 $1,185.00 $1,147.50 $2,970.04 $983.36

V0550681 V0550785 V0550852 V0550835 V0550826 V0550818 V0550809 V0550714 V0550690 V0550732 V0550673 V0550956 V0550938 V0343917 V0550920 V0215327 V0452567 V9543471 V0434856 V0333611 V0463865 V0551175 V0459340 V0551184 V0551390 V0551373 V0551355 V0551302 V0551010 V0551001 V0551158 V0551149 V0550990 V0551278 V0550981 V0551251 V0551243 V0551234 V0551037 V0551225 V0551476 V0551468 V0551431 V0551422 V0551827 V0551818 V0551647 V0551785 V0551776 V0551732 V0551603 V0551588 V0551715 V0551664 V0551544 V0551920 V0551888 V0551844 V0552010

$176.53 $171.24 $1,825.20 $1,995.00 $1,590.00 $1,597.50 $1,222.50 $3,530.74 $584.48 $1,349.10 $359.59 $498.00 $459.60 $4,678.63 $6,398.70 $658.69 $7,954.69 $4,138.62 $825.67 $2,448.20 $166.09 $50.00 $278.00 $5,298.52 $8,894.74 $498.00 $6,742.47 $94.00 $62.50 $32,271.38 $4,700.00 $7,500.00 $357.50 $1,003.30 $357.50 $930.00 $637.50 $637.50 $481.29 $750.00 $1,322.75 $1,569.06 $770.21 $194.26 $396.00 $1,006.22 $3,511.52 $1,535.00 $519.70 $50.00 $5,133.00 $4,911.76 $60.99 $1,276.00 $5,390.49 $4,638.16 $862.89 $336.33 $830.96



V0552072 V0552063 V0552158 V0552149 V0552080 V0552099 V0552105 V0552114 V0552122 V0552131 V0552029 V0030520 V0320269 V0552279 V0552260 V0552208 V0552217 V0433759 V0552310 V0552302 V0552494 V0552485 V0552297 V0552468 V0552441 V0552431 V0552603 V0552597 V0552588 V0552390 V0552553 V0552544 V0552535 V0552527 V0552382 V0552346 V0434485 V0229916 V0434381 V0471505 V0525785 V0552673 V0552836 V0553072 V0454783 V0552794 V0528158 V0552768 V0553055 V0553046 V0553038 V0447712 V0552948 V0552920 V0553011 V0552903 V0552992 V0552982 V0552889

$108.40 $1,710.00 $704.00 $1,913.25 $1,442.67 $1,349.65 $817.23 $550.25 $1,323.99 $557.00 $192.57 $873.69 $12,105.71 $1,482.36 $6,421.94 $3,904.26 $7,168.24 $2,676.64 $705.00 $278.12 $510.00 $646.70 $8,000.00 $7,500.00 $41,580.75 $60.00 $1,291.08 $263.24 $7,500.00 $809.58 $727.12 $1,283.59 $72.75 $26,084.94 $132.00 $129.74 $600.00 $910.36 $648.06 $426.52 $1,500.00 $1,264.24 $480.00 $747.00 $3,666.11 $1,390.12 $760.00 $213.53 $3,151.05 $4,491.84 $570.00 $775.62 $439.77 $990.32 $524.87 $5,966.37 $180.10 $276.66 $1,480.68

V0552965 V0553158 V0553123 V0553105 V0552715 V0553311 V0553329 V0553279 V0553260 V0553184 V0553176 V0553252 V0553217 V0554302 V0554297 V0554289 V0554243 V0554226 V0553338 V0554311 V0554406 V0554382 V0554355 V0554347 V0554320 V0335513 V0521215 V0458394 V0553355 V0367371 V0553365 V0553477 V0553509 V0553527 V0553544 V0553553 V0553597 V0553603 V0554477 V0554674 V0554665 V0554639 V0554441 V0554604 V0554598 V0554589 V0554545 V0553674 V0553724 V0554509 V0554486 V0514931 V0463076 V0211272 V0320028 V0514321 V0521165 V0553750 V0553836

$1,294.40 $18,680.24 $488.87 $545.37 $130.00 $15,072.25 $16,246.80 $6,421.62 $7,163.35 $636.86 $767.50 $65.00 $18,466.50 $50.00 $275.75 $838.06 $4,775.96 $791.94 $130.99 $320.52 $922.50 $1,267.50 $6,090.46 $240.00 $797.00 $4,583.50 $575.51 $466.00 $490.00 $24,145.28 $272.92 $51.71 $270.00 $4,993.46 $6,748.46 $1,210.77 $389.87 $201.75 $5,621.00 $892.50 $1,095.00 $931.72 $506.90 $1,060.57 $975.00 $3,328.57 $1,303.68 $2,599.18 $61.20 $54.84 $79.72 $1,564.52 $110.00 $1,217.93 $4,803.12 $1,120.00 $193.00 $65.24 $2,663.58

V0553889 V0554794 V0554786 V0554777 V0554769 V0554691 V0553921 V0554853 V0553982 V0251849 V0349901 V0526346 V0554011 V0527948 V0362683 V0554845 V0554836 V0554828 V0554819 V0555320 V0555056 V0555047 V0555011 V0555003 V0555261 V0554992 V0554984 V0315290 V0554965 V0555235 V0258472 V0555227 V0555218 V0555193 V0555185 V0555168 V0555140 V0554904 V0555486 V0555495 V0555477 V0555469 V0555423 V0555374 V0554064 V0554090 V0554106 V0555589 V0555598 V0555921 V0555904 V0555819 V0555801 V0555854 V0555778 V0555769 V0448208 V0555750 V0555742

$596.19 $9,080.11 $80.23 $280.00 $95.00 $836.20 $1,635.00 $70.85 $802.42 $57.39 $873.15 $210.00 $7,500.00 $400.00 $50,000.00 $1,413.07 $5,977.37 $1,098.50 $9,753.13 $422.80 $1,177.53 $963.70 $148.71 $3,373.60 $170.00 $474.15 $450.00 $634.91 $2,288.73 $1,168.95 $2,930.77 $717.53 $59.47 $50.00 $2,107.06 $4,745.95 $168.00 $216.06 $3,622.75 $325.31 $1,720.00 $2,290.00 $61.99 $50,000.00 $168.75 $544.00 $1,380.00 $783.86 $7,500.00 $457.94 $232.16 $343.00 $261.00 $750.00 $4,946.19 $2,735.97 $145.20 $2,679.47 $605.18

V0555733 V0555716 V0555691 V0555683 V0556123 V0556115 V0556090 V0556082 V0556039 V0556244 V0556185 V0556176 V0556168 V0429563 V0455922 V0259572 V0455938 V0528819 V0556495 V0556433 V0556415 V0556406 V0556391 V0556383 V0556366 V0556621 V0556571 V0556537 V0556545 V0556562 V0556357 V0556320 V0556303 V0556271 V0556253 V0529510 V0172210 V0517013 V0556795 V0556786 V0556751 V0556716 V0556708 V0556742 V0556913 V0556880 V0556904 V0556871 V0556863 V0556854 V0334458 V0557039 V0557366 V0354557 V0557312 V0557012 V0557271 V0557263 V0557048

$3,946.40 $600.00 $81.79 $2,265.17 $6,572.00 $700.97 $405.00 $5,334.78 $138.94 $1,772.69 $363.00 $862.55 $1,270.43 $1,997.36 $679.94 $1,060.50 $356.77 $282.08 $2,888.57 $885.00 $2,133.83 $406.00 $817.50 $1,935.00 $103.58 $120.00 $2,117.92 $268.40 $1,908.20 $2,115.00 $181.18 $1,028.00 $9,592.37 $788.00 $5,910.08 $140.00 $84.00 $17,169.60 $7,500.00 $249.48 $209.10 $900.00 $1,680.00 $135.30 $630.00 $390.31 $5,293.45 $3,937.06 $7,904.26 $7,500.00 $4,345.96 $365.13 $50.00 $399.58 $470.07 $210.00 $2,368.60 $1,145.10 $449.00



V0557236 V0556993 V0556976 V0557065 V0556957 V0557219 V0557195 V0557168 V0557132 V0557124 V0557082 V0557675 V0557666 V0557658 V0557630 V0557622 V0557605 V0557392 V0557407 V0557563 V0557546 V0557537 V0557495 V0557478 V0367778 V0558141 V0558133 V0557846 V0558124 V0558115 V0558107 V0557837 V0558065 V0558056 V0558048 V0557801 V0558003 V0557993 V0557778 V0557725 V0557890 V0557872 V0558280 V0558271 V0558263 V0557863 V0558253 V0558227 V0558195 V0558375 V0558358 V0558349 V0558546 V0558537 V0558501 V0558478 V0558425 V0558417 V9988045

$18,593.37 $175.81 $3,460.00 $1,834.18 $121.06 $2,083.85 $547.00 $1,130.99 $257.00 $595.00 $568.77 $5,289.27 $6,087.21 $750.00 $1,242.30 $4,602.70 $6,717.32 $1,945.83 $7,600.00 $1,531.57 $2,641.50 $697.91 $1,249.43 $958.08 $343.77 $1,821.25 $1,239.86 $369.40 $357.89 $791.60 $7,159.00 $1,316.00 $5,398.20 $53.00 $194.40 $794.23 $2,469.67 $3,792.86 $5,629.65 $92.21 $1,820.26 $17,664.70 $1,228.13 $1,522.50 $1,500.00 $176.68 $885.00 $1,425.00 $480.00 $3,986.04 $1,307.01 $624.96 $405.28 $226.21 $4,132.58 $1,298.77 $7,500.00 $7,073.37 $112.00

V0515169 V0529725 V0460802 V0331751 V0523758 V0367543 V0558649 V0558613 V0558743 V0558725 V0558717 V9745721 V0559273 V0559264 V0559256 V0559245 V0559201 V0559197 V0559188 V0558810 V0559169 V0558796 V0559142 V0558787 V0559133 V0559124 V0559091 V0558905 V0558880 V0559030 V0559021 V0559012 V0558994 V0558969 V0558949 V0558914 V0559376 V0559368 V0559359 V0559340 V0559304 V0446380 V0559573 V0559564 V0559385 V0559520 V0559503 V0559497 V0559488 V0559470 V0559461 V0558082 V0256050 V0559959 V0559941 V0559924 V0559915 V0559891 V0559865

$142.67 $14,204.51 $973.59 $3,492.44 $1,454.61 $18,162.40 $12,791.89 $1,258.94 $6,207.64 $149.52 $2,931.18 $638.84 $44,156.25 $7,500.00 $71.83 $117.71 $498.85 $3,830.70 $6,852.81 $3,345.29 $141.89 $626.37 $747.14 $525.59 $2,127.81 $486.00 $7,170.00 $296.84 $80.50 $5,177.87 $269.99 $3,206.53 $1,502.00 $1,111.00 $50,000.00 $1,522.50 $2,770.00 $412.84 $5,287.99 $5,414.19 $1,089.68 $432.00 $2,169.52 $119.40 $2,224.58 $4,166.44 $870.00 $514.00 $530.00 $1,082.10 $1,140.00 $459.51 $72.00 $890.00 $1,829.36 $470.99 $460.00 $680.00 $367.50

