2 Think Islam Change

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  • Words: 1,168
  • Pages: 21
Using the THINK Method to Speak to Muslims!

Evangelism with Muslims Developed by Steve Morrison and Dave Geisler

Overview of the THINK Model Trust in the Holy Spirit Hear the discrepancies & contradictions Illuminate discrepancies by asking questions Navigate around barriers Keep the door open for sharing the Gospel If you can remember the acrostic THINK, you can more effectively witness to others.

THINK – Trust the Holy Spirit

Take time to relate. Take time to demonstrate your relationship with God. Trust God for the results. Pray for the Holy Spirit to enliven their spirit and awaken in the possibility that Islam has at least one self-destroying contradiction.

THINK – Hear the Discrepancies

Contradictory Beliefs Understand that Islam claims to build upon the Old Testament and Gospels, yet fundamentally rejects what the prophets and Jesus taught.

THINK – Illuminate

Do you pray five times a day? Can you tell me if we can know if someone is not going to get to heaven? Matt. 5:21-22

THINK – Illuminate with Questions Q: How can Jesus be considered a great prophet when the Gospels says that Jesus accepted worship as God?       

Matthew 8:2 – Leper Matthew 28:9 – women at the tomb Matthew 14:33 – the disciples Matthew 28:17; Luke 24:52 – the disciples after Jesus rose John 9:38 – a blind man John 20:28-29 – Thomas called him “My Lord and My God” Matthew 2:2 – God sent wise men to worship Jesus, and wise men today worship him too.

Their Answer: The Bible is corrupt.

THINK – Illuminate with Questions

Q: Then what is your principle for determining what parts of God’s word to disbelieve and what parts to believe? Their Answer: Do not know which parts to believe, so they disregard all the Bible parts that disagree with the Qur’an.

THINK – Illuminate Q: Do you really believe what the Qur’an says? The Qur’an itself considers the previous revelations contained in “the book” to be authoritative and authentic revelations from God (Surah 2:136; 4:163) The Qur’an states that “None can change His word.” (Surah 6:115; see also 6:34; 10:64)

THINK – Illuminate The Gospel: therein was guidance and light The Qur’an states that “And in their footsteps We sent Jesus the son of Mary, confirming the Torah that had come before him; We sent him the gospel: therein was guidance and light. And confirmation of the Torah that had come before him.” (Sura 5:46)

THINK – Illuminate

Why are Christians commanded in the Qur’an to obey the Bible (Sura 5:68)?

Jews & Christians: Obey the Bible

Sura 5:68 says, "O People of the Book! ye have no ground to stand upon unless ye stand fast by the Law, the Gospel, and all the revelation that has come to you from your Lord."

THINK – Illuminate

Why is Muhammad instructed by Allah to consult Christians?

THINK – Illuminate Muhammad: Consult Christians Sura 10:94 says, “But if you (Muhammad) are in doubt as to what We (Allah) have revealed to you, ask those who read the Book before you; certainly the truth has come to you from your Lord, therefore you should not be of the disputers.”

THINK – Illuminate with Parables Share the stories Jesus shared. Jesus was from a Semitic back ground and his parables speak to the hearts of Muslims. The prodigal son is a great place to start talking about Gods love.

THINK – Navigate Around Barriers The teaching in the Bible today is so fundamentally different from the Qur’an: crucifixion, resurrection, Jesus being God, loving even unbelievers, the Fatherhood of God, that they both cannot be true. Q: If it could be demonstrated that God’s message in the Bible, which the Qur’an claims was originally from God, has been preserved, would you want to know about it? If not, then why not? If so, then what would you do?

THINK – Navigate Around Barriers The witness today of the Bible scrolls preserved from very early times B.C.-68 A.D. Dead Sea Scrolls containing Torah and the rest of the Old Testament  117-138 A.D. John Rylands (fragment of John)  100-150 A.D. Chester Beatty Papyrii  125-175 A.D. - Bodmer II (p66)  125-175 A.D. p104 (fragment of Matthew)  30 more manuscripts before 300 A.D.  Early church writers (from 97/98 A.D. to 200 A.D.) referred to many verses in the Bible. 

THINK – Navigate Around Barriers Given who God is, would it make more sense or less sense that we can fully understand God’s nature? “We wrestle with the mystery of the Trinity, whereas they worship the unitary Allah. We struggle with the mystery of the Incarnation, whereas they teach that Jesus was just a prophet. We try to get our minds round the mystery of inspiration, whereas they believe that the Qur’an was simply dictated by God.” Nick Pollard, Evangelism Made Slightly Less Difficult, p. 92

THINK – Navigate Around Barriers

Can you see then how a belief in a Triune God might actually have some merit?

THINK – Keep the Door Open Sura 5:46 - A Remarkable Verse in the Qur’an “And in their [the prophets’] footsteps we sent Jesus the son of Mary, confirming the Torah that had come before him: we sent him the gospel; therein was guidance and light. And confirmation of the Torah that had come before him: a guidance and an admonition to those who fear Allah” Now this verse of the Qur’an is quite remarkable. If God sent Jesus to confirm the Torah (first five books of the Bible’s Old Testament), then at least in Jesus’ time, the Torah that people could read and Jesus could confirm was the same Torah God sent. It goes on. Sura 5:47 goes on to say, “Let the People of the Gospel Judge by what Allah hath revealed Therein....” If the People of the Gospel are to judge by what God has revealed in the Gospel, then how can the Gospel they are to judge by not be the Gospel God told them to judge by? Sura 5:48 says, “To thee (People of the Book) We sent the scripture in truth, confirming the scripture that came before it, and guarding it in safety: so judge between them by what Allah hath revealed, and follow not their vain desires, diverging from the truth that hath come to thee....”

THINK – Opening the Door Regardless of whether Muslim imams like the fundamental differences between the Bible and the Qur’an, two points emerge: 

The Qur’an shows the Torah and gospels were preserved from Jesus’ time up to Mohammed’s Bible scrolls preserved in museums today were written way before Mohammed’s time

Can I share with you what God has spoken about having a relationship with Him through Jesus?

THINK – Keep the Door Open to the Gospel

Even before Jesus was born, God revealed in the scriptures that He is a Father. We have the opportunity to become children of God, by adoption.

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