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Unit-20 Speak Slowly (Verb/Adverb) Notes for Teachers Structure and Timing (all time approximate) 05 Minutes: 45 Minutes: 05 Minutes: 05 Minutes: A.

Motivational Video Lecture / Activity Vocabulary Building Structural Drill Audio inputs

Motivational Video

Motivational Video File. B.


I am Keyur (Verb )

Instruction for Trainer: Here, the trainer has to explain understanding, usages and formation of various types of verbs through practical approach in our daily communication. The trainer should also make the students understand the proper way of pronuncing all the words, phrases and sentences with due intonation. Audio file.


v Listen to the paragraph and notice the underlined parts carefully. Hello! Friends, I am Keyur. I study in seventh standard. It is my birthday tomorrow. My parents are going to arrange a party. I have many friends. I have already invited my friends to the party. Last year I was sick. I had been admitted in a hospital for three days. So, I did not have a party. The party will begin at six o’clock. It will go on till nine. We will have the party in the garden of our home. My mother is a good cook. She makes very tasty dishes and soft cakes. So she will prepare pineapple cake for me. My sister knows some games, so she has some interesting games for all my friends. I want to play on my guitar, and one of my friends knows singing. He is going to sing a song for me in the party. Some friends will dance on music and play musical chairs too. They have colorful masks to wear on their faces. We will have a lot of fun on that day! Verb: A word used to express action, condition or existence is known as a verb. Ex. They write on paper.


A Verb is a word that tells or asserts something about a person or thing. The verb tells of action or doing. Example: Walk, ride, laugh, hunt, sing, think, feel, recall, play, look, want, like, We shall look at some types of verbs We shall look at some types of verbs

Ordinary verbs Ordinary verbs occur by themselves in sentences and convey some action. Example: Play, take, go, come, walk, sing, jump, play, run, think, feel, see Auxiliary verbs Auxiliary verbs are verbs that have to be used with other verbs. They only add meaning to other verbs. They are used with Ordinary verbs. Example: • •

to be, to have, to do, to be able (can), may, must, will, shall, ought to, used to. Usage: Is playing, have taken, do come, may go, must come, shall walk, ought to study, used to walk.

Transitive and Intransitive Verbs Depending on whether the action denoted by the verb is transferred from the subject to the object or not, verbs are said to be transitive or intransitive. Transitive means passing over.


Transitive verb When the action denoted by the verb helps passes over from the doer or subject to some object. The verb is called a Transitive verb. A verb which has an object is termed as Transitive Verb. Ex. She speaks English well. The boy took the turkey. • • • •

Oliver finished the soup. The horse crossed the bridge The young trainee read carefully, and loudly all the pages of the company brochure. A tired old man brought his cart up the hill.

Intransitive verb When the action denoted by the verb stops with the doer or subject and does not pass over to an object the verb is called an Intransitive verb. An intransitive verb may also express a state or being. A verb which has no object is known as Intransitive Verb. Ex. The ship sank suddenly. Example: • • •

He walked a long distance (action) The girl laughs (state) There is a mistake in the recipe (Being)

Would you like to see some verbs used both transitively and intransitively? Most verbs can be used transitively and intransitively. Therefore it is better to say that a verb is used transitively or intransitively rather than calling a verb a Transitive or an Intransitive verb. Used Intransitively

Used Transitively Ted spoke the truth. The driver stopped the bus. The sportsman fights fear. The men broke the wall. The boy burst the balloon with a pin. He opens the window.

Ted spoke angrily. The bus stopped suddenly. The boys fight fearlessly. The glass broke. The bubble burst. The window opens to the lake.

Spoke what? - the truth Stopped what? - the bus Tense: We use the tense of the verb to denote the time of action. Time can be classified as Past, Present and Future. Tense can be classified as Present tense and the Past tense (3)

Generally the link between Tense and Time is simple. Note Ask the question WHAT after the verb. If you get an answer then it is used transitively. Present tense It is used for Present time and Future time Example: • • • • • •

He buys books. (present time) He is singing a song. (present time) He has a headache. (present time) He leaves for Paris tomorrow. (future time) He is going on a business trip next month. (future time) He will buy her a gift for Christmas. (future time)

Past tense It is used for Past time. Example: • • • •

He bought a book yesterday. (past time) He left for Paris last year. (past time) They sang songs at the wedding. (past time) We were playing on the hill. (past time)

Verbs of Perception Some verbs of perception are see, look at, hear, listen to, and feel, along with watch and sense They can be used with objects followed by other verbs (base form or gerunds, but not infinitives). Note the examples below: We heard you leave. (Okay. Emphasis on our hearing.) We heard you leaving. (Okay. Emphasis on your leaving.) We heard you to leave. (Incorrect!) Other examples: I saw her go. Look at that man run! (4)

Sylvesterlistened to the canary sing. We watched them play basketball. We watched them playing basketball. Trudy can feel the wind blowing against her skin. Mr. Todd sensed the lion approaching.


smell Have you heard that cry? This smoke smells terrible.


sound This opera sounds boring.

Do you still feel hungry?

listen to

see When I saw the house, I loved it.

She is listening to music. taste


Could you taste this soup?

Look! There is a nice bird flying.



Doesn't that seem strange to you?

We sat and watched the sunset.