V0559812 V0559797 V0559770 V0559744 V0559735 V0559727 V0559718 V0433189 V0524399 V0524381 V0456863 V0559685 V0559641 V0560087 V0560043 V0560034 V0559969 V0560155 V0560522 V0560532 V0560541 V0560585 V0560594 V0560600 V0560627 V0560635 V0560644 V0560703 V0560712 V0560446 V0560464 V0560490 V0560402 V0362045 V0515501 V0525010 V0466598 V0524860 V0560894 V0560918 V0560936 V0560953 V0560961 V0560970 V0560997 V0561017 V0561043 V0560765 V0560747 V0560756 V0512469 V0561214 V0561205 V0561199 V0561172 V0561096 V0561087 V0561052 V0561102

$245.00 $224.51 $187.68 $169.30 $57.80 $436.90 $291.00 $5,000.63 $495.00 $297.00 $825.51 $1,033.00 $3,313.47 $1,856.00 $437.07 $500.00 $464.85 $294.86 $4,299.83 $226.65 $921.00 $1,100.00 $10,898.66 $150.00 $468.72 $72.00 $829.53 $2,305.00 $1,687.50 $8,990.14 $21,323.96 $275.75 $360.00 $23.10 $6,264.54 $400.00 $2,988.34 $182.68 $2,043.00 $595.25 $1,146.00 $206.00 $753.47 $1,331.07 $675.00 $2,074.00 $580.43 $78.74 $46,161.29 $2,034.00 $101.41 $50,000.00 $836.17 $854.00 $1,462.48 $507.00 $412.00 $5,415.15 $1,287.84

V0561129 V0561343 V0561317 V0561309 V0561284 V0561276 V0561258 V0561594 V0561644 V0561491 V0561448 V0561438 V0561411 V0561402 V0167411 V0561389 V0561360 V0083526 V0446243 V0561782 V0561765 V0561748 V0561712 V0561653 V0439319 V0562060 V0562052 V0367742 V0432102 V0561945 V0561936 V0561927 V0561894 V0561886 V0561868 V0562088 V0561962 V0561970 V0561815 V0562259 V0562240 V0562231 V0562223 V0562138 V0463645 V0562326 V0562397 V0562594 V0562577 V0562568 V0562550 V0562506 V0562491 V0562482 V0562474 V0562456 V0562448 V0562438 V0562420

$1,171.80 $1,106.12 $48,600.28 $199.00 $925.00 $128.15 $1,284.79 $203.45 $367.78 $1,476.14 $199.39 $2,473.89 $2,441.21 $372.04 $8,489.94 $4,162.20 $2,261.78 $33,731.71 $303.00 $11,288.86 $2,555.47 $1,056.00 $1,717.51 $116.77 $75.00 $104.47 $5,083.19 $1,199.40 $120.00 $1,817.60 $1,023.34 $399.36 $1,790.32 $3,650.49 $2,206.34 $1,335.00 $1,657.50 $813.00 $605.18 $3,484.49 $493.69 $2,225.77 $2,625.00 $3,740.51 $2,923.70 $203.00 $2,472.56 $111.42 $5,164.72 $167.26 $690.00 $1,271.85 $639.00 $21,837.97 $111.59 $930.00 $1,200.00 $2,145.00 $74.00



V0562402 V0362066 V0424985 V0562079 V0532350 V0468615 V0522851 V0346436 V0562928 V0562919 V0562886 V0562877 V0562869 V0562841 V0562833 V0562816 V0562791 V0562757 V0562748 V0562721 V0562712 V0562698 V0562653 V0563190 V0563181 V0563173 V0563164 V0563156 V0563120 V0563079 V0563061 V0563111 V0520268 V0562999 V0562989 V0563542 V0563516 V0563491 V0563474 V0563465 V0563259 V0563240 V0563448 V0563420 V0563411 V0563398 V0563309 V0563352 V0520215 V0563595 V0563636 V0563654 V0563721 V0563748 V0563757 V0563783 V0563791 V0563807 V0563833

$1,009.04 $979.00 $496.48 $50,000.00 $287.03 $6,596.53 $1,410.00 $60.85 $1,902.11 $137.98 $1,274.75 $825.00 $799.42 $932.43 $440.44 $10,578.29 $1,585.19 $622.00 $7,500.00 $1,095.00 $660.00 $720.00 $645.00 $72.58 $1,449.69 $506.16 $282.00 $7,073.00 $1,137.95 $127.04 $1,301.00 $752.03 $228.43 $749.65 $6,142.16 $458.19 $8,003.85 $2,149.33 $192.58 $1,131.76 $411.64 $232.69 $1,962.20 $1,609.90 $644.79 $679.50 $169.39 $1,175.00 $120.00 $2,847.13 $2,264.24 $2,000.00 $725.00 $1,987.50 $160.56 $1,639.47 $1,412.25 $1,712.50 $996.40

V0343038 V0563901 V0564139 V0564111 V0564103 V0564097 V0564088 V0564070 V0564044 V0564018 V0564009 V0563999 V0563962 V0563954 V0439786 V0528485 V0512571 V0564318 V0564354 V0564466 V0564457 V0564448 V0564362 V0564295 V0513356 V0564542 V0564550 V0564601 V0564619 V0564628 V0564637 V0564645 V0469871 V0352991 V0047261 V0564662 V0564680 V0564698 V0564721 V0564757 V0450288 V0565053 V0529599 V0413027 V0069370 V0565018 V0538206 V0565000 V0564999 V0564971 V0564901 V0564895 V0564886 V0564878 V0564869 V0564842 V0564816 V0564808 V0565268

$471.97 $188.73 $6,633.46 $348.00 $100.00 $384.67 $129.95 $5,535.48 $198.61 $197.23 $571.17 $100.00 $376.03 $2,618.35 $453.30 $257.03 $3,630.28 $1,237.50 $126.68 $786.34 $451.16 $1,017.55 $421.84 $406.70 $961.00 $9,552.34 $522.01 $975.00 $1,200.00 $862.50 $275.34 $275.10 $840.00 $1,217.90 $16,689.72 $178.86 $1,234.00 $12,879.51 $355.01 $7,500.00 $7,500.00 $32,036.59 $1,805.00 $1,100.00 $1,369.93 $650.00 $1,739.90 $650.00 $1,287.50 $7,216.00 $2,206.72 $274.00 $749.00 $307.63 $2,170.59 $1,075.73 $67.69 $2,214.58 $1,116.75

V0565250 V0565232 V0565156 V0565148 V0565097 V0565354 V0565344 V0565327 V0565295 V0565061 V0565671 V0565663 V0565654 V0527338 V0565929 V0565910 V0565901 V0565895 V0224527 V0139131 V9527025 V0522980 V0531324 V0565834 V0565817 V0565808 V0565792 V0565775 V0565699 V0565954 V0566053 V0566182 V0566156 V0566148 V0566103 V0565466 V0565475 V0565508 V0565516 V0565646 V0566044 V0565637 V0566027 V0536791 V0566019 V0565601 V0566000 V0565610 V0565542 V0566295 V0566508 V0566475 V0566466 V0566371 V0566363 V0566346 V0566336 V0566560 V0566587

$249.00 $4,632.00 $149.36 $79.80 $455.00 $1,157.50 $50.00 $8,823.53 $708.39 $280.00 $120.27 $15,532.40 $3,392.92 $654.96 $6,572.86 $2,709.76 $337.38 $1,311.00 $3,778.31 $6,646.85 $5,395.00 $168.51 $1,070.32 $142.80 $297.26 $11,080.08 $10,601.85 $67.22 $765.00 $331.68 $93.46 $1,487.78 $115.98 $598.75 $315.99 $130.00 $170.00 $4,469.40 $1,777.17 $2,237.36 $2,714.93 $689.77 $224.17 $50.00 $154.36 $1,668.25 $751.38 $2,578.73 $21,562.07 $575.50 $355.14 $235.10 $600.00 $3,537.94 $168.14 $25,313.96 $4,028.28 $850.16 $472.76

V0566722 V0566713 V0566705 V0566680 V0566663 V0566654 V0566637 V0566629 V0473956 V0566860 V0566902 V0566910 V0566929 V0566937 V0566946 V0566955 V0566963 V0567019 V0567036 V0567045 V0567062 V0567071 V0567098 V0567121 V0567130 V0567148 V0566784 V0566817 V0566825 V0567184 V0567242 V0567422 V0567336 V0567414 V0567328 V0567399 V0567380 V0567372 V0567363 V0567260 V0567157 V9967994 V0519866 V0472273 V0233072 V0530884 V0527243 V0567852 V0567834 V0567826 V0567817 V0567758 V0567740 V0567731 V0567705 V0567681 V0567663 V0567655 V0567638

$3,105.39 $1,094.18 $290.25 $462.59 $375.00 $788.64 $781.00 $50,000.00 $684.64 $4,949.00 $810.12 $1,001.82 $7,500.00 $114.13 $234.54 $350.14 $1,035.00 $100.00 $797.04 $7,500.00 $798.00 $1,226.90 $2,305.60 $327.20 $1,487.69 $1,380.00 $186.82 $131.86 $1,299.27 $886.14 $1,077.64 $1,137.00 $146.72 $4,355.66 $399.10 $1,959.27 $1,426.91 $90.00 $247.14 $2,167.50 $5,344.97 $21,757.23 $600.86 $230.00 $453.50 $609.31 $2,229.48 $653.00 $1,725.00 $59.57 $93.51 $3,761.34 $1,520.50 $4,629.42 $5,522.00 $850.00 $82.82 $5,496.25 $235.93



V0567484 V0567467 V0568225 V0568216 V0568166 V0568157 V0568121 V0568113 V0568089 V0568036 V0567860 V0567897 V0567902 V0567938 V0567517 V0567955 V0567551 V0568543 V0568672 V0568526 V0568638 V0568467 V0568458 V0568629 V0568422 V0568414 V0568681 V0568475 V0568346 V0568338 V0568328 V0568301 V0568287 V0568260 V0568740 V0568731 V0569045 V0569010 V0569001 V0568938 V0568929 V0568974 V0568902 V0568879 V0568947 V0568852 V0535815 V0431161 V0468596 V0524579 V0569310 V0569289 V0569270 V0548445 V0536505 V0569104 V0418201 V0541528 V0222872

$623.96 $4,010.33 $644.78 $624.77 $2,372.36 $605.41 $1,034.99 $648.81 $3,157.71 $2,440.00 $3,515.28 $1,070.89 $6,396.74 $5,873.73 $383.20 $6,625.56 $3,452.10 $351.86 $59.41 $2,695.30 $900.00 $152.92 $703.81 $6,984.80 $4,051.56 $141.00 $3,028.84 $6,858.49 $5,634.85 $1,473.99 $2,320.26 $373.39 $410.88 $1,730.16 $2,779.62 $595.81 $1,225.00 $1,278.17 $709.00 $2,036.69 $1,185.00 $7,518.74 $2,004.63 $3,559.45 $1,001.37 $292.00 $489.18 $14,841.72 $265.05 $59.52 $523.06 $931.09 $5,112.19 $12,097.62 $227.00 $80.00 $723.00 $1,807.97 $1,405.80

