19991115 - 20000522 - Oni - Performance Evaluation

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FORM ACCESS GENERAL INFORMATION Employee Name Vitor Bacalhau Evaluator Name Paulo Barros Costa Project Name Date

Employee # BU#/RC Loan BU Project # Perf Period

Oni 03-07-2000

25245 BU056/ E3G 15-11-1999 to 22-05-2000

Employee Signature


Date ________________

Evaluator Signature


Date ________________

Evaluator Signature*


Date ________________

Evaluator Signature*


Date ________________

* Obtain additional signatures as required by BU.

I. ASSIGNMENT, ROLE(s), KEY PERFORMANCE EXPECTATIONS Assignment According to the PGES, assignment and roles for Vitor are system developer and AMS employee. Key Performance Expectations In relation to performance expectations, they are: AMS Employee 1. Working with others in the company as a teamwork giving support to others and provide system knowledge transfer. 2. Follow company standards as project quality plan directives 3. Report to team leader identifying and address risks and issues that prevent accomplishment of deliverables. 4. Plan individual work to ensure the timely and successful completion of each weekly deliverable. System Developer 1. Analyze requirements general designs completed by functional architects 2. Develop and document the detailed system design and component specifications to meet system requirements (based on the general design). 3. Configuring the application software that meets detailed design specifications. 4. Create and update system documentation in a manner that it can be interpreted, and enhanced by others. All areas in Arbor system (payments, usage/rating, billing, collections, journals) have correspondent documentation that needs to be updated everytime modifications/new functionality is introduced in the system. These documents reflect at any time how the system is configured in the client. Also, the documentation needed to inform other teams in the project has to be updated. A migration

AMS-wide Performance and Growth Evaluation Form



request contains a link to the correspondent CR or IR and these last ones contain links to the documentation created/updated (application guide and reference data documents). 5. Create and execute unit tests and analyze results providing output documentation. 6. Produce migration packages with the correspondent scripts for the configuration implemented and link to the change request or IR. 7. Correct software defects identified through testing efforts. 8. Complete all deliverables on schedule and within budget to meet client expectations. 9. Work with the client giving support answering their questions or doubts on Arbor functionality. 10. Support to the application support team on questions and doubts about system functionality. The roles for the individual in this assignment are Role AMS Employee System Developer Other Roles (Data contained in this field is not available for query) Changes to Expectations

II. PERFORMANCE SUMMARY - KEY CONTRIBUTIONS/RESULTS & PERFORMANCE NOT MEETING EXPECTATION Vitor Bacalhau joined ONI project in November 1999 as a team member of Arbor configuration team in the billing project. When Vitor joined the project (his first assignment in AMS), he did not have any experience and knowledge on Telecom. Vitor started working on Arbor descriptions translation from english to portuguese where he demonstrated his outstanding technical skills creating an efficient process to automate the translation’s process. This translation work done by Vitor was very important not only to the pre-defined translations but essentially for the Plan K implemented by AMS as a contigency plan for the work on order management not completed on time by another company in ONI. This resulted in the possibility of using the Arbor system to provision products and services for the accounts activation when ONI was launched on 1st of January 2000. Besides this, all the other translations were important afterwards by the time customer bills were produced and sent out by ONI. Vitor was also involved on IR fixing in several areas of the billing system where he rapidly started to develop his functional skills and knowledge on Telecom. In relation to work done in IR fixing, Vitor gave a big contribute to the project when he was involved on analyzing production issues related to bill calculation and bill formatting. Vitor analyzed these issues identifying the source of the problems and provided solutions/fix to the problems. Later on, Vitor became responsible for the bill formatting software (BED) with the responsibility and challenge of being the ownership of this area which involves more contact with the client and EDINFOR the company responsible for final bill format/layout and bill printing.

AMS-wide Performance and Growth Evaluation Form



Vitor gained a significant knowledge on the billing system in rating and billing areas. This helped him to start participating on requirement analysis, design and implementation. Vitor, gave important input/feedback to several requirement’s general designs produced by the project release planning team, worked on detail designs, system configuration and system documentation. Besides his project daily deliverables, Vitor was the person in Arbor team, responsible for the quality (quality buddy) where he worked together with the project ISO representative and the Arbor team and team leader, in order to assure that quality standards were being implemented and followed in the team.



