2003 Jan-feb

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A NEW YEAR’S MESSAGE From the Commissary Provincial

My dear Brothers and Sisters in Carmel,

Warm greetings in this meaningful celebration of Christmas and a hope-filled New Year! As you all know, the coming year, 2003, is also the last year of our triennium. As we look back at the past two years, we ask ourselves where are we now and what still needs to be done to be able to accomplish what we have set out to do, during our last Chapter. With the continued support of the Dutch province, we were able to improve further, among other things, our vocation promotion work. We now have two full-time vocation promoters: Max, who is in charge of the program, covering the Visayas and Mindanao, and Jerry for Metro Manila and Luzon, thus ensuring a good number of candidates for our College seminary and our Postulancy program this coming school year. Hopefully, a proportionate number of candidates will be coming from Metro Manila and Luzon. The Formators’ Conference has finished reviewing and updating our Initial Formation Manual in line with the new RIVC and with our VMG. It is now ready for publication. The impact studies conducted on ICTC and on the Inserted Community would be a big help in our efforts to improve and strengthen the same. Beginning school year 2002-2003, our College seminarians have been studying in the Rogationist seminary, majoring in Philosophy. According to Pete, they are adjusting very well. Our seminarians from all levels, including our Novices and Student-friars, gathered in Cebu for the 2nd General Assembly last December 21-23. According to Tjeu, there seems to be an over-all positive development of our formandi, and our formators agree with this observation. To ensure the continuous growth and development of the well-being of the Friars as well as Associates, which would contribute to our efforts at community building, we have conducted on the Commissariate level, several courses of our On-going Formation such as, on Spirituality, on Human Sexuality and on Leadership. These were meant to complement the various activities and initiatives undertaken by the different local communities. We are grateful for all these and intend to continue with these studies, particularly on the Filipino concept and understanding of community life, on prayer life, on lifestyles, etc... The on-going review being conducted of our Center-building and also on BCC/BEC will surely help us in our community building as well as in our various ministries. We are grateful to ICTC for holding CTEP this year, which was well attended by our confreres.

With the addition of Toon Mol, who recently returned from the Netherlands, our confreres in Cebu are now a full community. The College seminarians are also happy to have Toon to help guide them in their formation. Welcome home Toon. We are also grateful to the German province for our new College building in San Francisco, Agusan del Sur. The efforts to address the well-being of confreres in order to help build community life also serves as a welcome gesture to our new confreres like Arnel who was ordained to the priesthood last December 28 and to Cocoy and Eman who are finishing their studies at ICTC. Unfortunately, we also saw the departure from the Order of our confreres Jay-ar Aplacador, Venancio Pacquiao and Renie Gomisong. We pray for their success. We are likewise hopeful that we finally may be able to implement the recommendation of the two previous Pastors’ Conferences on expanding our presence in areas where we are not yet present. We have already started the process by requesting the nuns in Cabanatuan to sound out the Bishop on the possibility of our presence in the diocese. A tentative schedule has been arranged in January to meet with the Bishop. We are happy to report that we have taken the first steps in establishing our economic base. Special thanks to the members of San Francisco community for their initiative. We are pursuing other possibilities with the assistance of the nuns in Leyte, Pangasinan, Tarlac and Cabanatuan. We encourage all our confreres to be involved in this major enterprise. We still have a long way to go and look forward to the day, hopefully not too faraway, when the expenditures from all stages of our formation program are fully subsidized from local sources. Lastly, whatever positive developments we are experiencing is due to the cooperation and initiative of us all. Let us continue to work together so that our dream of a strong and independent Philippine province will soon be realized. May Mary, Mother of Carmel continue to inspire and guide us in our endeavor!

O. Carm-O. C. D. Joint Meeting, a good way to start the New Year! The O. Carm-O. C. D. Councils Joint Meeting last December 10, 2002 marked the beginning of a renewed partnership between the two branches. A good way to start 2003! Attendees of the meeting were: (from the O. Carm) Frs. Christian Buenafe, Anton Hoogland, Artemio Jusayan and Antonio dela Cruz, O. Carm – Commissary Provincial, Order of Carmelites; (from the O. C. D.) Frs. Narciso Reyes and Joel Borreo, O. C. D. – Commissary Provincial, Order of Carmelites Discalced.