V0465072 V0569122 V0569157 V0569185 V0569261 V0569373 V0569356 V0569348 V0569562 V0569553 V0569536 V0569527 V0569715 V0569494 V0569485 V0569691 V0569468 V0569674 V0569441 V0569648 V0569407 V0446311 V0530291 V0520344 V0535482 V0569724 V0569862 V0569870 V0569880 V0569899 V0569768 V0569904 V0569912 V0569939 V0569975 V0570023 V0569845 V0570058 V0569836 V0570084 V0569827 V0570117 V0428068 V0432379 V0570135 V0570306 V0570394 V0570291 V0570385 V0570281 V0570272 V0570377 V0570264 V0570367 V0570255 V0570247 V0570340 V0570331 V0570211

$690.84 $4,410.51 $1,290.15 $205.91 $1,742.25 $135.95 $396.60 $1,253.50 $1,290.00 $235.85 $1,560.46 $384.54 $3,059.17 $1,236.78 $105.75 $2,819.30 $322.23 $207.00 $7,780.48 $1,013.12 $3,524.01 $1,077.92 $125.00 $4,209.00 $40.00 $600.00 $1,000.88 $479.10 $160.00 $85.93 $830.00 $983.00 $385.00 $405.85 $2,959.73 $2,128.70 $839.02 $126.96 $419.42 $371.14 $41,626.97 $211.36 $921.00 $7,160.90 $4,450.20 $31,279.03 $510.00 $55.00 $850.00 $28,918.73 $2,282.91 $2,505.23 $296.90 $2,500.00 $1,050.00 $903.58 $8,086.60 $1,535.61 $454.87

V0570160 V0570435 V0536894 V0210950 V0518685 V0348866 V0213150 V0570497 V0570789 V0570745 V0570719 V0570700 V0570668 V0570633 V0570624 V0570607 V0570591 V0337751 V0570977 V0571006 V0571032 V0570839 V0570821 V0570865 V0571076 V0571211 V0571291 V0571197 V0571188 V0571179 V0571161 V0571273 V0571152 V0571256 V0571144 V0571238 V0571135 V0528777 V9952946 V0324042 V0324037 V0147177 V0038156 V0571548 V0571359 V0571369 V0571418 V0571530 V0571565 V0571557 V0571386 V0571503 V0571409 V0571453 V0571607 V0571591 V0571332 V0571574 V0571804

$630.04 $1,000.00 $76.80 $773.95 $1,694.32 $6,549.82 $4,500.00 $1,276.85 $475.85 $2,309.20 $870.00 $918.42 $17,995.00 $1,710.00 $9,594.65 $2,901.13 $2,901.13 $1,230.00 $923.16 $250.00 $1,425.00 $1,455.87 $2,826.93 $267.88 $166.98 $1,634.68 $135.00 $647.00 $100.00 $2,500.00 $1,107.00 $1,236.00 $1,312.50 $1,425.00 $2,500.00 $967.00 $850.00 $1,182.87 $2,553.38 $5,025.61 $1,154.76 $1,412.00 $709.80 $1,482.65 $233.14 $3,857.09 $1,875.00 $701.83 $132.85 $1,620.00 $1,401.63 $651.59 $280.00 $1,447.49 $1,639.29 $322.38 $2,793.70 $354.18 $1,664.00

V0571762 V0571857 V0571866 V0571701 V0571719 V0571925 V0571942 V0571969 V0571978 V0571986 V9649537 V0538901 V0455771 V0571996 V0572015 V0572076 V0572085 V0572093 V0572152 V0572197 V0572211 V0572220 V0572247 V0572264 V0371441 V9376789 V0530221 V0572548 V0572557 V0572566 V0572616 V0572369 V0572386 V0572400 V0572445 V0572471 V0572489 V0572513 V0572521 V0572633 V0572686 V0572701 V0572719 V0572737 V0572745 V0375089 V0374503 V0326713 V9563102 V0170659 V0572804 V0572813 V0572830 V0572883 V0572892 V0572916 V0537402 V0467058 V0142868

$513.83 $635.00 $4,102.49 $544.94 $100.00 $4,083.44 $119.39 $162.00 $2,605.42 $641.66 $78.00 $728.97 $890.02 $4,875.54 $150.01 $2,086.35 $208.00 $898.99 $2,671.47 $2,423.54 $720.00 $1,447.25 $1,515.00 $720.00 $814.88 $255.03 $717.00 $2,804.21 $1,194.83 $655.65 $866.45 $615.37 $50.28 $862.00 $2,341.19 $1,875.00 $1,606.00 $60.00 $60.00 $100.00 $10,828.12 $2,230.92 $619.50 $95.00 $115.00 $100.00 $1,000.00 $14,445.47 $18,312.50 $7,973.72 $3,721.64 $488.93 $599.30 $914.77 $145.01 $1,296.57 $7,333.86 $1,200.00 $9,284.86



V0573006 V0573015 V0573032 V0573041 V0573059 V0573068 V0573144 V0573153 V0573239 V0159621 V0514992 V0539629 V0430811 V0517693 V0573283 V0573292 V0573324 V0573341 V0573386 V0573400 V0573419 V0573471 V0573549 V0533876 V0573557 V0573566 V0573575 V0573583 V0573592 V0573608 V0573625 V0573634 V0573651 V0357206 V0573746 V0573771 V0573805 V0573813 V0573822 V0573830 V0573849 V0573866 V0573875 V0573883 V0574032 V0574077 V0573988 V0574085 V0574127 V0574144 V0574153 V0574162 V0574170 V0470564 V0535670 V0522600 V9383360 V0573934 V0574197

$1,374.00 $1,362.00 $540.00 $1,198.50 $885.00 $1,480.50 $1,300.00 $945.18 $204.56 $8,156.63 $52.90 $1,500.00 $378.00 $567.06 $979.83 $687.67 $14,775.72 $1,298.94 $589.42 $1,006.90 $317.65 $393.50 $8,092.36 $308.80 $156.58 $2,112.69 $98.47 $9,449.13 $1,345.90 $176.37 $140.00 $11,168.24 $2,500.00 $1,169.03 $24,491.89 $135.99 $3,176.00 $994.42 $795.00 $585.00 $574.98 $945.00 $360.00 $801.01 $583.02 $915.00 $4,081.45 $1,992.00 $1,352.38 $1,412.25 $837.00 $173.71 $114.29 $1,300.00 $400.00 $2,431.00 $4,411.40 $2,149.85 $923.69

V0574239 V0574248 V0574283 V0517057 V0465877 V0320619 V0471442 V0431464 V0574499 V0574513 V0574454 V0574446 V0574341 V0574369 V0516546 V0516262 V9950277 V0524278 V0574522 V0574754 V0574746 V0574592 V0574729 V0574687 V0574558 V0574710 V0574701 V0574651 V0574695 V0574642 V0538586 V0168701 V0574866 V0574849 V0574831 V0574822 V0574813 V0574805 V0574908 V0574892 V0574978 V0574951 V0574925 V0574799 V0364167 V0463452 V0575212 V0575204 V0575199 V0575153 V0575145 V0575119 V0575100 V0575094 V0575086 V0575041 V0575024 V0246661 V0518254

$204.43 $504.00 $1,167.49 $764.50 $462.84 $1,516.96 $223.00 $18,988.49 $3,858.74 $325.00 $85.48 $606.69 $1,485.00 $1,350.00 $206.80 $2,500.00 $3,730.44 $82.00 $2,054.66 $630.00 $133.18 $72.42 $870.49 $1,537.61 $1,048.50 $1,780.14 $67.00 $2,355.32 $65.00 $404.31 $2,604.00 $23,198.00 $7,500.00 $885.00 $945.00 $555.00 $600.00 $705.00 $958.32 $3,100.69 $1,222.12 $525.80 $104.00 $600.00 $450.00 $526.50 $1,009.67 $900.45 $1,784.39 $793.76 $240.00 $797.06 $1,170.00 $600.00 $540.00 $7,284.45 $36,933.91 $1,170.00 $954.00

V0575333 V0575446 V0575437 V0575429 V0575419 V0575396 V0575307 V0575351 V0575275 V0575248 V0575378 V0228672 V0516416 V0542049 V0575472 V0575584 V0575480 V0575575 V0575608 V0575592 V0575558 V0575626 V0575549 V0575634 V0548032 V0575867 V0575926 V0575934 V0575781 V0575884 V0575772 V0575952 V0575894 V0575763 V0575814 V0575831 V0575710 V0575840 V0575729 V0576077 V0576128 V0576050 V0576033 V0576101 V0576086 V0575988 V0548728 V0514580 V0576145 V0576204 V0576267 V0576284 V0576316 V0551414 V0576584 V0576575 V0576567 V0576558 V0576531

$601.14 $1,492.50 $2,500.00 $1,305.00 $1,402.50 $3,101.92 $1,656.17 $1,204.00 $1,051.99 $378.22 $3,269.00 $7,411.91 $346.00 $536.34 $37,472.69 $222.35 $2,690.26 $1,042.50 $913.39 $1,797.50 $1,559.31 $7,482.94 $2,329.74 $9,258.28 $94.34 $1,810.72 $22,796.50 $323.56 $311.74 $9,189.98 $250.00 $940.65 $424.97 $4,371.54 $8,016.58 $7,525.57 $139.00 $1,684.07 $129.05 $1,185.00 $614.36 $57.82 $5,547.18 $675.00 $1,305.00 $183.15 $350.00 $92.15 $17,664.11 $3,092.61 $865.00 $343.00 $14,408.80 $231.59 $5,246.49 $1,095.00 $150.94 $6,368.00 $232.48

V0576446 V0576438 V0576401 V0539672 V0462182 V0576634 V0576884 V0576746 V0576755 V0576687 V0576814 V0576823 V0576772 V0576781 V0576799 V0576805 V0576917 V0576696 V0576729 V0576609 V0452409 V0468967 V0418829 V9525685 V0421420 V0424682 V0214605 V0577110 V0577095 V0576989 V0577042 V0577033 V0577181 V0577199 V0577163 V0577154 V0577137 V0463520 V0474003 V0429888 V0577284 V0577267 V0577316 V0577308 V0577230 V0577455 V0577447 V0577379 V0577490 V0437862 V0577584 V0577472 V0577464 V0577540 V0577576 V0577481 V0577411 V0516976 V0522277

$1,316.99 $1,260.00 $285.04 $51.00 $137.00 $4,010.70 $239.42 $824.90 $1,474.50 $1,197.79 $1,020.00 $1,230.00 $1,237.50 $1,237.50 $525.00 $979.42 $21,438.16 $874.02 $1,087.50 $2,175.00 $150.00 $486.00 $1,805.00 $1,090.00 $12,381.10 $120.00 $431.25 $724.82 $1,402.85 $6,076.41 $248.00 $3,319.15 $270.02 $3,763.37 $928.85 $5,668.97 $3,191.47 $839.79 $1,893.97 $410.00 $3,554.00 $1,750.98 $111.58 $1,395.00 $120.00 $223.08 $59.30 $15,613.02 $11,977.94 $130.81 $10,398.10 $1,379.42 $661.57 $1,115.18 $7,905.64 $13,282.75 $5,627.88 $78.80 $350.00



V0577643 V0577618 V0577696 V0577652 V0547015 V0512649 V0258472 V0470125 V0542873 V0620227 V0620168 V0620218 V0620185 V0620159 V0620003 V0620038 V0620209 V0620261 V0620500 V0620495 V0620486 V0620459 V0620441 V0620423 V0620373 V0620364 V0620347 V0620339 V0620303 V0620707 V0620691 V0620613 V0620742 V0620562 V0620716 V0620957 V0620837 V0620913 V0620778 V0620819 V0544385 V0620750 V0620974 V0620966 V0621253 V0621244 V0621235 V0621011 V0621168 V0621218 V0621159 V0621123 V0621194 V0621115 V0621106 V0621082 V0621064 V0544520 V9838605

