2005 - Project Proposal For Signis

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SIGNIS – Project Application Form

L’association catholique mondiale pour la communication The World Catholic Association for Communication La asociacion catolica mundial para la comunicacion

Rue de Saphir, 15 1030 Bruxelles Belgigue Tel: 32-02-734 97 08 Fax: 32-02-734 70 18 [email protected]

Project Application Form Application forms must be completed IN FULL. (i.e. Sections A, B, C, D and E). Applications must be typed. Handwritten applications will not be accepted. Additional sheets giving more information may be added. NOTE: If application is to be sent via electronic mail or re-typed for added space, applicants are informed that titles and subtitle captions used in this form along with the corresponding letter/number (e.g. A, A1, B, B1 etc.) must be reproduced correctly. Application forms must be sent to the Brussels General Secretariat AT THE LATEST by September 30 of each year. Please read Guidelines on Page 9 and 10.



REGION: Africa Asia Eastern Europe Latin America Pacific A1 BENEFICIARY ORGANIZATION: DIOCESE: Cubao Name: Titus Brandsma Center-Media Program Address: 3/F Teresa of Avila Building, 28 Acacia St., New Manila, Quezon City 1112 Philippines City: Quezon City Country: Philippines Tel: (0063-2) 726-6054 Fax: (0063-2) 725-8167 [email protected] e-mail: A2

PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR PROJECT: Name: Rev. Fr. Christian B. Buenafe, O. Carm Address: 3/F Teresa of Avila bldg., 28 Acacia St., Brgy. Mariana, New Manila, Quezon City City: Quezon City Country: Philippines Tel: (0063-2) 721-3391 Fax: (0063-2) 725-8167 [email protected] or [email protected] e-mail: Signature:

Important note: Although the application itself can be sent via electronic mail. The General Secretariat still requires that the written approval of the local Bishop or, in the case of national or regional projects, the Bishop in charge of Social Communications in the country / region (with official stamp) to be sent via post to its Brussels Office before September 30. A3a.

or A3b.

LOCAL BISHOP: Name: Bishop Honesto Ongtioco, D.D. Address: Bishop’s House, Immaculate Conception Cathedral Parish, 41Lantana Street, Cubao Country: Philippines City: Quezon City Signature and Stamp: ___________________________________________________________________

BISHOP IN CHARGE OF SOCIAL COMMUNICATIONS IN COUNTRY/REGION: Name: Bishop Jesus Cabrera, D.D. Address: Bishop’s Residence, Alaminos City, Pangasinan City: Alaminos City Country: Philippines Signature and Stamp: ___________________________________________________________________

2 SIGNIS – Project Application Form




OBJECTIVES OF PROJECT: The Titus Brandsma Center-Media Program (TBC-MP) is the prime mover of the Media Ministry of the Order of Carmelites in the Philippines. The program has existed for years now with which it envisions itself as:  

An instrument to the formation of collective awareness on the potential use of media and communication for local community development towards an active participation and re-appropriation of people’s own culture; and, an “open space” for people to discern on the critical role of media in the articulation of life’s values and meaning.

Along the years, TBC-MP endeavors to advance the role of all means of communication in all aspects of community life thru spirituality, research, education and networking within and among communities, groups, schools and others. It creates and provides venues for encounter and support to people’s initiatives for responsible and critical media practice. It guides and helps shape the collective orientation and values of media practitioners, the would-be practitioners and the general public in the vision of the Church’s Social Communication and of the life of Blessed Titus Brandsma – a Carmelite martyr during the Nazi war and to which Carmelite media ministry is named in honor of. As an approach, it analyses the media as a medium with its own language and grammar. It searches into the biases of the sources from various perspectives without necessarily condemning them but appreciating their value added to effectively educate faith it the light of the gospel and in the teachings of the Church. Having culled this lesson, the TBCMP proposes the holding of monthly film dialogues and quarterly fora on Media and Spirituality to further engagement on social communication. The project is dubbed as: AN ‘OPEN SPACE’ FOR MEDIA AND SPIRITUALITY (A continuing dialogue and media education project) Media plays an important role in shaping consciousness and attitude of people. It is a tool by which people realizes various world-views, diversity of cultures, perspectives in life and standpoints on varied issues confronting them. In the Philippines, media holds a strong position in the awareness of people on himself/herself, on his/her environment and of the series of events that mold his/her being. It is able to arouse sentiments and move people to action. It is with the above background that the project is conceived to face the challenge of media to faith in the modern world. To discover ways and mean in maximizing new technology for evangelization. Through dialogue and education of the use of media one may discover and cultivate his/her lived-spirituality rooted in the very foundation of Christian faith. The project is in itself a process of dialogue. It is a search of lived-spirituality through media education and film dialogue. It is generally designed to cultivate a solid foundation to faith amid the various influences and demands of the time. That, in a mediated world a ‘space’ must be created for critical analyses of media to facilitate reflections and sharing of faith-life experiences between and among people. That such “open space” is a necessary venue for interaction, education and formation through acceptance and appreciation of socio-economic, political and cultural diversities. Specifically, the project aims to:    