The meeting held at Titus Brandsma Center focused on possibilities for collaboration. Prior to this, an informal caucus was held last September 14, 2002 by the two Provincials and two Councilors wherein areas for collaboration were identified. Exploration on the “fellowship level” was also stressed since “fellowship” is a step to put them at ease with each other. Examples of fellowship activities well-attended by members of both branches in the past were basketball games / sport programs and Carmelite Family gatherings in Manila and Cebu. Other possible partnerships can be channeled through activities engaged by student-friars. Endeavors such as series of joint lectures/sessions of study, lectio-divina, reflection, agape and Emmaus courses are taken as part of the concrete steps to enhance the suggested plans. The Center for Spirituality-Manila was also mentioned as an area for collaboration since the O. C. D. also have plans to put up their own Center for Spirituality and in the same way focusing on interreligious dialogue in Asia. Efforts on collaboration were evident in the past. Unfortunately, those attempts were never followed up and died a natural death. Now, the endeavors proposed during these recent meetings are attempts to revive the plans foreseen before. All hopes are high! May the efforts put together by both branches come to light and bring about unity and camaraderie among their communities.

Fr. Arnel Glodobe, O. Carm, a new life ahead! Make way to the newly ordained Fr. Arnel Glodobe, O. Carm! He was ordained last December 28, 2002 at St. Michael Parish, Bahbah, Prosperidad. All were tuned in to the festive mood as the celebration started as a small party held at “Kapihan ni San Miguel.” Merry making were obvious as guests participated in the singing and dancing. Preparations for the event were simultaneously being made as volunteers cleaned and arranged the parish and the choir practicing their songs to be sung during the ordination till midnight. Guests were housed in different host families in San Francisco, Agusan del Sur. As early as eight o’ clock that Saturday, visitors/guests began to arrive. Attendees were coworkers, associates, TOCs and student-friars from Metro Manila, Cebu and Escalante. The ordination started an hour later and was presided by Bishop Juan de Dios M. Pueblo, DD, bishop of Butuan. Co-celebrators were Carmelite and diocesan priests.

The “salo-salo” was held in a gym followed by a lively program. The mayor and councilors of Bahbah, Prosperidad were also spotted at the event. Good wishes to Fr. Arnel Glodobe, O. Carm in his new life ahead as priest. May you continue and serve your people well.

BALITAAN San Francisco, Agusan Community Advent reflection for Carmel News Agusan Community Fifteen assist ministry graduates launched the second continuing care program in San Francisco Agusan del Sur. As a regular dynamic of this batch, six graduates together with the present director Fr. Romie Lazo, Fr. Chris Mendez, the program in-charge for continuing care, successfully celebrated life after six months. Many friends and parishioners of the Carmelite district, including the local friars of Agusan community shared the great moment of oneness and solidarity for the great success of the program as an ongoing process for brother priests and religious. Indeed, it was a very fruitful homecoming and a getting in touch with one another. Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts from the batch of six assist ministry graduates to the Carmelites of Agusan for journeying with us always for true and authentic self discovery and constant healing process. Mabuhay tayo!

Newly nominated auxiliary Bishop of Butuan Diocese The newly elected auxiliary bishop Monsignor Jose P. Salazar, D.D. was chosen by Pope John Paul II to support the present bishop of Butuan Monsignor Juan de Dios Pueblos, D.D. as officially requested by the bishop and the parishioners of this diocese. He was a survivor of the tragic airplane accident of Laoag Air in order to continue serving the entire province of Agusan del Sur as the Auxiliary Bishop. We pray for his early recovery from that traumatic experience. Incidentally, the Carmelites of Agusan community especially in Prosperidad will prepare the way for a smooth turn-over next year if everything will be smooth for the official installation of the new bishop.

