2006-09 The Action

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n o i t c A The September 2006 Kathy Main 637-0050 (home) 451-8515 (cell) President Liz Boyer 637-0373 Community VP Kim Clapper 632-3229 Individual VP Matt Boyer 812-1490 Financial VP Scott Strausbaugh 632-0646 Membership VP Lori Noel 630-0459 Treasurer Brenda Chenault 637-9459 Secretary Deb Baber 624-9239 451-1494 (cell) Chairman of the Board

Katie Rohrbaugh 637-1259 Director Jamie Haines 630-2379 Director Kim Leese 965-5237 Director Tammy Trish 229-2956 Director Ed Cornelius 449-0167 State Director Chapter House 637 - 8778 22 York Street Rear P.O. Box 368 Hanover, PA 17331

The Official Publication of the Hanover Area Jaycees

Volume 65 Issue 09

Hello Jaycee friends! ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL? Believe it or not, it is that time of year already. You know what that means...we also in the Jaycee world are working hard to finish this year strong with some of the biggest projects coming up yet. I would like to encourage everyone to step up and take a little time of your very busy schedule and help out the JAYCEE TEAM. Last Saturday, we had our Annual Crab and Chicken Feed. We were visited by some neighboring chapters, thanks to Upper Adams and Tri-City (well their not so neighboring). Also we were visited by our State President, Kim Melachrinos and her husband, Paul. Kim also brought our National Vice President assigned to the Pennsylvania Jaycees, Lisa Douglass from Florida. Also our State Vice President, Doug Krautheim from Doylestown attended. Thank you to all that helped out and attended this years Crab and Chicken Feed. That night we also had the Seafood Raffle take place. We also just completed our newest project the Backpacks for Kids. We collected over 70 backpacks filled of school supplies and local restaurant coupons. Great job to everyone who helped out with these projects and especially to the Chairmen; Andy Bolin, Brenda Chenault and Karen Sentz. As you can see we were busy last month, but we have a lot more fun coming up very soon. Please take the time to look over all the Vice President’s reports to see what’s coming up and I hope to see all of you there. 65 YEARS...WOW, that is a long time, but that is also how long the Hanover Area Jaycees have been around. Saturday, September 9th starting at 5:00PM at the Chapter House is when we will be celebrating this milestone. I encourage everyone to attend, I understand that the Penn State and Notre Dame Game is on that day...however we do have a TV in the Chapter House...GO STATE! The 65th Anniversary Open House will be such an exciting and educational time for all of us, I can tell you I have learned some things already from the past presidents and I can not wait to learn some more from them. Did you know for instance that the Hanover Area Jaycees sponsored street signs for Hanover in the past? If you look around town there still are some around. I hope to see all of you there, September 9th! That same weekend the Gettysburg and Hanover Area Jaycees are having the 1st Annual Charity Golf Tournament. The proceeds will benefit the Adams County SPCA. Registration starts at 12 Noon on Sunday, September 10th at the Links at Gettysburg. Come out and help support us by either golfing or spotting out on the course.

Now let’s go out there team and Make it Happen! SEPTEMBER MEMBERSHIP MEETING Thursday, September 7, 2006 Social begins at 7:00 pm Meeting begins at 7:30 pm http://groups.msn.com/HanoverAreaJaycees [email protected]

Yours in Jaycee Spirit, Kathy L. Main 67th President Hanover Area Jaycees

Community Hands at Work Liz Boyer, 2006 Community Vice President BACKPACK FOR KIDS!! Thank you Karen Sentz for doing such an AWESOME job! Through this new project we were able to help about 80 needy children to have everything necessary to start the next school year out right! Karen and her committee went above and beyond in helping these children. Not only were we able to donate school supplies, we received donations from local businesses of treats for the children to enjoy! Great job guys! Way to make a difference in our community!