facilitate continuing encounter and dialogue of faith life experiences on and through films and televisions stories; provide venues for deeper understanding of faith and spirituality in a world of modern technology; provide needed orientation for and encourage media practitioners, students and the general public to effect change in people’s lives through the Church teachings on social communication; and utilize media as a potent tool for evangelization in a globalizing world.

AREAS TO BE SERVED BY PROJECT: The whole project is divided into two categories: The monthly Film Dialogue and the Media and Spirituality Seminars.


The monthly Film Dialogue is open to all the faithful. Primarily, it aims to serve media practitioners, students, educators, church people and basic Christian communities in the dioceses within Metro Manila. The Media and Spirituality Seminar shall target 4 key cities in the country in its first year of implementation. It aims to serve media educators, journalists, broadcasters, play-writes, film makers, teachers, students, priests, nuns and lay leaders in the following areas: o Metro Manila o Cebu City o Bacolod City o Davao City



Board of Directors of Titus Brandsma Center (BOD) Advisory group in the project sites TBC-MP Secretariat [Key persons to handle the project are: Fr. Christian Buenafe, O.Carm. (Director), Ms. Ma. Fatima Villena (Coordinator), Bro. Arnold Alindayu, O.Carm. (Asst. Program Coordinator) and other facilitators; Fr. Reynold Caigoy, O. Carm, Bro. Noel Valencia, Ms. Ma. Rowena Ladaga.]

SOCIAL, ECONOMIC AND RELIGIOUS SITUATION OF PROJECT AREA: The whole Philippines is experiencing financial crisis, social disintegration and disfranchisement brought about by political bickering and factionalism, corruption, illegal gambling, violation to human rights and media sensationalism. This is true to all areas where the project is intended. Yet amid this reality faith holds majority of the Filipino to rise above experienced difficulties and find strength in their organizations, associations or groupings for mutual support and collective action. Key cities in the country e.g. Metro Manila, Cebu, Bacolod, Davao are hubs of people in search for greener pasture. Each have their own stories to tell; of joys and sufferings; of victories and failures; and, of hopes to pursue and aspirations to fulfill. Economically, majority of the Filipino people live below poverty line. Though lower in rate compare with other provinces in terms of poverty incidence, city dwellers survived in offering their labor for low wages. Whereas indicators claim more than Php600/day for a family of six to survive, legislated wage is pegged below Php300/day. Prices of basic commodities are high including rates for electricity and water. Socially, Philippine city centers are arenas of conflicting values – that of an old and traditional ways and that of the ‘new wave’ brought about by rapid change and high technology. Either of the two however has their own share of positive and negative effects to individuals, families and communities. While some live in low-cost housing many dwell in slum areas and highly dangerous locations such as under the bridges, along dirty creeks and around garbage dumpsites. Though sub-human in condition, everything seems to suffice just to provide a family a home. Public elementary and secondary schools go into two to three shifting a day to accommodate big student population. An average of 60-70 per class; a classroom for an average of 4 classes; a toilet facility of one for every 500 children; a teacher for every 300 students or pupils. Amid this reality, many are still out of school looking for some means to help feed a family and survive a day. Others resort to sniffing addictive substances and taking illegal drugs as temporary relief to problems related to poverty. Malnutrition remains a big problem. Poverty is luring young people to be victims of human trafficking (both physical and virtual thru internet), involve in illegal businesses and transactions. Crime rates are high even as the government imposes death as penalty. Most if not all convicted are poor who cannot afford to defend themselves in court. Prison conditions are below human standard. Amid the socio-economic and political condition in the city centers, one finds clinging to faith to maintain sanity. This is manifested in the mushrooming of various churches, charismatic groups, faith communities of all sorts. Liturgical services are observed. Various church programs and projects are conceived and implemented to face up to the demands of changing culture and to ensure the laying of a solid foundation of faith. All these social conditions are daily heard over the radios, read in national newspapers and local tabloids, witnessed both in the dark places and busy streets of the cites and lived by the Church.



