2-- Some Answers To Basic Questions

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Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2006 20:39:18 -0700 (PDT) From: Send an Instant Message "Arthur Schubert" View Subject: Theological questions #1 To: [email protected] Note: It is usually better to include some of the context of a verse used in this way. 1. The Bible teaches that the problem of sin is two-fold. Use the following verses to explain your understanding of the two-fold nature of sin. Psalm 51:5-- The fallen nature of humankind is prone to sinfulness (because of selfishness).; Psalm 58:3-- Babies are selfish from birth on.; Romans 3:22-23-- The only way to get back to the good original human nature before the Fall is to believe with personal complete trust and confident reliance on the perfect Jesus Christ and the Gospel.; 1 John 3:4-- Sin is lawlessness or breaking/violating of God's Law either deliberately or by neglect (omission).; 1 John 5:17-- All wrongdoing is sin and all but one sin can be forgiven and repented of (not done again).; James 4:17-- We sin anytime we do not do what we know is right. Conclusions-- We all sin in mild or major ways due to selfishness rather than trusting God and doing what the Holy Spirit urges. Theologically there there are sins of commission (deliberately done) and omission (either done accidentally or because of lack of knowledge). I have not heard or read the phrase “nature of sin” or it being “twofold” before. But I need to add that babies on up to an individualized certain age (by God) go to Heaven if they die because they have not reached that age of accountability. Also another thing to consider is that God is not limited to time and He knows all, and He knows which babies would have accepted the Gospel if they lived and which would not have. Matthew 18:6 has a huge warning against those who try to get children who believe in Jesus to spiritually stumble or sin so that means their can be righteous children. And Holy Spirit urges us at what time to get rid of bad habits and how to do it. 2. Part of God's plan of Salvation involves His solution to the sins committed by us. Use the verses listed, to express what you see as God's solution to the sinful actions of people. Acts 4:12-- The context indicates that only through Jesus Christ can anyone obtain God's divine gift of Salvation from the death penalty of His Law. Name in this context means character and the character of Jesus Christ was 100% righteous and obedient to doing what His Father wanted done.; Romans 5:6-7-- The only way for the judgment for breaking any of God's Law and for the New Covenant (See Hebrews and 2 Corinthians 16.) could be satisfied was the sin offering death sacrifice of a completely pure substitute “lamb”.; 1 Timothy 1:15-- Jesus Christ came to save those who would admit their sins, not for the prideful self righteous humanists. But only true Christians are protected by Him and helped by Him to repent from their sinning after they have been “born again” when they accept God's plan of Christian Salvation. Sanctification is not automatic as I indicated in the last statement in the answer to the first question. 3. Use the next set of verses to show the responsibilities of the person seeking forgiveness. Is this question in relation to only Christian Salvation time or just forgiveness in general or forgiveness by God the Father at any time. There is a lot about forgiveness in the Bible. Matthew 3:2-- Of course repentance is required which is a regret for sins as one learns what they are and changing one's thinking, speaking, and action habits. This verse and the next ones except the last one were stated before the Sacrifice and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, but there are many verses in the Epistles that are for repentance in the lives of Christians.; Luke 15:21-- This verse mentions confession and 1