Adopt-A-Highway! Our last Adopt-A-Highway was held on August 20. Thanks to all who helped out! We had 6 people help out! But we need YOU for the next one! When do you have to mark your calendar for it, you say? NOVEMBER 12! Again, that’s NOVEMBER 12! Meet at the chapter house at 1:00PM! We will be cleaning up the trash from stretch of road between Cooper Motors and Smith Station Road on Route 116. Afterwards, we’ll either go for hot chocolate or ice cream… whichever the weather dictates If you have any further questions, please contact Adam Martin. Hanover Halloween Parade! YES! It is rapidly approaching!! Are you new to the Hanover Area or simply don’t get out much? (That’s pretty much the only way you wouldn’t know what the Hanover Halloween Parade is.) Well, if not… This is an annual gathering of the Hanover Area that traditionally is held the last Thursday of October. Bands from all over the state of Pennsylvania and Maryland, local businesses and organizations, and individuals who just want to show off their vehicles, march from Wirt Avenue to Third Street in Hanover. They are judged by professionals to compete for money and recognition. Because of the fun of the event, the day before the parade, the residents of the Hanover Area line the streets with chairs and benches to reserve a good seat for viewing and participating in this most popular event. This is the largest project of the Jaycees, so we certainly could use YOUR help! We will hold our next meeting on Wednesday, September 6th at 7:00PM at the Chapter House! Contact Kim Leese with questions or if interested in helping!

Senior Citizen’s Thanksgiving Social! The Thanksgiving social is a time for the Jaycees to get out and interact with our elders. The social will be held November 19. A chairperson is still needed, so if you’re interested in helping to make a difference for some older folk, please let me know! It’s a great project for a new member!

For more information about ANY of our Community Projects, please call me at (717)-968-3203!

Individual News Membership Meeting September 7, 2006 Social: 7:00pm, Luau Style Meeting: 7:30pm Program: Nick Cracium Information about State Competitions Jaycee Picnic September 17, 2006 3pm - ? West Hanover St Playground Invitations to follow! Questions please call Kim at 965-1282 JAM Social – Demolition Derby, Arcadia, MD September 30, 2006 Meet in Jaycee parking lot at 2pm to car pool to the Derby Adults: $10, Kids (6-12) $5, 5 and under: Free For more info call Kim at 965-1282 or go to: http://www.arcadiavfc.org/DemoDerby/derby.shtml ID College October 1 (May have to change to Oct 8th) Will know by September 7th Meeting ID College will begin at 1pm We will have training with past Jaycee David Wauls and Sherry Cracium This will be training to use in Jaycees and in your career. This is a must do! For more information please call Kim at 965-1282 October JAM Social – Gettysburg Ghost Tour Saturday October 28, 2006 Meet at chapter house at 8:30pm Tour will begin promptly at 9:30, with Steve Clapper as Tour Guide You must sign up for this by the October Membership Meeting Please call Kim to sign up or for more information at 965-1282. Sign up sheet will be at the next two membership meetings. *Please bring a snack for the September Membership Meeting, it is a luau theme*

The Financial Times Matt Boyer, 2006 Financial Vice President

The first Annual Art Auction is coming up Saturday Sept 23 at Homewood. The art preview is 7 pm - 8 pm, and auction begins at 8 pm. It will be $10 per person, which includes appetizers, wine & cheese, and desserts. There will be between 140 and 150 art pieces. Help is needed with Manpower, Donations, Refreshments, and Tickets and Invitations. No postcards are being mailed, word of mouth is the best way to advertise the auction so let everyone know about this event. Deb Baber is chairing this event, please contact her if there are any questions on the project. The Apple Harvest Festival is scheduled for the first and second weekends of October 7 & 8, 14 & 15. The Hanover Chapter will be holding a jelly stand at this event. The next meeting hasn’t been scheduled yet, if you are interested in assisting with this please call me at 873-5986. The Miss Hanover Pageant will be on Monday, October 23. Next Committee Meeting is being held at the School of Music and Dance on September 10th. At this we have 16 girls to compete in the pageant.