Formation and Identification of Verbs: Certain suffixes suggest that a word is a verb. For Example, -ify, -ize, -ate, -en or –e at the end of a word usually signifies that the word is a verb, as in ‘beautify, centralize, create, waken, bathe’. In the same way certain prefixes like –ac, -be, -em, -en, -im, as in accompany, become, empower, enlarge, imprison suggest that the word is a verb. v Read the following conversation carefully and notice the underlined parts suggesting the verbs. (5)

Rita Jaya Rita Jaya Rita Jaya Rita Jaya

: : : : : : : :

Whose mobile rang just now? It was mine. You are supposed to switch it off in here. Who says so? It is a school rule. I am sorry but I forgot it, Rita. Who has kept these books here? I will just move them from here. I know that we must keep the classes tidy. I will be careful next time, Rita. : I hope you will never forget it.


v Asking questions is an inevitable component of any conversation. Following are the possible sample questions of the verbs. Sample Questions (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) C.

When will you get the result of your blood test? Where did you find the key of your car? Why does she look so sad today? Have you finished your work properly? May I see your new story book, please? Will you switch off the lights?

(Adverb )

Instruction for Trainer: Here, the trainer has to explain understanding, usages and formation of various types of adverbs through practical approach in our daily communication. The trainer should also make the students understand the proper way of pronuncing all the words, phrases and sentences with due intonation. Audio file.


v Listen to the paragraph and notice the underlined parts carefully. Ramu is a servant. He is very quiet in nature. He gets up early in the morning. He does all the house hold chores fast and regularly. He is very quick in his work. He arranges our dining table nicely. He is very tired today. He is in fact really exhausted. He went to the market to buy some vegetables and grocery items. He returned faster today because we have some guests. He always attends our guests enthusiastically. He never behaves rudely to anyone in the family. He looks after our home in our absence. He is really very faithful and loyal servant. He performs his duty fairly.


Adverb: A word that modifies the meaning of a Verb, an Adjective or another Adverb is known as an Adverb. Ex. He hit the ball hard.

Kinds of Adverbs: o Adverb of Manner: An adverb used to show how an action is done is known as an Adverb of Manner. Ex. She speaks gracefully. o Adverb of Place: An adverb used to show where an action is done is known as an Adverb of Place. Ex. She stood near the gate. o Adverb of Time: An adverb used to show when an action is done is known as an Adverb of Time. Ex. She will come here soon. o Adverb of Degree: An adverb used to show how much or to what extent an action is done is known as an Adverb of Degree. Ex. We have eaten enough. o Interrogative Adverb: An adverb used to ask questions is known as an Interrogative Adverb. Ex. Where did you go yesterday? Formation and Identification of Adverbs: Adverbs answer any of the following questions about verbs: How? , When? Adverbs are the most movable of all parts of speech; therefore, it is sometimes difficult to identify an adverb on the basis of its position in a sentence. Most adverbs end in –ly in fact, most adverbs are formed by adding –ly to adjectives. For example, beautifully, nicely, quickly, nicely, drowsily, creatively, practically.


Adjectives Breathless Comfortable Rapid Skillful Correct Fearless Angry Regular Immediate Happy

Adverbs Breathlessly Comfortably Rapidly Skillfully Correctly Fearlessly Angrily Regularly Immediately Happily

v Read the following conversation carefully and notice the underlined parts suggesting the tense. Manager : Why have you come late today? Clerk : Sorry, Sir. I started from home early and walked fast but because of the traffic I had to walk slowly on the main road, sir. Manager : Have you completed the files properly? Clerk : Yes, Sir. I’ve prepared every detail carefully and checked it perfectly. Manager : O.K. Let me see… You seem to have done your work sincerely. Clerk : Thank you, Sir. I’ve tried to put every detail accurately and cautiously. Manager : All right. Will you ask the typist to type this letter immediately today? Clerk : O.K. Sir. I’ll ask him to be a little faster. v Asking questions is an inevitable component of any conversation. Following are the possible sample questions of the tense. Sample Questions (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) D.

Why are you driving your vehicles slowly and carefully? Can you come here quickly? Whom is she calling loudly? Did he write all the answers correctly? Shouldn’t everyone work honestly? Have you spoken to him clearly about your car?

Vocabulary Building

File to be displayed on plasma


Look at the pictures and repeat the words after the trainer with correct pronunciation. Try to learn the words by heart. Add new words to your treasure of vocabulary everyday and make use of the learnt words in everyday life.



Speak Slowly (Verb/Adverb)

Audio file.


Students are advised to listen carefully to the audio and repeat each sentence in the given time. 1 – He runs very fast. Ø Ø Ø Ø

Swims Walks Speaks Eats

He swims very fast. He walks very fast. He speaks very fast. He eats very fast.

2 – You typed the letter accurately. Ø Ø Ø Ø

Quickly Carelessly Flawlessly Decently

You typed the letter quickly. You typed the letter carelessly. You typed the letter flawlessly. You typed the letter decently.

3 – I plan to see it tomorrow. Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø

Hope Expect Want Intend Prefer

I hope to see it tomorrow. I expect to see it tomorrow. I want to see it tomorrow. I intend to see it tomorrow. I prefer to see it tomorrow.

4 – Did your cousin arrive on time? Ø Ø Ø Ø

Late Too late Early Before departure

Did your cousin arrive late? Did your cousin arrive too late? Did your cousin arrive too early? Did your cousin arrive before departure?


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