4 At the 4th BISCOM on e-generation in 2002, participants were struck at the significant insight that Asia has been profoundly impacted by the communication revolution in the world. Many Asian countries are emerging as information technology (IT) powers and are contributing a major share to the communication revolution in the world. True enough this reality is clearly manifested in the city-centers in the Philippines particularly in areas where this project is to be implemented. At the latest available record of the Philippine Census, almost all families in the urban areas are in possession of radio, television, video camera receiver or personal computer. This does not include yet modern telecommunication gadgets which noted the Philippine as the text (sms) capital of the world. Internet cafes mushroom in all urban areas as computer courses are institutionalized in the elementary, secondary and college curricula. Thus, unregulated access to worldwide web becomes a phenomenon on various reasons. These range from electronic mail purposes, researches, entertainment and business. The easy and unrestricted access to communication opens the floodgate to the formation of new culture both beneficial and detrimental to the individual, group and people. On the entertainment side, movie houses abound in the city centers as video and film productions continue to come up with documentaries and stories on films on various themes. These materials are reproduced and sold by thousands in disks formats to allow viewing in residences, private clubs, offices and even public places. Looking at the situation above, one can infer that the Philippine mass media including other forms of communication production and distribution is one of the “freest in Asia”. Quoting from the article “Dissecting the Philippine Mass Media Today”, media has a tripartite role in society: political, economic and social. These include duty as an information disseminator, responsibility in creating and reflecting public opinion, function as watchdog on government, establishment of pop culture, task of building a nation and entertainment.


DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AND ITS PARTICULAR NEED IN THE AREA: The influence of mass media is pervasive. As a tool, it has the capacity to change value and can be instrument to provide a solid foundation to faith in the modern times. Either way, it remains an instrument for the Church to optimize and maximize for “witnessing and dialogue of faith and life, gospel and culture, Church and society.” The project is “creating an open space for media and spirituality”. It shall provide for a much-needed venue for dialogue between the media and spirituality in a person, with the group, within the community and amongst peoples. It is the TBC-MP’s response to the growing challenge of social communication to the Asian and Philippines Church. That is:  

Overcoming cultural and religious prejudices through sufficient knowledge of various cultures and religions; Developing appreciation to the prophetic role of media and social communication through acquisition of knowledge and skills for critical analysis on various communication mediums in a quest for self discovery and authentic spirituality Assisting media practitioners, students, basic ecclesial communities and church leaders in the promotion of a culture of peace and life and the conduct of media campaign for social change.

In particular, the project is consist of major activities: The Monthly Film Dialogue – This is otherwise known as pelikula@titusbrandsma. It envisions itself as an ‘open space’ for dialogue, interaction and reflection through film. It is committed to the following missions:     

create and atmosphere for open, critical analysis of films and facilitate reflection through dialogue; utilize film for education and formation; advocate acceptance and appreciation of cultural diversity through films; motivate film appreciation/promotion of film aesthetics; and, encourage quality works of independent filmmakers by screening them.

Particularly, the Monthly Film Dialogue aims to:  

enable participants to have better understanding and perception of the film in the light of their faith and belief; facilitate a process of dialogue, creative confrontation and clarification about the participants’


experience of the film; order, digest and integrate participants’ experiences, visions and interpretations; grow in religious and spiritual meaning-giving; strengthen and deepen intercultural dialogue; foster film appreciation; serve as an alternative venue for watching art/foreign films; and, strengthen unity and form a network of film experts and enthusiasts.

The Monthly film Dialogue shall be regularly held every second Saturday of the month at the Titus Brandsma Center-Crispin Hall. The venue has a 150 seating capacity and equipped with multi-media projector for film viewing. Under the Monthly Film dialogue is the conduct of outreach activities. This is to facilitate film dialogue activities in schools and universities and help facilitate the establishment and strengthen the school media literacy education through films. Target of this activities are school film circles, groups and organizations in public schools in Metro Manila and other key provinces. This shall be done at least quarterly and as requests are received. To ensure successful implementation of the Monthly Film Dialogue and its outreach activities, specific needs for the preparation must be conducted. 1.