The Cadillac Banquet is coming up in November. A fast year it has been, we are already working on a project for that month. Committee is being put together, letters need to be sent out and tickets need to be advertised and sold. If you are interested in helping with this, please contact me @ 873-5986. The first meeting is being scheduled. Bingo, a never ending project. But it is a helpful project as well. The next on the calendar is September 15. We weren’t able to help in August, so will attempt to set up two this month. Please let me know if you are interested in helping with this. It might be possible to set up a date that you request.

Thanks to everyone who helped with the Crab Feed. Ran out of crabs a little early, but the beer truck went over pretty well… everyone had fun and nobody missed the crabs. Great job. Also great job to Brenda Chenault and the Seafood Raffle. Set up a stand at the Crab Feed as well as several of the other projects, came out over budget. Even though my name wasn’t called. Again, great job Brenda.

Great job at the Chicken BBQ, which helps the 65th Anniversary. If there is anyone that still owes money please contact Lori Noel or Deb Baber.

Membership News Scott J. Strausbaugh, Membership Vice President (717) 632-0646 e-mail [email protected] Sept. Happy Birthdays Donna Adams Troy Bolin Liz Boyer Kim Clapper Tara Hall Becky Kuhn Brenda Myers Michael Myers Lori Noel Shane Rebert Katie Rohrbaugh Rebecca Smith Brianna Weaver Laura Wertman

Dues Reminder for October (Due Now) Lynn Brown Christine Carbaugh Kristie Greenholt Brian Greth Mike Johnson Eric Kenworthy Terri Prowell Shelly Galen Amy Smith Kristen Smith Gina Trump Keri Yinger

Upcoming Dues for November Melanie Adams Andrew Carrolus Chris Dentler Heidi Dutterer Jesse Gallagher Mark Gettel Melissa Gilbert Bryan Kenworthy Jen Lebo Laura Lowman William Munion Kelly Myers Lori Noel Celena Ruth Natalie Shank Rebecca Smith Kimberly Wehrly

Chapter Statistics Welcome to Amy Davis, our newest member of the Hanover Area Jaycees. Amy joined the Jaycees in August and is employed at Cedarbrook Business Services. FYI: we had 100% membership retention for the month of August. Thanks to all you committed Jaycees. We are still holding strong at 106 members for our chapter and we are still shooting for 115 members by December. We are working hard toward this goal and we had four individuals at the Crab and Chicken feed who expressed an interest in joining the Jaycees. Member News Congratulations to Tom Hufnagle, one of our newest members, who was married in August. Also, congratulations are in order to Michael Kaguyutan on the birth of his daughter. Kirk and Heidi Dutterer also had a baby girl Kaela Nicole, she was born July 22nd 8lbs. 5 oz. and 20” long. Congratulations guys. We look forward to meeting the new members of the family. Dues Notice For those of you with Anniversary dates in October, please send in your dues as soon as possible. As you can see, we have a large number of members to renew in October and it is helpful if we do not have to call folks to remind them about their dues. Thanks in advance for your cooperation. . In Jaycee Spirit,

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Hello Hanover Jaycees Wow here it is September already that means football is in the air. Let’s get down to the job at hand. Let’s see what is going on around the state. The Greater Scranton Jaycees are having a stand at the Italian Fest, September 2nd & 3rd. The York Jaycees are having there Baked Potato Stand at the York Fair September 8-17, they are looking for manpower if you can help stop over, your help earns you FREE admission into the fair. Then on the 23rd the PAJC'S are having a family picnic at Knoebles. Moving into October the Hamburg Jaycees King Frost Parade is Saturday 28th. Let’s move into November we have the November Board Meeting 3rd—5th we will be holding elections for state officers, our very Sherry Cracium is running for State President. Please come out and support her. Then we can go to Scranton, November 18 to help with their Santa Parade and have fun trying to help carry a balloon like in the Macy's Parade. I heard it is good exercise! Then afterwards you can socialize at a local restaurant. Until next month, Ed Cornelius State Director

Question from the President…

At the next Membership Meeting on Thursday, September 7th whoever can answer my question will get a prize. The question is...Who sponsored the old metal black and white street signs located in Hanover?


the answer is in the President’s article.

