20020301 - 20030331 - Oni - Performance Evaluation

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GENERAL INFORMATION Employee # 25245 BU#/RC BU155/RC389 Loan BU Project # Perf Period 01-03-2002 to 31-03-2003

Employee Name Vitor Bacalhau Evaluator Name Hamilton Abreu Project Name Date

Oni 11-03-2003

Employee Signature


Date ________________

Evaluator Signature


Date ________________

Evaluator Signature*


Date ________________

Evaluator Signature*


Date ________________

* Obtain additional signatures as required by BU.

I. ASSIGNMENT, ROLE(s), KEY PERFORMANCE EXPECTATIONS Assignment Manage client relationships and develop future business with designated client(s). Support the management of a system development project. Key Performance Expectations During this period, Vitor will primarily participate in the Client Management activities of the engagement, with a special emphasis on the expansion of AMS's business at Oni and development of opportunities in the area of banking. External efforts are to be concentrated in BANIF, Síntese (an through Sintese acquire contacts in BTA, BNU, BFE and others), Caixa Central (Caixas Agrícolas, Rural Seguros, Rural Informática). 1. Functional Know-how - Improve technical and functional knowledge of Arbor/BP v.10 so as to provide client with solid arguments for upgrading the system to this version. Update the Arbor/BP Out-of-the-box Presentation to further strengthen the message. Aid the client's marketing group to make use of previously unused features of Arbor readily available, thus increasing the effort involved in a migration to other billing systems. This expectation will be measured by the extent to which the client commits to a migration in result of this effort. 2. Subject Matter Expertise - Support as and when necessary the existing work orders implementation activities, participating in analysis and design as well as enabling the smooth handover of existing contacts and relationships in this area to those taking over the responsiibilities. 3. Knowledge Management - Set up and manage an Arbor/BP Experts conference call, so as to enable the sharing of knowledge, experience and assets accross all Arbor projects at AMS. Complement this initiative by the creation of an Arbor/SIG group to be subscribed by Arbor experts. Create a repository for storage of knowledge, documentation and assets and further enhance the cross-site sharing of know-how. This will be measured by anecdotal evidence of success among Arbor projects, the number of subscribers of the SIG and amount of corresponding use of this mail list and by the extent of sharing and reuse of assets across sites.

AMS-wide Performance and Growth Evaluation Form



4. Client Management - Develop diverse contacts with key personnel within the client organisation, as well as the associated competencies, to enable the enlargement of the areas of business with the client, leveraging AMS's expertise and products in other areas of the client organisation. Promote the project/engagement within the client organisation to help ensure success. 5. Business Opportunity Management - Develop the necessary contacts and associated competencies to enable the acquisition of business in other clients and areas of business. Increase the exposure of AMS to the corresponding markets. Vitor will maintain his seniority in the management of the engagement. The corresponding key expectations are thus maintained, but with a lesser emphasis since this role takes second priority and thus the expectations suffer a corresponding reduction. They are: 6.1. Reporting - Report to AMS Engagement Manager and Oni Client Managers. No matter of significant importance or project achievement should go unreported to the Engagement Manager or to Client Stakeholders. Performance will be measured by the regularity and quality of internal status reporting and anecdotal feedback received from the client. 6.2. Execution Management - Analyze new requirements, construct feasibility studies, design solutions, estimate their level of effort and present work order proposals to the client. Plan, coordinate and manage all activities of the project, ensuring the timely and successful implementation of all deliverables within the planned timeframes. Plan and coordinate vacation, training and staffing needs. Build a trusting environment, motivating the engagement members and obtaining their commitment to achievement of the engagement objectives and of all commitments to the client. This will be measured by: the smoothness of work schedules and team staffing changes necessary; deviations to work plans or milestones not properly mitigated; general quality of the work managed as measured by later detection of incidents; self and team's contribution to engagement-wide initiatives. 6.3. Risk Management - Identify project risks and issues that may prevent the accomplishment of deliverables. Create respective contingency plans and mitigation strategies. Escalate to AMS Engagement Manager any risks and issues beyond direct control. This will be measured by the regularity of issue/risk identification, escalation and mitigation initiatives and contributions, being that no issues or risks should go unidentified or be allowed to affect the project due to lack of escalation or mitigation. 6.4. Performance Management - Create a trusting and supportive environment to enable AMS employees to meet their performance expectations. Set and regularly review the performance expectations for each team member. Consistently provide constructive feedback to project members on their performance and obtain commitment and ownership to act on that feedback. Regularly provide a formal performance review for each team member. This will be measured by the number of timely formal performance reviews provided, and by anecdotal feedback received from team members during salary and performance discussions. 6.5. Quality Management - Adhere and ensure adherence to existing quality standards. Regularly review quality standards and procedures and enhance them to introduce quality or productivity improvements. Provide regular feedback into the Oni Quality Plan. This expectation will be measured by the contributions to the Quality Plan and by the number of non-compliances resulting from quality audits. 6.6. Financial Management - Display an active interest for the financial status of the engagement, together with a constant attention for opportunities to increase the volume of billable work and the responsibilities of the engagement in the client. Decrease unnecessary costs and expenses of running our business. Generally contribute and take ownership for achievement of the engagement's financial goals. This expectation will be measured by the number and volume of business generated and by the regularity of suggestions for reduction of unnecessary costs.