Inauguration of St. Michael Kapihan The Saint Michael Kapihan was inaugurated and blessed with strong participation from the basic Christian communities as sole proprietor and responsible for management. This was a concrete response to the long awaited dream of unity among the people of Properidad who are actively

building the church of the poor as mentioned in the documents of the Second Plenary Council of the Philippines. Everyone is welcome in the Kapihan, Dayon kamo!!!

New parish secretary and parish coordinator Our parish priest Fr. Artemio Jusayan, O. Carm created these offices for the accommodation all of the parishioners of Prosperidad. This was an answer to the growing problem and concerns of the parish in building the future seat of the Diocese of Agusan del Sur. The active presence of the laity of this parish is a tremendous challenge for the pastors and lay leaders to provide for the well-being of the brothers and sisters of this community.

St. Michael Parish Church construction a long-awaited dream needs support At present, the entire Church construction of the Parish building of St. Michael has improved due to ample but dedicated support coming from the sweat of the people of Properidad. The community is proud to face the challenge of making this place a historical one by building this future Cathedral of the Diocese of Agusan del Sur. We now face problems on how to go about it with minimal resources and funds. The lay leaders together with the pastors created a project proposal that will include everyone as a part of this construction. We continue to pray that Mission-Canada will continue to share their resources now and in the future and are inviting all the people in the country and of any Catholic organizations in the world to partake in the building of the Church of Jesus. At the same time we continue to build the Church in our hearts and among the Basic Christian Filipino Communities.

St. Elijah’s – Student Friary As Advent began, the student friars prepared various activities to make the season more meaningful. Alain who was fresh from his exposure in the communities of Kabute, West Rembo, Makati City, led the student friars for their Christmas Caroling. This project aimed to raise funds to upgrade the computers in the Elijah’s Student Friary Computer Center. ************************** The heralding voices of the student friars (St. Elijah’s Herald) reached the fences of the Carmelite Nuns of Guiguinto in Bulacan last December 14, 2002, where they were very much appreciated not only for their beautiful voices but also their explosive “otso otso” dance performance. They were requested to repeat the performance since the Spanish Prioress was moved by their singing the Spanish Repertoire. In the afternoon of that same day, they shared with Fr. Tjeu, the Prior Provincial, a sort of an informal session on the development and life of student friars. ***************************

December 16, 2002 was an evening to remember for all Carmelites in Manila as they gathered together to celebrate Christmas. The student friars prepared the liturgy and at the same time rendered a Christmas Carole. Various activities highlighted the gathering, the exchanging of gifts, the usual agape, parlor games, etc. It was really an evening to remember. ************************** After their Christmas party in ICTC (Inter-Congregational Theological Center) last December 18, the student friars sailed to the Island of Cebu where they were expected to join the novices, postulants and college students for, “Carmelite Formands’ Forum”. The student friars came together from their vacation from different places in the Philippines and served in the ordination rites of Rev. Arnel Glodobe in Bahbah, Prosperidad, who had been with the student friars during their novitiate year. The presbyteral ordination was scheduled on December 28, 2002. ****************************** They were expected to be back in the Student Friary on January 5, 2003 after their Christmas Vacation.

Escalante Community

Film Dialogue at MCC Around 35 faculty and administrators finished an "Introduction to Film Dialogue" course held on November 16, 2002 at the Titus Brandsma AudioVisual Room of Mount Carmel College in Escalante City. Fr. Christian B.Buenafe, O.Carm. was the resource facilitator of the training. The participants viewed "Jologs", "Minsan lang sila Bata" and "Children of Heaven". There was reflction and sharing afterwards.


Emmaus Community Building Module The nine postulants attended a “Community Building” second module seminar facilitated by the Emmaus Center Foundation Inc. on August 30 - September 1, 2002 at the Lestonnac Youth Center, Macasandig, Cagayan de Oro City. Seventeen others also joined, including postulants from the Priests of the Sacred Heart (SCJ), from the Missionary Sisters of Mary (MSM) and from the Daughters of the Divine Love Congregation. The formators also attended, including Fr. Noel Rosas, O.Carm.