Hanover Area Jaycees “Make It Happen” August Membership Meeting August 3, 2006 Meeting Called to Order: 7:31 pm by Kathy Main. Chaplain’s Invocation: Diana Rumsey Pledge of Allegiance: led by Stan Carbaugh Program: Kathy from the Hanover Council of Churches. Introduction of Members and Guests: Secretary’s Report: Brenda Chenault - Dispense with the reading of the minutes by Deb Baber; 2nd by Nick Cracium. Motion carries. Motion to approve the Secretary’s Reports by Diana Rumsey; 2nd by Tammy Trish. Motion carries. ; Checking $ Treasurer’s Report: Lori Noel - Balances as of 08/ /06: Building & Renovations $ to approve the Treasurer’s Report by Katie Rohrbaugh; 2nd by Karen Sentz. Motion carries.

; Savings $

; Total $


Community VP’s Report: Liz Boyer - Will be honoring Tammy Trish at the OYP Banquet at the August Board Meeting. 8/09: Next Halloween Parade Committee Meeting at 6:30 p.m. The Backpack for Kids program is up and running under the direction of Karen Sentz. 08/20: Adopt-a-Highway @ 1:00 @ the Chapter House. Individual VP’s Report: Kim Clapper - Thank Kathy from the Hanover Council of Churches for the program tonight. Good luck to Kathy and Matt at competitions @ boards. Congrats to Tammy for the OYP nomination. 08/11: Hanover Jaycees night at the Littlestown Carnival - pizza stand. Next Social 08/18 @ the South Hills Golf Course - Tiki Bar @ 8:00. 09/30: Demolition Derby. 10/28: Ghost Tour, Gettysburg. Snacks needed for September Membership Meeting. Financial VP’s Report: Matt Boyer - Good job to Adam and committee for the Kids Karnival. 08/11: State Bingo. 08/19: Crab & Chicken Feed - Dave Maus is man power sub-chair….see Dave if you can help. Seafood Raffle: winning ticket will be pulled the night of the Crab & Chicken Feed. 09/23: Art Auction @ Homewood in Community Building, 140 pieces of art. Let’s get out the word for this new project!! 10/07 & 10/08 and also 10/14 & 10/15: Apple Harvest: jelly sale, chairman is needed!!! MAN POWER WILL BE NEEDED FOR BOTH WEEKENDS!! 10/23: Miss Hanover Pageant. 11/15: Cadillac Banquet, chairman is needed!!!!! Membership VP’s Report: Scott Strausbaugh - Welcome our guest this evening. 104 members at this time. Dues special for August $27.50. September 100% renewal. New Member Orientation @ Scott’s House on 08/20 @ 5:00 p.m. State Director’s Report: Ed Cornelius - Tammy Trish is being recognized at the OYP Banquet during August Boards. 08/07 - 08/12: Littlestown Jaycees Pizza Stand @ the Littlestown Carnival. 08/25 - 08/27: Prime Training and Achieve in Harrisburg. 08/26: Upper Adams is hosting the Regional Meeting. 08/26: Myerstown is having a dance. Labor Day weekend: Scranton Jaycees is having a stand set-up at the Italian Festival. 09/03: Northern Schyukill is having a bus trip to the Phillies. 09/08 - 09/17: York Jaycees need our help at the Baked Potato Stand at the York Fair. 09/10: Gettysburg Golf Tournament— to benefit the Adams County SPCA; man power is needed or if interested in golfing see Fred Baber. 09/23: PA Jaycees is having picnic at Knobel’s Park. In October, Hamburg Jaycees need help with the King Frosts Parade. 11/03 - 11/05: November Boards, location to be announced. President’s Report: Kathy Main - Thanks to Liz, Karen and Brenda for the collections for the Backpacks for Kids project. Thanks for all of the donations of the books; we will be delivering them at the board meeting. Chicken BBQ - tickets are available: part of the funds to benefit the 65th Anniversary Celebration. 08/19: Crab & Chicken Feed - come out and enjoy the fun!!! New Member Orientation is 08/20. I encourage everyone to come out and have fun at the socials. 09/09: 65th Anniversary Celebration at the Chapter House. Question from the President: What is the first partners project called? Answer: Adopt-a Boxer, Winner: Kim Clapper. AWARDS for the Second Quarter: Jaycee for the Month of April: Lori Noel Jaycee for the Month of May: Kim Leese Jaycee for the Month of June: Christine Blystone Jaycee for the Quarter: Kim Leese Induction of New Members: Mike Etridge recruited by Kim Clapper. Break: Move to dispense with break by Deb Baber; 2nd by Ed Cornelius. Motion carries. Discussion: none Old Business: none New Business: none Announcements: Nick: Heidi and Kirk had their baby!!! Congrats Heidi and Kirk!!! Fred: Upper Adams will start to get ready for the Apple Harvest starting 09/17—all help is appreciated. Tammy: Adoption date for Tara is 08/24. Fred: 09/24—Gettysburg Tour, 1:00 @ Tour Center: FREE TOUR!! Lori: Need Expense Reports ASAP!!! Kathy: Housekeeping Announcement: do not drink the water out of the tap. Stroller was left behind at Kids Karnvial. Wendy Keesey (York Jaycee) mom has passed away. Good of the Order: Fred: Adam did a great job with Kids Karnival. Liz: Thanks for all the past president’s for their recent help and encouragement. Jaycee Creed: led by Karen Sentz. Adjournment: Andy Bolin motion to adjourn; 2nd by Nick Cracuim. Motion carries. Meeting adjourned at 9:10pm. Submitted by: Brenda Chenault, Secretary