Informal Viewing Sessions. This is done quarterly by the group responsible for carrying out the project namely the members of the Core Group of the pelikula@titusbrandsma, board members, the advisory group, the management committee of the TBC-MP and some invited film experts and critics. This activity is done for two-days and conducted to design the thematic sequence of the year’s film dialogue plan and film selection purposes for the monthly film dialogue. Budget for food and accommodation for this purpose is needed together with the purchase or rental of possible films for viewing.


Trainings, seminars or retreats. Most of the core group members are volunteers. Trainings/seminars or retreats are some forms of incentives for them to update knowledge and skills on film reading and analysis; and, personal disposition on the work or ministry. The TBC-MP envisions at least once a year conduct of this need.


Monthly meetings. This activity falls under management mechanism to facilitate periodic evaluation of the conduct of the project. This is done to provide venue for important matters and issues that affect the implementation of the project.

The Media and Spirituality Forum/Seminar Series. This a whole day event aimed at providing orientation to media practitioners, students, teachers and media educators, community and church leaders on the Church position and documents regarding social communication; how to effectively manage and maximize the present communication and media technology for understanding faith and as vehicles for evangelization. The seminar shall be conducted quarterly, one in each target area (Davao City, Bacolod City, Cebu City and Metro Manila) per year. Topics for the seminar are as follows:    

Faith in Media Media and Evangelization Social Communication: Challenges and Prospects for Evangelization Spirituality of Filipino Journalists

Speakers shall be invited to share on the topics. This includes biblico-theological underpinnings on the topic that shall aid in the workshop sharing of the participants. Each seminar shall target at least 100 participants. To ensure the success of the seminar, necessary activities shall be conducted. I.

Preliminary Meetings. These activities are representational in nature. These include conduct of necessary courtesy and protocols to leaders of the area for possible collaboration on the project. Among others are meetings with the Bishops, school and university administrations, religious communities and media institutions.


Formation of Local Technical Working Group in each area. These working groups take charge

6 of the local preparation including concept presentation to institutions (Churches, schools and universities and organizations); invitations to participants and arrangement of other technical requirements.


RESULTS EXPECTED FROM THIS PROJECT (Include any aspects of marketing that might be involved in the project.): Upon completion of the project and its activities, it is expected that results can be seen in and through the following: I.

Formation of TBC-MP Area Coordinating Teams. These groups shall serve as the local implementers of the national media program of the Titus Brandsma Center. Their functions include presentation of the local needs for media education and advocacy; localization of the national media program and plan; monitoring and evaluation of media project implementation including its processes and impact to the areas.


Establishment of and strengthened school-based media and film circles, organizations and groups. These groups shall be the channels of the TBC-MP to the larger school and Christian communities on various updates on social communication, film reading and analysis.


Network among institutions, media practitioners, film critics, journalists, students, churches and community leaders for continued formation on Church social communication and lived-spirituality. It is expected that through this network the Gospel message be channeled as well as other church teachings.


Youth sector including the students and members of Christian communities are provided basic skills and knowledge on critical analysis of media content through the guidance of their Christian faith. This shall be concretely seen in their written film reviews and articles submitted for publication.

Aside from these key result areas, the success of the project can also be measured in the following:   


Increasing number of effective local media educators and practitioners. Enhanced skills in participatory communication and well-planned media activities for community development and church ministry. Continued relevance of Media Education to facilitate maximization and optimization of the modern advancement of technology for evangelization.

HOW DOES THIS PROJECT FIT INTO THE NATIONAL/REGIONAL/DIOCESAN PASTORAL PLAN? (Please indicate if and how the project is linked to other National/Regional/Diocesan projects.) The Titus Brandsma Center-Media Program is one of the major programs of the Philippine Commissariate of the Order of Carmelites. It created its media program and conceptualized its projects along the spirit of the charism of the Order of Carmelites and towards the realization of the 2nd Plenary Council of the Philippines’ thrust of the Church of the Poor, and the recommendations by the Federation of Asian Bishops Conference on Social Communication and Evangelization. The project is TBC-MP’s concretization of Philippine Church’s pastoral priority on integral faith formation, empowerment towards social transformation, participatory Church of the Poor, Evangelization, building and strengthening of participatory communities, integral renewal of the clergy, journeying with the youth, ecumenism and interreligious dialogue and animation and formation for mission ad gentes. Likewise, to give pastoral care to Filipino journalists, artists, students and other media practitioners. The Titus Brandsma Center-Media Program focuses on media education and spirituality as its contribution to the overall desire of propelling a Church of the Poor in the Philippines. The Order sees the importance of deepening media apostolate among practitioners, film makers and producers, critics, communication students, local church leadership and basic ecclesial communities to aid in their decision-making and in their outlook towards life and faith.