Postulants Immersion With Higaonon Lumads The nine (9) Postulants experienced a one month immersion with the Higaonon Lumads, a national tribal minority in Sinakungan, Esperanza, Agusan del Sur from September 15 to October 16, 2002 in coordination with the IPA Program of the Diocese of Butuan through the Missionary Sisters of Mary (MSM). A one (1) week orientation was held at the MSM postulancy house at Cabadbadran, Agusan del Sur before they formally started the area immersion. They were then dispersed into the six (6) areas, including Sinakungan Proper (Sentro), Tugpan, Migdalaut, Tulawas, Simontanan and Imbatog; the last two areas beingthe farthest from the Senator. The immersion meant experiencing the lives of the lumads in the forests and trekking mountains and valleys and crossing rivers and swamps, often taking long hours or the whole day to reach the farthest area. It also meant eating frogs, tree worms, deer, wild pig, birds and wild fruits. Unfortunately, two (2) of the seminarians got malaria and typhoid fever from the area, but have now recovered. Sexuality and Celibate Living Module Seminar Seven (7) postulants*, with formator Fr. Noel Rosas, O.Carm., attended the “Sexuality and Celibate Living” third module seminar facilitated by the Emmaus Foundation, Inc. at Manresa Retreat House in Cagayan de Oro City on November 22-24, 2002. Eighteen other postulants also joined, including the Priests of the Sacred Heart (SCJ) (7), Missionary Sisters of Mary (MSM) (5) Daughters of the Divine Love (4) and the Missionary Congregation of Mary (MCM) (2), with their respective formators. The seminar emphasized that sexuality and spirituality can be integrated. By transcendence, the eros is transformed into productive energy challenging every formandi and religious to an authentic celibate living. Postulants Hold Vocation Campaign The postulants, with formator Fr. Noel Rosas, O.Carm., conducted a series of vocation campaigns for graduating 4th year high school students from August 27 to November 18 covering Camiguin and Misamis Oriental in Mindanao. They also went to Negros Occidental and Siquijor in the Visayas. In Misamis Oriental the group went to Cagayan de Oro City, Medina and Gingoog City. In Camiguin they went to the five (5) municipalities namely Mahinog, Mambajao, Catarman, Sagay and Guinsiliban. In Negros Occidental they went to Calatrava, Toboso, Cadiz, Escalante, Kabankalan, Magtalisay, Cauayan, Dancalan, Hinobaan, Binalbagan, Himamaylan, Silay and Sipalay. In Siquijor, all the five (5) municipalities were covered, namely Siquijor, San Juan, Lazi, Larina, Maria and Enrique Villanueva.

Postulants Start Negros Immersion The postulants were dispersed to the various fishing and farming communities of Escalante City, organized by PAMALAKAYA, for their 3-month immersion from December 12, 2002 to March 15, 2003. They were be assigned to foster families where they hope to experience the reality of poverty and its struggles. The postulants proceeded to their respective areas for the immersion program following their successful mid-year evaluation based on the five pillars of formation, namely community, academics, pastoral, psycho-emotional and spirituality aspects. Condolences Condolences to postulant Francis Reanne Galaura and his family for the passing away of his father Anastacio C. Galaura last November 27, 2002. – From Comrades Carmeli - Postulancy Community and the entire Carmel Commissariat.