$4,513.50 $80.00 $17,823.22 $2,005.75 $1,901.99 $207.51 $21,575.11 $350.00 $85.00 $270.37 $2,367.15 $100.00 $145.22 $2,388.16 $2,462.12 $2,887.44 $33,634.92 $733.73 $2,095.00 $1,487.50 $1,415.00 $1,697.50 $9,528.14 $2,312.50 $2,533.30 $997.20 $6,855.45 $1,087.82 $909.44 $570.00 $1,228.00 $740.00 $93.07 $2,460.20 $252.00 $4,915.73 $6,774.61 $132.91 $1,150.00 $1,366.00 $2,822.00 $2,471.18 $1,315.50 $856.30 $1,621.70 $649.00 $851.39 $4,620.60 $1,170.00 $230.00 $431.55 $606.46 $4,512.11 $328.00 $384.86 $669.79 $210.00 $2,195.72 $1,538.07

V0352565 V9965240 V0526552 V0523543 V0440793 V0621312 V0621303 V0621383 V0621373 V0621495 V0621486 V0621469 V0621432 V0621424 V0621415 V0621288 V0621270 V0621478 V0621554 V0621545 V0621527 V0621518 V0621500 V0621261 V9464521 V0540057 V0520766 V0538981 V0621828 V0621810 V0621666 V0621630 V0621598 V0621621 V0621733 V0621708 V0621692 V0621683 V0621674 V0621778 V0621769 V0324021 V9189034 V0552827 V0516914 V0621898 V0622003 V0621992 V0621983 V0622082 V0622048 V0621837 V0621863 V0621957 V0621949 V0621845 V0621854 V0542685 V0622270

$7,017.84 $160.00 $117.75 $1,837.48 $3,270.88 $259.66 $985.35 $472.50 $539.94 $2,565.51 $148.84 $19,650.39 $89.99 $56.65 $2,487.50 $165.06 $165.06 $905.00 $2,078.72 $15,506.54 $444.74 $461.24 $1,645.66 $63.48 $1,450.41 $104.61 $4,812.58 $2,667.76 $1,252.50 $1,362.50 $592.50 $551.00 $4,200.84 $378.95 $2,284.75 $428.96 $444.48 $1,077.00 $1,611.00 $250.00 $1,399.00 $2,667.84 $9,580.74 $1,150.74 $995.10 $3,128.45 $52.00 $1,642.50 $1,135.00 $8,480.00 $620.00 $1,349.10 $1,689.32 $478.35 $2,670.00 $1,349.10 $1,349.10 $2,111.32 $5,761.10

V0345929 V0544305 V0529357 V0513537 V0530566 V0623262 V0623245 V0623348 V0623357 V0623416 V0623433 V0623613 V0623622 V0623658 V0623572 V0623692 V0142035 V0447466 V0623922 V0623899 V0623810 V0623958 V0623949 V0623931 V0623837 V8982575 V0537214 V0555056 V0624057 V0624012 V0624228 V0624201 V0624195 V0624177 V0624169 V0624004 V0624083 V0624065 V0624271 V0624330 V0624367 V0624384 V0624392 V0624479 V0624496 V0624529 V0624923 V0624811 V0624802 V0624760 V0624743 V0624994 V0624640 V0624693 V0624614 V0624667 V0624658 V0624563 V0624967

$454.00 $260.20 $2,697.31 $2,195.54 $666.56 $3,742.19 $7,500.00 $3,301.20 $960.00 $260.00 $2,107.71 $1,170.00 $573.15 $2,672.69 $1,203.90 $2,500.00 $3,375.62 $11,562.27 $264.17 $156.00 $834.98 $4,271.42 $7,500.00 $4,145.43 $500.00 $1,241.24 $1,308.52 $77.12 $143.78 $10,038.42 $218.00 $1,470.00 $378.35 $1,614.00 $1,299.00 $260.00 $743.35 $1,425.00 $729.25 $2,033.48 $411.79 $150.00 $414.29 $249.32 $1,231.00 $180.71 $720.39 $5,181.07 $387.93 $381.60 $835.98 $3,358.75 $9,021.61 $372.00 $1,515.00 $8,677.55 $174.78 $572.43 $1,365.64

V0624605 V0625357 V0625349 V0625330 V0625091 V0625304 V0625299 V0625281 V0625271 V0625452 V0625425 V0625416 V0625408 V0625384 V0625245 V0625030 V0625150 V0625133 V0532738 V0323949 V0625546 V0625529 V0625511 V0625501 V0625496 V0625487 V0625684 V0550664 V0625709 V0625640 V0625811 V0517873 V0625829 V0625788 V0412463 V0625872 V0625752 V0625779 V0625735 V0626169 V0626134 V0626075 V0626151 V0625976 V0626013 V0626228 V0626263 V0626376 V0626271 V0626425 V0626488 V0626501 V0626359 V0626452 V0626479 V0528921 V0336559 V0546650 V0558717

$1,087.50 $719.60 $875.00 $2,321.00 $565.00 $549.00 $2,475.96 $1,215.00 $1,275.00 $2,016.21 $293.00 $1,228.90 $1,421.54 $864.21 $233.86 $1,381.06 $7,470.64 $1,484.10 $320.00 $6,801.66 $1,838.56 $1,560.00 $1,260.00 $228.74 $3,188.72 $114.00 $1,874.66 $3,854.67 $598.00 $7,480.56 $1,575.00 $3,125.20 $1,510.55 $1,588.08 $110.00 $8,476.37 $1,006.50 $102.80 $1,362.50 $336.12 $103.62 $8,448.01 $280.99 $2,500.00 $7,500.00 $150.00 $249.75 $17,590.81 $298.00 $395.99 $276.00 $1,286.00 $3,599.26 $146.79 $1,362.74 $223.00 $832.34 $212.00 $815.27



V0552346 V0553553 V0351818 V0626788 V0626779 V0626693 V0626718 V0626709 V0320028 V0228394 V0265983 V0626803 V0626864 V0626932 V0626923 V0626915 V0626906 V0626890 V0626986 V0626873 V0627066 V0433189 V8166481 V0627359 V0627376 V0627305 V0627273 V0627281 V0627237 V0627201 V0627246 V0627195 V0627178 V0627640 V0627685 V0627461 V0627573 V0627727 V0627811 V0627797 V0627770 V0627761 V0627923 V0627995 V0628049 V0557263 V0415745 V0434835 V0346436 V0532128 V9738008 V0628084 V0628126 V0628117 V0628108 V0628210 V0628197 V0628246 V0628238

$137.51 $554.29 $502.49 $1,645.25 $2,122.95 $95.00 $294.00 $1,172.04 $2,481.53 $3,420.00 $942.39 $518.00 $1,335.00 $421.47 $110.02 $254.20 $6,328.07 $2,367.00 $5,528.00 $1,095.00 $1,724.00 $4,809.68 $408.97 $91.92 $91.92 $847.85 $912.63 $889.00 $157.00 $2,942.50 $105.99 $8,269.65 $100.00 $301.77 $1,392.57 $716.02 $300.00 $1,586.16 $1,019.94 $3,305.49 $885.77 $205.00 $1,463.93 $283.79 $511.00 $533.52 $2,814.39 $690.23 $60.85 $200.14 $10,252.93 $7,033.47 $1,700.00 $2,500.00 $1,837.50 $154.58 $2,500.00 $645.00 $945.00

V0628273 V0628263 V0628305 V0628290 V0628282 V0628444 V0628394 V0628255 V0628427 V0628539 V0628556 V0628512 V0073326 V0536334 V0322924 V0527500 V0361956 V0629067 V0629255 V0629238 V0628924 V0628865 V0628753 V0628893 V0628907 V0628839 V0629211 V0629202 V0628659 V0628668 V0629331 V0563645 V0231638 V0135161 V0628812 V0540433 V0552122 V0569562 V0529510 V0234049 V0551355 V0169073 V0629471 V0629445 V0629454 V0629395 V0629378 V0361962 V0629710 V0629908 V0629633 V0629701 V0629686 V0629798 V0630027 V0630018 V0630182 V0630173 V0448167

$1,065.00 $630.00 $67.40 $8,235.25 $490.00 $484.83 $836.08 $525.00 $1,255.00 $251.29 $1,896.44 $187.50 $642.75 $890.72 $600.00 $1,925.57 $449.50 $3,063.00 $280.45 $320.40 $340.02 $325.73 $72.71 $689.00 $48,157.20 $380.58 $6,907.58 $617.24 $1,377.58 $1,140.00 $853.92 $2,500.00 $7,110.58 $210.00 $1,823.37 $258.64 $451.98 $211.27 $184.00 $300.00 $3,988.40 $2,250.00 $422.00 $881.00 $2,355.45 $922.50 $5,980.82 $336.00 $256.21 $1,394.00 $61.37 $1,079.00 $1,802.69 $993.40 $100.00 $560.00 $1,553.11 $8,199.31 $180.00

V0425821 V0326509 V9983418 V0417831 V0523655 V0362045 V0630300 V0630294 V0630439 V0630466 V0473261 V0539990 V0519737 V0630775 V0630722 V0630600 V0630817 V0630595 V0630637 V0630587 V0630578 V0630654 V0630713 V0630808 V0630551 V0631139 V0631112 V0631097 V0631044 V0630999 V0630980 V0630937 V0472796 V0630929 V0239349 V9122096 V0529725 V0631412 V0631448 V0631404 V0631362 V0631336 V0631207 V0371441 V0520361 V9461262 V0631600 V0631587 V0632019 V0631955 V0632045 V0631775 V0550732 V0621837 V0621845 V0621854 V0229916 V0632121 V0632157

$393.11 $6,735.05 $15,054.21 $879.00 $72.40 $17,070.50 $99.00 $2,127.00 $1,545.00 $576.23 $700.66 $812.35 $7,702.49 $213.00 $2,726.86 $2,323.50 $120.00 $670.50 $744.00 $556.50 $2,025.50 $2,204.82 $42,339.87 $220.00 $1,236.00 $154.12 $2,376.12 $2,546.01 $215.00 $270.33 $123.00 $1,057.50 $2,686.19 $1,012.50 $12,189.55 $1,404.47 $1,818.83 $225.00 $561.40 $157.39 $1,140.00 $3,936.73 $2,000.00 $330.82 $1,024.48 $4,250.67 $291.24 $2,415.18 $298.56 $235.67 $129.53 $2,500.00 $237.60 $237.60 $237.60 $237.60 $1,688.32 $73.48 $1,185.00

V0632269 V0632191 V0567336 V0363707 V9967994 V0131017 V0632638 V0559124 V0525596 V0468140 V0538807 V9978104 V0632784 V0632911 V0632938 V0632946 V0633121 V0633104 V0633225 V0633062 V0633019 V0633174 V0154432 V0633296 V0633404 V0633372 V0633681 V0633826 V0633843 V0633879 V0634175 V0634045 V0555235 V0538206 V0567731 V0567740 V0081655 V0465072 V0370260 V0430189 V0634130 V0634413 V0634508 V0634526 V0634535 V0634723 V0634920 V0634956 v0569862 V0635405 V0635603 V0635597 V0635588 V0635579 V0635561 V0635768 V0635759 V0635732 V0635844

