2003 Dec-feb Pelikula Article

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  • Words: 735
  • Pages: 2
PELIKULA@TITUSBRANDSMA SOARED HIGH THIS 2003 Starting from the early months to late October of 2003, pelikula@titusbrandsma (p@tb) had been the “saving grace” of the Titus Brandsma Media Program. Honestly put it, it had been the “only” active program in the whole mammoth of activities of TBC Media due to money problems and resource limitations. But it has been a rewarding year for this “film club”, as the committee members -- mostly volunteer and one paid -- would want to call it. These were the people who stand by TBC Media through its trying times though they don’t want to be named.

Its wings started flapping end of last year when the pelikula committee noticed the unstable attendance. The committee decided to look for possible ways to attract new faces and at the same time maintain the regulars. This was also due to the conviction of the group to make films, those uncensored and unrated readily accessible to a wide variety of audience. A “not so” far-fetched goal, after the first film dialogue session, with the newly constructed website, brochure and regular press releases in major broadsheets and Inquirer Libre, the committee observed a trend. That is, p@tb’s average attendees increased to an average of fifty. Not only that, it reached to a maximum of 130 at Titus and 214, two consecutive sessions combined, at the recently concluded stint of p@tb at University of the Philippines, Diliman. With this trend going to a maximum height, there is a reason for a director (sorry, can’t name him) to call the attention of all film clubs, though directly not pertaining to p@tb, to watch their backs because of the illegitimacy of such existence, a real threat to that director perhaps. The group became more cautious, but of course, assured of p@tb’s independence from other agencys’/institutions’ interference. Fr. Bernard Roosendaal,O. Carm explained to the group its nature as a religious ministry and its commitment to academic freedom. Others ceased to continue but p@tb remained vigilant. All these developments lead the pelikula committee to endeavors outside the walls of Titus Brandsma Center. Such as the special film dialogue sessions – Tarkovsky’s Solaris/Despentes’s controversial Baise-Moi (Rape Me), Polanski Film Festival, Gay and Lesbian Part II and the weeklong Sexuality in Cinema – all held at UP Diliman. The group also organized a film critics’ forum at Brash Young Cinema entitled “Battle Royale.” Dwelling on the collaboration with UP, last December 2-5, pelikula@titusbrandsma brought its controversial best sellers for the UP audience to devour. This was entitled: UP Film Institute (UPFI) presents pelikula@titusbrandsma Sneak peeks: Sexuality in Cinema, the X FACTOR. A conservative estimate of audience reach is 600++ since the others were not able to register. The venue (videotheque) used was originally good for 70 people only but was tested and accommodated more than a hundred viewers. An open forum and “talk-back” session followed after each viewing. The controversial flicks were: Irreversible, Pola X, Intimacy, Romance X, Caligula, Baise-Moi and the rising Francois Ozon with his X2000 Collection of Short Films. All are true to their “controversial” stature, with their “sexpliciteness”. Discussions evolved on pro to anti-women, acceptance of their sexuality, porn or vice versa and explorations on desires.

More of these collaborations and tie-ups will be seen coming this 2004. Pelikula@titusbrandsma has agreed with the people of UPFI to organize a monthly film dialogue session in the videotheque every last Wednesday, aside from the regular monthly session held at Titus every second Saturday. Moreover, p@tb is planning to collaborate with other colleges and universities for the special quarterly film dialogue sessions. A twice-a-year forum is also being considered, a tie-up of TBC Media and Spirituality programs. Out-of-town film festivals are also in the list of plans. Moving beyond the physical manifestations, p@tb is also on its way to reformatting, a deepening of the dialogue sessions. More of the Titus audiences are gradually opening to the idea of dialogue and has been contributing “meat” to the sessions. Issues concerning women, perversions, sexuality, gender, life, family and relationships are the often the main subject of discussions. Though, the group still needs to improve more on this level, at least. to moderate and facilitate the discussions well. TBC Media can do even more. Pelikula@titusbrandsma has proven the capacity of the program to do better with what is left within its hands and now it is back with a vengeance. Just wait and see!

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