• November 2019
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Season’s Greetings! (& ')*,+.-0/1*32547698:&(;1*=<>?8=@A@ BC6A0<@A8GII8=;1eH}t@A8=*=:;169Is8 {F<(*GIF‚o)7).u0*3va_^-Nw '7;cvoƒw © ª^¬ž­®ª « ¯°® ±³²´®Qµ ¶7µ Please pray with us for continued protection as we travel. Please continue to pray that Jackie would finish well on her Master’s without too much stress. Please pray that we would be able to minister powerfully while itinerating.

A lot to be thankful for: This picture is of the recent dedication of both our granddaughters at James River Assembly. From left: Kaiya’s Uncle Greg, Grandpa Bob, Grandma Jackie, Pastor John Lindell holding Emma, Tabby, Jason, Grandma Shelley, Eric, Sabrina holding Kaiya, and Great Grandma Braswell. Merry Christmas! Happy New Year to you and all your loved ones! As this is being written, we have just concluded our Thanksgiving celebration with most of our family. We are looking forward to being with them all again this Christmas, along with a few we didn’t see at Thanksgiving. In addition to all the normal holiday events, we will be celebrating the 50th wedding anniversary of Jackie’s parents, Bob and Bev Soderberg, on December 26. It just adds to the long list of things we have to be thankful for. We’re grateful for God’s blessing on all our family, His protection in all our travels, having about 80% of our support raised—and protection from serious injury in the touch football game after Thanksgiving dinner! We’re also thankful to our friends, family, and supporting churches for all the help and support you’ve given us in 2003! We now know what Paul was talking about when he wrote to the Philippians, “I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now…” Thanks for helping us! May God bless your holiday season. As for us, we just keep thinking…


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·¹¸7ºQ»†¼Q½—¸¾t¸ ·À¿žÁ£ÂÄÃKÁ Mungu Ibariki Afrika is the title and first line of the Tanzanian national anthem. Mungu is the Most High God, the creator. Ibariki is a form of the verb “bless.” The Tanzanian anthem is a prayer for God’s blessing. The last line of the song is a prayer we’re learning to pray in Swahili, and we ask you to join with us: Tubariki watoto wa Tanzania. In English: “Bless the children of Tanzania.” The complete lyrics of Mungu Ibariki Afrika in Swahili and English, as well as a midi file so you can hear the melody, are on our web page:


. Please check it for this and many other recent updates.

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