7 SIGNIS – Project Application Form


BUDGET DETAILS OF PROJECT : Number and describe each item on the project budget, including items to be covered by the Local Contribution. Amounts must be given in local currency and US dollars, indicating the exchange rate used.


US $ 1 = P 55.00

DETAILS FOR PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT SUBSIDY: C2a. Briefly describe existing equipment: _________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ C2b. How does the new equipment compliment/complete or replace old equipment? ____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ C2c. How often will new equipment be used? (daily/weekly/monthly/yearly) ____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ C2d. Detailed price list of new equipment : Item Description No.

Local Amount

US $ Amount



DETAILS FOR TRAINING PROGRAM SUBSIDY: C3a. Briefly describe the aim of the program: The whole project is composed of major activities towards its implementation: 1.

Monthly Film Dialogue. This is the conduct of the actual Film Dialogue in every second Saturday of the month at the Titus Brandsma Center-Crispin Hall. Particularly, the Monthly Film Dialogue aims to:    

enable participants to have better understanding and perception of the film in the light of their faith and belief; facilitate a process of dialogue, creative confrontation and clarification about the participants’ experience of the film; order, digest and integrate participants’ experiences, visions and interpretations; grow in religious and spiritual meaning-giving;


strengthen and deepen intercultural dialogue; foster film appreciation; serve as an alternative venue for watching art/foreign films; and, strengthen unity and form a network of film experts and enthusiasts.

Under the Monthly Film dialogue is the conduct of I. Outreach Activities. This is to facilitate film dialogue activities in schools and universities and help facilitate the establishment and strengthen the school media literacy education. This shall be done at least quarterly and as requests are received. II. Informal Viewing Sessions. This is done quarterly by the group responsible for carrying out the project. This activity is done for two-days and conducted to design the thematic sequence of the year’s film dialogue plan and for film selection purposes. Budget for food and accommodation for this purpose is needed together with the purchase or rental of possible films for viewing. III. Trainings, seminars or retreats. Most of the core group members are volunteers. Trainings/seminars or retreats are some forms of incentives for them to update knowledge and skills on film reading and analysis; and, personal disposition on the work or ministry. The TBC-MP envisions at least once a year conduct of this need. IV. Monthly meetings. This activity falls under management mechanism to facilitate periodic evaluation of the conduct of the project. This is done to provide venue for important matters and issues that affect the implementation of the project. 2. The Media and Spirituality Seminar. This a whole day event aimed at providing orientation to media practitioners, students, teachers and media educators, community and church leaders on the Church position and documents regarding social communication; how to effectively manage and maximize the present communication and media technology for understanding faith and as vehicles for evangelization. To ensure the success of the seminar, necessary activities shall be conducted. I.

Preliminary Meetings. These activities are representational in nature. These include conduct of necessary courtesy and protocols to leaders of the area for possible collaboration on the project and formation of Local Technical Working Group.

C3b. Target group (Provide list of participants or describe target group): 1.

Monthly Film Dialogue: Target groups are the media practitioners, students, media educators, film critics, film directors and producers, basic ecclesial communities, lay leaders and church people. At least 50 participants per session. i. Outreach activities. Target of this activities are school film circles, groups and organizations in public schools in Metro Manila and other key provinces. ii. Informal Viewing Session. Targets are members of the Board of Directors of Titus Brandsma Center, the advisory group, the management committee of the TBC-MP and some invited film experts and critics iii. Training/Seminar/retreat. Targets are members of the Core group. iv. Monthly meetings. Targets are members of the management team.


Media and Spirituality Seminar. Target participants are the media practitioners, students, media educators and teachers, administrators, film critics, film directors and producers, basic ecclesial communities, lay leaders and church people. At least 100 participants per session. i. Preliminary meetings. Targets are the local Bishops, school and university administrations, religious communities and media institutions.