Application for Membership  YES!

I am between the ages of 21 and 39 and want to increase my opportunities for success by becoming a member.

Name______________________________________ Address ____________________________________ City _______________________________________ State ____________________ Zip _______________ Date of Birth ________________________________ Home Phone ________________________________ E-Mail Address ______________________________ Employer __________________________________ Title ______________________________________ Work Phone ________________________________ Spouse’s Name ______________________________ Referred by _________________________________ I Would Like to Refer _________________________ Phone ______________________________________

I am interested in the following:      

Social Issues  Professional Development Environmental Issues  Family & Youth Activities Sporting Activities  Personal Development Business Networking  Governmental Affairs Meeting New People  International Affairs Community Involvement  Other ________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

Dues are $55.00 Annually.

September 2006 SUN







3 KClinger’s Chili Cookoff 11-4



6 Parade Committee Meeting

7 8 Membership Meeting 7:30

9 65th Anniversary 5:00

10 Golf Tournament





15 Bingo


17 Jaycee 18 Family Picnic



21 Board Meeting 7:30


23 Art Auction 7PM

24 Visitation G-burg walking tour 1pm





30 JAM Social


Demolition Derby

National Board Meeting

October 2006 SUN











5 6 Membership Meeting 7:30

7 Apple Harvest

8 Apple Harvest


10 M-Night




14 Apple Harvest

15 Apple Harvest

16 17 Miss Hanover rehearsal

18 19 Miss Hanover Board rehearsal Meeting 7:30

20 Bingo

21 JAM Social


23 24 Visitation Miss Hanover Gettysburg Pageant 7PM Parade



28 Visitation

29 Daylight Savings Time – Fall Back 1 hour


31 Happy Halloween

26 Halloween Parade 7:30

Hamburg’s King Frost Parade

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