$117.63 $3,257.12 $391.06 $1,432.48 $5,469.87 $2,200.00 $727.31 $98.31 $668.19 $782.49 $1,660.00 $2,490.00 $518.05 $435.00 $960.00 $1,425.00 $1,012.50 $700.00 $1,645.50 $683.18 $1,665.00 $50.00 $2,160.00 $1,290.00 $925.00 $145.00 $95.92 $948.30 $975.50 $1,532.50 $265.00 $925.02 $102.63 $737.46 $10,517.59 $5,346.46 $437.75 $533.92 $6,413.85 $1,252.90 $217.75 $820.50 $1,336.00 $1,155.00 $250.00 $5,204.53 $13,743.01 $4,490.00 $865.60 $2,000.00 $281.25 $875.00 $465.00 $405.00 $570.00 $1,124.42 $1,282.50 $5,770.31 $520.52



V0635809 V0527346 V0566019 V0560918 V0636037 V0562721 V0520586 V0636364 V0636217 V0636192 V0536231 V0636570 V0636468 V0352131 V0448956 V0469363 V0636920 V0532917 V0637184 V0637226 V0637527 V0637553 V0557271 V0555733 V0539009 V0463520 V0637992 V0637870 V0529064 V0638262 V0638441 V0638545 V0638682 V0638527 V0638500 V9952946 V0528485 V0639235 V0551588 V0575814 V0639605 V0639837 V0639905 V0639890 V0639922 V0640041 V0640463 V0640291 V0550655 V0561205 V9776520 V0640909 V0562989 V9988657 V0641504 V0641455 V0641445 V0534146 V0641660

$123.34 $698.00 $60.00 $312.35 $1,942.59 $500.00 $837.02 $1,080.00 $1,486.05 $50.29 $21,013.19 $2,337.00 $158.41 $225.00 $177.00 $73.44 $7,211.22 $833.78 $805.48 $663.00 $3,568.29 $987.00 $1,027.57 $500.00 $1,690.07 $978.93 $1,305.00 $1,257.62 $4,883.84 $1,675.00 $1,905.00 $1,110.39 $1,215.39 $342.32 $6,334.11 $557.65 $531.00 $1,575.00 $577.00 $629.00 $105.00 $1,588.50 $2,394.11 $765.00 $510.00 $1,140.00 $2,000.00 $1,080.00 $497.46 $95.88 $160.74 $1,347.00 $361.21 $25,180.13 $540.00 $690.00 $976.16 $87.60 $1,215.00

V0427739 V0642180 V0641805 V0641781 V0555423 V0552122 V0541021 V0642832 V0541923 V0643128 V0648403 V0649241 V0346436 V0649493 V0650993 V0629331

$4,085.00 $2,000.00 $845.80 $599.06 $165.00 $355.84 $194.00 $403.50 $163.04 $2,250.00 $1,237.50 $1,762.50 $60.85 $1,095.00 $2,000.00 $61.50

APPENDIX C Awards To Individuals By County County Adams Allen Ashland Ashtabula Athens Auglaize Belmont Brown Butler Carroll Champaign Clark Clermont Clinton Columbiana Coshocton Crawford Cuyahoga Darke Defiance Delaware Erie Fairfield Fayette Franklin Fulton Gallia Geauga Greene Guernsey Hamilton Hancock Hardin Harrison Henry Highland Hocking Holmes Huron Jackson Jefferson Knox Lake Lawrence

Number of Awards 3 34 17 30 15 6 16 10 74 4 9 44 21 6 19 3 15 495 10 4 19 18 28 8 416 3 7 14 27 15 259 8 7 3 10 10 10 6 13 14 20 9 60 13

Total Paid $6,425.80 $67,948.38 $78,411.20 $47,572.90 $50,251.59 $39,556.59 $96,857.71 $42,014.13 $208,361.87 $2,390.81 $22,496.28 $89,561.17 $31,956.45 $17,552.91 $37,514.10 $9,449.87 $24,484.04 $1,199,747.65 $54,188.51 $26,925.61 $78,347.64 $28,785.72 $92,505.56 $8,396.91 $1,222,035.46 $4,345.94 $10,243.89 $13,331.08 $141,429.69 $9,520.22 $737,884.46 $14,911.66 $39,869.42 $5,501.56 $12,457.04 $89,921.38 $11,550.58 $6,609.68 $98,595.35 $116,461.79 $62,597.86 $54,687.46 $170,025.99 $29,702.23

Licking Logan Lorain Lucas Madison Mahoning Marion Medina Meigs Mercer Miami Monroe Montgomery Morgan Morrow Muskingum Noble Ottawa Out Of State Paulding Perry Pickaway Pike Portage Preble Putnam Richland Ross Sandusky Scioto Seneca Shelby Stark Summit Trumbull Tuscarawas Union Van Wert Vinton Warren Washington Wayne Williams Wood Wyandot

55 16 52 120 4 77 16 24 5 10 16 8 178 6 6 16 1 10 183 3 11 12 7 47 9 15 39 20 6 25 19 6 84 175 58 20 14 2 8 21 6 15 13 16 2

$91,157.34 $77,602.05 $143,361.24 $184,037.77 $55,148.20 $179,061.78 $18,593.62 $35,694.36 $52,752.79 $60,809.27 $37,178.56 $45,671.20 $439,601.62 $2,540.79 $44,609.24 $67,386.23 $12,791.89 $8,193.40 $474,938.09 $12,205.88 $10,486.74 $15,444.55 $44,195.54 $151,891.87 $103,627.48 $18,577.76 $160,708.02 $19,454.34 $18,895.27 $159,289.06 $49,782.88 $4,014.14 $236,053.65 $256,492.21 $68,504.79 $118,376.16 $10,552.07 $1,571.31 $71,996.53 $89,453.37 $15,144.94 $51,159.67 $49,125.58 $14,317.32 $490.73



Awards to Agencies by County Program



Reach Out Incorporated



Adams County - Adams County Prosecutor Office






Crime Victim Services



Crossroads Crisis Center, Inc.






Ashland County - Ashland County Prosecutor’s Office



Ashland Rape Crisis Service - Appleseed Community Mental Health Ctr.






Ashtabula County - Ashtabula County Prosecutor’s Office



HomeSafe, Inc






Tri-County MH & Counseling Services Sexual Assault Survivor Advocate



The Edna Brooks Foundation, Inc. - My Sister’s Place



Athens County - Athens County Prosecutor’s Office






Auglaize County - Auglaize County Prosecutor’s Office



Auglaize County Crisis Center, Inc.










Awards to Agencies by County Program






BELMONT Reach Out Incorporated



Tri-County Help- Adams Center, County Inc. Adams County Prosecutor Office- Belmont County Belmont County Prosecutor ADAMS Total

$0 $72,583

$48,259 $8,156








Crime Victim Services BROWN Crossroads Crisis Center, Inc. Brown County - Brown County ALLEN Total Prosecuting Attorney Brown Co. Dept. of Job & Family Services - Brown Co. Child V/W ASHLAND Assistance Ashland County - Ashland County BROWN Total Prosecutor’s Office



$104,071 $30,334 $282,894

$10,268 $0 $28,026



$30,200 $54,756

$0 $1,178



$50,544 $67,130

$2,034 $6,713



$54,370 $99,528

$5,437 $12,433

$80,286 $45,914

$24,072 $35,758

$134,656 $32,867

$29,509 $2,988

Tri-County MH & Faith Counseling Services Teresa’s Dawning Victims UnitedSexual Assault Survivor Advocate BUTLER The Edna Total Brooks Foundation, Inc. - My Sister’s Place

$0 $0

$64,280 $4,427

$36,613 $328,526

$13,179 $70,519

Athens County - Athens County CARROLL Prosecutor’s Office Carroll County - Carroll County Pros. V/W Assistance Program ATHENS Total














$73,611 $16,936

$18,017 $0




Ashland Rape Crisis Service - Appleseed Community Mental Health Ctr. BUTLER ASHLAND Total PARACHUTE: Spec. Adv for Children Butler Co. Juvenile Justice Center ASHTABULA Butler County V/W Division - Butler County Prosecutors Office Ashtabula County - Ashtabula County Prosecutor’s Office & Crisis Center Comm. Counseling Rape Crisis Program HomeSafe, Inc Young Women’s Christian Association Dove House Total ASHTABULA Butler County - Butler County Sheriff’s Office ATHENS

AUGLAIZE CHAMPAIGN Auglaize County - Auglaize County Prosecutor’s Office Champaign County Prosecutor’s Office Champaign Co. Prosecutor Auglaize County Crisis Center, Inc. City of Urbana - Municipal’s Prosecutor’s Office CHAMPAIGN Total


Awards to Agencies by County Program



Reach Incorporated ProjectOut Woman

$25,523 $60,546

$13,556 $5,935

Clark County - Clark County Adams CountyProsecutor - Adams County V/W Division Prosecutor Office Clark County ADAMS Total- Clark County Juvenile Court CASA Program

$0 $35,206

$48,259 $6,456

$25,010 $25,523

$2,495 $61,815

Clark County Prosecutor - Clark County ALLEN V/W Division Crime Victim Services CLARK Total Crossroads Crisis Center, Inc.



$178,823 $157,933 $104,071

$17,758 $18,603 $10,268








$25,297 $20,344 $120,376

$0 $2,034 $10,890




Clinton County Prosecutor’s Office ASHTABULA Clinton Co.County Municipal Court V/W Ashtabula - Ashtabula County Assist. – CityOffice of Wilmington Dir. of Law Prosecutor’s



$54,370 $0

$5,437 $12,507

$0 $80,286

$43,632 $24,072


CLERMONT ASHLAND Clermont County - Clermont County Prosecutors Office Ashland County - Ashland County Prosecutor’s OfficeJuvenile Court Clermont County Ashland Rape Crisis Service - Appleseed CLERMONT Total Health Ctr. Community Mental

CLINTON Total HomeSafe, Inc




Columbiana County - Columbiana County Prosecutor’s Office ATHENS



Catholic Charities Agency - Tri-County MH & Regional Counseling Services Christina HouseSurvivor Advocate Sexual Assault

$55,293 $0

$22,287 $64,280

The Brooks Foundation, City Edna of East Liverpool - City ofInc. East- My Sister’s Place Liverpool Law Director’s Office

$36,613 $16,393

$13,179 $1,439

Athens County - Athens County Columbiana County Juvenile Court Prosecutor’s Office GAL Program Columbiana County

$88,625 $7,325

$8,736 $732


$125,238 $139,671

$86,195 $43,057

Auglaize County CoshoctonCounty County- Auglaize - Coshocton County Prosecutor’s Prosecutor’s Office Office

$30,273 $18,388


First Step,County Family Crisis Violence Intervention Auglaize Center, Inc. Services, Inc.