C3c. List of trainors/animators/facilitators: Facilitators will be Carmelite Friars namely: Frs. Christian Buenafe (TBC-Media Program Director), Reynold Caigoy, O.Carm (International Committee on Communication Representative of the Order), Bro. Arnold Alindayu (Assistant Program Coordinator) and Bro. Noel Valencia, Ms. Ma. Fatima Villena and Ms. Ma. Rowena Ladaga. Other trainors are members of the Board of Directors of the TBC-MP and other resource persons/experts.

9 C3d. Describe or provide outline of program (e.g. Number of courses and duration of each course, date and venue):





Monthly Film Dialogues

12 sessions


TBC-Crispin Hall

4 sessions 4sessions 1 session

quarterly quarterly annually monthly

School Rented Venue Retreat House TBC office

4 sessions


Seminar house (Davao, Cebu, Bacolod & Metro Manila) Schools, offices


Outreach Activities Informal Viewing Training/Retreat Meetings

Media and Spirituality Seminar

Preliminary meetings .


C3e. Detailed Cost of training program: No. Description (per program) 1

Local Amount (local contribution)

30,000 ($ 545.45) 12,000 ($ 218.18) 24,000 ($ 436.36) 18,000 ($ 327.27) 12,000 ($ 218.18)

Out-Reach Activities Transportation and Food Allowance: 500/session x 4 sessions x 3 facilitators Resource Person’s Honorarium: 1,500/session x 4 sessions Kit/Materials: 5,000/session x 4 sessions


6,000 ($ 109.09) 6,000 ($109.09) 20,000 ($ 363.64)

Informal Viewing Board and lodging: 500/day x 2/days x 15 persons x 4 sessions Transportation Allowance: 1,000 session x 15 persons x 4 sessions Purchase of Materials: 5,000/session x 4 sessions



60,000 ($ 1,090.91) 60,000 ($ 1,090.91) 20,000 ($ 363.64)

Seminar/Retreat Board and Lodging: 500/day x 3 days x 15 persons Transportation: 1,000 x 15 persons Retreat Master’s Honorarium: 2,000/day x 3 days


US $ Amount (foreign contribution)

Monthly Film Dialogue Food Allowance: 50/per person x 50participants x 12sesions Conference Hall rental: 1,000/session x 12 sessions Postage and Communication: 2,000/session x 12 sessions Facilitator’s Honorarium: 1,500.00/session x 12 sessions Office Supplies: 1,000/month x 12 months



22,500 ($ 409.09) 15,000 ($ 272.73) 6,000 ($109.09)

Regular Meeting Food and Transportation Allowance: 5,000/meeting x 12 months

60,000 ($ 1,090.91)


135,500 ($ 2,463.64)

236,000 ($ 4,290.91)

Media and Spirituality Seminar Food and Venue: 500/day x 100 participants x 4 seminars Facilitators’ Allowance: 1,000 x 2 facilitators x 4 seminars Resource Persons’ Honorarium: 2,000 x 3 speakers x 4

200,000 ($ 3,636.36) 8,000 ($145.45) 24,000 ($ 436.36)



seminars Kit/Materials: 100/kit x 100 participants x 4 seminars Streamers, Banners and Supplies: 5,000 x 4 seminars Transportation (2 facilitators and 3 Speakers) Davao City: 9,000 x 5persons Bacolod City: 7,000 x 5 persons Cebu City: 6,000 x 5 persons Metro Manila: 500 x 5 persons Preliminary Meetings Transportation and Food Allowance Davao City Bacolod City Cebu City Metro Manila Sub-Total GRAND TOTAL – COST OF PROJECT TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED

No. 1 2 __ __ __ __

C3f. Income – Contributions : Description Boarding and lodging Travel Other


20,000 ($ 363.64) 40,000 ($ 727.27) 45,000 ($ 818.18) 35,000 ($ 636.36) 30,000 ($ 545.45) 2,500 ($ 45.45)

10,000 ($ 181.82) 8,000 ($ 145.45) 7,000 ($ 127.27) 1,000 ($ 18.18) 26,000 ($472.73)

404,500 ($ 7,354.55)

161,500 ($ 2,936.37)

640,500 ($ 11,645.45)