sorrow by the prodigal son for his sins against God and his father. Before repentance can occur there has to be an admission of guilt or mistake.; John 3:1-8-- The desire to be saved by God must be so sincere with full trust before one can actually have a new life in not being a slave to sin (as some verses mention). We serve either God or self.; Revelation 2:5-- The definition in the Amplified Bible in this verse is “change the inner man to meet God's will and do the works you did when you knew Jesus Christ”. Usually the most righteous time of most believers is the early time after they have agreed properly with the Gospel. Many get discouraged when the older people say “Well, you will eventually you come back down to Earth and reality and not be so excited, etc.” But the Godhead's grace is wonderful too. Remember, babies don't immediately behave as lawbiding adults. This verse was written the Christian church of Ephesus or the first Church age in Christian history. 4. Another part of God's plan of Salvation is His solution for the sinful nature of man. We hold that the Holy Spirit cleanses and empowers the believer for victorious Christian living. Please explain your beliefs using the verses provided. The two statements are not really related, so which set of beliefs do you want? Psalm 51:7-9-- This was King David speaking to God the Father so it is not appropriate for this question.; Joel 2:28-- This also doesn't relate to the question.; Romans 6:11-19-- The first first three verses in this passage are commandments to Christianity believers. The rest of the verses talk about not taking advantage of God's grace by serving sin again. So this passage is not related to the question; 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24-- The Amplified Bible says: “And may the God of peace Himself sanctify you through and through [separate you from profane things, make you pure and wholly consecrated to God]; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved sound {and} complete [and found] blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah). Faithful is He Who is calling you [to Himself] {and} utterly trustworthy, and He will also do it [fulfill His call by hallowing and keeping you].” This indicates that God will help true Christians in the sanctification process towards Christlikeness. Other verses says He uses circumstances, the Holy Spirit and Bible learning (via many forms).; 1 John 1:9-- This verse is not related to Salvation either, but to true Christians and it doesn't directly relate to God helping His children live victoriously. It tells what each believer has to probably do several times a day-- admitting thinking, saying, and doing anything against God's commandments (including the ones by Jesus Christ and in the Epistles). If the confession is has to be made at least to God and then He will forgive that particular time and cleanse via the Holy Spirit guiding the believer to related repentance. The latter is to help avoid repeating of the sin. I think that Romans 14:17 and Jude 20-25 also apply to the second sentence to be responded to. 5. Use the next set of verses to show the responsibilities of the person seeking sanctification. I would suggest the last one and this one to be merged as indicated. Romans 6:6-- I don't see a commandment or responsibility in this verse.; Galatians 2:20-A true Christian needs to live by faith in Jesus Christ (“by adherence to and reliance on and complete trust in”) instead of by selfish feelings and desires.; Colossians 3:3-- I don't see a commandment or responsibility in this verse.; 1 Peter 2:24-- True Christians should live for righteousness instead of for sin because of what Jesus Christ did for them. 6. Please write your views concerning the security of the believer using the following verses. Proverbs 14:14-- Anyone who backslides from his or her beliefs in God shall be filled with selfishness.; Matthew 24: 12-- In the last days, most people will not love as Jesus Christ commanded.; Hebrews 10:38-39-- These two verses are mostly from Habakkuk 2:3-4 and used by those who believe that the Second Coming of Jesus Christ 2

occurred in AD 70 when Jerusalem was burned by the Romans. I personally believe that true Christians with Holy Spirit help will never speak against their beliefs in God the Father, the Gospel or Jesus Christ no matter how bad they are persecuted. Religious professing Christians will. And then there is the wonderful passage in John 10: “24 Then came the Jews round about Him, and said unto Him, 'How long dost thou make us to doubt? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly.' 25 Jesus answered them, 'I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do in My Father's name, they bear witness of Me. 26 But ye believe not, because ye are not of My sheep, as I said unto you. 27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. 28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand. 29 My Father, which gave them Me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of My Father's hand. 30 I and My Father are one.'” 7. Please write your views concerning the gift of speaking in tongues using the following verses. Acts 2:4-- The original apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit and were able to speak with known languages of the people who came to Jerusalem for day of Pentecost.; 1 Corinthians 12:7-11-- I believe that this list of the Holy Spirit given gifts given for spiritual good is the order of importance. No verse anywhere says that all true Christians get all of these gifts. Instead the gifts are given when there are needs for them. So it is wrong to proclaim that only by speaking in tongues can an individual prove they are a true Christian. To see more of my views, please read the attached essay and Bible study about what happens after being filled with the Holy Spirit. Additional Comments: I became born again before I knew the full Gospel. When I got baptized by immersion 7½ years later, I felt that the act was just a public proclamation of my conversion to true Christianity from a Christian religion of self righteousness. My righteousness now is only from doing the urgings of the Holy Spirit. I rarely speak in tongues during my prayer time or to myself in church. The spiritual gifts of wisdom, knowledge, and prophecy (not future telling; interpreting the divine will and purpose in inspired preaching and teaching) are what I use the most now in my Internet ministries and other communicating with my wife and in church fellowshipping. I have had antagonists in my life who doubted my unusual way of becoming saved and later baptized, and about the forms of my ministries (even in my personal relationships and travels). But who are we to please? The Holy Spirit knows what I should think about, say, and do, so I will rely on Him as much as possible each day. That is the best way to live and much divine peace and joy result when I live that way. I only think and share about my past and possible future doings when He urges me to do so or when I am asked. We should live each day the best way we can because we might not have tomorrow. Yours and His, Arthur W. Schubert, CADC II Finding and Fulfilling God's Calling Books Change Lives! Music Restores the Soul! http://www.FourGospels.SpreadTheWord.com 3


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