AMS-wide Performance and Growth Evaluation Form



The roles for the individual in this assignment are Role Business Developer Project Manager Other Roles (Data contained in this field is not available for query) Changes to Expectations During the assignment, the expectations of development of business external to Oni ceased in September 2002. Additionally to the above roles, Vitor also takes on the role of Quality Manager of the engagement starting in November 2002.

II. PERFORMANCE SUMMARY - KEY CONTRIBUTIONS/RESULTS & PERFORMANCE NOT MEETING EXPECTATION During the period under evaluation Vitor was able to significantly contribute to the engagement in the area of Client Management. Vitor developed and maintained outstanding working relationships with some key client personnel. He obtained, through his relationships, internal client information not readily accessible to external consultants, in a regular and constant fashion throughout the year. Overall, he has shown an innate ability to gain the confidence and trust of client personnel, and to maintain the relationships developed. At his experience and responsibility level at AMS, this quality is valuable to help expand AMS's areas of business at Oni. Vitor has shown the ability to work with little to no supervision, and possesses the stamina necessary to continually follow-up opportunities until closure is achieved. For example, based on negative feedback received from a Marketing client in March 2003, about the cost of configuring tariff plans, Vitor took the initiative to schedule a meeting with him to address the client's concerns. He devised an idea for simplifying configurations, that required a re-configuration of tariff plans. Not being able to develop the idea further with the mentioned client, Vitor presented the idea to IT, got their interest, helped the IT client evaluate alternatives and finally achieved a sale of 140,000 Euros configuration work in December of 2003. Throughout, he was the only intervenient on the AMS side. Besides the above opportunity, Vitor met and exceeded expectations in his handling of relationships with CSG and informing Oni of new functionality available in Kenan/BP 11 (Oni committed to this migration in Dec 2003), his sense of ownership of a Risk Management opportunity for which AMS is strongly positioned to this day (Vitor was the main link between the client and AMS's expert, and the force driving the opportunity ahead), supported the addressing of around 15 other opportunities ranging from IP mediation to e-mailing billing details, participated in several business presentations to Oni and to other clients, created a repository for concentrating Kenan/BP knowledge at AMS, supported a major proposal for implementing a centralised client database at Oni, acted as Quality Manager (playing a major role at a crucial time, in the adoption of the AMS Project Management Standards) and developed several opportunities in the banking area. Besides the contacts and opportunities provided to him for follow up, Vitor used some previous contacts to explore opportunities in banking -- he was able to dedicate himself fully to each of the internal and external opportunities and to develop most to the point where the opportunity was properly qualified. Overall, Vitor continued to demonstrate the qualities, skills and attitudes previously shown, and demonstrated clear growth in the maturity with which business opportunities were approached. He contributed to the engagement in many areas, as and when necessary. He continues to be an example to all around him and to personify most of the qualities that AMS expects from someone at higher levels of experience and responsibility. I believe that Vitor will prove to be an invaluable contributor to AMS and to our success in the future.

AMS-wide Performance and Growth Evaluation Form





Current Level

Target Level

T/L Met

Target Level

T/L Met

Growth Other Competencies (Data contained in this field is not available for query) Growth

Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes

Current Level


Other Knowledge, Skills, or Attitudes (Data contained in this field is not available for query) IV. MANAGEMENT COMMENTS 1.

AREAS OF STRENGTH Establishment and development of key client relationships. Outstanding levels of productivity, motivation and dedication. Achievement of work-life balance.


MAJOR AREAS OF DEMONSTRATED GROWTH Business development skills and attitudes. Sense of ownership for AMS's business.


AREAS FOR DEVELOPMENT No specific areas need addressing. Vitor will most likely continue to develop his skills as required for the challenges ahead of him.


Grew as expected

Grew significantly

Far exceeds expectations Frequently exceeds expectations Consistently meets expectations Generally meets expectations


Generally does not meet expectations Consistently does not meet expectations (Unacceptable) VI. EMPLOYEE COMMENTS

AMS-wide Performance and Growth Evaluation Form




Employee Name: Vitor Bacalhau Evaluator Name: Hamilton Abreu Evaluator Name: Evaluator Name:

Signed: Vitor Bacalhau Signed: Hamilton Abreu Signed: Signed:

Date: 01-04-2003 Date: 01-04-2003 Date: Date:


Creation Date: 11-03-2003 18:24:44

AMS-wide Performance and Growth Evaluation Form

Last Modified By: Hamilton Abreu/AMS/AMSINC


Last Modified Date: 01-04-2003 10:35:27


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