Teresa Community ICTC Financial Policies Revision The growing problem of the financial viability of the Inter-Congregational Theological Center (ICTC) was tackled by the Procurators from different Congregations and Orders participating in this theological institution. Last November 7 and 8, the procurators amended the existing policies of the institution to arrest the growing financial deficit. On November 8, the Board of Provincials approved the amendments of the Financial Policies with their additional recommendations. Representing the Carmelites were Sirenio Jaranilla, O. Carm (Procurator) and Antonio dela Cruz, O. Carm (Commissary Provincial) Clothing Donation from Netherlands In this season of giving and receiving, we were happy to share the clothing donation of Toos Hofstede and friends of the Netherlands to the less fortunate. These clothes was sent via Toto Jaranilla, O. Carm and were distributed by the Third Order Carmelites and Donum Dei Missionaries to the urban poor, pedia wards, prison cells and old-aged homes. The boxes were turned over in the months of July, October and December. The Teresa Community is thankful for all these donations for the poor. Truly, to share ... is a notable ministry especially in a world where selfishness prevails. To our benefactors, may you receive God’s blessings. Carmel Manila holds Christmas Party Christmas is long in the Philippines, said a confrere. Indeed it is ... and to celebrate Christmas, the co-workers, friends and friars of Carmel Manila bonded last December 16. The celebration was joyous with the kids of the co-workers running, laughing and crying at the same time.

Anyway, Christmas is for children, young and old ... so we celebrated it with much gusto! It was started with a mass celebrated by Fr. Aris Escobal. The Homily delivered by Bro. Rico Sabanal was heart-moving. What could we do? But to nod in agreement to what he expressed from his heart. Christmas is indeed the season of the heart. After the Mass we ate and enjoyed a programme. This was ably supervised by our Toastmaster Jude Caballero and Gerald Flor Gutierrez. Normie Lacanilao and Jackie Losala were good in their “Laban o Bawi” Contest. Participation however is the key element to any programme’s success. The Party was not wanting in this quality. Teresa Community Christmas Meal Last December 19, the Teresa Community celebrated its Solemn Christmas meal. Bernard Roosendaal, Tony dela Cruz, Toto Jaranilla, Marlon Lacal, Aris Escobal, Arie Kuil and with the presence of Noel Valencia came together to celebrate the year’s graces in this community. The table was well-set and the food tasted heavenly, thanks to Noel’s culinary technique and kitchen staff. The community talked about our plans and there were even fraternal corrections ... why not? We do this only once-a-year. To all, Merry Christmas from Teresa Community. Spring of Carmel Inter-Carmelite Studies of Novices On October 24 and 25, Maylen, the novice of the Sisters of Mount Carmel together with her formators joined the Carmelite novices in Spring for studies on the Carmelite Rule. Three more days were spent for this study (October 31, November 1 and November 7). The venue was alternately Spring of Carmel and the Sisters’ formation house in Project IV. Psycho-Spiritual Integration From November 11-16, the novices had a workshop on Psycho-Spiritual Integration (PSI) in the Oblate Retreat Center in Fairview. The workshop was facilitated by Emmaus. Spring of Carmel Recollection The community had a day of recollection in Calumpit on November 20. Annual Retreat for Novices On November 21 and 22, there was again an inter-Carmelite study on the Book of the First Monks. Then Aris gave a retreat to the novices in Villa Consuelo in Camarin. This retreat was from November 25 to 29. Anton attended in these days a TFOCP assembly in Dasmariñas, Cavite. CMSSTCJ Recollection The Carmelite Missionary Sisters of St. Therese of the Child Jesus had a day of recollection in Spring of Carmel last December 1.

Inter-Carmelite Studies on Symbolism December 5 and 6 were set aside for another inter-Carmelite study on Carmelite Symbols and Elijah and Mary. Second Phase of PSI The novices had another PSI workshop, again in the Oblate Retreat Center from December 9-14. Caroling for a Cause The novices went a-caroling to pay for their trip to Cebu for the Formation Assembly from December 20 to 23.

TOC UPDATE The TOC National Council devised its tentative Calendar of Activities in connection with fraternal visits, Reception and Profession as follows: Feb 22, Saturday, a.m. Mar 2, Sunday, p.m. Mar 15, Saturday, whole day Mar 22, Saturday, whole day Apr 4, 5 & 6 Apr 27, Sunday, p.m. May (Open)


June 14, Saturday, a.m. June 14, Saturday, p.m. June 28, Saturday, a.m. July 12, Saturday, a.m. July 26, Saturday, a.m. July 26, Saturday, p.m. Aug 9, Saturday (Overnight) Aug 23, Saturday, whole day Sept 6, Saturday, a.m. Sept 20, Saturday, whole day Oct 10, Friday (open) Oct 25, Saturday, a.m. Nov 8, Saturday, a.m. -