$76,224 $73,611

$14,091 $18,017






Awards to Agencies by County Program





$25,523 $15,223 $0

$13,556 $1,500 $48,259

$52,309 $25,523

$6,250 $61,815

$178,823 $137,633 $104,071 $163,768

$17,758 $28,654 $10,268 $0



$130,815 $30,200

$13,153 $0

$48,694 $20,344 $65,279

$12,358 $2,034 $0



City of Parma - Prosecutor’s Office ASHTABULA



St. Philip Neri/Divine Word Church in Ashtabula County - Ashtabula County the City Partnership Prosecutor’s Office - Catholic Church

$30,850 $54,370

$3,085 $5,437

Jewish Family Services – Family HomeSafe, Inc Violence Services

$0 $80,286

$47,991 $24,072


$134,656 $606,653

$29,509 $109,421

$0 $39,300 $36,613 $39,300

$64,280 $3,930 $13,179 $3,930

Athens County - Athens County DEFIANCE Prosecutor’s Office Defiance County - Defiance County Prosecutor’s Office ATHENS Total Rape Crisis & Abuse Center - Women and Family Services AUGLAIZE DEFIANCE Total Auglaize County - Auglaize County Prosecutor’s Office



$53,300 $125,238 $91,543

$5,330 $86,195 $9,128

$144,843 $30,273

$14,458 $0

DELAWARE Auglaize County Crisis Center, Inc.



Delaware County - Delaware County Juvenile Court Delaware Co. Prosecutor’s Office Delaware Co. Office of Victim Services





CRAWFORD Crawford County - Crawford County ADAMS Prosecutor’s Office Reach Out Incorporated City of Galion - City of Galion Law Adams County Director’s Office- Adams County Prosecutor Office CRAWFORD ADAMS TotalTotal ALLEN CUYAHOGA Crime Victim Services Domestic Violence Center CrossroadsCounty Crisis Center, Cuyahoga WitnessInc. Victim Service Center ALLEN Total - Cuyahoga County W/V Service Ctr. ASHLAND Cleveland Rape Crisis Center Ashland County - Ashland County Prosecutor’s Office East Cleveland Domestic Violence Program Ashland Rape Crisis Service - Appleseed Cuyahoga Co. BoardHealth of Commissioners Community Mental Ctr. W/V-Children Who Witness Viol. ASHLAND Total Project

ATHENS DARKE Tri-County MH & Counseling Services Sexual Survivor Advocate Shelter Assault From Violence Inc. The EdnaTotal Brooks Foundation, Inc. - My DARKE Sister’s Place


Awards to Agencies by County Program



Helpline of Delaware/Morrow Counties ADAMS Delaware County/CASA - Delaware Co. Reach Out Incorporated Juvenile Ct. Adams County - Adams County DELAWARE Total Prosecutor Office



$19,893 $25,523

$497 $13,556

$0 $118,527

$48,259 $44,773




ERIE ALLEN Erie County - Erie County Prosecutor’s



$178,823 $80,325 $104,071

$17,758 $8,335 $10,268



Bayshore Counseling Services, Inc.



ASHLAND Erie County CASA Program, Inc. Ashland County - Ashland County ERIE Total Prosecutor’s Office

$14,798 $30,200 $272,640

$1,110 $0 $27,197



$110,896 $50,544 $33,363

$11,090 $2,034 $3,336

$76,028 $54,370

$07,628 $5,437

$220,287 $80,286

$22,054 $24,072




Fayette County Prosecuting Attorney ATHENS Fayette County V/W Tri-County MH & Counseling Services My Sister’s House Sexual Assault Survivor Advocate




$82,318 $64,280

The Edna Brooks FAYETTE Total Foundation, Inc. - My Sister’s Place

$36,613 $56,779

$13,179 $87,996

Athens County - Athens County FRANKLIN Prosecutor’s Office Franklin County - Franklin Co. Prosecutor’s Office ATHENS Total



$66,755 $125,238

$5,063 $86,195

Mothers Against Drunk Driving



AUGLAIZE CASA of Franklin County Auglaize County - Auglaize County Children’s Hospital Inc. - Family Prosecutor’s Office Support Program

$54,085 $30,273 $147,118

$5,409 $0 $12,297

Auglaize Center, Inc. ColumbusCounty Urban Crisis League

$73,611 $71,081

$18,017 $19,568

Directions for Youth & Families, Inc. Children of Murdered Parents & Siblings





Office Crime Victim Services Safe Harbour Domestic Violence Shelter, Crossroads Crisis Center, Inc. Inc. ALLEN Total

Ashland Rape Crisis Service - Appleseed FAIRFIELD Community Mental Health Ctr. The Lighthouse, ASHLAND TotalInc. New Horizons Youth & Family Center Counseling/Psychotherapy Dept. ASHTABULA Fairfield County - Fairfield County Ashtabula County Prosecutor’s Office- Ashtabula County Prosecutor’s Office FAIRFIELD Total HomeSafe, Inc

Choices for Victims of Domestic Violence


Awards to Agencies by County Program



Ohio Coalition On Sexual Assault



Grant/Riverside/SARNCO-OHIO ADAMS HEALTH - Sexual Assault Response Reach Out Incorporated Network Adams County - Adams County Ohio CASA/GAL Association Prosecutor Office Action Ohio Coalition For Battered ADAMS Women Total





$0 $0

$48,259 $47,225

$0 $25,523

$30,857 $61,815



$0 $178,823 $43,826 $104,071

$20,283 $17,758 $0 $10,268

$282,894 $60,206

$28,026 $6,021

City of Columbus - Columbus City ASHLAND Attorneys Office Ashland County - Ashland County Prosecutor’s Office Ohio Hispanic Coalition



$30,200 $22,388

$0 $0

Ashland Rape Crisis Service - Appleseed Lutheran Social Services of Central Ohio Community Mental Health Ctr. Community Refugee and Immigration ASHLAND Total Cent. Oh. Reg. Long Term Care Ombudsman-Catholic Social Services ASHTABULA Inc.

$20,344 $30,981

$2,034 $3,636

$31,571 $50,544 $24,446

$4,288 $2,034 $24,446

Ashtabula Countyof - Ashtabula County Ohio Department Youth Services Prosecutor’s Office Ohio Department of Rehab & HomeSafe, CorrectionsInc

$37,034 $54,370

$0 $5,437

$121,396 $80,286

$0 $24,072

Buckeye State Sheriff’s ASHTABULA Total Association

$491,520 $134,656

$0 $29,509




GALLIA MH & Counseling Services Tri-County Sexual Advocate SerenityAssault House,Survivor Inc.



$23,506 $36,613 $0

$13,157 $13,179 $59,066

Athens County - Athens County City of Gallipolis - City Solicitor Prosecutor’s Office

$88,625 $26,651

$8,736 $5,310


$50,157 $125,238

$77,533 $86,195

$46,286 $30,273

$5,746 $0

$65,874 $73,611 $24,522

$6,587 $18,017 $2,453



Ohio Domestic Violence Network ALLEN Buckeye Regional Anti-Violence Org. Crime Victim Services Franklin Co. Municipal Court - Dept. of Crossroads Crisis Center, Inc. Probation Services ALLEN Total Mt. Carmel Health System Foundation


The Edna Brooks Foundation, Inc.-- My Gallia County Prosecutor’s Office Sister’s Place Gallia Co. Victim Assistance Program

GEAUGA AUGLAIZE Geauga County Prosecutor - Geauga Co. Auglaize County - Auglaize County Prosecutor V/A Program Prosecutor’s Office WomenSafe, Inc. Auglaize County Crisis Center, Inc. Geauga County Commissioners C/O CASA - CASA for KIDS of Geauga Co. Geauga County Commissioners Geauga County Sheriff’s Office


Awards to Agencies by County Program



Village of Chardon - Law Director’s Office ADAMS



GEAUGA Total Reach Out Incorporated

$209,658 $25,523

$23,288 $13,556

Adams County - Adams County GREENE Prosecutor Office



Family Violence ADAMS Total Prevention Ctr. of Greene Co., Inc. Greene County Prosecutor - Greene Co. ALLEN Prosecutor

$103,552 $25,523

$0 $61,815



GreeneVictim County - Greene County Juvenile Crime Services Court/CASA Program Crossroads Crisis Center, Inc. Cities of Total Fairborn and Beavercreek ALLEN Fairborn and Beavercreek Prosecutor

$21,620 $178,823

$1,517 $17,758

$104,071 $24,843 $282,894

$10,268 $2,380 $28,026

City of Xenia - City of Xenia Law Dept. ASHLAND Vic. Asst. Program Ashland County - Ashland County Ohio Victim Witness Prosecutor’s Office Association



$30,200 $0

$0 $51,460

Ashland GREENERape TotalCrisis Service - Appleseed Community Mental Health Ctr.

$20,344 $307,176

$2,034 $89,158




City of Cambridge - City Law Director ASHTABULA Haven of Hope, Inc. Ashtabula County - Ashtabula County Guernsey County – Guernsey Co. Prosecutor’s Office Prosecutor HomeSafe, Inc Guernsey County CASA Program



$98,567 $54,370 $21,214

$9,857 $5,437 $2,138

$80,286 $26,896

$24,072 $2,339

$134,656 $165,243

$29,509 $55,108

$0 $46,484

$64,280 $33,077

$36,613 $95,014

$13,179 $10,809

$88,625 $108,821

$8,736 $0

$69,098 $125,238 $97,915

$14,437 $86,195 $32,083

Seven Hills Neighborhood Houses, Inc. AUGLAIZE



Auglaize HamiltonCounty County--Auglaize HamiltonCounty County Prosecutor’s Office

$30,273 $94,565


Auglaize Crisis Center,Inc. Inc. Parents ofCounty Murdered Children

$73,611 $0

$18,017 $51,570

Children’s Hospital Medical Center Mayerson Center for Safe and Healthy Children



ASHTABULA Total GUERNSEY Total ATHENS HAMILTON Tri-County MH & Counseling Services Lighthouse Youth Services, Inc. Sexual Assault Survivor Advocate RapeEdna Crisis & Abuse Center ofInc. Hamilton The Brooks Foundation, - My Co. – Formerly Sister’s Place Women Helping Women, Inc. Athens County - Athens County Talbert House Prosecutor’s Office ProKids ATHENS Total YWCA of Cincinnati - Battered Women’s Shelter


Awards to Agencies by County Program





$25,523 $11,963 $0

$13,556 $1,196 $48,259

Prosecutor Office HAMILTON Total ADAMS Total

$625,650 $25,523

$190,433 $61,815

HANCOCK ALLEN Council on Domestic Violence, Inc. Crime Victim Services Hancock County - Hancock Co. Crossroads Center, Inc. Program Prosecutor’sCrisis Victim Assistance

$61,656 $178,823 $25,277 $104,071

$14,235 $17,758 $2,339 $10,268

ALLEN Total CASA/GAL of Hancock County

$282,894 $11,346

$28,026 $1,135




Ashland County - Ashland County HARDIN Office Prosecutor’s



Hardin County - Hardin County Ashland Rape Crisis Service - Appleseed Prosecutor Vic. Assistance Community Mental Health Ctr.

$20,344 $25,743

$2,034 $0


$50,544 $25,743

$2,034 $0

$54,370 $24,776

$5,437 $0

$80,286 $0

$24,072 $31,426

Juvenile Court ASHTABULA Total








$136,873 $36,613 $22,235

$18,343 $13,179 $2,574







Center for Children & Families, Inc. - A ADAMS VOICE Reach Out Incorporated Pro Seniors Inc. - Adams County Adams County

ASHTABULA HARRISON Ashtabula County - Ashtabula County Harrison County - Harrison County Prosecutor’s Office Prosecutors Office HomeSafe, Inc -Harrison County Harrison County

ATHENS Tri-County MH & Counseling Services HENRY Sexual Assault Survivor Advocate Center forBrooks Child &Foundation, Family Advocacy Inc. The Edna Inc. - My Henry County Sister’s Place - Henry County CASA/ GAL Program Athens County - Athens County Prosecutor’s Office HENRY Total ATHENS Total HIGHLAND Highland County Domestic Violence AUGLAIZE Highland County--Auglaize HighlandCounty County Auglaize County Prosecutor Assist. Prosecutor’sV/W Office



$81,247 $30,273

$9,963 $0

City of Hillsboro Law Directors Office Auglaize County -Crisis Center, Inc.