Php 640,500

US$ 11,645.45





SIGNIS – Project Application Form


DETAILS FOR PRODUCTION SUBSIDY: (NOT APPLICABLE) C4a. Briefly describe the production: ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ C4b. Target group: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ C4c. List technical elements (video/film/audio/TV/format/duration): _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ C4d. Detailed Cost of Production : No. Description Pre-production (script/location scouting, etc.) 1 --------Production (crew, rentals, cast, etc.) 2 ---------Post-production (editing, etc.) ---Broadcasts/telecast air-time Marketing/advertising/sales Other ___ ___ TOTAL AMOUNTS : C4e. Production Revenues No. Description Sales of rights : 1 Sales of copies : 2 Other : __ __ TOTAL AMOUNTS :

Local Amount

US $ Amount



Local Amount

US $ Amount

12 SIGNIS – Project Application Form


PROJECT FINANCING : In each case indicate the Budget item No. and amount in US $


LOCAL CONTRIBUTION TO THE PROJECT : Budget item No. / Description :

US $ Amount :

Budget item #1.a / Outreach Activities Budget item #1.c / Seminar/Retreat Budget item #1.d / Regular meetings Budget item #2.a / Preliminary meetings

US$ 581.82 790.91 1,090.91 472.73

Total : D2

$ 2,936.37





US$ 1,745.45 2,545.45 7,354.55

Budget item #1 / Monthly Film Dialogue Budget item #1.b / Informal Viewing Budget item #2 / Media & Spirituality Seminars


US $ Amount :

$ 11,645.45


$ 14,581.82

13 SIGNIS – Project Application Form


E E1

RE-APPLICATION If the current application is for a project, which was funded, only partially funded or refused funds in the past, indicate new reasons for re-application.


If the applicant received funds from SIGNIS for any other project in the past, please indicate how those funds Were put to use in last project funded. AMOUNT OF SUBSIDY RECEIVED FOR LAST PROJECT : E2

YEAR : 2003-2004 (Received November, 2002) AMOUNT RECEIVED IN PESO: P138,436.34 E3

US $ : 1,870.00


Media and Evangelization Community-Media Education Series


HOW AND WHEN WAS PROJECT IMPLEMENTED: The Project was implemented last 2003. The efforts for this project were divided into two parts: 1) Module-making and development, and 2) Media Literacy Seminar-Workshops and Orientation / Philippine Media Set-up Awareness Seminars / Social Communication Courses. TBCMP has developed five general courses on Media and Evangelization for the Community Media Education Series. Community media, as we all now, does not only include the basic tri-media but the folk/traditional media as well. The facilitators emphasized on the appropriate use of media from where people came from: indigenous, inexpensive and highly accessible. Aside from the five modules, TBCMP has also written seven other modules on various topics such as: Media and Spirituality through Film Dialogue, Introduction to Film Dialogue, Media and Spirituality: The State of Philippine Media and the Challenges of Social Communication towards Evangelization, Church and Communication: Context and Challenges, Basic Journalism Course: A Focus on Media Critique and Analysis and panitikan@titusbrandsma: A New Approach to Literary Criticism and Theatre. This Community Media Education Series brought the team to different parts of the Philippines and reached out to major formation houses, seminaries, schools and communities. TBCMP has reached as far as Marawi City in Mindanao and Ilocos Norte in Luzon. Attendees of the seminars were mostly religious, lay workers and leaders, students, teachers and parents and members of the basic Christian Communities. This project was implemented by the members of the TBCMP team and at the same time guided by the members of the Board of the Order of Carmelites and key management teams from the Order also.

14 E5

TOTAL COST OF PROJECT: AMOUNT IN PESO: P 201,627.47 (Local Counterpart and Grant combined)


US $ : 3,665.95

RESULTS OF PROJECT: Step by step through the projects supported by our International partners including SIGNIS, TBCMP has been seeing tremendous changes in the people it is serving. Orienting them with the current media landscape and issues made them conscious of how media can strongly influence their values and beliefs. They improved and much open and participative during discussion and are very active in watching films from different countries. They widen their views and perspectives and their choices of programs and films. They become more involved in community issues and try to offer suggestions in the discourse of the issues. Though, these are not enough gauge on how the efforts have affected them as media audience but these are indicators that changes are on the way and before we knew it, we have already a mass of critical and participative audience.

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