Growth Complete Detail Design and system configuration according to project standards (responsibilities in project quality manual) Growth Get functional knowledge in Arbor billing system in more than one functional area. Growth Feedback to the team leader Growth Complete unit testing Growth Complete system documentation. Growth Analyze and understand software issues that are urgent and need a quick fix as others that need to be reported to the software vendor.

Current Level

Target Level

T/L Met







Aware Aware Aware Aware

Skilled Skilled Skilled Skilled

Exceeded Yes Exceeded Exceeded

Other Competencies (Data contained in this field is not available for query) Growth

Growth Growth Growth Growth Growth

Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes

Current Level

Target Level

T/L Met

Productive work habits Analytical skills Technical skills Working with others inside the team and project Working with the client (answer client’s questions related to the billing system)

Aware Aware Functional Aware Aware

Skilled Skilled Skilled Skilled Functional

Exceeded Exceeded Exceeded Yes Yes

Other Knowledge, Skills, or Attitudes (Data contained in this field is not available for query) IV. MANAGEMENT COMMENTS Attach the completed Performance and Growth Evaluation Worksheet here (optional) Note: File attachments could slow down the performance of this document in the future.


AREAS OF STRENGTH During Vitor’s assignment in ONI project, the two major areas of strength demonstrated by Vitor are is technical and analytical skills. However, Vitor has excellent work habits and this

AMS-wide Performance and Growth Evaluation Form



together with his technical and functional skills can help him to develop other areas depending on his preferences (technical or management). 2.

MAJOR AREAS OF DEMONSTRATED GROWTH As major areas of demonstrated growth as AMS employee and system developer are: Vitor’s concern on producing his work with very high quality, following AMS standards and helping others to do the same through his involvement on project quality tasks. Vitor is also very dedicated and always working hard to meet project deadlines and his deliverables where Vitor gives always feedback to his team leader about the status of his deliverables as risks and issues that are associated to them Vitor demonstrated through the solutions that he applied to solve and fix issues and Irs that he has outstanding technical and analytical skills. Also the functional knowledge in Arbor billing system (including bill formatting) through all the work on which Vitor was involved (Irs and Requirements). During his assignment in ONI project, where Vitor was involved on specific functional areas of the billing system (like rating, bill formatting and bill calculation), Vitor demonstrated his availability on helping his peers and other people in other teams, every time someone asks him questions about the system or help, to solve technical issues.


AREAS FOR DEVELOPMENT Through his technical and analytical skills, Vitor should continue to develop his knowledge in Telecom area and how information systems support operator’s business. This is very important in order to Vitor develop his consultant skills in order to work more close with the client. There are two ways that Vitor should seek in order to work on this: one is participating more in requirement analysis and design and another is taking some training available in AMS about Telecom area. The first one is the one that give’s a more deep knowledge on both operator business and system’s functionality where Vitor should seek to participate on several areas like rating, billing, collections, payments,…. This will give Vitor a vision on the client business that is very important to understand client issues and needs providing solutions to them.


Grew as expected

Far exceeds expectations

Grew significantly X

Frequently exceeds expectations Consistently meets expectations

AMS-wide Performance and Growth Evaluation Form



Generally meets expectations Generally does not meet expectations Consistently does not meet expectations (Unacceptable) VI. EMPLOYEE COMMENTS SIGNATURES

Employee Name: Vitor Bacalhau Evaluator Name: Paulo Barros Costa Evaluator Name: Evaluator Name:

Signed: Vitor Bacalhau Signed: Paulo Barros Costa Signed: Signed:

Date: 17-04-2002 Date: 07-08-2000 Date: Date:


Creation Date: 03-07-2000 14:52:44

AMS-wide Performance and Growth Evaluation Form

Last Modified By: Vitor Bacalhau/AMS/AMSINC


Last Modified Date: 17-04-2002 16:45:55


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