$20,627 $73,611

$2,063 $18,017






Awards to Agencies by County Program



Hocking County - Hocking County Pros. Crime Victim Witness Program ADAMS



HOCKING Total Reach Out Incorporated

$36,155 $25,523

$0 $13,556

Adams County - Adams County Prosecutor Office HOLMES ADAMS Total Holmes County Prosecutor Victim Assistance - Holmes County Prosecutor Victim Assistance Program ALLEN Holmes Co. Volunteer CASA Program Crime Victim Services



$25,523 $49,584

$61,815 $5,111

$0 $178,823

$11,115 $17,758

Crossroads Crisis Center, Inc.




$282,894 $49,584

$28,026 $16,226

Huron County - Huron County Ashland County - Ashland County Prosecutor’s Office Office Prosecutor’s

$70,775 $30,200

$6,189 $0

Ashland HURONRape TotalCrisis Service - Appleseed Community Mental Health Ctr.

$20,344 $70,775

$2,034 $6,189





Community Assault Prevention Services ASHTABULA Jackson County - Jackson Co. County Ashtabula County - Ashtabula Prosecuting Attorney Prosecutor’s Office



$0 $54,370

$50,397 $5,437

JACKSON Total HomeSafe, Inc

$31,925 $80,286

$62,019 $24,072




Jefferson ATHENSCounty - Jefferson County Prosecutor Victim Assist. Tri-County MH & Counseling Services Sexual Assault Survivor Advocate Alive Inc.



$0 $108,252 $36,613 $13,404

$64,280 $8,892 $13,179 $0

$88,625 $160,906

$8,736 $12,698




New Directions AUGLAIZE Knox County - Knox County Auglaize County - Auglaize County Prosecutor’s Office Prosecutor’s Office KNOX Total Auglaize County Crisis Center, Inc.



$26,018 $30,273

$1,388 $0

$55,835 $73,611

$11,960 $18,017



The Edna Brooks Foundation, Inc. - My Upper Ohio Valley Sexual Assault Help Sister’s Place Center, Inc. Athens County - Athens County JEFFERSONOffice Total Prosecutor’s

LAKE City of Eastlake - Eastlake Police Department


Awards to Agencies by County Program



Lake County - Lake County Pros. V/A Program ADAMS



Lake Committee on Family ReachCounty Out Incorporated Violence, Inc. - Forbes House Adams County - Adams County City of Willoughby Prosecutor Office - Police Dept. Victim Assistance Program ADAMS Total City of Mentor -Mentor Police Department ALLEN LAKE Total Crime Victim Services

$56,653 $25,523

$5,665 $13,556

$0 $28,863

$48,259 $2,886





$290,148 $178,823

$28,578 $17,758

Crossroads Crisis Center, Inc. LAWRENCE



ALLEN Total Lawrence County Prosecutor - Lawrence County Prosecutor’s Office

$282,894 $67,624

$28,026 $0

Lawrence Co. Domestic Violence Task ASHLAND Force, Inc. Ashland County - Ashland County Prosecutor’s LAWRENCEOffice Total





$113,047 $20,344

$24,379 $2,034





$38,747 $54,370

$3,875 $5,437

$127,352 $80,286

$14,025 $24,072





$16,007 $0

$0 $64,280

The EdnaTotal Brooks Foundation, Inc. - My LOGAN Sister’s Place

$36,613 $67,531

$13,179 $5,266

Athens County - Athens County LORAIN Prosecutor’s Office



Lorain County Safe Harbor ATHENS Total Lorain County - Lorain County Prosecutor Lorain County Rape Crisis Service - The AUGLAIZE Nord Center Auglaize County - Auglaize County Prosecutor’s Office City Prosecutor Elyria City - Elyria

$73,063 $125,238

$12,983 $86,195





$30,273 $33,064

$0 $0

Auglaize County Crisis Center, Inc. Lorain County - Juvenile Court/Voices for Children

$73,611 $32,311

$18,017 $3,140




Ashland Rape Crisis Service - Appleseed Community Mental Health Ctr. LICKING ASHLAND Total The Woodlands Serving Central Ohio New Beginnings ASHTABULA Family Health Service of E Central OH Licking County Rape Crisis Center Ashtabula County - Ashtabula County Prosecutor’s Office LICKING Total HomeSafe, Inc ASHTABULA Total LOGAN Logan County - Logan County Prosecutor ATHENS City of Bellefontaine - City LawServices Tri-County MH & Counseling Director’s Office/City Prosecutor Sexual Assault Survivor Advocate


Awards to Agencies by County Program



ADAMS YWCA - Rape Crisis Center



YWCAOut - Battered Women’s Shelter Reach Incorporated Lucas County Lucas Co.County Prosecutor Adams County - Adams V/W Program/Hispanic Prosecutor Office

$56,845 $25,523 $198,545 $0

$10,753 $13,556 $112,842 $48,259

$25,523 $94,301

$61,815 $9,438

Lucas County - Lucas County Juvenile ALLEN Court/CASA



Crime Victim Services Franciscan Shelters - Bethany House Crossroads Crisis Center, Inc. LUCAS Total ALLEN Total

$178,823 $22,610 $104,071 $471,619 $282,894

$17,758 $0 $10,268 $158,079 $28,026

$30,200 $0

$0 $3,075,000

$36,046 $20,344 $36,046

$7,040 $2,034 $3,082,040




Family & Child Abuse Prevention ADAMS Total Center

MADISON ASHLAND Office of the Attorney General – Ohio Ashland County - Ashland County Peace Officer Training Academy Prosecutor’s Office A Friend’s House Ashland Rape Crisis Service - Appleseed MADISON Total Community Mental Health Ctr. ASHLAND Total MAHONING Help Hotline Crisis Center, Inc. ASHTABULA Children’s & Family Services - Crime Ashtabula County - Ashtabula County Victim Service Program Prosecutor’s Office Mahoning County - Mahoning County Prosecutor Inc HomeSafe,




$68,378 $54,370

$6,838 $5,437

$106,689 $80,286

$10,668 $24,072

Burdman Group, Inc. - Sojourner House ASHTABULA Total Domestic Violence Program

$83,251 $134,656

$9,568 $29,509

Mahoning County - Mahoning County ATHENS CASA/GAL Program Tri-County MH & Counseling Services MAHONING Sexual Assault Total Survivor Advocate



$0 $314,863

$64,280 $32,712

The Edna Brooks Foundation, Inc. - My Sister’s Place MARION Athens County - Athens County Concerned Prosecutor’sCitizens Office Against Violence Against Women - Turning Point



$88,625 $76,705

$8,736 $7,531

ATHENS Total Victim Assistance Marion County Marion Area Counseling Center, Inc.

$76,446 $125,238

$15,369 $86,195

Marion County - Marion County AUGLAIZE Prosecutor’s Office



Auglaize County - Auglaize County MARION Total Prosecutor’s Office

$30,273 $198,116

$0 $27,399

Auglaize County Crisis Center, Inc. MEDINA



Medina County - Medina County Prosecutor’s Office



Awards to Agencies by County Program






Reach Out Incorporated MERCER Adams County - Adams County Mercer County - Mercer County Prosecutor Office Prosecutor’s Office ADAMS Total



$0 $27,617

$48,259 $2,743



Family Crisis Network, Inc.



ALLEN MERCER Total Crime Victim Services

$78,322 $178,823

$21,559 $17,758

Crossroads Crisis Center, Inc. MIAMI



ALLEN Total Shelter of Miami County, Family Abuse Inc.

$282,894 $65,709

$28,026 $6,571

Miami Co. MH Center/Dettmer Hosp. ASHLAND Mental Health Center Ashland County - Ashland County Miami County - Miami County Prosecutor’s Office Prosecutor’s Office V/W Ashland Rape Crisis Service - Appleseed Community Health Ctr.Inc. CASA/GAL Mental of Miami County,



$30,200 $82,741

$0 $20,864

$20,344 $22,163

$2,034 $2,258







Ashtabula MONROECounty - Ashtabula County Prosecutor’s Office Monroe County - Monroe County Prosecutor’sInc Office HomeSafe,



$0 $80,286

$36,321 $24,072


$0 $134,656

$36,321 $29,509

$0 $36,280

$64,280 $3,015



$139,112 $88,625 $134,077

$15,114 $8,736 $15,849

Montgomery County - Montgomery Cty. ATHENS Total Victim/Witness Division

$83,772 $125,238

$8,827 $86,195

Children’s Medical Center - Child Abuse AUGLAIZE Department



Auglaize County - Auglaize County Co. Montgomery County - Montgomery Prosecutor’s Office Program Juvenile Ct. CASA

$24,596 $30,273

$2,460 $0

City of Dayton - City of Center, Dayton Inc. Auglaize County Crisis Prosecutor Office

$43,825 $73,611

$0 $18,017

City of Riverside - City Prosecutor







ATHENS MONTGOMERY Tri-County MH & Counseling Services Family Service Association - Stop Child Sexual Assault Survivor Advocate Abuse & Neglect The Edna Brooks Foundation, Inc. - My Sister’s ArtemisPlace Center for Alternatives to D/V Athens County - Athens County YWCA of Dayton - Shelter & Housing Prosecutor’s Office Network


Awards to Agencies by County Program



Morgan County - Morgan County ADAMS Prosecutor’s Office Reach Out Incorporated MORGAN Total Adams County - Adams County



$25,523 $23,883 $0

$13,556 $5,424 $48,259




Morrow County - Morrow County ALLEN Prosecutor V/W Program



Crime Victim Services MORROW Total Crossroads Crisis Center, Inc.

$178,823 $16,448 $104,071

$17,758 $31,522 $10,268




ASHLAND Transitions, Inc.

$95,023 $30,200 $0

$10,888 $0 $41,910

$20,344 $95,023

$2,034 $52,798




NOBLE ASHTABULA Six County, Inc. - Noble Counseling Center Ashtabula County - Ashtabula County Prosecutor’s Office Noble County Prosecutor’s Office -

$10,720 $54,370 $0

$64,236 $5,437 $27,728

Victim/Witness Assistance Program HomeSafe, Inc




$10,720 $134,656

$91,964 $29,509

$0 $35,263

$64,280 $22,331

The Edna Brooks Foundation, Inc. - My OTTAWA Total Sister’s Place

$36,613 $35,263

$13,179 $22,331

Athens County - Athens County Prosecutor’s PAULDING Office



Paulding ATHENSCounty Total Court - Paulding County Court Probation

$31,829 $125,238

$9,953 $86,195




Auglaize County - Auglaize County Prosecutor’s PICKAWAYOffice



PickawayCounty CountyCrisis - Pickaway County Auglaize Center, Inc. Prosecutor Victims Program

$82,512 $73,611

$8,249 $18,017

Haven House of Pickaway County, Inc.