Guiguinto, Bulacan (Fraternal visit) Sta. Ana, Manila (FV) Sta. Cruz, Laguna (Reception/Profession) Pilar, Las Pinas (R/P) Bicol (FV) Tondo (FV) Fraternal Visit to Visayas/Mindanao Regional Formator’s meeting – Agusan Sikatuna (FV) Kamias (FV) Project 7 (FV) Cubao (FV) Pilar, Las Pinas (FV) Fatima, Las Pinas (FV) Cabanatuan (FV) Tarlac (FV) Proj 4 (FV) Tanay (FV) Palawan (FV) Makati (FV) Sta. Cruz, Laguna

2nd Carmelite Formation Assembly SAN ALBERTO CARMELITE FORMATION CENTER, Cebu City – The 2nd Carmelite Formation Assembly was successfully held (here) on December 19-23, 2002. There was a full attendance of the formators and formands from the Student Friars (Elisha-Elijah Community), the Novices (Spring of Carmel Community) the Postulants (the Karith Community) and the College Seminarians (San Alberto). The presence of Fr. Tjeu and Fr. Tony, our provincial and commissary provincial, respectively, made the gathering more meaningful, inspiring, and memorable. On the evening of December 19 right after the group of the student friars and the novices were billeted in their assigned quarters, we feasted on the simple supper prepared by the college community. In the open court, the college community creatively prepared a circle of chairs where each of the participants settled in the course of their simple short program. Claps and cheers were rendered as each group was recognized and introduced. The atmosphere became so enthusiastic, so warm, so friendly and so welcoming as each one welcomed the other by embraces, hugs and shakes coupled with their big smiles and loud hi and hellos. It was one Carmelite experience for us. Fr. Pete, the college rector and prior of Cebu Community formally welcomed all the participants and gave the rationale behind the 2nd Carmelite Formation Assembly. Fr. Tony, on the other hand, gave the opening address. He shared the happiness that he felt on the second formation assembly, which was also the first time where all levels of formation including the novices were present. The night was concluded with the participants feasting on ice cream courtesy of Fr. Tony. December 21 The following day, we woke as early as four at dawn for the “Aguinaldo Mass” and at the same time the opening mass for the assembly. Fr. Tjeu was the main celebrant and with him were Fathers Tony, Anton, Pete, Noel, Mol, Aris and Gerry. Fr. Pete introduced the formands to the public. The College Chorale added color to the liturgy with their masterpieces. Most of us may not have seen their concert but with the way they sung in the masses we were really convinced that they did their best; made possible through the combined patience, skills and talents of Sheldon. The first day was allotted for sports activities. In the morning, the basketball was delayed a little bit because of the sudden downpour of rain. The opening game was played between the college seminarians and the Karith postulants. It was followed by the game between the novices and the student friars. The novices and college seminarians faced each other in the championship game which the latter won. The postulants came in third afterthe student friars.

The volleyball event was played in the afternoon. The student friars won over the novices in the first game while the college seminarians bowed to the postulants in the second game. Fr. Tjeu played with the postulants in that game. The student friars turned out to be the Champions of the event. Simultaneously, games of table tennis (singles and doubles, billiards (9 balls) and chess were played. The whole day of games helped to lighten the spirit of each participant. Though, physically tired we still managed to exchange stories, jokes, smiles and laughter along the way. Just after the evening praise, Fr. Tjeu gave a short talk on the challenges of the Carmelites in our time. He mentioned the role of Carmelites in building a new society where justice, peace and love are present. The physical exhaustion we felt after the whole day’s activity did not stop us from opening up and sharing our personal stories and experiences in our formation in our small group sharing. We found it very interesting and inspiring as we shared and listened together with our brothers from the different levels of formation. We were divided into groups of seven with at least one representative from each level. The lively and sometimes heart breaking sharing made us feel the necessity to celebrate. Thus, each group presented their best that night. One of the college seminarians commented the following morning, “our activity last night made me feel closer to our elder brothers...after last night’s activity I am getting more inspired with my dream to become a Carmelite...”

December 22 The previous day and night though enjoyable were very tiring that made it very hard to wake up at dawn for the “Aguinaldo Mass”. Some were so tired that even after a forceful shaking they were still pinned to their beds. Still we were made to wake up early because picture taking had been previously scheduled to take place after the mass. Fr. Bernard Roosendaal, O. Carm was the resource person for the second day. He talked about globalization vis-a-vis the Carmelites focusing on the effects of globalization in our time. He also did a quick review of the different roles played by the Carmelites in the Philippines since it started up to the present. The panel of reactors composed of Sheldon (college), Roy (postulant), G. Gutz (novice) and Cocoy (student friar) presented their respective reflections and reactions to the topic presented. Fr. Tony even commented that he appreciated the presentation of the reactors. He cited the scholarly presentation of the college representative which presented a reflection of their primary focus; the exposure/immersion rooted presentation of the postulant’s representative who in his sharing looked at the issue from the perspective of the sectors where they had been; while the reactor of the novices presented in a meditative/reflective yet ‘light’ way being formands who

spent more time in the study of Carmelite life, rule etc.; the representative of the student friars, on the other hand, presented a perspective inclusive of all yet creating distinct characteristics which spoke of his standpoint. The precis of Fr. Bernard encouraged more reflection and sharing from the formators that added to the liveliness of the discussion. The afternoon was spent in sharing of the respective communities on our views and resolutions on matters relating to globalization, which we think applicable when we go back to our communities. Everyone was excited for the solidarity night. Each community really prepared a number that brought joy and laughter to us all. The student friars presented scenes they use when they have their caroling wherein the brought with them the “baby Jesus” and let the people around kiss it. They also showed their dancing prowess to the tune of “turagsoy” as sung by Nonoy. It was followed by the maglalatik and modern dances of the Novices. The postulants surprised us all as they presented Christmas carols with a “lumad” motif. It was a combination of songs, dances, and acting. The college seminarians stood within their strong hold—the singing. They again enchanted us with their hair raising golden voices as they sang. Fr. Gerry also shared his instant literary piece, which he called “WOW PASKO”. Eugene and Gheygutz of the Spring of Carmel Community hosted the night.

December 23 The spirit of Christmas seemed to return on the last day. Each one was already very excited to go home to their respective families and communities. The talk of Sr. Joy Jumawan, Carm. O.L. was on the Carmelite Vocation and Formation. Some of the seminarians had to skip the beautiful talk because of their scheduled departure. The novices also had to leave before Sr. Joy reached half way in her talk because of their schedule. In any case, the talk still created a big and deep impact on those present. Fr. Jack Welch, O. Carm of the American province gave a short inspirational talk right after the sharing of Sr. Joy. The three-day Carmelite Formation Assembly was finally closed with a liturgy spearheaded by the student friars. The Carmelite Formation Assembly will be conducted every three years from now on.

Titus Brandsma Corner

THE SCINTILLA ANIMAE The true pupils of the school of Carmel should be in a high degree wrapped up in themselves, to find and meet God in the innermost recesses of their souls. There God goes to meet them. He grows by the meditations they devote to Him and the love they dedicate to Him. He grows in the innermost depths of their being till they cannot hide Him any longer and He does not want to remain hidden in them any longer. John of St. Samson renews here the old theory of the scintilla animae, the spark of the soul, of the synderesis or summing up of everything in the first and simplest terms, from which everything develops and which is gradually known in its richness, but which should ever be kept in mind as the ground and the first summary. In the innermost, deepest, most essential part of us God is the being of our being, life of our life, the reason of our existence and of everything we do and are able to do. There God is like a spark in our soul. He has kindled fire in us – fire that imparts light and warmth, fire that must flame up. Carmelite Mysticism Historical Sketches By Titus Brandsma, page 39

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