Prosecutor Office

Ashland County - Ashland County Muskingum County - Muskingum Co Prosecutor’s Office Prosecutor Ashland Rape Crisis Service - Appleseed MUSKINGUM Total Community Mental Health Ctr.

ATHENS OTTAWA Tri-County MH -&Ottawa Counseling Services Ottawa County County Sexual Assault Survivor Advocate Prosecutors Office


Awards to Agencies by County Program



Pickaway County Juvenile Court



ADAMS PICKAWAY Total Reach Out Incorporated

$165,347 $25,523

$17,822 $13,556

Adams County - Adams County PIKE Prosecutor Office



Pike County - Pike Co. Prosecutor’s ADAMS Total V/W Division

$0 $25,523

$47,291 $61,815

Pike County Partnership Against ALLEN Domestic Violence Crime Victim Services PIKE Total



Crossroads Crisis Center, Inc.

$178,823 $0 $104,071

$17,758 $156,973 $10,268




Family & Community Services of ASHLAND Portage County, Inc. - Safer Futures



Ashland - Ashland County TownhallCounty II Prosecutor’s Office Portage County - Portage Co. Pros. V/W Ashland Rape Crisis Service - Appleseed Office Community Mental Health Ctr. The Children’s Advocacy Center of ASHLAND Total Portage County

$30,200 $55,946

$0 $5,477

$106,763 $20,344

$10,665 $2,034

$14,370 $50,544

$1,325 $2,034




Ashtabula County - Ashtabula County Prosecutor’s Office PREBLE



HomeSafe, Inc - Preble Co. Prosecutor’s Preble County V/W Program ASHTABULA Total PREBLE Total

$80,286 $62,658

$24,072 $7,662

$134,656 $62,658

$29,509 $7,662

Tri-County MH & Counseling Services RICHLAND Sexual Assault Survivor Advocate City of Mansfield - Law Director’s Office The Edna Brooks Foundation, Inc. - My Richland County Prosecutor - Richland Sister’s Place County Pros. V/W Unit Athens County - Athens County The DomesticOffice Violence Shelter, Inc. Prosecutor’s



$50,786 $36,613 $78,376

$0 $13,179 $7,698

$88,625 $89,509

$8,736 $15,101

Richland ATHENSCounty Total - Richland Co. Juvenile Ct. CASA Program

$30,695 $125,238

$3,070 $86,195




Auglaize County - Auglaize County Prosecutor’s Office ROSS



Ross County Coalition Auglaize County CrisisAgainst Center, DV Inc. Ross County - Ross Co. Prosecutor’s V/W Program

$109,868 $73,611 $62,914

$17,784 $18,017 $6,180

Child Protection Center of Ross County





Awards to Agencies by County Program



City of Chillicothe - Chillicothe Municipal ADAMS Court



ROSS Out Total Reach Incorporated

$234,337 $25,523

$30,120 $13,556

Adams County - Adams County Prosecutor Office SANDUSKY ADAMS Total Sandusky County - Sandusky County Prosecutor’s Office ALLEN SANDUSKY Total Crime Victim Services



$25,523 $32,748

$61,815 $3,168

$32,748 $178,823

$3,168 $17,758







$0 $30,200 $0

$77,891 $0 $46,005



Crossroads Crisis Center, Inc. SCIOTO ALLEN Total Southern Ohio Task Force on D/V – Southern Ohio Shelter ASHLAND Scioto County - Scioto County Prosecutor Ashland County - Ashland County Forensic Nursing, Prosecutor’s OfficeInc. - Southern Ohio Sexual Assault Treatment Center Ashland Rape Crisis Service - Appleseed Community Mental Health Ctr. SCIOTO Total






SENECA ASHTABULA Sandusky Valley D/V Shelter, Inc. Ashtabula County - Ashtabula County CASA of Seneca & Sandusky Co. Prosecutor’s Office

$66,007 $54,370 $60,542

$26,628 $5,437 $6,054

Seneca County – Seneca Co. Prosecutor’s HomeSafe, Inc V/A Program

$109,957 $80,286

$10,782 $24,072

ASHTABULA TotalInc. PatchWorks House,

$0 $134,656

$40,117 $29,509




Tri-County MH & Counseling Services SHELBY Sexual Assault Survivor Advocate



The Brooks NewEdna Choices, Inc.Foundation, Inc. - My Sister’s Place Commissioners Victim Shelby County

$36,613 $94,860

$13,179 $9,483

ServicesCounty - Shelby- Athens CountyCounty Victim Services Athens Prosecutor’s Office Shelby County - Juvenile Court CASA Program ATHENS Total SHELBY Total

$23,586 $88,625 $0

$47,322 $8,736 $7,519

$125,238 $118,446

$86,195 $64,324

AUGLAIZE STARK Auglaize County - Auglaize County



$16,068 $73,611 $61,344

$25,533 $18,017 $6,134



Prosecutor’s OfficeArea Domestic P.A.C.E., Alliance Violence Auglaize County Crisis Center, Inc. American Red Cross of Cent Stark Co. Rape Crisis Center Child & Adolescent Service Center Child Abuse Treatment Team


Awards to Agencies by County Program



Domestic Violence Project, Inc. ADAMS Stark County - Stark County Reach Out Incorporated Prosecutor’s Office Adams County - Adams County Community Services of Stark Co. Prosecutor Office Alliance Area Rape Crisis & Sexual Assault ADAMS Total



$142,433 $25,523

$14,243 $13,556

$0 $25,470

$48,259 $3,756

$25,523 $30,243

$61,815 $3,024

STARK TotalServices Crime Victim

$420,022 $178,823

$68,361 $17,758

Crossroads Crisis Center, Inc.






Battered Women’s Shelter of Summit & Medina Co. - Battered Women’s Shelter ASHLAND



Ashland County - Program, Ashland County Victim Assistance Inc. Prosecutor’s Office Summit County - Summit Co. Ashland Rape Crisis Service - Appleseed Prosecutor’s V/S Division Community Mental Health Ctr. Children’s Hospital Medical Center of ASHLAND Total Akron - Social Work Department

$30,200 $120,273

$0 $13,373

$71,838 $20,344

$7,133 $2,034

$144,216 $50,544

$15,598 $2,034

CASA Board Volunteer Association Inc. - CASA/GAL Program of Summit ASHTABULA County Ashtabula County - Ashtabula County Area AgencyOffice on the Aging, 10B - Elder Prosecutor’s Rights Division HomeSafe, Inc Rape Crisis Center – Rape Crisis Center



$54,370 $14,945

$5,437 $1,495

$80,286 $128,939

$24,072 $22,612


$134,656 $654,425

$29,509 $77,493

Tri-County MH & Counseling Services TRUMBULL Sexual Assault Survivor Advocate Trumbull County - Trumbull Co. The Edna Brooks Prosecutor’s V/WFoundation, Division Inc. - My Sister’s Place Rape Crisis Team of Trumbull Co., Inc Athens County - Athens County Prosecutor’s Office Someplace Safe, Inc.



$97,405 $36,613

$10,863 $13,179

$0 $88,625

$48,442 $8,736



Warren Municipal ATHENS Total Court

$30,897 $125,238

$0 $86,195




Auglaize County - Auglaize County TUSCARAWAS Prosecutor’s Office



Harbor House, Inc. Auglaize County Crisis Center, Inc.

$65,614 $73,611

$6,561 $18,017

Compass, Inc - Hotline/Advocacy Volunteer Program



Tuscarawas County - Tuscarawas County Victim Assistance



Crisis Intervention Center of Stark County Inc. ALLEN




Awards to Agencies by County Program






Reach Out Incorporated UNION Adams County - Adams County Union County - Union County Prosecutor Office Prosecutor’s Office-VOCA ADAMS Total



$0 $78,621

$48,259 $14,572






Crime Victim Services VAN WERT



Crossroads Crisis Center, Van Wert County VictimsInc. Services ALLEN Total Crisis Care Line - House of Transition

$104,071 $24,426 $282,894 $24,656

$10,268 $2,443 $28,026 $112,721




Ashland VINTONCounty - Ashland County Prosecutor’s Office Vinton County - Vinton County Ashland Rape Crisis Service - Appleseed Prosecutor’s Office Community Mental Health Ctr. VINTON Total ASHLAND Total



$0 $20,344

$34,680 $2,034

$0 $50,544

$34,680 $2,034

Ashtabula County - Ashtabula Abuse & Rape Crisis Shelter of County Warren Prosecutor’s Office Co., Inc.

$54,370 $66,933

$5,437 $8,299

Warren County - Warren Co. HomeSafe, Inc Prosecutor’s V/W Office

$66,054 $80,286

$6,605 $24,072


$134,656 $132,987

$29,509 $14,904

ATHENS WASHINGTON Tri-County MH & Counseling Services -



$113,264 $36,613

$11,300 $13,179

$33,346 $88,625 $26,766

$3,335 $8,736 $2,677

$125,238 $19,098

$86,195 $1,971

AUGLAIZE WASHINGTON Total Auglaize County - Auglaize County Prosecutor’s Office

$192,474 $30,273

$19,283 $0

WAYNE Auglaize County Crisis Center, Inc. Every Woman’s House, Inc.

$73,611 $84,531

$18,017 $13,721

Wayne County V/A Program - Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office



Wayne County - Wayne Co. Juvenile Ct. Volunteer GAL Program





Sexual Assault Survivor Advocate EVE Inc. The Edna Brooks Foundation, Inc. - My Sister’s PlaceCounty - Washington Co. Washington

Commissioners Program Athens County -V/A Athens County Prosecutor’s Office City of Marietta - Marietta Law Directors Office ATHENS Total Washington County - Washington County Juvenile Court


Awards to Agencies by County Program





$25,523 $191,165 $0

$13,556 $45,327 $48,259




Behavioral Connections of Wood County, ALLEN Inc. – Wood County Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse Crime Victim Services Wood County Prosecutor – Wood County Prosecutor’s OfficeInc. Crossroads Crisis Center,



$178,823 $47,136

$17,758 $4,714

$104,071 $20,607 $282,894 $0

$10,268 $2,061 $28,026 $64,063


$194,150 $30,200

$83,512 $0

Ashland Rape Crisis Service - Appleseed WYANDOT Community Mental Health Ctr. Wyandot County ASHLAND Total - Prosecutor’s Victim Assistance Program



$24,629 $50,544

$2,462 $2,034




Grant Year 2005-2006 Total County Ashtabula County - Ashtabula Prosecutor’s Office

$13,391,225 $54,370

$6,685,219 $5,437

HomeSafe, Inc






Tri-County MH & Counseling Services Sexual Assault Survivor Advocate



The Edna Brooks Foundation, Inc. - My Sister’s Place



Athens County - Athens County Prosecutor’s Office






Auglaize County - Auglaize County Prosecutor’s Office



Auglaize County Crisis Center, Inc.



Wayne County Children’s Advocacy Ctr. ADAMS Reach OutTotal Incorporated WAYNE Adams County - Adams County Prosecutor Office

Wood ALLENCounty Total CASA Program The Cocoon Shelter, Inc.

Ashland County - Ashland County Prosecutor’s Office




Attorney General Jim Petro Crime Victims Services Section Ohio Missing Children Clearinghouse 150 E. Gay St., 25th Fl. Columbus, Ohio 43215-3400 (800) 325-5604 (614) 466-5610 Fax: (614) 728-9536

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